Sometimes Hard Luck Will Vanish Before Hard Work FIRST ENTRY FOR SJMAHA AUTO RACE E, , Eawlingi Writci President In Bron for Entry Blank to Ganoline Derbies FOREIGN 6TARS COME TO U. S. Til" flirt r.'iinnt f-ir entry blank for Oih giiaollnn claaab which will he held ) the bnarda iif Ibe Dinah b'yceilwity thl year ha been rcei', rd by Hrcaiilonl Hert He Mron. ('., K. ICiwIlti.- of MWI Drniidwnv, f'hli'fiijo, llm limit who make Hie rque(. Itawllng U evidently at rung for til" Omaha oval hi h Im aakrd for miry bin oka for ll ruff which will Im held here. 1 Hron I limbing ready to aend Tin wilrivm entry blank for both yucca t which Hill be liclil here. Olia Will tin tinrd July If, find Hie other during Ale r III' n, Itn .'IIiikk In the mnn who own the OlU'cn car which ei(il Ti.MI Alley dl lt ra, i Alloy will be ictiu mbrrod n Dm etocky ; little rlilip Who piloted H Detmetlberit lie lc ' lard .Inly unit wfiit nut curly In tb race when n hoard throng from the truck ur-1 face and ripped through hi motor, Alley i ho Imit I he car nut on the Chicago Hack end ha clipped nif number of mile at Idr l(') gall. Sn glrtnt (Mr Itnee, Hlnwg I'lly rimy tint hold mi iiulomnlille t ii fit thin year. Wlfnix city v. nit (rrnnind two ancflon fur rcr Kiln year, one, for an nitiiile jr men, May , and Km other fur tin- profi'Moonl riiiiwli', July 4 Thf former event lni lifi n declared (iff nod now thrra In omr doubt the lii di rt-y. If"c ttt. Hlmi f'lty haven't been overly aueeeae fnl. An a feault ftmiin of the ill lector nt the pcd'y are opposed to holding a riii' thin year, capei-billy im Mlnnrniiollii Im puf-n'tlmr to tmld mm on Km rnn dny. Mltiiii-npiillx in lrpndy nt work ltilni( op rtrlvr m nt turn Imidi'd A lumilwr of tfii" fioiriliicnf mii, Kfou ''Ify turn tint tiikpn ny mepii yt mid t I f If I'l In ;irlnlri to h n nfi'iitulnry oik", With Hioux 'liy mil of flu" flfld IhOj ' m tin. i limiilf mi Jul)" 1fi uliould h tnnr 1 nf h mirifKn, in It will he Hi only r'' in thin liiiiiifiliiitf Bcrlloii f llm rouiitry mid th utivi'd ftitlmnlimtn would (ill coma to Ollldll, Pnrrlcn llrlvfra (nliilns. HI4 Ik iiiiii Miii'MIhk iii'W thfit will not oli(id vm-y (ill mint, on llm iir of AniPrlrmi drlvTK, A Imtid of J'iuropn pllol Mr Krltlii rmdy to nv.d thl country to (jlink off wmt of tho Juicy jirl.n motipy offi-rcd hy Ihn vrloii dpifd wy. It In ld thai Kn-in furfliin Kfd lioyn will rldn on nil of Km npufdwuy of tlm country, o Oinnh rn IMilrdn run look for Homo ral thrill whon tlicy trt to tool thlr iiiount around th loc oval. Four nw ear will ha Imported for four of thi foui'tactn drlvm. 