8 THE BKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AVUIL 8. 1910. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDKD BV EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR HOSE WATER, EDITOR. The Be Publlahlng Company, Proprietor. BEB IU'IUiIMI, PA UN A M AND MKVKNTBBNTIf, Kntrd at fimaha ;.etnffc aa second -claa maHer. TKHMlJ OK lUJHCfUPTION. lir carrier By m,l per month pr year. Dalljr and Hundag i en Itally without Punday..... 4 () K.venlng and flunday r. ' Kvenlng without Monday, 'Ji. 4 At) Kvenlng without HumJy.... V..... , 4 (4 Nwndy lie only. .,. j 14 lal!y and elunday p, thre year In advance. . lift 09 end nolle nf rhan of eddra or li rguirlty In rteilvry 10 rrmha hee, circulation Department. KKMITTANHB), JUmit bf draft, exprrea or poatj order. Only two. rant etampa reaved In piyment nf email account, personal r h ka, eicept on Omaha and raatem change, not accepted. OKKT'Fil, fwih f h n rmtiding. etouth Omsha-Wl N treat fnttricll Muff--!! North Main tret Uneoln-? I .IK la Hulldlng. 'hi' l J'eoplea (14 Building, New York- Itoom II'), 11 Fifth avenn. ft J i)la fo Near Hank of Commerce., Waahlnvtnn Tk Fourteenth street, N. W. Addret rimmunl aMnna ralallnar to new and adl 1'irlsl mttr to Omaha He, Kdlfort! l'ernmnt1 MAKCH CnWXLATION, 56,628 Daily Sunday 50,628 fewtght Williams, circulation mngr of Tha P Publisiilne company being duly aworn ear that tha ever Irctjiatlon for Ihe month of March, line, wa M.W dully and 'Altai funday laWl'lllT WILLIAM. Circulation Manager, Nuhafild In my precri and aworn to befor tnm thll fcd day fit April. I 'll Jw.rItJ-.KT IH.'NTKR, Notary PutHo. tfubacriiaarf leaving tbe dtf toraxil abuuld li Tb lie mailed to tfia. Ad dee I changed m oftao M rKUMlil. Look Ilk a republican year from what' ever ancle rlewed. A Joy ride U th coal denier In April cou atltutti n nhlMtlon of ouWoor tport wltliout a aprlnfUma rival. No, 0D(l Header, tio on by the nam of KoMwater 1 ruonlag for any offtca at in In b coming primary, Kaoaat City ot K new Union pepot hy keeping eternally at It nod that I" the only vay Omaba ran set It. Spain baa broken Into tha quizzing cm text on aubmarlne operation, Neutrality nowaday afford no aictiranc of tafety. Incidentally, remember that there are two police JudKeahlp for Omaha to be filled thla year Inetead of only one a formerly. The literary peron Jailed In New York for UNlng the mail to defraud arbleve the proper mental hde to match the lilue Moon Muga rtne. Tb Traffic club rallied a bunky bunch of (notera for tb new depot. There l room for more. The greater the pull the eooner remilt will rome. Tbe 10 per cent uplift in municipal taie fall to bnlb the ghoet of a deficit. That ftaraome ahade already baunta tbe Inflated payroll. Tbe proapecta of reatorlng peare In Ne braska' democratic family are about aa good a t reconciling tb . report of wr bulletin editora. Tbe latter la hopelee. For tbe flrnt time In thirteen year repub lliana awept the municipal field at Tula, Okl, Neither ancient nor modern hoodooa can wlth aiand republican drive thla year. German and French reporla on aeroplane loaae are hopeleaely conflicting. Holtig wide apart In other eaaeutlali, agreement on plane I reposition la expecting ton muili. The celebrated argument of the pot and the kettle ia fairly oulclaaaed by the mud bnUerie cf Nebraaka democratic leader. The aim la food and tbe execution a mighty amear, Mr. Bryan t fond f Impufnlnj tha alnri-rliy of ethar matt. It la a bad and (1aitrroiia praciirit -WorldlUrald, Then why doee the World-Herald