Till: P.KH: OMAHA. SATI'IJDAV. AlMMIi s, lyai. 3 s Nebraska COUNTIES MUST PAY FOR CARE OF INSANE Jleferee Broady File Beport in Action Brought in State Supreme Court, STANTON AM) CAGE INVOLVED (I'ViM a Ktiiff f'nirfapniiiiaiit i I.1N'U!,N, Ned,, April J, -.iH.ae Ti t-truti ) Winn W, H, Jfotwiiij f Itnmlm a afflta auditor lia l.egaii rnmiialdii tiit Ida i'fIIMIhh of fire flue 111 elata Onm eavftal co'ini leu for of lii- ItHl-Mlk lit tlw eavlllllie. J It 'iiii Inafaii'fa llieae ammilita ran Up )i;o (I. nHmirtM i,t illi,ra for iach rouiity, tlm ttliula afurraallnif eliout ',M. II" kii nf n ri ifltlntf eatlla futula I',;i mot "f lh cmtioee, Imt lit (Iimii r"ltcj oll-'fion tit Ilia aimmiiia aii.J mil to ult I'mvi'ni. "li''iiti, Tl' tiiatiar a nfci'n to th e'linaiiie imirl, and 4, Jf, Itr'iafly of Un Clio waa aiiliili"l T"ti'ift to look up (! tnnf tr ami n-ioit to the rourt. Thin to- laa iloim ami toJy filed Ma report alumina tliat xiiiBion fmiiity, (lie on on Willi h Ida lea' waa ma1, taa llabla to tin efat for !li fiill amount rtu, a ixirt tf wlil''h l.eil Imfii fialrf, Iravfuyr M flrim of I", fee timnlf, aleo, Oafe coiiity, whirl) aa atr.t frttitotln ' )"! Ion, wlillc I lii cum wnja mn diffi-ieiit, will alci ihv lo tmy, tha con li'lilloii of Hi nitinly Hint tha alaliita of limitation Imil fun not liilii aUiw4 by III fi frlm, Th iifii,l aiiHHnr, W. If. Hmlfh, haa orilKioH (o rolli'ri from other counll whlf'li bail iiml grnt'nt to fiey ami nif. of Hum Lave innla mnlHanif a ff'ilfl time to flllie, f,a'haafe f lb lale. The eiife ae rnaiim rMier today ,f the ric'iif of a clil for I'VUf,, the r auii of O.a iltnria of AUoriwy imnral VVlllia n.iij tn flifMlii; for jiwtH-riy whii'li ti irooKMi'ii't liad h',i'''l tfl tlm tln by ifhHin at th fact that tliir wi m ilaliiiaiiia who appi-areij ti linvn a. narhf, lo II, TM iroi'iiy wc of a pironal fliarait. r urol wna lift Uy Karl Maiifh nt Omaha, awl iiflxra aull in oort, In whl'h Mr, lii'H pari4 for th afl, tha roiirt dfi'lili-d In favor of tha afat", and h rli'" K waa r-lvH hy th aista trraa ufr Ihla morolii, TUia la aiioihi-r Omaha aalata for M' li Mr, I) ''"I la niaklnif a, fiHi, whl'-li Involvra ahout W,.W, former! th prop, irly lit Jamen !la, In whlh an ffort la hflnar rnai In a;nnr It by ll(4 j-al-(lvt-a and wlili'h lha atUirify wrat Mi-vaa ihi-y liava no rl-ht to, Jia will aiar in Muria tharn ahortly and ftidani'or i aiiir tha proinriy for tha aii, . Nebraska STRICT ROLE FOR HAIL MEN Complete Change in Officer! Nebraska Company Muit Be Made. of HYMENEAL- lli'l ormlf l-iulrra. iflna Wi1ia M'lulr-, daushtjrf V i'lulrfa of th'i-atut, Knit., and Kvrra.lt JHrfforroh k of Ti'karnah, Nb wra mar-i rl"d by H-v, t'harl W, Hnvldica at hia i'lijiia Wfrdopaduv aft''fiiooii at 1;9, Th hrldw'a filnr and Oaorga 0, rg ' I' loriipaiili'd thi-m, LICENSE HANGS IN BALANCE il'iom a Bluff ('iirra)i'in4?nt.j USfOUS. April 7,-iH,khI.)