Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 30

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i Pirates
Plot by George Bronson Howard
Novelization by Hugh C. Weir Til Copyright Kalem Company
No. 1-
"I'm dud to Ct buck, at that," aald
Mont Hartley to her chum, Mary Bur
aett. The two girt were leaning ovr th
rait nt ft teamer that wae being warp'
Into lla dork by tug. They hail hen
having a vacation trip, anil, though that
we over now, anil they fared the lie
llty of replenishing th tor of
money, heavily drawn upon for tha trip,
they looked happy.
'Ha rn I," aald Mary. "X waa tired when
a want away."
Mon laughed, The twi girl, to
well dreaeed, ao faahlonabt in thalr ap
pearance, had no vlalbla meant of up
port, They bad beoom embittered anma tlma
befor by tha experience of om eln
friend who had auffr4 at tha handa
lit uiui'Tupuloua leeehe of nclly, black
mailer and parailla.
They had therefor decided to conduct
a campaign agalnat Dili elaaa of man
and niaka them tuffer, eapedally finan
cially. In what tha two glrle ronaldcred
a partial retribution for thalr mladecda.
They had pledged thrmaelve to teleet
for liielr victim only thoaa whoa do-apl'-able
and contemptible tctlon hud
already marked them aa belonging to tha
T' k of black wolve of toHety, and In
ttila way the two girl eoneldered that
they merely collccter tha bill of expanae
dn them for conducting thla rniaado
agalnat awh Indlvlduala, and th wile
to wbU'li they wer obliged to rort
war almply a minor detail In thla pro
c of collection,.
A faw minute later thay were aahora.
Kor wn rcaaon tliay did not encure
on of tha flrat flight of taxhaha, and
had to wait whlla anothar wa um
tnnned. And whll they waltad thny
atroilnd to Hi" and of th pier, to look
at th paaalng river traffic Muddcnly
Mary clutched Mnna't arm,
"Iiok at that girl, Mona!" ah ld.
"What do you auppoae la th matter
with her? I'll wr ' la trying to
Jump In"'
Mon. looked and aaw a young girl who
wa ao dlatraught that ah waa riot awara
that anyon wa watching her. With
quirk leap Mon apreng toward her, and
waa Juat In tlma to aleta her a th girl
gathered tip her determination and
atepped out to drop Into tha water. Mary
waa not moment behind her chum, and
tone! her they held bar.
"Iook here," aald Mon, aa th girl
atrugglrd to fr heraelf, "There la no
aenaa In that, There' no aena In that,
Thero'a nothing o bad that It cannot be
In a moment th girl atopprd afrtiggllng
and at ii red dully at them.
'Ton don't know," ah aald. "Thr'a
nothing ela for mo. I'd mad up my
mlnrand now heaven know If I'll get
up my courage again."
"1'crhap you won't need to," aald
Mary, "Com on Mon-hrlng her along.
I aeo rb walling for lie."
Tli girl went with them tinrealatlngly,
dully. In few minute thay reached
th funilnlied apartment tb.ry had taken
before they left th rlty, and In ft fair
minute mor they had th glrt'i glory
and her iiame-Hlell Worth.
"You poor kid!" anld Mon ympthet
('ally, "In th rhoria, war youT And
aomcone Introduced you to thl Charlae
Holbrook? Ilo aald he'd marry her aa
onn aa ha could tlx tiling up with hie
fathrrT And ywt war foollah enough to
bellev him?"
It wa paibetio llttl at or y, eonven
tlnnal anouirh, Well had been Innocent
kwiuil, in reality. Hlie had believed
Jforhroolr' promlaea. And than the
wakening. II had tired of her, curt
not had coin on day In th mall, tail
ing her that thing had developed ao that
h could not ae her ajtaln, and aha had
better mak eome arrangement for hnr
aelf. tier deaperat appeaj to him had Rona
unanawerad. And now that th mlaohlef
waa don there were plenty to warn
"Why you allly chlld-I btlev you're
In lov with him atlll!" aald Mary.
"Oh, I am If he'd only marry ma!"
walled 8tel1.
Mon and Mary exchanged pitiful
glancea. And eudilenly It aeomad that
Mon had an lijp.
"You aay he'a rlih, Rtella?" ahe aaked
"Kver and vr ao rich," aald Rtella.
"Well bm't deapalr yet," aald Mun.
"Thef may b way to help you. Kor
now you've got to tak aoma money,
and remember that we're your frlenda,
and era going to atand by you. You'll
promlan not to do anything allly-aa
you war going to when wa aaw you?"