rnnMantly Indulge In thla "bad and dangeroua praetlce?" If Omaha water ur had tha rieelmil late of eenta a thounand gallon. Inateud of II rente, tha aavlng would be worth reck tin Irg; It would be aomethlng even If we bad the U-eent rat enjoyed by water ueera of l-lnmlii. A crueade agalnat overweiabti-d poultry tipped Into New York puia the dlahonenty by Implication on wealerii abipper. The Inalnu i lion la baaeleaa. The fat t that New Yotketa I ilnt tb gill of anciiin fir.lt n mak It ml.t able rtearly ahaa that (iothemltea requiie no rn tald aalaUnra In aanding f,il play. Thirty Years Apo This Day in Omaha Me AtfiAtl t'Kiu, i th ih.,i,i ..iii,i,..i,i t.fit. a, t l.ti'ii l aelli- tia (! ifi.r.i fium o.rt, Kn, ! (! -l ,t iv i t Mu tui!.. A a" 'f l Hi Ui . ..(,..,, i:.i.,r rti..toa .; n,ae lilt..i f. ,i fi f...n ttir ah., Kia ..tfi . u, n ' u4 i.,i(.if It til a liMifM nt loill M lt it lti(a MH ltS .!. ! I . Hul.lll d llt t !! tan . tt t..itt. ..! !.. ' ' t ti U tt.f t hi ait a ii l . a at ' Mi l' a li ft t m 4ti la in le.a !' t4 Iba iii it.ti.ku., t It. r A ' .!. i..... I it. . , . fl t4 .. h i.. i. t,i,i , I a (! n. t, ' ll l ton 1 1 a l .in ti n t,ii( i, (. i, ! I I' - 'I t i,t tli i,. ! It en.ih tK.it. I J.-.,-! i ,t(4 ua t I,'. -t Mail ..t tfi I ,11,,, H v,, t..ii.,..t t-s-m l-tga .) !"' .- . I.ii att w)tt !i5; ii((j (tiwl (fti H t tv i., ,,., ,.,,! t-I a!it , -t t M !. .:! ;,t ".. I.. !' 't(1 tl ' !' 'f ) 4 II .I'. I ,, ' ! 'l.ltht it I .- .,.., ( . ... !" l"t It - , I l I' t ,,. ..,, . M 'l.a I I II M '-" ( it .;viilU ;,t, vi, t.ml t, m M ,.,,,.1 ,,, , , . , , Object Lcnon for Both Sides. From Mexico cornea a tale to the effect that the peona have been IinpreHned by the marka nanahlp of the American aoldler In a greater t'egree than through any other mean. Ac ci'etomed to the vague and Indefinite expendi ture of ammunition after their own fanhlon, the Mlmple minded follower of Pancho'a for tune find It difficult to underatand tbe ac crracy with which th Yankee trooper apeda Ua bullet to It billet. Thl, however, I but cne of the objmt lenaona that I being afforded by the expedition. Th Mexican are being Uught the auperlority of tbe well organized, thoroughly trained and dlaclpllned aoldlnry over the Irregular aggregaliona or group that have piiaaed for arml down there during the taet five yere, and the leeeon la certain to have military reaultn. Aluo, they are I'-arnlng that the Oringo la not en Inferior creature, nor an enemy to be dreaded, but la a moat remarkably bi'man aort df pernon. Then little leanon will be of great, value In the future, when the two coun'rlea again reaum the InHmat relation tljMt rniiat be thelra In the very nature of thlnga. On thla aide of tbe border we are finding rut that th Oreaaer la not euch a wretch aa I opular fancy baa painted him, He la aubjct and reaponafve to tbe lawa of exlatenre, the atime a the reat of tia. Ilia I'lnui are not ex actly our Ideal, perhupa, but thla la on ac count, of hie limitation In other dlrectlona. Hut he baa loo borne oppfeitalon, and la Mill far from emancipated entirely. HI life baa been bard, and bla future la not especially lumlnoua, yet he follow bla cycle with the dumb devo tion of one who know nothing better. When our people come to know Mm well, and under atand how he la flrcumacrlbed In lila aaplratlon end acflvltte, thxy will certainly look mor kindly upon and deal mote patiently wllh blin, "The hot trail" may )-d to aomethlng far better than the mere extermination of Villa' band. If Ha objert leaaou for both