Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 14

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member tuknn ln at tha last meeting tit
Hie eieeiitlve euininltte:
If. K. (louid, Klmt Nattonsi bank; K.
M. HohiboiiKh, civil eris-lneer, ll Me
tague building; Fred A. .'ii' adan, Mer
chant National bank; James Allan,
prlvsto dleetlvn, 811 Neville block; K, VV,
Hoijlle, MlilwuHt Ki-rum company: lr
V. F. Crook, d'titlnt, Sit City Nattoniil
I'.ank building; Hubert F. Hinltb, Oeimral
Jdi-eanlllti company; K, H. Merrlam,
JnraJ Mercantile company; Henry C.
Murphy, attorney, South Omaha; U. II.
Houllston, Hupinobll Company of
'Mini'. a. Jlv, D. V. 1'rope.r, secrets! v
American Hoina Mission society, was
elected an honorary member.
Imlry Inspector Itnaxla U prfpftrlnf
map whlull will ahow m atlorta of ft!l
dditha of liifiuiti In tlri-ator Oniahft ba-
Schrcibcr Has His
Hands Full in This
Domestic Tangle
r'np'rlntenderd H' li r I 'u- of ilia Wei
fsia l.nard ) ri'l ovortiiii o -tmlshtan
Ut th tanflfd end of a nsri mid wlfa
wlm are. addicted (fl lhn fortune filing
hnlilt. This Ih in connection Willi the
family reconstruction work at the board.
In Oil Inatancs tho wlfa sought sev
eral Oeulira In futurities snd heard dire
things concerning hi r lleife 1'iril. Th
himlisnd likewise visited perilous who
pier Into tlia past, present and futura
snd ha, loo, was disturbed over revela
tion tnmla to him by the. rs.
Thin wir says sha read sign In the
tea, leaves nt hr cup and tho hiiaband
rrrnl trie cri,
Mr. Bclireller says hs has hopes, only
Hustlers Bring in
Recruits for Club
Ts, tha "Two Thousand rluti" bustllng
to pilss lh fomiurctil cluli memliersiilp
to l,t) hy the. and of tho year, la mhk.
lug gmid. It Is bringing III Iriemlicrs at
pleasing rat. Following la tli list if
Orrrrmnri (nnadnalliift, Indlaeallwt
Jr. King's Now Mf Mils will ovar
com your constipation, biliousness and
Indignation. Taka ft dosa tonlKht. Only
jflniiln Junuary 1 of tlil y.
Time, tlda and ilea Want Ada wait for
no man. An opportunity missed la n
opportunity lost.
Hy thla iiatia It will ! poaatmt w
dofrtnliio at ft glitina any action wnary
an 41maiial tiunrtxir of d'-ftth orotir.
All druggist.-Advartlasmsnt,
Wr m$m? k
1 WW
V w 1
0 A p patei-Biouses-Hwits-ShoeS'QloveS'Etc.
ColorBrilliant Color The Keynote
Of the Newest Hats for Spring and Summer
TCIIJU I'EK.SONAIi representative li.'ts just retuniei! from the east anil brings baek the
VJ J ...... I!. .4 ..II 41.. l..t ! . i r iitu MllI II I i 1 I ! llil'w! lilllf llt'ifl'llf 'ltl1 it'wl
Hnmnm llli;illlllli;il Vtllllll, III Ull l-in; Iihi. Ill niuiM I r nun minim i n wim. ioiuiii. hum jh.
IM2L1 w1i.m1I l,r. ihn .fif.inn ffif lOlfi.
FJowcrs cotnv, in for Inio share of the trimming houoi-slioses, Violets, Daisies, Poppies, Rliieis, For-ffci-Mc-XotH
and Heather blooming on the Hats lontf hefore the tinu; when nature shall nurture
them to blossom in the field and garden. Indeed, in many instanees the designer has been so lavish
Ilia! every flower of the field has been employed.