"I'll promle," aald Hlell. tnarfnlly.
"Tou'ra awfully good to m!"
"IrfHik here." aald Mary, aharply, after
ptell had gone. "Wa ran t do thing
fur that poor kid, and you know V
Why ili you go and rein her h'H'ea
that way?"
"Wrll- twinuiM" ah had to b rherrel
up." aald Mi;na "And I in not ao ivrialn
rnu'i ilo anvihlng for her. anvhow
I don't know l, but I've got a art of
a plain. liok beref
Hh lifted br ekirt to hr kneea and
!. iti-l g imln dan .
"I Hi you think I enitUI ge a Job n
the rbnrue" h atked
' nyheie'" ll Viy "Hut why"'
"I think I nt to meet Mr rtiatlev
lltiltirmik -on hi fi (until. I
Mona. trlu.iiy ' ffnuk bi- k i mmli
ur tlfi limn wIinI I think' I
thli.k II enK'V rt'lir. a Itui bill
Mr llnp-rik, )i. l inu. h
,1 .( I tit fnl- rl.Mii il li ci.t IU H..I.U' '
o, ,' t Varv ' I m aciptd, Meaa
I d bfgin I e l ' Not b" we
i'H di '! bit M.-H hit bv
aon "m,.-i M i U ,.!,., ), nnkin'
' T i II t i iw liili.f " aa't
p, ' ir. I I ., ,i I g.l lvHlill
?t t . - r log f I !
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Little Monte Carlo
for plae in th chorui of th new
ahow war being amlnd. A man t
at labia, with book before blin.
"Look all right In abort aklrta?" h
Mon proved to him that ah would,
II entered her nam and addrena-ah
guv fnia onee, naturallly. Then hr
volo wa tried, and In five mlnutaa
ah waa engaged and Inat runted to re
port for rehear! nut morning.
"And ffod help thoe who rn't
quirk," th producer told tliern. "We've
got to put thl ahow on In two week a,
and that meana eom workl"
Mon knew It and waan't thankful.
Yet aha wa glad, too, that th publlo
performance would begin go oon, It
meant that there would be laaa tlma to
watt befor alia eould begin th execu
tion of her plan agnlnat Charlr JIol
brook, whom, aa yet, ah hadn't even
Vot tha net two weeka It'waa a tired
Mon who cam home, night after night
morning after morning, rathar, alnra
rehearaale often Inated Into tho email
hour, Hh wna not entirely fran from
annoyance during thl period, but her
utter wearlnena at the end of rehearl
protected her good dual, and ahe man
aged to racnpa with nothing wnraa Hmi
ret'ula'lon among the hanger on of
tha theater, among whom Ilolhronk did
not appear, of being atuck tip-of hav
ing too good an opinion of heraelf and
her charm.
At )it th tlma ram for tha opening
porformaic,, Mon' beauty and her
real cleverneae had earned her front
row poult Ion -ulie waa, Indeed, one of a
group that waa mad particularly promi
nent In eom of th big concerted num.
bar. Thl aerved her purpoa very well,
and II. wee rertuln that all wa con
eplcuou enough to attract Ilolhrook'g
attention. Him had mad fltell ahow
her a photograph of him, and go wa
ahln to reeognl him, anting In at
bog on the opening night. Hhe mado ayea
at him deliberately one i,r twlna, and
had (he gatlafactlnn of knowing that elm
had attracted hla attention.
II let her along that flrat night. Tint
on th gee.ond evening h came behind
the acene between tha nt-th mnag
ment bolng glnd to eitend that privilege
to certain rich man and waa Introduced
to her, And later h waa waiting for
her when ah emerged from tha atage
"Hello, bright eyea!" ha aald, "How
about a bit to eat 7''
"Oh, no .thanlta!" ah aald. "Tint If
you'd Ilk to walk home with m I'm
rather nervou In th atreet at night"
II laughed delightedly and fell InH
atep beeld her. Her wa gomethlng
new, bo thoughta real rhoru girl who
waan't hungry all tne time,
At boarding houa aha atopped,
"I llv here," ild Mon. "Thnnka for
aeelng m home!"
W. W. Ford, year, of ngn, re
ldlnf t 2004 North Tfinty-t-lghth
gtrcet, 1 th only living Omnhan
who wltncaMcd the capture of Mexico
City by American troopg unlrr Gnn
oral Wlnfleld Bcott, Bcptnmbfr 13,
1847. Thl venerable citizen Is tak
ing a, kiM'Q Intrretit In the prcacnt
Mexican glttiRtlan, for he know the
country and the people and ha an
appreciation of the bardHhlpn being
encountered by General Tcrahlng'g
Mr. Ford lived In Teaa when It waa
part of Mexico, when It waa a republic In
It own rlaht and later when It became
a atate ot tho Vnlted Htate. Hevetity
yeara ago lout month he wa a boy ot
1(1, but had man' atrength and courage.
