Nebraska'? Nebraska a-a-l I SCHOOL CREDITS FOR GARDEN WORK Twenty-Three Uebraika Communi th to Make Gardening Part of Regular School Conne. PRACTICAL TRAISIlfO GIVEN LINCOLN, Aprtl 1. Twenty-thre ntta and village of Nebraak will mek gardening prt of the regular chool work th fmlnf mob, In co-operation with th itiuilin ervlc of th College of Jigrb-uitur, Kch child will under, take fi't only to ral th vegetable but to market them, dlp of aiuldiia product by canning. nil keep a care, fll record f Pne and reelH all, The local work will b In charge of a garden 'jprvlir hired iy ilia h'A board. 7he K.Henelon ,crvl' will fiirnlab blank, racnrila, Inat ruc tion hl, and apaHal lntrutni dur ing th e.n. Credit for th com pleted project will be allowed In mbool wot k, Th town which hv undertaken tb pro)'t re: Alliance, Aehlend, Auburn, teetrtra, lieneon, RlaJr, ( "Mitral City, t'hadron, roltirobua, Crete, Crawford, Falrburv, fremont, Kullrtnn, fJrnd laland, Moldrege, Howell, Kearney, Un coin, Nellgh, Peru, DMipertot, fttroin. biirg and I'nlvarally Mara, Herat (omaanaltf anferewe. A eonfarnia for rural Ufa woikcr III ha hld at tha Colleg of Aartuul tur from Juna H to 21, It la not tha porpoac of the conference to pro od li.alruaion In technical agricul ture, hut rthr to dtu men nl method for bringing about a better rural lommtinlly Ufa. Tha program will In clude lecture and dlciieluria oil tha rural church, )a fun'-tlon and program, i ha ronnlldled school; rcrtlon In rural rommunltl; bora and gin' Hub; farm management; r-irl ecnnnmleg; valua ft aoll culture, and animal husbandry. It la expat-led t have pr-ent Frof. C. I. Oaipin, lecturer on rural eociology of (ha t'nlveralty of Wlanln; O. II. Hn aon, national leder of Hoy' and i I r I ' club of tha fulled irtlatea liapartrnenl of Agriculture; Mia. Nallla K, Mnyd'r, canning demonalrator of tha ma de partment, and Herbert, M, Mora, who ha 'had tenlve eaprrlen' with. ro ligloua and m 11 .rveya, Kaadlaa tbliw Milk (a I alv. A dairy talf of ordinary vigor can be put on a klm milk dial at th aga of two or Hire wka, ar'ordltig to tha t'ollaga of Agrl'-ultura. Tha nhanga to kirn tnllk ahould ha gradual, Thla ihanga la brt made by aubatltullng fjoiind of aklm milk for a pound of whola milk at 'M fd until th if la r-'lvlng only aklm milk, Tha amount of aklm milk fa ahoul'l lit th nmi a that of tha whola milk hlih It raplaraa. Thla lll namlly b tn to twalv pound for a ralf two or tbraa waak old. A gradual ln r In tha milk ahould ba mrnir aa tha alf ro. until at tha aga of flva ruoiilha '.I racalvlnr aUlaan If) twatity pounrta 1ily, dT'ndlng upon th alxa of tlir alf. (Jalltnr tr 9t4 Cindy f'araon Inlaraatad In tha atud." of bird may b aaalatad by an nutlin on thla aibjait laauad by tha Collcg of Agriculture. Tha topi' a of tha laa una Imrlmla ralnt blnl, winter rl danlf, rl' aprlng migratory arrival, let migratory arrival, and additional note on tlia blrla to b i t.e.J for In J ma. Th outllna