The Black Hat with just the tiniest touch of high color is very "Chic"
and very much in evidence. Nol thai the lilmk, Hal It leu
imarl than In oilier teatom, hut the popular janey fill htnd
toward the high colart. ,
Fashion Never Found Fairer Fancies
Than for This Easter Season 1916
Hand Beaded
For Dren Wear
Entirrly new; all the tiny
rolorod 1)cIh are hwpiI on by
IihikI, Col(irin(r urn f Xfiumilc,
MatrrialM urt (d'orttt? Crfpo
and ('liBriiifiin''. All 1li dark
ftijit hllfldft
$10.98 to $29.75
Pretty Net Illouaci, Ihfd
hloiiHfi arn pnpulnr they
wHh to biautlfull. WhIU n4
crfKffl only,
$5.00 to $6.98
Dainty MnRrl Itloiiae, new
arrlvalH, at
$2.50 to $3.98
Smart Silks
Wis liavf jiiht received a lot
of Ini-li HwiNsi (Jliiffon
Taffeta, one of Uir nioht
wunted find Ncnrceht of
Npriii(f ninl aiiimii'T nilkn,
in right different KhndeM of
blue, new Kruyn, prrecn, rone,
flrneUijht, etc.,
etc. Yard..
M Inch HIiHiilungx. KuMlittniK
rid I'oiiKfi', Dm proper inl
populnr allka for lim iifw ttport
inula and Rutin, In th plain and
noveliy wcmv', J;lrtt heavy,
medium and HkIiI & "t QJJ
welKhlM. Yd , B9c ro JO
liluck Tnffelfti are miit'h In
voKim now for cot, unit and
drenNfa. We ihow ft 3't Inch
Hwlna FlnlHli Chiffon Taffeta, ex
tra Kood weljdit, very aoft hrll
Hunt flnlxli. Will give MilemlUI
aervlce, f njj
Yard Pla0
New llks are arriving dully to
Hi la ureal department. We offer
fur Monday 40 Inch eaalimelr
CtiarmeiiKM mid xtra b'avy
Crepe d Chine, In thirty new
aprlng aliadea. Worth ft. 50 and
1.7r, mId price, J OQ
yard 1v1imJ
32 Inch New Htrlped Hhli'tln
Wlka, In'lwo and three-color
romhlnHtiona, Hplendld welxht.
fifty different etylea to aelerl
from. Very apecml, $1.00
valinx, ti id
(iporneiie ('repea are very
acarce, bill we, aa uhiihI, are pre
pared Id show you a eomprelien
alve Hue of new col- t rj f
orlnKa, yd., ft. 80 andP 1 O
In Styles
that ar jmrtienlarly desirable now
at KtiNter time, There's h hiuait
neNH and charm about thia fnotaenr
that ia not to be denied. The flexi
b!o aolea lend an Haalieity that
eoniidetely does away with the
probability of "fimt. t irediiesn."
Hcil Cross Shoea we rt'cnmnteiid be
cause they are decidedly worth,
w bile,
V K f.i V
Wl A
l-r ftlfr fry"..
- llf JfiViif niiai law iitiM.
Special attention It di
rected to our thonlng of
Evening Comm and
for the Opera Seaton
Feniininity in to bo ('oiiKfutiilatciI in tho wonderful variety hhown in the beautiful
Mylc for ftpring ami aurrniier, J9I6 aurely American women were never o highly
Coats, $19 to $45
a M I' ll l i ilontliin liaa li"n nt n
th ilfi toot i'f tinr llnif of Marina CoalN
with tin. remilt Dial nur 9in k liaa timl
many nntlrtiia f'"inillmiiia Ho rnany
iHaiiiirut tiiai'.ruin to ehi.iinii frmn,
IhiMI twill. a limit Ilia, t.iillvla rlntll,
fipltna. vlMirit. ('o)'oa to tha
iiomt fimt 1(10.04, and to liftrmntiUa
iviih any "nn, fi'iio fin $IVI
Suits, $35
A hmiiiirul Una of new moduli In
atlraillva nw elntha thawing a va
rlny of plain a wall aa faio-y
w.tval, llli ludliif til P'ipuUr rhrU
aad atrlpxa. Nw arrival In thn
ilr.iuy and tallortd anlla rriaka our
Una parM'-nlarly iit. lln for allow
ing, at t, i and up
Si.k Suits
N'nw mudala In all k aulla, Uffatta,
ftroa da Inndraa, falllaa and poplin.
Ntw ahadra, gray, bronaa, ropan,
plum, nary nd blark. Many two
tonad falirlea Ineludad. 140.00, II.M,
1A M and up.
