6-B TUVj OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 9, 1916. in Win 3edi" lose SyitTl- M ih Qsjel TIB HKINNKR'B prMnr In (nnnh lt wnek put tho top mono mi lh ! 1 ri of th driiiiintlo ncMnn I'l Oinnhft, mip Ihsl hm limn notaM for iiunlliy, rntliirr thin rj im nt I ( y. S 11 nut tirHLlKuril lo oni of llm l,pt (Klorit living Hurtnv iho t- trntialrd wck elm's limt full w Mr, mid koiiiQ of tlm mriMt iooiIjtii of drmiiH, 1'i.r IM w xi'riM our Ihniikfulnt'iiii, nrl yrl fril an 1I4 Oliver Twlut on that ,r"''h-wmrkln nccntilon in Ma Ufa wln-n li dkfil for mora. Maylia anolhnr on will hrln If. TTi prfiwnt U not alto- Kthrr at an fiA, for mime very Iclc tabla rntrlli)in'Mt yet walla for ua, anil w will axacinliltt In ronalflimtila numlicra at tda thoatrr yrt 1(for viva our aalvca ovt-r ntlrly to tha Joya of aum mor life. I'luna not frittraly matrd rromla mora of antivlty at leaat, and tha nut araaon at tha thttatar In Omaha will likely b fuller. If not mora brilliant than tha laat. "Twin Rcil," tha farca-comedy which PHwyn II Co. arn offrriog at tha Itran dfla theatnr, will clono In engnni'iit wlih tfJiila-hta performance. "Twin Urda" la tho Joint work of flallahury field and Marurt Mayo and la built upon tha compllrullnna which tan arl when three couplet nil comely and fr Karloua and nearly all Jealoua-llva In three apartmenta dlriwtly above each othr In bin metropolitan houae, and exrhantre vlalla. both by Invitation and Ty mlattko, at anaorted hoiira of lh day and night. It la both clean and funny berauae flrt It I Iimnun, "Widow by Troxy," Ml Ounhlng'a trrealatlble farre-comedy that the Kva I,ang playera are offering at tha lloyd, beginning toilny matinee and week, la play for thoaa who Ilka to laugh and who mnnt to laugh all the evening. There la no pathne no paaelon and no problem In "Widow by I'roity." It la a tale of a aplrlted young aoclety girl bleaaed with extravagant taatea and no Linney, who waa told aim wag "killing'' In crape and aet out to prove It. Even crape, you know, ran be funny when It U Juxt put on for "a, dare," and when the vanlahed huahand-hut that la tell ing too much at flret. Mlaa Ing I tllorla flrey, Mr. Lynch la Paptaln Pen nington, hll Mla ttradfonl, Mr. Ienl thorne and tlraee r!, who makea her flrit appearance with thl company, are all happily rat. .f. The big muelral and dramatln event of the aeiuinn will be the forthcoming re ar'pearenie here of lienry W. Hxvage I Impieanlva di aniKilo i'lm l. ' Kvery wninaii," shbli lll he . en at the llrao dele theater for (nr ttave beg'imlng April tX Mr, Ka"e nmtimti.e that he cam will be fully ea etroog a on the i',',, 1, , nf the former Uit. end liiat ti e pri'd.i. ihm ha bn h,aiiiih . at the eime high tnn.leiil. Though It been ilne.e,t .y e'. rr iirt ..( pie, the vogue nt lhi eli.giiUr j.Uy h tier abated eiet It la ! ! the nioet poleiit lug-rf.-e Hr. t ..n In Aoteil. . Aly right in 1.1 the retn.iU ant keeping gheeaa) nf he tlovee. The tug et,n nf PH." geetl ef It r nii t.'l e. l. !r, rxiiirii :t M rii n Airl Jt a the tir lino at the t t.f e I. I In 1 .1. I n , ,.l , :' M an I W I'll.. M. er.t VUfluin Millet. .he f'lUM Helen r e lnml lli. I limn, I .iiiMme). Miller ,.t M, riiM 'eet Ai.i. K r I t,r U Mo'iio U4e, Kant It l. Ante. I t III I l I n ,,! M.iio rim ftie ( hi't-i em I l i to .,,.t K nn, .. ,..' f .1 !. I I.. ( ,ar , ( '..4 I,.ti,- f ,1, ..., ,(; gM '.sil ' '. k .