'nicy ara two (unheama from Knlnd and two Flat from Italy. Two BilUn ptlnt will drlva tha Bun. Wma. Thaodora Plllctta, who fiitlah4 alxth at Indlflnapoll In th Knlmit mo torad Mrcdc In 1!J3 will Imvo ona of tha new alx-cyllndcr Huntiaaina recently hullt tn tha Kriilh factory. Joncpli Chrlattaeni, another auhjfct of King Al bert, will drlva tha olher. Them Hun tiennia ara ld to hava ahown a aped of 120 mile an hour In praclha In lorid, They we.ra dflucd fpi;iliilly for rac;frif on American peedwy. I'cnnln. I alon to Import thetn to America ha been i (ranted hy tha HiIIIkIi foveinmenl. ' Rrnlea I'llol Flat, I Jack SciiIpk, a fnnion Kniclliili pilot,' will drlva ona of tha llnllnn Hat. Hcnlc , ha been worklti at tha Hal factory tn ' ltly. Antonio Koanano, drlvor of tha old choot, who rode a meithiinlclan with Kellco Nuitiiiro wlnii tha IhIIi t wa tha apce monarch of liuropa l y virtue of hi xlctorle In the French Ontnd l'rlx and tha ilfrman einpcior' cup race, will ha Heal' tcamniate The Italian car are the mime that com jieled Iti 1914 In the French fliund frit, wllh tha exception (hat the motor luivi. hocn n.'dilined. Thiy now have four vnlvea and Ihn horo Iiiih bicn liMTfnd to lu lu the pUtun ilUplii' emi lit up to tha maximum of sou cubic luchea. Itena Thoma, tlm fnmoua Fiiuicli pilot, who won tha Iwiliiiiiipoll lu-iby In J914, ealta for New York 1 1 lea week. Recently It, waa announced Thornim had been un able to (teenra pe,rmtnton from tha French govnmmarit to roino to America, but Inter advlcca atata that rtena hut aeciired hi paaaport and will anil thl weak. Thoma will tool one of tha I'eiiKeot iiioutila owned by tha Indiunnpnll KMid way company. Here's the Story of How Charley Peters Became a Wrestler M m uremics and hnteia tr,.ka Into their re.n -"live hhmii'M lih'b i' inula or rt'iitnnMit i' lr it m.-i i !', r n,, Mory cf l .i I mlil( II , ti ll In. I bU hi' H inl.''d wllh clii b ia and Iciw .l ie Hi,-In r nmt Fail i 'mill... I. wi. i.Ui .1 f ir .,ni, tblii Ilka II aie iiiiii litiitlfl.i' It all wnoUtttg t:llt lllll tlt'l, . Htnl V lllltl I, IM imnlHnr b ! li. ii.i (lie I, 1( ri (! n, 1 1 . en,'. l, I'ln.ili y l" li n I ttmliy weril to ulinlo. Ki'l, . bi l'c" I). a I'd iitirii HI unh I-i i I loiikili mil mi ii!Hi,IH mil i' '! it r.i ib Hint I lliilil'i Wrenlllli ti.. t, I i ', l'tl-rf ('.III Hf Kelrle I 1 .t , I I, t b i, ,i i i 1 1 , l V I'l .l. i . t . A ! mil .i . .-b i 1 I w I" .. I I , I nil. .it ' (("' t H e l'l,.l'.l II,. ,. 1 1 h W an p i ni, I I' ". HI 1 I - , ' , t ' : t et v',1- . ,, ui llio H l!' ,l.l.t lf I nub i eii-n I . ' i w i. ,i4hbv i.iH .' l' il' 4 H . i I t- t -t .ii til I 'I I. i.t I. I b ' ILLINOIS LNTrnS flGHT mln in w rilay ma I '! ., 1 1, l 4 i WINNERS OF MOTOR RACE OR CORONA BOULEVABD. . -juf-P w ' J oo Thomas 0 BURMAN IS BADLY HURT AT CORONA Wild Bob and Mechanician Probably Fatally Injured When Car Throwi Wheel. EDDIE O'DONNELL WINS RACE FfiftoNA, f'al,, April I-Bol ftunnan and Iila mechanician, Bile, Hehrsdor, wera Injured, probably fatally, and down other peraon wera Injured mora or lea acrlouHy when Iliirman' cur threw wheel In the nlnet y-eventh lap on the buck at retch, In tha W-tnlla raca hara imbiy, Hicorilln to a atatement from tha