Omaha Sunday PAKT OSl NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOURTEEN. THE WEATHER. Fair OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, API? II. H, I.IIU-SIX SUCTIONS- l'( ll.TY KM i I IT PACKS. VOh. M,V-.i). 4.!. SI.N'dLK COPY FIVK CENTS PR0MTENT MERCHANT WHO LIED YESTERDAY MORNINO. v RFRMflNS PRF55 KAISER DECLARES THE BEE'S AMERICAN FORCE STRIKES FRESH TRACKS OF VILLA DEFENDERS BACK II en 1 4 "Prize t:&'Pttzze ; SUSSEX NEARER VERDUN V .if ,0 10 s n L u J s Teutons Attack Both Sides of French Salient Northwest of Fortress and Make Steady Progress. ,,i oovemment Announces no Baker Declares There is No Basis for Reports that Expeditionary Army Will Be Withdrawn from Mexico, OBJECT IS NOT ACCOMPLISHED, Mibeas or Warships Had Any Part in Sending British Steamer Down. II fviv hakespearelerceidenarr "RlOlAlE4 T lb 20 DM C B E kJ TWO HAUCOURT FORTS FALL Berlin Reports Capture of Strong Points of Support to South of This Position, PARIS ADMITS FOE'S ADVANCE Persistent attempt by tha Or- matia it reMen tho aallont In the French tinea northwest, of Verdun are resulting In steady progres for thn operation. Attack r being driven homo on both aide of tho salient, ut i hj northern anglo of which lie tillage of ISc'Mn'-oiirt, but morn par ticularly on Ihe weatern edge In Itio vlclnlfy of llaiieourt. fiorlli) report th'- capturo of two alrong poitil of support to tho aouth of llaueoui t, which passed recently Into German hands, an entire Kronen position along a front of morn than nill- and a fiiartT, coming Into Teutonic possession. Pari ha a ad mitted (JcniiHn Hdvam'c Iwr. but i":iar- Unit on the ojipoult cbln of Hie ; !i-nt tin- fJviifit;iK J" In rfi ni flxhiluK ban Won with the Kirn rb. unMnril lll- In 'IliU Oiirmllnn. Ti' t'l'Ni'iit iiT!iiiiip fn'llvl'jr In lh! V'tdnii tKl'in in cir.nii"') idinont, i n-IIM-Iy In Miii rnl iipi, iiMIio'ikIi tin- rllll'iy iii i.tlu r t'- I hk nrmunl lln f'r'fv.i ( Ii'Ihk iiilcriiiilii-nlly iini'l'iyi'l, i;il III" lmli'fn frufit llii'ln lialii l"ii ll'l lip lllHfihn lif lllllj'ir ImiH'I trtlli'll lri In,' un Un; i.ffliliil fi'iidrl pIihh, TIic Kuril sun inir' ntly urn lliiililiiK 1 1 1 Ir dilhlfy ii r -mh f fur limut mil to tic l.iki Ntifni ickI'iii, 'nlli of I'vliuk, ii ml li'illo Ofi-lun- tliot mn h Un i I iv, Iirm rufflij lliort with nl'iriif rmrrftw tioiit nnrt wi:ie -itnlly fiiulil.'iit fiKhtliiK In tthlfi pl'' nn III': Awirr, liiillnn front, tli AuMrlniiN I;" liu on 'li iKri"Mlv In trl ni'i'tiii nod fli'irliiiK ('iiiKllfra.lilfl ii''i;iii;i with Ihn iBtil ifi? f;f n'HIKr'i'iil Jirlnoii' M, Altai rlii n l'lnr l.'xl, lllll-l! AUDtrlllfl HTupllll!'-! Wjllrli HI'- pin t of it ''ii1riin, wlili Ii r'il'Ji '1 nill y ntnll'iim tumk of th lionllta Hum, fi!ijj Ii ri'lmii lo th:lr Iji) anil np jmri'iiilTrvo fallen victim to tii'i til J. viral nil'lli 1'inal vmi1 have l.n.n .nk !n llin PuurM nf Ih liirnmn null nmrltie iiiiii8n, inil J'nrln nffli Inlly mi tiuunr'n tin pIuMmk ,f an A m' i lritjf.iiiri, ,'n the AililmK hy n Kri.-n- Ii ilniinniii , Guardian Named For Stepson of A. G. Spalding 'lAKIiAXH, Cut., April S.