Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Wilton, His Cabinet tnt Colonel
Houie Coniider Reports on
Torpedoed Ship,
1-orU of American naval iuch'
enyluK tntta-l fracmfil fotuul on
(he rhunnel ienier 8uee bora
tin tln live tiiurkliiKii nhowlnj them
to be purl of a German torpedo and
Hia(chr telling of eof of nub
iiinn ttarfcn nn neutral nd other
unarmed merrhint hlp within th
Uet lo week were. Mudled at eon
ferenf lodar , between PrlJnt
Wllaon, Colonel K. M. Houm and
inernbera of th rublnut,
All tht kitmh' report ar re
Krded her a very proof
ibst Ilia Bumh, wbll rurryln
twenly-flv Amerlfan rlllr-en, w
(tck4 In violation of aolemn and
reiterated nmuranre ilren lha
Knifed Baiea by Germany, WHh
(hi fct apparently tbllhd It I
onredd that tli frilled Kal I
confronted by a altuafloo mor rv
than any whlrh ha arlaen ln th
outbreak of th war.
Will 4tll !.
It -aa nlil gtff.rtitlve1y Main, how
ever, toniM, that ni defltilt at will
he taken by tt) AmrNn rrrirtieBt
nriill Oermeny M replied the In
fVirmel Jn'i'ilrl nbml.t4 by Awbuw
dof nrr4 In the ra tit the Hue;,
rngllatimeri, Mjhealer, F.iifMer nd
.te Pet til. It waa rtrlrl ! W'(M
ftr.m f'.erllrt l'"ln waited not o
tnij, li lerauee Informal lm to whet ha
happened I ntd, but to flv Her
rneny an orprlU(ilty to preeent H ver
ti,n end to nay ht will t d"n
etiout II,
In view of the vWenr rulleded, II t
r,tifldmilly believed In many iuerler
ttiel Oerrneny will eOrnll the tl'k on
II., Pnaeejr, od unofficial dltl'li'
from Iterlin hv Inllirmted that audi an
edrnltfi undoubtedly would be '!'om
,an)ed by dlaavowal and offer of repara
tion, Aer-eplNiic of H'lrh a fapnee l,y Ilia
t lilted fatea would depend upon the
rniir of pj!lnliiiient mled out Io tli
aubmarlna eiondr reaponalbl for Ilia
l.raal Wejee la aee.
In llie event of a denlaj vt riuethll
ity ,y Oerniany Vri A merman ovarn
rrtei would te eonfrnnted with the
elty of diermlriln.wtietlier It ahoiild a,t
on I lie l,ele of fWenr: from oilier
Th only legal weaknea In the eeae of
fiia 'iee, It la aald, la lh art that
tli Ameilan naval atiahef did not
"tully ea the. metal fracmenta taken
from Hie ftwaae and Hie (net that no
Anwrlrtn (Mliten bav eworn to havltil
eeen Hi wak of a torpedo befor the
fiaaex aa atriKk, Much affflavlla have
t,n receive from fltlaena of other na
Aal'la from (he Cnae-i aae, pailiiular
atteni'on la heln hen by the adiniril
atiatlon to the number of neutral veaU
(,rtjedoe.l recently. While tbwe wa
Anerlail iltlxeii on but ear of Ihcw
ahlpe. Ilia wboleaala deal ruction of im
arird nir hant craft, baa treated a pro
fognd lmpreelon. I'rea r(ori lv
htrn to the effect that more than twenty
iiculref eaaela, mid mora than I want r
fjv brIIUerntil eaela liV baen tor
(doed wl'llln the laat two weeh. mail
of them without narriln.
ew Heejarat ! Heeelred,
Amlador fierard ao far baa had no
i r ply (mm tl iei man (overtmient to
the ln'i"trle he mad' regar Una tb at -tarda
on the Huaaea and other vaaayia
nil li recently met with dlaier whlla
rirni AmerUan 'ltlena, Iteporta In
preaa dlnpatrhea aayln that th Oarman
aiimlmlty had itiimlered th In'tuliy wit
iei :it ff-r more apeflflf detail on tin
,' rate were er by offl, lala wltli
ni'icli Inieieala II aa' aald that !hi
low ciicel line not been efieilied at Hie
ftaff di;i'arlirieril
It iilieiaipi) indny that bafoia any
ri' p hull i to a rxrX' ie of relet ona Willi
fl rma'i vne tukm. I' p"aiilent m oul-f,
be'ore ronaiiaa Willi ttie fa'ia
The rablnet will meet tomorrow and
nl '' hefm II i'e mt nf Infoi .