field hoKpllal 1ven out by track offi cial. Hurmari reportad to hava had Iioth leg broken and hi kul fraitured. Tha race wa won by ICddla O'Ponnetl, drlvliiK ii lieimenber miichlna. Ill tlma w !t;3i r,J. ,Jo Thomaa, drlvln hi flrt big race at tha wheal of a Mercer, wa e'Timl, while F.ddle Pyllen, tha aecond Jtereer driver, landed In third place. Wichita Releases Guy Chamberlain WICHITA, Kan., April Ouy Cham berlaln, end on tha Nabraaka unlvaraltjr font ball team, who wa alKiied by tb Wlrhlla Dime Hall rlub of the Weatem leugua a a pll'her, ha been relead. It waa announced cl today, by Manaar Jackaon. CLASSY LOT OF MANAGERS IN PENNSYLVANIA LEAGUE If the feuiM) Ivmiia Htut leaau go, through an plniund tt will have a elay lot, of manager. Willie Keeler 1 name. I had the All, ui n team. Arthur lcllii I named fur U-luuimi, Jlnuuy Hhe'daril fur U"ri1'iih, Irfiir Hitter for lhc,tlir. 'i'Ue Coilillt fur I farrlabui g. I' ,l. liliin, h f..r Vmk 'illke tbinlln nl hi wiinliil u lend one of th ntbar . I ila HI " i1 C1 lW rf- '"l ,t t III J '" w "' 7 ? ;'V C - ' XN r a'IV.' Some Battle on the Cards When the Bourgeois and Luxus Clash v.,i i . Ml t t I . Is -ml .,1.1 Uv a batue llaO'l-'ii I Iim, I I l.,. I 1 1. i - s--,r n. all I' W'li ' ;i,i .. . e frat , wli li-.W hue H' I. I Mtea hi "f ' 'lee lie' lit l-llue ' . I , II, rt'l't i,.',4 I. 'it, l 1-6,11. li ..... . ,' , ,t ,f I,. li,!-, '".t,,!.! i . i I i e w I i- It ii ,iii t II. a I . nuiaie. ' el an, (.j -i.t I . I tft t . , I a ' ii,- til Hi" 't - II,. ! I I. b I ft I t t t ' a I'l t -t'-a .ti' i 't. i - t it " I I . ' - t" - a ) tt, 4 I HIGH SCHOOL MEET AT LINCOLN MAY 13 Inniiiil Ncbraikft Track anrl Field Meet Will Be Held Under the Auipieei of State Univeriity. fWENTY SCHOOLS TO ENTER iir Jtl-: I!. l.tttHKX ;, l,I.''ii,N, April . (Cih'cui nr. K , (, f'lapp and Ouy F. Ile.d of tha atbletlc I diparimeiii of the I'nlverlnty nf ,Va- jraka. hay ent out preliminary not If m I of the annual tr k and field meet of fit" hraiikii hlah e-hool under the u;il'e of tha Nebmeka llltlli Sehool Athletic inii clal Inn. Tha meet will ha hel l May I'l. Kit urday afleiicmti, oil the Nebia ihi f li Id, ; upeiilrif at 'i t'lapp and l(td look for twenty achoola lo be rrpreae tiled III the bl meet, wllh ihmirea of everl (rmre a nlliuj Indivi dual rcprieciitallve. Ti e inn la a mi l of the annual l'ta ilny proaram, vii' i, i a x ii, 1 1 v (iriivlilf't for the in'erla!n tnent of Nebniaka bltfti mliinil N'Oitenln . luonha Htxh a' boot hi been e,,,r. In off Km meet wllh ue)i riulrl' ' In re cent year (hat Ififeree1 hm rnl i r f;iii ell, but leant two HI I" I I I ' if i Kill loakn atronif bid for Hie (hum lonehlp In the comln meet. Moth iln and fleiilriin have airoti dam and will put up in leli atlffer coinpell ,ii 4 HiMteil ''rn ten, Kach team will lie allow ft ten nun. I'r t'lapp annouiicee, but only two cn'c l. nl from fi'h low'i will be allowed