-Purant i'ti'irrhlll, XI yearn oM, "lfp'm of llui liiu Altpi-rt (. Hpnl-1lnr. buiio bull kliiK. v,nK ilii"nl tn'lav onilir lhi (;ii(ir1iiiiinlii nf hi tiKit Iht, Mr. Kllxalii-ili iniri'lilll Spl'lliiir, un lur ti'slliin.iiy liffnrs .Jinlii WIIIhiiii H. Vn In llui aiipfiinr cunrt turn Hint. Ii V linrilally liH'ipiiiiV'tit In haii'lln lua ftnlnlo. Un H Irt H. aimlla- I lulll III ! l f-IV iVpnl'liiiK'a mini ! jr n furniT wlfa r iililii in l.riiik tiicir fitilMT'a lll, l I' tliic Hint Mm. Hnlli' i Inn Tl Icy, h'.'ul i f h I lii-i'ini'lili'iil liiNtltiitn, Mn. .k'Milillii( n ikI I'liiin hill tiinliilv In Miii Hi fc him. Tn iIh v.i a-'ihiii iiu i-il tlii- i mi m (.'laini iiiiih r I'm- lii'ilhi l Jilt i'Mii'l imii. Wilson Abandons His Week-F.nd Trip, U A -1 1 i ni S I I ill 1.1 .-III I C, M'H h, et ll.i i i I i rnr r The Weather I III I'm1 1 I l.a I ''11 I Hll,l ,1 lilt, ( l, It l I tl, '1, ., h fi I 'f i"V WIM.1AM W. H. KOENIG DIES AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Treasurer of Thomns Kilpatrick & Co, Fails to Rally Following an Operation. HE WAS BORN IN THIS CITY Uillliini If, Kot'filK, trcdMiiriT of TIioiuhh Kllpatrbik K. t'o, and long a iroiiiin-i)t flguni In t!in biiiilni'iid mid hoi'IiiI lifi- of Omaha, (llrd at Ihn Mfthodiat bocplial yt'htcrday. He bad lv-ii Hiiffi-rinu from an ailment of lh Mionuicli ii nd underwent a iviloiiK ojn tatlon Hiiturday evcnlnK, tins KiTOiid In tin' JiiHt two yearn, bill was thought to ho out of danger up to a (Hidden relapce Friday night. ilia ij fin 1 hi came an a ttlioik to h l many friendx and bimlnem, ttMitoclale( ftn ho bad ln'i n at III'! Ktoro aa ukijuI all day lai.t Hat unlay. Ml', Kmiilix i (njrvlvi'l hy hid willow, iiml 1wi i l.lliju'ii. I r, fJi't'K'k VV'lllhiin, 21 Vtnia in (nn :." Vnik nfrni; ut 'J'hiiia Kllpalih'k A nii'l 'i'-itriii'u, l.i yi i, who lt"ii luml tn Oiimli.i, triil IiIh mniliiT, Mm. Kleunor K'icniu, iirtW til '!'" orfc,' ArraiiRi iin nl for th fiinirnl ai et to h mwl'i, Mcnilx.'i'M of Ihi fitfully h lievn that tho Hon In Nfw Vurk, aiel (plallvea from olh'l' rW-, who hiivi; fiiiiinioiii '1, will rum Ii Oiniiha hi Hunt Jo hold fh fiinTil ivh"n Mon ilny or 'I'luiilay ll'irn In OMiMlm. Mr, nnii w.i.t hoi ii In i minim My 1V.1. Ili f.llhl l, II tlll llll it of III aroi'i-ry firm of I'uo'll nfi'l KoioiIk, vihl'-i In thn e.'rly ilnja or dmiiha iv Ioi'hIH at Tlilii'i'iilh and J nnnim kIpiK, ill'ij wh'n Mr. lioorilK Dal bahv. 'I'hn iiiolh'T look liiiu lo lii'rriinnv when hut K hoy Mini tin wan i-ilu' iiti d at I Timli n, reiurnliiif to IliU roiintry whin ahoiit 17 yr.jna old. Hiini1liiK tiiuili tmm In hi Hi-lion! il;ia In Hi fit ml y nf ai t ii hi) n rrhl tf-rtllll", hi tiTllfl!tl''1 H Kl'ffll lo ir of lh nrtli'lle and heatitlful nil hla llfi'. In 1!'