Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 15

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    Till: oMAIIA Sl'XDAV V.V.V.: APRIL 0. lfllC.
Get Rid. of
I'nInK Smart' OhIcIiioi Wafrvt
Natural 1AVn fllnntf Purffinr
That Work Idke Charm.
tmn't deipalr If your fa- I covered
vi'h .pimples, hlgti-h, llvrr j,oi or your
tody la covered In epota with tatter, im.Ii,
r.nila, Mc.' Jut in fjtuart' Calcium
Wafer for a abort Dim- nn, ,.., , , A
riuhkly y,,u. will ilrar up r.tir Mn.
I " V I
W-"iw Uwt You took,"
th "It u Only Removing th Flm-
tle, and Stuart' Calcium Wafer Did
That.", ,
rimpli'X and eruption of nil tur.'ln i-nm-.
from the Inalde, The blood met out th
Impurlt! contain and limn pinipli-,
liell, etc., appear, rleitiiec tt.r blond.
lop the pnlenti from developing )n th
Hood ttaaue and pimple will vanhdi a
If by mgtc.
Rtuart'a 'alir)i)m Wafer rotilaln In a
taturaj manner tha greatest blood put!
fir-1lclum ilphld.
Calcium flulphlda and th other Inrre
dtenfa'of thee remarkable little wafer
era Juat what Impure blood nd. Toii
timet know ihat the blood in ruahlng
through your vein very faat. Jt take
Je than a minute for our blood to rover
f hu.'e.n'tlig body."
Von can thu readily e that Stuart' j
Calclurn Wafer, when they enter the
body, have nij lmnat lnatant effect upon
all Impurltle, no matter where located,
who'thar It. "bo. the Up of the hum or the
rndg of tha tee.
Hy the una of Stuart' f'aldiim Wafer
yonr complexion, will take on a fn-aher
tinn and a mora natural er1 of tint"
tin ever before.
Impure blood 1 blua or Mack, Purify
it, and It become ruby ml. Till color
showing beneath th akin Ik the secret
tit all beautiful eotnplialona.
Kfuert'a Calcium Wafra ara aold by
' 1 1 druirirlata averywhera, Trlffa ft) cent
a hoi. A lampla pa-kii will be tnallad
iri-xr to anypna vho will iiond coupon
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. ftaart Co., 328 Stuart BlAg.,
Kirahall, Klfih.t Hmid iria at on' a,
l.y . j 1 ii i n mull, a tn-n trial packaf
uT aiuarf.'a calcium Wafsra.
Nam ...........
Hlreat .
Immense New Concrete Vault
on New Dresher Building
Roof Forms Ideal Safety
v Enclosure for Furs.
Now Ready. For The Biggest
Lot of Stored Furs Ever Re
corded in Western History.
Th flnant arhooled bnrglar Ur
ine couldn't fain entrance to Preah
rr'a new Fur Storage Vault If bo
trifrt Wh bfKt,:and a first claim biiru
lai'n "bf-Ht" mean aonifithlnK!
Voti h"d a burglar cannot work
lii 'way through a three-foot wall
or solid concrete In a ainKl nlKhl,
und that'll Jhe only wnjr he could
off iid' an oiilinnco lo I ho oonrrMo
lur riicloKiiip now crofted upon Iho
roof .of iftf! ii'w 1 in merino UichIioi
Uro. ClPiinitiR & DyilnK Mant at
Tl 11-221" Far nam ntrct.
Oli. .yi't. ilicri muni bo doora Id
pel Hun I In VHiilt imil In thtx thhi
lliiic arc l" or Itorop of Ihr-in -if
iln'in In Inn no b-m Ihnn a
kiit ;iiill iloor ii'H-il for jt'iir by
itf tho bieiiPHl ami olilci.t bank
In (MiialiH H.v ib' H'iii burfdur
n.iiM ft ' f""' ''ri'hrr
v lniiiin wniilil K''l him.