t'i tart In any event. N i liid' l liel entry fee wD be be rellllred AH Mltip fof the meet miiat he flhd with ;r Clapp on or bafora May . KiiKlen poelmarkud Inter than that d:ile will not he e epif d The order of event will b Hundred yard daeh. annf'l rtnti, l ,Jrd run. (ik'i-yard r ,o, one mile rn.i, I'.'i i lain iiuiuie, iji vai'i norm,' an I imr I mile relay . team to foo at of fniir 10' u. I I un h to run 'li' yard. ! I I- b id K-enlw-. I'l lault, M p- nifl ,i, ( running bin li Juimii, illneiK thixw. itiu I tiln broad jump, li niiid hauimrr Ihr w I In tinier to protect Ibe heHllh of Hi" I conti Kant, no on I advlacd to niter j mine than three evenl durum the meet. While, tijkk and field event will be' oiik on Kie aioe tiine, eyery p, I (ton will be mrle to proleii Ibe a-bleltit I and the peetalora from t'(,lbl" Injury, ' The hammer throw Will be f(ed t 11 o'clock In tha mortiln and Only th i actual ; oonteaiani mid their attendant will be allowed on the field. I any Madeni e.lllallile, i Iir f'lapp make the further eiuiouoie trie lit. that any aludent of a tilh m hoof, who I a member of tha Nelnaaka j Hlh Hihool Athletic Koe latlon, ' I ellaltda lo compete In the meet If be j ctifoim to Ihr reultlon Tin re in an Inlilal fee for inambeiahlp In the le.uftie of $.' wbhli may be lon'inuel each year on the payment of fl aniionf', Tha Ii.coln l'ooiioerctiil club, In ordi r j lo limine the retalnln of Ibe annual , lil)i '-hool meet In Lincoln. h'i made n appri prlatlon to cover the etpeoee of tha ni"et, Ivy, tlapp My. The I'm j veinlty of ' Ntbiaak will donate lh I field and aipilpment and avery effort will b inadn by tha utliorllle to mak i (he meet and tha blub ''hool feta day n enloyabln oceaalon for all vlallln )ilh achool atudent. "In Ih pact It ha been poalbla to pay from ft to lo 1ar cent of tha peine of transportation for all coiilea -nl." I'r, f'lapp atnte, "and with fnv orabla weather condition It hould It poaelblo to refund at lenut (hat much b each aihlele lakln part." Hold, alerllti allver and tirnmea medal will b awarded tha whiini of fitat aeeond and thfid plce and llli biul to tha winner of fourth. I'lace eora (, 1 i and 1 for flrt, econd, third and fourth, renpectlvely, A banner will Im I awarded to the winning relay team and I a handoma charnplonahlp tianner will - 1 to the hlKh achool winning the moat I point In Ih meat. , Track aiinad Dity,, i.oacn ca,i nan ni track iu.l buay the antlra week and t more pleaaed with (ha proapocta. While the men alt gieen, they are ahowlu op betler than earlier In the eaon and the HiKke- "quad elould be much better than laat eaon. Heed ha arranged another dual meet that with Wealeymi iinlveralty at Nebraaka field on May 2 Thl coinplet' tha Huaker ihedule. AanlMlont Coach Hick Hutherfnrd In augurated eprmg foot ball durlna tlm week under tha most encouraging run dlllon. Forty three ptoapeitive ctull date for the varalty have enrolled for tha prlng tinlnlng. which will lie etrlctly along rudimentary Hue Tha HubIic, hnwlng I In de Ided eontraal to jown and Kanana, where the epiiiig iri!