.". he took in tun ill u ' Mlaa Kin K oll.Kiitir-lrr. iliMiivhCT of n wpil known j St I nila ph', ii li! n. Aa a yiiiind riiiiti h" iniployi1 In j lh ni'' onnl Iiik ii.piii liin iit of 'l h" H" fo: j arvrriil yara, nn1 IhHt In tho (imahn I National hank. ll almi waa l oiiin i ti il for a whlln with nn ImporllnK tiouaa In Now York that inaih- a r-i hilly of Unv HlllI Plllhrill'll-l'lcn. l,ntiTlfii; th iii'l"y "f tha Kilpaliek roiiii.iinv. now Thonina Kllpatrh'k 1 o . i Mr. Koi-hIk roan rapidly bv iiroinotlon I iiinl h"i mm' H iiii'inhtT "f llm firm, Banker Loses Suit I Against. iTOvernor of North Dakota M i M ' I , N I . A pi II t A ii mi ia HI iinil r-. Yoiini.-tni, furnier 1 hi ..n,. 'I I i i .f hi pi i ni l. nt of ( in ni Mnn. I ii i. nl ii nt .t i inrii i it j... alt hunk ... viii'. r I, II Hnniia Kikoi l-ili etfh In I ! Son H M HI 111 I ,.( K l .i I.U1 t 1 1 ., U.nn, I f l H II ,b f, nn dl.trl t III I I'M , II 1 1. in, Ill ,11 n i I I.I ll l 111 .11 l,..,.l., ! noil Culoni'l Rivers is ! . ' - . , -. i v II KnI'NHI. j DvingtM'oUc'iy 111 witlt riH'innouiaiThiToMoro lrh ' Vessels Destroyed , vi . , 1 tuPtRion voits m out ot wcicRfim truck ALL OF THE PLUNGERS BACK Reports of Their Commanders Show Ship Not Destroyed by Teuton Shell. RESPONSIBLE IN NO SENSE HKHI.IN-, April .(Vla London.) The (ierman dnvrrnifient In bl to unnoiinre thai tin ijermaii aubinarltio or warahlp wan renpmiHlblfl for thi t xplmilon whlrh damaKi'd tho Krltlah nteanixhlp HuNNiti, When (jeriiiany, on April C, bimdi-d AinbiiHriidor (Jerard an Interim nolo replying to llm Inquiries of tho I'nlted Hlaiea government, regardliig the HilHiiex and four oilier uteamera, the niatler of renponHllilllty waa atlll In doubt and tho i n vmt 1 mil Imi wit atlll proceeding. Tho (iermun for"ln office, apprec iating tho agitation In tlio I'nltrd Htalea over theao taaea traiiMliiltted an Interim reapoiiH" declaring tlio reiidlnena of the government nhoiild the HiiKitex provo to bavo been deatroyed by a Centum torpedo, con trary lo tho underatandlng with tha t'nlted filaleH, to make all reparation, Including tho payment of fompeiiaa tton. All I rati lllnrnrrt. Th Anaoi-liit'd I'faa w ant Moilla llvily InformiiJ Iniliiy Unit tha luveall KHllon tin a now beiTi coniield; Hint all the irufi, whhh mlaht pnaalhlv hove liei-n llivolvi il In an aliii' k on llm tu tft Iihmi riportfl nnrt Hint from thn ri-jmilH of tin Ir rommnri'l'Ta It l nhao hitfly frlaln thai llm Huai wna tmt dcatroyi'd hy a lii rmiiii torpnlo iinil that lii riiuiiiy la In no wlan rrapoimllilo for (ho iIIkjijiIit. Krom Hit innlTliil at hand It will 1o tn ponallili. to nply to tha Annrhan Iti'iulrli- r-Kfi miiiit I hit rti-nntrra (Ong lliihmsn, Mniih'nlr, Knuhio'-r, Kaale f lint and Iter Imh nl", and eatahllah a'l'ordlrnt lo th 'hrmiin i oiitotitloii, Hint no Illume, allrt'lifd to liirmany, l.i-rliril Not llrnrd I'nioi, WAMIIIN'JTtiN, April k.-'"hla nflr tioon no word lid lion ro'ilwd from Amliaaiador tlerard and tho dlapnt'dna from KitIIii aaylng tiermany dlariiilmnl rrMorin!lillt y for th ilofilriji'lioti of'Ttti' nrne, nt the only Information h fora nftVlula. Tha tiwa dlcpalchf a will h laid hfor I'rerld'til M illion a aoon Htt h riturna from Ida trip down Hi (Viionian arly l hi evnlnv. WJIhniit offleliit hifnrmallon at hand llm i'W pnalllnir among offli-lnla wan lliat Iho I'tilled Hlalia Wna