Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 19

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    TTTE OMATTA SI'XD.AV nr.V.: APRITi 0. 1 01 n.
3 B
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
Mm. I A. Knhudy, Mm. lul Otto,
Mm. Mary Kalley and Mm. 1)1 tin Mt ri
tartalned th memtf nf the Hccurity
Social club at It lust Hunting at
Knlghta or I'ythJ' hull. At hlifh fl.
first prlM waa ftwanliil to VI Mry
Ewlrig and th ronnolafhin to Mm. '. U
Walter. Among th keiislngtun worker
ifra, Klnyn MalflriKly won flint prl
and th consolation went to Mm. Klla
Henry, Th Hub will meet mmmIii
Wcilnesley aftrramin with Mm. Annie
Isnorom, Mr KIlMli-lh Wright, Mm.
Myrtl mrnit and Mm. Arm hack
u th hustcaw.
Th meeting of th local chapter "f ,1m
I'gngbter of th American lteviilutl m
planner) for Thursday afternoon Hi the
horn nf Mr. K. K Hchncritgi-n, hn to
Indefinitely postponed on account of th
illness nf Mr, Mcliocrilgcn young on.
About twenty member of th i,echU
Wy Miiln club met Haturriiiy afternoon tit
th home of Mid Helen Mann to et'i'l
Haydn and ble mul, Mis Martha K m
It v a pleasing violin aolo, accompanl
hy Ml Kreda Knnady, n'l Ml Mint
tin Kluher played "Irke In th Meadow
on th piano, At I o'clock mwirr
gcrved, rloelng a mit delightful after
noon. Th Huh Will meet giUn th fit at
fafurdny In May lit th hoinn of Merino
flmlth on Madleori tvni.
Following th rendition of a
program th lt avbeduled mealing of
lb yr, metiifatr of tli musical il
pari merit of th round! Muff Woman'
dub elected oflcr for neit year Mon
day aftrnoon at th horn of Mr, t'lnr
ne Hafer nit franklin niie, The uf
fleer tur th yenr r: leader, Mr.
JC. Wallace; associate 1a.der, Mm, It. V,
Wlkr; aerretary, Mrs H, K I'almer
rhslrmsn program committee, Mr. Il'ih
art Moth. Th program w given
planned and w an eireptlounJIy pic.
Ing on, Th three numlsrr ty the hlg'i
f hool whetrit wa especially good,
Mot Interesting paper wer rend hy Mm
Henry f'etemori, Mm, K, A, Townlee, MM
Vtrn liaker, Mr. Hubert eioth, Ml
Winifred Is-ahy and delightful vocal aolo
hy Mia Marguerite J'owera, Ml Velm
Mlhenr and Mlaa tibidy Anderaon. A
vocal aolo with violin obllgsto wa moat
beautifully rendered hy Mia Vclrru
Mihiir and Mra, ilrman Kuleah, and
piano aoloa wer given by Ml Florence
Warrior. Th de(,artrnetit I planning an
ftra, mee,i aorn tltn In May for a
lHw prornm and recllnl la to lie
Klvti at th homi of Mm. Wall: mt
April V) hy Mlaa Monhla Nuliixka and Mia
iiiella Anderaon, to whl'h all Kiemhei
of th woman'a Hub am Invited,
Th houth Klrat tret chapter of Ht,
J'n ul guild held a delightful meeting
Monday afternoon at th horn of Mi
T 11. Kvana on Mill afreet. Th hote,
wn altd In wrvliijf r' frel,i,ienia nj
In enlertalnln- by r, It. Jf. Kvana of
Mlnneapolla. Olht-r uet of tli afu-r
noon, wera Mra. A, J, t ook, Mra. t.'loia
Ward and Mm. J. ), William of Omuh.i,
and Mm, U, M, Martin and Mra, (. W.
OIlMton of foun-ll Jlluffa, Th chapter
will U tntartalned at It net mtlri I y
Mr, A, J. fratrtumlaon at her noma jo
Commercial atmet.
