5-H tASHES FROM. FlIMLAND X. -to. ft Uf''" isJwV PHOTO PLAYS FOR-OM AH A 9 -DEVOTEES .-X y. THE OMAHA SlTXDAV T.EK: AFIUL 0. 1916. 1 r. - mm. - aaaaaiajMpaaaaataajaiaaaaawaapaiaai raa iibk f 1 . W IS 1 7 J! SELIG DISCUSSES EDUCATIONAL FILMS Believei Movie Machines Will Inntallfd in All Schooli of the Country, Be UKCLEAN STOEIES AEE MENACE William N. Jie-llg, trull known to Mlnw rg nt thf ph('iiily a had ut th lellg iwnjiany, w recently Interviewed in ftrrnnr in th ediieatirinal viu of mnvlng f.liture. In part, h ald: "Th educational aid of I'liiem bflgrapby In gssijnilng greet Imfi'irianr and great rt'-nl of attention U being devoted lo the liiruf lonul iU!lty of film. T believe (hot sooner or later moving plefure machine will he Inatnlled In every school building In the country, and wny null fan the board nt edoed.. Hon efford to be long without this equip ment? fleewlngly not, for already many fit one leading Institution ere equipped In hi wny and they Invariably prove a valuable slf In th curriculum. Modeif I'lcfnre ( nnrin, "I unM'-lcMt motion fl'ur oun hi-fnre to vry lofi, Then It will t plnn'iro Innlofil rf duty f'r th mll lioy lo (f to wi-liool, HoiAny, ruituml hi 1nry, K!i(?lr,h lltcrntiir, gwmntt'hy, hl- flm taught thoroijhIy by indTlon plo lurx. "Tli" Mtory of ft t'nlt4 Htt cn h Iti4!it wllh film owtly plrturin Id llv- ;f our Krot i(rt, th po?h of hlntoty nl li!'i film en b ld4 by proper (wl'fitlon from th nw rols will' h li)ii rctfuWrly cnntilnlria: ini tht r worthy of priprvton for fu ture dhidy. "Tli itutift of wild nlmtl, th habi tat and their hltorl-, ran alo t con vincingly tMdld on tha acrean. far Ira fir tor a Haaea. ".Another thin antrra rnf mind It la tha old mnvinti. 'nlf-nllnii m nxt in codlln'.' Thl old adaica la appil;tihl ti motion plrturr. Production ahould ba clean and carry food moral lron, hot tha 'good mora U tton' ahould not ba tiaad aa an aaouva to film that whlrb I aalalou. In my aatlmation tha ratat manao to th futur of tha motion ptv tnra art today la not tha oanaor, nor tha madlocra ploturaplay, but tha $o eaJl'd 'darlnf plctur. Manufacturer who Irnrlut on rrlaalna; unclaan or 'atart Una and darlnf production ar not orjy mrnar to motion plctura art but thay ara rnonacln elvla bonty and moral ity. I I.i-t ii atrlra for elaan ptntoraa, tat tm i for worthy picture, let u pay rrt'. itt'-ntlon to tha aducatlonal alda of inn work, and motion ptctnraa will bcoma mora and mora artlatlo and tha art will flourlab. Ilka a ren bay tr." SCREEN BILL AT HIPP IS UIVcKdlrltL) KKUQKAM Tha IIIpp thaatar offar a dlvamtflad prnaram to it patrona thla wak. For today only Howard Mltrhall and Olalya ara fraturrd In "Tha Traffic Top." Kvry policeman' Ufa I mora or lc filled up wllh axtraordlnn ry ocmirrano' that maka up an iiiier'(lne utory told on tha arrocn, Mondiiy and T'iar1av, Inorn ITIrloh, tha Hi d of I'aradtM atar, will h arn In 'Tha llart .f I'ttiila,'' a utory of lova, avriiturn and liiisindiiKa In MraP-tt under tha pn w nt ccriitltlonn. "Ilia lioart of f'a'ila" 1 oroy trlnd, but triumph 0. r x lnn lom Hint maka a ia itirul lova ainiy, liiilin'liiK Mi.'iiilii rninani and niinient Vi.inimlAy and Thnr-1y th IIIpp of fra "Tli Iliintd Manor," featuring ba Mu pnid. 