aide ,n not entirely mlaeppllod. Xoit ft Fertinent Reminder, A communication from a gentleman who baa eom to Nebraaka from another tate lo aak ti for a primary vote r,f endoraement for the nomination for vice prertldent on the re pi bllcan ticket, after giving the atory of bla life and atating hi poaltlon on aeveral pend ing laauea, cotielode, "If I become prealdent, I will not be afraid to act," That remind tie of aomethlng we had almoat forgotten, towlt: That In recording a preference for vice preal dtot, we may be In a remote degree helping to make a prealdrnt. Tbe auggeatlon of the vice prealdentlal eflf-atarter referred to would In dicate that be baa not overlooked thla con tingency, but la banking on the fact that the vice presidency la eo.ulvel't)t to n Inaurance pt.lley on the life of tbe occupant of the Whit Ifbuae. We have often cblded nominating con vention for tialng the vice prealdeney a trad ing atock and refualng to take It aerlnualy, but tbe concluelon la uneacapable that the people It, their direct prlmarlee lake It allll e aerf ot.aly, Hai Nebraaka Too Much Money? Secretary Itoyau of the Hlle flunking board aetinda a warning ia the board and the banker of the elate In connection with a condition that baa been the aubject of deep thought among hanker for quite a wbll. Tbe aecretary point out that, under the working of the depoalt guaranty law, It la poaaible for Nebraaka to ait too mucb money on band, and that the r'angey llr,e la near. Cnneervatlve bankera are o''tbe opinion that too much money I not a danger In Itaelf, but too much bank capitaliza tion la. Tbe preaent plethora of money In the banka la due In a meaaure to tbe fact that the guaranty law make Nebraaka an attractive place for deponlta, Thla fact Herretary Hoyae f otea, and aa a further aafeguard be auk that a law be paaaed that will limit the number or brnka, If Nebraaka la to entirely ertcape the fate that overtook Oklahoma, nhcre the guar anty law brought with It dlxaater becauae of tbe uncontrolled operation of banka, If Hocrelary floyae I Juatlfled in hl eon tlualon and recomnieodattona, then the proph ecy made when th,t guaranty law w under Cfbata la being fulfilled. It waa then aaaerted (fiat tbe worat effect of the law would be It encouragement of wild cat, or recku-Ha bank ing. Aa It alanda, It enforce on reaponalble tanker tbe condition of becoming aurety for the lireaponaible, and In thla regard It limit le amended. The beet guaranty for a bank la the character and Integrity of ta management, rnd thia can not be provided hy Icgielative en ettment. The procpertty of Neliranka la eatabtinhed, rnd Ihe enterprlne of ta people la admitted. Much of development remain to b done be fine Ihe Btute (ly realise on it rfrwurcee and I'm opportunities Thla attratt hllher the ad venltiroua. and gve empbaala to tha warning of the acnetary. The banking buainea of th aiate iii'int he kepi on a af lutaia, Scttlnir th Clock Ahead. The very methodical (let matt, a.-ior.ling tillable report, ere planning t ..t th tlo. nf lh rmpire ahead one hour on May I , tulff In gain another h-ur of tUilnht. tl.tia aund the m.o of artlfi. i light Thi ,lunp la cumttiendable fur ti good rfaaoim. hut I ) Wt't at all lot( Itielhud of ti,ilvlig one t at If A number of Aunru,m title b uurd the athedulr, end taaa ,( on Mm arctpitaad lot tuitaba, tint ti'i'in fi t , K.ttr.a o.c upatlon t ariitfatil u,-, j I,, f,.lo(j a aubtnl .i.tt . Itat.n S, ulif a i:iiim ti., in,ri all) in adt.iii.rd ft i.ttriini lltf m ,,i(t of tUiillht b putliei. (. at;.,i,i,a th tn,i, tf Ihe ,, Sa and u.idmght u b ik i,hia .