Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Ollivcr Jtlliion Hai Bath in Icy
Water After Cavein at
irr'ii.i Waff I'ljuenpond nt.i
PI'.H MOINW, .A pill Tle.
um.) -Mirn eirth aa e ,y at th top
f a rieiem whete ) Km working y.
teidny afiernonn, Olher P, ilelllncm. fell
Into tie ley wafer tl rJllr1 flff-
a li Ml r hour, Kin iiiit knee wan
J'iJui"! In tlie full There ft four feM
f "! In the fifteen-foot (Intern
Mnr andldal File,
.I'm" II. Weaver of Lie Maine. iri
1irli for n ipuhllnri nomination for
r'prret,fthe from Toll county, filed hi
nomination neper llh th e;relry of
mat Indij', A lltely roii'Kit over lepra
'sntih I promlftl In Werren county
wllh lf republican candidate out for
tha nomination. Hen Kern of Norwalk,
a member of one of the pioneer farnllle
atf that r)nniy, ha recently annnuiifed
hla rarxtMacy. X. M, llolllday of In
dlanola, proprietor of t Ji Midland r'tiati.
tU(ji hiireij, la l out for tha noml
nallon, 'onarrnn llorei M. Towner
of tha Malith rtlirlt filed dla nnmlna
Mnr, papera ylerdv. Htl aienalor
I.aell V.. Trancla of plilt. f.k alao filed
t7faneel Wee Mbnrf,
Wording lo the announcement mde
hy tha lt food anil dully department.
today anamination of aurnfiloa of cotton
d mal !, hern wad from Ulv
flie iar and nil have been found almrf
In joolfln from If) to ?J per 'ent. A re
hair- for piifhanei will he demanded by
the department, e Ih loaa per Y t"
Hi P'trrhaier, it in claimed, amount lo
about I2, A report will he made to tha
food and druif bureau of tha t 'ril f j
Xtalea Ieprlmint of Airlniltilr.
PoHanaHaml ftrli nia Klli-a,
lha tend annual dlntrllmtfori of (h
aufomnldl fond la about to ha mada to
fha iountee of tha nmt ,y tha tnl
lriirer. The, (otal amount to ho dla
Irll.iiled la l,Ki-,n. Thl la laraer than
w inllrrled tha entire year of IM. It
u appoilloiied at tho rata of tK, per
tonhlp, f'ollawatlainla rounty and
Uoenull) loiinly ari; lha larfeat counHea
In tha alule, ea h livln twenty elthl
lownahlp and c"h tecrlved IIJ.ilW. I'lva
per ent of the fund (ro to thn alata
II per cent to lha Highway eommlnlon
and ft par cent lo lha conntlea,
aienllia Trail I'arrnta.
Pen Tiurll and hi lfa, Mtiry ludl,
lulleved to he the falher and mother of
lha K-week old r hlld found Monday after
noon on the rlly duoip apparently havlna;
heen alNived to dealh, are being hunted
by the po,'re. I'olha ay they hava them
located In Chicago Knd thai they will ha
created aoon.
Rank Tai f'aaa Araneit,
Tha rjueathm of whallier or not hank
lock inn be aaaeaaad to atockholrlar In
b.wa N being fought out In lha anprema
i oni t In lh appeal caaa brought by tha
I'iral Nal tonal bank of f Tanned Hluffa
agalnat lb c.lly of f'oun'll tlluffa. Tha
rlly neaed the atock to tha aloekhold
era at $lf) per ahara, Tha bank objected
on lha ground that tha law authorizing
tha aaaeaament wa tinfonalltullonal, and
on appeal to ffta dlatrlrt. court tha bank
loat, Tha aaaaaamant wa Jield to tia
valid. An appeal aa thn taken to tha
auprema court. Many banker of tha
tt r Interaated In tha raaa. Tha
prat long law authorizing tha aaaament
of bank glock waa dvlarad iipeonatltu
tlonal becauna It provldad that national
bank ato k ahould b gaaeaaed to alork
holdera, and atoek In afala and aavlnga
bank ihonM be aa4 to tha bank.
