Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 38

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Till) OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: A PHIL .0, 13 If?.
dr work or bulne ad regular rate.
2 line on w
t line one week ,...,.4o
each ir Una l&e per wk.
YolNtJ man. energetic and a h nailer.
deeirr a iUnii in Oman; eip'O ac
countant, good eorreepundcnt and office
manager; piefer a poaitlna wi'h a buey
rttiullva who would HIi to have riiu-
tine niattera taku off hla gnoulder
Addrr t U0, H.
KOIIF.R.' tellable roloied man want woik
aa irler or hoii man or any kind of
wnrii. an gl goon rererence.
tireae John Humor, Oeneial Lollcry.
Omaha, Nib, Mill tall ami - you
ai on. a.
Yol'N'l man wntpotonrntitomn.
hi In huln. I law had 4 yeare prl-n..-
in I lila I In aa retialr man and
chauffeur. Can furnfah tfia beat of ref
erence. Call loug, HZ.
Yol'N'l man or woman who want good
poelilon annuiq anvuniea in 1 ne nee,
It la ilia uaner tola bulii man rd,
bnkri. broker, retail an4 wholeul
tint ir'. without cITTloV!'. want
work on farm, both gpcrlenced, for
bachelor or widower. Aunre m locg
wood, TII California
Vol 'Nti ''man w'lh experience aa gale
man d'-alr pnltloti with ralall elore
Artdrc F, 1'Hi. Ilea . ......
Vfil'Ktl man." r0aaia old". ilailre pol
Hon Willi good flim, Addr H-lo,
Ha. , ,
ih" Rlf7T3SR"aa'nT7itir wnt " am-
ploymlit; bl of reference, Addrea
, prae, Haa.
P.XI'KHIFNCiY.F young man want work
on farm Jjn'm1:." 4" ..' '
U Jnnw(f "Volliil 'TlaVVpoallioTl'Tli
private family, man for a gerfianer arm
Imreeman. wlf good chambermaid and
neaylle woman. Addiaaa O yuk, He.
Pi HUf.Ud -Whe'ii u want" hlp wrlia
or rail limplr Labor Agency, lot J.
llOi Phone l..if .
7Rit rCrrYT5,SfrF.f"ji man for ganeraTbooae.
work. painting, waging floor. Clifton
Boyd. Marny
ItOPHFTLftAN'TrM, window cleaning,
rug batlng, firat el city raf, Wab.
Want tf)UaVanTrTrraTai wall papar
mingi l wall Jpl
olaanlna r, Hr'nnar J7. Tf.
FAINT! "'J rd
arraan repelling, llan-
aan. Tv 7fi2 W.
mat f rr f7x Var.'rra7;rOT jaTrnvaTW
" " trVmale,
tfiLTAHnfTolorad womali waii'l worTi
of any kind; hoiiaaclaanln and artib
Irina patnta a aimrlally. ('all Wahalar
V,7t Mra Hallay.
't IfKltKlS'eharaa'f'or "fn'oaiTon aa"
la lowar than any otliar firm of advar
I lalnf -not aiiouli la rovar coat of
A'UP-if ralIa"bTa eX7raT"womari wanTa
a aliuatlnn aa cook for haolmlora.
l0'i(laa Mil.
TWO roliiraif afafa'ra" aa i;wi"7iTif aacona
ltl, would Ilka i'.Tylar lta-3. T
VnuVrtEf'i tirl work iftar tKbool.
Phona Wihtim In afternoon,
VnicriKL niiraa want poalllorWab
l.aaawrr aaaj Oar Wwrli.
rtirrrXltIt4 coforaj woman wanta laun
dry waahlng, day work, ulaanln, Tylr
(lj,()flfc;f Voman want day work, (,'lly,
irfaiMieaa, Wall. i'M.
i'Miih r.f lautidraaa, lift par" day. C'all
inornliiga, liouglaa RW4
J;Xf'KHJtCNC'Kl laundriaa "k "nian'i"
adlrlal'ar, Wl
frAUlL w'aaiilrig.luriiiia Waai'iiniTWair
rit. t
r,trrfanP laundry ("riaanlnf ." Wak il.
Waalilnf and la curliilna dona" Ty," 1144
hi, A N K K.TH or bunll waahln." ), 7tl.
I'laaninK, laiiridry and day wot k,j "ti." 74
J.aurirtrana," dny work. A. Ja'kaon.W, IW.
tlaanlnf, lanndrjr and day work. P. 1U9.
Voman wania i"ly wah (.lin aa. Ho
lU'NI'i.K" waahlnu wiintvd." Web,
UAl.'Nr'flT and day work." "Wi b,
I'la'thal nma-, Tyl'M' i:-W. 1711 Hurt.
1 AL'NDItT, .leaning, day work. W, 707
larra and Off tore,
Huyar and mgi.. h'lwr., 1123; efcount
ant end eaa t. credit man. IIiki Ji'ifi.
rrrnllt man, I1; buyrr, furniture, lW;
aalea mgr., $lu,
Travallni aalaamaii, eatabllahad Una,
ll'Kii ttavcllng aeleainan, erooery trada,
lik; travallni aalaamaii, eapailanca uu
necriaary, ti and epenaea.
Hkpr. end i-.aahkr, '. bkpr., $l'.
atano. and bkpr., Hf.; ehlplilng olk fe;
aiann. and clrk, 1,0; atfno., baglnnar,
: alaiiO;. out of town, 1.0. '
Weatant litiforanie A hond Aaa'n, In?
UrUlnalora of the Itefereiica Hunlneaa,
omaha National Mank Hldg
WH! N'u;KI AT ONl'l", "
Utanographar, eplandld fulurr, 7.
Mtanoaraphnr, wholaaala houaa,
Hli-riog. and talrai ath-r It, H., I1,
(tlaiiogrephar, wholaaala houae,
Junior office boy,
Wa have many othaia. '"all or write.
U K ohahiik no ru.iNti keio
THK MAHTIJ'O, 1.WfW...V',Hldg
rr:NVMIH,A,ltK.ltUlH ..VtM
"Tr.iNti. (WlfoLKXAt.K llouae...7H
HTKNO (0)l Hh'INNl';ltl ...170 M
ST FNi Ml It A I'M Kit . Mo
in HAlM.1tAt 'T.KKK .
Mail. tcnicAM iitatiin, TNVjiimin
vmit, (T'H'Ti n hiiow. inviihh)
THE PA NO AflKNl'Vjm) Hi:ir, HUMI
ft"i6 K fe K BIBM. Invf-ei ." , .'", .'. ........ .'. .lrf
Hhlnning dark, tnvaat )
ltfii'e rlerk and bookkaapar, not
over W yra , whnlaaala HO
Ofrtc mgr. and aum ealemaik. eip.
, nut of rlty e
ro-orenATiPK HKficitKNCw co,
City Net I
' ti-.H onu lvuiTfKNf "" ""
Kiilt llUHl tUlAt'K-. MKN.
M4I.I fMN. CITY AlJ" 'I KftHt.
T All Y, 14 '. imlK Ky-KPFltd, t
ao, nif.NixiHAl'Mi:iti, l t'
t ick ci,ii,.,rt. Ia. !i.
WATT It M'. CO. m tf Urand Thaa
" no ru.iNa rrrc
Why ray a filing 11 If w am
Htu., Tvplal, Halpinaii. VlookkiM-par.
Ink Cahtr, I'ffiie (1'k or nttr
m. we can find the le fr oi.
I;'.ata !if Co Hai I'atloii Hilt
4 I k 'lilt A I'M Kit to take caia of In
eo'atca and Iral '!- huaiiiaaa, ft
Kianoil pxeltlun afli'lmt
S ,'I Nl Itank Pldi
Pewteeelaae eai 1r4.
Mii lUMv' WANTHU T' ltrNASf
ri htrt. a moto i.awn Mi r:n.
it T VNfirniiT Wlil m ntr
r-pi Y outiit riri r t i.r
,lid'V(AKf tt Hi iiit iV wiu .'a'
..ia Na I lh-l an I. aa
, ..i. . i 1. 1.. a-- t aata
wanlal iii4i.r l , liiif 11
ii Ot vl CM U K i. I
i-t mHh a'ia a a
.I.. a i t !