(e .t, M I I, 4it . i ii.l,.iir o ati tl i.tu.u hour, tiia ff.il bin ,.if int. i hu,h ita tl.t hit'ir coiiina tr ,., , 4W n (j, .!. !. i.t lh. t.j,- I. Mrr if al UI .t l l.i t, .on, ti,t ,,. i . hp I . t. . t b I. ' it I li a an an. irai i.,, , ll III ,thlH ,.(' n (,,, ,.,,HA , ,t M".4 I i lie !. ta lJ'ft D.! ha( II i lit ... if I a i-i I i. ..I , , I,, .,'! . 4 ti e atM Ota .-m i li.ina It. . a.trr tin P-nl thll lid ! , ,t, l ! I (P, Risky Kindness to Bobbers Xdterarr Dlgaat, pvON'T tnvltit a huralar Into your houaa or your J apartment whrtn you are ahacnt, and don't hand your money to a plea-pocket on Ih afreet, It would iwiti that, euch advlr would be hardly n'". ary, and yet, according to I'ollra Commlaalonar Wood of Nw Vork an alarming numhar of people 'a aullly of )ut auctj hardihood avary day In New fork t'ify, and th Inference 1 that they art not lea ao In other commufiltlea. Th htiralar I looking erly for an awiaalhle ahodn whare h miv ply hi lrada tuidlaturhed, fon't advartlae the fact that your home I Ih vary placa for whlrh ha aeeklna "f eourae, you would not do an purpoeely, hut when you lea avldenea In plain view ahnwln that no ona I at hnma, or whan you leave a window lnit ltily pn that ran be reached by an athlnllu crlm tnal, or lev your valuahlea In pla a where thy can aaally he found by evn tha moat cajnual atudant of hutnau nature, j.xi are In rffnr.t leauing uch an ad veril...rr,, uml, for all praetlcabla purpoae, yyj mlit'it well Inaert an ad In the dally paper, Onnt rtana-Ut your money temptingly In tha fe of a mn bruit on rolit'lng you, you don't? Conalder, If you happen to he one of th gentler !, tha pocket hooy you rnrry ehout lit at reel with you every day yni' to abopplng or mHrketln. iJoean't It hang carelely from your hand by leather or cloth (trap that on r ut of knlre would aever? Then do not l attrprlaed If a mnri wllh knife nme day hppn by. In an Itilmlew with Mr. Wood, (leaned by Anne Jlerendeen, tlie i ommloioner place upon Ih woman moet of Ilia hlam for aitalatlna predatory criminal. Wliife the Interview wa alven, be ha hei'ome a married mnri. Probably thl I pootlo Juatlce. el thotiKli there eru to ba luita Jutl In bla com plaint, lit cite a few caaea that eem twtclualve, bealritiltig with tha atory nf "Mra. A.": "It hapiwheil that Mr. A. wanted dinner ilien In a hurry, Ho aha potd off to her favorite depart ment lore, After a few minute of looking, ahe found juat what h wanted. Would It heed much alteration? Mra. A, dropped ler raincoat and um brella and poiketlrook upon the nearear chair n1 followed Ihe cler k Into tha fitting room. That pocket hook, valued at M, and containing M, a ring of houae key, mill four theater ticket, never w aeen again I ahall refrain from pointing out the imml r,( tltl nd, true atory. ' Not long ago the boua of an altnt to a pronilnetit New York clergyman waa robbed, and fh btirglara got In through th akyllght. Tlie mlnUtey then hd the kyllltt fixed o th burglar could not get In that wy again. On night a few day o, however, hi wlfn went out and left th follow ing note talked to tb door; " inv d" at fomer drug afore; pnbody home for the evening ' "When rha rrn bttck tlie houxe had been care fully looted," "Agnln, lake Mr, . Bhe doean't know Mr. A, or th mlnlater wife, but they r lter In rtil futltin. Mr, II. wa fond nf dancing, and on even ing laat ummer h Joined a party of frland en an exr-uralon to one of th heachee near New Tork City, After a eliora-dlnner, abe