-i'i were barely worthy of the name, HARRY LORD SIGNS UP TO MANAGE LOWELL NINE- Harry I,nrd, who lat n tinari tha Huffed, h el.O"d to liinnam the Iiwcll team of the l iialem baau,' Taeoiiia tirl tliiihr, The TecnliiH Ni, Ibwenlem leaue ban i 0 a ib at f i r all lo r Ih It of Ibe ct Irfitiia t'ai'lloaU ! till, -' bo to la. h ! i i. , 'V I W'e.i 1 1.,- a leiiii tie ,18'-hi aii'l I t -! "o u i,ln. afiee.l t't mi a i.,'i,, I .It IU,llt l.f. a ,l"t nt 1 i i ., I I - 4 I nil 1 1 til If 4 te l I lea 'i ' h I i I M,l te ! - H li -i ' 'PH "l ' " I ' CH'I i',,-.i, It - tali. iii, a'1 i i lm 1 1 i . i i t i.. , 1 1 aii-hai ' I I 1,1 l-,w lull I a l . , ! I I'll' l-li.if I . i, r i ' M,i . .. I ( 1 1, W III I IM ' , II t I l I V The Omaha Sunday OMAHA, Three New OMAHA MARKSMEN GO ON WARPATH Omaha (Jun Club Trap Khootf m ; Flannintf to Invade Lincoln and j Winner This Month. I M'DONALD 19 PICKISft TEAM ttiuaba tiap nhooieia at planning a couple of putiin.e enpedltlon Inlo Iho elate II, u month. The peaceful city of Lincoln will b the fltt latget of th timaha nootr The l,ri'o!n '!un 'tut, ao!ii to nlao , h ,u.,ti (, TWtay .ml j Wneday. Thl will be tha flrxl rel. ' ur- touinaii.ent of ih year and It will aiao be a aort of dedication of tha lii'olu ,.,. ,,i,, .i,, m. ,,, ,.,.,.,, ,.,. Ized A a regult "malm ahooter believe thla ociaalon ahould be celebrated liy an ntoiih vleiiirv Hay Klngalev, Ib-rt KHoo. Henry MclionaM, r)eirg Hdb k, , Jon Kohfit, Hen flallaghnr, Krank , Kllliuiu, M,tf iilial ttbalpo and eveil other local maikamen piolmbly will enter tha event. Winner will b tha objective of the aao olid Invaaliui And t'd will be a teal piiiill'iiii capedlllon Tha f'uiaha 'bin club li'iiin of ten matkameii will ruah low ii i,u d inner Apill tt for a tuaiu lual h wllh (be Wlaner Hun i lull crew. Hin r hold e ill. Iiluii mar lb Dmaha 'IhI, and lb l'"nl ttniiii aie tblieting for I'W tiler lle Iroiibr, lenei la now' the .iod poeiienaor of the Mule Kopby. i m,iii,i lure thai In, III, eh, ml, be in iiin.ilni and Heiiiy Mitioliuhi tha ipioi'li i a pi a In nf lite iiiiah i ti aiit, la ib ! i inlin d that it ahell ii . -i i.'iilt t ii.iihIiI l a "ii a to leM'l nil I llllllleill.'ll ,4 of tile IIWII all,) Ibe wllii, In will I, .i. 1.1 nl I II, ,,i li In Ibe iomIi Ii i l, leu brat p.- ,,1 ahunlela Will i, alii- Ih, liu, , I a. l.i. i, I Him -I nil llm f,,llnll. In try tut pin, i a i,n the Irani Hat bloi.iy ,t ,,i.eii, Hul Ilium. In. 'i U. . 1 1 , Ije.ilju He. Ill k, Heii 'iiUaabvr. t Id.-ui. I l.ilt rbibt,.ieii, I ' .i in ..II, II I'l r I, I IImII l n i l-.t ii ''e.. i . i Il g, 4 I I, a I b t ilii- III, I I u . I I I.. 1 r w!, Hi nt i In Ml nil J II. I IjOnmlia Chap IIiiUtk 1 Ohicaf;i) Auto Race lor Amateur Pilot m Ib. ' I t i , ,ii. I i t i lb " 1 1 .. it it,. AUU cm UCt CRIOIHON ft AM HAS 10TS Of NtRVi: Vlt I, .l I fi a f ...I - I .1 I .. - Hi at 1 1 I lila ' . I i V,.l !'