now run fronted with proving III wilful diatrur tion of Hi. Hijiihi'. TIi oplnhm pra vailed thai, a dlm-lalmnr hy lrmany ri-lardeil action hy Hit t'nlti'd Hint rather than haatene.l It, Shooting of Iowa Men as Spies hy Canadians Denied fUM'KW KM, riTY, In, April Peter and lain iVhrni'der brand na fnla report 'from I'liint, Haak. I'linad.'i, Hint Ihelr Ifnllier, I'lmrh Heliroeder, and hrolher i Irfiiil. win i rul'il ie thr on ! Mnn h ?A. ' A teller from their moihr dtd Mareh ?n, doia nut refr lo Ilia maltar. Another 1 letter wrlllen on Mareh "7, alale Hint th I family ai all well. l.oula Mehroeder, Hi aon, who waa r ported lo li'U' Iteiii rxeiMif ei( tltr daVa 'after hi fnlher, live nl 1 dmonlon, AI i belt a, hln brother, into, an) a. A 11 ler i re.'oive.l n few il i nun from bin wi(e ha a no lefinnee to th utijet. n iioii iiiiih iniii.i k', Mnn, mm on 're. nrd of the i- v . i 1 1 ..ti i.f I'hnilin nnd 1. 1', Mi ! hrm iii r inn he fount le-ie lt ! j!m ei inni nl otfl'inl.'i Vn (.(.I. Un i- . n ekm'lll. i in I iillllibi ilnei1 th ;ir l"H-in General Villaroal Held on Warrant From Washington 1 j i HtV AVrnVI't, Te , Ami) iieiitn Anlnl.lo 1 IUrel, f,.inet ;,i i-i n, ,r of l-ell I , , n , IM il, lull. t,l tnlik by I'niii-d ftiaiej linn ,i,i, i n , tt' .-". in -llaii flniu U ivl, 1 ilk ,-o . ! hi s 0 I On HUN ,, h in i a, to i, n p., n i . ii In ttU f iittir nl. n i In ll i I i.iii Mii. I ,, inoiii, i i .. ii a i' I,. n i ,'-t i. i o I ii... ti.' i , , i in, I 1 1 t, ii t I', I- -i- i iU r n I I i if. , $ ,,i i V ill I I i 1 - : ( , i .4 . 1 n f . t I I -. ' i' n. ; 1 , , . i , ' I M ' , ( , , ;..;., 0 . ; . - . 1 . t a ' '' ' 2J R 31 Tl 33 V N" A" E" N" B S 72 D I E" R A' DAG G R YlAldlC" Explanation 'IIiIh Ik what la railed a "Killg'a Move" puzJo: Hlai't on anv of iho luu aiiuan-H anil iiimo lit any dltecllon one fi'iiiiire ut a time, hut, nalng no aijuatn more than oine In a comblnallon. In Ihla way a numlier of tho charactera of Sbakenieare'a playa may he apelled out, l,iat, the nauiea alpliabellriilly and number them, indicating Hie miunrea by tho nuinerala, thun, "Konieo, 22 ;'.:i-"4 I 4 ','' Send unawfrn to "l'uzl Kdllor, The Jlee, Omaha," by ENTENTE TO FORM' TARIFF LEAGUE Four Days' Conference at Paris Will i Outline Scheme of Prcfercn- j tial Duties. CONTRACTS, PATENTS, CREDITS PAWS, April 8.- Tho rnnferenco of tho entente allien for dlactiHHlon of economic and commercial quea liotiH will HPHomhla In Pari on April 20. It will be attended by many dlHtlngulhhed delegate, Including a number of cabinet ministers from the vail'iim eoillltrlea, Tho aeHKlniirt will eMend over four day. Prealdont Polncnro will pre aldo at tho oprning. Tho principal tuple of dlwcut-alon will ho mutual exchange of commodlliea under a tariff ayatem favonililo to tlio nlllcd nation, I'leinler rtuahe nf Aualriillii. who will bn n ibhirat, la en, iiil iii Inlte mi ml viiin-iil poaithm for ii li'lnl tariff h.vmhi win h will eainblirli minimum in1" animus Ho- allh and Hn Ir olnnb rei niinnlil'' i tiia fur iieiiiinlfl and ,nimii il i IiiiIIim I mil ii,.hiIih nil ilenMnil't Willi iniiiille rmiiil rlii'. I il 1 1 r i-ibnr! In i,i !,il,ru up ai I n mill' i i-iniiilinj r.ioi ernlio; nil I k ,oi el nlOK nil I il,i 1 1 i . 