'I hi I an l aal Indian Ionian a In l l h Ml-a Mmpud l'I i una ff hr tot ani'lr ril. f riii v and .'all. ntav Anil Kin ,l 1. r ctfii wuli Vnior Mn i In a 8'eil a a, r i.oiKilit '.iinly i alld "'Tit lu i' ' Talks with Screen-Struck Girls By Beatrix MichtlenaNo. 5, ii ,...,..,! -d ,'anuerv. Ill by lni.ii ; u I , ,i n i j rJ"1 ev r e.v r'i , j ' -rif, 4 !'"'' ll " ' ' " . :H ' ' ' ' '" I ., I "'"I'U ' i f " L -' ' . ,' en i ' " ' f ' . . . ' .. i,i I h I V .if ' ' '" If if i i ' ' Jr in. i i. ... ti ' v je l, I S i I a, Hi ii V Mail. aKalaViie'f 1 ' i I ! t lt-t M l'i . i -. i f , .i, . I . i. t e t.ii it I . . I ef ... i , 1 ' i.-i , I ii.iii ' r . ; . I i a '-" i hua i 1 1 a le In" ' 1 i i 1 n : ! ' i ' ."I I ii a , 1 1 .j .-1 j i l i. i 1 liu'il ii 'hi -v i . , , ' is ' i ... i. .... i Journeys With Photo Players Hnry l'mh-rton h hrcn on MM of chli:kn-h,rtrdni. Acordd.K to tli fdin I iiou!d liv no icnro'i imo Uoim, yet. reciifilly t(ir a in the I'cm hrrtoti family n ApptHilna jou'i i lili ken. Lvrr tlfne lli-nry xlarli d lo w t" hi n nry to fnokn a klllin lirn lad nn ffi iind no anvPd her llf. fa jlllif KredTl' k t in I' ll r'nffd ovrr tiu. fun tnt h p!v") '. if mm), ft a al a th iirnif.phl' trd stlrl In Ti e ild-r " In hi r O.inloii it i n-.f vn'M (or a rrn (inyr to in-iuir- tn fp iintmn of ilayln only a1' ' nt'iri-nom (it in iihotopi) . I'tnt llfd to th ak In rno'l'in pl- t'lre provd to b a bnriilnu ro. for th i liidlun who trie. It during rehraraala lor tho f'allaa-l'aramnutil produrtlon of "davy f'rorke tt, " Th flrn In thl Irinfaina w too hot, and no n notrd th rrloa of the liidlwn until t w mynr-fy "ri'hd. 'lood thlna hl lnnaintT'. ii.'il l n't ha rprodwed. IhmMn Pnrnam wiothrd th burned on' f'rlln wl'h rn cold erniin trum hi runkaup alt, Off hand, It dorn' fi-m pv)"!!.! tht Hit' a pron In tha I'nMM r at a whod r-fif (liarll t'haplln' o!ln j ilnry. W'rll, K'i'h Ruhnd, th Kilhoa i anr, I on. It ha bn fltrurH (hat If fia f n y-fllr gt th trl'l ' vtr hulf amllllon annually, n th t'A!rii aay, hall have to rlv f,;i nt 1! to yotif t'tielo flnmual f-er Ihi'm t. "To hi partd frtm that murh mny for ta'a," drlra M flolsod, "would ruisly kill m," And I nihoa' movln quern ln't In a hurry to IK h r fUH to eonnUrr in:h a n'lpnd, At leaat, that' what y. Alka VtK'y dirroiarrd a email town In Kr.rth Crolln whr many tit ih iiiiilvi hv nvr aain I'nlf.ed )t'ita rri',ny, Tha town I l'n'-ola, S. C, and la ownd by Tr. Aldrtdif, It in rnu-hwd by a thlrty-fonr-mll railroad known aa tha CllnchfleM routa, whi h I alao owned by Pr. AMridir, aa ar all th Indimtrlal ntrpr1 of tha pt,( cmltin of lumbr camp, lurrln-, min In and amall railroad ahoh. Tti town conlt (.f thirty-four hou, Kvery houa In town wa the roomlric ptaa of one or nvr ot th rrohmnii com pan y whlh company wtnt ther to ia "Then I'll Com Biw;k to Tou." In re turn tnr Vr, Aldrld' courtaay th World company will tak a complete mo tlon