- i ,u it fv-ilt. f.-n li-, !' I I 1 1 ' ' I - -t 1 , . a" " l . t It -e V , 'n I .I,M( . I ,l,,,l,( a- 1 i!i... , f t t t.r I . a .; i '.', ..( nit i 1,, j I - ' l ' I, t- tl H , T,,-1 '- i-i'n.t t'-e f f ht ii, y .w-t.i t 1 " 6 , . 1 1 4 v., a "-' . l t' at . t a I i II. (,., I ,., !., f i -,! Ii-t l I .. 1 ((. Ml, t ,,t wt'l l-e tii' .i I W"-l H.''i K"'t. .! !. a, ' B -- m o Vi k u m t U I.- ) ' I mil l 7 Y a tlarytyin Millet P.jii'.f Coming to 3ojj's Tairicola Harry f. Tower, Horace Mitchell, fire"' Teter. John llogan, Hclforil Forreet, An nette Wealhny and iirorg C, Lyman, Joaeph E. Howard, wllh. hie "Bong Ilevue," cornea to the Orpheurn tlila week aa the headline feautre, ilia aeele tnnt thl time will be Mla Kthelyn C'lurk. The act l on of the moat popular that hag ever come over th Orpheurn circuit. Soprano and tenor are giuig with eiiual ee, aweiit unite, rung and expreafllon by the diariiallo vocallxt, Dorothy Toj-e, filio I billed tlil week aa nn extrn attraction. "Huapluloug Jlubby" g the name of the comedy to be offered by Bv Taylor, with Lawrence rirnltnn ga her lending men. I.inl)erll, mualcul Impciaonntor, orfiira living portralla of Lliwt, Htrniian, tloiinod and olher eminent compoacra. Ha play a whla variety of Inatruinent. In their venlilloqiilnl novelty, "The Theatrical Agent," Hugh Mri'ormlck gnd (Iruce Wallace will be eeen and heard In comedy dialogue aald to be extremely entertain ing. The Lunelle meter. alyhd the whirl ing Oclaha gtrle, will Introduce their aerlnl dental novelty, Huapended by their teeth thfw glrle do a ballet dunce and then after descending to the atnge ehow they are accomplished In olher than aerial dinning, Mang and Hnyder, gymnaatla marvel. Introduce a number of novel and haaardoua feata. Temple of Kioto, Japan, lliltlah heaibiuater In Meiigul and an excumlnn to Catalonia, Hpaln, will be ehown In excluelve motion picture by the Orpheurn Travel weekly. For the week of April !, the Orpheurn will preapnt Alexander Carr, whoae laet etarrtng venture wee In "i'otaeh and rerlemutter." In "An April Phower." a one act comedy drama written by him self In collaboration wllh tlgHr Allan Woolf. Mr. Carr gave particular atten tion to the gelectlnn of hla company and declaren It la I he best cast he ha ever had the euppart of. Rose Bvdell, hereelf. end her "famnug ltidun belle" are playing an etigngn mnt at tlie popular (intnty iheitler Ihla week In "IMnkle lloiieymiHin," In which Johnnie Welier appeal aa sler, with K'dilh Hamilton and ilrrtrmle IMnlley aa feitl ired playera l:iinilles of pietly glrle, attired In rostuiiiea that make kale.t(1..m ,f colors, a welih of t.iihi etrlklng iiiehflice, dutn iiw bv loll Mdual. cmples, iinaitet end rH.-rui.ee, a greet deal of i ll n r ,,,,. fim ,y known c .i.,e.lii,, M itinllnl l.i crem one of the blg. l niul, el htt !-.,ti.- thl btta Peen .en III texts The pi III. I. I'M comedy ..!.., l, f ui, fttisit-." Is plated by ,l,,l,nnlti We her 1 Inn ,l.v liiuhl eccur the ilnHi i f,(H eniiul i.i,iei(e ni4l,t c, .ri,, .. '., It,, wlnit.,! l, I'tt.lev eli. i'l II. Hv.tell i,e,.,,. ,tlv ,( 1 " ' It 'l f'lee S ,M This I ait ete.ii t!i., e. In no, .he end ll e,..li, It ,,,,1) n,t n ,u le.kr-l i.f a liu.s after II Is (iter J.l eti i imi.un i.f te a lit.etly ,,''''- "l I'.el It I at ISe ' '.MlM ,iitli,e ,.f n, th will a Utt, h,!te dtilt ! and, in, ii 4 Mii,,r it, ,,, h.lsi.e Ull at I tMi.