1 1 1 1 1 ' r , b.i.ii n n, I II t : etniiliu I nib.ii .,f in, i rn i I ii,. f ' ,., a inl I iii- -,i Il l-h,!n,-l :. I in 'I II, nl I 1 I I I l.i t. I. , I . ii". ii. ..( p, t'e tO be till Hi , mill I I n i v il' pil, I, e IMIIU I tin I f l,i v if fi. ,., f H - I.. I ..11 nf i . t lull I 1 I i t f I ' ll I. Ii . I .1-1 Ir nil, n I Inli I inn una I 1'iin, i ri..,innnii .,, ,,f (-,.- I ' I" ,,t i, This Iowa Man Wants Congress to Malc Each Postofficc a Fortress ' "' ' 'l' It, T M L H V E O HA R D" A P" S" 4 C 74 S A 84 D E L F 57 E B N u R M, and Conditions of the i Holland Considers Calling Recruits of 1917 to Colors MiNlaiS, April a A bill ha been anb milled lo Ilia aeeond elinlilber of tha I 'itl'li I'lirlliiiiii nl to H'lllnillt' Hie am rrmneiil, In Mi w of the piininlliiK in liaoidlniiry i Ii eiiiiniiii neeii, In rail up, if ni ennui y, tlm I'-iiiilla of tho rl7 1 1 a an, anjrt lieiiler illpiileli from Th Hague SNOW COVERS ALL EASTERN STATES Storms Over Ohio Valley and Cape Hatteras Moving Eastward and Northward, WARMER WEATHER IS COMING WASHINGTON, April R - Hnow plonna cenlerlng over the Ohio val ley and Capo Hatleraa wero moving eiinlwitfil and tiorlhwatd today and pl'tiiulaeil lo rover alino'-t. the whole region caat of the Mim I 'idppl and north of the iilf Mlulra. Temperu t U I I'll lllld dropped below teaHolml aniiiKi"t in inoiii (if tliiil leiriimy, lait no elri ine mid win ti,iiirl''d, 'I lie I'a po 1 l.ii (I'lni atorin wait re vi re i iiniiKii Iii r,i 1 1 si 1 1 oi iii w.ii n!nt In lie mi nl froiii lii'hiwate break Wilier In liintiill III he I'lllf el.ltia Ibile bam been (' r; I In ill f i, n t f.,i the wi-i i, hi Khiiilms .-'u.'. I In i-iihi' I . i r - x 1 1 Pill ' I i.i-.,;i,. .i lil I Wi.iHnr Mill pi'' loll II. . Hi. l.n'f .,t l . Buk n.ei I'lf an I in. I I.I II l fill ' I I , .1-,' i,B If an, I 1 1 U ,1 lb I t. in, . , 1,11 1 1 .1.1, ill , 1 V I , 1 1., I i,( ! in I I A 29 R P 3 F o R N T in G" 6 i A ATM" 0"T T 90 T I cuo Competition A April 20. Solution will bo announced in The Hen of Hundiiy, April 23, being the ilato of llm Shaken lii'lire toireiitfiiary. The longnd, correct Hat will command firal irl,o of, and llm nest beat, prized of 1 1. 00, f :i . ". 2.0 and $l.0', ruapee lively, Of two rtjually good, th flrat received will have piecedniice, n no rant will iinawem and Hats be returned. He Hiiro to algn with uaiuo and ad- dl'CHIt. HINTS TIME HERli TO QUIT MEXICO I Carranza Official Says Pershing's Expedition Has Broken Military Tower of Villa. OBJECT OF U. S. ATTAINED IC 1 1 I'AKO, Tex., April 8. "Tho American troops havo necninpllHhe.d their object In dealroylng Villa's mil itary power and ahould, therefore, withdraw from Mexico without do lay," ni the view exiiteMHi'd today by a well known member of Hie t'ar ran.lata goveninient, upeaklng offl clnllv. "Ihe putilllvn force," ho aald, "haa done all that II. could expert to do. II hiiH Hhaltered (he force of Villa, who Is now a fugitive, robbed of all preallgo and power bo fver hold among tho people, Tho peon may bo Ignorant, tmt they aro no fonla. They never again will respect a man who Iih mil lull and ran like a cow ard before ihn Yankee, without 'iii making a stand, Mevlenna tl.liHl Well. il,Mi.i- II inn .1 ,n ndnillti d 1 1, a I He Mi M'-M.