Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 2

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Annual Convention of Taaimiiiii'
tippi Aisociation Will Be Held
Here June 12 to 10.
Th Trn-Mlllpp1 Mtr Bari'
orallMi, which emhracr tb tour
Mate or hoi, MlMotiii, Kn and
Ndiraaka, will hnl4 a four day1 eon
tetithw in Omaha Juii 12 to U, Incluitv.
i it coritn'tlon with tli convention it)
i..imlnr) will put on a bl rxhlUll of
i'liklnir nin'liliiiTK, equipment anil 'ip
jlin if evny dHtcripllun uji4 by th
inki rn. Thin i-nnveiitlon ami eihlblt will
l hM In III" Omaha Auditorium, th
iaa-4 rvlng tlm purpdM of a convention
Lull and th hi)ilt occupying th arena.
An fif hernia will furnlalt rmiula very
Milling nnil theia will h dn'"lm and
i. i In r i iif rialnuiant fi.ature provided
'!) nUlit for the vUllinir btkcr mil
i ii"lr ln
Th (minlia Mulir Halter saeoclalloo
lum uiifli rink'Ti th cnti rliilntiii rit and
alillilt fi-alure of th owaalon and thry
h.iwi liw ii inmll.K fHll!y hut with re
iiinrltiililn an, ,, Mum than half of
i lie i lilhliin cpai e linn lrca1y heii oM
i 'i iU machinery and iulpiii-nt manu
I'i't ir'i front ('hli.ano, l liiilniiall, Nw
'iik, hi,, 1,1uin nnd thur fnamfT' lurlfi
ii. rilir throughout the country. Many
l!tf flourliiir inlll throughout (ha want
will he rrpiraniifd and about tn or a
iI'ixmi llg iKiii' rn In Omaha will put on
ruhlhUa (if prod in f handled through th
baker of tli middle wet.
Km I re f nullify I nlrrref 4.
The convention will be of vital ititret
to th rnnamr baker of th antlr roun
ry, a many Inturretlug prolilm will ba
di ii. i,.-. 1 by th formot wn In th
h imii and by eTi In br nuking,
'rim ( of machinery and equipment
will hi. Inii-iiHi'ly Intereallilf not only to
Hin Imkvix, hut l III general pi l til 1(1
well, for th teaaon that her will be
lllnaliaied the wonderful Improvement
that ha takon plai In the baking of
hriii.1 oil a i;olo auala, 'Hi a pur!t
mil he pcinilitecj to e th tram'jndoii
atrld'-a itiMt bad been mail t.aid per
feet aanlury enndltlmi In coiiiiwllon
with Iha iniirtctTi t.akery and th al'olut
purity and wholennii'iia of I Hera
bund aa pioduced by the up to (lulu
Manafai-tarer l.eanl pgori.
Till cunvenllon Hid dibit baa been
'i ured for Omaha by a faw whl awaka
and inrgetl(! Mauler Kakara of Omaha,
Mi' ludliig, V. Y, I'a'jiraon. pieaMent of
th TrHtia-MlaalantppI Maatar linker' aa
ambition; Jay Itiirna, of tha Jay Jiiinia
liuklin lotiipany; Cbarla W. Oituiui, of
th New Kriglund liaknry; T. C. Naugh
On, t'lmrle y. Krenwr, Vienna Wain,
O'jat (', Kuenna, Ala Tyberliif, It, It,
Harlier and J, J, Mirkey. They bava
been very much enouraed by tho en
tliiialaalli! aupport of th big manufae
1'ireia, hv ar going to put on exhi
bit, and everything polnta to a very
urcraaful rnliventloo, i
Th Maater Hakera employed J. M.
llllan, former manager of th Auditor
Vim, mora than a month Ko to tak
ih iiianaKeineiit of all tha arranaamanta
for tha aablblt and they are well plimacd
Willi lb way apar la aelllng.