New Coats, $15,00
The greatest collection of
fctylea ever nlmwn at thin
popular price, in Nergcft, pop
'ins iuhI Hhcphcnl checks and
coverts. Also the looms back
models, including the pnpu
lar black and white check
materials no much in vogue,
uith combination trimmed
collars and cuffs, $'J),0()
jt tmart group of tilk dtetsrt
all new moiej, TafleUit, Aeiw
Air, Crepe de Chine t, combined
with (georgette ( repet. I f)
'uu h $19,00, at
rf Suits
Of course you can ohlain Hulls
at $25 moNl anywhere, tint, you
will admit, that there la some
thing entraonllnary about a
Hull at $-5, that not only con
tains tho rlKlit tnuterUils, but
will also bear the cloHent scru
tiny In thn mailer of tlm makinK
of thn seams and the fit and
styls. KhhIiIimi Heal Suits never
Variety of new models, Jut
received, nisny reproducl Ions tif
hlsh priced models. Newest
shades art shown, IncludliiK I"
populsr tirsya, CopetihsKeus,
Navy and Tan, as well as a va
riety of fancy weaves In checks
and stripes. Choirs miiierliili,
(ialnttdlnes, Piipllns, Series and
Taffeta Suits, $42.50
Exact reproductions of im
ported models fthown of fin
est t'hiffon Taffeta in popu
lar polors; novelty designed
re vera, collar and girdle. The
skirts exquisite full flaring
models with separate pointed
belt. They are becoming to
all women and iu the height
of correct style.
A ti!l( petticoat will he necet
taru to complete your Easier cot
time, 7 tarietu of new ttlts
in Taffeta Satin and Mettaline,
u'ilh or without Jersey top at
$3.50, $iMH and $5,00
and to wt haot prepared an excellent ihowlng of Halt
toith large black talln j lower t and latin of patent leather
Dainty Laces
All-Silk Kadium Allovcr
Lace, inched wide, in
white, ochre and black.
Styles similar to the famous
Castlt) Lace, Newest nov
elty for fancy blouses, sepa
rate Ieevc, etc. worth
$2.00. A
Tiew Lacs, 2 to S Inched
wide, Includlnn Flat Venls,
Kllet, Venlsn Kdged Orientals,
Kmbroldered Net Tops, suitable
for all dress trimming purposes.
Many beautiful designs, In white,
cream and ecru. eic
Vard, 39c 59c '
Fancy Wash Laces, many atylea.
Filet, French and Orman Vals,
some In matched sets. 11 Linen
Torchon, Imitation Cluny, l'lalt
Vals, KIk)S and Inserilons
sullabls for children's dresses,
underwear, curtftma and (
fancy work, 10c vals,, yd.. DC
Convent ICmbroldery Kdues,
suitable for children's petticoats
and dresses, A nood assortment.
of very prptty patterns, Worth
19o, special Mon
day, yard
A New Line of Oatlste Petti
coat. Flouncing, beautifully em
broidered scalloped edges. Just
the thing to wear tinder thn real
thin voile and organdie dresses.
Also a tilcp, line of Voile, and Or
gandie 36 and 42 Inch Skirt
Flouncing, neatly embroidered
and very attractive pat
terns. Worth fiso, yd.
Nemo Corsets
tor Styla Av'
X Grace and Comfort
The Nemo Self Reducing and
Wondcrllft Corsets are two of the
best models we know of. Tbey
mould the form to the present mode
In the most efficient way. For the
special benefit of our customers
now, Just before Raster time, w
will have with us
Mlit Virginia Meyere
of New York
For Monday, April 10.
Rhe Is a graduate of the Nemo
Hygienic Institute, and she will be
glad to discuss with you any points
about corseta that you desire to ob
tain Information upon. Hhe will
give a little talk about corsets, and
you are Invited to come and bear
her between 3 and 4.
Exclusiveness in Gloves
You can secure Individuality and
exclusiveness If you make, your se
lection from the gloves which ar
rived here last week. Only a limited
quantity, all of (he famous Terrln
and Valtur. Very best qualities, real
French kid, full pique, Kmbrold
ered In the most exquisite designs.
In black, white, pegale and oyster,
with contrasting embroideries.
Only a very small quantity of
each embroidery, Insuring exclu
siveness, !! sum to shop on Mon
day, as the iUn assortment will be
broken very quickly. Kvery pair
with our UHiisI guaran
tee. Pair, f1.75 to..
