Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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    Til IV OMAHA SUNDAY HKH: A PHIL 9. 101(5.
14 A
W. L. Killy Say Ueg for Auto
mobile Are Still in Their
of the nwlor oar In limine ti
mill In Km rarlleat tee. crnidln; to
W. I.. Klll.v, man Hirer of the Noyea-Kllly
Mr lor company, lot al dlatrlbuler of t
raxon mnirtr rare. "Cxuluilltig tha de
velopment of the autnmohll aa a carrier
for freight, (he ime of tha light, durahlo
ear for hualiir call, leamenahlp an1
nntr hualuea utility," li ay, "la
rtlll In Inclination."
"Tn et the motor rar to a point of
development where ta appeal would
eome home with force to the average
Itinera man. It. had to he carried well
out of the atflK of luxury and plcaaure,"
i-ald . I.. Klllj'. "It had to he drought
nhere a hardy, eervlre giving, motor
ouid he purchaaed for a moderate coal,
That llni haa recently arrived and the
hualneaa man la beginning to (lis
benefit that coma from an automobile.
1 mean tha rraiilt that It ran how for
rural or city aale work, for general
huln fll, Whan . molor ear can
compel In upkeep eapcnan with trec.
far farea, It offera tha thine that Air.
Hualneaa Man haa been looking for.
I.otr ( naf of Operation.
"Taka the Hanoi) t, for liiatanr.
feat of every kind and deacrlptlon liave
een uaed to catahllali an average of
'iil consumption And to catalogue tha
;are In their pier In tha motor world
with reference to thalr upkeep open.
Tha company teat and tha enperletme
of owner have combined 0 prove that
tha Saxon haa an unuaually low cat of
"Tha roadatara offer an average oper
ating epen that la leaa than tha coat
of maintenance of good hnr and
buggy. Tha 'alx offera an Upkeep coat
of a fnttilmnm quantity for tha atr.a of
tha ear and tta power. Their aelling
price ara low and they have opened a
war to tha bualnaaa man to got rvlo
at a coat that maiitf it an aoonomy to
hava tliam."
k n 4 i
. f ft V -
j '
A - X
i -. i
J 7 in T
Shows Increase
Tha Uarna-Knlght dlatrthuter, J. A,
Metntyra of tha Mrlntyra Auto com
pany, la very much elated over tha out
look for 1IH. Tha raaaon la that thay
hava bean delivering fttearna-Kulght rata
tauter In tha teat month than thay ever
did befoia.
'Tha purrhajam,' aaya MoTntara, "ara
generally people who hava friend who
hava been unlng fltearna rara for varioua
length of time."
Mir, Mclntyra ragarda lit earn a uaer
aa on of hi beat aaleamen, and take
thl method of thanking hi euatomer
for their eipraaalon of aatlafactlon In
every particular.
Tlilar la riot a nuraa, nor an Kgyptiati
chief tain, nor a member of tha Klu-Klux
Klan, nor a fralornlty degree Initiate.
No. air, lt' lm(ily a rainy day coat mint
of tha Pefrolt Irafflo offker. The coal
ware dealjrned and originated by tha H.
F, Ooodrlrh company, Akron, O., and ara
the laioat word In rubber cout conatruc-tlon.
of cylinder oil waa conaumad. To prriva
tha motor (offered no III rffetila from tha
teat, an automohlla containing- five per
aon wa towed throuxh the atrenta of
Phoenix, by tlm motorcycle.
Oakland of 191 G
Production is to
Reach 30,000 Mark
W, II. Head, aecretary of the Iilrilnger
Implement company, hn Jnnt returned
from an eaatern trip, which Included a
vlBtt to the Oakland factory at Ponllac,
"The Oakland people," aaya Mr. Head,
"are launched upon, the h ggeat aeaann
In Ihdr hli'tory and will produce JD.W;
aulomohllea during the liilli aeaaon. The
factory output In prevloua yeara haa
been MOOV' 1
I'. W. Warner, aaflxtant general man
aer of tha Oakland factory, told Mr.
