Till: OMAHA SUNDAY liKK: Al'KIL f, 1016, WANTEDBLANK YERSEPR0L0GUE Public Invited to Write Introdnc tion to Shakeipeare Play by High School Pupils 10 BE PRESENTED NEXT MONTH Do you know anything about Wil liam ShakrapcRrfi? Arc you familiar with hla thrca plai "Tha Tcmpc-at," "Ai You Lfk It" ami "Mlilnummrr Nlght'a Bram?" And ran you wrlta blank vera? If you can anawer "Yea" to the tbrea qucatJoni, hara la your chanca to rorar youraolf with glory, win Jaatlng rllKiinctlon and go down In lilatory ai having lakan part In tho 6hakiKp-ar tarcaotcnary of Omaha ' achool rhllHran, All yni bava to do to win thla re Bowa la to write a blank vithw pro Jogua whlrh will taka four tntnijic-a or delivery, to praccdn a Htiakaa paarlan production to ba put on by ISp aludenta from th thra high arhoola. May 20. Thla production, htli will fticlu I" avna from th thraa play adov it, an llonaij alii f" fiinafi' "ontrioHimi in th worM-wll raM,rliin of lllll tOia BprM Wfh M'tli'1)', Th commit la, if WcV'r ho trto tb rnovawant, In el'i1)ri tho Ml Jaanatt Mcln'il Mary Iran Wall., Kathcrin" IIIIUhM n4 MHIan HuoVrailorf, hv fh ly ill mapped out, with lot of fairyland nl oodlnl ffi', rnnale, riafaantry n) itan'lnf Prolog ft Called. But tha faachaf fl lhy rnuat h a pratn'i. W'Mr abould thy gt th prologs, wa a titration whi'h bottiaiad tbant fr a long tlin until orn liriaht mind an (atari th appaul to tha riaar pulillr, Kvwyori I allalhl to aompat In thla rontt. High achool ludtita, litii. fhkaaiiaran lovara, (ilfh rrow, low hrow and tan iiMiapapar ' rllia, Tha r'iilra,Tirnt r only thaa. 'that (ho prolog) I In tlnk vr r lumolc pantiiiar, and aliall not tait tnor than Oira or four rnlnui for da Hvaryj that It rafar to th occasion n! glv a tMaf hint of ht In to folio, fit, In ulnar word, flv i key lo lh parforrnanra, To aanlat conlaiilant. the lommttlaa announce ttmt t)i opening acri will ba a fuliylnii'l pMnl'ihiliiii in ntil'U (Mk'i'ir will t' pliiMrtd onlp. Il la to drnm all HiC follow In tha pi v tfuHlon. Ttii rontt will flnii May 10, all pro logurg to h aMil to lh Icachara' rom nilil. Tila eommlttra will not act aa J'da'a, anotlifr hiving bfn provi'leil for thla, I loara nllb Tablraaa, Another bla a-rn In th play will hi tha final tahlraun, In nliL h all tha char aitf-r will bi groii'1 about a c-tilrul fiaura of lhakrapear, Tha hlah liool aiinfrnla will try nut for th mat nnt ViMr afternoon. Ml4 Mary 1rna Wallara mill llrrt tha play, Mnthera and ! tc r will prrpara Ilia coatumea and wtmhara of tha Urnnm lf iia will prohdhly ro oprrata to a I rent ailrnl In putting on tha produc tion. Th I'Tain IrafU la planning an )! nrat perform nr following th Ait Har Kan faatlvltlf natt fall. f'r-y M k aye'a rn'ijt, "ivaiopmnt of tha prama," whlfh b wrot for th Khaka apar tarrantanary ralabra'lon In Nnw York In May, will proliahly t.a put mi by th nam rM which alvaa th aaatarn praaantatlon. Churches of North Platto Closed by Health Officer NOKTH f'MTTr:, Nah , April .