-A iom-pli-l" hat)a In I ho offli'a of Hi'? N hruaka Mall Iitaurama ompiiv of ilnl- 1 Inaa will liava lo ho made hrfore Iib j Main limnraiirn hoard will linn a IliPiian I lii llnm lo do bualna In Ihla aiiilp. ! Thla In ffffi t la Ihn icnolnllmi paaal hy llin alula hoard and lanued hy In- anianra t'omrnlaalonnr J-.aalhnm, Mmli coinpliiliit haa coma lo tl In- aniiiiu a roimnlaalohrr durlna; lh lul y-in ifnrdliiM fnllurn of tha company lo a( tl liiaiirancfl loan'ia, It hclna ahown by Urn d'Piliniit flml only ahout ZTi prr lint of Ilia hall loaf a wi r piiid In lfij.", A liw riile adoplpJ ,y Hip InanmiKd hoard llinlta thr anioiitit of anlarUa to ho paid to nffp-ma anoiilliia In (he ainoiilit of hualni'iia don hy Ihn com. puny, A pr'aldrnt iinio, howi-vcr, rr. 'ilvn motf! than II, p-r yrar, unlraa h alao ai'la aa iiuuiaai-r of thr com pany, whi-n lia can draw not ovrr !,". Another rufe rnvilna ihi compniilra li Include In lh pn'mhun aaaiaamcnla col lided from iniioliiia whalnver amnon! ay ha n"d"d lo pay tha conimlalona of nai'n'a, not i-pdlna; a ccrtnln pi-rcfiil-iiaa of tha poiliy In cu, h liiaiwitra. In (lia lact (ommlfioiii'ia havit hicii paid out at olhar fonda. Tha liiA'iiani'fl liomd alao adoplfd a mla whl' h will allow fra'crniii limuinni c, an ai aamoiit and mutual compuMca to Itivcui Ihi-lr fnnda In Inixailon honda, anhldl lo lha approval of tha hoard. North Platte Drys Celebrate Victory .VOIlTIf J'lATTK, ND., April l. -IHpn. clal,-'h )rya jild a calrhrallon of their vldory laat rvanlng In Dm I'rca hytarlan hiirch, at which a tnirnlwr of apvarhra wcra rondo hy tha workara III tha cmira and frlcnda Inlficatcd therein It waa f'aolvcd Ihnt (IioiikIi N'orlh I'ImKc Imd voted dry hy a drrllvn niajorlly and would nivr have aiifoona aitnln, that tivrtVlca lha oixinlznilun whk'h had worked to firing ahout Ihla leaull ahould h kept Iniii't, ao thitt lha IPpior lawa ahould h duly enforced attor the i lly went dry at t he" end of thla month, After tha trwlhn( a lunch waa aerveif in lha parloia of lha church, DAUGHTER IS BORN TO MR. AND MRS.PHIL ACKERMAN (from tt Hlafr rorreaponileni,) IJM'orX, April 7,--'Hpiwlal.;-!f hold men, cafa and reataiiranl kecrera want to hreak tho law, now la tha chance, for Colonel I'hlllp Aekerman , hotel ioiii mlaafonar, will ha hilay talking goo K"" languaita and dolor pedortatnn alunia with a brand new hahy girl which waa pra aenled to film hy Mra. A'kernian laat niaht. Tha Utile girt will ha known aa Mlna Katherln JJope Acknrman. Nebraska HUGHES LOGICAL MAN FOR POSITION Captain Allen 0, Fiiher of t'hadron Sayi He Fmdi Voten of One Mind, STRAWS SHOW THE CURRENT fKrom u Mliiff 'orreponiehi i J,lNciaN, Apill " iMp'thill lliighea aentlinetit In north .Ni-nraaka l ci,,l llilily aliong, Bivoidlnu lo I'apialn Allen ), Haher of I'hinlioii, who allind'd a aeaalim of t tie anpreoii' couit today. Ill tlie opinion of ttali I'lahcr all II la niceaaaiy lo do la to linpiena upon the inlnda of tha ti puhlh