went to th wh room to wnah ber bril, and laid tbe two vary beautiful ring aha waa wearing on th marble aland. One wan ber eneaKement ring, valued at MOT In money and at how much more In eoctlnn a bachelor police rnminlMlorier lannnt Ventura t.pon aaylng. The other wa a gold band e wllh alxteen amall diamnnde, valued t I'fl Poor Mr, ft ! Hh mld th ring arid returned for litem almoat at once. ut they war gone, end bv not been found up to the preaent time, In pH it tha great amount money and lime and patience that h gon Into the aegrch for there. Can you wonder tht when thl wa re ported to headquarter we felt Jut a little bit-?'' Hut Helen to the re nf Mr. C.V "Mr. ', I th wife of uccefu New Vork bnl pea man, nd he la greatly Inlerealed In curloua Jewelry. In common wtlh a aurprlalngly large num har of poopla, ah dltruli afe and aafety depoalt hove, and lept wllh her Jewel collection under hr ni t iti itaviimi ah wora thorn In a chamola bag around ber neck. They were never out of her reach. "tint n, mnrnln aha waa called from bed by tbe telephone. Tit meeeaga ah recalled cud her to decide to remain up nd dre In the meantime tint maid made ber had. endlng the pillow Ilp containing lh Jewel to th Imitidrv. "Tbtit I where (he police enter upon the acene After a earch nf many week w lutve ami ceded 'e finding one plec In an up-towit pawnahop. And w have hopea nf locating the ret. But why-?" While three are not eartenllally moral tale. Mr Wood ppetirt a few moral tht my or may not a Pl.ly to the example given. They rnnalltute ahrewl re, iiiiimend'tllnn for protection agatnrtt theft, baae I on experlen. gained bv tb police department from many hundred of cacea that have cme before them They tun aa follow I to mil pluce our ring on Hie tnd when whmIi ln vour hand. lio not take a rnan! without calling up the per. on who lgn ber reference, ro not Inform ettav vlaltota thai "there I no body ele nl home." Auk KHenien. telephone repalrei. ete., to ahow you lliclr hndge I to not take a text with two men on the box If jou are attacked, be nre to get a good look at your aaaailant'a fac. Im k o ir window. pclally thn leading t fir racapea. Chattga tlie lock on th door when you move to a pew apaitntent. Ii n"t put n.'il.e on hall bell or dumb wallei tlml you ara out fin nut bide monev or leaeltv under carpet, tn v.. or lu bureau drawet Tltue are the flral pin e ei,rilie, by tbe thief t lint adveilUa the fact that you r gnlna out bv nulling dimn the window ahadea. Take a final btk. im nittr In how great a hurry tiefoi vu have home t.. n thai all w.ndnwa an.) i..ra ate facetted Keep lis lit but ulna In Vl apaitmenl at lilM It (uii fc.i n"l a imiatai twi'i - " aa apa'tioetit Twico Told Tales Ilea, kal Mwcb lle. In ) i.ilial. .ftl.ri Wl.vl bad tMMHt, Uiru. ill lli:.. i,,,..,!,,! - kiu. In li'Hi .Hi hi tei.uii tiuiu th '..nit aei.l l' l.l t'-it'k .i i1 en t'f bta vb. ka 1. .; at Ihe ' nUr ttt.tea vf Uti tr c. . ..fit ,'.niii.ti ll.iw will ' la l i-.id I .. t.. ! I a t l"t d al tb aol liei. an. tu.ar I. ai. t ' ! ! ti . ' i i, t !, II. ma (bt lb e runt . t' ! : .( n , me a t-4 thl t e l it.,i ' I'lll.l l? I"H I'l'll ". M I ti .( !."! n btit ih -t I. i.t ttnl i -ti t tu'if l l 'i ' I e i t I' I tr .l , ! g' t"f J tWIPi I.. . f ,i lb l.imH Ivlil ! I 4k. !.. ltd I ea -l ! ka r t , ut"t t ' I I im - i p J f : i.t i.i-.r -! t i.''4 !" b i m-4 . ,,.,..... .. I w t I t " tt f i '- j . ti t . a , .-..m v.!- l t. l ) ., I'll .tl-- l 4 I l t ' - ' I.. ' . V, e i. . Mt,..l , ,t e I".. fc . ll I ,, h t I ,1.11 I 1 III , .11. t in ,! ii Ol In I 114 ' ! tl't.t. t .