A comrnltte eonalailng of If, V, I'eter
aon, T, V. Naughtln, (Aarleji W, Ort
inan and aevoral other, will meet at
Ht, Joaepli, Mo., it at Wedriitday, to
arrang a program for th ronvantlon.
Till convention and exhibit will bring
to Omaha about people for four or
flv dara In 'Th leafy month of June,"
IXnKpK.VDKNfK, Mn., Aiirll i-(Hpe.
rial TelcKram.)-lllgh I'rleat C, ICd Mil
ler, returned mlaalonary from Auitrllla,
prearbed lat night to tha Kalnta at their
confareticd her... Thla morning' apeaker
waa Myron Wl-ronley, from th Mawallan
inlealon, The realxnatlon of Jamea Mo
Kleman of Keokuk, la., aa prealdout of
lh aeventy waa accepted by th con
ference. Th church organization provide for
aeven quorum, oompoacd of aeventy niln
Intera each, thla for- eumprlalng th
mUalonary force of th church, Th
"aeventlea" ar called th "minute men"
of th church, In accepting thla office
theae men plac themaelvea entirely at
tha call of dnty, accepting an appoint
ment to whatever placa their auperlnr
In offlc may dictate, They do not tnk
I heir famllle with them a a rule, o
that their lahore ar Indeed a work of
aaerlflca and conaecratlon. Th preal
dent of thaaa (even quorum form a
hoard called th council of even preal
Uinta. A raaolutlon cam hefor th confer
ence from the Joint council recommend
ing tha eatabluhmer.t of a chair in (Iraca
1 nod rulieg fur the purpoae of trululng
ouiig pe'M'l woikera In tha nl.
a rice of the church. Thla la oppnaed nn
lii ground thai the drht on the college
ahoiilil be lowered before Inatirtlng fur
ther epen. upon thl qiieallon
occupleil Inoet of the afternoon and th
nt wa not olitalneiU
Tonliilit n W, l Ccott of Cotdwater,
Wu h . joeached
American Garbage
Can Richest in
AllofUie World
V ili.Vil't.i ,.il t "Tl. ame.1.
ii inl' inn l ii... fi(ii In a'l i ha
wit I 'I' lan-l final. -r rmtHit lit ii.s
! !!. In', ting li.i.t the i:..,e
.11 on ( i Af .In. i a l- fr pt i . r I
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Connell Issues
An Order to Clean
Up All Premises
Health Commlaloner Connell a l.lrew
tia following to avery rellent of Greater :
"Now I th tlm for a general cleen-ui
of tha entire oity. Every on hould gat
tuay with their front ar4 back yurda,
allaya, vacant lota, ic If you own or
live ticitr a vacant lot with dead graa
or weed a on It, burn tha m. taking
grcnt car tha wind I blowing from a
direction at ther I no danger of aettlniT
fir to any liouaa or building. Th r
moval of unalghtly thlnga, vn If not
ur.ettilfary Improve the value of your
own and a:irriindlng prorrty. If a few
tin rang hnvo len (lepolt.ed by you, or
aomaona ale on a va- nnt lot next to yo i.
do not ptid more Urn arid expenac in
trying tiy get aomeona ea to clean thm
up than It would b for you to do It
"Ileniernher from haalth prdnt lit to
forget Hut tnalda of tha houa aa well a i
the unalghtly thing outald. f'-egln wttti
th attic. Itemove, aall or git nvtay
varythlng of taluaircl burn th lahin'
Nlnaly-flvo per cunt "f tli Ihlnna In
your attlo you Mil never ua again and
It la better to Ki t J I . I of tl.cM than to
a ouiniilata dual, da ay and tieinia.
"'ircat (arc inual be r'laeil tnii
Iring on acRount. of tlm a ailet fever
Wm have bait, Kajeclally la thin trim In
homea whora they htvo Imd th rtlaena.