Ii ntlnn nhih iaa t een forwarded tr im
I nn f 1'iid I nala id r-iarlln tlitnuaa x
I, , lilli r VI eN
'I he M'lt f ot"i. lloua In II. e Whltii
I t, uiiiaMifl ait i, I 'ii I rimoa It wi
li I, ill I lime hf lfen Url aliii'"
ii i, iniiie.l ftiiin Ki,iie a few week
i. nt'' illn iU'lna I In- miliinai lua and
i H. ei tMura wtili Amern-in diphimatte
ati' liH aln et mid nf tii lulu nf tinrmaii) ,
t ali'e unit Hieat lirnaill He waa In
i nf. nn. i ,.ffl.-UI iraeil'ally all
i' i) Dili after mum Seiteiary I aiming
wa ai Hie Wlille llune fr an hour.
Culls from the Wire
IwiliII i a i.i'e hii h iiini.,'i
! i no if ihr n .ili in iel iIii.ii rt
i an in "I I" M'lMea" Mini, lay ir llii.o rt ft li,itl 'le'eaiwt
i i,iir. eaia ei iiati'i vv lilmtii ilii
inn n i t tt an I H i U I, e i-ie ip i I , an
, i, i I ,.,i.i ii i ii',i-lH nt 'tnni i
liiiiinill i Int Hal Wi,,i1ti W II. ii
l t .l'i t. II. e tlenii-i rii tut lit
i ,ti .i, f,,i (.,,.,1.1,1 .,, : i . I a' l',e
t i 1 1 t ,1 I r I ti,,., ,iii ' i "t a i ,.f
iii iii liniiin,,,g tt V ti 'it i a 'tie
v. ,11 U t i ii in !, -t iittff- til!,i:
11, ! . I il M" I'' t 'iii
4 n,, k .H t it' t '
It I of f'-ti-t. -'lai.tli ,,t.l b t'.a
I ... ,i I - , i , 1 1 t i i,, una t k at
t , t . t t v i ' r,,i
J, , ' ( ," Ij, , 1 II, ,1 , , .,llll:l
. ,, I it 1 I II !' II il I I'll. I I ,
, t t .1 t t- ! It'1 ant t " 1 I I !
n.i i 9 i ..,....'i,..i' i . .,'ttn.
I, I
v il I i I'l'
Ja tilt ill, , ,
,. I , t. I f I e itli . I
i , a t f ' tut a t i ii It . t
i- I ., ,1' ,!, I ,.-,:,, . A t I., .t
: , ' , II ,1 ,.,,'. I I,' I : - S, 4 I, ,
, . ,, ,...,. ai S. a ... . a , ,
t . I - A I'l" t A ' ' I M t ll. .
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J . ,t A I'' , I ' 11,1 I ... t S I
iii-i ,-rt4 I-. , int ,i, u , . I l . i,
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- ,t. t-i I . it t( 1 i u
I '.
Mmtiataii l !, Iitiatn
t. i,. ,.4 a. u
, t a i.