- i I ( . '. A Bcioat for Haahe. uMAli A, April 7. -To the Kdltor of The Bee: Then I a movement on foot by a certain element, principally In Ihe eaatam prt at tha t'nlted Htat, the object of wi.lch t to aeeur th nomination of a hunr man for pteldcnt on th rpuh Mean ticket. W probably are all agteed that the preldny ahould b filled by a man of bualn ability, who, of count would not necrmmrlly he a man engaged In bualneu. There r a good many Qualification required of a preeioani other than bulnea ability, H ahould b a man of marked executive ability; h ahould be Judicious by temperament and hould be well vein, tl In matter ol ieglalatlon. Off all perann nierttloned tor Ih nom ination on the repunllcan ticket, thile K. Hughe more nearly combine all of th eaaentlal iUnllfiallon ftr that high offlc than any other man, Iremonrat aa well aa republlcana recngnl?, thl fact. Th democirat ar afrld that h will he I tin nominee of the republican con vention, Juatlce Hugh' name will not appear upon the ballot III Nebreka. There ba been conalderabln aglinilnn aeektng to prevail upon repiihlh nna to writ In ill name Thl my be done by a aufflclerit nu in be r of voler, that .limllre llughi would on preferred above Ihe catidldul t whoa name will appear upon tha hul lo!; however, It I a giupendou under taking, and even II .uali'e Hugheg doe not rank blaheat at the Nebraaka prl marie, It I no refutation to the Itlgh eaieem In which he I held, nor of th growing demand for hi nomination at Ihe republican convention, rtepubl!cn In thla tltatrld, through th candldne of William K, (lurley, on of the rnodl'liite for delegal tu Ih National Jtepuhllcan con. :ut Ion, liii have an opportunity to Indicate their preferenc for Jutc )fugh by merely voting or Mr, Hurley, He haa un'tilvn, rally taken th people Into hi cnnfldanc, and ha ataled that ba I for Kughea and Borah. Mr, (urly la entitled to a great de of credit for nnounelng hi pol tlon, It would hev been much eaeler for a man of hia wide acquaintance end great popularity to hv merely com peted with th other candidate without ommlttlttg blmaelf,. If Mr, iJurley If elected a a delegate from thl district, It will he a clean-cut Indication of th fet that republican voter delre tha nomlntlon of Chart B. Hugh. W. t KIlAaKR, lloer In Vote for lleahea, OXKOItO, Neb,, April 7,-To th Kdltor of The Une: I am In full sympathy with your "Write It In" Hughe campaign, I think, however, you are In error In eil matlng Ihe carele and acoldental voice of 1PI2, My opinion I that tha !(o vol I no guld whalaver, a quit a few of hi vote cme from thoee dlngutd with th party quarrel, and th balance from free It like tl) candidal. I can't hut bellav that It I greater tak than you eem lo think for to Invtrtict our del, gate for Hughe, but It I not Impo 0l. The pee' campaign I certainly bearing fruit, and I think It ucc hinge largely on th rpon and Work nf thoo editor in th Mat favnrnhln to th nomination of Hughe. If each of thn editor will place tlie name of Charle K. Hughe In bold type over a brief reon for hi nomination and th impoalblllty of hi refuelng If nomi nated, coupled with caution In writing and marking the name, a powerful In teret will hn put, In working ihap. IM them requeat Inlerealed voter le put out notice and gel buay working for vnt In acb precinct nd reult ahould b oiitrflned at 111 poll, With bet wlalie for your aur rea and pledging my mite, I am, respectfully A. C, RANKIN. Pee l.roft Here. OMAHA, April 7.