rontalna a Mbll ogipby of book and pemphlrte, man) of whlfh may ha obtained fraa or t a nominal rot. Th outline I prepared mpr laity for b In women nrgarilra tlona, hut my b had hy anyone In lareitad upon ppllr'atlnn to tha Bitan- ilon Kervlc, t'ollaga of Agriculture, ..Incoln. AGED MINISTER MAY DIE FROM KICK OF HORSE ARTHVn. Nab, April 7-nv J. D, Btewart, whoaa claim adjolna thla town on the north, waa dlwovarad near th an Irani a to hi atahla Wadnaaday iihiiii Ing about 1 In an unconcloui condition. II w only partly dreaaad. and thle led la the belief that he had reapnnded to aoma unutual nola in the barn during the night and had bean klktd by one of the horaee. Thla belief waa atrvngth i,ed by an ugly wound on tha aide of hie head, and the eavere tinlleea on the al duman. AH effort to revive th petlait hive been unavailing and faaia r en tertained for hi recovery. Hav, Mr, Htewart, who le 70 yeara of age, la on or th oldrat Congregational mlniatere In tha tte, having iriit tha laat thirty. IX tear In the Cunday Hchool ttlaalonary department of that denomination (r re ma to Arthur rotinly two )aare ago from Aurora, where h h r(did fnr a number of yeara FIVE NEW STATE BANKS GIVEN CHARTERS BY BOARD (from a tllaff Correaioiid"iil I.I.M1H.K, April J - (Hwlal.j five nrw aiat banka were aplrtrd bv (lie MtH Hanking lioar.l and ttialr thartrr lu4 t1 . The 'aftnata' eia'a tank of with a ajiial nt miii tnn.r i li ' l lil etl piealcb lit , . l t !..)( ia pn .1.1, i,i, mi.) . , ( ,n r I arotaia' Plat bun I. ef ('i.i lanital '" ! a. T t; fU-i..i,a, id of anj Amii'.i I'annati . i, 1 1 u ., it- I taimatt a' i a I. a, i , te ,f M, fciii , (,, lal i , tan iro,i mi. iMi,! i h '" ! .'. r till I" ( li,K, ,a I in 1,1 ei H a i, i,.i,. i r ui.t n lk ,. , nl ill (! l llf-.,, ,r , ''" Mi li.l tlHa t I', in it. I- I. hi ai- 1 a j ki ' li i. I i... t ei I a ii k if 1 i i. ia I irio I !- ii , MILLION ACRES OF LAND ADDED TO ASSESSMENT ROLL if'iwm Sleff I V i l-. U i.l ( i'i t iniwit () a t I pi4 A i .i tdiuiut H nti, tie ll ( fchhtt t . r.t.H . , , . . , tu e a t ut ' m,. i-t,i aH.-t tt tbg ,,.. iii iu4 w !! a a - ' I' I'm a pa, Ih im.ti,! (, i !.. 1,1 1 h .11. B I ., !!. ' 1 ' ' t i h i ef l.S, at. i. h a.ii mi 1,1 vj a iH'J ! I! I. .. . nil . , I),. .. !. til tjvte. I,,, hvmh mil) .j,) ii wa 4tt l ii. eatMt ie nit.-a .1 II Hilt l t i ,i tleie llaiall P aril i'w .'-t t4 i t-iiia i'ii .ii4 t .t, i.t afu A a. I t Mai in, t im a- i. i..e k iii I .. I , I a i - l Military Funeral For Beatrice Boy Killed on Border riWATRK'K, Neb., April T.-tJtpeoUI.)