Th ('hrlatlan r.ndeavor of th Klrat
( hrlalan church held buln and
aoclal waetlng Monday avcnlriK at th
Jiom of Mr, and Mm, (iuy p. Iavltt
at vi Ilncoln vnua. About thirty of
ma young popia war preot, Tb
J-eavlit horn wa decorated In r4 ud
whlta, th ICndaavor color. Tle even
Ing wa u!iit with mulo aul auie
and refrexhrnenl war arvd, Th lio-
t mployd a mot uil'ju Idea In
aervlnr luwU, amaJi bo it of lunch
war hidden all about th houa and
tb (ijetta ha4 to find th hldliiK pla:,
About twenty rnembam of th Mad
rigal club gatbcfeij iMaturday tvenlng
at th noma of th Mle Grac and
Kloranca Henlor on (.'annlnif Uaet. Tb
program a arranged waa carried out and
th evening wa a, moat delightful mm.
Th hoin of Mr. ICnmia ingall on
Waat Broadway waa the acene of a moat
delightful meeting of tb rt depart
ment of th Council Wuffe Woman
club on Monday evening. The magnifi
cent cathedral of Ht. I'aul In linden
aa th aubject for the evening. Mm,
J. J, BUlllvan read an ecellent paper
combining the htafory with the dea rip
tlon of th exterior of th great eath.
dral, which la altuated on the north
hank of the Tharnea river. 8ha told
of tn contnictlon aa a Norman church
In th eleventh century on a Haxon
foundation, of i.a Inj i.-le IhroiiKh fire
and lightning; of Ita retoratlon by
Imlgo Jonea; of Ita later rcontnictlnn
by Chrlatopher Wren In It prenent gen
eral form of Onthin atructura with clini
cal detalla. 8he apok of th went f-orit,
th Corinthian portico, the AUU4 of
block marble atop, the nlch with
the ilatitea of th apoatle. 'Hi great
dom wa on of th upei-lnl fonture
mentioned, aurrnunded a It la hv a ?
ond dom and aurmoiinted ny lofty
aplre of tlropln iattern. Mr. If. W.
"!erk gave an Intereiting nketrh of the
life of the dltliirulhed architect, Ht.
f'hrltopher Wren. Something waa told
of hi work a atii'lciit at (uford
and of hla Inter difficult tick n,n
reconatructlun of old e't I'aul churHi
!th a limited amount of nimn at hla
roinmend, Hhn also told of hla tcrlal
.neih Ht. I'aul CHthelral, Mm. J
)' Walls' nave ie,i t l..n nf tin
Interior of fSe ealhedml, tnentlnlilita
I'a pier. I. road arhn mt uirlmn
chapeta Th acmiatlr prnpertlva ,if the
litlrtng anllerv the ( ti .tr i ... i n,
t'i a'alla olih n I,. ,,, ,,,fl,u w, t)
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Engagements Announced
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Bcibki Fitiklcstcin
Oumler and Mr, Krown. A brief pr'
grm wn held, Mr. Terwllllger lead
ing the dleimalon of current evenla, while
Mm. Mcfcalf guv g aurnmary of th
year" work and Mra. Hwanaon a proph-
eoy of I hut to .win. A delightful eoclul
eaalori followed, at whlcb dainty r
freahmenl wet aerved.
Mm. Ida Hmlth, 27W Hoiifh Tenth, tn.
UrUlned at a fotir-coure luncheon Tua-
dar, In honor of Mia Blla and Katha
rine Cuaey, who xpei:t to laav Hatur-
day to ape nd th aummer with their
brother In tb outh, Thoa preaent war
Ml Klla Cuaey, Mix Kalherln C'aaey,
Mra. Ouy Kerrel and Mr. Hmlth.
Harmony chpter of the Kaatern 8ta
gave a delightful "get acquainted" party
Thuraday evening at their hall. A moat
enjoyable mimlcul program wag enjoyed,
after which refreahment were eerved.
Over 30i were preaent.
Iieaphe the weather condition and. th
fii't that a'hool vecatlon kept many
rnothera at home, thirty-two wer In
attendance at the meeting of the Fed
erated Mother' and Teacher' club at
the public library Monday afternoon. H
porta of much Importance wer received
from aeveral eommltteee. Mm. Maurice
Woolman, chairman of th entertainment
commltt, reported that the reheamala
for the May featlval to be given Mhy
19, are going eplendldlv, with more boya
In the rhorua.a than laat year. Mra.
W. M. Klllpack la In charge nf the tick-
eta, and Mm, Wallace of the commit!,
on children' comfort and aaalgnlng uah-
Th gard.-n committee of which
Mra. 11. I", HHioentgen la chairman, re
ported that for thn flrat time, grounda
near the creche had been accural fna
the cblldien there to rnlae vegelahlee.