-To the Kdltor nf Tb H.e: 1 wlh to lle that If I mlcld to erve cnunty treurer, I will not only report ll fee collected of what soever nittui, but will give en ltont and buliielike adrnlnlatratlon. While acrvlng courtly iommllonr tlo. Minnd 1 took against the Jail reeding piopoaltloo and th Insanity fee graft, I well known and la a mnlter of mcord. KMIMKT 0. li-OMON ' Thank for th i banka. UMAIIA. April 7.-To tb Kdltor of Th Hee At the regular mnrtlug of the Re tail Publicity Ituyeta club, lha aecre tary wn lti(rucled to wrlle The Pe, thanking them for their aastntanca In mttklng the "Week of Wonderful Wln- Uowa" audi a great aucceaa. Kveryono of our member fully ap preciated ihe valuable spa' that yo" gave to our rauae. HKT A 1 1. PriU.IlMTV IlI'VKHS ti.t'n, Hy JAMKH W. MKlX'Al.m Heel etary. the Plaa lavlolabl. HitAM Irtl.ANIt, Nb April T.-T Ih mum Kdltor of Th lc; Th letter en tb l& 10c leieciatliitl nf the i- lgned ll V- II V-S iMga i t manlfemly written In pur Unmwnr that I imlur t.i auawer tb utit!in It iriiptiiin.1 Tb wrltet . 'Mui w xamltte every plei nf ilolh or plr t sea If Iheta I f'a prllttd en U hefot w ihmw It y er bum It tti " I aa ai, lerlaloh I' It br lb flag, ll I M.a fU In aitblng but b.iiilii-. In H.e ua A tnee Ar tx. i.ina our hot aed glr'a tn tb . Ilii.'i. lo n il V i,.l rtlll-ni4 null ' I iiai mute inn h nt I ti writer irM .l ,inliiy e tha tHighUt of u a ii.rc i an He... i it.-. il a l-i atiat m il. a fr.-i-. i .u-.ik wikh an Im aa ni l pr tu i-i I rid -f f'l U.inlv I'. Minn ib huH kunw V (lag I -Kit ,i i - t t r I T' lt o th ! o .i.ii.i... n. iii ii i letui a ,eiihr I... ran. i. i.tti m ear I It ii. .1-1 ! btitio.l ttitri lha (ant tar wt'.t. ti K .m ...l liti ll.h'e ant ..ii i.. . ti i- i.mii i. t cihi 1. 1 1 . a rl m iv I tu ii list ai (I .lulnall Will J a It-1 tll'll u-i. . I l e c .ni!oi!y in I. Uii I l.l an H--r wtn i.l war HH IiuM-.-i un l..l I .ffil -H It ll.la r.ir l-wi tc. . f lam 4-w a aa Aa.rt an . i-ii II ai a i.t t' ( 'nl f h lha , ntniia flan i.i.t... tl ii lu ltK m il n....i- - I It ' o kl ttmi'l fct t Mlt' t ' It l . i,i, , I t -I Ml. fUg "l I! t I wl.'..g " t ' ' aa i'i l. ii 1 ,. t It l- e i t it- r i t . i tioi i ' a I :"t l i n oi ! ff i t . an a H t - i. U i. I e hi ! i it a i I I - h IKa t-t n- . t -i in '!' rf tri-v a i , t i.t i n .m. a I a m - .it i t-, ic m I t SUNNY GEMS. China h returned to the monarchical form of government. Hut even so. Ten nyson would probably not y today: "Metier fifty year of tttirop than a cycle of Cathay." Judg. "What poMid thoaa vulgar newly rich peopln m your neighborhood to lety an alraiilpT' "I uppoe they found out it was tin only war In whlnh thay could .get v,; In Ih world." Haltlmoia American. "Ves, elrl " Can she make acherry pie- the other fnectlously. "I don't know about that But. speak ing of ihei-rle, she can mix a tlpt'P rock tall. "-I-oulavllle (3ourter-Joiirnal. aiiked him "Wa h hk my 4 (. 1...-," bEARrVW.ktrVBlBWfi fvty LOVff LETTERS- WIW SHALL X to? -EPP aAAYeH 5ao COPY THC 9STWa AMD GrCr ANOlrtEK (f4RL( AIN'T IT QUEER' Jesse n. dure, In Judg. Fv. on Ihe level, ain't It queer Th wav a fellpr lurk will runT I never met a girl In prlng Whose pialse nil atimnier I would ring, Whoae love I held es. edlng dear Through all the year; I never loved a elntile one Who didn't mean, "I flirt for fun," Vet lamp Hit fct: When Ohrltmn cold Ilrlnx thought of gift to chief or churl, riellKlotisly I hav to reck Itie writing out of some sired cheque r seal ten ng of gr een or gold Where gauds are gold I 'or then Madge, Prue, Oraee, Chlnei, Pearl