. .. I ' . "
Nt i )' rii,a a ntiia
.,.. I a' " ' '' '
k.ata a 1 1 I' K . iait. Wia - nl
S '! t . .
i'V'l 'l "
im trHCtn him' co.
it it s ll
' iM I i ' .! a. ( i. ...
, . I f . I 1 1 at
..,..! J.ra n
4 I t , t 1 I
, . ..., I i i 't- ...
W (Villi ' a. '-ii. t(-.
. v ... I t I
, C' 1 I 1 I' - ' J ml l
!'( t - l I l
'I t- K' ni.i ...., .:.,,
- ' f I I C -i.
a I t.',- ..i ,i , ,
I.' S c Vt t I ... it .... t. ,
? i.4 ,.. ..t.i.ii I .
v -1 l I f p . i
.4 a " t a - t'
I I I.' ft 1,. , i t.. 4 f
M a v- av a 4 . a
'"..(r.'. I ". , . . l 4 t' , . 1.4 . I
.' M an.c.l M In, fl ) A
' I ' i . 1 '
f 111. ..'-
m'A MC
Palrauiaa nnd ftollottors.
NATIONAL Aluminum Work daelra o
ohialn a llmMrd numlwr of onnraatlc
and rrllalile man who maan bualnaea
Our Una of loo "IVittar-Faultlcea
aluininuin rooklritc ntanall la the hlan-
aat grade ware on the rnarknt. I I rat
lima haavy, hlh grade line offered
amnll town nu'rilmiit. H-ordr aa
ani from eatlaflcd eiiatomar W
wnt Mlualve and aide Una men to
rrll email town, or city, hardware, gro
racy and ganaral florae. Attractive aa-
anrlinanla, aparlal ndvartlalng plana,
nieo opn etork fir ratall end omnium
trade, Protected territory for exclualvo
aalaaman, Ntm-rompallrig apaclale for
aina una, ipt, a,, atlonM Aluminum
woraa, Klmlra, N, Y
ttT7 want i mprewM ai ( v a who ahmTld
jireioraiiiy have enparlmice a a
dally enleaman and one who hae enoiiKh
money to carry nirough the Initial work
riacaaaary to atart any good product
In a territory. We have many unao
Ihiliad linMlrl.a In thla territory. Have
a nimlx-r of Inatalluilone, product la
ona for every home owner partloularly
farmer The market In gceptlnnellv
hroad. The article well trade marked
end nallonally advartlaad Haifa cff,11
aliOllhl liti fii,.alfw fin f u rmttvm iMm itttm
hardware, liirnher end Implement, email
lowna, city nuainnaa eennflarc Am
hltloua live wlr only ned epply. A"io
hioblle lawnilal. We carry ell njcoonie
Cat ho Corporation, tend McNally Jildg,
Chl.eeo, III
v'ANTp,) lllalily rremiin ended, aoh'
etantial man to reprnt a largo farm
tractor company In Nehraakn and wnat
ern Iowa. Not neceaeary to open en
Omaha office, but muet M In poaHlon
to actually axil farm tractora to dci,ra
in the tarrtlory. The r1ht men will
he necked with plant y of avnd firm
paper adverllalng. Olve reference!,
peat prlriia, etc. Addrea V. I'lll, Ilea,
fAI.KMMI'.V -The Mook of the Centiirv
Hook aalcamen are cordially (lu lled to
join our rorceg 011 the hook or the ien
t'iry, "The Mlory of the ilreet War,'
the moat romolete. the moel gratid'!
the moat hrllllnnl hlaiory of the wnr
ever written, Tremandouulv gdvorllaed
In Onlher'e; ccualve territory; llla
rurtiKhed, Apply Immediately. F, l
Itrownllig, m I'nlid Pldg
WANtKl ialeamaii will. Initiative and
proven ability to aell the tneal end
neat known temperance bear on the
market today, Aa legal to eell In "dry"
dlatrtcta aa ginger ale or nop, 'Ireat. op
portunity for full lime or elde Una men.
railing on Jobber or retallere Addreaa
with referencee and foil Information
about ynuraelf and territory yoii ere
familiar wlih, etc. Addreae f IUA, Ilea
HIOCk alaaman with aood coiilnf(itice-
hlp for roal eorporatlon owning; Iwrge
acreee-e or i-iTtatiiirkn atearn rial uomi
commiaaion, No advani:ea, A. II, hcl
ly, ltroha, I 'a
"AVld WANt 1 UN Af'Ki 'I A f,TV M
rurally, cffnclive worker with Inllila
llve and atrong peraonellty to Intro
duce an entirely now eyatam for build
ing permanent cexli bualnrea In retail
eioree, Kverv town good field end all
nin-comiiallng merolianl In the town
an bo eold, P.HI'erlonied tntp can meke
" a niomn ami up on oriamai nrmg
end have gleady Income from reordm.
Addrea P. M. 13. M . I7;;ll Itnoiihllc lllda..
To eetll an aetata, g-room ell mod
ern houae, well built, while pine lum
ber, corner lot, ol,V, brb k yHmgn, ce
ment walk, paved l reel, line ahailo,
cloae to car and Ht, Peter paw cathe
dral lle, K'A and Pacific,
m Omaha Nat, Hank
MTANTICI Two young lngle"mcn lii
travel wlih manager ea aiilcatiten,
brlaht, energelh cmnlrv men and
echonl teacher preferred, flood ad
vancement to right partle. Hiiile ga
and pravlou eiperlenr. Halery or
roiiirtileelnn, Theo. Henry, Omiiha,
Neb,, flan. I tel.
So Yl!An-0l.f) miiiufa'cturrng corpoia-
lion na oiauing ror hlgli-rlna (necluliy
alcainati for nearby territory, .hit cl)d
to heller nlnaa of wboleaale ;it'l re
taller. ! bank Hlale yom iiialiri
ratlnn. Cruver Mfg. Conilcego.
'iAI.KMMKN Wanted -Kniwrlenci "mi'.
neceaaary, eaay work, big pay. Write
for la rue at of opening offering p
portijriliiea to earn from l"i to fM a
month while you learn, Addrea near
eat office, Oepl. t.tfi. National Helramen
Training Aeoiaton, Clibago, New
York, Han Krencleoo
A I HA I. VMM A N- Youiig'"'iiwin '''wllirif)"ree
yearn' experlrnra ling bond m d Ihro
venr ea executive arid hnyr lit gutomo
nhe field, wania opporliinlly with a
growing orgnnlxallotc can (inellfy n
rvprrt alemn; uiilverelty technical
education; eitlury to Itart aecondnry
ronalderatlnp; referenie hlglieet Ad
(lievg M Wi, Pgr.
HAIJ'.WMAN -To eell from fiictory to
dealer, glaea, china, while, gray and
royal blun enmolwere. Hlg cmnmii
Ion pnld weakly, Hmall enmplea. part
ir entire time, l.lve laleamnn ran mak
Hi la HO per week, llnrthel MBtnirac
ttirlng Co., m, jnul. Mo. o
UIOII claa aalcatnnn, accuatomed til
raining hlg money to repreaent promi
nent manufacturer of paint and roofing
apeclaltlea; aalary, tipenaea and hnriua
on ealca: atate age and experience In
Inlllal letter to ecur Interview with
our ealo manager, Iroquol lfg. Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio
To aell automobile Inaurance of all
klnda; only axi'lualv old line auto Ina.