-tk W-H WI I. '.II, M, h ..,,m, t -.slit . tt,s t ..ltiu, ...iU of u-a lii.,i. Ik- tU. I, ,.,..,. M fcisia ' '. l- ' e.'-g ,.l ,' ! it l'ie ib. V , .. ,. v .. i, a ,hi i n . i . ..em ( ( .,.t i i . I. .i l ' .1 . I t I . . R. If St ii-i.i f. l... '., i ' Is a , ! U1 !..' l I st i't Lie I .f t .m. I t' I' 41. I It, I if I - IK ea - lit t I t . I i l - i,,e e - l t - i.t tt W-i--l-f I ilt, i--t a, I ' tj -i n e It. itit l tt-'l lt I"-.-.. tit tt ,i'- linv.a e ,n n al t! J ' . ,i i H Kr k a., t ,t a. t I a At Boyd's "I tit. . prove a feature of the bill. Alhertug and Terry will close the bill In their dunclng club Juggling hit, Tho twelfth episode of "The Strange Case of Mary f'age'' will be the feature fit the movlea for the first half of the week, while the "Wey of the World" drama, "On the fitll) Hunt," comedy, and the Miuttial Weekly are given for good measure, "The llnnd of Deception," "1'aur J'olltlriil l'ull" and "Jerry Among Hmugglera" will l shuwn. "Kip Van Winkle" I the week' offer ing gt the Krug today end all week by Ilia North Hro.' rerpctiial Stock com pany. Mir, Robert Orandl he the title role, "Kip," the vagabond. The entire strength of the North playerg will b eecn In guppnrt, Hport North aa Nick V'edder," the tavern keeper, and llenevleve IIiihsrII aa Rip's daughter, "Meenle." Ml Henderson, I cast for "Orctchen," and Mr. Hlllnrd a "Derlck von lleekmnn," Two new member will be Introduced to Ihe friend of thl com pany In thl play, Mnson Wellington, a promising juvenile lending man, and Mis "Happy" Mttner, daughter of "Hlg Hill, "Happy" lllllner, daughter of "II g Hill" Ulttner. The acenln environment and stage accessories are to be complete and the detail carefully looked after. The Chicago Ladles' orchestra have arranged a program appropo lo the performance, and the usual matinees will be given Thursday and Saturday, Mrs. Turpin Chosen as President of tho Society of Widows Announcement of officer for the newly created Society of American Widow I made by the founder, Mre. Ilessla C, Turpin. Mr. Turpin Is presl dent; Mre. Stella lletlf.u Wilson, a lawyer, la first vice president, Mra, Flor ence Miller. econd vice president; Mrs Ada II rtereell, third Vic president, and Mre M, May Coast, secretary-treasurer The board of director Include Mee deinee Turpin, Alice A, Mlnlck, Fmlly Dickson, A,l W. Hall, Job y O, Mickey, with an adtlsoty board made up of Mes tlainee Wilson, Minl k, Virginia K Hob his. .ii, Cerllue IjuiUe Carn, Florence Oarreletm. Turpin. fflet Meen KUlelson. Iirena M. I'tehe and Katherin i liottle The aoclely le l.t b tncrporate 1 for l',iH and Wl l be dependent upon Ihe tiietiilMrstii tees. It .r er for wMi.w end l r j.r .r bitiu.rtry ineiiitiera, sivt. , i.e. and I !,.. ihi S"hcilti Imk In siart Ihe induelrlat teal r V hut fie widow I w.inmn of Ihe cminlif t, t "'ed I r a il'tt. I.'.ev I eprel a Uttv .ni,t wii.h will I ..0.111,11 I tha r . e.'t an I '.i ,, iml.is tit et,v CMIUIC-HI, til I It Ua l.l. ,ut..r "' ! lUtii the !.. slaiul ',..t.l- I i eho .1 It-e In t d lfiliiihn h Ifc.ie t-it l.i eid e. o.-ime til .s (hall t -. aiiiwl, h.n it, H,nit tu t " ' ' a ! stu o i t i..t ii . '' ' puetee I if tbw "wwt.w (..n ' at Si t 'fin it SEVEN riLE PETITIONS ASKING FOR DIVORCE iit't I ... I , tit to.-, at ,1 ,.. a t. '' I 1l . , V. , i I', t tit i ll ' .. t 1 1 . 