Tilt ground lie been plumed. Mr. J, N.
ole reported on th proimaed achool av.
lug ayi-leiu tn vogue In Cedar Itnpld,
under v hi. h each child I permitted to
take bl pennlea to acton, I and buy aav
Ing alniiipe, w lib It may be ronverted
nftir fifty M tern purhaaed. Into a
eure enough" Imnk account with a dn-
It I k l(einrta will be rei elvnil on
e ChliKHO HO. I I'ea M.ilio plan later
in club la ftvortibly (llped tiwai1
iinn audi plan, aa a on una i,r I. a. bin
iltt The rciml tnbln ilici,..,,n an.t
1 1 it I'r rrta nf In at Clijr al I
H. In, on ' Tn. of iarliln In
ma ami M, lr.l ijia. uni,, .y tUe
i, i. .there at (.-tint, l. cih
t mhicimI'iI Minting ,.f t (iiiliigaitte and
i, ii-l A i, ica 4 lot I a nf ! Caul
n ul l an liel.l t'u "t l afli.H".ll at Ibe
I,...,,. ,.f Vlia II, M. Min t. Millie
liluki vf. I I. la., ii aveima lift.
,i Vk , .tn. ii I'.a ten i'tiap..ra eaie
,,.wi.t ..ii.i ,i,!.i.l a ilniifiii ati.i
iui llx if M. .t. n t. ..i a Tb
i. i - . j i ' . a. li a' I i li. 'el I..I
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led th (Jlai'tjaalon of current event ana
a moat Internal Ing paper on "HPtly ' w.i
rend by Mr. Allen, Mr, I-yimui Hhuguit
gav a moat IntereaHtig paper on "Malta.'
A eoclal hour with refreahment folbiwed
The rlub will mwt again on April W t it
th annual bualuua meeting at the hum
of Mra, J. T, Hamilton on 1iwlon Ter
Member of th Ibxik Iivem' rlub held
a delightful meeting at th home of Mr
Officer, at which ih aludy of Hckena'
"Tale of Two CHI," waa ooiillnuwl
Inirlng an lotertnlaalon In the program
Mr, Hen Hooper of Oahkoah, Wl., a
uffrg woier, poke t' th club mem
ber on behalf of equal right for women.
Mm, Otlg presented th flmt paper of th
afternoon, giving tb hlatory of th baa
III, end comparing llckn' account if
the taking of the fanning French prtarti
by the revolullonlal with that given tn
the more aeditte hlatory by Carlyle, Mrt
Woodlury gave a pr.r on th chptr
of "Knitting'' and "Kcholng Kootatep,"
completing the tudy of tKok II, Mm.
Hamilton gave a pleaaant reading
from Martin Chnxulajwlt'g "Tha Burden
Whereof I 1111 Columbia," Th lut
will meet agulti with Mm. Officer rteit
Wednesday to finlah the ludy of lb
(tnm of th biryeat crowd of th aeaeoi
wag in atlendunco at the aeealon of th
home economic' department at the home
of Mm, 11. 1. Inicll on North lth atrect.
Mm, Hucll waa alated In entertlnlng t.y
Mm. M, f Hurton, Mm. W. II, Hakee
Mm, J, T lary and Mr, llajiy Hath
away, The meellng wn preceded by a
very Intereatlng dcmonatratlon of tneit
cutting by Mr. V. J. Krumenacher at hie
(hop on Kaat liroadway. At Mr, pticl1
Mm. Towalea gav a demon) ration of
ham mouaae wllh delmonlco a4ic. Thl
waa aarved later In the lunch with nd
wlche, pickle, coffee and cuk. Mm.
Walker read from th textbook an urtlcli
on tb (election and buying of meata, and
Mr. Hughe told of the different cut ol
meat that had been demontratd at Mr.
Krumenavchr' earlier In th afternoon,
and wna called on for an encore. Mm
Den Hooper of Oahkoah, Wl,, a. auf.
fragett advocate, waa presented by Mian
Hodga and gav an addreaa on behalf of
votea for women. The department wl!1
meet again In two week, April It, at the
home of Mm. Healey at 1W1 Hauit Hroad
way, thin meeting toklng the plc, if
the postponed meeting In March when the
department waa to have met at the hum?
of Mm Clmrle Weir.