- A military funeral ronductad by trom pny C waa held her today for Adolph Onaffroy, the Ilaatrlre boy who w rldenlatly hot and killed laat Sunday by a romrade while petroling th Mlran border ae a regular aoldler. Rav, A. M. Ileim had charge of th eenbaa, which per held from the preebyterian church. Inlrrment waj In Evergreen Horn, tern. laiy. Thirty-eight gallon of polaon for go were aent to about farmer In (luge county yeaterday by Karm Damon- tralor Lleherg. Th gopher club T cpntlt orranlxad In tha county propoe to make wr on th peat for lb next few moiitha, Kull to collect IW from Morrt nd giigmund Htern of Kanaaa Ctty w Inatl- tutad In th dlalrlct rwurt yeaterday ry I If fanner of thl city, and an order of attachment on aome property they own In Mouth flaatrlco waa laaued. Mr. I'ennar llage that h old 40 cra of land for the mn, for which h we to receive Vvt) commlaalott, which ha not been paid, A, W, 'armlchel of t) Witt haa re calved a Inter from ft reaident of thai town In which wa (0 cant, which tha writer attd w for a hen which ha tola from Mr. Carmbhael thlrty-t.o year ago, Th Hrefbren church near Ifolmeavlll wlli be rededlcated Htinday, April An addrca will be given by fr, Kurt, pre. Idant of th collage at Mefbereon, Kn. Wcslcyan Engineer is Robbed of Forty Dollars by Two Men trvivrwaiTT vUACYi. Nea.. April 7, tUperlal.t-Mlle Jackaon, head engineer t the Wleyn power houae, w h'ld up rwl rold.ed while on ouiy in in' power plant about o'.-l.-sf k tin morning. Mr. Jurkaon had mounted a ladder to Inapact a lem gauge, when he heard a nola behind him and turned to f'e two maaked men, one of whom hld a gun In hi face, The other went through hla porkel. aec.urliig about . in men backed out of the engine room and ran north toward llavelo. two men weie entirahrtided about I o'clock, but thrr wa no poltlv proof agalnat them, ii l. .innnuit that th bandit b'iiinl-l atreet car for Jlavelock and made their eacap on om ttaln ajthourtf, Porn heliev tt waa the work of lc men, III panic concerned geemed to Stnow too many datall or location ano woiRing hour to be vgrnta or thano holdup men Job a pei.i. AVt'A, Neb, Af ill Hpeclal.Johii Itane- ke, agd about M r. rtlwl ye iart4- after ait lllrian Of evral wecka duration, Mr, (ianerk waa a pioneer of thla vidnliy, having located on a farm aniiiii of town many yeara ago, but moved ia Merlin Iii January thla leaf lie la gurvlved by hi widow, two nn d Iwn daughter. V Break a Child's Cold by Giving Syrup of Figs Look, Mother! Is tongue coat- ed, breath feverish and ,, stomach sour? Cleanse the little liver and bowels and they get well quickly. When nur child uffer from a cold dou t wait, Hive Ilia littla atnmach, llvr and bowol a gentln, thorough tlnlng at once. When i roaa, pelli, llalleaa. pale, doean t alecp, eat or act naturally if breath la bad, atoioai;h our, give a leaapooiiful of "California dyrup of Klga," and In a few hour all th clogged iip, i'onliiicl wale our bile and Pn digealed loud will gently move out of fli bowel, and vou hv a well, !ful iblld again. If jour cbllil roiigh. auutflea and h I at. gill colli ur I (evelUh or ha a anre throat th'd a good dime of "California -rup of P'lg.". lo aiuale iie bowe'a no different wbal othci tiealnient Ii gl.eil. Kirk llill'lu'il lie,. In I be uniM to taKa thla tiainili a fi -nil lmnlia.'' Mllhima of ntothei keep It bandv