1 I t i W "i l,J t Vll! - I -iv, t a u ' a I I -a - '' M in- a .., f -...a t I H l- - l . r , lt S .4 I i a. lit , - e a tai.. t - i a. I i ' ' ' - I '. Ii ..tt A i... fltiH tan I'l'-t- a atvfca thiuti " (OHPMUM) ' ; "0 J '""1 Ai ft? MV5IC KM , Br IIKISHIKTTA M. HKEI, JMualeal aleedar. Tueedey April II Mr. and Mr. Thome J. Kelly, novelty aong recital, Young Woman' Christian association audi torium under auspice Jdle goclety, of St. Mary' Avenue Congregational church at :Ki p. in, Th'ireiftiy, April lit Mlnneapolla Sym ti.ionv orchestra, matinee and evening, ill ui.. ids theater. Matlice sololsls. I.eu onura Allen, eoprnuo, and Cornmlu Van V lift . colllst. Kvenlng aololNts, Ixnil Oreveure. harltorio. and Illchurd Czer wonkv, violinist, bmil Oborhoffgr, coo ductor. Thurediiy April It, I P. M,-"L'Amore del Tre He, grand opera by Montemexil, Jiostun Orund Oye.re coin pan y and bul let "Hnowflakee, ' I'avlowa and UaJlst jtiisse, Omaha Auditorium, Friday, April 14, a P. M "Madame Hut. terfly," Puccini, presented by iloston Grand Opera company with the Japanese prima donna, Tumakl Mlura, In the title role i'avlowa dlvvrUeinnt, Omaha Auditorium, Frldiiy. April 14, I r. M.-"Ia Boheme," I'licilnl, presented by Boston Orend Opera company with noted cast. Span ish bullet, Mil. I'avlowa and Ilnllnt ItussR, Omuha Auditorium. Tuosday, April ID-New York Philhar monic orchestra. Josef Slrmisky, con ductor, Miss Krencce Nash of Omaha, gulolst, lloyd' theater. VKNTH of the greatest musical I Interest will take place In pfl j I Onto ha In the next tendaye, us limy ri S.'VII llj u irri-,, glnnce at the calendar. With two orchestra In lea than n week to delight nil lover of this kind of music, with tha stimulation of nnolh.r Kelly concert and with the visit of the Boston Orarid Opera company end th.i I'avlowa I in lief Ituase, th enthiislasn will not have much time for the ordinary mundunn affair of customary existence. It might he a good wheme to name thl period from Tueadny, the llth, to Tuesday, the KMh, "Music Week," and Just devote ourselves to music the same w would attend the various sessions of a conven tion. H I well to make hay while the sun shine for summer I anon coming and there will be several month when no Important musical attraction will dis turb the even tenor of our wy or cguso the Jcast ripple of excitement In our midst. The coming of the Iloston flrand Opera company with the I'avlowa Ballot Ilimse Is being looked forward to by miield lover and the general public al ke. W are prejudiced In It favor at the very beginning by the fact that the opera to be presented are of the newer one, which we do not get a a rule. According to all report thl company Is the lareeit end blithest rinse organization of lie kind which ever attempted a long transconti nental tour. From every city visited haa com glowing praise of the work done by the principals, the orchestra, the general ensemble and of the beautiful ba'lelg presented. Opera appeal to tho muslo lover because It be been the Inspiration of aome of the flneat muslo which wa ever written, because It present a com bination of many form of muslt and furnlsbe a vehicle for many dramatic Interpretation to those ijuellfled elngera who when found In the pnrla made them a genuine delight. Opera I Interesting to the general public because It la not necessary to have special previous musi cal knowledge to enjoy It. It I the mii'h that really makoa the opera nd by which It stands or