-llll I eople lillM' ,, Urn Ann il, in Ir I e.-.'l i ,1 I iii nt , ulil li-oui I i,r i ,1 in , mini in Mi II II"! ,,, I, I, 11, 1 II, t fur hi him d b ni ,. Tin v Inn" j iy lOil lo I'M- II llnb flllllel,, ! a pintle bandit, i l,.i nnn in, I lllll'lill ll.Hllll I lime I I,, l ).l , , I lu ll U iilill I ' V mi ; I , l , n, " f u i ni, i be 1'n'lill.t 111 Innlil h, I" i in lilli. Hi' iil In i'ihi ,.ii ... to Ibi . ii Ii Indefi i' I.' i l,,n. not, I l,,-l I "I. I ,le the pi 1 bull 1 , 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 V f , l , e W II bill French Passeimer Liner is too Swift for Submarine v v r 1 1. 1 1. . i a I i ,. I 1 .1 It, HAROINfi A SO BURKE Tl lit'f AK A I CHICAGO ' ' 1 1 ' V I ' I - , 1 I - n 1 ' 1 -... ' I I , I . I I 1,1 , Aviator and Observer Returning from Front Assert New Trail of Bandit Found, NATIVES ARE AIDING PERSHING KXI'KOlTIONAItY K)KU II1CAD qrAUTKKH SOI'TII OK NAMIQI'IPA April f, - Illy Aeroplane, and Wire lea lo t'oliimbuH, N. ,M., April .) Thnl, Ihe Anierlrnn troop at on R firah nail of Villa I a result of r-. pnri made hy an army aviator and an observer, who r'turnnd today from what may prova nna of thu moat Important, scouting flight of Ihn campaign. Tha fllahi, mad evr atghly mil a lrrltory hllhuilo uniihird, ilavalnped hifiirmaiioii w lib Ii milliaiy authorltlr hn eonldrd of valuahla Impnrtanc. Th rnlerltuf of n' territory In tha iaii I Hi i oiia'i m ma 1 1 nil of a plan which fltiinl I'rrshliK s"1! hi staff I in vn had under ny for vrl flava, hut for whlri ni'ir dfliili raporla wnio iiianiy Ihnn Ihoan available. It w Ihla liifuriiiailoii Hi aviator wi Sent to gill, ll'pnri tiniiiaht bv th vlterj allowed (hat oinwbara aoulh of Ca tvo a ravalry eolumn I riding a thrlll lii tld whli Ii iiinv innl hi Important- Hml npoli fiiierifro of Colonel flnrt A. Iiodd's command. Th tnn sr spar ing nclihr Hiemaelvr nor thlr mounts 1li fliers were at a height of M"1 feet when thy dla.'nvered Hi' cavalry eobimii, lo whlrh they were rnrrytntf dlspab lies, fihiiK IhroiiKh a wooded can ynn, They flouted slowly down until Ihr-y wen- within Hie pi rapeetlva of the Irnnl's fun! then, rnakhig surfl Hist th'V wir Anifi'l'iin i a vnlryinen, land'd. On of lb airmen (a iaht a ar'n hor and rode lo th walling American f:v mil away without raddln or hrldl and with only n bit of twisted ropa about lis nos to irubl Hi animal. Th troop confirmed report that Villi had ben wounded, hut wr hla (o offer no Bddlllonal delails, Hill Nut Withdraw, WAPIIINOTON', April Kcrtary tinker s'atd most emphatically lata today Hint there was "ahsoluloly no hsl of eny kind" for rpor' dial piepnrntlnin wrre imdcr wuy for wlili. drawing American- fufiJl' from Mlco. II said Iho American