- t I r n II1'' i ' , N ( , ' V " f-l ;i ... 'i V d ' ' I'd..1- ;V : - . & & :m Xj I f p ' J " " " f J " llUJMJUJt' JpgZnan- Ca fetor LJJ t U SPORTS SECTION of WJNDAY MOUN'JN'O, M'Ull Members of Rourke Clan I I AUTO PILOT WHO PROBABLY IS FATALLY KURT. BIG BILLIARD MATCH HERE Firmin CHMigiml, Eurofienn Cliani pion, ami WHkrr Cot limn to 1'lny in Omaha. WILL IIF. AT THE lO.'JTINElXE tttoiln ( 'aolijiiiil i-f Haiti, ihw l.ur preii l.ii,'l iti, mi l ii II er i I..' hi ah, IheMi ir-r: i! A ' ,m I v-' J ; s- "iy ' -v7 i , H I I buy wui'lfi, will play ethlblHmi I.HtUnlt 1 blrl y't VeareMM. malePe l I he IMe t "Hi it,. Il,,ii, J '"" !1 '' ' ilar ..i.d IthU, it I la .. k I i'l,!"' '' Md 'H T.. It pUy.d w.. will I'n plaint it. a lai i ,'! i...f ku that a f., t, i I I , m I , ., . t f.,e . ii i 1 1 1 1 1 , iil im i Hi.. ll.,il I , ,1 ,1 I .1,1 .1 I- ,iu m ft i , l' I ' . ' 1 1 1 '.I- II V I.". , , It . I) , l a i. a I - I, bill , 1 i t I 1(1, I -.liu .i it I I . 4li " , I... t ..I 1 1'.- ,!l, I Ilia i o tin I i" l,l,, I, l!' I " Hi, rn'tlii ... ' eh I I He it M . an t H e It b . t , w H 0, VM. JUJduff Mori Stop SOLD TO CLEVELAND Farnoui Outfielder Purchaaed from Boaton Red Sox for Greateit Caih C'oiiiideratioii Ever Paid, COUPLE OF PLAYERS IN DEAL KCW V'iHK, April -Tillm yp. ker, ooa of the greati-at oulflelijei and for Ih laat two y.-ai Ih hlgheat ealarial player In tha fiimie, wa traded today by Iho Hoaluii Amerl'n leagnn Imiiii lo the t'lcveland club of Ibe mini league. The ileal, which" wa ( lod her lal lo'luy by Manager VNIIIIam t'atrlK'ui of Koi'lon and Hoberl McfUy of Cleveland, i am after miiny rumor that tha world' champion wta to pint with their bright em aliir, but netriibehaa It cauaed con eldiialile aurprUe, speaker wa on of (he ma Ionia of I he H-mlnn club, both hi fiebllii and batlln, and con I ii hilled hifey to Ida winning by hi leam of tw i woild'a io during hi elht year wllh Hie Hed Ho. In return for tha fmoo player, n,ion will leenlve, Manager Carlgan ald, two pluyei. Hllrher H. I', June and another to ba clioaan lalcr and a roeh rHildar- an 'Ihn amount to be paid wa not aot'Oiini cd Tha ieleae of speaker l ld to hav bei n i uie. .y iii'ihilii v tn c'luue lo tiirmi on Ih" iUealuii of anlaiy. Two Vir ami when Mpenlinr wa eagerly ounht by the I'l-di-iala, b wa Kivin a ronltait for two yean al a ealaiy reputed to hava In ii t',i" tb blgi.e.t ever iald a bull ' player. Tu cloao hi deal. Joarpli J laillil'l, OWIier of lb lle. 4i, ii'( irpiafccr al the dw k iipnn bbi rituin from a lilp ii H ml (lie wi'il.l with an all alar team Al h ailiiK away of the 'e I , Hal Iciu'in. IJilil.Ill i.irelKl hMk,r i i,ii,,. i ..i ihla yntr nilUua fur a nun h en a b r ealaiy, -al I in l a Hi.i.ut mo I h, Miull waa thl (In y