bei-aitae Ihejr know lie ncilmi iyi tue aniiiiiiiii. nri and Imwela la iirnmpt and "i. They a an know a Utile givn ta hui a au k child tuiiini u Aak inur ltuli lor t Mtant bnltla of 'tlfitliila trupf I in. ' milch ion- tain diteiilmi for tmlura, rl.lldren ot all age ami for giuen uin pialnlv en Ida tmitle Hrweie of roiuiin f. n i.ii.i Kara Hal Hie gaiiume, iiiaiie In iba t allfiimi Fig Pt" I imipanv ' A CLEAR COMPLEXION') Iluililf (lierk ftiMtkllng Wt'inrii an Hat, Hi, Swaa a Will'lim Okie rkr.tUaw. t-l y leoi.ll ,.e II ..... ... . , axiiea t i" rr ii and i-m.i , i i puiiHg t'iaa iai ae i t., i.., i 'a '. k-t la . (, ell nt, la( lilai.,lii,l( 'Ik ll eil. nM,iug tha 14 i( ,,,,i, ,. 1 w L-1 , t . i. will had mam k Uall .l ia,Mf. thta !' w axlai ami.i, s, tt it. a-iit k-aai, i, a ia .e a 1 ei ig i.t t, IMtt gel ia.... j e-al'.i t.. ta,H v ,aa If '4 !. a ! J ...I , eiHiiaa, .'i4 I a ,, I,. 1 a llativa K f - 4 Im,I vt i. ti,. ma ! taa ea l f Mt t'li-e tf'il eii,i a " - e th e-aa-i i.a .ia .,.. I a watt a iae. take I f ) ' " li-eta ) aul tKaa ) .1 I k'i I -a t ,. ( auutw .lii la ( ia (i'i, f.a ,aafv,l a.tatnaa In inmil ta a4 K ga t . All at' a' lal lMi I . v I iiii l, .iatla I ! THE BEE: DRY LEADER TALKS OF TOWNELECTIONS Chairman Thompson Say Result Sixty-Seven Fewer Slooni in the State, JOLT FOR THOUGHTLESS MEN MNCOLN, April 7. ( BpcrUI, ) "Thn rnatilt n b rcent town lr- (tria Ttffurtii a, h u i iVi t - r fj.t I a tj ( jf yiVf, Tf 1 1 R I, I It'- I J 1 J ii 'Jt I (1 I-1 fit tiua rldlmcd, lhnt (he away of popu - Ur opinion I, "iron .K.m.t th - . " ,, loon )n thl it, ' ld W, T. Thonipaon, rlielrman of the N branka dry ainpiilr) cotunilitr', lo day. "Th dry forcg rkpiurnd twenty-five; wrt town and ousted gevenly-klg galoonn, The, wt'la cap tured li dry town where thrr will not likely ( tuore than nln ati loon.t Iriaiigurtited, It I u mduc llotr of lt.y-vn Mloong in the tt,a, and conacrviitlvn oniimutod 1om In har rtciilptit to ih liquor Intffir: In IIiIh tnt of ovr-r $1,000, 0i)i) tor tha next your. "In the twenty-five l',wna luiiu-d tiom wet to dry there ere t:i,M" pcn,e. In lli, aim f,wri turned from iliy to w t tln rc r 7,WH) people, lit the I nri'y -five town lb dry majority bviii i w, ijt v nlu in 'lie wia lowoa Hf lifii, i 4i aerHK"j majority ia eleven.'. Awing', the townal . . . J . . . . ' . . i . . I In tha al tOWh acil'd, Adl Ji liverMga turnad from wet jo dry therifar". aevernl li.rgc nu proimnetit towna, al" II a lie trbe, Kali bury, Mc'Vik, f'lnidfoii, Mu perlor.'.Xvrth finite, Hufton iimi Wnhoo ai I The Highest Attainment in Hand afl 1 i j ! 