Oral argument wara mada befora tha
fottrt yaatarday by ddlaon O. Klatla,
attomay for tha bank, anil I. W. f4chnet-
der, rlly attorney of Council niuffa, and
IF. It, Hobarlaon, arguing for tha city.
Myatarlana Hill (" Tv.
Tha Taylor rotinty caao Invnlvlnr tha
eatata of lha lata A. .1. Tltlar, a wealthy
land owner, which haa been In tha court
fur aeveral yeara, waa In tha anprema
lourt again today, whan oral argument,
nere heard on tha nueaflon of m new
trial. Tha caa la antltled Ollva Ilnll
agnlnat I'hoeha Holler and Krneat fawla.
I.eala la In tha poaacaMon of much of
Ilia lund and claim to he lha adoptad
on of Mr, I .tit oar. Ilia rlalma have been
tonleated in prevloua trial, but the u
prenie . oiiit ruled In hla favor In Novem
ber, Iflt. The dlalrlct court granted the
helra a ne trial and Iwl ha now ap.
pealed Ihla ruling to the higher court.
Mterioiia wllla haia figured In tha
trial In Taylor county. One. of them waa
found In a plekla Jar burled on tha fid
Ulterr farm, i Sot li fide In tha raae
i!alin fraud.
Oruanlir Ilalry Ibiin,
Another big dniry alion- In Willi h Iowa
iln 1 1 men w ill tali a proinliient pai l waa
plauneil t ir at a iin-riinu held at Kan-
I lly jralcrilgv, when Ihn Smil hw eat
mi I'alry aHie!nlliii whh formeil A
how la In he liihl at Kiinaii t'lty He)
lemher l lo ;M. , II. Harriet', alute
rlnliv oiiltiilaalonar. waa rlirlei) ruin of
Hie dlrai tura of lha alinw. At Dim meat.
Inii jealrrdav Iowa. Kanaaa. Mleaoiirl,
NnluHHka. I iklaliiuim ami Tataa eta
n-vrfeepted. liver l,u wa auhi rllird
lomkid fiiiaiiiliig tho affair, of whl'h
llic Ktiimaa rlly rominen rl ih nave
t:M. Tha dairy imn ilo nut want Ihe
' f lorn I" Iim- any of li aiHanUia
t ihiin and ae planning the big ilttity
how all nff.el ,, lha Kama rily
H.'al .ot on by ilii' brrf iiin
tl Ihe ., n.
military attache in Lon
don, who, it is understood,
will be placed in charge of
the aviation corps, sue
cccding Colonel Samuel
W. Reber,
From Our Near Neighbors
I tt
I , 0
I .
rtlHKilrra Hrrmaa HIIU4.
U , i.ri T iHtH'otal Tri
l'i''k 1'alf.y hm l'ii,i. fin
U.t III. 1,1 Hi (,e N.O II,.k,,
I I ' in II TMt tea ilia.'anil ih.
l i uiii,ii (..-.. i ,-( i, hi
I wo t',llt T'u. p.. ,K ,
WAl h 14 fill Mm
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nn, aiklatiiw a4 Mrlllali
t llMblM
'14 .... I.' I, . h .,
" . . i. . i ..I is.
t, ' ' w iiw
Nash for Counsman,
Even Though Ho Has
Boosted His Taxes
l.oula .Vaah of the iPligeaa-.S'aali com
pany, having In xl night on an extended
liu!lii.a trip, ib-clarea th'il he wlalira
ha r oiihl final puna tha trip,
"There in Juat one thing I'd Ilka lo
atny hire and do ilurina tha not leu
dna, and ibat la to help rleci Unity
'I, ('oiinaman lo the office of i lerk of
dial Met court," Mr, NiihIi exclaimed.
' 'ounarnm la one of Ihe moat f.
Hi lent and honf-at public offl' lal" I ever
knew, and I'd Ilka lo era liliti u'l Ihe
Mi he want. Hla wold I a tiood li
hi bond, and vhen ha av ha will ac
capt no remuneration other than th
legal axlary, he will keep tha promlaa.