,Mul Hi" ''iH "f th.ii ( oner. 1 1
inill H MkI'i' mo H 1'I of will'
Mil (Til .i'iili.iitii'llrt Ilitei'IliHl'il In
ii mi ili:i itic fur ro nil lh mci'1
1 j,,.n il i !.' a i-ffiiiln rtrvlcr Unit
, , ,, . l,e irMi'in itilmr of Hip n ill
h r ilsiit '"!' ''H' No 'ih rlvlu
, i ,u.ii- or iIcm'I lIniiK It, for n'
'. i lllllilil. Htit iilllWMV, IM'
,1 l, lit- It IMJIir,! I II IK (,!'- Wflllli
., ;..! i liit!.-! ,hmI '!i w u' IiH m fli
Mil Uip refrUrrnlniK ,' lllitl
, i i.' uM iii r i it (iitii li-l I '
l,i i ! ii "m rK'i hi ii'a itWi'n ton
I i pn. lit I ln nn I I .iniijirii '
, .. ,a I, !. tr rtllU .
V I i -, ' .l.ii s I. S I til, II li t
, . , I nil '.'t I til l' I 'rnuli- I .
I ,. ,. I ,, i 111 111 . . .. I' I I I'll
., (' ,..! I Hi "!i I '. i i Ui'lit !
j., , i , w hi Ik - r h I .i mil I !!
, I , f- p . Ii,! il" ' fur ! if "
,,, H, .i iv,' " '
, , , ,11, 1 I.I' lil.. 1 ' .
I , . . I I 'l .1 I (lit 111 . I 1 111
, , i .,! .ii a i'i at I '
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i , t i ,i ,-. '
, Hi. , ! I .i ' '' ' P." I
, , , ,i, i mi I H null-.
f I I (.!! ' It'i'l
Asleep While Livery Stable Burrm
They Are Eeicued Down Ladder
Through Window,
ill off from this ataliway and
othrr rxlt by den amok, four lu
ll" rhlldrr-n, two of them liable,
wfr taken down a laddar from ih
cprnnd floor of a burning llvpry ta
blo mrly ynntorday mornlnj?
Th family of Hurl Kox, living j
ovrr tho Kox llvi-ry and hoarding
filahire, ki4-is ( timing atroci, w
iiiilop whun th fir, of unknown
origin, whi dlarovprad.
In th confiiMlon that follnw-d lh
four (oi wcrf Irappi'd In th! burn
ing elruitiitc. From tli Hfl It
waa Imjiowilble o fvon i Ih win
dow of Ih "cond floor of tb' build
ing through th pall of uffoiatlng
amok e.
Itahlee lniibf In Iran,
('. VV, .lohnnon, who llvd In room
Hdjolnlng ihoaa occupied by th KI
family, waa on of the flret to think
of I ha fli-trapDd bahlf. H md
vnrl hrolr at tempi to reach tha
Ncond floor by way of tha alalrway,
but wag drlvm bock each tlma. He
called for a ladder and rwud the
rhlldren by crawling Into the amok
flllrd room and handing them down
on by oo to lb crowd Mow.
florae aed.
forty hone that were In th itilile
when th blaie lrted wr led out by
employe and firemen, but not without
noma difficulty. Tin lc animal waa
readied from a burning at th rar
of tha barn by fireman.
Th ft re, i lifting at 2.S) o'clock thl
mornlti. d-elroed th antlr rear and
of the elabl before It wm got under ron
trof, riv carriage and a hear wer
loaf. In l ha bln.
Th loe. tmated at H0.W, I partly
covered by lnurno,
Four Little Tots Rescued Through Second
Story Window of Burning Livery Stable
& . v. . m 9 : it a l .. ..
After having been on th road for th
I'nlon fV'Iflr and rarlflc Fxpreea com
pnlt for thirty flva year, aervlng a
hargatreman, epr nvenenger and
electrician, and havytg reached th age
of 70 year. Clmrle n. Cook. Omaha,
wa retired on pAnalon.