picture projection equipment to Panaaola and clv tha flrt ahowlna; of the picture in th Kapflat churcn there, Owln to tha dh of on of the actor playlna In "The Woman of It," that production will l rlad early in May Inataad of the latter part of April, aa oriflnally Intended. The e-tor, a ronv parative unknown, became erased while a great fire acena w lln made at 0rana Iaka. The cna r'prcacntcd a camp In the heart of th inow country. A hue bonfire wa burning, crowd of supposed natives of th nortliland wre actively paaalng around tha lighted zone, when suddenly, with a tarrlhla hil k, tha crazed man ran rtftht Into th fir and before b could ba gotten nut wis ao eeverely burned) that ha dld scvctal hour later. Tha members of the rant wera so shocked that they returned to New York and were granted a few dy' ret. Carlyl lilackwell, Bthil Clayton and Paul McAllleter wera among tho who wltneaaad tha tragedy. flail Kane la entirely recovered from her llln cauad by snoNiira and linrd work on the Arizona dewrt. and I at work under the direction of Friifik Tow. ell in a picture tlon of "The other file ter." In which Ml hane will play a dual role throughout. Th plot of "The Other Hleter" I a curioim otie. It re quire two con.plei tnitt of arenery. A one (later Mia Kan la In Hihriia. A the other ha I In Tarl. The two f In tern differ Widely In dlkpoMilon, limniU, smhltlon ami ai'tion, and a tha two are drawn cjoaer and the tory nei.r the denouement, th In In lrine mom ,tf. fh'iilt tit treatrintit. Mr. I'nwell In nt leinpllng to cau.e the tw rharafters n.ilr)ej by Ml Kane turn In front of each other, a fe heretnfoie luiio. lhla In I'h I nr The neareet appma.-h lo (III effei-t wa sutlen by Mr. 1'nwetl In another production, when ha had a man ilyliitf two rharaclei, Imrd him. elf a packet of male he llur l p,o. Il- eniilied villi Kane In Tl iMher cieler " 't ..ul. .. read 1 'ndattial-ly Hi ell In inai'ef ba. I 11a ut pieiialnlln y ll.al la Ih ii.,. In Hi.'," t , a lit e i I' ah tii, H. a ... if. tt.er ah I II l Ida) plutlla t lir III iH Hi i If hit lu tla i -I Mil'. i I- I i. .1 in i.a i an t. I i tiriiei i', an t I, lie "i.,!1! H i aa.'i i i hi ln if Ii, al .. l,a n. i4 I I I a U.aai.iti .i t .al : f il 1 1 -, H la ',ni i ii,, .ft.n.l 1.1 e, t bar l" k"- ut III , al in ' ':: I ... 4 ,i,l t f I, i" I. man, to aiiiti If ilia i .) . ' aa a I. I In. at M'i.l ' i n I' ,i .1,. 1 1 , i. 111 ' 1 'l!l tili.iiitl .i 'ii I i i ii i .i ii. a H. a ii ,i ' i "i a .. . - .n ei . u t l' l t hi.itl"j f.-lina in g la t lloi H.nf, lit loin, '). ...i. "in it n(i(in.ia I (i.i.n.ih a. 'i, (ii, hal t, f,,, , i, ,it -I.', a i I a I. i nt a in ' ii mi in .ii I . i i I . i a ? 