Ill father waa a cloe friend of Humuel
noy Trie to F.nllet.
When General Zucltaiy Taylor waa
mohllUIng hi troop at I'olnt laaliel, on
the gulf neur llrownavllle, young Ford
tiled to cnllal. Ilia father Intercepted
the enllatment, but did not prevent the
boy going with Tnylor a mimeenncr anil
wagon repairer.' Kuniuel lloinlnti recom
mended Ford to Taylor, The boy broke a
hore for the generiil, who nwle the ani
mal throiiKli the Mexican ctuiipnlKn until
(he tlnm h returiie,! to the atatea to be
t'oiiia the whl cHiitllilntn for the preal
ilency. It waa a aad ilny for Ford when
Vaylor left Mexico, heeauae the young
Texan had beetiniu tliii'he to the In
trepid general,
I'ord wa given a hnr and revolver
and jnlued In the movement from I'olnt
Uul'i'l to Monleiry, vilime occupHtloii lit)
Itneeeed on Heplembi-r 1"HI
taka Truiipa to Wltliilraw.
AnipuiIlK waa In command of Monterey
ben the American forrr aiuwaiHil Kurd
ua at iivni il Taylor a aide lien
Itienaaa wa ivehrd from AiiikiII lie
miulttig Aon ri. nn wttlulrawat himmt
Ilia Nueie rlvrr wllhlu twenty fuur
limn a.
' I Imve Dryer finwi'tliii th ixieliii
on lb lie ml In r fice when h m,i
Hint ttemalub It liml aa If th M l
,i,;.il iml ai.l'wit liiin mi tli late, aal.l
r'matly Anipud'a kd f r an arm'atlea.
ahu ll viae aatveil, lhn Aoierl. nn tr.,.i
oaiitiun il,l viXa kiiit(Hu t.niietrv
In I erlii. I'm In, ti . 'U
erk irl, F.f,t fviii, at ml Aiim i
Col. CoJv Throws His
Big T. Yu Ranch Opon
To tho Tourist Folks
i,.!retl ' I i.Jr nii.mii. tl.i
4 ! Il I '.' !.
XII . tl X ll t .'liie.t J l.
1 l. liml1'.! i, ii,i.f vi I niiiin
Mr VI' V It ii.ii. ii h
XI I ,ti.littf iJ lltii tun 4 e u i Mi l
m ti i)iih v.t ' - A 11. H
) pll Inl ll In. Ill M I I
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lhll t r i.l ?l. ! XX .. -n
iK . -r n ti t It' i .
I iimiimu le oi t,t iiii(i.i
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1 lu 'l M f ! Ilk h IU Hit e
. 4- t-1 -m e -'.it ''1 ti. i- n
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, l .i , X net I . ' I tin I I
l. Intl.' I - I W ... . -i Ii t tt
I. e 4 t i . iiiti v. a o-
eiHvf a ' v "i
x in ii. g M .,i . hii, ii
lill vt H. li h II t l lit
. IHt t .U,'.i l
"f'an't I om InT"
"Oh, no!" h ld pretending to b
hocked. "Not-tonlght!"
If lauehed. well aatlaflad, a ah hur
ried In. II did not know that ah only
waited In th veatlbul until he wa out
of tight.
Kof geveral night Mon let Ifnlbrook
walk "homo" with bar, but ah declined
all Invitation, and aha would never yield
to hla requrat to pormlt him to entar
th houa when ah did. At ah had
been certain would b th oae. th dif
ficulty b waa eiparlenclng proved gimp f
an added attraction, When he found th
would not drop Into hla band, Ilk a
rip apple, h redoubled hla effort to
win her.
"Oh, he' getting very nthualaetto! '
Mon told Mary, "How about your plnT
TUv yon really got one?"
"I certainly have!" an Id Mary. "loolt
here! I've ben making a few llttl pur
chaeee," And ah took Mon Into thalr apare
room where eeveral packing boie had
been placed, Mon cried out In enthu
litln approval at what they revealed,
A roulette whenl-all lha other para
phernalia of gambling.
"W can turn tl.l apartment Into
perfect model of gambling houa t
an hour' notb'," aald Mary, "I think
that I going to n th proper way M
hof.k your llttl friend,"
"Wcll-be'a awfully careful-h doan't
car for gambling hlmaelf," aald Mono,
"He'a told tn ao."