i . , , i htM II I
...(ii v.i. a, it
! , ant Unit
M 'IM'IH V i t-,1 ! t
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''a tf UDA V'Ssfi fjKX
i ! , .......i..,..,,! ,..i,...r,--r-.. ,i , 4
Mormons Spend Over Two Millions
For Missionary
HALT I, A HP. ITV, L'tah, April I -lilahura'menia
by th Mormon ehurcll
aiiioiiiiting t a I moat n,ifiil In the laat
fvurtMn year are ahown by financial
amendment preeentad to the eighty-ninth
general ionfmanr of th ihurih today
by Ita prealdent, Juaepb V, Hmllh, The
raport ahowa that In the period men
tioned tha eliiiuh e upended V,,1lt,Vi tor
eliiir ' h hoola, II, -f,.?.J for operation and
malnialneri' of mtaalon In th I nit, tl
Htateg and Kurope, i,tn,1ll tor meeting
houeag and amuaemant balla, 1XM) for
tb euptioil of I he poor, l,M,'a) fur real
eatt eurroimdlng the Mormon Tempi
In Malt I -eke Ciy, t),M,m tut uperallonri
and matritamame of the Mormon tern"
Berais Park May Not
Have a Playground, i
As Citizens Protest 1
In ad probability the Itctrreallon hoard
wll) not fe nn playground artMtlee In
Hernia park Ihla aeaaon, owing to pro
teat aent by realdente around Hie park.
Th protectant complained of nolay pei
n Who aaaarnbled during the late eve
ning boura laat aeaaon. Huierlnterident
Kngllah ell plained to the board that th
alleged .rowdytim occurred after play
ground hour,
Member I'lark nd Connolly and the
nperlnlandent war appolntad by hair -man
Hummel a a apri lal vommltte to
woik out the playground and In thing
beach auperv lhui hedule for the aeaaon
It I propoeed to have double ehlfte and
th eipenae of upervlabn for the eaon
Will run about fKi.C't.
Mr. Hummel announced that the. paik
department will Inatall a bath hi at
th wlmmln pool in Klmwood park.
An egamlnaiion of th recreation fund
ted tq th conelualon that th board will
hav to hew to the Hue to avoid running
over th appropriation for tH iear.
Hpeelal attention will b given to the
bathing feature the new pool iu lltver
vlew park and a pool In Mm wood park to
b addltlnn to th ;. ateni
Challenges Rival in
Love to Fight a Duel
It' iHTnN', April 7. -l-'or the fit at lime In
many trail an a I real mi mad In t lit
i lly today nn the cliaila uf t hdltuigiiuf
In a duel, .Veiiui'hiiii KaharuHiuliia waa
lakrn Into ciialody nil th ctimplnlnt that
he bad at lit Uenrge latrtipoulna a clil
lenge to fight with piatula in Franklin
iwrk to aelil" a rivalry fm the nf
a woman of th llraek culom latrni'iiu.
Ina declined tha ai and t.ini"d Ilia Iel
lr over to tha pulli
Germans Will Set
Clocks Ahead Hour
HMtUX, A I'll! I W trelea. to Hat.
lillr I Tlie (irinnii fcdeial wiuiiell liait
tu iiti il a intaaiira i-mv litmi Cat nn
t all tlnrka atiail I ai t ahead i.i.r l,,i it
Tha nieaatti waa in rt' ,''t f 'l l,i.-i,i,
ml a, "ii. Hi, l, al teaauna aa It itali.t ulna
hi tilli tint), iluiliif il)litil a-l I it
, mail, a (lie iii.hii fur arl.fiilnl l.i,.
Southern Colleges
To Fight Lynch Law'
liiittii,iUI AI , ittl ; r t.iaaii
il i . iD f.aatttril at Itta
. i,ni,.ii tie, I. .,,1)1, i.f i, Aia,,
tin h . ' a.i t'.,.,n t in, ii i iv.i'agv
111 'I I llit l: ,Uvi, it. a Ul
,.f I t.'.i l)n, h law In II a a-'.iH
fit I 1 1 I . 4 I i,. I i, t II
I Ku It .it, ,.. f ,,,,,,, 1. 1 i ii ak, i .,i
i,,it n g. .t,tvH!t I i.l ., itttttt
I, .nit 'iii li a iJ.-iit I t r. et;i..i
! i. ( . f a n ii i, , ,..i .in ii
H iti.a-t it- ., t t'i.:,.it
It',, f , . tt-l I, al.,,, a
i '.a in a t,,ti II., I- t , t . i,
In il l I n I I .1 t I a.