I'ompHny in Nebraaka, low ratea, lib
eral comnilaatuua to agenta. Keep the
inonev In vunr hotn" atale.
li.'H-'T Omaha Nat. Jlank Itldg
W ANTKI 1 K.nperfenred'apeclalty a.iica
mnn to work amall rouuiiv towna, S'
per cent vommleKlon, V.o weekly drawing
account Arleiie Fruit Product Co.,
Mnm end I'lntk A., At. Lnula, Mo.,
I'ept. C
li.AI.Kx.MAN Wanted lllgh grade line of
temperance apeilaltlra II hi elaht In
Piohllillliiu teirluoy. 24 per win coin
mlaaUin. Weekly d'uwlng account lied
Croa Company. t ft. Main HI., Ht.
lanila, Mo,, Oept,
HA 1.1' ft.M AN- V acain y April Srf. K.irl
eiueit nw line to aell yiutciiil trmte In
IVlilial Weat 1'nexn'llrd apeclnlty prop
onIIIiiii ColilluUitnU colli i'Hl. $ U wi-rkly
exp, nac. Continental Jcaelry 1 'n . M l,i
Cimlliieiiial III.I4 . 1 'leveland. Oh i
HALl.hM.VN tievellug lii aell ill v gumta
apei lalilea, elan I'UnheH iliiecl In re
tail mer hanla. Piofttahte aide Una,
cniiinilxlon tianl Power Tenle M 1 1 la,
.It 1 If. iiml m , Phiiaili'lplii. la
H Aid Hl A V Ki elleiH. priiiiem-nt poet
linn, reliable aeleaiitati. In tilt acanct
In Nrbreik. Maple line for general
(Mall liadiv Ilbeial rtiinoilMainiia lu
weekH nitvaxc Halph II Ida, .'ill . v II
llunii lllilg . I'eli.iu
Ht.KHll:V a anted b reapnnaible b.u. e
peat pn h l ltall llutil nit the MVitfaet
Itrand nw, $.'1 ciHtiMeoui
ti nider Pen .Mf Co, t I k. Mil, hi ,
I 'lilreao '
MM. I AVON' eIUii 1.. Hi.. , mil. .ii li
h,aMa l.i flll 41111 4 ..(iilrt t,, ,,4,
p.iiuni .-aialtigM liee UiiiHi iii i i ,
n l irn 1 hi-
W ti i'i a i'i-"'l l. ail I, . Willi
i hi' a lie elta Mix ! n k 11,111
I In I'll par waek If Mi 1 41. 4 . ,
man. ,Ue t-t p i iiiai O'" V at
tU Pvtliiltlfl g) l l.VMll, 4I V t tIfl
land l
t s t t 1 . , an in u 1,1 iUm
' "o 1 a, l a . I I lit In 11 it. 4 -t,.i 41. v
ii.ii li,4 1 1. I'.n.iiin v lit t
1 1 1 'it 1 tu Vti
Hi tilll'l !'.!! I ,ia, f.,
iio kipi4 I'r a ,, nae ai,.t 4
1 t I ' 1 I 1 aa t ! ir. l-ii
I ..,,..'. t I 4,1 H 4,444;, f.
4 l 1 4 t , lii U
I 41 HI III Ig 1 ' - 4 it I, I
Ut"ftv T. la an e -i.....! vs.
t.t,K,l, f 1 l'4 Hi4 e''l't
' 'a' 1 aaieexten It' li
m 414 ea 1 4
! t, A I tnl 4',.4l-
II I I 'I ..H','1'1' 'll . 1.
O p..i. 1 1 ! I h i
W V i n 44 -..ian I- i a
i u u 11 1 t.kii s
i'- a : 4 4 4 44".a vi . t ., .
vi t-4 4 t'-ii 'i a' a . 1 41.
y 1 ..- 11 1 1 I t4i . 1 1 - i
" 'ii . 4 i ft ail vi -eii -t
( k I 1 - VI C t ,4..4 4 J I a. It
t4itt ll I' a t4K'Wtl 4"' 11 4 p' ,.14
ie '. I - 4 ta
4 144 Mil 1,4 h4 l 014 -
til V 1 I
a f ivit'v t4'.4 i 1 ihi
I I '. 4 4 l I I I41 4 4.1
- i-.-.i4-. in Hll lift V.,.,
''- t .1 .1.1 I ., ii V .
11 ' 1
!v . t O
alexin and gollellora.
NAT-TJiH M k N -T.iv" glda II ne ; " Vometli log
new Nine minute' time pay you in
Pocket axmple. prompt commlaalona
Htale territory covered. F.lwood Mfg
Co., lll Michigan Ave, Chicago, 111
WANTKIi-Hldellna men. Sirong feature
If, o'lldoor algna, eaeon ! until left
fall, l.lheial oomriilanlon paid weeHly
Hlgn Iept O. Kelgcnepan Co., t Itc
cliingtl. Ohio '
HaI.VMM KN -irvV Vx'rellentllna f7.rnien
calllna on hardware, aoortlng good
electrp el and motor ipply 'Iceler. The
Aoro .Mfg. Co., 19 N. Jerf'Taon, 111
fiA LFHM KM'TTantr'utomobife" aneciaTt'
III Nebraaka, Iowa, Houth Jiakota and
kauana; good alilo lltie,2m Mee Hllg
Ifofela ana Heefsnrant.
it'E"rJAW.e?"amii3oyrnehn ill
Imvenport HI., head'iuarieig for hotel
help, epee. etentlon to oiMance orner.
Trade gel.oola.
Men wanted to learn the trade. We
hv originated a plan to teach It
oolrkly end rn back tuition while
learning Tool Included Open to every
one. Write for catalogue, 110 Ho. 14'h
HI., Omaha, Neh.
lia moved from 2K! leveriwarth 8t.
to 4Ki 2 Farnam Ht,
to learn auto woik for the big aprlie
ruah. Fine training work on auln 11 mi
rlecirlc alartlng yatema.
I' 11 1 ham Ml. Omaha Neb
LI , A UN harbor trade, more than muke
your tuition while learning, Ht of looia
included, job guaranteed, ran or write
for catnlogiie, 1401! Uodge
MI'.N wanted' to (earn the barber trndi.
Tuition t'n. I ' HI., Omalm,
OM A II A HA ft M Kit f'O LI , V,i I K.
A HM Y Of ftt TNiTKI) RTaTF.H " M (i.H
WANTKP. Atue nooieri immeriieo men
between age of II and b; cir,en of
Culled Mtate. of good chHi'anl"r and
(emperate habile, who ran apeak, read,
nd write tb K-iigHh langiiane, For In
foimatlon apply to llecrullliig Offleer,
Army li:dg , Ifilh and Lodge Mtg
Omaha, Neb.: '"I Hlxth Ave, Le
Molnee, t.; K',1 Fourth Ht Hloux city,
la ; m N, Tenth Ht., Lincoln Neb,
We ran piece In Mlmiraota, Hie
kola Mtid Montana, men who r tiro
ilucer end able to give good record of
peat eaperlence, Halerlog rHligmg from
l,?i to 11, wm per yer.
lluliiemen'g K.fflf.lnncy Hurcn.ll
Wlnneapolla, Minn
rlTATF. reprceciiliitlve to appoint. Jobber
ami gull, aaein ioi- popular aou valu
able automobile apcclulty. Applbaut
muat be of exceptional anility end nave
excel en! neiaonal cnmiectlolie, Jjlheral
lerma, Including lary, foinmlaalon and
exuenaiia, to right party. Apply, giving
fu cat a iilemnnt of reference, expert
ence Mild other partlculara porllnciit, to
Ho lr2, l.4 Hrnaiiway, !ew rora -
KUNil onenia wanted A ceiitiini'M guar
anleed If available, Over fi.igfi.fggi yearly
paid to writer liy reliable mualc pun
llahera. Kncloae poalage, llnyal Arrang
ing Co., 14,td Hmadway, New Yoik
UOVKItNMF.N'T poalllon "In' ixialofficr,
railway mall and oilier nrancuea are
good, Prepare for "exaina' under for
mrr t'. M. civil "rrvl'e Hecretary-ICxam-Iner.
Hooklet Olift free. Write today.
Piilleraon Civil Hervlre Hi'hool, Itoclic
ter, N. Y.
MAN wlih I'ord car to aell ncweat. I hi
al f. a' a It er ; l Onllv cler e lv enrncil;
aend lor loinplcle nutil and exclu
alve teirllory. Conalable Ktarler Co.,
II lieii Arcane, iMiiiiienpoii, sunn"
vv A NTKI '--Let na abuw you bow yon can
bu hi no uormanrut bug neaa In your
town wlih our tree, and plain, axparl
ence unneceeaary; no cxpenaa nltMched;
earning paid weekly, Perry Nuramle,
Jlocheater. N, Y. Latabllahed twenty,
on year.
IIMI Kanaa compiiny will atart all am-
blllriu people In fiit growing mull or
der bualneea, guy locality: nuika t.l.'ioi
yearly: apace lime; no mumming; tin
experience. We fnrnlah everything, new,
iiiihiue aelllng melhod free. Kvealone,
Prealdenl. . W. 7th. I'll lebiirw li, Kan.