"You Ilk It, though, don't you?
"Ah-I aee! Yea I'm oraay about It!
Mary, I tllv you're genlna!"
"IJon't be too urthere'e a wlee pror.
erh about not counting your chb kena be
fore thuy'r hatcheil, my dear. I haven't
worked out the detail at all yet I
thought we'd better act. In paa Ilk
thla, on Ilia apur of th moment.",
"I think ao, too. Well ther r few
thing we can decide. Muppoa you turn
up at Curate' on New Year"! ev. I
think h may perauad m to hv gup
per (her with him that night."
And, to hla delight, Mon did yield to
Ilolhrook'g pleading to that tnt, ffl
bad foreaeen that he would mak apo
dal point of It on that night, th great
eat oeraalun of th whole year for thoe
who flock, Ilk ninth, hnut th whit
light of th theatrical dlatrlct.
"Well-fiat for thla once," all con
ceded at leaf,
"Ynn'r a queer kid," h aald. "Some
time I think you're wlae-arid then again
I'm not ir I'm not all wrong about
"I'm wlia enough, Charley boy," ahe
told him, meaningly. "Mayb I ought
to want lot mor than I'v got, but I
aeem to get along "
"Well, I'm thankful for amaJI favor,
he anld.
Ho th beginning of tha rlntou cele
bration found them at a talil In Curat',
Ford Saw City of Mexico Captured by Scott
turned from exile In Havana and ap
peared with an army of 2),0i0 aolillera,
demanding Taylor1 gurmnder. Kord
heard Tnylor declare h would not eur
reii'liT to plant Anna.
After the return of Oeneral Taylor to
tha atatea, Kord waa with General Wln-
fleld Heolt on hi march to Mexico (Ity.
Ho heard Kcolt eddreaa th troop Juat
befor th attack wa mada.
Central High School Pupils to Stage
Frank Campbell
The thlid annual xaudevill mterian
meet lll given by fennel High oi.
(.l in t' e Iii'l uJltoiim im April U
ainl 1 Ttirea ttf.o nianeea lll lw given,
t'H.lm atiruiiH-n. KMv lilaht and t
iii.lm hit' I Ti,a rniertalmiienia b
.,ii,ti ,i pKiiuir .iuii Ineir beauiitiii
mn Kin ag.i In Hie uli.f ) euixi
If. I l,l H,l lull I.. I l.l i kxl
!. ! It l 4 I e n i,r i e b
. t I. itia n till il .tit, in e
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vmi t, .....f . h tit n.i
e( !i I. H. Hi -.-ri tt eiHgf at
and It waa not long befor Mary, otun
nlngly dreaaed. poaeed thalr table.
"Hello, Battyl" ah ld, tialng Mon'
eemed nam, "I haven't aeen you In
on age."
"My friend, Mr. Ilolbronk, Mlea Dean."
tald Mono. "Aren't going, or you?"
"Thl I getting glow," a Id Mary. 'Tn
off for om real fun. Mill Mont Carlo
for mln."
A epaem of nvy dlatorted Mon' f
turea. "I wlah I eould go, too!" ah aald.
"Oet I don't know how long It I tine
I had money enough to watch th llttl
ball rolling with aomt of my money back
ing It!"
"Com on b a a port," aaJd Mary,
"Bring your friend along."
"No ua-I can't afford it, ' aald Mon.
"Hur you can," gold Holbrook. "I'll
take yinj," .
"That' th way to talk," aald Mary.
"There you aro, ilattyl Tou v got
llv on In tow tonight."
Holbrook hung angerly on her gnawer,
lie wa aur that now, by lucky ehanc,
ha hud coma upon Motia'a weoknea.
"Well -I don't kiwiwl" aald Mono,
doubtfully, but making It aeem that ah
wa greatly tempted,
"W'll be along," aaJd Holbrook. "Tou
look for ti In about an hour, Mlea I'ean.
I'll guarantee to perauad her."
"All rlght-ril leav her to you," tald
And at Wat, though reluctantly, Mon
conae nted.
"I'll go and look on," th tald. "Jiut
I'm not going to let you e'-ak mat I
wouldn't be under obligation to you or
any othor man!"
"Oh, don't talk foollahn!" aald h
"I'd b tickled to death to glv you ,
chanc to hv aome fun I You know
I'm willing to do anything I can for
you t any time you give th word!"