an voieia of lha alatn (hut they ahould writ In tha paiim of fharlia K. Il.inhea on tho prifctenia IrM Hot and lha JuIm" will teeelva a-if-fpleol votea to Klve him flip (P li Million from thla atnfe, "lie la the loxh al i alidnlnl," aiild liie t'hadion attomey, "and If he loida the republican ll''k"t In (lie gcncml edition, deuiocinla inliihl Joi an well thin up (he apoiiKe mid take Ihclr loidh tli" like lit I lit no ii and iiuike up their iiilmla that Ihe comity will ho cm right III the )eia Id (.nine," A Iikiii who Inteieated III the mat. lef of writing III the nmna of ll'igbea on lha hiillot look a lltilo lime ihla morning and lIMrlMitcd allpa whl h have he'll picpjiied allowing how to Wlile III Ihe name, of lluKhca. lie Ma ''( he found only una man who had dmiiita on tii auhlert, "llonrev-er," h aald, "If I Ihouahl tha volera would tale hold of Ihe tuallei I would not only wilte (he mime In, hil j would work aloiiK that Una to lr'l' tiiuae long." I'teada (iMlfly In llaralarr. !KATI!l''t;, Neli,, Aptll 3 .- tPperlnl Trlegram ; llriy Willliina, one of Ihe thien men auealed at ('oitliind lt week, aiapcctcf of having tohhed the Kdwanl hardwaic aloie at Vlrglhl on Ihe night of March ?, lo,ly plmded guilty In lha rtlatflct com I. to the i hinge of hurglarly and waa aeiiteii'id lo from ulie to aeven yeiifa In Ihe pHillenli. Mia pula. Mike Wiley and ileuim ln,,wu will have lhe!r preliminary het Moil day, The men any they live at Kalian ('My. I Mlnrt elcbreteg Bock Hear. A rara and mellow old brew, jpiaraiv teeil to ha agd ivr al montha. lom't fall to order caaa or two fir your home. It la a real treat. 1'hona ('hue Htorr., Vh. JJW. fJanted 50,000 Farm Hands of experience it once on the firmi ot WESTERN CANADA To rt'piVe iht young hmnern who have cnWtieA for th war. Ooot wa'H aii'l full mHH(m'n work ftHHurf. There H M danger f pelblllty f Conscription In Canada. nfrfnri riilril from all appll fgnia. Tor p-,l rail way ratf and othr infortnatlon aeplr to W.V.BENNETT, aVoom 4, Bae Bldg., Omaha, Wefc. Aatbor1a4 Owaa4Jaa OoTarnmaot Agaat, K-O VE'EiB MERE TO WITM GROWIIIG OMAHA" O 0 EAT0 1M1 415-17 So.MiSt K Omaha's Housefurnishing Headquarters Phone D-335, ip' jjr w o Ym Are rfially taited to Attend A Spdal of the 0111 - GasHiE lk St At TMo Str Ssitwrdlay, April 0 A lml"n vxl"'l wiH I"" in n'li-laiil tillcliilitiui'. Vt Kiiiiw inn will In' inh ii .iil h Mt iliX u i w tiiiiji'i'Ail n!ue tlml hiini t itluT t'll t'f KH 'till i' witinuil itu i lunu't' v.U ii.K " I' it't, Mu. II,,,...-, Mthin a, tit ONE THIRD THE COST. Ih Wkko to Bum Oil Utti th Ceneretint3urnCeol!ni T'H ' Wtl ( .I lli'tli', Mill li.if 'l t Hl nlil, I (tln I Ui! l.lVtllli", A l UlM Kill tl (ttf tip-Ill Wltllitllf Ij tin' ImM iluiii r. Nut nil tlu'ir tt.ml tVuhiVi-n t n- fll t ...I'. .1. it ,..! u ill. . i.. I i' i i i i i ii nc i i n 1 1 ii i hi i'ii mill rin, , 1 1 t I'll llull lit Wl.lnli ll'lll ii tilt wlllli'.