Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, SPORTS SECTION, Image 47

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    Old Judge
' cootr - my wif p wow rr-
fu. tool THeevr guv
VJrK PULti IT -w.
Jones, former Lincoln mag
Pat, has taken over Jimmy
McfHU'g Unrivrr holding oim
slim no gurpriso around the
Western i-liult. Whan Jimmy
purchased the Indianapolis club the logl
Cal conclusion who I hut. )i would eventu
ally abandon Denver. At tti recent
Western Iimk lie meeting In lilnaoln In
formation leaked that Jones wan to bo
coma an official nt Hrnvcr. .Mctllll dunlml
th glory, hut It came from a pretty tell
ahl aourt and wag given rrcdanc by
those on tli Inside, Jones and Mi'llil
havo alwn ya worhod hand-In -hand. In
fact thra wna alwnya mora "f of
iiMpldon tlin t Mclllll monrjr waa cun
naotid with Ilia Lincoln clnli during the
Jonm rlma. Tha Wnalrrn louffna Iowa
a Uva wlr In 1'';i. Jlitiiny tin alwnya
ban a huatlnr and ho ivntt hla money
renly and ha haa alwaya had plorily to
apand. Hut wlillu wo bid Medlll adl-u
wa can etnd a walcomn (frpctlnj to Hi'1
returning Joiia. Jonca wann't ovrly
popular amoriK rartnln lloroln clrolcN,
but ha mi alwaya well llkod In (lie oilur
cllloa around tha loop and Omaha at li-uat
wilt axtend him tha (lad hand.
Tha utter fnlly of aprltif Ram' hntwc'ii
rhiba of the auma leanue tin lorn mora
forolhly thruat bcfnra tha ha-ne ball p"h
llo thta year than tver befoi. In a ra
cent aerlna tha fhlladclphlit Natlouula
Oofaatml tha Chicago Cubs vcn atritliibt
yamaa. Bafora tha CTuba wmit ao'ith all
Chicago waa anthualaatlc and riiv fun In
tha windy city aaw vlnlona of a National
la&irua - pannant. Tha ovata lu-imliiK
trounclnf adntlnlatored Tlnki-r'a hand by
tha Phlla haa raaullad In an nhxolutn
revaraal of opinion and now fhlaxo fiina
aloomlly foraa tlm Cuba In tho cellar
poaltlon at tha conclusion of the pennant
flight. Tha baaa hall critic doc not re
card aprlna; iramea aa a criterion of a
taam'a ability, but tha rabid fan aci a red
whan hla favorltea na. l.'nlnaa 'linker
(eta away to a flylnn atart the uprlnff r...
faata at tha hands of tha FIiIIh arc likely
to prova fatal, Tho ftuia will b"Kln to
wield tho haninmr and oult uttcndlnx
games. Tlln moral Influence of the knock
ing la hound to hurl and Weeglntinii's
first aeason prove diNrmtiou. rlprln
fames between clubs of tlit" mtma Iciikuc
An n nnriA tt f ull ;tiA title 1 1 1 1 Di.u ua In
thla occaalon prova harmful.
While we are hearlnu of the uluuigra
broiiRht about In the wtenlllriK Riime. duo
to the Influences of Joo Htecher It mlicht
not ha amiss to tiike coKiilance of r dif
ference In the attitude of the funs iik re
tards wrestling matdiea. Not rnoie than
flva years no wrestllna; fans dnnnicled
what they were pleased to term "a run
for their money." Khnrt matclies do! no'
pleaaa. In fact an great whs the icslr
of the fans to see long and nctHn tilts
that practically alt mat"bea wera wieitb'd
as exhibitions. Urapplera even held ie.
hearaala. JTvery move waa agreed upon
hefora they entered the ar"na. W'lien two
wreatlara ware stgud up to wrtstlo fn
blood thy put on the square nmteh In
aaorecy tn the afteinooii. nettled ilieir dif
fereneea and put on thn rghlbttlon at
nlgrht per thi result of the secret mat. h.
What a d'fferetire now. Toe Hti'-ler
throws a man In fifteen inlnntrs In ih
laat year nil bU matchea lno" lni of
ten. fifteen and twenty mlntiies iurailn.