Itiat tin rag, i lollna, clolh fubtli of any
Hhd lire Morrd away in liunJia or clorata
without bring thoroughly aired and
aunliMl, or better atlll, waehcil and both"!,
No matter bow careful the bouao ha
bell fumigated, fumigation will tint kill
all th germ. Air, uiillght and hot
ttatar and cleunllneaa ar thn beat germ
1ntroyal tint he with an riot feter
germ op, If put away In a ol, dark
plii' a may glv th d ! on, or five
yntm after wbon brought out and
handled by a iuptlhl peraon."
Boom for Elihu Hoot
is Launched by
Barnes and Bacon
NKW yOP.K. April l-Tb movement
for tha nomination of I'llhu Hoot for Ibo
prealilrncy, launched Inat night by n
tateitiant bearing th algnaturaa of aov-enty-fniir
promlnaiit republican, I up
fK.rted by It ohart Baron, former mcmlir
of Colonel ftoovlt cabinet and ono
of hi cloat friend. In a atatemenl
publlahed today Mr, Karon aaya:
"Mly flrat cholc la Kllhu Knot; my aec,
ond choice la Theodora llooeevelt."
Mr, fiacnn laat week waa hoat at th
lumheon which brought Colonel Itooao
vell and Mr. Iloot togethar for th flrt
tlm lnc th latter nppnead Mr. rtooae
velt at the republican national conven
tion In It'll
William Ilarnee, republican national
committeeman, many of whoa adherent
algned the Itoot atateinent, declared thnre
waa nothing behind it except a dcalr
lo promote the nomination of Mr, Iloot,
Ha denied emphatically a report that
th atatement wa a maneuver to help
tha candidacy of Colonel Kooaevelt,
It wa learned today that the Root
movement crtallited at a confereno
held hem laat Tliuraday at th 1'nloii
Iugu club, Mr, Hoot, It 1 ald, knew
that tha atatemont waa to t lu'd and
offered no objection.
Nineteen of those who algnad th Root
atatenmnt are delegate from New Fork
lata to th national convention. Among
them ar two of tha four delegate at-
large, I'nlled Htate Kenator Jamea W,
Wadaworth, Jr . and Htate Henalor Klon
II. la-own. After euloglalng tha public
aervlce of Mr. Itoot, th etatement con
clude: ''While ha ha declined to becom a
candidate, for even the hlgheat public
office, yet If nominated for tha prtablency
by the coming national convention at Chl
aago, bla atmae of public, duty tnuat com
l hi ft' ii-ptancei,"
People of Toledo
Walk to Work
Through Storm
TOpKOO, April .-Wlth propcta -if
ettlemcnt of tha itreet car tlup more
remote than ever, thouaand of peoplo
walked to work thl morning In a driv
ing nor atorm. Th hundred of motor
bue preaaed Into aervlc war wholly
Inadequat. Kaveral were wrecked, akbl
ding on th pavement..
The final break In tha conferenree ha
twean official of th traction company
and union official cama early tnda.
The company rafuaed to roncede ttu
cloaed ahop policy, the right of th man
to wear their Union button while on
duty, and th relnatatemcut f mm t1t
rhaigi1 by th roinpany
NKimASKA rrrr, Neh , Apni -
(Special Telrgraml.-Th aomul Inter
tula normal debatet mn held In Kear
ney and IVru I tlilay nla'it "t ' 1'reparad
neaa ' Th J.i.iaa at heainey wet Pr
I'. Vy f thrt t'liln rally of Nebraeka,
lif, Aylaw.itlh cf t'otner unheialty and
(I. A I'rtncai of titan. t laUnt
At rent. uXperlnii n . l liitawy cf
1'iet. Pr I aoghlln cf V.nk aul Pr
Sph"' tf I'alUviia win the )i'1ea
i vl wnii the tHialitoioii di-' i-n
t ill tna f timaMte ni. I i raallie al l" a
tha i1 i-at.i a at hmn't wii IVit
i.. ii , i t . Paivi. I.i.ilia lttwv.
i '.iivii.a tl.iaaia wlli I o.i. I ...iiii(! ,tl
teiltat AOlti'-at!t. W all Mte iie
ait, l wli't ;, a iiinnte
At Vii.i, fflnii4it. A t ir (t p..