West Ambler
Social Activities
Mrs, Frd I.yn h of Kansna City, Knn ,
la th a ileal nf bar parent, Mr and
Mm. William Vlrk.ra.
Mrs. Herman Muneak of Module, la,
la S, roiling the week with her slstar,
Mrs, Indies y.irn.
.Mis. M. .M.i.ire baa relutned frmn a
three weeks' visit with bar 'daughter,
Mrs. M. Magrall, at Mucin,
John liiiith moved his family this
wn.k fioin Ihe Mary lluiiaman In
West Klile to bl nw home III Puinlre
Mia Heiib t'oi'kayiia siwtil Insl week
Hh her aln, M.. Vir ii,i,tia. nl
ill. h,,,, i
fled ll.fl.r elfs and bhy, fr,n Mi.
dn, l , new week end gi,.ais .if Mr
ami Vis tutu Urnth
Mia inisaraa art. .ry ralorned 'iin
1 fr .ii, n i,,i,n, a n, i W,, r,.M
l Mili.k.,gr nhl. I H.lillna ll,a e.t
eiHi l..-r ,1 n iii.i ill, II t, iiu
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I la ) 11 I.. , be g. ii I, N,iigi,
Two Brides
and Cbuijiiin for a tan weeks' visit with
r lull vi,,
Mrs Perk ICdgnr will entertain th all-
)ay meeting of the l,ub'' Id ao'luty
at her horn on fouih Klfty first street
on 'I IiiiixIiiv,
About Iwotity-flv lo'lnlwis of II, Kp
wonh lengue yiilheied at the hum of
H, I", (lrit, Tuesdny evening at their
monffly gone I,
Mrs, John lllake and niece, Ml Kll
Robert, wire hosl.-es for the Woman'
cbrlntlan Tcmperanec union meeting at
their horn In riirmn on Thursday
afternoon. The president, Mm. H. t.
Claggeft, gv an Intereatlng account of
Ihe state conference at Lincoln, Re
freshment were erved.
Mr. and Mm, Herman Paulsen an
nounce th engagement of lhtr daugh
ter, Mlnnl Adcle, to I'aul ! fitt, eon
of Mr. and Mrs, John OH, all of West
Center street, The wedding to take pine
lt tbls month, I
Mm. John Hlttke entertained at din
ner Monday evenlnng, for l!v arm
Mr. K, H. Chenoweth of lb I'nlverally
of Omaha, Mr. and Mra. F. N. Mutt of
Inmdee, and Mr. and Mm. K . drove
of Fkrman,
Social Items
Mr, and Mr. Howerd Covert, who have
tieen living In Cleveland, O., alnce tbelr
marriage, relumed to Florence Monday
to make their home
Mr and Mm, ICdward Hunt, who have
been ependlruf the winter In Florence, via.
Ring friend and relative, left Tuesday
for their horn In th Rlack Hill country
of Houth Pekota.
O. W. Nelson left Friday for Halne
City, Flo., where he will meet, Mr, and
Mrs Frank I'arker, who hav bn pend
ing the winter there. They will return to
Florence about May 1 by gtitomobll.
Mm Andcw Nelon entertained for
Mr. Racon of Council Rluff Hunday,
Ml. T. A. Imon entertained on
Wednesday afternoon Mesdame yon
fltlen, Hnltoff, Hoffman and Ilaamnsaen
of Omeha,
Mr, Iitil Vlceg entertained a number
of hla young frlenda delightfully on Mon
day evening. Thus present wer Flora
Jaspereon, pa lay lllter, Klner Hwanaon, 1
Kv Hwanson, John Hlmel, John Hitter,
Anton Adler, Wilbur Reed, Charles How
llcek, Helen Hons, Allc Morln, ..gnes
IMrids, Mary Rfnda, Jnmea Vlcek, Uiul
Vleek, Ollle Mltr.ova, Otto MIIova,
Michael Hlme( and Beast Rena,
Ttie I'igle' Pnnclng club enlerlalned t
a huge party f It hall Tuefday evening
About 1'Ci couplee were present. It next
dance will be given Hoturdiy evening
The ladle' aiullliiry of the Rrotberlmnd
of Railway Tmlnmen euriuiaed Mrs, T.
A, Imon at her home on Tuesday after.
noon when tbey gathered In a body mid
mm to her bouse leden with good cheer.