Five yem Dm fana would havn r
fud to attend matchaa In whb-h hteeher
took part. Now tbey rr .wd Die lltl -tngs,
Mot only l as Jne dumber wrought
aa Improvement among wn a: I. ra, tit he
educated the funa
Ttia ftrat braak In tha hi k bs guiin
against V r.uurke and the lunnlut !uh
It "i lirid VV eitr,e.1y when Hurtdd
Irelan br k (its ml U In alt tnn m'c a
i It will be we. kt, at Icimi,
lfora tielan cni I hm k n,t. tn- hoi
and tn d till, n thirw Is lw i i t
ihaucw that lie leav eer t Me in p.av
tn km alii li will I... iv, i!,-..r.
Ctl-aham sufrred but in ry H h r I
go fatal l i hi l.i)lr.i, u. titiii4 .m i
tt g lltlt Ih .iKl. tl
attt l'i reiurti t I'-.. (!. i-i. , , f n
wa, R 'urho'a i.ut , .iniii,tl.. it
la I t lo. ... .::! ai,. II, ,1 It I ,
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RlTT 7tt MAM
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If -
Commercial League Start! Ball Roll
ing Saturday and Five Loop
Follow on Sunday.
Hr CltaMi (l Ilil.Kl,
Overcoats are now burdensome, cups
dally the heavy ones; and, although the l
warm son and balmy hreegeg were not
much In ( I'ldeiicii last week, the maturity
of the loi fll pill shooters abed their i lis
wear, either geiiinif tickets for mm m
locking II up until fall, anil they me now
ready to buttle with this old put. If Hie j
weather man does not take a vacation j
and Orders Ideal weather for today lh
conditions will be favorable for goni eg- j
i llent exbllilt'ons I
Noil h'atunJsy will nsrk the opening of
llui I nun ha Amateur ha an Hull ssnoela
tliin, when the ('onimetclal lengun will get
under tho wire. They o igbt t i unload
nu excellent brand of base bull Ibis
S'-a 'loll,
With all Urn pomp and splendor te'eea
aary for such an auepb Ions occasion,
flie of the Humbiy leagues, namely,
l"ter Omaha, Intercity, Nail mal,
Hooslerand Metropolitan, will throw open
tho gales ar,d usher In Old Man I'asa Hull
in- t Munflny. Although a trlflo early
for fast, snappy base ball, tho fans that
adorn tha grandstand, bleachers and sbl
ropes next Hunday will undoubtedly be
surprised when they find tha majority of
tho local in mblseason form,
On tlm following riunday, April A the
('lly league, Ainerbm league and South
ern league will open fire. Tlieaa leagues
decided that an additional Kundsy for
preliminary work would materially benn
tll all concerned.
gonlhern I.eaaiK- Tlahl.
8iow but sura was tb method of pi
ccdure In organizing the Houlheiu league,
but at biel lliey decided lo cut loose with
sis teams, iisniel), I'ali'iiionl Oill.las,
Council llluffa Alhletlm, Cudaby Hoap
Works. Nourse OH Company, Huffman
Hros. ami tha James Con Klectrlcg. Tlicy
will atart the ball rolling rtunday, April D.
Now the National league has decided
to pl.iNler up with five teams and ueher
out the atenni next Hunday. They will
play three rounds, Herewith the tea.,
Celiliirlon Club, (tumblers, 1'ollsh Mi'i
iIimiiIs, Kranaj l'eweyg and Twenty-foui'th
and Lake Merchants.
Meet I naa this Week.
teveral meetings will be held at the
council rhaiiila-r of the (lly hall this
week. Monduv night the Metropolitan,
Hoonter and Cly leaguea will convene.
On account of the Cuming fttreet Mer
chants suffeilng from a severe attack of
colilfeelua and dropsy, they dropped ont
of the City league, so any fast f?lajis H
team wlalilng to f th gHp left open
by the departure of this crew should deco
rate the i -ii fl 1 1 1 1 ti ej at the aforementioned
llleel III',
W lllioul a (iieetlon of a doubt tha chief
ot the fnterclly league will have to call
a meeting t.eeansn the F"rull
Company team has thrown up Its fran
chise. Any Class C team wishing to Join
thla biiigui. rail Clenrge Hlagla at Houttj
Pete Lyck Is Now on
The O.B.Bl.i.cklistjri?
Voung V I.yek. atclu i- f.u tin. Itian-
I deu team of Hiiuiba, now bus a large
'black mark after his imuie lo Ibe r.-g
IM'V of iilavera In OrgmiUid luin' ball.
!,i k has tHifii suxpeiidi d b tin- M,ir
ulialtli.wn etiiti of the Central aiiorlutlon
A l.wk Intend" I" pluv Willi I In lirau
ilili. Iicisrut, he probably i-u I uiiy.