'That may aontid funny, coming from
one aa dlalntcrcated In politic aa i arn
but I fee) that Cnunnriiun I one man
faxpavre ahaolutaly need In public of
fice) and thut' why I'm for Mm
Naali aflerwarda explained that ha la
for" f oiitimrian In atilta of tha fact
Dint t'ouiiamaii, aa counly cor,
raiacd taxi on Neali properly higher
than ever before,
Court Holds for
The Bee in the Oil
Burner Damage Case
By Judge ficdlok guatalnlng ilia demur
rer, Th Ha won out In tho ult brought
fcv tha Nbrak Oil llurner company.
claming fA00l damage brrauae of a
publication referring generally to Ilia
uae In Omaha, and failure of a good
many oil burner to work lo Iht aalla-
factlon of the piirchnaera, Tha erllcle
did not In any wy mention tha plaintiff
company, but It tried lo convince the
court that It. wag the particular company
referred lo In connection with lha burn
er mentioned.
"It t.a been tha policy of lha court
of Nehraaks," aald Wanley lloaewnler.
'In give In ttila atato g real freedom of
the pre. The article referred to la not
one-aided, but gtate the allegation mda
by varloua people In regard to Ihe oper
ation of nil burner generally. The preee
ahould be privileged to give the public
general Information In matleia of public
Intareat. I'cw thlnga are mure Ulal to
tha people than Ihe o,uetirui of fuel."
The court beard Ita rulim; pilnelpallv
on tha fact, that the meaning aMrlhutrd
by the plaintiff attempted Innuendo,
on Id not ba - rend Into It.
The meeting r the (.
Wheeler Meiporlal I'renli.i li t Ian cliuri li
waa held Thursday night, The builgi't of
i.4 for the coidlng cnr wa repoileil
aa alninnl lalneil The cunt; regit thin
authoi Ixeil tin, truatec In i..ii,rnli' the
uilltoilum. The rreabytiuy will be nuked
to aanlat In Ilia cntnhliahiiifiit of u rliur h
nil l'oi ty nllU li and 8 nil ecla. 'I'l oif i eaa
a ahown In ill ilrpartiiirntn li ning (he
lal rar
For Pimply Faces
Try Culiciini Soop
and Ointment
Sample t
Free by Post 'j
ir--, ui'-ii ii,t llie f I
lllllllll,'4 irf .' v i I
Wfltt l',,!l. l 4'
t l.lll,tl.t mi rial "l
li -i !
a I u 1 1
aprlngf Irlil.
All l.'ilu tianipton of Crawford l
here Milin:r.
.Minn liieiie Minllh of Nrllgh inlled her
pnienta (he foi part of Hie week,
William I ili'nnmaii ha been elected
canlilar of the Farinera Hlale Imnli.
Ir. II. V. Kntra of Hi I'aul Mailed In
brotheia, I.. A, and . K. Haiee, Thuin
day, Mr. Ainoe Kairh of Oklahoma I VI
I'lrig her paieul. Mr. and Mr. I.o.i
M. bwl.
Mr. and Mi. Iloyd linwnei- of ilipaha
(Inlled li. ii, lira wrier lha flm of
the week,
Arthur .liiinian of North tkota 'me
la ml Holiday, ialii h' re liy tna ileaili of
hla falhet.
Mr. and Mi lilen Megiev Hie luark
frum a monlh a trip lo Mandolph, N V ,
and othe raatarn iiolnt.
Abraham Hpoon. accoinpaiued hln
daughier, Mia Ciampion, in hn noma
In I in afoul, where he will live in future,
I'rof, Mimiiiiioh. after an ahaerne of five
wee finm (he houl on a'rounl of
inilei tever, wa aula laal Alonilny tr
aaaome hi achool dulle.
Mia. Aluaham Mpoon died from the ef. of bun ahe ircHved Katmda). flie
waa aiiioklng a pip while In tied and th
heilrloihea were I on flie.