a,, I l.t i' . t n uii. at a m
I'ti le. 1 1 a -if ,.i . . t ,i in. ft i
hi w ( iit ., n,, it a t-t ii
( I Ha -
treatltaia) tltrlt
Be Doin' It
Work Over World
plea, ti.ftl.tPQ to pay off bonded Indebted"
nea of tha church, 'SH,Vib for mlealon
hiuiaea In the I'tillad Hiat. tot
I mlaalon boiiaea In Kurnp, 7,' for g-
il'-ultiiral eollegeg arid meeting houae In ,
New Zealand nd Pmnnm, ,(fm tut
eoulpmant of the rhun h hoapllal her
arid I I'U.fe'X for pun ha a of th arm
where Joaepli Hmllh, founder of th
church, waa born at I'ftlmyr, N. T, th
Jail where hit waa killed et Carthage, III.,
a monument to him at Palmyra and
property at independence, Mo,
A net Increaea of IKl'iM In the mem
In of the church and the ereetlon
of meeting houae tut th period ar !
ahown In th report. ' j
Arrested for Miking
Aspiring Authors in
A Literary Swindle
KW VOttK, April 7--Aleander !
aup, who deacribed blmtelf aa editor
nd author, waa arreaied today by poet
office Inapecfotg and held for Irlal In the
federal dieirbt tourt here nn a ' barge
of ualng the mall to defraud Jeeaup a ,
ai iii-eia allege be duped aep'rtng wrllere '
in a ne ilteiacy awlndle.
Jeaaup It la charged, lnertd advertlaa. ;
ineuta In magadnea, loltrltlng rnntrihil-
i I mna from budding author for hi ehnrt
rtory niatn "Th I'lu Moon." When j
I maniiat'i'lpta were aubmllted to Mm, Jaa
I aup, If 'a charged, auggeated thl h b"
I aid varying auma for hla eervlcea aa
eipnr. Th goveritrmnt claim tha " '
Mien' magarlne la myth, .leaaup I
the aon of a Preabyterlao clnrgytnan. II
claim to hav writ tan a number of !
l.ovela and edited Engllah and Frenctr 1
i laaab a.
Florence Man Writes
! Will Not Come Back
i" tf. amlth of Florence, owner of a
pout hall, t'onaiiltrd an limaha do-tnr
yetilerday for an ailment from which b
aa autferliig and following a dlagnoala
that hi loiidltlmi waa aeMoua, wret a
letter to the Hank of Florence telling
the bank officiate hla condition and aek
lug them to Inform hla wife, a no on
atiiilil etcr are lilm any more.
H did not ictiun home laat night and
th (Hillie hate bean akd to lo"la
Ile malntalna a laie balance at the
Int n U and an far aa la known I not
financially Involved, but on the military
la i unifoi tably well off No oilier raann
than lit lllneaa la ghen by hi wife
fur hi airanae a. Hon.
jlilT Plf A IMALL
-e- m - j W a
.l A'l-V-rO
! 1
,. ,,.,
Captain Todd Lines Up Men Into
Sqaadi Who Are to
t'ompanv ', fourth Infan'rr. Nehrk
Notional Uuard, held neMnaetlier "'
ittii laat nlht. at, the armory, Twnil'i"
ami Itnriiey atresia l.nri'rt and ainokoa
tffa a.rve'J ilnrina the 1"iiaaioiia,
I'lana were liml fur a im w method of
dnilnltration at'eitlna earti ainad
leader and nontommlaaitined of ft- er Ken
lompeiltlon anion the different m'la
la In proeper;!.
Indoor laigel f r lice will iViiIii lirt
medlafe!;- for the puipoao of ( itjfyllia
eeh man In the ,ompai,y before .,in( on
the new range In Knat 'rmalia ahoni May
1. After pra'the on Hi outd'tor raime
t oompiiiiy team wtll be picked lo repff
aerit the company at the ara'e alioot n't
fall and other comperiunria d'irli' the
The athci(! coirimlKee In Mrf t k,k M ii'ly
for the rfing meet and hope to iciain
all of the ciipa,
f'ptln Jrvln i), Todd announced (ha
tha eomlng en ampmerit would prohlil
be held at fort. Ilobliiaon. He .i, tn'it
at the laat fedeial lni, linn II, c report
ahowa that f'ornf.any atood one m t , -beat
tnapertlona In Die attn ( I'liinmitv
(', orgariUed Hi flrat motor' y l pl',tooti
In romiectlon with f regulur ,oiiriiri, in
(he ('filled flaleg.