Frldar afternoon Mr, Took wa called
t tha office of feorg T Alley, general
bagg agent of tha I'nlon Pacific, HI
prmc.a being requested at the office
of tha thief led Mr. Cook to believe
that, h waa going to b called upon1 to
explain om Infraction of th company'
rule and that ba waa going to get what
th men de!gnate a a "Jacking up."
tf got It from Mr, Alley and about
tha time that the roaet had reached
the climax friend began to drop In un
til thera wer aom twenty prent. Then
It dawned upon Mr, t'ook that h w
holding a reception. Ill friend ahook
band with him and wlhed him good
Th aiiirrl waa not remplet nntll
Andy Traynor commenced to deliver an
ddre. which wa punctured by the
wheeling In of a big Morrl chair that
w preatifed to Mr, Took. Ha wa o
urprled and overcome that when called
upon for a leech h wa unable to r-
epond, but h managed to thnk hi
friend, who winded him long yara of
health and happlnee.
"Buatneae ahowa a grant Improvement In
Pacific coaat eltle and the people are
very optlmletlc," aert'd Vle 1'renl
dent Munroa of the I'nlon Piii-iflc, who
la hom'e from two wcka ttpcnt In Han
Trancleco and TVi Angclc. Cuntlnulng,
Mr. Mu n roe ald:
"In Ran Franclaco the cloning of I ho
fair ba bad no noticeable effcrt upon
buelneaa. The bualneaa Improvement that
I an ncnnral all throuh the east mi'l
'tniral moat I beginning to be felt In
the cot clllea. though, of roiirne,
lint to eiirh a degree, lint tlirro, how
ever, the people are walling, feclln
(crlnln that It I coming
"California lis been visited with
abundant rnln and the oullonk ti favor
able for a good crop year,"
J -i 'V aCJ
. .-r
V. gwiiaiiAk itr' J Vgagm
a v '- t ? I
V a a-:' ' h.
j.Krr to ni'iHT-jn;, r.mnv., v,r.tu, jnns, with thkih CATMi'n, nrr.T vnx.
Insurance Company
m Sued for 8100,000
for Alleged Libel
A libel aulf for tlne.W agatnat th 11.
dellty gacijrlty company of New York I
the enwar of T, 3 - Primer, Omaha
wholeeale Jeweler, who Friday wa c
eued by th lntiranc company of hav
ing planned and perpetrated th eafe
wrecklng In hla eatnbllahment.
Attorney Klnaler and Ilaker for th
Jewelry firm filed a motion aeklng tht
the motion of the Inauranc ennpany b
atrlcken from th record and alo filed
their petition for damage In the aum of
At the flm of th robbery, police de
clared the work to b a plndld p' lmn
of yegg arllelry. Nearly 4,00 worth of
Jewelry and diamond were atolan from
the fe, which wa wrecked by explo-alvea
Culls from the Wire
Two pron wer killed, everl other
Inluied and a number of houeea wer
blown down In the oulaklrl of New nr
ln during a h"vy yaln and wind
Ouleepe Arlchlello w convicted ef
tha milrder" of liarnet Haff, a poultry
dealer, In November, IK14, by a jury In
the aiipreme court t New York, Th
verdb t wa guilty of minder In Ih flrat
The country home of Herbert !. Bat
terlee, oii-ln-law of tha lata i, f'lerpoiit
Mom up, and Mm, Jennie Dlgelow Trxcy,
daughter of the ll Jntui lllKeln, al
llit'liland I all, N. V , hail bnen forcibly
anlerad by thieve,
AlpTlmtety ti. fornmenl clerfca
In Wt ltitfiri have furtiird a union nd
tkn ffliiatl',n with lh Amerban I'ed
ereilon of M int ea a aefpiel lh re
cent unaticceafiil eff.trf In cirtiareea to fa
quir them to Work eight hour a tay.