1 l' I.' . i i ie ' i a await 'e v oit I' ii It1 ''all l ' I . h I in t .. I .., I i i i Filmland Stars to V n yr--Cmfrt:i W 2n i ' r 1 ' fN. in " a I ' ! X- 'iK ill Jack l:f77 JLenore VI rich -At the Hipp More Than $4,000 Weekly is Stipend Of BillieBurke The publlo need no Introduction to I'.lllle liurke, tha celebrated international favorite, for alxti baa long held a fore moat, ioiilon In the theatrical world, nd th very jiiuno Jsillle Uurk In lao'rl light over a theater ha corn to tmw big rnturna at tha berg office from a, mere featured player, Mla li'irke, by her merit a!on, baa advanced tt star dom, and beyond, for today It I flllllo IS'irk the public goe te e regardl of the piny In which he I announced. Not many wet-k ago Mlc Iturka wag Induced to appear befora a motion plot u re camera, and Ihougti th prodtictbn wig only eight reel In length )i scored g tremendous triumph and proved that all her beauty, grace, winaomenees snd oun filng llltlo mannerism wera Jut a f-fi-ctlv on tha screen aa thay wera when dinplayed on tha speaking stag) for M Approvdl of oiiit lone audience, Inataa4 of th hundred f audiences beforg whb:b h I ahl it atirMar In picture. for her work in a picture ti be called "illniti'i Itimnnce," a are of twenty feature, Mia fiurke la to raoelva i,f a week in ajiilit l'n to tha u of an auto rnobiln, the aervlcea of two msiila, and certain other arrangement. TWO HUMAN DRAMAS ON EMPRESS SCREEN BILL Twinning today tha principal film of fering nt the Kinpreee will 'Th Way of the World." The tory opena In the bei.i l i f a Kriut ' it y. Tha hero endeivor I., ninka hi wy In th wmbl, but th w rhl ne.iiu oppoaeil to hi effort. II refnae to I diamuraged until ba finally win tin. rl, and the girl of th fntly ,..e pioi taiii.li niti ia to ma th drama iiiti rrniing For I he I .at Imlf i.f th week beginning Thursday thn film feetnie vti be "The liiiinia of Jiecepiiuii " The iory of tho ile i h of .Mai..! I eritif a in, whn ba leen lent lo the rt no that h wilt luiatik wllh fill fciatelale. but who litalrid eiMilinuee bl wild II' In hi liaw In nt. Ih at .r la fula and Ih a.ilmr of tli tnniiii ii"r Iii whie i in li'tn Wa pulllnhid klli.W Ilia Venng Iliirlng' f thlnka II true and whit at aiiiniiiir raant leiume Inleieaied In Ha xliinr The euilur la in a lad all ml ii aa l iniiai young Heriii la gils" f nally, Imwifver. he luah.r 1 1 nii I' a ii.ia lllan.'e thai Ih ann itally be il'al ali o and a1! and wall. 'I be 'May t'' aerla U graelng t a ' WHAT IS A FEATURE? GEORGE KLEIN E ANSWERS 'laii 'in ti b Hint tUffaieoate f it i.,.n aa e'.al alliiila a "teelMra ft in I i atal SaitilM l'i laifa) I i i i t . faal f.e'a.a Tug la ( ..anvil, g (i.U i aV-iil H( I ii- ,, ',).. me, illai, tif Ida llaea al ll'm i "iifjnt KI tt.a thl gaftlittt.ai i.i i' t af a 'ra'.r-iinar ' if. i'i. i ' i .i.m t ainaai an I .,.ia , all-, i . . i a i , i, taei i WiolH la 4 i.. eieil It pgr ! vit el et I .i. ti.a-t I I If a ! Bkt IU(ivU II I .11 ii ef I I-, 1. 1... l tsV gaVatl a (,.i., ia thai in n.'ar hi N f'ttw k f.l ih ii I i l-aat ft re g LOTHROP SCRKN HAS DIG DILL 1HIS WEEK al f eiie.h f I a )l..m v,l. f i l- k..ii'i.g it. .