The rompatiy orila every Th'iraday
When all weta fall, fr a I'
Went Ad
A beautiful 42
(rlert rl Inner
eel Mil K wltli
V .tf,'V .
Men's Furnishings Saturday
Man' work hlrt, blua atnoakein
rhambrgy, wltli attached rollar,
pocket and faced lve; regu
lar 60c; pelal, 39 C
Men underahlrt nd drawer,
fin combed K(yitlan Inland
cotton. laywrenc rnantifactiirtt
with douhlti gaatad draw
er to tnttch; re. 69c val, tlC
Men' night hlrt fine ahlt'i
ntuilln, with pocket, low nark
nd fancy trimmed; regular value
76c, perll, 39c
Splendid Suit In light and dark
color, le 6 to IS year. Not-
folk elyle; regular $3 J QQ i
value; on ale, at. , . V 1 70 1
FREE A Dandy
Men's Hose at 5c
Saturday we offer 100 doren
Men' Iloae, In tilack, hltie,
while and tan; regular IT"'
value. "econd." all
nlte. at, plr.
f 14
TUST what do you o.xpuct to buy wlu?n you purchase
v your new Suit for Spring and Sumnier?
Do vou rxiu'v't shapely KJiniuMUs, inodolod ami moultied hv nmcicntious
craftsmen, 1 n vou oxinvt fftchinjr fabrics, hrainhd hmt by tlu makers?
a . . t . I . ! .1 I I . I.. I I .. ... ..
you expect talontnl tailoring. tlj kind produced only by r Xpert
operatives workii.K under hleal coiulitions?
If you do, Frat Clothes are what you want.
Tlu'V full till cverv reiiuirement, even as to price,
l ' A ....1.4 .
necaue we Kve you uie
garments, fully equal to
Come in and Look!
v ri r 3 n
Got Married When
"Klahinoiith" aldled Into the marriage
IP erree clerk' offi'a In the court houae.
wcailng a iiiyatcrioua look,
"l latimouih ' la a voting KcntlerriHri of
njinr, rnglafered from the Midway hoftl
(life, bijffet, tl l , ei ., and la one of
Hie fnrnlllHl' per-.,(iligea ! th" Third
; Hi, Had mai rtaa,. , i i,e laaned aoni"
1 weeka ngu and m "u'i of importance
i in riiik of f'o'inty f'oiu't 'h,d M'iiiblod
"Itica .ih Wttl.te rcrili two do!lah, buck
fo dla'er m'lage II aeiic, ,'' lie whi,p -i -d,
lot riding If over.
' What a th mniter, . mi l ,v'J u" )','"
'No nib. Ain't fcul lio bUneaa Id d,tt
i i 1 1 Atl uli Arua la mh iwo-dolla ha "
huriblad, acritlng aomcthlng of Interrar,
, became Irr'iuialtlve. "Wouldn't, atie inarry
I 'Vaamjli, aha done may me tvldout 'Jn
i Jiaeti'.e.''
! "J!h' mi'irlcd ou without the llcenae'
Ho did you do that?"
"Well, ah" dun went Mia' Hlil Murphy,
ile In on de or, an' he done kIO hi
Ipalmrrion fo' u loe get muled"
i "A pollceinan gave hla i -mlaaioii ?"
"Vaaeiih, h ant, '!' lotig, gal, tkt
po Klahrnouf toe yo h'Murri. In all ma P d
Juai t-r. good , ary rilggnh In d Tlil d
tvulid ' Hal Wlial de In tell huh, io
, alia wuriia huh two dollahe liack."