Held in Connection
With the Robbery of
Train on Short tine
f ,A n A M I K, Vtvo April -M ailer
I'aley, tl, la under arreat here In i'inn';
tlon with the roblwiry of p"'"i"r on n
Ortgon Hhort line train near Hoy, Mali,
March 3, According to the local chief of
police I'aley baa c.onfd that h wj
on of the three men who participated bt
tha holdup and named a hi aaaochiti
( haile Blurge, an athletlo trainer "f
otorj, and Harry young, a prl flghlor
well known on tha raclftc, coaat.
In hla latement, th pollc ert, Oaley
aald that he remained half a mil behind
th train a guard whll Young kept t.n
engineer and fireman covered with r
volver and Hturge robbed the paen
gar. Th plot, according to th verelon given
eut by local officer, wa laid In Halt IaIi
!tly and the trio parted company In leu
ver lat ftunday.
I.oe I'rlae f awrt.
VVAmiiimT')V, April I. - The Hrltleti
government tndar nnilflrd lha Mlala de
iu 1 1 rilenl il Im miteiei! ihe ,nreelan
"iiillng v feel r.dna, al.ed In the I'adflc
einl conibiiiiird on lha a i mind of Herman
lie, t-lill,, fi ('inland, whr Ih title
of Ha Nan FVamlerto owner
hcaid by a prln court
may oe
float a; hlcaa fate.
CHIf'A'Kt, Aorll l-Th city eounell
thl ficrri'ion uiianluio'ielr paaaad an
iinhiiuiK cloalng rnaiauranta whr
Ii i 'f.,i l aotd at 1 a, in., Ih am
Mii(',no, '
I Ton ran maka a delightful aliampoo
jwtih very lltll effort and for a very
I trifling coat If you gat from your dnigglaf
! prkg ef ranthrog and dlaaolv a
! teaapoonful hi a nup of hot water. Your
iabampon I now ready. Juat pour a llnl
at a lima on th a-ip and rib biikly,
TM create an ebundanea ef thick, whit
lather that thoroughly dlov and re
move all dandruff, eivaa ell and dirt.
After rtnalng, th hair drtea quickly, with
a flufflneaa that make It aem heavier
than It I, and take on a rich lueter and
a anftnea that rnak arranging It a plaaa-ur.-Advertlcmnt,
Mldklff to Menipbta,
F.xr Mldklff. who managed th Ixitil.
villa Colonela et year, ha been relenaed
to Die Mcmphl Boulhern league club.
Aftt ala month kafor bottling.
Th only hear on th mark brawad
from pur aprlag waUr, Order aa
"t hom ant ba cobIbo4 ef It
anpeHorlty, fhoo AX Kit W, tOB.
OCHSCaT. Oouglaa SUM.
..f i...
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owner cf acureirntitig moie lhn
t;im0 n value have filed eult in fe
t( lo atnp th toio'd conatiui linn !
iliatuage ilitrii near Jackon, in PaUoi i
n ni y
The plnlMlfN ere th Wandlaan Trn"
m l Kitting bank, Jnipt Wlniarbnthaiil
hint i harlra M Writ'iny and Ihe it
i.ii'lani. arc Inaiiiuge I tri i i-t Nn ; ni
i-piiiita canni), N'vbiaakn, and the n at I
if ri il" I -l.iii , Ja 'ori K, I eanu r, J ilm
I. I to b-v. I'i.. I irlil, fllitiii Arm-lit.
ml i l.iiil.. .Maxwell
I Im In iinan'tt i ninin.l .n wa orvan l
In,"t a ill', h In Inlentpt ih,
teia if tHi and llnr.e i-ril.. win ,
'. M" drnini of tt-r Mi unntr-'
' ' i ' t t ..f hiii land, ant lt dir t ti,.. 1
iiiftii . i ua in , t .ii f- .mi n 1,1.