- ih i.. at a " lha I , Be Shown on Screens in Omaha when Viola Allen appear In "The While Water," Thl play baa creeled great In terest wherever ghown and people bav been known to see It several time. Wed neevJay I Thide, liara In "l!trJCilon." Tburdny come Kdnh Hlory In "A J'rlce I'or Folly," friday-"'J h Wood Nym; h," Katurday FTrnrny Whelen will b seen In "When a Woman I,ov." Tlil bill should gdv photoplay follower lmoat any kind fit play they Ilk from the rjulot bnauli ful story In which Viola Allen sppi-Hra'to th fart and furloua performance, of Theda Kara. VARIED PROGRAM ON AT THE MONROE THIS WEEK "fhould a Wife Porglva," a photoplay showing at tha Monroe today Is full of heart Intereat and dramatic alt nation. Lillian 1imin, taking the purl of a dancing girl In a weatern city, her career of lova, Intrigu, ahort-llved happlne, snd final redemfKlon of the huahand who I awakened to a sen of hi wrong doing and attempt to win hack hi own r pect and hi wife love, form a wonder fully gripping play. fur the rest of th week the Monro progrm I varied. Monday .Malcolm Wllllnma appear tn "Tho Idol of th Btage," for tho balniire of the wi.nk th program conslHt of Tueadav ''harlee Cherry In "The 1'ni.a.ra Iiy," Wednealay "The Juggmaut,'' a grnt railroad drama, Thuradny-Jet.e iirey In "Mun and Hla Anal," frldaf- M.iryarifa fl oher In "Infaliiallon," Katutdny - llai Kimball Toung In "The II.iiii of tlie lllu lildge," and Helen llnliiii. In ' A Teat of Courage." "THE WOOD NYMPH'' IS OFFERING AT THE R0HLFF Wednesday evening Mart Innu will he n In a rii -llghtfuily fmiiuaili it u the foreat eiilllii-d "Th Wood Nviuiili " One ef tha (ilkliig feniuna of ih;a pro duction la a wciii'lnifiil f.neat fire Tli aipporilng iiiinhaii) la eacijiiu a'l'Ui Iih Induiii frank I'nmpra.i WilUid ll.i, Uhfie.l l.u. aa y i :,ml,. i , ,i , one i.f the irnliial paa ei i,rf,i..i b l'i Mohlff I cr the l.aianre of the lha pin. giant be hid" Ttidiy - "en y Maty Ann,'' M inlay- "Tie I r .ii i's" end 'The Maid .f the II la. ' Tiinlar'ilia ' I 'laiiiiilid 'i Ttiure.Uy Tid Han. W lllleni I-: hi,, an I Nanc uNiil In ' i; ra'iilaer hu.ala." I'lhlai the i'..ii a ir.if " tiatMia li -, lml ma' ' and " I'eMla ef II a I'.ifc "VIRTUE TRIUMPHANr IS ON GARDEN HILL TODAY the ttadti t tUy .ff.'rii.g I .eh i. feid, hr.iihaf ef lltafu l So . rlr ia y ni l. ti MiU 'vmn tn Win, haM. ' J. k la ai l !. i t .i. I... In lid ati.ee. He la ......, i t i- heila . I .ill! I CI I..4I . " I it r II I I I t a, a f .i ei i .a, klui1 lu ..o if i'i eiiimIIiMi a ' 1 1 fti-iiii II .ii . in I' .i e i'i ! Ilia am wamt . . aia,a t t a ai . ai u. a . a .. i ... i, i la !. ! I atr-l, il tl llald ,11 suRpnisrowHtNJorrnc KISSED ULACK fOLDICn, tt k'( l la '"'a la.tvl ef tMi re' to 1 IH Mar la i l I l. ! a i viaa tt' H I II ' a la II. a 'i .:. ff I Salit d I'll la.l I I II a 1 1 am . ... . Ih tee it a i I Walt llll-l Ii Ml ttli a aiei inii I.,..., I iiiua:n ,m l. 1 ' ' Il .' I l-l 11 I I ., . I ! I 1 I . , . ' .If. I .t nl tlanet it ..ffr ! ! During the Week h h JJ:, i ! VioUAlkn -At fa UtArop with his staff officer you could hav beard a pin drop. Only when tha French commander began to ki ih various offi cers on whom he wag pinning decorations was the llnc broken. There wag g black officer in tha Ilna-evldently g fengalasa-gnd everyone In the a'ldlenca wondered If Ouneral Joffro would kins him. I hesrd littering In a donen