Inquire "Aln t 1 your little girl'" Oh. to the way of womankind Will ome one om day mak m wis? Why should a maiden turn rne down With iiucy scowl or fnsy frown 'Til Christie come? why then not mind Mv rapture kind? There greater mystery than lies Hencalh Ihe surface of her rye! Mr Kwlr-rld you ever an ti ono of thnai. astrolngera? Mr. Ulunderby-No: hut my da iht.r Kle i Jnt craay to hv her p'trlac tpe read. -Holon Ttanacrlpt. "I preauin you underatand an tuto lliorotighlv? ' "Thoroughly. Tht l, I know when It won't run there is something the mai ler wllh It,"-Itetrolt Kree J'res. riualne ('llr 'looking st photograpli) Thl I a pi' tuiw of Mr, f'ecklnglfii, 1 suppose? I'ecklnglon -Ve; that' her when site Permanent Relief for Chronic Constipation Knowledge and Practice of Cor rect Daily Habit the Great Eetential, Constipation I a condition effecting all classe of all people and can be per manently relieved only by acquiring hrtbli of regularity, Th most natural time for th ellmln ailv proc In th morning when both the muscular and nervou sytem re reld by aleep nd rt, When relief doea not com readily, It I n excellent plan to tak a mild axat.v at bedtime. Cathartic and purgetlv, that by th violence of Ihelr quick action hoek and dlsiiirb !h aysiem, ahould not be urn ployel, An effect I v laxative remedy that Is vary dependable, and which dor not grip or otherwise disturb th organ In volved, I found tn a combination of lrn pi laxaflv hrb known a Dr, Cald well' gyrup I'epaln that cn h iKrugbf. at tha drug itoie for fifty cent a bottle, Mr, C, C. Allen, 216 Koam St,, New Monterey, Calif., wrote to I'r. Caldwell that ah "found Or. Caldwell Myrup pep sin Jut what wa needed for ronatlpa tlon and d 1st res of th tomach alter , v ., h- v . .1 ', MRU, C. C. ALLEN, elln it ahould be In every household." t.rt a botllo of Dr. Caiowell'a Hyrup Pepsin and keep It In th house to ua when occasion arle. A trtsl bottle, fre of charge, cn b obtained by writing to Hr. W B, Caldwell, 4,4 Washington Bt., Montlcello, III, Colonist Excursions To California Tickets on sale daily via Reck Island Lines, March 25th to April 14th, 1916. Only $32.50 from Omaha Similar reductions to North Pacific Coast points. Go in a Rock Island tourist car- big, roomy, comfortable, and at tached to fast limited through trains. Dining car service. - '4Hrtff" Choice of routes through the historic Southwest the direct route of lowest altitudes or through scenic Colorado. A otomatic Block Signal Fintst Modtm Ar7-5f Eqaiptrmmt Spb Dining Car 5anrce Let me help outline you a trip. J. S. McNally, D.P.A. 14th and Farnam W. 0. W. Bl Omaha, Neb. FAUST SPAGHETTI r "we the If BkS.. 3. Ilk i The National .-Jj 'I l rV t . J Ikfft J llvarvbotly tveiywhet like aV Spaghetti. And it ia perfectly because ther r fw fo.nl wb aetv4 in o many tty Utah auj app titing rombiiutuun Vat it ia th moat oouruhia ef all food A ln- nt pt ka contain mur dry nutri. ment thn a (,'t'IUr't worth of meat r'ut fpghel it i inileol I'uruin wheat, tic b in glulea th itrength and tiaao builder lutisl on hav- i il At )out r.H r Writ (ol fre tt ie temk MAUIL PROS., , levi., II. S. A fVwre-H .. f, - , . i ... ... . . . , i nl 'ul itii..i . V ,11 Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how food advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really sueceessful. .r--gettlng her pictur tak. n.-i'h.'li-drlphla Press, 1 m enaRgcd to a nice, domeetle asked I in tit;. . ? 3ret guns! I thought he'd hand off." Town Topics, 'X:Vi " . rat 1 fir natural, aich ran b V i I' 1