- Il ! WII lll fill ii hi , In mil- wit In lnuujii.it , Nebraska Sidney Workmen Observe Anniversary eliM.V, ,Nen, Aptil ", 'Hi i . I ll 'liic di ii oi t The twenty. fifth iiion im y ol ridiur loda , i'"'. Acieoi imi, i ,l I nlleij W olkuicii, aaa i i, in ad ! i fcrllll'l a'e I. In eil'tllhU. 'I hn I'fca i. ,it, l waa pa df'l Willi n laim aid line, 'llm pihuipul aptiikeia Ki'l". Il fiht Ji,ln II ll Uilui.a of Noiil I'laHe, and Juai ph I Miei fchlci n( tl. gland finance; comtulliee l!( firahmenla followed el the l'1j' lui'lii alul ahol liiliiii wii. ri'i'le I. pliilullielil lli lulu uf ll.c mil' i KEMP AND BURKETT TALK TO REPUBLICANS ilioiit a fcl'iff I'm ii apoiiil, lit I I.IM'iil.V Ainl ! i,iiiill jnca Ii r l ouiitf ri puhllcaim held an i nHiualaa th- miclliig al the f.lndell iole a ill fofliim hi. I n'uht, It luh llrfi pllu 'lial apeiikira wile eiiuiloi I tl keinji on, 'Vnaioi I. .1 liuikMi of Mm o n, Senator llinretl left Imlny tor i hi 'ago, where he will .( i hi. a Idiraa at the annual hmn. ., I uf im llaiullliui chili of I'ook ci'iiiir lomoii'iw i -i-iihu AGED IOWA WOMAN DIES AT SHENANDOAH ll,NAMi'MII. la. Apt II 7. i (.. 11.I Tell gram, I A plntieei woman bit lived lly four yeaia on one futiu and who with her huahniid fotd'd 1 i on hm an back and pi' kid lie fnl linn fmio Taikln (owiaiilp lo liu new e'll ui-iii of t'latlnda III early iln'.a, lli In.!, Aim 'Jflftey, filed al the hoiiii id bet 'dl, .laftiea llllffey, ,r N'ill h, lnl nhfhl Mhe hid been al' k Wi'h plieumolilil aey . e weelia, HUr Waa l ;eaia old. HUNDRED MEN TO GREET CANDIDATES One Hundrfd find Tn Bepublicani Nsmed on Rccrption Committee of McKmlfy Club. BIG SMOKER AT ROME HOTEL "nt hiiiiilii'd arid ten nifti nitiMll nir tho tci fptmii iiiiiimlttefi fur Ihe '1 Mi Klnli y (lull Miinkr-r 10 tin held ,it tho Kom. lintel til I'.Zti ihla 'I-I. . ..ll.. .....lu,. ii'lllllK. I lie M'ri'puuil I lllll III 1 1 I I J ifl him J'imI In en lompletcd. Ilcnry ll, KaUlnook, rttidnlntf fnf ' ii,e fifiiiiifiHf Ion fur prfaidenf; John ' ' ,. Kenni'dy, canilirtale fur lha niiml- J iwlinri for I nltei) Mtaiea aengior; fdniitnr Citmnilna of Iowa, indldaf fi r Ihf ii'iiiiliiailuii fur prailefit, j I'tuJ iiigfiy other aniidaica or of-, f iff- of tiinrn 01 le Impiii iante ar j lo ("pink. ' j Thla I- lo he a timeial good f'-Huw.ihlp: ii'eeilng Willi llt'le (otiiiallty, liilli,;i.4 la the Hal of Ihn nepllin 1 iiiiiiiiti li f. aa Ju.l rumpled d ; J s". . h ffei la, chairman leorae II. Brawer, Hron riatk, Jeaaef. Mc.V'nlah, A rlliur I '. Hmfth, V,cni l!iaealer, I II Mlllafd. Vori ia IJw n, r 11 in W , K. Ilhoadea. II 11, I'ahuei, K .V I ueke r, ; 11. ii N I ' Olf lio.ite, Join. ' , lliilllli, I I. t:iadt, f llllchle, M II. 'I l otnpaOii, I 1 anU W . .I.idn'iti. luiil tel'en, A.i'. Kuai I J II I Bill, Ji , I, other luai" Jo). I, I, W ehf let , .1 V i hlel,, W', T Aulil, I'd 'Irlmea, Y -'.V. 1 laifca aluiria IIM 1 fiank Herd. K I Mmeaiii, I, g 1 ivo ISiiltie Vlllat, I I A, fttfh. Tlmmaa Lynch, W. f. Croahy, i", K, Voat. It. II. Mil hni 1, Y I', I'f ' !,. P. A. Krogan, John t. Thmatnn, 1 ', II, ( lain v. 