-(.p. rial. North Plait mlnlatara war up In arm when th rlty health offlr laauart an order that on r-ownt of the epMamle of dlplitharla and ararlat fevar raalng liar no aarvlira ahouht be held tn tha ihurrha of the t-lty rlimilay, than failed tn laaua an older rloh tha mollnn plo tur thaalera. An onlnr prvnllng rhil- ' ilreii umler 14 )er of ne frriiirtithK th theater a ai'nl out fiivrial in tin. Th" henllh auihof llie rntila'iwli l that It ai lin"ill'le to place p.illie man at every i liuri'li ntl J.reriit i till- ' dtrn from tmerlnw, wlille, this can be lly doim hi tli tlnalera ll.-n e the ' oiar to rloae the fhiirrhta rrillrely ot iet Moiiitay lit lat Ko loroiit H the protent of the mill Inter that i Hi I'loai'lnn 1 .11 aa that ait oidi-r rlonoa Hie triolein aloxilt) I'l Hill, ami S 01 III I'll Mr plrtoi i,ior. t'l.i, a III U 1 1 t uiit II phi ffh'laiia are ioiiimi lint h i-iliritit la 01,, 11 run iol Th epl'tunili haa piei t.i tn i nnlr aM, fit a rm .f ' il. t ffer ami oik f illphtbrrla bal lot n r-rtai ue tif t'l il Na w ! te iiul epd lhln tha iiiy linini U'tln lli U't I 1 lit ) f mir luiiii a VV. A. M'DONALO, TREASURER OF CUMING COUNTY, DIES w f T pitisr. s.t . i.m i.,i fletlol VEtt,Mti t 1 li.iM.tKt, t Hfr i-f fiinilim rn.iuit i'i i hi ni,i m tat ' a I '1 1 f ih 1 1 1 i a cf .t- i. lot r- ..lsM.i. i.f t 1 i ii.. lie l t. 1 i,l i 1 U a 4 id 1 ft, t i, , f i 1 1 : 1 1 nt ip n I'i1.i Mf M f i i'l ii i n. . ti t It tail II rr ,,,. 1 f.l elf, l.t , Ia'ilr a I a nan I. .- n ! 'rll,.tl ll,it.ll l'l.l"i'll 11 ln ( tWll taial. tuif t'uisr, i i .,.. t 1 TV 1 i f " I i-1 aa ti aiif.! ! r al I'- la j,i mf I' ,' t Hl t h. . . t lf.ll Itlii'l I uni t ' ) I k '( iM:M I t f l,. it O'U I r ! tii a . I 1 nil 1 . tlH latt I I t . , 4 I f U H I I iV ' t I t !..,, ,iii a. fvif ttertnat ,r .M i t.i, itui I K (..nl.-d ir 'in-i.'' ui'ifii1' 1 a.Ui'i i Va eat t ) aid i 1-',. 1" .1 l"l I'll I'l I .'.. I.f ( 1 I,,. 1 '. , I , .. I"i)v 1, , n-i.. . t,, ,tt. I t. i.t at , t 1 ..(..t! t . ,!.. 1. ' ,. it l ,, ,(.'. . I i.-.l .f l-,!,,! ,,,fi,lT 1 ll; ,,,, f a i ,l ( (t " i, 1 n . I l l l' flul l , .1, ! , I-. 4 a I. 1. n V i il. , WAITE'S MOTHER BREAKS DOWN OVER SON IN HOSPITAL This picture of Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Waite, parents of Dr. Arthur Warren Waite, accused of killing his father-in-law, John E. Peck, by the use of germs and poison, was made on their visit to their son in Bellevue hospital. It was the aged mother's first meeting with her son since his arrest. She broke down and was carried away weeping hysterically. I 1 . , 1 ' 'M . V I ' ' 1 ' m. . 4 l i U 1 - : i ' " tr; I ' M ' i 'i . ' ' "V - -?-') 1 ' J I Lr..jfcWfvM Loan Association to Help Poor Man is Taking on Shape f'lieitui and offl-ri fur tlia new (a tneOUl loan aaaoi ladiii at to be rhoaeu at a Piaatlna at tha Cummrrdal club toulii 'J liuiaJuy I10011. Th aaaoclatlon probably alii l called th "i'rovldant Loan Aaaortatlon." Thla I tha orgaiiUadmi that aeeka to fill tha aap left by th wiping out of th loan aharp hualneaa, loaning money at a raaaonably low rat of lnfer-'. All ado hwvfl anbai rlbed for the ato k ata 'rld to h at th ni-etln Thnra day. Arthrlva of Ini'nrporalliin probably Will h iopte). unit appllflltlotl will then h mad to the ae.