Mi. Iliiy 'lrk cnteiialned th
dien kennliiglon Wedneadey.
Gillian) Kobhln and daughier moved
thin week lo the lie-ill Hull lun
Mr und Ml liul .wlehel of Valley
Mnlid ai the J. li, feefua home Thura-day,
The f, yenr old daughier of Mr and
.in t 'ha ilea II rinnibeek died In at week
of lilphtheiiu
i.enry I Ingr I iiimii moved wllh hi family
lo !. WIIiiniii Hie. Men faun, foimrl
owik'I hv I'harlr- I'cnnon,
Mr and Ilii T Kamngardnar and
daughter of t'nipti I'hrlaii, Tex, ai
vlnMIng Ihelr onn nd tiiinille heia
Mr, and Mm. Ileruy Uotilr of f'prliig
fieid lniti.d HNturoav and r'uoday at the
bom of the latter a parent, Mr, and Mi.
Henry ft'ejei
Th body of the ll-year-otd daughter of
Mi. Hcnrga Welle of Mennlngton, who
nled of appendli'KI, w hioughl here for
but 11 Monday.
William Vllwork w phked up tin
' onai lima Wedueailay a few inllif eant
of lieie and taken home. He wa thrown
fiom hi inoiori ) i In In loin manner,
XI Ihe town election Tnedy Kred
Ohrrat and frank ink ware rr-elr!e,
iiieiiilieia f ilia loan board. Hretria
prohahly will iiiiiio It h alx aaloon. and
Iher are luuloin of a eenth.
A dMiighier wa bom to lr. and Mr.
Joe- Mrhmiit April Z,
Mrn Helm Albr. one of th oldeat
aenlera of iii"ina. riled at her home
April I The funeral wn held frmii the
l,iiiliern i hiiri li Hnndnv afternoon.
Wi Hicnder end two children hv the
The coroner' lno,oet which w held
Tuendny over the liody of .lake lupin,
who Ma kllhd aa a renult of a runaway
n i lderil Monday evening, brought In a
wrdbt of accidental death.
timer Mangold In alartlng tha erection
f laiga new realdcip-e In eat r.relna.
A voce,
Mr Mike Klme of ner Vehwka vl
lied her nlnier. Mr. '1. U, llaimon, lha
latter part of Ihe week.
Mr. and Mr, John Weier of Berlin
were vlaltoi here Wedneady evening.
Mr. and Mr. Itobert Mlckl have re
turned from a vlalt at Hhamion t'lty, la
Prof. Keorge Camtibell and wife were
Oinalia x Imltoi Saturday.
Albert Hill waa called from lenpell
tbl week by the arlou lllneae of hi
alnier. Mr. I'arl H' hroeder.
Mr. and Mi ft I,, Hwley were here
from fterlln Monday for a. vllt with
The Women'e club w entertained at
the borne of Mig. A, T. Harmon Wedne.
The Hoynl Neighbor of Amerle rtrcl
met wild ill. John MonUn Friday efter-
Albert Print, while dlklng Tuedy,
got. hi I foot caught In tha dink and aa
a. reaull. received a bad cut,
Tim (.'origregatlonal I.adlea" Aid met.
wiih Mr. Ui'orge Hhacklev Thuraday eft-
I rx Ingloe,
Ml Alain Koch of Hcotlnd, B. T).,
vieiied at the Ircln borne Saturday and
Mra. llrewaler and dughter, Mtl,
vlaited at the farl llllbard borne In Boutli
t'liirtha 7hurday.
A daughter wa born to Mr. and Mr.
Ite I t'li Hall, Tueaday.
Mi. Chat rnnn of Ouinh. la vial ting t
Ihe Henry Hprlng home.
K. K. l;rewler. Mr. Hewitt Babbit and
Mlaa Nh kola, all of Omaha, were enter.
ImIiiciI at the Hrewater hom Monday.
Mr. end Mrn. Albert I lirliopheroii ami
Mra I'ow'll attended the funetal of Mia.
A Inn of Ilia If, Tueaday.