(.ill- tt Mt, oaallie. I inl -il, Sivl
a 11. H .l lltt, W II i H 'lie., a '
The National Capital;
tatayalet, tattl a, 11. i
Ik !.
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Secretary Baker Will Appoint New
Board that Will Test All
Aircraft Ofered.
WAHHIMiTON, April 8. Devel
opment of tho geotit twroplane gnd
equipment or sruiored machine with
a larger paaat-nKt-r carrying capacity
are the main thoiixht of the army
aviation Department, Hocretarr linker
today told the hougn military cotn
inltten, lie nfrnled gnny glrnhlpa
and their aviator and, euld u re
or((anl7.gtlon In poraonnel might ho
tngdo "by addition if not by guhtrac
tlon," but declared that, th acrvicn
hag proved it worth In Mexico arid
lid done "gg well ponalble."
Mr linker aaked for H.IM.wi tor ih
algnal aervlca, mainly for regular uriny
nhd National 'luard aviation purpoaca.
There la about m,Onr available under
prevloua apprnprlationa. and the a.-cn-fary
eipecta to buy thirty-two marhinea.
II esld that th fifty-nine aernpliirtea
now owned by tha army, are undcr-few
Kurnp'an Icllgerenta he aald, aie car,
fully guarding altuhlp aecret from
America) military ohaerver.
Mr. Dakar anid he did not believe there
I neid for a government aeroplane plant,
and thought It better to let Individual
manufacturer compete to produce the
Kecent difference among th offlcatr
In th aviation ervlce ware attributable,
he aald, to impatlenc t being controlled
by men whom they may bava regarded
a not knowing the work.
Will fteurgranla gerrlce,
"I have determined," b an Id, "to re
organize the antlr aviation aecilon and
to put It under better upcrvlat(iii, V
will reoriilya under n entirely nw
et of nlea nd we will bv In th
auparvlalon work lb aervlwa of f'olonel
f(iier, who la returning from Kurope.
11 will have a board comprlalng Captiilrt
rirk, who baa been making adentlflc
afudy at th Maachiatla Inatltute of
Technology; Meufanent Milling, who la
th bt filer In tha army- and the bent
flier In tha country ar In tha army
and Meutanant Jonea, who la only ace.
ond to him a flier, a board which will
make leala of aeroplane,
"My Idea to bate a more or lea
central ground convenient to th manu
facturer of aeroplane, and to have thla
board aaperjmant with every machine
any maker may offer, Wa want lo da
lay until we can get the ll that each
manufacturer can offer."
Will lilac ril flritit limber,
rhalrinan Kay akej the a" rctary If
ii wa aallefied ha could bo hbln lo
get rid of dead timber and re-organlMi
the eiirvh; to make. It up to date. Sec
retary liaker replied that he felt the
Inveatlgatlnn had been ao thorough and
th department' .ower wa ao adjnala
that ha believed ihut an entire reor
ganization of th avlutloii aervhe waa
"I'o you know of any reaaoit why w
ahould make any provlalon for a Zeppe
lin T aaked ''halrman Hay,
"Th dirigible balloon ha proved an
un'iuallfled failure ecefit In the caae
of th Zeppelin," aald th gncrelary,
"and In th caa of th Keppnlln their
method of control hav ben carefully
guarded and kept aecret In Oermny.
W could eiperlmcnt with them, jf
Moran Confessed
Big Mail Robbery
on New York Ferry
HAN FflANfTSlO, April Jamea
Moran aurrendi red hlmaelf to a I'tillml
Htale murabal In Han Ulegn laat night
and ronfeaaed, acoordlng to K. 11. Mlorae,
poatal Inapector here, to aiding In the
Liberty Htre.-t ferry poatal robbery two
montha ago In New York, when nr ;rly
$l,mAiiO In aecuritle were tolen.
petnlia of Hie alleged confeaalon were
lacking here.