differ ent parts of Ih theater and when Joffr pin 11 led two kisses on tha cheeks of 'di r rU'hwartter' lha entire audlen' burnt into roara of laughter." JANE GREY IS THIESTAR IN "MAN AND HIS ANGEL" June Orer, who recently nlnd the Triumph e'llm corporation, who fn tures sre to b rlesed under the Kqul thle banner, tha star In "Man and Jll Angel," playing at tha Knrrmiii today. Jn Orey I a favorite with screen (lev oteee, a she wa formerly Willi both th Kkinuu 1'lnyara end wllh TiIiiiikI Mil will he remembered by Omaha audi ence aa Ihn slur In "The I, I'll ifi y Lady" and In "11 Knty !. It" It la ald thai her talent am eetici'liilly well dleplayed In "Mn snd Ilia Ang'l " BURGLARS GET AWAY WITH DIAMOND RING AND WATCH Mie KM ItaniliigUui, Ti Nnr'h Ten lleth alrent, Inform Hi police tl at Ihlave sulnrd M.waii'' In her home C rt ' day tilslil and carried sway ten dlenmtid ili.Kt and a gul I wah h THEATER MOIIROE "'Mi rmiu. llllim Loriino and Henry Kinj la the glrtkleglf Haautlfill Ml'.lui.laF, "IHOUIOTHC WlfE rOROIVE" br l.'!iii.il tf fcllar alt h4 aa tallaua4 l.ii ta tiuaii.ea. I am laliulj wlta a ii,aiai iti,a. ,itiyua4 in tae-aalal hie ail l-i aiaun. tiae Wait lu e-la kun.a il'llia uf tail, f 't n.eflMan.el wovt-a Ton ronmg mimi ANGEL OR DEVIL, WHICH? ka a ti , all tit t.. al t !, rAgtlUN AMU N? MAIIM Hits A tilitlla. ..if b4 itr ( ti ! IK . Ill t 'ii (i bit situ win WttWi-U BVIh lallUMl-lll " l 4tai Jane Grey In "Man and tils Angel'4 FAR II AM THEATRE TOP I ..mi 4 wiUtiar tliaaeeu atuit liili-t. Film Flashes. Movie irilnfH. It un-dnwn hlt Th Ohio reti.'.o ImO Mr red "cloen up" plcluieii of Villa liei'aUee It rv to arome bad feeling 'n u bt llf Th mot Ion ph lure Inker who r with the A merlon fo.y III Maiho sr UkliiM leeehl HrIim fur our lilrfiatr. A fello hud I" h eleried from di'Kli j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ., I In, other plglil h''K'ui he got o oil lie oi. d to aliip lb villain, 'miahae ' reeii c'uli I eld to be get ttiin i.i.dir way. I'lioloplay edlioia are lo hii toimrer ineinhcr end not p diieii In n't )oi wlelt you hd our Jolt llnritiof.v Hilling In a rr el In a movie Iio'imi that hue an eledrlo piano Jnl o'ii.i1e and ru amhilloua trap drummr down In front Th l'rnm look iulta InvlHhg In H new enletlor deior I limn Humor that etn to h wll founded ny theie r to he a many a three new and beautiful photoplay home in the downlown dllrl t lfor th summer Ja ur Wa l hence fr Ifapplae, flora-Md you know Dial flhel and Jack bad broken their engagement 1 Jmre Why, I Ihnught they wer per fectly devoted flora-ft" they wer, but Jk I nar elghted and cen t e the phturn froni the hark of the teniae where h ha to all ticiie he I fHMahled. They real Iseril that lhy roii'd never I hepp .infilled moat of th tlma.l'hutopiy Megazlne, FORMER OMAHA BOY NOW IN CHARGEJ5F RECRUITING mimer n Hlackett of the local army recruiting nation bs bn promoted from lb rnk of corporal U that of sergeant, liiiienett I an fmieha boy who ran awuy and served three yeara s a Soldier In th srmy at tha time of th I'hlllppln Inentrertlon, II