1Kll J Hats for Smart Dressers Derby and iil it Heln t nlnrliig" $200 $ mm mmi 151CV1S V-0 l'AKNAM STU8ET. e.i.J ' ! "I iU .m, .aa 'JffM .01 OMAHA. SATURDAY, Al'ItfL . lfllfi. The wrt-i carried only ona of the larger town, l'atla flty. Jolt r IpnPBMIeaa Map, rt a a lotf that will change the atti tude of Ihouaand of thoughtleaa men who have voted wet, not baj-Jiuea they really wanted aaloona, but ber-auae they w,ntd to be with what, they thought waa the winning; bl. Another vota In theae am town now would put mora of them In the dry llat. "It a rebuke to th National Ud'iof Dealer' aaaori t Ion, that ha pent llge aurri of money flooding th atte with literature that ha Ptrntly aroueed end emphaalged rather than leaaaned tb or -rcinltlon ti Ita bualneae. "If a Jolt, to the aalootl keeper of the I IP m. J" I ' "? "''" ' ' atat ' helng heavily aaaeaaad on i,h' I torcca allelic on their part their money .., ,.., will talk af election Committee ' Konraaef, "It wa a part of tha plan of the !! committee to encourage th- town corj teat l Ibl Urn, th judgment bln that the reault would atlmulaW tb dry f-.rcea all over th atita. Thera ar c,or i,f other town that would have g"n dry If the dry had had th faith and courage to wag tha fight. "In behalf of lb tt eommltt J nant t'l thank- tb hundred of earneat and efficient, worker who hava helped win thl preliminary conlt, W hav oualed aaventy-l aaloon. fow let' get (may to ouat them ll In November." Hurwel) Irry hy Ml Majority. KI UVVKU,, Neb, April 7- (Mpecal.H At t,. city election held hcra Ttiady tl.e entlro democratlo tl' ket, c,rillln of I , if. mrney, I', r, ii.iri,,,, m - ttrunkemayer, wa ele'teil, Tti " . . . -.1 I'l. ilaM, I,, 1 ('. Ir. Itlchey, I), V, llennlch and r, Die ealoon rpieetlon Wa 170 art "n ai blgii llcenee, giving the dry an lnorad mnlorlty, a It waa but fourteen lt year, fool Mill won by two vote, Tailored Clothes For particular men and men who appre ciate the necessity of wealing i;iuimc3 uujiw alon re fined an d d i- I nified lines. A man instinctively stiffens his should ers and feels at hi ease when he wears . or ''Tailoring a I It's the conscious ness of absolutely correct apparel, suited to his age. Costs no more than for ordinary clothes. Suite or Topcoats "15 $20 $2B j A skillful and care ful filling Kfrvice is without any extra charge. If we can't please you its be- i a I a I cause y o u wont tell ui. .Soft Styles 000 $400 1 t I'l'I.f II ill v A i r " waeaevi mnn,vwimumv I iUlWlW..;Ji-U l-udU.,iMi-.ill.,.H. , it mi Aa This Chinese tt ,i I Cedar Chest At the Union Outfitting I Moths Cannot Possibly Live in This Cedar Chest Kd Oilar 1 untieMtlonably tb irnateat Molb pravenUtlva that tin bmn flla:ovreJ by modern grnfi, It In r morn effevtlya than eamphor ballg and :arlnly far mor dalUht fttl Id fh genan of amll than tb onnonlou Camphor Rallg. GOODS SOLD OUT OF TOWN ON EASY PAY MENTS. FREIGHT PAID TWO HUNDRED MILES, No freight paid on Specials, DRESS FORMS Be ynur own dreinJir and Increaae four rloftieia ward rube at Utile eena, Kvery Imrt a adJuat able to your own rrieaaura nieita, I'ollap. lla and when not In uae o;u iee only it mall apa' 12 aeciion tor m, only- L "we;.i-v - -IXJ if H h DOSSTaM, ZXTCMtlOn TABLtf. ,uai Ilk cut, Mad of nlld nak and flnlahed gul'leti. Uik circular tub 5 , r l l! IB r i', r. $10.75 flltel with