Mmait wn without, money when h
gave hlmaelf tip to W. C. Corao, deputy
I'nlted fltate marahal, at Kan Mego,
who took him to I- Angele.
Moran waa "held for Inveatlgatlon." At
noon he had not given the name of
the other peron Involved In the roMiery,
It wa aald,
!. ANOEUCS. Oil, April V -Moran
confeaaed. aooordtng to the I'nlted hlatea
dlatrlct attorney' office, that be and
aeveral other men aracuted the robbery.
Moran wa given about and went
to Ban Francleoo, where the loot waa
to have been divided. Ilia acMmpll-ea,
ha ald, did nut appear ami he went
to San I Mego,
A Complete Player Outfit
Aeolian Player Piano
,,,.. , m, i . , .,, , IW).
it t t.tutifiil ."ti'iat i'luiiui tuiitt iimkn lltj't inttru
tiifiit jtU thiti iuit!i l" tliirt'tl wry tnurli itittt ilm
t i tu', t f i: i. ! i i'o i'iot',1 iiimitig. A, n i'kjvr Jiitiitt
ll ta f'lv lii -iif ,t i t t'llOn'l" fllHt lhtV Hit Al'itliitli
'iii!t, ! '. i ' ci!iitti t'tniijutiiy 1 1 n 1 1 1 11 v li'inl !-f
Wi'l l'l II t'tMi liHa; illil!t I'l tM-r I'lilt!", Ill Iti'dlitl till) i
hil l I' iiM'' t.tivu'iiv
Equal to Any rir PUno Sold f ltht at HOO
Te rmt at low at IJ.JO VVkly
M it-ii' U-'.'- tr atl, f)( ,,' I'l.tM'r l'iiit.t
SchmollcrS Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Fnrn.itu St. Omnhn, Neb.
Exclusive Urprffnt(vUvr for Afoli.vv 1't.nnoU Tunc,
; ' a , ' '
fflzJyj 7eerJ
Th briak and buatllng world of bul
neaa ha cat It myt)o apall over Mia
(l'l I'nter, on of tmnha a moat
popular member of th younger (et, nd
no longar doe th rontlnuou round of
tea, rnualcalea, brldg partlea and dance
that conatltute th dally routln of t-
cloty Ufa hold a captivating charm for
Mia Peter pru.dd her fathar, M.
0, I'etera, who I preldant of th M, i.
I'eler Milling rompny, to gtr her A
place In hi offlc. Mr. pater gave hi'
naacnt nd now thl popular aocity hello
la a full-fledge) member of th offlo
force, workliig dlllganlly over hr book
evety day and taking an ae.tlva in'eraat
In her latwr.
Tanner Re-Elected
Head of New York
G. 0. P. Committee
NIC W yoKK, April . - 1 rederi' k C
Tanner will continue to be halrman of
the New rork republican afafe commit,
tee. An attempt by follower of William
ilarnea to ouat til in from that poalilon at
a meeting of th cimmltU' hre today
for purpoaee of organUatlon wit de
feated by a vote of 2 to t3.
Th Ilarne cnndldiit wa W.f Ken
ator Cbarle W. Wick.
Th vol waa generally regaded a a
teat of atrrngth In th commllfavt between
the (itpportera, reapectlvely, of Juatlc
f'harl T.. Hughe and former Henator
Kllhu Koot for th preatdenny. The Tan
tier faction, backed by Governor Whit
man, I known to favor th nomination of
Hugh and th flarne follower r
lUpporter of ttocit.