, lni mut'h about the siie i union
i I arlrv Is llelea.eil.
The Ce, eland eluli lias n b aie.l Plli In r
Nb k Cnil. r to Ibe lli.ll.iln.ti.ilii lliillitiia,
Greater Omaha
,,,l i. IVirii
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All .
WESTERN NEBRASKA CHAMPIONS The Kimball county high school boya were
declared champions of western Nebraska when they defeated the fast quintet from the
Sidney high school by a score of 24 to 19. Their names from left to right: Linn, Brady,
Bergman, Levensky, Wilson, Nelson, Mangan and Lee, coach.
J i
Hi X
Sioux City Soccer
Team Cards Battles
With Omaha Elevens !
A soccer league composed of iimsha,
fit. IiOiila, Ht. Joseph, Kansas City, Hioiix
I'lty, Minneapolis, cit. Paul and perhaps
Lincoln la a guggeatlon Hlous Cltv hdcci r
players are ninklng. Hloag City la g'llng
In strong for the gooi'er game and baa
already organised two teams for lilay
next fall, and may organise a third. The
Huna of Ht. Oeurga of Hloux City, the
t am which played two Inter-clty matches
with Omaha feama last year, are already
trying to card gamea with Omaha soccer
tenma and dates for half a (ioiii
bata have practically been settled. An
attempt will be made to formulate the
above league, but If this falls through
NlntiTC Cttv will bold a nuiii-
on their own hook
Oeorge Rungs, pitcher, foimariy 1H
Patroll Tigers and cliu-tnintl and
later tth Haltlmoro Teds, mav get an
other cbaiuw In the gime IHi the Inch
ttli'tvl liilernattonala. Mauaser II lly
timltli of HU'biinind tbluka tie a'lll may
have enough stuff In g.t by In tha Inter
national league j
League Schedule
I lll'.l
elk. I..U CI.AH-4 A
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Council Bluffs Rowing Association
Tenni -EnuuiiMt, pian to
Request State Tourney
The tennis bug haa eeoured a firm grip
on Hie Council Bluffs Kowlng aaola
ibui and the net game promises to be
the most pi, polar sport at that club thla
Tha tennis committee hss been sp
P'lluted and baa atarted to make arrange
ment,! for a rcord breaklng year. Thla
committee ronslets of Melvln Moore,
Ward I'rlea, Iiverne Tolllnger, Flck
Mnber, Hairy Van Hruiit, I'larenoe
I'tnpkla and Poo .lnnlngs. Tiling the
four ranters and adding clay has already
la gun Aa over ?m loads of clay aie to
be added t the courts ami the mlii tils
will prevent dnmagn by iallier, It Is
eoled the Mlurfs' cnurls will bn among
the best In the country
Alieadv the association Is talking of i
bringing the annual lnw elate lennls
tiinmrimnit to Couni II Hlnffa In bdT, The
Iowa loutiiey 1ms alwats lueii plsyid
In I 'i s Mollies, but Willi the Increase i
In tlm tennis rtiernbernhlp toe Cnutull
Muffs cluli lielliuea It rtuld stage the
n mil In tssn lh rowing assoilallen
should want It Pea Jlolnes vary probably
h,ii ! willing to aa tha transfer, as
It would auHioent Interest In Iowa lennls
The Ci.uiicil Muffs Bowing a m UIIuii
Ins sKeii it ilikllig to all llliiffs play
ms hn t'M k pait In the etly tuiirnaoii nt
Inst ar 'thla lacking U gs follows
nn If ml .
II lt. I I
II -:.i, Jim
Vail I'miil, tlsiry
...f.i.ri lr
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VI el. .net i
1 1 . . !
iuo as rmsT suprosrD
4 1-- el. all- n ti...i t i c
hi t i'iihiii ain.e ii..! t oa f"i
ii ,1 I ball fail 1 1 1 14 In 1 1. 1
I i. .i, aim . n in-1 tl l'-i
1 I.. tut it i, II I...., I
t i, i v a tu . n i' .
I ii Vi 4 s i . tv. u i
I 1
...l o. H f r .ii ie.. t
I'.'HI ll-l I. .!..., I I 1 ) I t.
i ll a l' e wit.. V . ' . it I M
' ' ! Hit I '.a a i .-.let ant
I . is to Isnt a !' ' r .an ll
( Vi.