'I, II Sinclair Jnaeph Mai io, I! I, l'ai'r"i.i, i: V, lliallev. Walter Ji,i.iiie, I'-dvaifl Mlai'ii, T, A. Yry. t ,1, 1 il f el , Tboinaa To. T I' ijuliilau, V, M l:iifion. I-, II T, rtlef 11, 1 1, t,. ' iati'Ui ,1 II llinimel, ll I. Iliir. ll V I'etiielaon, II C. Thouhia, 1 lark 1 rawfotd, '1' H luaai'l, i' l A'fia'H, H', II I 1.1 In, it. v, v, iiiiviir I , II. kutal, Jani'i Allan. Ii, II, l.lill . Hirsh -Wickwire Hand-Tailored, Ready-to-Wear CLOTHES FOR SPRING $2000 to $3500 E r-a 1 -A Enrich the Blood BTaofl'a Sareaparllla, a MpHnf Ma4otae, la Veaeeeary, Tawie. A , I, ..ii 1 , M , 1 aa ue, I M McWeiai.fi, T .1 M 1 Julie, U I ft I I I'levxlnilll, .leaee V I ' I 1 1 w , A I lloliolme. John 1 ' 1 'o iii. H I, tiimliii, ll lor Me 0,001 , g ii flu 1 ion f. I, Thf.i', Mwiahl Miller, Kinnk K ttiimf. T II, Miilteia, ji ; 11 ed tin; e, W ll llatleroili, llolelt I owell, I Klelalnd llarrtr I'eaf.a, Ji.hll I' I, Huh, Ham I', M11! afej, prank Mehithi 1 , ' h i,n 1 1 iinen, W ulaid Me l.achi nn, tii'i Holland, 1' I' teller, liel,i f lll'JIK, ( J Siariln, '' '', J'diua I, (' 1, il,,,, 1, f 'handler Trimble, John K Hilaaa S A Fi.tii.ili, ' I, V li'Me, 11 i'. If'dl fc, 1' ; l.laiitei, II II , niuoi 11. laniii M. tiliu(, v niioi wen, I'barlea V, Mel, H'lbody la trnilhleil at lha aaon Willi loaa of vitality, falluie of appeillo llial tired fnelir.e, oi :il bllhuia tuma, dull beadaehea, IndiaeaHon and oibet al.maih Itouhlea, or wild punplea aol oilier aiupliriiia on the faca and hod), Tha teaaon la thai lite blood la Imiuu' and bi.pni arlabed. Hond a t aiaaparilla te'levra all lha- I ( liienla It la th old ti llable inedii (in Hal haa alood (be of forty tiara, that toakaa juia, tlih, ml blood thai lier,Hieii eti oiu and bulbla hp1 li. whole a.mei.i ( the all lbe ar rmind blood-p ii it or d beallh nl'ei. II , emhodiea th fateful imiiinia, upeiian e' and ami of Mr, Hood, a pbatma lai ri fifty jeaia, In H iualHi and pon er in'. CHI Aak fcir dmallal fur It Indat. Aihei j tlaemenl I if A Pease Bros. Co. 1417 Farnam St. "Omiht' .'iWuiii' HthtiJmlinf" READ THE BEE WANT ADS fM.iHU l 1 f I -W V LiieJl 3 II All tStvlr nn.l Bin. exji 'flOIIX-A.iSWAN.SuNM'ifw. A W.M, lo IKMfXMAN, Tioiif. rolke 0: Achi levement Presenting a Mammoth Combined Exhibit of America 8 Master Clothes Makers' Leadina Stvl oi II WONOKKHX VVIMbtWH I'lfwnl an 'thjisct l'aaon In valu, 'ompare. v Fact are facta L ami ii)p Imltlhi ami W 11 'J thm clothes repre- ' jL 'Hp' ' F 8(711 more actual UUltUI ' JUI ' UK) WIT value than any other, clothes in the world. V,' tr I ,J" t';m I WIM "ill f:j- til C , ml '..I mW fj .j !' j i' I I P 1 ! ;l 1 if u III y-'. Miff Clothes Makers Leading Styles. TIIESL are the clothes for spring that dom inate in the style centers of A menca. You can see why even as you slip into them. They have distinction and refinement, elegance and harmony in the last detail the logical development of Rochester (N. Y.), tailoring organizations, that have always put uuality first and foremost. In justice to yourself, see these clothes, that receive the unconditional endorsement of the m6st exacting critics in the world. Thousands of Wonderfully Attractive Styles for Men and Young Men Extra Value U.