Head that the demand for cara thl
year wax aioii'ln and that lo all
fnctorlee Mean whl'h wouhl lead to
maximum production ere Ihe chief am
bition and foremoat. thouKht. rlxhl
atralKht down the line from the preal
dent to the office hoy, T'remlima an. I
rewarda lire being offered to the m
I'lianlcal aupcrlptendcnla who ahow the
hlxhcHl efficiency averagex,
'J'ho frcldht car xltnitlon in one of th
moat perphxlng which confronta the
inanufneturnr. The alluatlon I ao acute
that flat car with temporary bullt-on
nfa are employed In ahlpplha cara,
In apenklng of new model Mr. Mead
aaya that the Oakland peopla will make
no rhangn lu model until tha preaent
aelling aeaaon la over. Thl la In line
with an atiempt on the part of tho Na
tional Automohlla Aaaouiatlon of t'om
merce to Induce mauufacturcra to brlme
out new model d jrlng the wlntcf morilha
tn order flint the retailer would he tin
nterrupted and unhampered dorlng their
aelling eon by Ihe announcement of
new model.
australianoad record
broken by harley davidson
rrofcaalcnal Racer Krwln 0. Maker'
record of 2 7:00 from Iunc aton to Mo
bart, Auatralla, a dlatanco of 123 mllcx,
haa been lowered by Dod Rayle, an
ajnafeur on a Jfarley-Davldaon, doing It
In 8 M M.
Daylea rode ona machine throughout the
race and wa checked by V. (1, Croft and
A, Holding, official Auatrallan motor-cycllat.
Test of Stability of
Motorcycle is Made
Teatlnf tha t,hllty of a motorcycle
motor by running It Indoora wa attain
tried and a new record catabllahed at
Phoenix, Art., when a Jlarly-In.vldaon
motor waa officially checked by the atate
V. A. V. referee to hava run rontlnuoualy
for eighty day and twenty-one hour,
and to have covered In that time 4,8106
nil lee before It wax atopped.
During the teat thlrtyl and one-half
aalloha of gaaollne waa uaed, averaging
J3 mile to the gallon, and two gallon
The Heart of Your Car
You are entitled to Free Inspection each month
Delco Exide Service Station
Phone Douglaa 3697. 2024 Farnam St., Omaha
Winning the Faith
of the American People
tHt t er
.., 1. 1, r
li.M.Uivr t"
lliv r
A CAR rolls silently and
smoothly along the city
street. Its flexibility in
weaving through the massed
traffic its beauty win at
tention from all sides.
A passerby, turning to iden
tify the make, sees on the
radiator the trademark
shown above.
Over a rough country road
comes a car climbs the
steep winding hill on high,
pulls easily through the
heavy bog at the bottom,
Rnd fades swiftly into the
distance with scarcely a
sound to mark its flight.
The trademark on the radi
ator bears the great name
"Saxon," and this name typ
tfiwStrengt h Economy
From Maine to California--in
city, town and country
thousand upon thousand! of
Eiixon ii r a are making good
thii pledfl to the American
people; Stiength fVon.
omy Service,
Two yrars .; our trade
nurk ph-dr w 44 mere word
- iio more. Today - in the
minds of count lei mm and
wciiifii thM uord form a
significant vmki.
For they identify the Saxon.
They cpitomLze its virtues.
They are tho corner stones
of Saxon success.
Starting production two
years ago the Saxon Motor
Car Corporation built and
sold more cars during its ini
tial year than had any other
automobile company.
Strength Economy
Service earned credence
quickly but only after its
sincerity had been tested, its
truth proved,
In two years' time the S;uon
Motor Car Corporation rose
from last to a leading place
among the automobile com
panics of the world. U now
ranks umong the first ten in
number of cars produced an
Last year the demand for
Saxon can caused double
production. And for the
coming jear twice evt-n this
output will be marketed.
Strength Economy
Service lus won its inrrited
reward - the faith of the
American people.