-reiary of atalo for IP ran to operate. It will Ink at lenat thlity day to net thla, and It I pe'-ld that th rnmpaiiy will b ready to open buHneta In about two month. It m likely I bat th fund at fitat will ha kept In on of tb hnnka In Omaha., while mrly an office for handling th btial na will h mHlntnlned for a time. rerann who hllv that th oraanlza Hon I In ahap to do hualnea have bei-n telephoning In regard to negotiating loan. J. I', I 'a I hit ha hen g'Mlhg lola of theae call alnca hla name haa been con nected with the organisation work. Among thoa prominent In the work of organlalna th aaaorlatlon are; V, tl. Adair, eoretry and treasurer of th Omaha In and HulMIng aaaorlatlotii I'aul Ktihn. trtirer of th t'onaira tlv fiavlnga and Iain aaaoclatlon; V. U I'urgeea of Hnrgeaa leranden rompnny; P. f. Knapp of th Omaha Ho com pany am) a number of other prominent III liiielnei.il clulca. Teuton Transport Sunk in Adriatic by French Sub-Sea rvilia, Apill I - It wa officially an nounced today that a Trench anbmarlue ha ink an Aiiatilmt linar( In tha Adrlalte. Skin Sufferers 50c Box of D'Exma FREE Win at --1 l-i1 )ii iuil H i.t 1 ? ... as I 1 -. l-i I'-H I '. . 1 I- -HI .. t - .1 V- ' ',' 1 -,- I' I f ' ,", f-,". t-i I fc- I I . I . -.' I- 4 ,. I I I " " ' -14 .i ' 4'l -l t "4 - l'4 ll I'l l. 'I if.4't 1., ; I lu I tl, . 1,1 ,.if To In t ruduro This Now Ilorluxl 5alvo .' ' (' ' I' v i ' " a 'f i, 0 'f . ,4 , f D ' ' ' ' ' ' 'i i e' Si - M a Wfitt At Om t I 4 y . fc. a ' ,a li'Vg 41 - t t ni HI 1 1 ft ,4 ;0 hmi libfitoflci l'zrX WILLOW SPRINGS COCK UlUl a it.iiii kalu ailia( tfct ..!t Mi ) aa4 ltw iitit i .t ?. v4 f a a " a ai4 in ti..i".ii aa aa a a at. w tarn wawl.at !..", itiMi. i I Ml 1 1 tint M It I a 11. nEPUnLICAN SLATE Tor County Attorney Vott For 0n JAMES C. KINSLER Grand Opera Stars Use the Stdnway Th Winning inoaaag hj bean r e.lved by tli S hmoller A Muallar Piano eoinpnny of Omaha from R, A. Hufhel der, bnalnaaa inanger of th Itoaton 'Srand opera rornpany and 1'avlowa Im perial Hallet Una: I'leaae aelert. and raaerve Iwelv tatn- ay pliinoa for leading arttat of (he Hindoo Oinnd Opera company and I"V' Iowa Imperial lOilli t Itimae for Ibelr naa nnring lh Oimiha engagement at the Auditorium April IUI M a ahall uae th HteliWy piano elualiely during (rfir aegaon hoeauae of their iiiiijuiibI ton, talue. Omaha Maa la Troohle. TKi't'MMKIf, Neb.. April a.-(HpaelaM -Howard 1'. .tone, a merrhandla aal promoter, who haa hean operating at Ad am. rah Orchard. Sterling and Bt. Mary, w arreelad t Ht. Mary yaatar day by Fherlff M. Climan, and waa taken to Karma City by John U lluntaman, a defective frnm Kanaaa nty. Mr. .tone claimed to have recently located In Omaha, coming from Atlanta, Oa., and that hla wife and two daughter live In Onmlia. It I tuideratood that Jnne waa arrealed for hi failure to mk proper report to Mra. Harrington, rooming houae keeper In Kanaa City, iitmn th caahlng of a check. It I aali) the woman rhargea that ah gav Mr. Jonea a check for $ to go and caah for her, anj that h did not turn over all th money. Want Ada never antrk their work -they will get reaulta. If anything will, IMII.I IK l. t DM II I tan. Michael L Clark -Repiiblican-- For Sheriff ! Aa randlilati fur tha rapuhliran i llntiilnutloti tor hIhm Iff, Mil hael I., 't'lerk, haa givi'ti neauraitcx that. If ji'leiled, h w