When th hour wa up ah led him to
tha apartment ah ahared with Mary
which had been traneformed Into "littt
Mont Crlo,"
Mona hnreelf tcwrcely knew th apart
ment. Ho eklllfully had It bean trans
formed Into th aembliinr of on of th
nogy and luxurlotie gambling dene that
eater to the pat rona ae of rich and faah
lonaht people, and especially women.that
It mazd her. A auave and amlllng man
cam forward to welcome them, and pre
tended thath knew Mono, well, though
ho had never laid eye on him before.
If wa th "proprietor." Mon, had to
dmlr Mary clovernea.
Ther war vral other gupar-
waiter, two or thre croupier and deal
er, and ft number of player, wall
dreaaad people, who paid no attention to
th newcomere.
"Awful glad to aeo you, Petty," gald
Mary, coming up to tham. "But I Wa
ur yotr"d porauad her, Mr. Holbrook!"
"H dMn't ftltogether, I'm not folng
to play," aald Mona.
"On th morning of September T I re
member viewing Mexico City from th
hill. Th whit wall ttood out til re
lief agalnet th deep green background
and th bright ttinahln lent an enchant
ment to th cene," anld Mr. Ford. "W
remained outald the rlty five day. I
heard Oeneral Bcott dlactiaalng th plan
of taking th city by oaaault, which wa
done on th morning of September 11.
Hargxinefc lloffmui
n 1
' , y 4 t v
However, It wa ea!r to aay that li
wouldn't play than to gtlck to the rro
tlon, good a It w. Th airlit of tha
rolling ball, th dlaappolntment of aeelng
It roll Into ft number h would hav
played It wa all too much for Mona!
In a few minute h drew out her pur
tnd rlaked, on by on, th few quarter
that It held. Hh loet regularly, ftnd at
laat ah turned ft dlaappolnled face up
to Holbrook.
"Thr-I'v loet ll I had! th tall.
"Now I'm going horn!"
"Don't b allly," h aald. H qiieeid
her hand, and left ft ooupla of bllla In
It. Tak that and play till you'v got
nnougli to pay m back."
TTonft' t'lll had icruple, but euddenly
ah coat them away. And now th gam
bling fever emd to twl upon hr.
Kh plyd reckleeely, Uklng mor and
mor of Ilolhrook'g money, until all h
hftd In hi pocket wo uaed tip.
"Hav I got to etop now?" demanded
Mono, anarlly. "Ob-on hon't any
bualne playing roulett without plenty
of money! If I eould play few mlnuie
tnor I'd win It all back, I know!"
"I,t her hav aonio chlpI ll maka
good," aald Ifolbrook to th proprietor.
"Her' my card. I r1 J""1 ktxow Ui
"irea, glr-of ooura," aald th man, a
Ii took th card. H healtaUd. "I'm
torry, though, Mr, Holbrook-but It' ft
nil of th houa w cn't do anything
on ft verbal agreement. If you'd elgn an
I, O. V., now-"
"Oh, do!" begged Mono, all her tem
ple nppoeedly gone.
At th eight of her fluehed chk Hol
brook forgot dleeretlnn. H took th pad
th proprietor had offered hlrn ftnd gcrib
bled an I. O. U, for PA
"I wouldn't let hnr hav muoh at
that, Mr. Holbrook," th man aid, In ft
low vole. "Juat mak It, 1. O. V. Ibilty
Urown't lot,' Then well tea that It
doean't to beyond ft reaaonftbl gum,
I'you teef
"Yea I gi'eee that would b txrtter,"
aald Holbrook. And h changed th form
of the tllp In accordance with th man'
tuggeetlont, Not long afterward Mtin
puahed back her chair and got up,
"No tie," ah aald. "I muat bv Joat
eoupl of hundred morel Thl I my
unlucky nlht-nd I'v got ft headach.
belde! I'm going horn. Tak m horn,
He we willing enough to comply. And
at th bordlng houa h wa tur that
now ahe would let him com in with her.
Hut th pteded plteoiialy,
"Oh, no tonight, frhorlla!" th begged.'
"You'v no Idea how wretched I feel)
I'v ft tpllttlng headache! Tomorrow
nother ttm "
He healtated, lookln rathar ugly, Hut
ah did look III, If decided It would be
cruel to preaa hi advantag now. At
any rat, he had achieved hi purpoa.