Thna r.r,.nl a. M..,1.,.a If W I'.r.
kins, fleorg Monroe, Waller Olmsted, A. ""b"rn Meaets, J a me
1, Hlene, William Prake, W. II. von',..
Htlen, 1'. A, I.yon. Joeeph Mnrt'hv, Fred !
Waller, O, M Finch, Mall Mullen ami
Mlsa ICvelyn Punn,
Thn I Elites' Aid oclety of th l'reai.y.
ferian church entertained the congress
tlon at a eupper Weduesdny evening pic
reillng thn snnual nioetlng of tile emigre,
gallon At this meeting flattering i.rl
of all the officer were read and the same
officer re-elected to enrve the coming
yen r.
Social Affairs
of the South Side
The l aillee' Aid (.a laty of h th m
M(tll4ll.t iln,r,ri will I riiler'alne I
Tli iil gflrrinMiii t,y Mu Kiel l.uah
i ,. r belli", t" i-.',t 1 Ti,t ' 1 Ull,
tli.. I
Ml . a I I le Kn.llli la bene f! r I PU
ti Itt'iKki, ebeia s'e It a laii'liK i,.-
liil.iinlH nf IbbaSK, Mm ell I a i. n I
11, 1 apiliig l . it 11 Ii, r 1 ..I
a,t li'.uia
VI ea j,i,le VV ik i.a Ii . t etiim I
M 1 iIiiiii' s.mli-l l I a-n i- M
I , la s, . 1 .in g aliini Ik 1 I t. , ,
lie, bet a il.l. Mi J T SV.lkli.a
V a J .l i. Mar.sll rat-irn I ft 10 In
Tll' Ur HI br ...tber, I ,r I
1 i,m' tlm bat t 11 - t In 1
(.Hn.. ai t', S ., 1 i a i.. i.iv..,ui i.f
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T'-e I'a. aot Mm I v v 1 . r ' ,.,i
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of Last Week
Ulrs Turner HI, Carlisle
diet clinfcli, their wive and h'teband,
at a reception at their horn", '7I Mmlli
Twi rity-flftb trect, Wcdneeluy ev nlng
Mr, and Mr. Punk Mrclt of Whitman.
N'eb, etotlred over a few day to ti,t
at the home of Vlnnl Hurd while on
flielr wuy to Alberta, Canal. Mr
(coit wa formerly Ml (lra Hurd of
(be Hmlth Hde
Mesrtamea (J. Warrn Iav and 'J, V
lleavera will entertain tb I.a 'lies' Aid
octet y of Ibo Wheeler Memorial ihiil'h
W(lneday afternoon, April 12, at the
church parlor.
Ml) All l'vl returned from 1 1
mont Krlday morning, where she had
pertlclpaled IB declamatory contest the
night before, rprneetitlng the local rloulh
High Hiool, Hhn won flmt honor In
the hiimorou division.
I'aul Jordon and Otto Hallgren, welP
known local young mn, bv joined th
Metropolitan Ktock company, whb;b will
travel on g Hrciilt through Iowa town
and Htle beginning h latter part of
this month. Mr, Jut Ann will play the
part of leedlng man In Ihe piny, "Th
Wolf," while Mr llallgren will g't
manager of the comimny,
Hi Keglna club met with Mlssea Ver
onica and Merced" Fan-all at thlr hum
Thuraday afternoon. Mis MnrgarH
Kltrgerald had charge of th program
nd th following officer wer elected;
There Hermann, president; Vcm
Cavanaugh, aocretery, and Clara
Hworak, freesurer. f.laboral pbm for
a big My-dv party, to be held on
May 1, were discussed.
A delightful gurprl w given Mr.
Julia I'ulllam by member of the Jolly
Twelve club laat week. A 10 o'clock
Inncheim waa served, Thoe present wer
Meedame U I'ulllam, W, M, Routt, i
Hathaway, Itosolng, llavalka, Httth
awey, J. Houseman, C, -', (,'lliie, K,
Jims snd Hooker,
A ni"t encellent mwillng of Ihe Xouth
Hide Woman' club wa held Tuesday
ftwoon t Ilbrry hall. Th tudy of
Holland waa continued at lb enlon,
Mm. Hrue Mc'.'ullocli bad chmg of the
program and r4 a paper on "Tb 1
velopment of the Pud h laingusgi) and
Uterafum." Mm, t;. I Talbot lead
paper rnrnary and Hwondnry eichools
and Mm, Walter Nils. h, on on "Agri
cultural tehool." Ferry Wheeler, attor-
nry and former principal of the Houlh
High S' h"ol, talked on unlverallies.