''Why, man, everybody muaf ha.e a
ill'iuiae to g't married That pollcemnc
: waa j,hln "', you're 1 1 Me to et
; pile lied "
, Clahinoilttl fMglted, and hla eyea rolled
"la dal Hie truf, brtte?''
! "la It the truth?" emphatically ie
Record Breaking Bargains
at "Palace" Saturday
Viir yefir ! er tb "ravlaaet" hal Ibe repnHUIon of lvlfi llm
"Mnat f'rr tliei M'rney," Klietn It ertnea cbrtlir-a frtr- tt anl lt. rtrrinn
(aople- ll It tie "HUHMIN HKAIeft AKI KltM Ol" XKItfUHH u lor ttle.J
Itiat far enouyh frmn Hut lilgli-i-nt .Jtatrh t fo be iilrlet fo pull flriHii iiriif
lit within your reuili, Hewing la l-ll vliit! IMk over lle a(,-rlU'il Hot.
iirtlay ajrew ll then you'll know why Oil ll More) I lv III HV!
Mere re aotrie, of tliei wtotiey-aavliiaJ Jtini
Values to $12.50 at
Values to $18.00 at
a so
Mode of fiiief worthy
fabtlce In new Kprlng
pattern nd weave
your thole nf pure dve'
blua aergea, tanteful,
fancy Diieylota, etc . tail
or ad Inlo Iha ena',l'ei
atyla a, ill ev'f offered
to Omaha at ihla imuau
allv low pit' of lli.ifi
Tb ult w now t
tlila pilca re really
yondeiful vlua. Whor,
tmlalde of ttia t'ala'-,
could you get uch good
looking, aiyllaii, akl'l
fullv tailored and eacel
hoilly fliilahad antra at
n. la monay,avlrig (irne
nf t; I uii rang or
rcee for men and young
men. Value lj l! '
I Vmea her
Men nva glove, heavy,
while; regularly JOc per pair;
api'i lal, at. pair, C
for J t
Men' "Kllrlle", union eulU
ankle length, hort aleeve: regu-
lrly priced t 11.00;
ipvlgl, for
Police and Firemen' tipendr;
heavy eluatlc web with leather
end and caatoff; regu- -I '"J -larly
60e; eperlal. at. ... I C
I Men' fancy at I It four-ln hand
tie, large hipe, regular-
at 25c
I ly 50r; hpt-iiiilly prlcexl
Confirmation Suits for the Boys
Wonderful Full for hoy, ekllfully
(allured In Not folk atyl. pMtcli
pnekft. etc.; regular fljo QQ
f t vitluca at J)5ivO
Pocket Knlfo Free With Every
Lfciaa4i ail tr
laaamia ai mm in iajwiMMaeewaTiiiriei
M ,'tlHHEf aa;,iiiwr-(iiwim(aw w'aw.
U 1 L i m J fear-, (te
ll i r i
i. ;-. m "m a
smanesi younn men .h
tho ;e selling for more,
Nobody Saw;
No Use for Marriage License
icgted BunriUd. "lioy, you can go ao fai
inlo Jnll for not having a marriage llcenae
t ueit tl ri taae you three month to get.
: out."
i "Oh bnee. dai 1w, h done t;.e hahm!
Hat Mlal Hill M i fy done me wti kid!"
i Hutihlad explained further, and Hah
jniouih a -lit away, promlalng to tall In a
: ,l 11' her tit. on' e.
liie Wiirit Ada Produce I'.eauli
5 Sore Throat j
S Chzit Pains ;
0 Titfhfnt-ra acroM th theaf and M
0f aora Ihrriat can ol one b relieved M
8lrjr epplyin Sloan' Liniment, It K
(; fid'.t to th ( of pain M
Swnfmiri nd aciothin the painful K
parti, 7 he inllammalioouLijJt H
H and lb pain I foo. tt
! Liniment s
p "Keep htrtll In yourbotne."
JJ Price Uc, Mt, tiM jj
Values io $20.00 at
No matlar from what
angle you look at th
anil (ublect, you II find
U'lO'l worili of value In
tniaa aulla, 'they ar
ehape-relBlnlng, bullt-on-liouor
aulia, with rent
"atyle" mobled Infn tham
by aotne of the beat man
,fitciurr in tha world.