20GG-l8 l-'arnnni St., Omalin. Plionc Uougla 3ti-tt
IT )
1 f G
: 1
Tha month of March ahowed the heat,
record for manufaoture and hlnent of
eara In the hlatory of the ralge-Detrolt
Motor Car company. The fact that dur
ing thla month moru ralo 'ara wore rt
dined tliH at any other time In lnn!.
cant In view of the rapid dvlnim!i
and growth of thla rmtipany find the f ie
that In total volume of hualnee It haa
mado minii pheiiomtiiHl trld"a towur
tho top
The T-ilge la ahout Hx year old anil
It at entire producllm for Ita flrat year
waa aoni"thliig llk Win car. That would
not now ho i:oneld"reil a fair produitlon
for one month, I'upwhir demand anil pro
duction fi:lllllea locreaaetl to Y7i car a
dry are tha explanation,
Big Season Ahead
for Mitchell Cars,
Says Dick Stewart
J. T. Kiewart of the J. T. Htewart
Motor company haa Juat returned from
a trip to New York, lluffnlo, eaatem
t'anadu and Ita'ine, Wla,, and hrlnga
hack the aatnn enthnalaam over the Hl'i
aeaaon whli'h reerna to prevail In auto
monile circle nil through the country.
Htewart haa Ihe nama romplalnt, how.
ever, that all dealera have and that !
that they ran't et enough car Junt
The Mitchell-!,ewle people, arrnrdlnt
to rttewart, are laying pinna for a rl - j
auntie aelling aeaaon and thla plan tn
elude an dverftaln campaign which I
will he an epoch In tlm auto"n.hll I
game, "The (tlx of lleen," ai'dird'iM
to Htewart, ' "haa met with uch phc '
nnmenal aucceaa that the Mitchell p.o j
pi are determined that there nil Hi I no' j
ho a highway or hy-way In the country
which la not familiar with every phane
of tli Mitchell cont ruction. Thl ad
vertlaln- campaign 1 dealxned upon
co-operative haala and 1 part of a
gchema to lend the moat, complete aa
alatanc to all connected with Mitchell
- Criw .vy.
' ai i in j i in mi mi uii i w ii im i eij
: Ummm
igUr rn Y I -'! J
I First Choice
! j For the wan who h around $793 to $pend,
J the Allen is emphatically "fintchotea". It i
1 dainini a quiet popularity that la built upon
For the man who haa around $793 to apend,
the A lien la emphatically "firat choice". It ia
fiainlni a quiet popularity that ia built upon
definite reamna: comfortable eeatln& for five,
plea&ure in driving, economy in operation and
the following apecidcationa:
Lonf WhmlbMU3-ineh.
Uiht WmttM-3)00 pound:
Ampin Powr37 U. P.-Dorm 3 3-4 a. B.
Modmrnt trie:
Standard Motor Car Co.
Carl Changttrom, Mgr.
Weitern Dt$tributor$
2010 Farnam Street, Omaha
Paninrr Atf,trmr TW. At.t.KTf MOTOR CO., Fomtitri; Ohio
-top class
-bottom price
This car Is the temt of a definite purpoe to tupply
definite need with definite finality.
It is built for the man whose purse cannot afford a big,
expensive car
For the man whose pride cannot afford an unsightly, little,
uncomfortable car
And It Is a very definite success.
Beauty Is not necessarily a matter of size.'
Neither does size altogether control comfort.
But skill, experience and facilities are required to build a
mall, beautiful, comfortable, economical car.
In a word, It required Overland organization.
And here Is the small.light car-complete to the last detail.'
Its performance Is on a par with Its beauty, comfort and
And Its price-$615 Is far below any former price for any
completely equipped automobileregardless of appearance or
comfort considerations.
A glance at the car Impresses you Immediately with It
beauty and finish.
As you look it over and read Its specifications, you realize
Its absolute completeness.
But you must ride In it to appreciate Its comfort.
You must drive It to get the thrill its performance will
give you.
You can own one of these cars.
But act promptly for no car wan ever in such demand.
In spite of record productions and advancing prices, there
Is a shortage of cars.
The demand naturally centers on top class at bottom
price this Bmall light car.
And no other car at anywhere near Its price can compare
with this one for beauty, performance, comfort, complete
ness and economy.
Cct in touch with us today now.
Overland Omaha Company
J. m. JAMISOK, rrealtttat.
Donglaj DC 43. 3047-11049 remain at,, Omaha.
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
Roadster $303
-.' ... 'rezs'taaw h
For Live Automobile News Read The Bj
1't l 1 15 4 he i ci.i,t"i '' in.
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