Mia int and chlldien Imled at tha
Watchle- home In trmaha Tneadny and
VA ednenluy.
Mr. Hrenner wn an Om.ihn x laitor
Thuradav .
Minn Turner Mian Nelon and Mlp
liornlliv Wal' liler, all i.f (itnnha, x Iwltnl
al the Vcntiii home Hunday,
Mm KIIHnn lnlied her r.arenle at
Tlhlcn, Neli, fiom haturday till Monday.
Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mm. W, II. Klkendall of Mur
ia liied Ihe firni of tho wiek al the
I, I.. 1 1 tat hlun home.
Mien .Maude Hulilwin ha been elected
Iron In r of the rnncitite nchool aouth of
low ii foi I're conning car.
At Ihe ne. oid iIIhiiuI Minday 'hnn
I'fiiM enl ion held her' erloenilii Ihe fnl.
h.wliiK of tier i for the enaiilng jeuc v.vir
' ehcted l're(ilen(, l!ev. I) , Kiimiilfll,
I 'i letary-lrenniirer, Minn Mia I'hillpn.
Iiillll W. Iliihga Wnn tin thr lliiiNli4
inniUel Tucnitiiy luiylnu a miiIoiii of
: )olllig row till hi fill III.
Minn Klny 1'aiimlnt, who al
Murdiiik, npnil Hnuila al lonne
Mr a Alh e nr. I Minn Tiennlf Kllelaili,
wlio ate ciiiilovcil In l.lncnln, weie a
I t.mite our Htiiid'iv
I The n ' I elm-led ofiiiiM of Ihe Hi
lloiidn enniN ialli.n nie I'l cnlileiil li
I llofine; im i elm , Ii enniuer, l,low o
i colt
I Minn (ail Jenneii of Hi ay. la., I, vlni
i log III Hie I! l,Ut.n Imlne
Mia A Mifimr leliuiied Ihln
fmni I 'oi i limit, in", v looe rihr han , rr
the laal neeinl inonllin
I Mir Will eioncr of l.'ii 'ilii bun he. i
' ltlliiK at the iteoiije Hiniier home
i Mia ,la men I'lilhiol tlalli-d In Wlnl
Th lieorge Hageuinii fnmllv hn left
for II new home l W ry, olo
Ma erna hear of ( Hi In liruo la inn
ing her ftlind. Mi Merl M. Namee.
.foli ii Muiii of 'iiand llnnd I" ilalhnv
the 1'eler Hun, f urm I .
Mlaae Mry Hleikn od Irene ilmo
npenl the vacation week with home follm
Mr and Mrn iln Tlmin etiiertaliied a'
a hlrthdny tnv liint Miinihi
Mln Mnn lloiliiian enlrilalned a uoni
her of lUiuilm fiohiln al hei home Innl
Hunda y.
l-lghlli grade etiiiitinniloiia for Hie
clnioln of thin v. tnll will he lieU) heir
Thoiy and I'rulnj
Mian Mominei- f iiunt (I held an
enlruahle enlerialnuienl and l. ocll
Filday eienli.g.
An alarm of flie inlleil ihe rleji rl merit
le Ihe Will I'ii. linen home Moinlnv afier
noon, wheie a hiill'ii linile or alci had
filled the kitchen noli nlcmn
lula WlMe, an oi II ,enra d.iugliler of
Mia Minnie S Hie ilicteiani alurde
et en Otoahn liria'itlnl following an op
erallon for aiulc appendh HI The (u
lieral took plm c Moudiv fietnoon, with
Inierinenl In the, l'roaiec Hill cenielety
near lilkhorn.
I'e pillion,
Judge nd Mr .Inmc T, llegley were
at I'lflltnmoiilh Tuenday
Mia Marraret Haeetman if rimnha
xx-ee a Hunday guent rif the C f Went
Mra. Hugh Irfinklree and children of
rnmde ie vlniting Mr, nd Mrn, f red
Trniuiilo Ih'a week.