b bn in th re el ulilrg station for fourtn year Jain K. I.yaaght and Kd C. Wslih hum Irf-en proinotcd ffi.rn private to corporals, J n TIIEHIPP THJJ H.P. 4-CHNCEI-4 WEEK Th Mol I rrorram That Ull llan ghowo Tor gum Tim. A ttraitllooe that ar Attraetloag, TOOAT' OltXT "" "The Traffic Cop" Tha Most Wondarfal Flctur of lha Day, Olady sTnllett'g gupvm Tttori. " MOM OAT ASTD TUBKDAT "The Heart of Paula" with Icaarg Plrleb lrd of raradlaw tar. I A Maart Iatrattng gtory gf tor ta Old Metloo, WEbAEgDAV ASTD TIVMOiT "The Haunted An Cast ladla Bomaaoa, SjtarriBg tha famoua Wamplra Wuuiaa, IA MBa'AatO. TaUDAY AID AT(TnAT "The Race" raatitrlag Aatartua'g IVeitltBf Pliotopliy Onniefllan, TIOTOK MOOKIl, In the great atttomuhUe rmneily, anpporteg by AM VI A :-THE WOOD NYMPH-:- rnTvia MUIIK !nIMl, gUfOBTBD MX i iu Mi raMi'KAr, whe lrr4 la th arlgtaal nr i . tiua ut "TU Vlrgtiuau.'i ae4 gig wua. da, fui wurk la "atuieaa I g slai'4 u.d " To U Kliirwn M Tti itoiini, WciiiienUr, ,V.iii ia, nniiiun-, iriiUr, it. VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF tiiunr nu. "Wiy ol Tha World" f mat, eaeri'ae llaKaa. ta ii la aaaa et l iael ta Ikl tfati. Iilly kawe ieia al ll M( wit.rT nrgaii "The Stnn.e Ciso ol Miry Pite" Wltk a4a Mat apalf aiiaalL "On Tho Still Hunt" r Whh ' aa giaaia MUtWAI. Wgallf H M IP (o aaMaaataaw).a-. . '' mm-J , Vaaaa. aei -'laaej l()cAcImlSBlon 20c STRAND OFFERS USUAL HIGH-CUSS FILM BILL A rtrnng program I on tap at th girend thl week commennng today hen ''Martha Vindication" I presented by a lig rat heeded bv Norma T medge and Tully Marahall. A th W c mpe-y ng Key .ioiin Jo Ja k n I n In "ijyiy ,o " "The Motal rahrlo," an epne of th the. iv of free love, I th offrlng Tu diiv nil Thursday, enacted hy a tronf eoniny Ini'lidlng Frank Mill, Char lea Muray and cewnrker will dlptna l gh n an upmer ra't d "A Hlot," KH'!y and Hlurday 1111 fain' novel, "1 he liondu n,'' e III b the of fer nf wltJl M'ill,m Karnum in th leading rota. .T5XT h 4 aaaViilia..' i lyjlaliialiilalialiilt ifiW Strand Specials Week April 9th Sunday ind Monday HormaTalmadge nd Tully Marshall In Manila's Vindication . Joe Jackson in GYPSY JOE Tuci.. Wed. and Thuri, Frank Hills in The Moral Fabric hi Charles Murray in A Love Riot Friday and Saturday Lfl in The Bondman Open 11 to 11 PalJr. Hyniplteiriy Orfhegir Miuitnioth Ilpe Orgnn THE Ull Farnam Opp. W. O. W. GARDEII THEATER cirsAT IT(Bts Tamong Jsck Pickford and Fritzi Brunnetls in "VIRTUE TRIUMPHANT" A Prwna of Itags Xaif. "SirlopHn. "When Thingglto Wror." A stall at Comedy, Sis Keel of motor, ROHLFFIODXY VIVIAX M,.ltTIN IV Mr.nn.v MAIIY AN LOTHROP-' TODAY IH' NHV xriu V" AMI TM U' AdM IN THK Hfcl'MlMVH I1.AM1 Alan Trlsngie-heyalen illle4 A Movie Hlei. APRIL 9 PHOTO PLAYS i.int Mill, "Bonds ol Deception "tlil wi4 ya II f l4 WMaate witue biabia4 iae aa i ia4 a4, wktte y a li bias ailial ,iii talaej I beaa. "Piul'i Political Pill" ran4r la rtty lUlami 44Jerry Among Smulen" THI WhitU. twM Vkfttts "" awi' tf. MPWMgBWff.a"'.'- m lag. -,, maiuawi t'4'l . t I n a , t ... I !'.. a Hi ! . it I i a i . i.. t-aW