Kloatrrsilk (Wdonnet Spe
cial Crochet Cotton, the best
substitute f,.r 1, M, C, both
in aire and luster, Kl'tert.i!k
cotnea in lute, rmi an I linen.
To tntrotliH-M K!Ur1!, sill
p'ai a It on anl fur una day c-ltlr, at
tha fuSIn In pi Icr:
?; S, I and I t''l (to
K.ies li and I ! ...... Ho
; J', 4 a.iJ y.
ti i. t . Id and ". I ..l . , , j'ao
Hii-UI rot'ioi f-.r ir'K -iirtitu hand
fcef UU'f ds a. Hi t-'iit. lititai, iat
''-. tliSm Sill l'li-t lulu
Mututat i . 10C
r''i,.i l'. k In. lit a t't
d'rii . at ft t imi and
l ': at t . I ' n I
?a r. kn :t(.
i-i'tl I'm ...,.,, ,,, , , , ',!
t ",r r. . ..... . !iiii
t l a
W a't-H-t si S'tl iV'.'sr wNstK
til fca i.r--t. In ii t'id h, i - '
ant .vl.-l ...(.f,.i.. I i,.,,-H h
tii'i! a:t III'1! sl II i . in
I ' )( t ct !S 10
Ur !' t h"- . dJC
'. I-H.l lM-t
(,.! (., ." I )l I i . I tut
' .. dUC
Remarkable Values
Atminster IJugs, sire fil'J,
These are all good patterns,
in orients!, rumentiimal and
all oer itieddllmit put
terns, Mou e-7C
lay 5 1 I i O
xl'.' HruaseU Kuga, Rnod
piality. .Iut the rugs
the dinitiht rnotn or bedroom,
Sue pnlti'itu in floral, uri
c ut id an. I all uter hint a de
i""1 li't-nUr
t:i "i iiiiuH, spi $i a
.''x'i i M iii -d w i: u .
d'teai i.iSo f..r l l..i
Mdiit 4 .taS t d rnf f 'c
itti. i.. . , i-m'. I "'
pri.-e Mn
il o .
$2.30's. vt.nh ',i 517;i
'Ci' xf.;!'..l,
li ifc-s, . i ItlM. al,7l
Great Cash Purchase Mattresses
Couch Pads and Pillows
Bought at About One-Third Less Market Value
With (he way prices of cotton lave bent m.biiu recently, it is surprisiir;, indeed,
In find such a splendid group of hiiflt and medium triml' t these v
ItvniclN lort prices. Cor "spot cU" fl'i-r looked crv trmpimg In the itiaitufm'
turcr, and in the face of advanced mttrr prices, uis accept id
', fell tost !.' a In hls sat am l.i h Until up Uf fell of iie uuirrtal wtil
teJ a tiitui, and olfi i tiu iii.'iiK 4 in o't"it tun it v to so on ,il aiaMing Ntnid.iv,
lfi t " t
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Five Wonderful
1,1ms) Traveling Men' iaiu
pies of l.itcc Curtains; just
the iliing for sniall Mtiilns,
duo. , etc. In our
great April sale.,
tine Iritnieiiiirt I of of tinporteis'
HaMiple 1 linaUi. funalsllBS of
S'l tile fineat rlcn, uch'-a,
I'lilnt Venice, HciUii nd oll
fiHij.'u- A iiint uti l- fnl )if
:;;h':rM u .. .38c
y,r I hi. hu can ne from
tme l,i thu-a pa.i of I s' ur
la in
I .... , l - ...1 I
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if a i v-
til ' L- : n , i L.
The wear
here has
a big rep
Mrt, Lngtiih
An expert from he "Wear
ecr" factory wii (five in
structii'tts Hi tl, u.i a-i t earn
of aluminum titcuiW on Mn
! and a't week hi this
II H'J In-! I I leo.ili More.
Kcry hi man Is InMtcd
Us shaM .ti j l
ato, ,f " ll'MHIrt" I I V ! . 1 1
at all t;in-
-I I I I VI V V,ricr W. . I
r KellU. lis !'. iat i- u,
omplsla with eoier ,
i t"r fl TO, at ,
yjjigaaaatiw iiM!iL-aii.inj-iTjUii hdj Ji',niiiu.aimiFlil t) mif!ir.idis.ri wtf'i-'mtmm'MUm!-' ?lafl?NPWai 1