KAItN I'll weekly aelllng cut iate gro-
rerle by mnll. Complete mall nrdrr
outfit free to thoae Rhowlng result,
Kxperlenca iinnereaiiry. Independent
Orocerv Co., Wlndaor, tiiilrlo, Canada
Al'f'T'NCl l "opef.lng for tnlnleiera' end
teachera under Ml who will lonaldcr a
dignified, eiiiicathihal prnpoalilnn pay
ing V.n to ru a month. Weekly draw
ing account. Howard Reverence Co.,
Itept. II I, M W, Monroe Ht,, Chlciigo,
(tool) money made at home knitting
hoalery. Machlnr furnlahed on time.
We buy or aell your goorta, Kaay and
ronatant work. Wheeler Co. tine. I, !H7
MiiiIIhoii, Chlcngn.
$75 MONTH, Oct government' Julia Men
and women wnlited Llet of pnaltinna
obtainable free, Franklin InlltiiU
I'ept. 2.'l-0, Kocheater, N. Y.
HftliillT young man wanted In eary city
end town; repreannt na whole or pHrt
time; new, paying prnpiialiiun, National,
12.1,, Arch St., PlillHilelphht, l a
lilNSENO" HAI8INtl-Th moat "profit
able bualneaa In the world. Addrea
Clarence V. Kaaley (i5 Arlington Ave.,
Ht Ixniia, Sin'
TO KKHI'lLn flrl)iaa In 3 roVi'nT honaeT
want man who will buy or who haa
good man woiklug for him uho will
huv a email houae and ganlcn Unit or
building lot. Addieaa at once. H. i iK.
MONO poem wauled Aeccptance g uar
anteed If available. Over II nouno yearly
Paid to writer nv f 1 1 m t I innate p ih
iiahera. Lncluae poalage, Itoval Airang
lug I'n , UXI It, llroadway. e York
MKN OH WOMI'N, U or over, " wlalilng
government pnali Inn, ItV mmith and
01 er. aluiuld apply for partli uliu i to V
In writing to Advaetlaer
fileaae iitanlinn thiit oil aitw
their Aditltlarmeiil in Ih
WAN It'll -l''l lent ei) mnll fill elientl
folio ttura Mul he and ni.l.n ,' 4 Fvlmiige tl. In , elm It 41 l.
l'ini:ll'.. hrakenieii. II iiii.nthh V .
I'eOilii uiiiiii eai y lUllngi, Y 1 I
PANAMA liala rlene. and leM... k
I1 W Cgtey Cleaning Co Web iV
v't I I' i it4iiit Ioiiie to tallied
nr alilaily bufei4 men litr tailing ills
,.f t,rie v1 1 ' M. iif P'-i-
'iAK lllKil IKON Hir WV i t .
I . Alt ,V ) hit.vil it') U ll
VMfHl.l K-il tl'
I n( t4 t'i ) tt t u. tit Up t
! 4UMl( wt 4H ,tt ( .,.1 Wt MiH
mt m ' I tin iiM i rt-ii 1 1 ' u 1 knit
ii g (uf uv, Hi' t -niii'i t t lf
Li4. tl(t tlit i (.'ir I', 1 1. I e A
(utile t AlC tt ll H I V - ' , fit I I ' '
I -.4 u I
i,i 4 a.- ;, - .... 1 1 t - , t
V ' tt - m ' H 1 i i i
ht I 1 t4kA.i f (. ituf ;
'l- '.A li ii'U'', k ;
t h'i
H Ik l ,. .
lPi"f' l". ! I tJ f . I. I 1 i '41-
t-nux ! .1 .'(. - "n t -i rt i
' . I 1 i tl H'''
It t-M-.M t ;ite fei ( ' I t. ; 4
Ui I 1 1 -I i ' 1 i' . ft 4 !
i o) . I. 1 It 4m '."v ti i i
1 I 1 I' 4
1 S 4 l r 1 ft 4 1 ,4 64 I
. n . . It ll t ''I ,1, li't
. k,) t f - ' ..v e.k , a,. ,
h l v- I i i t i v v w I n .
i HL t fei i'i 10 l l r ' v f ft - -
-( i , ,. I "-tv-., I 1
I1 V I ' V ' ' g a I
V 4 , v. S. 9 u . 1 f . .1
4' ' J - a 4. ) g
I fc I ' Vk. - IV M.
4 ' '' t ' ' Ot - i I
V'lt.SU - t ) v i .
1 1 ... 1 e '
0 Vw r m
e 4 1 "
H i ! f U - 1 4 I- mi
. . n W V h t ' -
M .''iU ft ' 1 1 , ( t'-t
t 4 I 4
.ll . ,
8 jiffce-j'xl A N A L ga aver; aiaVeg"
yearly; fit every hum range, cot ,
en vkr, agent g'.nirig ricn on m
Ainerbaii i; IP'Uiicllon Id., Iran
portailoit Hnlg , Chi' Hgo,"
lJfK heie, agenle, you ran eeaily make
!' Jelly, aiiaolutelv tet aeii'r oui
now. blir reoeala. iinllmlleti field: par
tp-ufar free, Italph Menon Co,, Hoi
441, Webaler, orove. ,M,'
lllit textile mllla will employ every'
where reliable paophi to take order
for dreaa fiit.rlca, hoalery, underwear,
Rweater. walat and klrl from am
plee, factory price, par or all lima
ri,. ai nirUiiite; oermanenl : many mak
liig over 11 weekly. Hteadraat Mill,
I 'ept. F. jo, f'ohoea, N. Y;
THK country I proeperoue; gat your
liar; Increaae your income by oevot
log all or apare tlmei other are; the
Mall Order huelne la lb modern
wav: tin canvalng: ambition more
neceaaary than eperience or capital
l.,,iiii,i frea I'aaaa Manufacturing Co,
Inc., Jiept. I0J, W Hroadway, Buffalo,
AOrNTH-Triva wire to take ordr
everywhere for power tlr pump; retain
la M; big commlaalona. W rlia for propo
altlon and territory. Aulo Appllano
Co., Indlaiiapoll. Ind
AOKN'f H -per cent profit; frea m
11 ea X'i n aiun lerier for aiore mi
fn wir,ni4a; arivona ran nut on. Me
tallic; letter Co.. N, Clark, Chloego
wil l. U' 1 miiiii Ll v with an office fur
tilabed ' ii"r exjteti intereal you:
Would you like to hv one of the
free automobile that we furnlah7 Then,
become agent, or dlalrlct rnanagnr ror
our gauranteed aulo neceaille, irem
eiwlnoa aellvra: ramarkabla money mak
era, V. Hnyburn Co., Hi N, Ltearborn,
I 'htCHtf o
i 'I KT A it TTf.f,'fU -wTTia "valT"lTia
new thlng-opal portrall. arl inlaid
acenca oil convex glaaa; plenty of con
vex alaaa. Independent Portrait end
Frame Co., 2(-2l Eolith Hlata rlt., Cbt-
AOL.vrft T've A new op game that' a.
daodyi new gtuffj Vn v-t cent proru.
einnlH and full layout free, Write
M'lbk. L'nlan Co., I'ept, !, M
lnila. Mo.
ACT QI'i?K--Automobile gaaoirne going
up; ll Uao- ionic; aunaia gaaoirne ni
ir a gallon; allnilnate carbon: dollar
an hour nrofll: aalea guaranteed. Whlta
Mfg I'n, Lent. ID, ilnolnn!!, Ohlo,
CHKWlNtl OLvf-tf'rr&'raLie JuCia Hum,
the new flavor; every gtoreaeeper nuy
fiom our ggenla; good profit, writ
toduv, Ih Meimet co, cnncinnati,-
A OK NTH WANTEI--i'i pr cent profit,
aelllng uaerul apailally; Hern in norne.
hotel. lor and by gilto owner; good
ret.tor; (ample free. Auburn Kjierlal
tie Co.. Lent 242. Auburn, N, Y.