Mr. U, A Thouiimoii ami children
apent tha flrnt of the week wllh rela
tive at i 'nunc!! Illtiffn,,
Mia Marv I'lait and Mr I'harle
f'leit llende( ti,e dinith i ilc. Imiiniory
contet at Kremonl Thiiiday.
A recaption for vlaltlng l-;iideavoreia
waa given by Ih local t ci f' tulay
evening ) Ihe home of Mia. K. M. Ken
nedy. Unila Hultcr, jr., lefl Momlny for
Ylinia Arltf. ui.eie I, e ,,,im,..i ...
111111 for anme time on c. oonl of poof.
li.-w i ' li ,
The lth annml I'lnlnilan lindeavor
eoiiverilliin fr thl dlnllfct onvened
Krldav afternoon at Hie l'renh terlan
church and clonea Hunday evening.
Notwithstanding world-wide war conditions, we are still able to supply nearly every
article for which any considerable demand exists hereabouts in Retail Drug Stores, Our
splendid connections, both with manufacturers and importers, has served us well. We
have entirely "shouldered" or absorbed the War Stamp Tax, and have not passed mar.
kct advances on to our customers until such advance has been made necessary by new
Come to us first and you will realize now more than ever the truth of our business slo
gan: "YouSave Time and Money by Trading at the Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores."
' Toilet Goods Specials (or Saturday
I'ci-i-inlnl4, '1 fur Ztt
S iicnlan (iuni, ii ftc pkgn . ,,,
Rubber Goods
We buy our Kubber lionil di
rect from fiiciotie gnd can nugr
ante auine to lie In prime conill
tlon. Nearly t.Ooil aillclen in Ihe
lluliher (rood line. f liave
nklllcrl aalcnineii ami aalenlmllcx
end filler In iitir lltibbcxr (Hwla,
'l iiiaa ami Hliniililnr llrnatx lriarl
inrnt. Hume of Ihetn have dune
(hi w nrl for n for 12 lo 15 jrr.
'trie oIIiih box
Innlli Ki-iikli,
'rupli) luetic
German Reichstag
Approves Budgets
eaw4je . ... eirawnewai
An giornliier that (Joe not wmli
ln'l worth gnylhlnn, Th one llk
fill rut I dimple In Dii'lianliini
nd docan't ct out of repair
Choice Fresh Candies
Mb, box A1xlx Clienlii,
Woodward' Candle-,
Proprietary Medicines at
Cut Prices
! 25c Ali'tirk' I'oloil I'lua 1 n
ler. a I ... 1C
Mionio Hcllcr, HCin
; :Ut nd JC
i ;'6c Cgiler'a Mill Mvcr in
1 I'lll, l lnteC
6 Of I'kldweir Xynip I'ep
aln, a I
: f,r lliikn' Kidney I'lll.
1 I'ailier John'a McUi'lne,
; at
l-cUowa' Hjiup,
H.'id (luile IVpto Man-
1 Min. a I
2br Hill' ( kihi,i
Quinine, hi
' llnrllik Mulled Milk.
i 31V '"!
f 1 .00 llyotlicl, i'0liipcc,
MalVrine,' 1 f,
Mcllin rood,
and . , , , , , .
b"c I'ape'a l'iuicpln,
f 1,00 I'lnkliaiii' Com-
pound, Al . ,
Dijc I'fboi-o Tool It Taut,
lARfU'n Klert t'lint'olalea Ifvery
niece roniaininc a nut, fruit or
noil k l lenier), per
lb al
Halnty Uutili IHInlila,
4 -lb., al
1 II)., at
O'lirlen'a "lap Vear''
Mftaett' Fruit. Conllala
Chnrolalca, 4 lb
I Hi , at
84 c
34 c
HuMlepatlra, J Of, fj
34 c
tOc Hyrnp of I'll,
fcdr Hi'oit'a 1','mtilalon,
2 6 1! Tlz, for lender fed,
Tfit WIIiiniii' Mlac Toilet OQ
1 Wafer, at , , , OJC
' 7 Kirk IH-riiiiid.t Toilet
Water, at ,
I '.tiw l(i kc ker'a Cold
( ream, al
; Mlc I.zcll'a llrlwood Face OQ
; Powder, al wi7C
I hiif Madam tac'bell' Face
! Powder, at ,
47)1 White Hone 8oap, 2c
I in In rink Ixii'liat llloaaotil HQ
j Kiraci, per tit., 3C
' IIi'Iiik ii onr "Mnril" Precrlp
: tloita; e aliall llilrik (licin enay.