troopa wr mov ing rnpldlv soiilh ud (hat tha orders lo 'Jeneral Kunioi following th Co liimhti msecaai had been iinchand. Hemetary linker inado Hi following statement : "Tim object nf th fpdltlon v slated when ll was uiiilerliikn, Jt hn never he'll changed. No other ordei hnv In ti given and tha enpodltton Is biiilly pursuing II now with what t hop Is a fair chnne of early success " lieneral b'unslolt tndaV rra"'f'"' to tha Vnr department (list native were be ginning lo aid In secret eoiillng work for fleneral f'erahliig In (ha Fan!, Maria valley, and that Colonel Jlrown of tha Tenth cvn.ry alated (hat wind tntr ferd with aeroplali operation. Ho wlrd eoneernlng tho four mn wounded at liuerrero a follows: "Wounded of th Scyerith eavalrr very slight, not considered enonah to report, praelleally all healed now." Tha name of dm men wero not given. Ten Carran.a soldier held hr Villa prlson'is t fluenero and releas'd 1"' Colonel tiodd havn been innmln'd and allowed lo rejoin thrlr enmniand Willi His d faelo Rovermnoiit troops, "A largo number of others mado th"lr esespa dur Intr tha flaht," (ieiientl Funston added, "t'nderstand soma hld for eiit!nn, nnd seven soldiers snd civilian wer ex-1',-iile.l Mareh 77 by Vllllsta " Pur- him of fifteen motor gnson tank esrsjfiir lieneral I'li-blmf was announced nl the do par i mi nl, Imticallng I'm ettretim leimtln ti I ii 4 nf i-.iiniii'iiilrni imi lln from i.'i.luml,n.. 'riin iii p ii iinent wai without Inform. th. ii of ii revolt mi Hi" lander reiu'Sti'd to be bi-i mini nl .liiairi. nl- llm maaabig nf I'nri iiiii 1 1 . , . i til.n n poi li d ahuiif I h ,oi ,l r, liiiniil l.i -bin.; ninri'd t"n troops of llm Tin 1 1. -.-ni b cavalry pursuing V illn. bnl ill. l m l i.i' e their ba alloli n i'e,iiiiillakpil, S AN "Ti iN Ii i. I'. , ApHt At Clan rial l'iin-,i,iii ,i ,i,l iiiiii I l It I imt In ! I dial in.- ,,i.ii- I i,f tl,. , ,,. ,li,,n 1mo M. H. .1 In l.i-eii il ..llljillaliril AHhiiU! 111, I n but I ii ,ifei. In , iiini -i -io-. V , i . 1 1 . a n ii o.ip an 1,1.. I M. vl i, l .,i "ill'eil not l.i.lit thai I1 ninl ,,f )- . i ..miiiiin I ' vn ,il ber II I I i, 0. ,i ".. I I In ,i'l!l I hat I i, I ,, .1 I , .., i I , . - I 1.1 .!! ll. 11' ' ,'-it. of :,.,., i '-. v i"'-'. Van Fh'el. Refuses To Disqualify Self m'. t r, v i t I v . I . ' -. i V' ,. , 1 ., I l n. .1 tlt V I I I . I I t! i iH', I .M, I , , IL (-.) I I , II ( .1' 1 , I ( . n HI, .( f I I S I- ... 1, , t . ! ' - I ' I ., I v. , I t at , ' I . ,' , . ,.. ..I.t "i tv i i. i i - - i ' , . i . i I - - ! , ' . - i .1 ' - , i'lf i . ' . . , I '--,!. 1 4I , '..',.' ' I i , 1 1 t I I. I , , I ! ll '"..It S I V , OI If 1 .,,!., ,,i ,.f .i,'., r 1 ..i, 1, im 1 1. ... I . nvi, i 1 1 . . , 1 . 1 .1 1 . 1 1 I n t - . j ' ' ' I " ' I a '1 tl III lr I1 n Hi ll'l lath 14' .', " 1 i I I. V ,,, I ' . 1 1, 1 , . n 11,. fltli.j ' ' ' 1 ', t I '. ,.. I 11 ( f ' IS4 -tlii.-. . It tiU ' ' ! Il ' 1 - -. 1 r N. 1 a I Irt 1 ' ' ' ' 1 .t i .hi s : i ,,, , , M (iHini V,v t 1) s i 1, 1 ,.,, ' . Ills- 11 ll I nmwUllull I ill III. '"'-, 1 ' ' " MM tl .i M ' .