fall, but one who lias not had prevlou musical training can go to an opera nnd ee the reason for the muslo through the acting, work, the glage set ting end the other connected art, which are alt combined In opera Itself. Bi the old opera the muslo wa alway sunshiny and sublime no matter how tragic the content, but In the modern one, lnce th time of Wagner, the mualo depict the tory more con1lently and vice versa the story I truer to the muslo. Mnny a lover of the higher forma of mualo which are more abstract and essen tially mualo for Us own sake haa had hi first conversion through clear and well presented operatic performance. Those who attend the grand opera per formaneca should not forget that entering tho Auditorium la much like the experi ence of the camel and needle' eye and that of the rich man and the gate of heaven and go early accordingly. Kvery performance starta fifteen minute earlier than usual, and antneone aald that no one who came late would be seated until tha end of the flrat act. The announcement of another recital by Mr. and Mr. Thoma J, Kelly I al waya a welcome one to their many frlenda and admirer. There U alway such care displayed In the (election of their number and these are ao diverse and of uch wld contrast In their vari ous recital that each program hold In terest tor Itactf alone and doe not en croach upon any of the previous onee in material or acop. Mr. Kelly ha promised for this recital something entlrelv out of lha ordinary, different from anything that ha eter been given In Omaha, Fol lowing I th program: Arte - Where'er Tint Walk ...llandel Ana ii Had I Juttal' I yre IUmt.. Fin Hcbwan' rved lleetg l.lntun " . . "Iciif.a 1'ilnin'' ... "I'UUtr d Amniir . ft.'hee of Ar'abia . ...ltoberl S.'hui.ishii Ilrtnaldo liahn Mailml tlranvllla l-anUHk In ihe I .eeil , I Jthlellt" . . - . . -, . ! i- Mabtlnanle e H..ng ' . . . The I lil.fiain s I tattle Hong",... Duoa In ' 'I N.', John' iAiiwiwI , otd r:nUh Plal'.g'le f..fm, ''(be "ilUe Merena.le J.,l.T.nt. Iirahn.a (Vte'll hea Slse.t.lt hen I Inlet Itil.l.-.t Hip i.,i..,,i. a I - e T-i Xl," fid lliahland Mat ed 1 . .-- Ti e l I 'f t'.ti .iil T.twit" , , tl ... tl.ail M tl'.oy i let lea' .-.I . T V t.'Ha. S'r Mt.il. i,lr l ii i.' ..-a-1 T.-t ' fa, tattles ar I t l'ir r,a 1 1 Ha il, h Ii I et lil lt ' I arraia" 1 h I ! t't ' I k ' -!.' -ft. t .Hl.,1 'II l .iis h. I t rie l ti- 'l C tkt,rl Man-lnis!'!- t l"l. tit i.'l lt.lt i.H ltt.tt I an I't i Mr ant !. K!'r will kave the titiiiu ..f le Matlm i a .- -. p'.i.i.I T . rt tttaf e -1 rr.ua . cr xi -. si cf t.f fa I a I . ' I .till t.eit..ft, i.l-i, e Ike f.t.t.. .a Si ini.-a e 'I1 a K-l-l." e" it, ha a ..-. I a i-t. .....tti ' I !'" ' ! ler. " n.l tte tl a n-.ai ai' . l'.t"t.i ii i tlii ti.-l aa t---a w . tt,t-.,r. k St I al tare ' of w.. . l-r.l ... r lit I. kf l'.tt f k t f.-a . 1 1 i!. t " !" y a; ,1 .1 ..f Ik -! ef el-ia -f A.i.i-1 II It INit ft i . . I I 'a It an I I'- 1 1 - ' i. - a . f Ik -e Ii I '-.it i f m -... i.mi tl a e-tae it kit i.r..i.eaita ti.t.t al tt tt.av la ce'iiil -jH,iitn' ' .