failad I i cum Hi in teaia lh tie .Nt.nh 1 1 hu. ant I'.iti wi t to ...i..i( m Hi Wi tt Man , i H..,, i f I, ia fn )ai. I l.tthal Inn ai. na of ti In b ilil I year Im w -, all" li e In I e..i la .. " 1 '". l'i It I U I III a ' I let I , i " i ' ' til' I -i H Ml mi 'ih bl i I' 'I lit. II I ,1 -i.t t e 1 1 l at. I to f,ftt algt t yairii 'il '.. l, HH l'a, l,,, ai Vf. but t t . i i. ' r e a (K.r i li bar, t' It 'lull' I ni". tab 4 wo llme ai. t i at titbi uii Iti t - I ' i. t ' 1, Wa I ta Iwitiltr 1itnaaaHt i I V' I S N S r I li i II l.ii.i I e ' t b t ' -n-.-i .1.1 ( it., i,. t a il-'., I l I.' I 'i .i. I lau.ra . ' 1 1 I " Itet f I .1-, il c I '" .1 al I I i it i. ' - 4.l .,. I. ... I a I VI (tit I ' V, . I ,11 , ... I 1 1. ,1,, .. I I t II It, e - I .."..a m ii't i . . j- . fv M.l .. l I ( 1 a i I -t i-.i 1 niv h h, '..t, ..I I .. I e, ia put it'll , . , .1 i. I I ' I i ' I h b ' ' t i, iitr t M i.i,.a I' a i - I utlila in..,. fit St 1 I -i .i i ii, I I a ti l,i I I 'I -l TRIS SPEAKER IS ON OMAHA-TRACK Several Likely Looking Btrinp Arrive at Eat Omaha to Pre pare for Harnm Seaton. WORKOUT DESPITE THE COLD Ienpll the Hillllriea and aomewhat lo clemenf weather on , iu of the day of j the lent week training av-tlirlttn at I) I Kaat iiioului track of Itia CrtnaJia firlrlng -.lib went on aiwe 'laany and oo I anient pre iMwm ixirformannr on tb part of oni of tha boarder at th Be t'li.iihw Ktabh Im teinled to trior flnrd liHtiihn the opl ilon of Ivirawrnart rnak lo their lieaibiunrli r hr that thl Ira. k haibi.t th rooet promlaln array i of t ai n racing atock In Ih middle i Wel, ! Willi the arrival of errral Itaen 1votr ll g ali inri the teal few day tha Hat of ' home Uing trained at IhI lnt wu I lie ri a d to o er fifty heed, an unnuall j ltgn numl ir for thl time of th year. I ol'ireiliiane I ooie Here, Advb e hv hi en received at th Kf. rinalia elablea that ttolorado hirTnn i are plannltig lo to M' h to Nebraaka only greet wealeru ilnult trak lo Wlmi tip the training eaon t 'oloiiidoan will little, ti fn, prafl II ally i n liorai tai lng of ronae plane In , Ibelr native elate thl yr, mcoiillng i , r'orli. A a rea ill neveral of th well Inowii aia'di In K,at alale are jrattlnf ffady to liium b and bagKig to more I rtomUlo field and fimaha, will oon l glilo abetter to aom amMtlou tpfier frm l we!ern lt. If hd - i vla are rrld out, lui Hunan, In char of the Fl ' Omaha lrk and or a of lb fiuebet tr,ln- i er alon the 'tnt Western clwilt, ha j In'ormatlon (bet there will I from ; twtily fha to thirty bead In tb 'Worao delemitln. They era ip,J to arrive 1 (odd of Ihe nent tan day. ebamlait Arrive, A noiabbi addition to th talenl it Ibe M-t Dinah racing Jido,urtr w tcaiyed a few day uo by Ih arrival f ! fob I etaailan frmo hi winter retreat ' Heuiet, ( al, Mr, febetan brought With him a tiliig of pielly Inuklng animal lioraee Hint lava alteady howd tnuflll ''ep" on Ih lor I