(th wa in hi power now, H hd
managed to mak her do what th hd
Heavy rain fell during th night. Th
American troop mad ft vigorou attack,
Ther wer many hand to-hand conflict,
Th Meilcn Mked for a true,"
One of th ttrongeat Impreaalona thlt
Omahan received during hit Mexican
campaign waa hit flrat view of Mexico
City from ft hilltop, Gleaming In th
morning tunllght, h thought It waa th
moat beautiful cliy h ver beheld.
a Vaudeville Show
Helen Hutching
i.iiil,..M ability, will elng. tteuner
we on Hi prugrain lt ar and bu
work wa blatilv appfeilaied
An (nieiMeiaibn fumi M,iiIm nj
HUi a ' Ham Tre ' v.i'1 g'ni k
HlIwii ti n kin horn, wiiium A lam
ttaiilel liig-aetl, iMn-v IIuIiiimI. Kuk.
rl I'hamt rlain, Mrtit Oiamtwi lain
kh II. lii I Jr'ttfl. II
e-iineiliiiig iiiiu'il UI ff4 t"
jiiilili.! in ! lip f a r-inipeiuii drill
b liii I' lilo bl ibll'ei i1ie In
lha t.t.i l.Hnlii. TM drill will N l
1 km if t al'am n.t A1 Mubai M4.
1.. I k f I iitt t"l '!! l !
). in.t e (() fii hi H e arini and
tnil Kiti wit l lvf
Kilr n4 will it .i" '
,.i.. I, nii f h anJ'"" Pvl"V kJ
t i.ii i Uii r ea a iwnt
vt . an I .III fl, Mil IruX
1(4 t en.. Ii will 4U" i4iK'e
a I, Imi.J at tla.U.M lii-a
4k 4 iO W IX ll i.l .iUii
tl-t I.44..K l-l I l ll f'illl aui
1,41,11 11. Mi lUi.. !' - iil
S,il x '. wiiiiia.iKf It u.,11 i vill
l a-'Kie l. 44 ), aei 1 In i'.
04MI v''" "' i- 1 I' ' li '
44i I ' a !' a4
(411,14) ll.i,,.'. I 1 X tt!1!.
(aid h never would do-plae heraolf '
under ft heavy obligation to him,
"All right," he aald, "I guen you're
right. You don't look well, Horry you've
got ft headache. Oct a good night' aleep.
And aay-why don't you drop around and
aee m tomorrow afternoon? You know
wher I live, don't you?"
"Ve-ea," th aald. "I'erhapa I will,
Charlie, You've been awfully good to me
I'm torry I lot to much money for
"Oh, don't you care!" he aald, "Denty
mor wher that cam from! My father
len't exactly In danger of going to th
poor bouae, you know!"
"It't a, good thlngth way you apond
It!" th aald, with a flaah of aplrit
"You'r nvr let m tpend much on
you," he told her. "When you change
your mind I'll thow you gomethlng that
will muk you tit up and tak notlcl"
'Ton't mak rah promlaea," h d
vlaed, "You don't know how far I may
go when I onca tartl"
"I'll take a chanc on that!" he laughed,
"1 know tha real thing when I ae It,
llttl onol Oh, we'll break a few of the
peed law when w one get a aturt!"
"I'll aeo about that!" thought Mono,
whon he bud gone. And a tiaunl, ahe
went back to Mary. liar headache wie
gnn, ea If by mnglo.
Th next afternoon Mona did, a Hob
brook had augxeated, call at hit barheloi
apartment, Hut tha waa not alone, Th
"proprietor" of th gambling houen, who
ah ftddred a Mr, rUuriley, wa with
"WallT" aald Holbrook, rather rroaaly.
"I'm torry, Mr, Holbrook," tald Man
lay, doprec.atlngly, "Hut ahe knew I nail
your I. O, U.-I couldn't help myeelf,
you ee!"
"What th deucI tald I wft will
Ing to pay how much 1 It?" tald Hol
brook, angrily,
Stanley conmilted ft llttl pile of Mona'
I. O, V.
'Tlv thousand, two hundred nd ton
dollar," h aald.
"Wht?" yellud Ifolhroolt, furloiiely,
end atopped thundenttruck, He atar'.d
at Mona, who w In tear.
"Oh, I wa wb ka l!" li crlel. "Ci grl -y
I went back after you left me-and loet
th reat of th money! I couldn t roalat
It If what gambling doe to me! I'm
not fit to be tnialtd when there a
ohane to gamble!"
"Good Irfirdl How did you luppoa I
wo going to be able to pay you that
much money? "You, Stanley you muat
think I'm fool! I won't pay It!"
"I'm torry," aald Stanley, "I'll hayo
to tak th matter up with your father,
than, Mr, Holbrook. 11' I)n
Molne, Iowa, I wher he llv, len't It?"