-t'lattl n..l, Ikal get ll'li "lfkjel s WILL SINO AT Y. W. C. A. ON TUESDAY EVENING. If.UomssTKeUy placed Mm among' the recognized great conductor of the world and ha wo:i for the Minneapolis orchestra It position a on of America' greatest or chestras. Thl recognition ha com to Mr. Obcrhoffer and hi remarkable or chetra wherever they have appeared, and public, critic and musician hav vied wllh each other In enthusiasm. The loyalty of Minneapolis to the or chestra and Mr. Obcrhoffer I reflected In the subscription for a term of year of an annual guarant of t'iR.00, end the recent giving of $80,XW for a new combined orcheelra hall and art museum, which Is to furnish a permanent home fur the orchestra. ' Several changeg have been made In the program of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra for their concert at th Bran del theater Thursday. They now aland a follow: Thursday Afternoon, April 13. at Sololsls: Leonora Allen, soprano; Cor nelius Van Vllet. cello. Program; pAur i. 8ymphonv No. eTh Surprise Haydn I. Adiiirlo ctitatille-VvHce assal. . Andante: Them and variation. III. Meuuetlo. IV. Allegro dl molto. Overture Ignore No. 3 Beethoven Arte -Softly Sighing, from "Der Frlch not;. Weber lsonora Allen. PART II. Fantaav for Cello and Orcheatra O Cara Memorla Serval Cornellliis Van Vllet. (a) Clouds, (b) Festivals, from Three Nocturnes leeissy Aria Ah, Mon Coeur, from "Ml- ii iile ' iiounoa lonora Allen. Overture Carneval, op 93 Dvorak Thursday Evening, April 13, at S H Soloist. Ixiiils Oraveure. baritone; Richard Cierwonky, violin. Program: PART I. Overture ! Carneval Romeln.... Berlin Symphony No. 1 In K-minor Slhellii I. Andante ma lion Iroppo Allegro energlco. II. Andiinte imt non troppo lento), til. Hi hcrxiv Allegro. IV. Finale i Quail una Fantasia!. Arlit-r.n lu, from "The Masked Hall" Verdi 1 4111 in ilratetir. PART II. Concerto In P t'fwo motetnents! Wlenlawskl (al Romania, iM Allegro a la Xin- gara Richard Cierwonkv, (a) flslre ile l.tin iWinl.r fl'ar- llsbt'. friun "Verthr ' Massenet fbl Shephrrtl a Hey lA Mnrri 0 YD Wt4, CkrIri. Apr. II. it 1 1) THE pniLiiAnr,;oi:ic ORCHESTRA OF NEW YORK JOfir tVPMNXY, CntltHlr SOLOIST Frances Nash ...PIANIST... Mall 0Wi Ni UA Silt Witf. A;r, II Prices 5Go$2.00 Itirpln's Sen::! of Dancing mm ihia A l.r.m Ma fee. I m f ." 1t9, J;'i j,e-n a -y, ii.. Ittlll llaA f V 4 ('' ' . 'f y ' ,; ' '. "' ' , ) y, v es - .rA f . ,rv J I ., . ... jy .lrtl.WN4y VP Pnnce) Oralnger Aria Vlnlone Fugitive, from "llero- diade'' ilimsetict Louie Ornveure. Walweiten (Forest Murmurs), from "Siegfried" Wagner Flntuu i.i ithe.tigiiiil I I'.nt ruuee of the Uod into Walluillai Wagner . Mnelcat oes. The choir of All Halnts' Fplacopal church, under the direction of James II. Slmms, will present "The Messao from the Cross," by Will C MacKnrlene, city organist of rortliitul, Mn., in plac of the regular morning service 1'ilm Miud iy at 11 a. m. This same choir wl:l nr scnt "The t'aachal Victor," by J. Hetiaatlan Matthew, a well known New York or ganist, on Rister Hunda.v nl :ht. Ilelllnus music Is an Important branch of the srt and when well written numbers are given with care hv a good choir It fulllll It highlit service to mankind. A sncred concert will be given at the Young Women Christ an an 'H itbm auditorium April It at l;30 p, in. under th TS1 Pbon MATINEE DAILY 2:15 iwv, iu;!vr of WEEK STARTING SUM. APR. 9 JOS mi TBLYH fn Mr. Howard' Eva Taylor and Company Larabcrti IB th Idly Comdy TWT MABTKB MtTglCT W. a::vn10VH r "UBB -SraT Itte Sisters M'Cormick & Wallace if&XEgV&ffSRSSS?' In Their Ventrtloijutai Foelty, Wovaltr. Man? and Snyctcr cirouif Motum nottu MA8TEH ATHI.STXI. yhotographr. DOROTHY TOYE TIE WITH TWO OKA WD OPEA VOIOH Hopraao and