AOKNT.J lo lionaehold and office
hibur-aavlng apectellle; pw per rem
lirorit; partlnulai frea, Wrlta the
Kborharl Co,, .W Kberligrt Ave,, I'ept,
L. ChP ago, III
AiI;NTH irialie to to XS dally; no -
1,1,1. n,' free catiilouue alio aa oil"
new gonde; rpilck aalc; big profit;
whi m lieiiier. Cruver Co,, Jackaon and
I'gmpbfll, chbego, 111,
HAIN' (MTH from factory to wrer;
iigcnla' price 1360; relnll prtea VW.
Auenia avernire el mm! dally; rainy
Men Him beta: write today. T. laiwl
Itoliicniit Comioniy. C eveland. Oiilo
. i . "... .. . .1 . T-
AOKN T Wa win pay V" nionmiy aae
aiv i.nil exnenaea: Hon I worry mini.
cipllal; expoiiaea advanced, experience
uiinci!eiry; ulry ent weeaiy. ,iig,
I'Mirlab Mgr., ,vlumhyboro, lll.
LIO Kiinaa cormiany will tart amld-
1 011a neon a in ritai growing man oroor
bualnea; any locality; mak
yearly; par time; no cetivaaaing; no
expcrlcncBj we fnrnlah everything; new
iiili(ue aelllng method frea. k'.yeatnne),
Prealdenl, 7H W, 7th, I'lttaburjli. Kan
MAOAZINK aoilcltora. craw organUeta
five monlh trial. Lverytnxiy or ijooo
llouaekceplng for lo; aleo tif. and 4n
offera. wfilch re lied Hot (teller; big
commlaaloii. I'oxtai Hubgcrlptlon Co.,
M ttitieo nolle. Minn.
AN opportunity for five "agent to handle
our houeholil p'.lituie; very funny
wanta them; gend for particular. rea
,Meihii(llltn,' Co., Hog 14, Ualvealon,
LIO profltg wlih thlg winner, atuiy geller;
bly field; repeat mire; aell 10 eveiy
oii't; parllciilar 'Hie While flale Co.,
21;i liueh Ht Oapt. 28, Han Franclaco,
'"llf .
,AluF, mnufgiH'irr will ealabilah reie-
i'4fiiUlve or good anore anil aoiuiy
In proillnbl hulne in horn town;oon
uenlnl outdoor mployment: to
f 1111 in per month; experience unnecee
airy; all or pare time; can etbllelt
vnliiahln trade; for particular addrea,
I'lirlier Mill, 27M N. Ulli "I., Phil,, Pa.
HF.MCAN diamond, exactly reaemhl
genuine; am relnnow lire; iann iceie.
aell at algl't; Hv agent wauled; profit
JI weekly and up; write quick for
aiimple cae; offer fre. Mexican
lilamoiid Importing Co., B01 AU, La
t 'rucf a. N. Meg."
AUKNTHlo nnt delay; end today for
free anmi'le aim large raiaiogiio m
(iiibk aelllng artlclea. John A. Fellor
A Co., Hog 171. Paaden, Calif,
AOtfNTH-Litlle Olant Lift and force
pump avr pliimner mil; removeg an
atoppage In waate pipe; abaoliita mo
tiopolv; fix you for life; write for new
enema' plan. .1. K. Kennedy, 30 Liuit
4JI HI., New York
il'I't lUTr'Nlfi" lo mHCe 'li ioTtO a day.
Write for particular about the greatnat
acllcr 011 Ilia market. lOverybody la 11a
iug It. Htandard Hupply Co., 2211 N.
'.'lib HI., otnahii, Neb.
JoW A farm, Nebraaka and Kan. farm
In trune for niuae., write me wnar you
bnve, Cnrllale, 4o Flrat Nat l Bk. HI
I.IHT your Inielne or Income, for ale
or trade with me. I know how,
CAHLISLK, 4:'"i Kiret Nat l Hank.
ainrea inlOf flee.
When In need of a position rail 011
11 a No 1 hart
ltcmiiigton TYpowritpr Co.,
Long! lt
h i I. No It1
T,i aleii'i and dl --taphon opr le'
litukkeeon' an I ln', out of city , .
Me aiav b a ptave for coin-
I'd lit aU'liogiaptlet
1 o ot Lit CI U I IO FKIIPNCE CO ,
Hi Cli Nat I
I ul li ami i. 1. nanii ami cleik,
ei) I itll'ut I 'I ali'ini , l (lino,
nit t , in it tin s4 t I'M't , IA
U Mit'ii, iLfoteii e A II 11I An 11. Inii ,
VI uniiil a Niilitiial Hank ludg
t mh r om-c grtrsiamAP!.
I H-4 w rut hi f, i n, 10.
i) mi CSO Ttll.A 4
at I S.B.II It'll I.,' li ilatale" W """""
l-i .. l 1 m ei - i'lt gln -f , v
I' , m, 1 , 4 41 , rimiti I
t ,. 'M.,,1 ttll l-l 4 t'Kl i nil ',
1 u vi hi vti 1 11 i.vt y4 r
t 111. -i ll I I 1 o ! 11 W i , 1
1, rv s,i, ,n tin 1 t 1 1' i
t 1 I '.. I t II OI'H Of; I 'MO VI
iii'i t
i tiri'ii v ( 1 m . ii.i H.4I 1 a-
Vll , I'tSU A' I Si 4 HI 11 III I'll '
Prt,t444lttea n4 trade.
t ii'CU 1 1 ! ! t k fiivttk VI
l. : - ( 4 l l hi M' .HI It 4 ' !
I I . hi 1 1 . t S V H t -11 ,
t .1 i , if nut I ' Si It lM I
llHSttSVVI Hitllt lllS S'
I I V I ' 11 A 'l V. Mill I 1
I' p, W t. -Mi S't 1 ' . l H
v 1 1 1. 1 s ill v a
1 i-i n't v, 11 '. 1 .1,4 1 el ' mm"
ft t - 11 , a k 1 i'
I ft' A 11 x, a, 1 .. 44li, ' I''
.tawi4tw ad mIi, Ifttst
v. v.
i 4 t ft
41 li
,J, . k.l4'4 1 t 4
-.i i .,,4 I hi petlftia
1 it . - ,.444 .
11 t A
1,44 at- ii, l W.iit.ot,
'i . "'tl 44t'Ht4 t i t .it
I . ,it 1 ,i'. 4 it
1 .in P' ig , 1 i.
I- ... ' II 'i tt ,
a IO I h n
It liftt.l 4 I ,
.11 4-1 I 4
' VI 41 t it
flV I '4' 1 ' - L i- 4 1 . 1,4 --1,
1.. ...t . ,i n t 1 4.1. .1. 4 a I ft 1 4 1
in 4v.4 I ti'i , at fu it 'Ili'iIh
4.4, 1, iitft'n t H s iwnaKa, ta
llouaeholrt nod itoineal lc.
BY OWN KM new e-room bunmalow
modern, full cement baaemenl, pain
walla, window '-nl, 3 rooina flnlahed
In oak on car line: owner leaving city
will take good need Ford car and neah
ror mat payment, ninc nee rein
Phone M'eheter JUI2
EXf'F.PTlf iN Af.clKnce to gTi iw1ioT
look na foe imiit noma where colore!
wonian i kepi; no beaey work; muat
be good cook, Phone Colfag IV or can
W3i Florence nivd.
MAIL wanted for neral nouework
nill family, no ahlldren Mr. Walter
Chamberlain. i:i riutli JJd M. Tele
phone llarney vM, .
'VV'ANTF.II.-fllrl for ae'rieraPfioiiaework
thla la a good poition for . girl woo
want a good home, no lauiiliy wora
aoinl waaoa. liamev 6,44.
Vol'N'l Iroaty girl, for generef houe
work. Will be tauiihf. to cook. Mood
home with family of three, fiood wage
114 North awh.
W A N T K I - i',1 1 1 r fy woioan'to make fiome
with young roopl nd help with hoiie--
work; email family; MWcoian pieieircu.
Phone Wetmter MX
VANTK'i--A 'young JfllT"itwjth
honewiik and care or ctilinren. liar,
Vtm. 401 Mo, ith y
WAN'I KI -eiid girl or ml'ldle-gd wo
man for houae work; good wge; no
wtehlng: email family. I1 Ko, i""h Ht
UANTKI) . Kiiiorlenced " while' girl " tut
general boiie-work. Call Mr. 1, 0,
Wharton. ib4 f. ifitb. Ht, Harney tAH
Olltl, lo hlp Willi houacwork and care
of two children. Itefereiiceg re'Ulreo.