& $15-$20-$25 Compare With $20 to $35 Values Elsewhere. Iffirtf''! Show, iik iiir siiiiris, WKAIf, IIMNIKHY, I N'Mi U vi;aii. lit I -I 111 IIh'I iU I'm . .. Some of the New Models Youiik iiii-mV Ultra I'Hf'liiuii nltlo iiioiIi-Im willi new lufK'l of. feci iuhI entirely new in other ilefnik Auk to Hfe the "I'irpa ilillv," "Went Km," HrunK. tvir-k," 'Colby," "Allen," "Aiiiliett," "Hrittf.ii," "Nat. Ii." "Uokim'." "A'luiiral" ml iiifiny olhera the newr-Mt of the new one, Iwo, three luit ttni Mifk tyleH for Hprinf? HMO, ImrKOhl H'leetittnN in the went. Some of the New Fabrics ftverv gooil, riubt initial, le jtend.ihle weave from finest jmre worBtedx to novelty vel ours, flannel niul cheviot in an unliuiileil variety of hand home cttlor effects, blue, hrown, green hhadiiiK, rich mixtiirc, plaid, check, fancy weuvpf, overpIail to Miil, every color and fabric preference. An ex position Miprenie in every way. "Hard-to-Fit" Men A Real Welcome to You Men who think they're hard t' fit are men who don't know llii (Ircater Store mid wonderful inline of hpecial mc tout, tall, hoit, extra heavy, tdioit sl cmt or Imiif tout and in between izeN in ncorp of proportion enable C 1 A i Cf A iim to satihfy men of every Imild in f.prinMiitt y vl f U Spring Overcoats Tint in lil lo go f limit Inn Kill m fur llial winter mat Ihiaa at lit IiiipiI ( ii.alii (lelila "Hc llm I'l'nlili'in hril Mt!, ill, tAI., I nine It) uUnl'l ili iitia. bI 'H a. hum (il iimi'liI'M aty new ia, mini ami iiiuhiih Mi- in inmlioi tney rve or Miri'tna VniMfil lulilia, lor duiih ui ii wlui iua fr iHiiaiiiiin iiifffteni tin c i k on coc III H 1 1 (i ri . nat a, .( ) 1 J f P1D) V-U illUl ipaaO Men's Correct Spring Hats vl i nn ii lei f iln naiiii .) in iiiiiah ii, i In-) tiilra in i.i )ini rkliiliii "T ea lln'l lniiil iU u .liniilU ' iKl4 I'll rtlllt Ii iih i n . iiiti a hIihi aii fini In in imUy. Onp-Mimitf .Slur Talk I l I i HI tl U . I ' . '" (! I . . n MiiMln II il ii M l (' . ' I .t' I il . Ill, I I l..tl It , III Ol ' ' i ) . ., 1. 1 1 I a I I ' " . i 1 1 il I iii i I In' aniiu I'le atin I he tun- ..i. iii ilil till' lll fa i.il.li I lie ,iiin' e if,ii I imi 'nir I . 'hi a Ii m llii hi is.it. ,sii.'ii .t.'.!i I a in. ue .t),.;. I n 4 ) (' l iint I i t ."tl i t I I! i. Ii ll ! ir.l fir in I at-1 I I 4I til la- k tef fifealKl aeif John H. Stetson Hats. NYwrst I ma $Q50 Nebraika De Luxe lints, Soft and Shapes , , -1 NrhraiKa Special llati, (JjO uiHMiialh'd value at P twr o o ton t dtp tnllllM UPHr l, MUI M S' AMI W 1 1 M r V i