Ml r.hea l U 1,9. All
alea. Valuea IO liO.OO.
fo lid 0,
Values in
lew Spring Hats
Tor men and young; mn, In pnari,
tana, green and gray; wonderful
3,00 value, Hatur- J
day at only P 1011
New Stetson Hats, $3.50
Choice of liotl Mat -Ohon from
broken line of Hoft and Ktlff Mat.
All l,e; no Iwo alike; worth to
$2,50; on ale Hatii r- rf ff
day, t J 1 UU
Very fine Mine Htk Suit that
mil give aplendld aervlco, r
" n. a good &A Qf
$5.50 vitluo, Kntunlay 4T.i0
Boys' Suit Sold.
Overalls at
While or blue bib, the
itRiibir Tor kind, on
mIi Hatur
diiy, t
$15 to
ii i
c yii-
iOd rear nil I C
Old r I U lai M
An ErTeiniv LaxattT
Purely Vegtbl
Indigestion, DJiousnena, u.
Q on O Q Night
until rUrv4
OhooolateOoated or Plain ,
nil'; ih-:ht oi' mi di vim k
Th Laat Two Tim
"forty Winks," "The Bachelor's
Dinner" and Current Bill
Matinee Today 2:15,
MXXT WEEK Joieph X, .Toward and
Etulya Clark and Bwtby Toy.
"OMAHA'd rrrn cBTE,"
Last Time, Mat. TODAY ' Wit
Starting to mi it ai s:u
a. a tniL ail Ba.t. Ma.t
Rose Sydell r.Tf tUndw Belles
IVanl' mm autia wee vaa.
Todf, I ISO Tim Tonl
gapport4 tf IDWilB I. TWO la
Vrloae BAe and Bo
" V'norrow Mat, and Weak,
"widow r oxr.a
Matlnet Sunday
elwya m Co.'
Xaue h Teetlral. run
Wltlurat To)-arttf.
Today fJ'NEWarTonlte
MOBTK BftOB., "A Bacfaclor Bomanee."
-r rrt-r rw--
Where Tbe Omaha Bee
Universal Animated
Weekly May Be Seen
Tboradar Wlfht, April ) J -L'Amora dai
tr a" and "Bnowflka" JaaUet.
rrldar MtlDe, A(rU 14 "atailaia But.
terflf" and raelowa OlTertuaiuenta.
rridar inrbt, April 14 "La Boham"
a ad "ueulah" BaUt.
f'aat In.-nKle Zoimtello, Martin, C)ial
tnera, Man, Mar'tuiiea, (tU'1n'l, P u M l K
Ananlan, Bnr,'il, Mtura, Teyte, I.yn.
(iav, Maroel, I'lernant, Haroya, 'on1iia
luia: M'trunxoril, einbinld, Kinallana
ANNA PA V 1.UW A appeaia Hh BaJlat
Huaa m eaili trfnrmanc.
B B Jtttt ti tMky rraant
Blanche Sweet In
Trom th book by Baxy Btn
1 1 Ttl II.
Turpln's Scdco! ol Oancloj
I e ii i ) aiaiiin A Kan din Haw C1aaa,
I in ,ur nan, a nm l i v.. ' .an, a an ,
MMt II It II HI t)Kt,
Marie Antoinette
BUM . jTe -Wiiaaa
IWoAtlMty, (BCtK miJ 67th M.
MOW TUB rifv.
! 1 1 1 t t in i a ft e ea
t ani"t t a1 1 ii i., i . I
a it ft ; t;i t1 .
Hi i , I . i' -it I" " ' 1 aa
t Ilia I, li 'I- l . ,"
ai a a , I
i . .!. n !' t .t.i
i.l vi. an I ei.i-ai I 'a, . .
Rooms, with Rath,
$2.50 Per Day Up.
Suites, tM i'rr Day Up,
mtii it r ctr vp
httta I ' I n I "I ' , at .
alaea. I ' l..
. , , i
' i. K t. t , t 4 a,(