Kill Chicago, Walnul J.
WAN'i'Kli Mld-lle-aaert ladvTor genera
honaawork; lui weaning, Phone Colfng
7. Addre, W Flore nc Hivo,
KXPKItl KNCKO girl for geneial lioiiae
work; no laundry work. Kila Hurt HI
Telephone Harney wm.
WANTK.L-A good cook; reference re
oulred. Mr. i. C, Hlgpleton, V.'H HI
Murv Ave
V(' AN'TKril'XTompeleVit ro ok ; reference
required. Mra. John T, Stewart, 'i ro
Mill "I
WANTFO-Whil alrf for genaial lion'
work, I in fenlly, good wge, t ouai
WA NTKTTtWhir'ilrrTor itnerTTi"ou'
work. VM Cumin. Hi, l"bone ifemey
m n
"Wnrtfc"gTrTl'o a! 'wTtiT"liouewofk
no waahinr, no conking, wen. r,i
IVANTFft-fltrl for houaewnrkj whll gfrl
preferred; po whnf "or',
WANTKO -tkecond maid, with reference.
Till Frptn . Harney
WANTKIi- A gFri or gciii.riiTTouaewora
mi Farnam Ml.
WANT It I"?- A tieafgi YoFgeneraf rToiTae-"
work, two In family, ''all Mrny iV,,
I i Jill, or ge'neal honaawork, Sit f. Plh
Ave, IIrney 217ft.
A 'KriT or gi-ne r T Ko uae work. IK 9.
Mth Kt. Jfr. J"2. . ,
' " Wlaeellaneooa",
TrTl3'Ft)'hVlK',iii moron "TiWor omn-
parile, F.y to wm piny, ingnegi
price. No gctinol, W revleo, aell. Free
detail. Photoplay iiuieau, r.. na, i.
"vVTiMI'N MiakiTfi lolrwa'kly'inipiJe
I me at home, No cnving, no i
perlence, no outfit or good to buy; w
fcti you, Write today for free book
let, American llomeworker liitltiite,
Htg ftookery Hldg., flip-ago.
WANtifitt-l-eiiiori To color arrplcturJ
at home; ey worki no pertnee,
good pay: amnle fre. Wheeler Co.,
W7 Meoiaon, 1 nicago."
V.AllR weelifyrgpareUrrie, writing or
nwpapr. magazlnea P.xn. unnecea-
vary; detail free, Pie Syndicate, 142,
Ht, I,nul, Mo
LAPIKH-W will pay ymi Vh; an hour
for your pr time; home work; no
ranvaaalni': aetnl atanip, nyauun, ti,
Ailoonn, P.
T,ALjkl4-.Mkir ahlebi at boiin.711o"pr
l'l; no canvaaatng reoulred. Hand d-
dreaeed envelope for nartlculra.
Fnreka Co,, Lept, loj r, Klmxoo,
MORK ladleatwanted for decora! log ofa
pillow at home, apare lime; experience
unncceaary; good pay. Call forenoon.
itH ho. 13th,
Flvery day I enrollment day, nook
keeping, Hhorthnd, Menotype, Type,
writing, Telegrephy, Civil Hervlce-all
Commercial and linnHah branvhea. Cat
alogug free.
floVLKH COLLfiyiF,,
Utli gnd flarney Ht.
Tl, Ijougl im.
For gala with good reaaon for Bail
ing, a vr!ly of coure in a reliable
Hinlnexi Hcliool, one of Ih leading bual
neaa college of Omaha. Will be auld
vry reaaongble away below regular
prlrie. If you are conalderlng taking a
rouiae Inveetlgal thi at once, lnc
Bprlng Term begin oon. Call office,
Onmh Pee.
I'ay Hchool for Young Women,
Evening School for Young Men and
Hutuidgy morning dim In typewriting.
Ton C, Duffy, Owner and Manager.
M S. Ith Ht. Omaha.
fj aTo -Hummer term ofter to alndenia
beginning April lv. Ilarpa fuinmhed.
Yyiic MiIb . fioretl lirluie Htinllo
PAXTON Itlk Hchool of lettering and rt
leai'hea paving lrao prnan iv. ll, iiii,
riles, Fistulft
lr F,. Jl. Tarry rur pll, f.ftuig
and other rectal uH'ii'i wilbaut uig.
tl eperttlon. Cur guaranteed and no
money paid until cured Writ for book
a r' 11 illHa wltlt teaiimoiilalg
LH K R. fAHIir, M tlx Hl lg
HMPIMATIM, l'iinm, liver
nd kidney luiui le, a iMi. ntr m.
at aa and a' bin ?' tn a i iii
ft( jiy maimed l h ' IH by in,
Ktaimiiauml 4 i.
Call lutu 111 He Pull
rn w 11
too i-M
nsni.A kywww
And ttlltur !. iw' I i,,. n
Jt.rgi St Hi'' itH"l
n Sl 1 , I ft I S S 1 i , .
VAO 1V.1I li U. If- Hon 111 il .1 I
e wti'e ! e t4iif,tia'4 I 1 ,1
t'.H 4 ) M.e nil I - - t '-.' I.4
in, VI 1
Vi I
I tt
1 ne 1, M,ii.i g'ei 44 I ki4
fit t ., ' . ft it fci w i.ta
hi 1 .4 a t a 1. it it a 1., i
111 t'"4 '' 11 iWil III
ItftY .1.4,) . I. It'. I 4l . 4
' '4441 t 1 "I ' I 4 il l
11 .1 IM4 I t ' I t I I lit., ft
i(t s ' " I ' s ;
p.,. a I iia 1 i-i
If l it i ntlfti'lft
."' a 1
1 ti' V4 n O :. ft ' ft 4
, I,. , l l (.11 11,4 I .1,1,4
l 4 It 1 Illl4'a " ' - 1 i'n' I e
41 I H ! ti I Hi M4lf e14 4
4.4 ft; I 14 yiiit 1,4 l.t ,U4ll4 k tl it
it a 1 a ia ..1 '' e,4 it I l.-tt
' 1 .. i g .1 .. 41 i'n I aia
l itle
,',. Yt. 1
t" I l II
i 1,. .. . -1.1 I
(.'V N A I H
1. a ' 41 I t
C n I eat I
1 I
t t ,- 't A ' ftvu'tfti 1 4 '
1 1 4 it ' 1 .t it An it
ll-. I .
' (.".. I t.4
.-I !.. 11 I , 4
t I tl I 1 ' ft
till 4.1 ft I 4 1 i N h M ft 4
tll'4l'4. ht
It. I'."
Ui',lft' V
TIIK HalvatTon Armv lndutrial noma o
llcl'.a vour oid cbithlng. furolluia, mag
line. Wa Ciil.'ect. We 1 11 T ibilte.
I'l, uiit T'ougla and our wagon will
rail. Call and lna;ict our nw noma,
1110 lit 1114 Colti t t.
plKiTOOItAPIIT Unght In all branch
Kw Ittfi fnm In kodak work ve
you money, Kmory Hchool of cnolog
rpny, ii; n, itn, i-non i vier m,
l A It' 'LF, Y t 'oret Hhop. Form fitting
nd auglcal iioraete a gpncialty. ii
llgrnev. phona Lougl Vtfl. Agent
Vl.V.V Sr drink nd dm treat
A UJll'Ul rnl la heal known cure
booklet fre. THK FCKI.KY, IM Far-
iiui, Omaha. Phone Harney tin
Tjhh .1 r 1 1 1 nIhYon.. Chiropractor.
Pheldon, la . wlah lo announce thlf
location t J407 N Hi., H. II. Conaultatlon
free and Invited, Phone eoutn oi,
11 V I i U Jl"lii,i,iii irl al
operation. Call or writ fra. Wrgy
Matheny, y) fie Hldg, Omaha.
HCITH preaaed and ionged, loc Wa 011
for nd deliver. Phone u liy I're
trig Club, a Neville iled Vl'i.
If U-HONK l.'iraet Hhop; aurglcal coraetg
(pe' lnity vvnoaler Hun'OTiani tiiug.,
liVh 4111I Howard lied Wrt.
chiropody, Mleaeg Ora.y and Heed, Z"e'
1)1 Heiri Hik , ltn no i)ooiaa, ,
MA it Ai!i:oiMA..