.1 ,J
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- 'at J
r-h f i
sir I :
laanns" Mtmi i
Here's the Story
Of Sad Plight of
Plain Jim Brown
Pld you ever hear of an bonest-to-goutiness,
regulsr Indian, who didn't
posse nmue romantic appeletlun like
"HaJn-ln-tha-lae,,' or "Hitting Hull,"
or "Ine Hear," or somethlngT Well,
here'g one who avers, asserts, assever
ateg and Insists no fsncy and dlstlnctlvn
monicker was fastened on him. Ha'a
big Jim Hrown, Orna-ha Indian from
Winnebago, who la trying to land a Job
on I'a Kourke'a ittchlng staff.
Hrown says hla name Is plsln .llm
Hrown and that he paver had any other.
Mia mates are Inclined to be skeptical
and ever since training camp upend at
Heslrlce they've been In log lo uncover
hla real Indian name. Hot il,e Hher
lork stuff haa proved a flivver and no
body haa bean able tn find tt out. The
llonrsee believe Mr. Hrown la atra'n
lug tha third commandment soma, but
they'll give htm cradll for getting away
with It.
Breezy Bits of Newsy Gossip
Heard Around Zchrung's Loop
fled f halen. einiei1ln and puglipit,
who isstltiied at short for the lt.ikea
1 1. 1. fu.t part of laat and then went
tu I j..... .In, is no I . hi a r a piemlnr of tha
(V i . .i. i ii leegua Ileal haa e'gned '" I '
at Moiille, Ala, under Charley Hehml II,
Hi. nd 1 'el cull ealebar. feihups I'.'l,
alio .t,.HIi tu he eaJbd fenl.-n u gl
a do n In I Hila
that Jimmy M iloi ! te'il t.l
I i . i r tiiihliiigs J. I Coffey a III piuli
il, I 1. i, mi n a Unit r uiitfiirui J. k
suit last fl l "ii ha threw up hi ) k
It. ha wmiht never p'ar again 4tiidf
kt tiili i nffsr lis load Iwiivar In
It una ami would l i'r .. plsg III lb
lni' I l,'i v I w , Hll iiak.a, ln.wnv.r
wul iniiMiiHi aa niiiiir ... i.tilteg ti
wbt.iu it tuti g to inn I a iart I t
i ii 'i o ity taoia thai Is 41,11 a
ki. and .oi. I an., t a n U t lb
,H ! V4 . l,li ii. -, Wli'ai.t
I 11 i..s an t yisr ll I h I . il I n
f.,.i I ill an I ikt'h alii t tu
III i -i ibkt ilar rtl in .ml IH
11.4 - I,,.. U'i wl.l. It liny !, I
if 11,4 -iliia in in.' a I 1 ii.ii i r 11 li
.lilHll . aid g"n I 1 I b ' I I . ' ' I ftcri'l
I , li? 4 Ii it 1 1 4 a lh. , . .. 1
H ., , , l.l.i I I' M),.gi,
( . hi). . 1 to I I'.. i-i 1 I'..'
In. I.l t . 1 If t " t 1. il.s ili.n ii 1 1 111 t ..ll I
Drawn for The
It Will Be a Caie of Greek Meeting;
Greek When Joe Btecher tni
Charley Peten Lock Horoi,
Two Nehraaka pheiionia. both well
versed In tha application of tha celebrated
Nebrnaka e''lsaura bold, are aT"ln to meet
on the wrestling mat In thla city in tha
very near future amj when they do hKial
wrestling fans iso expect something of a
treat. Tha two Nehreakane who are go
ing to lock horns gra Joa Mtecher of
Podge and Charley I'etera of I'aplltlnn.
This big bout probably will ba held on
July Vj, the night of the big aulomoHis
Tentatlva arrangements for this event
wera mada between Jo Hetmanek,
Htm tier's manager, and I'ela imr.U, I'etata'
manager, last week, on III return from
the eaat Ifclmaiiek will atop off In Omaha
and complola all tha details, At thla
lime tha official dste will ha announced
At the present lima f'atara, with the
ee,.jtliin of Frank tlotch, standg as about
tha beat, opponent that could ha aeleoted
for tha marvelniie Htechar. Pelerg hag
proved hlmaelf to be mighty good wrea
tler and Otnaba fang believe he baa a
shade on piaetlcally gvery othr man In
the gam except fierhr and 'Jotch, f'efera
haa defeated a host of eruks, Including
such rnen aa Haul Martinson, Marin I1sa
tlna, Oaear Wesem, Oenrge fHon, Jim
Asnell, Kuvanjs, fchmarder, Huaaana
and othatg. He hag repeated'y offered to
meet Htranlgler lwls, A berg and an ma
of the others who are oretpylri tha spot
light now, but none of them has ben
willing to lake a chanra with blm
Hlsard at llefenslve,
I'etera Is a wlnard at defmslva wres
tling and It Is believed Htecher would find
blm a lough proposition to pin. Hut the
grcsleat Interest In Vtera Ilea In tha fatt
j that ha, too, employg tha aclsaora hold
! most effectively. It should b a real trea.