No name of candidate for th prl
dentin! nomination wr mentioned at
th meeting, but th following reolil
llnn wa adopted:
"lleaolved, That thl eommltt In con
fidence of th country' anilely for a
return to th republican party lo power,
iirg'a Ilia national convention and rape
dally tha delegate from New Vork to
elect a our candidal for prealdent, a
tiled republican In who record and
character Ih nation ran rely a a guar
ante of wlae itataamanahip In the nuiii
agemcnt of foreign and domeatlo af
faire," f'halrman Tanner, In hi pech of ac
ceptance, auld:
"I hop that only a republican will be
nominated. Pon't let any member of
the commltfc mlaimdcratimd me "
rU"8UVIU,K, Neb., April -(Special
Telegram.) Th annual northweet dla
trlct declamatory conteat waa held here
laet night. The winner were:
Oratorical da: I'Niilln Mack, fhad
ron, flrat, t'anl Kumunda, Ituahvllle, aec
cnd. Jamea Forhea, Crawford, third,
Pramatli: claaai Mildred Gardner, f'had
rnn, f tret . (juea-n Moon, Valentine, ec
end. Clifford Mlnlrk, Crawford, third
llutiioiiiua rlaaa- flanrge Coallev, Chd
ri.n, flrat, Mary Johnnon, fluahvllle, aec
cnd. Muth Kaalay, Valentine, third.
Beautiful bench and Bcarf.
!. uorUi t.r .MiiMo
It4 all tlolivt'ntl to your
liiiiin )r h ilown PuyintMit
t $l lric' of I'
I'lflo ttiitfit -
A Krvtir n,urnnot of
tin" ihumi'uI tUitltly in
t'ttuM it tt nk (or iii
lV hltllil. llltt iK'I't'ot'l fk i
thi'.i tiitnuiirriti arc
Some More Direct Meani of Getting
Supplies to Force Operating in
Mexico Imperative,
HAN ANTONIO, Tex,, April 8.
Facer) by the) ui'iinrent hupeltti'ineita
of Ki'tf.ltiK tiTiiilMnlon (o ablp tor
over Mtlrn rallrond from EI faJto
to th trimpa In Mexico utrt recoit
nljtlnn th Ina''iunry ot th prcaunt
kyetfni of aupply, uriiy offlcnra ul
(iT,mrn Pimf.on'a j-inl'uii.rtcr h-Tf,
virtually wcru convfiicetj today that
noniej lltertmtl v would have to he
If to or Hire time the numher of
troopa now i..' laii'.x In Meal'n a pro-
t'l'lad, the I'liecnt line thai wind II
olrcjllon lena-ih from ''olumhua t r!
fevo, Ma 'ifii mile, could he nuilntained,
hut. utile thn Hinlilve fore i Increaaed
to tdat emeril, many of the offhera her
reannl'd It lrn(-rallta that a new
ahnrt line h eeli,lihed
Villa' iooiei,i, i to the outh and eaat
haa ma'lii ,owl,l(. auch a lln from ojl
nafa, or aor'n' other point near there,
from Olifuma, nlmnat opuoalt Frealdlo,
Ten,, there extend a Hall to ChlaJiuahua
City and anoihnr from Chlhiuthua a"!y
to Haievo, The (otal dlataica la only 170
ml lea
It W'iH ici('.ie. unoflc.lalty br offi
cer at Kott Hum llonaton, that th four
nicy truck coinimiile ordered, hut not
yet In aervha, mlxht h pliiced 111 aer
vlce loni( that route, and owe th mtw
line waa eaiahllehed, the old line could h
ahnndoned, If o,ui.pln- and upportin
force l.-ln tranafeired to ti ahorter
It waa e.plalnad that h:f fh troop
now nuardln the lon lln from fVilunv
hue could protect th ehort lln, releaelnf
the remainder for field operallun. or for
urdln th eileiinloM of th tin beyond
Villa Jee Parral.
FAKO, April .-Th rapidity of
r"rand"o Villa fllnhf Into th heart of
Menlco may force l:rta!dler General
I'erahlnj to eatnhllah a new army haa
for th American expedition hear Cht
huahua. Villa ia iar, If riot alrae-dy, In
th dry of I'arral, accord In- to report
received from Mmtlcan (tourceg today.
Tho handlt I prohahly not over fifty
mllr ahead of the flying detachment
of Colonel Iodd cavalry.