D-fimt all'ten, r ri II n it iiedaalal ba, Worth 1 1 UMH. a I ti h e, , , PEOPLE'S STORE. i.i i-a ri..ii'iii"i- 'iiMi-'Hnit'in,!'i I-- i!.eti,i iriiin'i:ra.iieiwH; Saturday Is the Last Day nf vaikiion atul your lt i Imnc'M In gut a Pftlr 11? the fluent aline made for f'ntr hoy in timr t" actiooi Mon tliiy. TEEL HOD HOES Ji I in Ihe beautiful hiHlna I1) that ih l" Minna' aliuaia JI"I the ItM'a .nr ileel Hliod ill toil m rtr t pitir nf ihe ordi itatc hniil lb.) I to .v J V I lit I,. itil. In J- I' IU I I. ItHI rexel Shoe Co. 1 1 lit I amain HtnM, " I i'i f 1. H $9.45 llMIIW afwramwHeiaMaiiU'i iii! Jtt emiiiMiHi " r",'i,'l,"",,Ki;f'w;''!?l'i'""' mmm-vw n ii'V ij tewrjt'Twtl ..u,J.l.iit,n., Kli J- li . Ueu.lil. ,iUJrt:'lH)taii,H....M.!.l4ii.ll-..iii"' lite J..l 4. ,.H4.:...KI'.. 1 abb ak H. mmd i V Chippendale tied iW On Sale Tomorrow Large Enough for Every Ar. tide of Wearing Apparel Thla Cealar Hieat U not a atnall, hkltnpy gUed Cbt, but a lara:), magalvely dfglxtied rhuafi larn notiKh for all aorta of wearing apparl. It ' la niado with a diiat-proof top, atronly raatfiretl and with atrong hanrlla jfrlpg at th aid. Iioautlfully irimrnd with roptHir, aOHI mwimo MAOKina are gold yi,ii under i',alllv guarajilea that tliey will give ynu perfect aAtlefartloii. The cabinet work la f oak rvl the ma'lilna work la heavily blak ermnieleil and nickel trimmed, Tby are eaay riiniiln iIhk; full have drop hea1 attncbenient and et of patentail aawlng jnaihln attachemanta. HiiectM.1 price ftOa Wkly. $17.50 This Columbia Grafanola and 12 Latest i Records TBBT TEKMS liMf faTS llillfji I I 1 3 OPPOSITE HOTEL ROME. mi'i'Mi; trwi'eiCHf,.',.., .ii,iti;itci"r"t1 :ii'ip'!,i''!it'w!ii' . .'1 - A . ". .! , .' r( .. i - , ft- 1 EDWIN FALLOON Noet-fgrllaan CndMl tor JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT Mi, rllKin hail (mm Qln". wa r.lito -'l OI.., rniiir. -ml K Un a tKt.fl U-l I -ll City. NU a.ka, ,.r U H jrttaia 8jBijtEp $ n T)5U i Company TERMS. tl.SO CASH, Sl.CO MONTHLY You'll Please Us by E ringing the Illustration With You You couldn't do anything; that would iilcnac ug morn than bring; f ho llluatrullon with you lo conipare with th chnat lt.lf. Wa will not tolerate, tha alight Mt gaKKeratlon. It I bwcauao our advurtlHlna; I beHrd in that ptypla ar ao quick to tnka advantage, of tticao gpccUt ga.1". THREE ROOM IIAf fF 4 OUTFITS Spaclal M.oo wownar r Garden and Household Specialties Charga thm If you wlah, Oardnn rakea, Una kind, worth 30o. OardfTi Hoeg, forced, worth 30c, aalfl prlcn twalva 19c rln- 19c Btp laddflri, 6-ft. alio; worth 715c ; fTflu apclal 335 Rpading Fork with four pron.; worth 60c; apejtrlal, 490 r?ithia hamper, Well rtile nf iHr,t wooil. Worili 1 1. fttl, al TCa ' a Jronln board. Well mad and a d ) u la ble. Worth f ft, price ,', 95C ts ii r t a In t retcher. Klrong, Bl ,1 it a t a b I a f r a m a. Worth II 26 "o- fine ii. a i. , ' t ; J, jr,J: . ' .. , f , f " f 1 ' n 0f w Hi wmm 1 W-e" Is i 1 1 HMiiajal "an"