lo sea two men In tha ring, both Jfa
biaaka productg and both eiperts with
the a'-laaora hold.
f'clera and Htehr would make a great
ellractlfHi fr Omaha the night of tha
auto races. They would bring a lot of
people. Into Omaha and an effort, will be
marto lo schedule thla dale.
While I'eterg la not ag tiaavy g man aa
Hteeher, h's mighty well developed, gg
the apiended measurementa will show:
Ae , ,' g)
Weight IISI
llelsht I feet ll4 Inches
Iteaeh 17
Neck ,, IS
Chest, expanded... , ,,, 4H
i "heal, normal , ,, 44
Walut in
Hb eps, relaxed , 14
Hlcepa, flexed , 1 4
forearm , ii
wrlal ii
Joa Irfrtg, tha Omaha youth, wbo al
waya looked Ilka the greatest pitcher
In the world until tha sixth or seventh
Inning and then looked Ilka tha pooreat,
haa landnd a Job with tha Muskegon
club of the "Vi,lral league. Iits hss
alwaya been a problem and many man
agers hsve tried to make a ailecassful
Mirier out of him only to fall hi their
Ilnnstnn Crate Down,
I'ttcher Meyera, Khortston riatshaw and
Ontfleblers failaln and f'realwood wera
eliminated from tha lluualon ruater.
Hills now runs g drug atma at tPielton,
Nli, b (Totiahly Isn't much put out owr
Ilia dlSltllatal,
l lll Msber. the flash .f Itghlnliig wtn.
pa t lined ar.iun.t (ha flrat vuabbia for
Henver and Tupakg, haa been given Hi.
gaia by lh. latter dull, lull Ukaff,
burlrr nil tba (lull laat year baa also
Ism fii. by tt, a haw
"I1 Mi boUmi ah,, wti many
bsysg In lh. Weatem i,a U.l r.a
ye..ia, la been trade! ,i I haltaituugg
I y pi J iai h rather Tim la l.lllog un
M. h.. I... a and lliihaii.t d. I I..1 ), au I
fft.l l..n, all fuf III lung
It. ailiig lull Maiipe, tha p,.lt.t an I
I-i u. in ( i,iariaiiiii, alhal wha
VII I v.i lined 111 th 44 talent ilv lit, .
' - em II ailng Mill .. slts
"ii a till 4hMiaj i i a., 4, f
Jio i.iy Jai kauu g nl I1.11 Hull
'' t T I'M g laat
Ha. llftflHh I.K t,..t4 I Ml,. I t,, k t i
Wbbllg by tba l...iai, t'.i. llill'IHi,
U . d. , I . t W a an I fl h f,,t
t ,.t ,i,'Ci,i.aiit 14 1. 1 .,., rnj ; ittti,
.It. In I la n la ka I 111. 1 (4 Kl g . .
1 ' en ibt. 1 .1 a t a i lei H d
hi Il ia league i.l t i rini44 I tin auti
(.11.. I tan It...:- I .. w.1,1 1.1 1 I f .nu UI.MI, it, Itillflll, t.a
tm 14 .,ii i- P't 1. la'. ... aihaf
ha '.e..n ,i tut.k III llety
Bee By Tad
Earlj Blrdi Ara Romping Around
Llnki in Mid-8euon Form, De
pit Chill and Soft Oreen.
While tba permanent groan ara atlll
I It t law too aoft to play aa avnd tha tem
porary grn sua) iiaMaaaarlly Used, th
golfing fraternity of Omaha hag already
alartsd to prarxi) ground tha llnki t)
warm up for tha rsptdly apyroaehlng
The waather of lata haa bean a Utile
ehllly but thla ha In no way detarrad th
agar bgy battlers who refusal t par.
mlt any unfeeling waavther man to Iniar
far with their on happiness In Hf.