When Villa turned cunt ward nfirr hi
defeat at CJuertero and truck acroaa
country, paalnx Hon Antonio and fcalevo,
a new and Important factor In Oenerat
rralihi'a plan of campaign waa hrouifht
Into play--thi ua of th M'-xicari Cen
tral lallway. Thl road leada directly
mith from K I'o to Chihuahua, om-
thltif over 2"0 mllea.
Wanted-Pom Want Ad In exchange
for lot of anwer. phone Th Itea.
Tlie.lsliion GenferoPllie Middle Wesf
Esfablishcd 1886.
Fancy Hosiery
Tho woman whoo taste its
above tbf cornnionplafe will
always firnl fliat our Silk
Hosiery lias a touch of indi
viduality, which always dis
tinguishes t h e faultlessly
Ktu'h day wo are re
ceiving smart styles
and offer new desifrnn
for your inicction.
Prices $1.00 to $5.00
B i ii i ii i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1
Easter Clothes for Discriminating Vomen
New Arrivals Direct From
New York Will Be Shown
Monday, For The First Time
Clothes, with New Ideas, with
Little Touches from Dame Fash
ion's elever hands that Point
Then, out as Individual.
Thompson-1 .olden s F a s h i o n
Service shows authentic an
nuel just two days after it
appears in Fifth Avenue's ex
clusive hhops, What was new
thoro yesterday will he shown to
you tomorrow.
The Master Clothe
in The Newest Style
The Pricing ar" Ctrrect.
Continued from l'a On)
their bordr. Hlmllarly the preenc of
American I leglnnln to Irritate the
Mex:ian i-eople. it look and fael like
a aurn-nder of aoverelgnly.
"With Vl!ln criiahed now la th loKlcal
time for the pntllv fore to withdraw.
No caue of conflict hav yet adaen,
and th affair ha o far turned out
fortunately fir both aide.
Teal nt Order to Fainataa.
'A'AWIINOTON, April .-The original
rder given Major Oaneral Kunaton on
Much II) foe the American punltiv e
1,'dHlon Intu Meilro, mad puhllc for th
fliat tlm at th War department today,
did not Indud a direction for the death
or capture of Villa, hut principally di
rected dlaperaal of Viila outlaw that
attacked Coliimhu, K, M., on March t
'J'-neral Kunaton'a order read;
"Tou will promptly organ! t an ad
(juata fore of military troop under the
command of firlgadler (Jenaral John J,
I'erahlng and will direct him to proceed
promptly aero th border In purault of
tha Mexican hand which attacked the
town of Columhua, N, M , and th troop
ther on fh momlnr nt March . Theae
troop will be wlthdrewn to American
territory aa tnon aa the d fatto gov
ernment of Mexico la ahl to relieve them
of thl work. In any event the work of
then iroop will l regarded flnlahed
aa oon Villa' band or band are
known to he broken up.
Kali Aatborlty 'liven.
"In carrying out theae instruction yo'j
ar authorlMd to employ whatever guide
or Inliirpreter ar nocnaaary; you r
given general authority to employ auch,
Irariaixirtatlon, Including motor tranwpor
tation, wKh neoaaary civilian peraonnel,
a may h required.
"Ton are lntrucfe4 to make all prac
ticabl uae of the aeroplane at Hun An
tonlo for obaervatlon, Tlegrph for
whatever reliiforrment or material you
need. Notify thl office e lo force a
lctd and expedlf movement."
Urtgadler General Hcolt, chief of tff,
declared today that General Kunalon haa
not yet reported that thla teak haa been
Thn Mexican embaay today announced
that no advca had been received from
General (,'arranga, that tha de facto gov
ernment fori a w ar prepared or dealred
to rellev American troop and araume
th laak Itaelf.
(Jermral rWolt would exprea no opinion
aa to whether b believd th order to
General jdineton had been completely
carried out.
MOXTGOMrriir CITr, Mo., April ,
George Iirton, fi yeera old, and hla aon.