Pure DRUGS Fresh
; Witch llaxel,
j 11 tint tin,
! Wood Alcohol,
' lre bottle , , , . ,
j Illnkle Tabid,
i I'll fnf ,,,
Quinine Chp'iiiIc,
2 (1 1 1 en , , ,
i Arom ('aalor Oil,
t Honey Oil
j loo HlMtid'a Iron Toiilc
I I'lll. al.
2 Aaplrln Tablet or Of
Cpule, at ODC
Smokers, Remember Saturday in
Our Cipr Dept.
I0 Prcfercix la, g
lite Cubanotd. nr
4 for 6ijC
c Iteynaldo (Irailloao. j f
emh, at XUC
6 Henry lieome,
llox of DO Mule Toma, f 1 Jf"
at 7 J. JJ
llox of ,riH Abulia He-
fcallaa, a
J In I lllii ling, lc l.e, r
Halurilii), al OC
r $1.35
I rep tlcllteiy ine)lier) lit
(iTHler Oinaliit nr Council
Kliiffa, Ti If plionn jour order.
AMUTPmrrAM, April I VI fxindnn,
April 7. The 5imn riechta today
adopted the committee revolution on
uhmailne war, aa well aa the hudaata
of the Imperial chancellor and the for- i
elan office. I
Sherman & ilftcConnell Drug Co.
Corner 16th and Dodge Streets
OWL DRUG CO.. 16th and Harney HARVARD 24th and Farnam
'Berg Suits Me."
The Suoerior
Value Givingof This Store
is best judSed by the merchandise it sells.
The New Spring Suits of
Kuppenheimer - Society Brand and Collegian
will Prove a Positive Surprise to, every patron.
They are clothes that have been designed by the
greatest experts in the art of dress Clothes
ef tailored with the skill of a master hand, from
zas rr fabrics that Show Quality in Lvery Thread.
' l- v .
I VI ,i t
.it' i .
1 V Ml
it In rem in I t ' "
allt lite iniii'itm, 1 '
l he wtiili i, d null N. t
I'mim'i ! i ii i ! v f'xm'
'1I I.H,llh'l' t 'h- ' 1
tl) 1'if . Il'.i'.l( I h lr ltii'l.
in l ent :n 'ft r-t ' nl ifnt.i-4 I ut i
I! . !. . I II .In !,
I .in. ), r 1 I,, ,(1,1,1 ii. h,
ll 4 til l 111,'4'lMll, il.l! : ,'1. l ,, . til)
an. !li,1( ,ir. t i .,a .. li
I t i r4l,--i ' t ' a . . I n-. ).i
ri.ii'.(' i.-' 1 1 i,. i !hici ate
f .4 ' ,1 ( l,e., ,1, , , '.. ,. I, I f, t
'' ' " I I ,'!,.
Sanmlr I i h I n Im Mull
' . . ... , . ,.4' t
' !,. i I M , -4l Htm I .', hm
,'' a .. ,i ,n . i
inc. i.i SfflK itiaaoi .
Ml av Vru Munvy -- llnnltt A eWe
rHrml iiiif Mime) ItnoHlnii
.1 list MlNl lull 'ft III H HllV
Hi'nu or Malttenn.
A M tt ro- ur l!tiv Siiring
i nunc tlniii likt'ly )i lie
aiiiiiiiK vnur limixt'liulil iii'i'iN
fur uiir i-1 'ft 1 1 ur IihUx'tIi'Iiii
in!. i't it n w at Km
iiitiiiil'j. Nt.tirt' tin prices
that me carded today und
tlllllnl IllW ill tilll' willdllWia,
l.ftivt' inn ni ili c now ith
tin' livindit'd, ul' ut In i iuni
luii ymii' MAttrtfi or Mn
Sirinn iIi'Iim rit htt'i ( 'mil
.iii. our prices -
Good Fflt Kdeje Roll Mt.