'Here hold on!" ald Holbrook, greatly
excited. He picked up hit bank book an1
did torn rapid figuring. Then hi eyea
fell on letter, and he called Mona over
end thowed It to her. Thl I what h
"My der on
"Why do you peralat In remaining In
th city? I ghull feel obliged to diaoon
tlnue your allowance unleaa you give
better aocount of expenditure.
"Surely th ncloed hould b uf
ftclant for thl month. Your Father,
"P, 8, Ifope you are arranging your
marring a promlaed."
"Now you can ee what you've don
to me," atormed Holbrook, "A fin tncax
I II b In now!"
"I'm dreadfully torry!" ttammered
Mon. "I never dreamed It would b to
terloug, though,"
Holbrook hexltated for ft moment. At
I sat he took two key, exactly alike, from
hi pocket.
"Here la th key to a little apartment
I have," he nld. "I'll glv you the d
dreee. If I pay thla man, will ycu be
ther tonight?"
Mona rtarted back. Hut. In a moment
eh held out h"r hand for the key. He
gov It to her-and with a Cjvrd, on whhh
an addreae waa written. He went back
to hi 'leek and tore up the letter, dr ip
ping It In th waete bnaket. Mona flatbed
a algnn.1 to Htanloy, who, a Holbrook
ant down to wilt a cheek, flxhed up
the torn plecee of the loiter and handel
them to Mona.
"Thank you," ealil Stanley, aa Holbrook
Magic Beauty andthe Way
To Get It
Simple formula memarkabl for
Their Quick, Thorough meenlt.
Explained by th Stage "tar
ad Self -Mad Beauty,
VeJcaka Kuiatt.
By Vahik Suratt.
Till! uuli'k rlinuiit which are
mail pimIM 111 akin tieauty
really aunilug TIih iruubln ta,
however. Ihtt thu in-.m i-iuptuyi'.l to
obtain th iliui.- r, umially weak
and therefore l,rli Mv ciilllplrX'.un
ewerat I know from my own exiwileiua
am fiviu that of 1.1 1mm simply taiiuut
be ex'rllrd by auv prrpHriitU'ii kuuwii
for beautifying the klu He rrault
I vitraiirtliuarv I aillveiv woman
l, tii iilng all mini km t'.-aviifmni
i i4iii and ...' Il.i f iimiiU nunp y
I tit uii tr4lni'll( ui it glvcrltlie III a
I nil nf xiinr a l l one o 11 t.f x'11
Inn I Uii lllimiiv and xerv ....ii
l.iur exin l I 1 ,1 k n-i 4 im.-l ,1a I h.l
1 leu f 11414 mnt i .iii Mii't eiv 11. i.iiik
ii'l r. i"l (" nut Li. i.i i( mill
itiatit4f It. U I 'He ,4H I-
l aitV Jut loe 41 4 Im i.!i pit. r
'ihu ottit all,, nil i,i4brt ii ,i' in, 11, 1
til li4l thl fel'llu Itll'lftl.l will 4
.,nii4 ih I 1 ' i .r I "i 1. t ili v
mel, i4iipiixi"ii
XIIrM rvirilH I. I am l al a'i
V,il ll4, II14I ! il- I . . j' y.i In
l I I, a lIl'N , lllll 'f
it... iift.ii. IN I'i'i l!i f 1 ,
I, .... I l4f Ii -4 I V ft 'I'll i':4- ..'4
In a ff iii-iii.. iii I114 I w i44i
leg ,-! ' ii4 1 u.r
,l., I14L rl ! ' . l'i It l ' !,
Im mlll ti I . tv 41 Xi Ii4ll4r b i -n
uii ll hhiii 1 1 k 1 1 gr.ia'ti
it alii ! 1 it I ll 1 .-1 il. tt,
mI.hi ft.ji vi ill i.4l
I W ! ,4en.l
rttAV.'it t
,l4.i I .
a vail 'i" H n
a 1 .
4 l".l 11,11. g
I I 4 . 4- 1 I
1 .il4iM S
Mi I tff
, !((
Will luiilvl
41. I 4
M. h
kile 4
, fc
'ii il ' a'
1 ta 'i.
mi, .i . n.
U4 I I i , j
4.1 lp. 14 4 ,ii l e. t 4lf hm ...4
4, I4 fr'ti. i if 44 lei. ! . I t-ii.-l
I.ip .i man fin a . 4.4
N t 4 'I 14 P. I
1 r !
r l in ,i t4ii .,. 1
TlilK eM f - I V.4", f.