tit b tli.fled With tha legal aalary and HihI b will tint put (anything in tho wuy nf rnacttnrnt 1 of a prupcr lui-nanrn for fee, ling pf !lhn piUiineta at iol to the) county, i itr fnf t rk will, thctrfnrn, bii a nt to i-nd tin Jail (ceding crrt, Tu fwii JuJft tar Crafr Oman William F.Wappicli I 4tfwr atari CANOiOITt PON Police Magistrate ,a Itui f.a) .If a) fr r"iatl rfa GEORGE A. ECKLES Wnti Your Vote for MUNICIPAL JUDGE Pon't Torft th Nm, CITY HALL STIRRED OVER CATJUESTION Proponition to Licenie Cats Puti Another Problem Before Commissioner. KUGZL ASH DUNN FOR THE CATS Lifa a"ma to b one dro thing aftr another for tha city rommi Hlonara, Aa aoon aa they have ona vnxaliotia niuttrr claara-tl up, another cotneg along to dlMurb Iho c'tanltii Ity of lhn official, Ihlt) tlino It la a propuacd llcrnno ordinance fur rata. It 1 gonorallv unde-i'atotid that certain InU'ieata op poped to caia Intond lo nigo pa;iragt tif a rnftaaitrn to provbi' fijr a I conau for feline, tho wiinc an ilog,-i,ur! Ill.'ftlHCd. 1 ''immlaalonei Kugcl. npcrliitndeui o tha (leiat Inn nt or polii , umiltHt.nu and public ,My, l i.pj tit- d to 11 1 1 y n air tion of (he I,1 ci';. of ,. II' will ic hla voice ugamal ic II ieglahnloii ,11,0 rtf'ea not cute aIio 1'iio.tfli II, " do II.Ifih thiil iMna.in l"nee ahouli e be g 1 , a ' ' aJ on .'.'I'a.ii l"lii' lunaed mlnatie'u of ihe iilaol, hot I doubt Hie wladoiii cf i-'j iii in lleena POM I M 1 1, tilt till I a I M. '-J ' i T,. ' fe.' t WILM.tM MA1M.KTT. Votf for Mayor Wm. Madgott, Ma publlcan fandldiitn for Govarnor, and amanli tha political and big money machlnaa, it, mnana clnan (tovarn mont and a aavlng of money, 1,00k up hla record aa Mayor of Hunting. Urat lo file for (iovrnor. Flrat. to coma out for IStatai Wld Problltl tlon and forced the other cundidalcg to takn a atand on tho liquor fiiea tlon. Th randldaiei who upend hla own money In making, hla campaign, and la not under obllgatlona to po litical machine and apeclal Inter ail. "X machine) Candidate meana a machine Oovemor." Mayor Mad Rett la a friend of the common people and laboring men and haa received their Indoraemenf In the city and rommunlty where he Uvea. Hla nppoalHon ran be traced to the door of Wit machine, who know they rannot control him. Vote fur t'andldatca for all office who ar free from bl(5 money and political machinery. ARK Vol', A RI'TI'IHK'AN, fHi. IXO TO VOTK Kilt , HKIM'lt. hldAV f'AMHIATH KOR JrOV KHVdll WHOHK (1AMPAK.V I lll.INU MAN'AtiKH IIV A lKMfl. fitvr, who is ;oi(i to votk HUt t'HARI.KV lilt VAN' I OK (HIV KRNOH? IMI YOU THINK A RRVAN liKMOOKAT WANTS Tfl KKK THK HTRONtiKST RKI'l'ltllfAN' .OMI NATKI 1K t.OVKKNOR? VOTE FOR H. O. WULFF rtt'tt fur iikia Maaila. una l. 1 1 1 V V I Tniau piatalt r raiMtit imi, tTa HMMKT O. SOLOMON, caiuhvl.ne for th titicc of Cotinty Ttcasurrr, on h Kt-publicun tukrt. liai re wivlott in the ctntnty 4,H yrars. Wtw CiHinty Gwnmihsumcr IQ-ieu?, County Conip. Imllcr 1908-1 9tW. .tnd hat frveJ i Chief Deputy County mo1 Cttv Trntiurrr " 1910 lo date. Well rstMfvt on County Af (.uiH - Mridly bviMnt-Ni h koovs lunv tuli nnl it h i. f Se , 't vl """ una 11 lanii 111 iiiiii a' ' J i . '-' V- ' ) aaWaiiliiiiriaiiaai ai-iaaatataaaia1ti