Mis Irene Hcboenlng end I,ewl fun. ,
nlngham were rjtj telly mnrilnd Friday
afternoon by Rev. Mr. Rrown of (lie i
Metbmllst church at Hlnlr Mm. Cunning- I
ham 1a the only daughter of Mr, end
Mm. William Hchoentng. Hbe I lb see-
ond member of the tJreoe Methodist
church who haa been marled In lb Inst
Mr. Cunningham 1 the son of Mr, ,f,
II. Cunningham and I employed at Mor
r! Co, The couple will be nl horn to
friend after April If, at till Mouth Twen
ty econd 'reet.
.Visa Helen Pennl end Mr, ,1nm
Korthrtin entertained In honor of Mr.
lister Itoblnson, who 1 homn from Lin
coln to pnd th spilng vacalbm with
parente here.
II U attending 'be
I'nlverelty of Nebraka Those pnaent
wr: Misses Magna Horn, I.uell Nit
sche, KhiII Rothholg, Ramon ,M':roy,
"eien ressey, Arl'ln, Moreno
Official Piano of the Boston Opera Co, and Pavlowa
Hn' Siclmiei the l Umi nm 4 by lli. greal iiia)nrity nf lite)
I t I111I11M el liMialc I III mi, 'limit thn Wii III t'lnahg gdit
vlciHii) inn l,i ,.f (...!.,( tisitig lltn tltnluvvay Is viry largo,
'thn hiiiiMt-i) ll.nni a the pi m, 1 fuin, In, tha luitung nf
in eilt i 1 l"iia i f inuaic. t,f i f la rtliUhglltig Ualc u,
lb(i,.n klm p. iri l ain 1, hi) llin l,al
Tin tv tmii,t In. ...,ii, ebv I lii 'ttrliiMar W an ii eiiilnriit.
Iii'l"i'-I, tliclM svln atnti a i-l iH..ia VV hv. Unite i't.U iert f gw
litd a t i'i,iii h 1 j'.i h- o. ''Hi I ' "i will ai iui.l tig lhi Pl'imr
iiiiulir . 1 I ,'.! ii..ii v..,) ishv 1 liii Ptliitiiwajr U (n etxlnrm
Ullli'bil t'lillluS
1ti HHiinv.n (1 1,1.1,, taidii . kirn I. -t at 1 Ihw imVPVHll
I v II all iill.i'l l'l.".' Sin I'lilgi I III H'llrt .f U liuillfest
a.iHii.iiin, 11.' j'. 1 1 f..i t'titnwH) run. am mi ttigittvr
"l I (! f Mini, .'in a " 1 1 '
t I'lia'iU m- I'llicl In. in nm an,) lireiula 1'n 4 mm nl.ut
tm 111, ii ii i ma 111 1 Im grmngitl,
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
t ill I I I itlllHHI Mwl,
liiiUc i i. 1. 1 1 1. . 1 1 - fur Meiinaat I'liuiM,
linvla, rtryan Ninon, Paul Monroe, hee
ler Itoblnaon, I'aul Orchard, Verdon
t'lnrk, linlph Henry and Junic North
rup. A farewell party wa given compli
mentary to Mr. and Mra. J. Y. IWak
and family at their horn Tueaday evoti
Ing, A very pleaaalit evening waa peaaed.
Mr, and Mr, f'ancako will b-ave the
flmt of ht week for Kmlth, H, U , where
tbey will tnak their horn on a ranch.
I'aricnke l well known among local
al'H-kmen, having t-ecn ronneeted with
tlui local yard more tbn twenty yrr,
Society Notes
Tb Hoy rtcoul of Iiund met lut
l'rbly evening at tb liotnu of Clayton
Van mr ii and Tuesday evening at th
Pundc i hnrrli,
Tb Hlrle' Hlble rlns met Friday with
Mia Paill.i Nelmn,
Mis lilmly peern I (pending th
spring cetlon week with her brother,
Mr. Hfby Deems, and Mm Pscme In
Hlienanthmh, ta.
Mm, I.yman O lrly apent part of
Inst week vlaMIng her eon, Mdward, who
I a student at the t'nlvetslty of Ne
braska, Mr, end Mm. lonerd Abcrcrnnible left
Inst Saturday to Sl-nd a week In Hous
ton, Ten,
Mr. and Mm I , Iavltt bnv re
turned from a (o)nurn of everl weeks
In southern California.