Hteam and ahower bath. Mg. Had
Till Itooni it" Karba-h Hik.
FITH I cured inv daughter liy""1mpl
dlcoveiy; partlculara free ,, fepn, M
laland Ave. Milwaukee, wix
V A PHA'IK Mia Wcbaler, UK PtoS
lllk. I ttm. Office hour 10 10 I.
HHIY.I 'M ATlHAt treated uw eeafully ; ra-
guli g itrant'd Or Howaer. 814 Hae Hldg.
PIUVATF. Iiniiin or inateinHy iiiee
all Colfax VH2 441 N, nth Ht,
HCIKNTIFH: maanngg. I.M Hag Hld(C,
I'hone Lotiglaa r,;r:i.
Karnlanatl Hvowa,
If you f to find the room
you dealr among the nd, ell
l The pee office for a Hoimi Llet
- gtv complete detailed decern
Hon of vacant room In all pan
of tb city, If mm convenient
phono The Hae Want Ad Lept.
nd glv your name and addree,
and a llt will b mailed to you
ninw New liala lud
very week.
fcfff PKIt M'lNTII, I room'aperfrri'enfT
eiejuio iigni., gaa, neat, wawr; epar
al'i riiltame, acparale nd exi-lualv
bath; In private ridn'; large porch
niid yaro. wrs ro. inti ft,, woair iw,
llele, , reinilrrd.
NfltTH sril. 710 lolillra acond floor
of It nicely furnlahed room and balh
alio leaping porch; will rent to genii"
men, ft'ifetenceg; walking diatiimn.
7ov H, 2!tt h HT -Modern, well furnlebad
aoiiineaat front room, with ai'ovej !
ginmier room; prty.iie rairilly. Jlr
liry 2.'!,
('OMi'i)Hf AHLft 'rrirrre?ilieip'
ramiiy: gentlemen preferred; leterence
eiliircd. M III',, flee
4J7 N,' lATlT-;ega'iil)y7ui n(fiidf'ron
room; mut en to appreciate; private
fa l,i I It ll.l ?ix
C'A Ll FOltNl A, ifi-rTir cottage;
aio z room, all furnlahed; niea yard,
liarney vn.
NI' FLY fumlahad "room, Brl'.at tin fly
good neighPorhood. A'l H. -vUi. Har
ney 440
PA UK AVF, 104(;tra largo well fur-
rilahi'd room, private frunly; rent r-
eona nig.
KOCH room, pantiy, bulb, eocloei
yard, tree, private home. Harney 4i.
U I ' ' I,, ,1 . l .... ,-....,1.... ......,t. ..l..IM
private home. Wen, 1 1 zv. em Maple,
:.'4 HOI I'M SOTII m.-Nicely furiiih'l
room, per wea ami up. noug, vm,
VKHV comfortable room gdJoliilngr bath
team heated; reaaonable, Harney nm,
Uh LK.WKY Ave.-IUiom In prlvale mod
erti home, eeullemeu preferred.
CoNOHNIAL roommal wanted, llcfer-
enee exchanged, Lougla 4il
tOt N 2,'II -Modern eaat front room,
walking ditncej reaaonable.
LAItOK front room, privet bom; board
f oba red. W ell. 4IIMI
fliOo.VlH furnlahed In ItuTiiei'e, To piTvafe
rtmiy. wninut via,
dp HO. TII H f - Fill tilahed room; gen
ilemen only. Long. aim.
MCFLr " fnrnKlied " rooni, clo"in; all
modern. Ml H. ZZ HI
Tl I IOC K latge room cloe In, l B,
Kii h Ave, Tylr
JfODEPN furnlahed room In prlv fain-
lly,Z llginey l.
lleeeebeepln Room.
N"fT. li V&wn, lo' tlioae' wlaRmK;
enonomy; 1 week rree fo pernisnent. ten
lint; whola top floor; I room; 2 clni,
balh. Kink In kitchen: f urnlalied , 1 '
week; alio, eecond floor, unfurniahed, I0
tiionlh; very pleaeant. ftfteiiaier 6111.
TaHOK outl.i" apHrtmeni. ' furnlahed
complete for hoiiaekcepltig. 1 room,
in 'Ji par week: ! room, II and 17. Lin
coln Anl,. SlW Chicago. Tyler WW,
HI'ITK- of "room, corntilnleiv furnlahed
for housekeeping; Ice box, kitchen cab
inet, mill Capitol Ave. Tel. Long. IH 1 4.
Jr. 1 Hnrney Ht Ct'gn, rnmplately fur-
n'hed houekecplng room, irrlgera
tor, ga rng.
NICK for glimmer. Furnlli'i and tin-
fuinlabed aprtinenl. inquira 1 ol
fax 2'.I7.
TIOOMH In new aiiartinent, hot water
bent, rcmontilil to light party, lliiniey
iKWK Y " A V' F y;ii-rFiiodrit.' tiijely
furnlahed li u lit Jiniiaekeepmg room
"A PI TOL A VH. Ill .Mnilein furnlebed
honekeeiiig iipnrtmenl; beat In city,
iill'iil.AH HT., y.ll - Ho'iKeUeepliig room,
I1. ;!,; eei i thing fill nlaheil ; cloae In,
l-T. cf,AltK. '4th 1 nd Ilainry, I room
pi.ri n mil. 111 ney Mi.
Hoard and llimiai,
Nli'F. newly tiinilehrd t'luine, ting lull
of front roi rna, aoiiaiiie ror cnupie, wui
Ben ho id ''nil vVeltalar 1ITI
I nltirnlabed Minima,
NoltTIi, i'.'O i.H 3 tooiii, modern, -d
f,.,,r I'lilfm JOI
I I ItM-itl' i Uiiiiii f.'ir lfglininiiaa
keel inr. i;'.'l limine I'l per week.
1 H 111 .1, 1111f.11 iiUbt -.1 ifiinii, tiiiitleril. Sl'll
I 1 ,14 T :-r ..
Hno eta ftAnnle).
of iyiil'i.10 WHO HI'NT lUiiiMI,
c ALL Tlf't PL l-i WA S r AH In I' I
and t.nd mil tl almut Ih Ft ' UN ll I till
ItiniM il Ilik. H i a plan Oial II
In iping many penpl lent 1'ivir honiaa
Oiini tiiu iita mill Ilnii4i'
1(4 tt 1 V 4 I't tt g" 'tt and tUatt lea ly
,-i tif,'t . Hi ! At , be
I, nil in i t i lit4, tef, i4ii ,
Initialled t,,i.,!eU nld In. it. 1 eel
lr. 4141 ' ! In. Im t'ai. I I
4 Ill , I' ll '
II ftl. I I S.I 4 II 4 I !
14 I liiniev
iit apt In
I t
t ftl 4 4 1,1 I - It
1 Mm "I ; 1 i'n fi , vi .
,!,.!' ail I'ti ft II ?
. I bill1 a 1 titt 1 1
ft , 4 1 1 t 'tl 1 til hi, e ,tt
' tl 41 .l 4
I I .. 0 4t t 1 e :. ft
ft I, . ( ft J
4 I .
it 4 1 )
It I 4 'I tl
I Hi 4 It 1 HA41
4 it
I. h I I 4 I,
n a ink
t .,.!
It'll I
I'll I I
, , a m i '
i Hi t, ift4-, v 'if.
t ! 4 1 tp .4, J '
i- it r4i-4 1 4 ear.
1 f 1 1 .-.,.,
ill! 1t , t ft
I It a - I 4tat
I 4 1 I'l l ' 41 'I4U4
' 4tti,l ,41414
It 4 t I'
1 I '
I'.,.. ,
-t a .'
t 11 4 1,4,1
I ' -I I.- i.,l
'. . I It If. ia
"ll ' t Jelt. g
41 . V
1 1.4.4
ll 1 1 1 1 ,
11, . i. 1 it
tt I I I I
I 4
l I tt
14 '' I
ll 1.1.4 I
.'1,44 .' I
I'A VN Vt &. .SliATJill CO., '
"Omulm' Jpntal MnM
nlornlali-ri lluuirl lag riaia.
