s Till; OMAHA SI'XDAV VAX: AVlt !. urn;. 1.T-A jft . P',f' .., mm wmum ,. xmmmmmmmmmm..Mnvmm.wmmm w "i mm ...., ....,,..,, ..,..,..,,..,). ..w,, t.g ... imdi t ...... ...,.,... ....... ... .. .. in mn i. mi i m ili 1 . "VALVE-IN-HEAD J fa , VALVE-IN-HEAD I i i;Are There in a Gallon of Gasoline? j ) I r J- -i 7 ' r r r.i. iff! OMAHA l.cc Huff, MKr. PHAT depends upon the type of Motor in your Car. vou huv a BUICK six cvlinder valve-in- V i j j . .. . . .. . , 1 . , , i i i neaa motor car you not oniy get tne last wora in comfort, style, power and speed, but an automo bile guaranteed to give you the highest gasoline mileage. IT IS AN admitted fact that the valve-in-head motor does give 15 more power than any other type of gasoline motor, which means 15 more mileage per gallon of gasoline. THIS is not a theory but a fixed engineering prin ciple resulting from the perfection of the Buick valve-in-head motor. THOUSANDS of users of Buick valve-in-head six cylinder cars give evidence daily that they are getting 20 miles or more per gallon of gasoline consumed while touring with full passenger load and many users report 25 miles per gallon. EMEMBER cost of operation is a part of the cost of your car. MTTH the price of gasoline going up, the proven economy of the Buick valve-in-head car should make it your preference. UICK AUTO CO. LINCOLN II. E. SIDLES. Gcn'l. Mgr. SIOUX CITY- S. C. Douglas, Mgr. E A ft. Roadtra unci Touring Cnr $1)50 to $1485 O. H. Flint, Mich. H r j t M Ml r,Mci ''57! It Xi'f .CV DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG SENT UPON REQUEST $MH5 I. O. ii. l AtiOKV W k, N-Mtl 17) MOIOX CAN!