Tenor. '&&, Wight, lOo, dlMjBitf4gM EUfl B0VB' STARTS Today Matlnw nnd All Week Mat., Sun., Ww!., Hut. AND (Y)MIANV, InrliKlLng EDWAJ1D LYKCH PRICES 25c-50c. NEXT WEEK "Ihe Case of Becky" ONE NIGHT. FRIDAY. APRIL 21st Warmest Winter Garden Eiby of Them All The Passing WITH GEO. W. MONROE PRICES: MARILYNN 50c to $2X0 And 150 Hopeful EMPRESS ELIVIW TO M.ITIW saxra- COWTCTUOUS TAtTDETII.1.11 AITD photo mu t OAT1, BTAHTIlfO A Fill, nrTBRMATIOHAI, TKIO Wo Hr Cornea ginger. . ioi;' coaa Jtln Pomeranian Fet. MAHOEAV TB.OUPB BoclatT Acrobats. OI.XVEX.AirO 9 DOWBT Singing, Talking1 Banjolsts. XOTO PI.AT PgOOlAM Way of th World On the Still Hunt Mary Fag. lOc Admission OMAHA'S r THE LADIES' SOCIETY or St. Mary's Avenue Congregational Church MR. AND MRS. KELLY In a Program of Artistic Songs on Tuesday Eve., April 11, at the Y. W. C. A. Auditorium Prices, 75c and $1.00 Ticket aad Beserratloa TONIGHT-- V.rlr"ia! Twin Beds IIIWVN CO . taUQM fHTIVAl aeM t'Uaal I GT MuaiaeM I I Zj) r-su,iii fkaU ti Bel. KV - I Or., tl 0 Thursday. April tJth "VV4 MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BmiI 0ilf. C-i Wa4it !. . Atki IU1. T. a Tlaseat (Pw Cxatratta, t.u tttae, lull La. I A-Hea, ). . rmiciiS M.iliex , . t.a , .-. , II, II Ml t I. tl u i: r r A Dc LONE -:HARP:- Jl I lilt 11 N, Nlt t.M 7tl It art IU mI".! tu StMilent. direction of Miss Helen Voting, Miss Flor ence Nootiem and Mies Helen Hehellberg, from Mis Alackln's das. A vocal oii will be tilven by John Uunn and a m i In nunrtrt containing Krol Hnlckler, Jobti Uunn. Kdward Fuller and Uonard Itoilg ers will sing two selections. Vocal num ber by the courtesy 01 air. i.n iv.. Mnny Innulrlee have tieen mnde co ..t-..l... IV... ,IM ,,r Mlaa lie lyilie H h'l. rellMl t.iil mIim e.rtiieals to announce lTlt o.-r liliveii mil unit n,i,i.- - -- - -,,,.1. r..uram until IllT rltltlt arm h become strong eiiougti. Hlnce her accident on New Years eve the In jury he prevented her from giving an entire program. The early part of th" corning season will afford Omaha muslo lover un opportunity to htar evn a f iinglit end I nMt Are Penaeeoti. Internul throat and chest trouble pro duce Inflammation. To reduce Inflamma tion, loosen coi'gh, destroy cold germ, uen Iir. King New Hlscovery. All druggist,- Ad vertlsnmcnt. Oougla 494 x wxtv.xiu.K. and CLABK Tw ong IUvlw, 950, 000 and 700. Widow by Proxy A ltollli'kltiK Cotncily (1inrlr(l Cu.hlnjt. to Show of 1915 EUGENE and WILLIE HOWARD IVilLLER SEATS Heartbreakers Mon., Apr. 17 EVERY 1 NIGHT 1 8:15 I m ThsiHj,BjiwWJM'", "" uie laeiiSawssiiis itjaniiiMiinSirti t tr-r " 1CKX.0DT 3 DATS, STAKTIH0 AFBIT. 13 A1BIBTU1 k VBKBY Saucing Clnb JuggUr. FATAICOLA Queen of the Cabaret. UHSHmB 01L A Miniature afoaloal Comedy. HALLAPIN TaVOUPB Tehlcl a; Monoplane Woeltf. FOTO P1VAT PKOOBAK Bond of Deception Paul' Political Poll Jerry Amongst Smnggler. Admission 12 O BBIOXT SPOT. at Matthew Book Store. TodayffKEWATonlte 2:30 IIRUll 8:20 Pr Tea Perforiuanree, " BTAITDABD STOOK DMA MAS at mot b raicn THE Whsr a ! NORTH DIME Taki tl ulae ' BROS. I DOLLAR pubpctuai. itocs to. joatrn jtrrtsiuMs RIP VAN WINKLE !Bseaimg,i.s rued 1 ft Bie4 . af f , JLfaJv r...il Malls 1 I C iim T'.e .ua Bu en U'as da. m iiivruai" ttvgv wtm "A Ba frtaa el Surest. OMASA rvs rTt ROSE SYDELL..T; JaVLOHOON ICLUS I . I, ...... , ta-t.aa Pi MaHaa aa Uaia w A I, T K K WHEATLEY Vturs it efs4 iet i rum "!" 1 at booh j i ii' ana.