TO IlKN'f, a atiicily inoiiern houae fir
two; a or 7 room, realilarieo "tion.
near ?4th Ht. Addrea AI,
Hee Offbe,
booth Omaha.
CII'TAOH. pKit MoNTil-
Thl houae h principal rootna fln
I; he In oak; full cement l-neoniont and
le gtrlclly modern throughout; I one
block from car Una In fine navy resi
dence dlet.rlct
I'hone about thlg today.
Call WaJoilt W todny,
cIM)ougla n ywak 1X
jjjlk;iv homk
No. Ill farnam Ht. t room, gleep-
Ing porchi brick; In tha heart of
imixha'i brat reldntlal iltrl :t llent
m Frnm Nt. Tel. Long WA
" PAYNlf & RCATKlt CO., "
"Ornftba'i Intal Men"
Kt.l'XlAN'T i-oom 'liou'i 4IM Tiaven'porl
Ht,, rxtr large living room with open
lliepbne; b alneplng room, 0k flnlali
and flootg throughout, h. O, Jliuulltoii,
I . X4l
OOOO 1 room modern llnoii houae, Z'
acre, moatly alrnlfa; ;uat ontanie ,ny
limit of Hefigon. 1 'allHnoii UA W.
W LINCOLN HI, Vlb- ll-rf.m home,
atnciiv modern, wnn nov waiur neaw
Price IA. Lougl Ml.
WKrif FA ft N A 04, i lrlfth; Dr., i
'".li'J-1'."- ,
lHotf CQtili?, I room. aJl on on floor,
modern agcapt heat, file lie oak
floor !'-' rlo light, all newly dec
orated; to good Party will rant for l
nd pay water, I'hon V. Till; Holiday,
Webter 11
- AtvTt w,rwvurvr2?r.
Fin brink reldeno. Vt No. euft, U'i,
r houae, gleotrlo light, 1711 Ko, MH
f 111,
t room, go 4 repair, 1411 Paoatvr, 112,
John w, h'Uhlnh, mi fahNAM
fl(7H)M inoderirifivallltig, near par" and"
boulevard, '"m Maii'ieron,
t fl'tUJII I, ,11 1UI
4 iv 1 ll .'Ik t , 1 . 'i rv ,
tH Hee Hldg, Long, m. Oolfitl VT'
. . .-. ; . - --- " - ' . .-- 'I "
M.w aix-room t.rlc fiat, KI7 Hhernian
Ave.; rent, I'l! Ht; garage pit premUnw.
t ail Web, 7174
T TtioMflf, niode'r'n, gi:prTiaClf"T'l
iiocatur c Mr, urgent, (.oir Vb,
I'M tut ff"wf.-f.r. rorrJ.r modern,
T, r. Hall, 4U Karng illdf ioug. 744
Fl'-TO HATF. If-rooiri TiUtigiiToftV at"l'.?f
lh Hlreet, i:wi, phone W.
f'oit" ilKN'f May V, Troin,' aTTfnodarri
Pouaa. fi7 t,, Marnay
( HOOVf coltM"," ga., waterT eVr, i5T
1 1 r Jiu J1(l'li.r'." r-
'd6 U H,'i)Hh Av,". Mtlaga. U earn.
7 room noiiee. iud and Howard rug , l,
HpMce Hi garage on premie for on
tar 14 rjir.
HltP'K lion, 2f,i Dewey Aveni'g; geveii
room; nioiiem,
IH14 Farnam Ht
iiii A flUofl HT.-t-room," ctt y'wa tar, iff.
Ilerk n Muall, I'ong, Vn, or Heil
I I'MVTAdVM' Wf T roomg ch to"Tnt,'
lig. I'h. l, trit7, Toiand 'irnmhu i.
Vtli Park Ave,-7 r. modern brick. 11. W,0
"vowmi & HiioTwKrx, '
4- 11.-11. Carter Lake Hlvd II4.
t-H.--.',il N, 30th HI,,,.
I H.-Wtl Miirth Ht HO."1!
lt,-lfl Marth t Vi
.i.-:i;ur, Ohio Hi. li.trt
-.- IWil Ohio Ht , ,, 14CI
r..M.4h-u- N, 'fill Ht 1..i
'H.-I N. 17th Ht Hi.lKi
j. t ::;ts H, th HI li"t
t-K.-Mill Charle Ht JO.fVl
0- H.-lilH N, 17lh Ht , li'i)
It-Kim H, 2Mh Av ,, 14(l
7-K.-ail N, r, Ht U.("t
J.R-3MII N, JOth Ht, (brand new
oottage'l t
1- 11,-411 N. 17th Ht. inc!ary
door(ln will b donei Jl.00
.Ji.-;ii; N. 2it Ht. (will decorum
to dill tenant)
-H.-j:t34 H, Mh Av lo.flil
o-It.-27'il Hurt Ht. clo In; good
neighborhood! SI.M
It.-4.-4.", N. 4(th HI. (bargain) 2,'"'
7-H..'.;W Heuford Ava ,,,,
7-H.-i.aH H nih Ave tiM
7-U-liH 8. 21th Ht. (oholt houe,
cloae In 1 7 W
7-lt,-i77 M, ytlh Ht. (cloa In) U
K-H.-4I4 N. Ilt Ht 2.' ("
k U.-.'JiH Mnon Ht. (bargln)
h-H -'iM) liewey Ave. uiloea In,
well-arranged for roomeri 2!, VI
5- n.-Ml'l Heeae Ht 1201
4-ft - '3w:i Howard Ht. icloa In, vry
fi it - '-o;i h. ;ioth hi 'j-'ioo
ll.-til H Hid Ht .M
7-It U"3 H SlH Ht. (bargalni 2-V'H
iii:i'oiu: iifntimi
fifflce With
AHii rii rtll H' l III l y Co ,
W H, irili et, liougl M1.1
PA It I I Y Molil It s
I t , JH Ho i:id Ht., g ia and wtr. IA
A r,, iS Fiankliii, a PargHln, Hi,
i t , .'112 l nhftiifU, clite in, I'"
r., I'l H Slat, gteel rtittag. .2 fd
g r , '- M "'41 li'. I 0
r, " llitiolliiiii, 4 bedroom, 1-4
y.f , a el It.imev. a ii'lm ilnl nviinn 10
tent, fuinlabed romn .i
IiOCHLP !ot,-t.,i ANi H HIUCrfJ,
I r and e.i'4-l'ing ...ii'ii, I ! H lih Hi,
4 ail o. nl, ft laiiiam dm lb I ,
it ilvit ad In. li.' to
I'l .A I H
PA tt i"l, MoliFliV
:t, I4' N. t il. in H it. water. "
)i Hi . N Mh. ;.t r i . . . r , taatei, I
Apt HTM I.N T)4
eitalil !.ri. p..! act ..l. !' i
rn, ifiliat-,r laiiliur rt b a "
ft In I. -.1
1 tit: , 44 4,i rr
I III 41 I Jl 4.4 n an
4tl V,i I 7.1 f ...1 1 1 .1
ft, I V, 41. Id ti I'i 1
1 n 1-, 1 i' 1 1
111' ''! '
I I , A 1 I -i-i l. '1' If ''
"I II t VI ft. IN
I'll an I 11. k'
. S . S I I'
I t
lv hue i ii,,', i'l t I 1 enr . ...
I : l.ii. 1 ! .'t ., . 1
PAYNK k Ht.ATr.U in,
'nt'. 4 t It- 1 I l 4L il
4 I'm ',4 v ,1 l( .. , t u
Vli , PI I, ln.ll A
4 r , v4 I fi i fu
I I 4- I I : I . f , , .
t , l I 14 el . V" l ' , '
I 1 , 4 St. m ft i
1 I a I til, It"! I'i , , l li
I t . 1 vi ti 4,
fti. .! t '. I . I I T 111 V f
, 4 . :.t l . I .
1 ft 'tt! 11 - , .- , ) .
I I I I', "IH- I .'.
4 1 I "I No t. - t .- I , it
I a . i.
II :' I i ' ! M . l.i
r I 4 L.'.i 1 ' 'tin 1.1 1 1 .a,
I I, Ipill't I at I.- !
II ft 1 1 ' . I 11
I I n 4 1 .4 '4', .in.,"
1. a ..