Mr. and Mm Y. W, Wabnugh hav re
turned from a winter apent In California
VH M K I 'avis, mother of Mr. W. T
llobluaon, died led Friday evening after
a prolonged Illness, The body w taken
to t er old home, Me'ropnll, III,, "her
fim rl service wer held t th Flmt
Methodic church, of which h wag
Tli I-edl" Aid society of the Iunde
church met Friday wllh Mm, J, J. I 'odd
Th Itiimmy club meeting wa held
Wednesday at lb horn of Mr. Frank
O, rtrowne,
Mr, Onorye Melntyre will lie host
to lbs Amsieiir Musical club Friday
afterioetn, April 14.
Mr A J Cooley I vlaltlng friend In
Iturllngtiin, la for a few week.
Mr and Mm Clark I'owell am moving
(lit their fiew home at 1M0 C street
Mi. Henry C, Vn O.leon returned
Mnnday from th est
Mr. and Mm, Herbert Roger r o
eupylng the W, I', Warner home, fsM
Cess street,
Mr. end Mr(, N, II. T. Jury old Ihelr
home at 41 Chicago gtrent and have
taken a flat for the present at Thirty-1
fifth and Podg streets.
Mr. Fran Nelson end gn, Ifarvay,
M.nt last week In Itouth Pakola.
Mr. and Mr. Austin liodd and children
returned laat weak from lilloul, Mlas,
Mr, nd Mr, W, K. Rhoade hav re
lurried from a trip to HI. Ioul, Chicago
and other point.
Th regular annual dinner of th Pun-
dee Presbyterian church wa hld
Wednesday evening, with th womsa of
(he different societies In cbrge, Ttil
tm followed by a huslriee session with
report of tltn year1 work.
C2 "In springtime
(juridj Iheyoungman s
7 thoughts tarn to
Whether it be of
'Send dloysbrs
John H. Bath
"The furWul lloriat,"
1M44 I artmin Ht., rtinulin.
Iliono Xhntil- H'KM),
Clsaiiiug la Conueotloo.
Mi on n4 a4J. B409 Cuming gt.
The Stclnway U th V'uJn,
usi-il niiil oiKltirHtul y (ho
I!ohUui (JnuiiJ OjH'rii
Tii Nicliiwgy t thn rigrtn
itaml if pearly U nf lh
iii1i' ;rait grtlsi. pianist,
1'naNt mul IlialrutiieiiUllat
This 17
Jeweled Hamilton
f II u I 0
Tlil 1 17-Jewi Hamilton, ad-'
juMi nd com plot wgtch, , pUt
movement, p-ndant or ver Mt,
nilcromntrle rKulalor, Brgfuet
halrrprlnc, compunititlon bal
gnco, ad juate-d to tompwraturo,
thoroughly well flnUhavl, II
aire, plain pollabed, tmgSot
turned or eofrared. lO-ytsu
Cold flllad cut,
Never Before
wi a gonulna HAMILTON
watch offered for gala at thla
price. Dut Drodeitaard offer
(till HAMILTON watch to yoo
for 20. Tha HAMILTON 4a
finest watch in ad a lndoraed by
all rallroadi aa tha moat accu
rate timekeeper In th world.
Don't tniaa thla rhano to own
tba bent tlmakoeper load.
Bros. Co.
16th and Douglas Stt .
At th Nlgrn of Hie Crown
l'(i the fJoldon tStAlra
Wa produca atrlctly freah
T(w Milk front nowa, tubereolta
toeti'd by tfia BUte, All dalrtea
approved tjr
On reaaon of
la tha natural and near-by milk
atipply of our cltr.
Hav you ver thought ot ItT
The binneflta of (vountrr Uf ar at
th door of tbla rapidly develop
ing western metropolis.
There are mora tonal and p.
aonally rondurtd Iatr1e la
Omaha than. U
any other city of
IU all.
S anr tn fj
yor- Milk aua
from a mai
br of th
Omafta .Hilk Dcalen'
i tilt lMM V.
J .V-J Ca-rmoitj
r?iil ) lfe, righj "-l
I in uaifii, wtt At fa)
laat f '' "Iff Ms f I
AMI I'l lt;tt It V tK
it di .I ('. it.