btt d-Jktm0ttmimmi-t for ca'a," remarked Chief of Tollce Duun, a ho la a friend of tho call. Tli chief hn ticeit dlatnrbed aavcral time during tho nocturnal atillnca 'y (hoilt.;ra that ralaad their volcea In un aeernly manner. He refera to them oa "volcea of th night." "How would the poundn.aater catch tha unllrmaed cat? That' what I would Ilk to know. You got to ihow ma," I'oi ith al, tut r.it riaiMi. k '-) ! ;' TS.. I am for Omaha and Nebraska, but above all am for my country, right or wrong, against all the world, '"'waKgaar.rgggy r ..iaMaif'aaaiwiiiaia Sanitation First MY PLATFORM: Do what the People want while in office, is sufficient promise to ask for your support at primaries, April 18th. J.E.JULL DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR LEGISLATURE i George mi I laaw "-A I A jfcWWn ' 'I J , ar-'i: Jj VOTE FOR Robert C. Strehlow Democratic Candidate for STATE SENATOR huliici I In IViniarlc Vrll I at, I H I It. Itraliletit ami l'et III Oiimlm hime laiMt, He U Libfral unci Progressive. "! i, a V - t' 1 -S" Wm i tn. i i. . urn .i C. 13. TUN GATE Itrpiil'hi h I ati.lldala fnf lit N.iitinalliH if Slierlfl OoiifjliiN County i'tiii..ir. tna.i. was the remark of Comnnaaloner Hum me I. Th propoaltlon 1 creating 'tuite a all. in the city hull. gfora trlebratad BocK Bear. A rar and mellow old brew, guro'. teed to b aged over i month, fon't fall to order a c or two Mr your home. It I a real treat. Thon Ch Btor. Web. 12H0. I'oi.i ric a 1, AOVf.it rial su. Benj.S. Baker riEPUZLicn Candida'c for CONGRESS I live, work, earn, invest and epend tr money in my o.vu liorric town VOTE FOR N. H. L00MIS OMAHA, NEB. ramlldnte for Prlogjife lorn Hie Seroml t 'oiigre.ai'iim! M(rii'l lo (he RKI'l HI.H AN NATIONAL ONVKM ION. A. Eckles I ' w ' ' - ', H Candidate for JUDGE of the MUNICIPAL COURT Non-Partiaan PRIMARIES APRIL 18th 30 7r practtc ta all court of Ifebraaka; City and County Attorney many yaara ta Ha hraakai 44 yaara ago cam to Kabraaka a bori 18 yaara Truata and Haoratary of aa Acad, amy I ai yaaia In Oovarninant Servlcai year raeldeura la Omaha. Uaroad hla own way la hla atnea yaara old. Qualified to b a Jii'lga la any court la Habracka. fl''1ffl,BI,1frpJp't, 1v -i a. . j- a a I VOTE FOR H. VV. REED aarvaticaat rawDinara roa aa Koattaaa ja police: judge mv rvattoa1 " pi i AU taia.a ai ao r4 t.i raiataaita twa aaatb utt t in ii i mta Quality in a Real Estate Investment When buying a residence lot, whether buying for a home or for an investment, buy where you yourself and other people like you will vvish to live. Then the increase in the value of the land will take care of itself. In any case do not buy a lot simply because it is cheap. It is always wiser to buy a little more expensive lot, even if you have to build a little less expensive house to do it. You can al ways better your house, but you can never change the loca tion of your lot, nor can you do much single handed in the way of changing the character of the property surrounding it. It u ill pay you to stwlu a little before you buy. The best place to get this educa tion is in thereat estate columns of Till; BEE--Omuhu's Great est Heal Estate medium. ,atmAA'rimjturr,' arvt"jwia