Ttm field ulub and Happy HoDew
course r pretty well aeoiipted fin t'
urdayg and flunday and tha north end
crew la not a bit backward In rhaalrf
around tha Millar park link. Horn prsw
aeeeon matches ara being played and
eome pretty fair gooiwg ara turned In
occaaionally, notwithstanding fh handi
cap of tha temporary freena.
With little warmer weather two morg
week will gea tba eouraeg sprouting tig
In perfect condition. It I probe tile that
Ilia profesalonala will be able to gllJT
plgy on tha permanent greens In thlgtlm
unless g islny aeaaon should occur,
Charley Johnafon daclarea tha 11$ VP
Hollow (reaing need but g llttlg mora gun
shin bafora they will ba faat and bar I
(Jraeng No. II and 13 wUI not ba uad '
Happy Hollow for aometlme, however, '.a
both na4 a reat.
At to field club Hill Clark Is sll'l
wir11ng on green No. 11, mjt will havs
that In shape ahortly, Tha others only
need a little gun.
atslslaat tor I detail,
Charley Johngtori la looking fur c"ii
alderabla of a golf season at Happy lh,1.
low. Thre ara about active golfer,
at Happy Hollow and they gra out all
th time. Aa a result Johnston foun I
that ha and Holt Christie couldn't hand.
all tha business ao a (bird man ba been
employed. tta la Jimmy Canar n,
brother of Johnny Cangvgii who worked
out hi apprentlresolp under Johnston.
Commissioner Hummel declare that th
new alghtaan-hola municipal eourae at
Mm wood park will be thrown open oy
Jun I, And then gum gtartllna event
ara du to occur. Thar ara a number if
west aider who contemplate playing in
th Daw link and already a aort of
rivalry haa eprung up between thatn ant
tha north glderg who plgy at Millar park.
Ha fore th aeaaon la oyer soma lnter-l jb
match btwaan the two aggregation
ran b epcted.
Get This, Golfers:
This Person Admits
Bogey Has His Goat
Harban to thla. you hound of th link
Her' th only man In th world wh
aver nursed an Irritating ralouaa on a
lender palm and yet frankly admit!!
that aa a golfer h wasn't a world heater
tier la a man. free, while and twenty
one, who deliberately admit he pla'S
golf and yet remain In tha duffar class.
Tha apostle of trtithfulneaa la Chart
H. Hherman, prastdent of th llappow ltu.
low club,
While tha Happy Hollow head doesn t
prufsca lo trera lineage to (taorge Wash
ington, ha freely confeaaa Colonel Hog y
hag him en hi Hat. "I never beat any
body yl," say Hlierman, "Wverybudy in
tha cluti ran trim ma up. It'a on of th
custom nf lb Happy Hollow club thai
tha president shall ba tha official 'b s'. '
of tha club. Tha golfer who can't ba it
the president and lhat'g me la a punk
Indeed If I vr won a trophy I'd hsv
heart fallnra"
Tber you hav II. farallol thla runai'-.
atla ras and you'll make ! Cook .... ,
Ilk a Itk.r auine I making ,i .
Kaw Athlete Heal
Victimof the Jinx
l . hwltr, an nulflsl.Ue wltb h.
Ti-1'.k ball rlub, I'lalms to I. a the i, i
I'm yiar.f In ka game. I." I l. .e .
hi entry lulu th Wn.i.rn Uami ii
p it an and li lh "ln ' wl,l. t. h,.
.wt M trail.
lh' Is what ha taru .in I .. hue
taw. Willi i tiLk k.ii an ,ii, .. i.
tl-i alter ity faiiuHt. nu i. -i
ul. li. hit. tL.A.. i ! ..
tb l l lallll ...! iau a I .!'
aii'. anil ll.iil g I lufy
tti" Hull 111 ail ,,H ill.. gtlea l
l.ii'ilailll and et t" ar
li Hai k li4 lbs Hivai.a lilt HI ! .
b, g ,l l,l, t I . II .,..a, b , l,., a
I aniiflillt gl liai'iiii uip at Ii I
"-"i'v nut half lb aii4
tlfA th.l t.-.!k tuj aa.,1 I. alK.....l.t. I.,
II. I,. Mil lit -a b I k l aai t .. I
tt tw.t w.k
iu iii,!,,,! kilt whl a In i
kl Mau i I. a twiaiet leg ant e' nu
1 4 I !a 1 1 It.l r . nee lS . ia
Heiila lijj fmt lh an 1 1 (sit- . 4
at hull
It k I'liiM with tl.ii i . i ir
' gnl lfll. ll. u.l , I If .