SUW, $5.75, tU.7U
High Orad Ttl, Roll
Itdgt, 43 IU .
87.5(1, $8.50, $!.75
Box Springn,
$1.75,910.50, ii:.,75,
im, Mli. m an. II mm li..!,
Nr4.l I il I i.lirl lirH l"i
l.n.l- al II U MnMi a
)C3 A V "e
m- ml".
$25!!0. Z J40
tfffZr lvien s
'i1 Nllll-o
ill I'Xt hiMVt' l-'alii ii'-i iiixl 'nii-t i'viith t
Mi ili'U l.iiMiritiiio aiiiiniU In uil tin
ta-ff of ui't ilit'-ciN Silk, Si'i'm1 'i
Muliair Intnl.
'250.0, 30., 35., 40.
Great Values iiY
Boy's Clothes
All the Advanced Styles
and Ideas
In urai'eful uiu, i anil ttiree-biit-Iiiii,
form filliiu, pinch bark nmd
In high namt line, alaniliiK
a IM 'ii I ill imt'kt't. nuft roll )eak(l
I ii tie I ii mill Hiiuirl nilnnlul w alHlfonta,
nke"liii, full nik nr iiinlutlr liner),
$15, $18, $20, $22.50
(Mm,) Hlle limp I It'll o Mlih.
Supreme Values in Topcoats
New alvli-N mihI itl.'ftiK, knit faliiir and inU
Ime, lliml, ili li iih ki t inuili-ln, In rolm Inga ahi
ill'') In I'leane ekeivliuitv all relit ilmifi lnler
In la and dun'l lar.' when vnn iiiwke rumparl
ami. IJit ie I iiulhina In lnwu In i'liiiti Ii thai
iiea, at
IUi hnl) . i ii )i . 1 1 i,f
Kultkii lie.ti'iful Dili wi-nix,
It ,il.. i-.i, ii' HI
til.. I e I'ii,, I, l,. k N.irfui4
Our Sprcial it $5.00
lii'M jlll.e S.ula S.ltllllk lual,
3 lull j f in' l e,' l, i . In
Ii nt It all .' 11 .llti II '.
. i " ' nr., oo
Confirmiiioii Suits
Special Values in Furnishings
UO Sn (. i l i,f hi Ii l
I I j . l vl . ., I.
.in. . ii 1 j .. I ii i , I I . I
I., r.i p., n' l.r 1. 1 . '
"! ' I I ; .. M i f,.
I h
12.50, 15.00 and 18.00
r Suits at $15 Oft
l a i
It wu
I'ltra tine
j ': " r I I ,. I ,
4' 1 S V - . "" 4-1 V..,.., i
I lie lir .1 ,iir. . ,,. , i f ,, Im ii. I lei I. ii n uf ' I i.t. , !,, , k n h d
il!4..ii4 e lie i irl l,iian
50c 75c $1.00
Interwmen llnaiery
!., rHllin, H h IIU, H( 4,n K.
t '' '- 1 9
' it" tftt -1
t n
d i a it t
i . i. . i, i
$3.85, $5.00. $7.50, $10.00
Thai are a Revelation
na4iMi4j -immmmm m'mmmaamammmmmj
S mi tt ill In- ItlliU 'i'd it! I In
tut 4 nil. r ut lliit j'l ir
1 i i i ii.' iiini n-nuu
tll' illUfi V ll , l,Mf
and im n i'.i i,i . u itnd
Hu n i m ii -s iili , i.'i ial
I Ul V W l ili' in Id I.. ta I at '
U , ti'i'lt I'll tiUI I'lll I t,i jfiva,
tl HI MI' Sl llll'l'llid Vltttl'''!, At
$i coo
I n .' u