AValter, aired i! year, farmer, were
riftngeroualy wounded iat today In
revolver battle with 11. ! Cowell, con-
tjtbl, and Henry Utter, a dep.ity. The
trouble atarted when th officer tried
to tak poaaeaalnn of th farm, where
th I-orlon were living.
New Springtime Draperies
To freshen and brighten the home, nothing is so
noticeable as new curtains and draperies. May we
show you ours?
New Curtain Nets for Spring
Filet and shadow laces from three of the largest
and bent mills in tho country. JietU-r still, n are
pertain that wo have the most choice patterns in
each line, IVices are exceedingly low, coiii.lerins
tho quality ant beauty of the material.
29c, 45c, 59c, 65c, 75c, 85c, 90c. $1.00 a yard upward
Colored Sunfast Side Draperies
A new and carefully ."elected raiitfn of preen,
brown, rose and mixed tones.
Prices - - - 98c, $1.25. M.50, $1.65, $1.95 a yard
Curtain Extension Rods -
Brass Plated Rods
Driry S turn
are Ready.
Senate Will Vote
April 18 Upon Array
Bill and Changes
WAfKHIVGTON". Aorll l.-Thg na
todny agreed to vol Tuday, April 1.
on the army rorgnlitlon bill and '!
amendment and to limit denat lo ten
minute to each aerator In any on 4r
beginning April IS.
Senator Lodge propod an amendmn
t' glv th ecretry of war authority
to maintain camp under whatr reg
ulation or condition h may wlh.
Ilcualon of th pln for a govern -mr-nt
owned nltrat plant wag taken l
today aoon n tha aenai ft te vorn
"ii the bill,
"Th conduct of th enaU marfeata
a dlapoiltlon to avoid rrpon1hl!lty en
botli aide," Benator Uwli ald. "W
)'tild either rjrround th oeuntry with
form or w ahould nnounc to th coun
try that fore I not ncaded t dlrt rair
attention to th dlculon of hgll1on
for tho alvanrment of th nation' dvll
"I believe th condition Ii now pr
carlona, with a view to our dlplomatlo
urroundlng. In th Mxlct. Itutott
there are multiplied whrrmnK
Villa I getting aid omwhar and mak
ing th tk of the United Hfate mof
difficult dally. In th pr, and par
tlcularly the foreign preaa, thar l th
intimation that th United lU fore
will b withdrawn from Mexico,
'Speaking for myaelf alon. I y th
United Htate will not withdraw from
the punltiv expedition to punlh tho-
who have offended th right of Amer
ican cltlr.'.ti until It aim ar wsom
pllahed, "We cannot utter doctrine nd 1g
nor It execution,"
Chairman Ktona of th foreign relation
committee replied that condition In
Mexico had nothing to do wlh the nrrnv
"I wtah to ay thl th propol to In
croaa th army or th navy of th"
United Wat ha no eapedal r'rnr
lo the trouble In Mexico," h ld. "I
would hav the people In Mexieit under
atand that th movement lo Incre th
power of th United rltate would h
beett Jiit aa great even If Maxhvj were
one wide field of pvtc and proapatrlfy,"
Jtenator Chamtierlatn cmflrmed th
atatement rtf HruifnT Hlona,
Wild durk ar making an attach on
the red flah In the lake at Kifendew
Park. George Hedmn, altt park
uperlntendenf, brougtit report 1m head
rinarter that be obacrved fha bird
diving beneath the aurfaca of th wnler
nd remaining under water aeveral mln
ute in rincat nt their break fat,
Kail Official Deed,
rifir,Arr,l'HIA, April -Parker
frlnce. aaaletant general rounael of the
I'enriaylvenla. Hallroed company. dld laat
nlKhl at hla home t, f)vntyd, near here,
lie wa "i vear old, and had ben eon
nected with the company inc 17?.
Ilea Want Ada I'roduc Ileanlt
... 5c, 10c, 15c and 25o
5c a Toot
. .. w !.'. - -I
Vt i a
.. i aiaaaj , aa.
, . - . . aa-a. f-t . '
I ai.t A e It
1,' ''1