I "I. t I !. . I . , 41
. . ' '" ut i' 4 i I.. 11 .1:. .
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t-4-f l.i f ' Xml 1.4-f HI pI
4lf, iHf l! i fc P- V .1 1-4 1 (i.p I
are your memoranda."
llollirook alotiped Mona for
aa ahe waa going out,
"TonlKht," he whleprred.
a moment
Hhe nodded. And then ahe went out
with Stanley, and they turned to on
another with a laugh. It wg not long
befor they had caehed Holbrook' check,
fltnnley with hla reward for the part he
had played o well, went off, entirely at
lafled, and Mona with th reat of th
money hurried to Mary, who wa de
lighted. .
"And look," aald Mona. "I'v got my
Idea now, Mary. Iook at thl letter h
got from hit father,"
"Ioe h mean to get married?" ak4
Mary, after ahe hod pieced the letter to
gether and read It.
"Of courae not It wa juat ft trick Uf
get more money!" aald Mono. "BuW
"It me think!" told Mary. You'r I
right. Mono you muat lie! Ther muat f
be tome way we can turn thl to ac
count!" "I knew you'd b able to think of tome
thing, Mary! That wa why I got the1
piece of the letter!"
It wn an rager young man, determined,
to forget hla Jolt In th matter of the
I, O, IT,, and to mk up for that by hla
cnn'iueat of Mon, who went to the apart
ment he had taken. H let hlmanlf In. ,
and called, a toon aa he waa Inald th
door; "Hetty!"
An old ault eaa waa thr on the floor,
tnd there wa evidence that tnmeone :
had been In th room. Kagerly h tor
aeldo the curtain that hid th othisr
room. It wa empty! Save for a not. ,1
"When you boaat about ny girl," he I
read, "be aura you know th girl."
He went back to hla apartment In ft
black rag. And there, to Increa hi
inger, he found flfella waiting, Btellft
Worfh, th girl he had caat effl It felt
a moment of tendnrne at th light of 1
her-li bad tnmted him to fully, ahe I
wa ao different from thla other girl.
"What do you want?" he marled.
"Oh, fharley!" ah tald, pleadlnglj.
"My dear aren't you going to be fair to j
me now?"
"Pair to you!" he mocked. "You'v got '
no claim on me!"
"Thero'a renaon," the faltered, "Char
leycan't you underatandf
H had decency enough In him to be 1
affected by the revelation and to real
ize that ah waa what he thould alway
have believed her to be a good girl. Hut
he waa not decent enough to be willing
to make the only emend that war in
hla power. Kven while he atared at her,
however, ther wa ft knock at the door.
He nawered it and received a note front
hi father.
"My dear ton: Came In on bualneea to
night and am at thl hotel, Am going
to bed, ao do not cull tonight.
grudiflngly gave him tho
"Call tomorrow ond bring your bride
to me.
"Hv decided to Increoaa your allow,
anc If you marry at once,
Ifolbrook atared at th letUr In die
may. And then h looked up and taw
fitella, trembling, tearful. Suddenly h L
taw a way out. '
"Stella," h aald, "I've behaved like ft 1
beaet to you, my dear! I can e It now!
Would you marry me tonight?"
Kh could not ipeoJc; tli could only
Ihrow heraelf In hla arm. w
He ruehed out. And In a little while
ftclln took the telephone and celled for i
Mona and Mary. It wa Mona who an-
"Oh ye yeja he' going to marry
me!" tald Stella. "Hut I'm to afraid of
what he'll aay when he flndt out"
"He'll ty nothing,'' aald Mono, "Be
raue I've written to him to explain It ;
all-nd to let him know that he'a don
the only thing that would reconcile him ,
wllh hla father, loo. You wait, Stella .
I believe he'll aettle down now and turn u
Into a pretty decent tort of huaband in y
aplte of everything! And I know you're 1
going to to good!" Then aho hung up.
"He mny not xtny reformed," aald Mary
lo Mon. "I think he'a a bad egg. But
It wee worth doing, anyhow. We collected
aome, of our bill and we've mode that j
little girl happy., That wa worth doing
(Knd of Kplaode No. 1.)
WMH. H 1 1. It It la not gnral1
I. im ii 11, ut tiiMi-k tiwHil can t-o Ih.irmigtuy in 4 fn iiiiuiii.a , v iitiiig 14
plmiike, wntMng II nl u. wnlei, pi1n'4
llnif e. hum i, in. tin im u, n, ,, r,.i.
tin- Ii on Hi tiiaikhratla. It u alnm'ti"
ii.l ,
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