- a I miiili titrl ttf .Im tii -it I'i .:a nl 1 1 .
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Jlj! Wr--As (r , jSn V M
An Ideal Dress for Home Wear
How often have you lonjred for a Drena you could wear at home with the
feelinaf that although you knew H wai iturdy enough for any household
task, it still was so good looking that you would be presentable to callers,
should they como unexpectedly. Such a garment ia now available to you here,
Mina Taylor Dresses
For House and Porch Wear
Are made of sturdy cloths which Uujjh at the tub. They are pnt together to
strongly that the soums will not rip even with the roughest work, withal,
they are nrnt, tityllab and economical,
Mm Taylor Dre,
You are always well rnstumed In A
Ampin Uoom j Tint Flno, Ilvfnly , Slffvp That
Through Hipi Otnnot li.vvel i Htitchn4 ftnma Do Not Hind
Coma n aM sra thne eircptlona urmenti We have your ilse, til your fa
toil'e rolor, tort, at aa litil as tl.00 and up la .1 fiO,
Burgess-Nash Company.
"rVKflYflODY'S STOffK"
1 w I
rhoiio I'hone 1
DotiglM 1I3. Doiiglu I 3fl. 1'
1 i)
,lf illftl
ru.r i .'H'rc J
t 'tit7! V H
4. 'it
n.' i' rwm .J-i
Newest Styles in
Home Decorations
Tn ror-nr" tlif nfwfat, mot up 1
flnt irloiia in hom rlix'nrntinn nil llm
finest vrnll pnjiprx for tlm lent inoiwy
."Co tlif pift'lnxivp !!)!'! iloi'iinif i'MiM of
flip OmnliA V. nll I'hiim' ( 'ntfipHiiy.
,Iiih plioiif )nii;flir iirnl v.f
will jnl im- utir i)iMil iioiirt"t vimi, mi
export iiilci'mr ilcfnnilol', In rail, liov
i you tlin pfipi-r- tiivi nuiko you CHlimnIo
; Millmnt nliliMiifif'ii to you,
1 Tli in i tli- t'litv, tin' Mitirl'iu'lorj"
! nii (lio fx-itrioini' til wiiy lo l nil'1.
Why Hot phono fmlay ?
Omaha Wall Paper Co.
J? Doufjliisll36
1113-15-17 Howard Streat.
WmVi rusr prwrT WAI LIE
mim;WhM U-A at Wii a jlbm
talriafttSRBat H
FLEXIBLE.buoyant tires
of utmost comfort
protected by Goodyear
cord construction from
most of the danger of etone
bruise and blow-out
Their pronounced riding ease, their
great mileage, and their freedom
from trouble are so satisfactory that
sales are mounting up and up.
Necessarily higher priced; but by
reason of their special advantages,
full -value tires, like all Goodyears.
Goodyear No-Honk Cord
Tlrct era fortlfitd
Rlm-cutting By our No-
Kiro-Cut fratura.
Blow-out By our Otvai
Verm Treavla By our
Rubber Klveu.
Puncture and Skidding-
By our Double-ThUk
All Weather end Ribb
ed Tread.
Inaceurity By our MuHJ
ple Braidad llano Wire
4t4 th Mmd flA4pm Rtati'm Thmdmfm fUmdfmm Cm4 firm,
Sa Df3IIlIl 6&
Order of Owls
Ncit No. 10G3
$10,00 Initiation
75c lr Month Dutt
STTer Week Sick fcnrfit
I fill in i ! ,i I ' i i " 1 i
'. f.'t
I -. .1 l.i-iHi I l' I't'i
.,. ,lu V tin' I It I I' ' Hi- 1 ' 1
t.t ):" a .- a at !. i'i' 'i-i ' h
I h. i pi tiit
i al'ahaa I H. W
ln ii tit Al rri"rf lf4uil Try cn jvnlt aaj