trek. Harer owned by local normn r ln being trained by the well knawn t'lillfornla handler, Mr. Kebaatlait wa enlhultl over the H'onthjuej Cn I'aga Kour, f'olumn filgj Omaha Field Club to Be in Missouri Valley Tennis Loop The iiuiaha Field eluh will be mem ber of the MIaour1 Valley Tamil or lion, wll h la now belu formed, and will compilae the alale at Mlanourl, Kama, lew and btanka. Thl territory wa . formerly a part of th Vtrn Iwit Tennt aaaiiclallon', hut tha dlvl!on I ' being niade becauaa tit lb geographtoiU bulklnea of the wealern terrllory, A 'ommlilee, headed by John C, Neely of t (,'bbago, ' now at. work perfecting the oigiililxolloii, I Hutlliigion, Ia Mod., flrlnndl .n4 Hlou i Hy In Iowa, fit, Ixml, Hpiing field and lne f'lty In Mlmnirl, Jnd 1 peodence and Nnidi.h In Kana, and Ihn 'mm ha Kfeld flub will h th mem lii of th new valley aucltlon. ' Bradford Returns to Omaha to Line Up Brandein Team Tred Hrsdfotd, manager of th Itran de aeiul pro team, tie returned to Omaha after ependlhg th wlnler month In the Munflower atata, and I huay lining up hi ein, Hredford declare th Hran dele will S9 the rrek aeml-pro aggrega tion of I hi aectlon of tb country and that flailing team are going down to defeat when they vlelt thl city, Tha playeta have been working out reg ularly, getting rid nt th winter" oou mulatlon of klnka, and peet to b In good form to meet th Itonrka nagt Nunday, Hay and Olson, th Hrandet """ " ara now In fair hp to hurl nln In ning. fth men probably will work alnt tha Hon ike. fat J.yrdt will handle th hulk of th receiving, having daclied to pat u,, joining th prof lonal rank for another year, Missouri Base Ball Team is tho Goods I CI i ,1 M lit A Mn , April ( -Wllh tha ; l eal It. till material reeaitl year ml rlatilini or wriuv playnr of yar- ally i either In itrawr from tb t'nivaratiy itf Miaamirl I eipei'led in mk a hard lf l, th' mar fur tha MUaourl Valley hatte ball rbainibinablp. 'I I, a hifinhl will llflaii fnl lu. H n that bate man; M iMIIIeii a4 ui. I l ai ! Ibli't, rrriir, h.tttiitiii t ma Hut baa, i, tan end illlllly f'aldet i'al.iln Mi,.. lr tt. tiweti nf laai year a leant wl'l be tegular inl fiithtnn TIkh ia half i.teii i.liiiii fur lha etl-ar i..aHu,t ant tt i , tally will , tt lite ml.. I bli'er Ple.stina to Meet Ootch on Friday Ma I'ti.iii. II. rbl.a tptia a II.. I i . i, l-i I i ' fir h t..t ' I lit in 1 1 I a oil i, wiih y r( i ill - k l I (i'l ii tiitk.a il ti ttk I , Hi it i ,.,1. h a I l- t i a ' i . . . - i A- it'll II I t liy t. I I t ta le ...llf I'll U Itlfltl i . . lat 1 i !,. Tata II i l a Id, , t, i, tn i i.t, a yt ti I i - I hitl . ,i a a in I. .I i'ti a ii-i-'-i-, i I l. I i 'X -t ' 1 - en i it It H-a tt a f I- -. l,.l', "vv"Itougm tucK row rocfS; MS' t '' te'aitail ti Will H t, t t, (i a i - I. 'a t t,.a a i . t e-n . 1 1 thai . all II la i t f ii t , I r ! hiM ti I I, iv. n i tit ii i I iHi I It! i- a -i ii s I '