Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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IroerkRiis Slip Uniaan Through
Mountain I'aai and Route Bund
at Apua Calientei.
(Continue! tvm I'afe On )
foeee Wi'lec fleiierai ( 'avtjoi i (TiTufiiI
two bandit f,f tbe fifty ni''l. l-tcher
reported tbe I'arrnn troop were
BATTLE "'"r"''" wl"' Cerehiria fid that
AlTterlr.n nl l,, l,. ...
t)riiutllM'i Kit ifn n i v ifrn .
' i.n.u,ei Bi.i' (loop 1li"ltloi, jibout Chihuahua.
' M .M O KANt'It, Mfiiro, April
hv Af."pKit nn) Mntr Truck to
'rrluiMbim, , M , April 7.1- Nw of
ti'e aarond VIlllMa defeat, whlrh
Newly-Choien Financial Head of
Latter Day fialnti Send
Word to Church,
4 onilltlow la Torreaa Heller.
A regime of i telegram Al4 Aprtl
t, from th American :onuI e,,er.l at
Monteier, marie public by fm drrt
Ifllfif. ii1fl k m 1ttiuv ..,1,1 "Ti.l,u,,..l.i
I f.f hd hern 10! today, w lnN U,4 mail report from Torreon and l,u.
i-h a nharo moral defeat for tba VII- iicii'nM a tnntuA tni,rovemant
ine o,e arrival of Oencral J'ili Tra-
vln el TnUl. ..4 .
...... . ,-,,,. ,,, Pl W1rir r Ma headquarter there, Monterey I
wn game, (bat of ullppln tinaerx T'let and all Interior roneiilatea report
totlRh mountain mum. ""ler and frienflly filing low.M
' Thu f i A 1' .1 .-.. & iaa t.tim t
i rning nan ne-n our or toum wnn re,r,l of a telegram forwarded by r'nn
t.iner! Ftmaton for two lv. on ' Oarda at tfl ),km ,rmn (J,.
r..coi.Nt of bad flying weather and a V! .Y"1 biW'" ,''n
v Mrli nrvnl'l th goro fiii(l from P""1'"1. Th rport a4l tbt Villa
rprryln h nerr ii.fag(g ',r"M,!f omn4 ana bi rapcirc
n iv .i ic w,rr,rpi at una nal- gtvn. Ti (lata ,f Iba fight mnttm,4
inrir, l not ropfirtol
Tt,a lor. f tba Vllllnfaa t)filgh Villa la tiflnn al.
vri fhlny or mnr rtoail and fort I'Aiwj, t., Afcrll 7,-Alvr.f
fcr.rwa iapiir1 In tba A. rallnl t'irl of tb( Afnrl-an n(jn i.iim-
flabt, ra nWt rtmuM'rtil rf a tnucb '" brigand. Villa, ra oparatlnc to
lrji'fl-h tii mannar tu wblrb ha ,Hy "p "atava nut tfwt that rTolorl
C'') waa ruaiilMl, ll'ofM'a ravalry haa again row into ton-
Raitaiia fi.l r a...a r"''1 l,h ,h" Vllllataa l aparta, fim
F.vr Ilia Vlllliiaa ratroax-d from
ral.n bcfwa.n Kaiavo and farral, where
VI u In r.ra.rUil . . 1.. . ...
,.r-.n' or vma in mn! Hb fiiiwif rou banda of Villa
or for-a batwn rimrrrrn and '"l"'l.
nlva. fliyflia fniba north tif fliiarrrro. I Amarban tfnff trnm ftMilla Jiiaaa
Had brn knomn. It ! nm avldf nt "iatrb t aay that If Villa ahonld
fram lb i'iiih in b'artrinartari that 1,1 '"'"In tb"aa banla of ma.r aiilT; b
tiaa Vllllataa undar Mannpl ly)ria wr","l', " rffwIW toff of at laat
lfi llnd to fly for aufVty fto i,ar lull- '"" ""d would ba In a poaltlon to
tnaia fcnowIM- of Ibe innnnlaln r,aaf h ad'.ana Iroopa a bard
7nat they wara ralylng on notblog alaa B""1" wr rmroM-ainarifa arrtvao
than tlirlr ad In making for difficult Tbn ll official Information from tba
paaa'a waa Hirlhatfd laat Krblay, Mar'-li front ahowd that Anwban ravalry had
si, hrn two Awrban a.outa loadvar- P""-tralfd aoutb of Han Antonio and
Ufttly frlghfnd ba rnllra band, aall- moving aonfhward bard on lb
hi!d at about out of tba Inwn (it I'all of Vllllataa. Jt la ballwrad tlmt mora
r-arhlnlva. fro,nciit rnorta will now ti obtulnad
Tba Koiif got Itifa a bloodtaaa d nl K1""1 "l'""l fod-1, Inaamticb aa It la
Hh two Vllllala fttitpnata at Hlcljliiiva, '""' P"ibi for him to r-lay bla tna
I'ba aoiind of tbn firing aroiiard tba VII- rf"ri"r to Chihuahua and
llataa. who at tba limn wara ramtiad to M1""'1" " Mkart lalagraph llfa to Y,
inn plnxa of tba town, ''bay acramblcil ' ,"r r'tranmlalnn to Unnaral Funa
for thalr hor wllh about of "JUi 1 "" " Antonio.
AmarUanoa." I Amrrlvmnt ( gnulh
Jhay roda out of tba mniinlalna In a I Anothar tialn left Jilarat toiln f,.i
Mirry. fatinrtny u4 Humlay two ap. I'1 faaaa flrandaa and f'aaraon rtla
araia folmnua of cavalrytomi wara on 'r,'''. 'arrylng both paaaangra and
ma trail, with b ihl ,and had tak'n. fralgbt.
.1 .... . .. . .
i.,Mq n fining, or railicr, faat i n rinmnar or paaaangari w" umt
walking, for It la by walklna and laad. aually laraa and Indiiled many Anr
ing incir hor-a rnoat of tba way that tha bana. Offblala of tba Manlco North
atalry gta around and aom.lm,a dl- wat.rn aay that with lha prnr In
rciy (var tba mountain fopa, iiciibcr I Ilia Cgnn draodra dmlrlrl of Amarlrtn
or tnaaa iroopa waa In poaltlon (o tch Irnopa and an atlandHiit faallng of aa
H) Vllllataa. curlly, bra'-llcallv all tba naraona mhn
r f ntama Mr naotair, ama to lha border aar Iba f'olnmbua
Apparently that m wlint Iba banrtlla "l""'r" r raturnlng.
nan apa,'!fi, hut tbay rackonad acaln. Tha nuarlarrnaalar'a dannt hara aon
a at thalr flrat dafcat at Huarrrro, wlih-l'lnuaa to aand larga quantlf laa of gup-
"in aai-ouniing for tba unaipaciaif atrlk- P"aa lo tha front by way of f'olumhua.
ing powar or lha American t avalryimn, Tat'lo Plana, tha "hoy ganaral," whnaa
Tba American wer pot relyln noon bloody eiplolta mada Him ona or tha
niareiy iwo column of troop ta hoi moat foared of tha Villa offliara and
the Vllllrta. I'.elnw linoblnlva. nhrralwhn waa arr.alaa ha lha l,.i .w.u, .
Hther the Vllllataa did nt know af thHr laat night, Inrtay waa itumed , otar ta
fireaance or where thay ronalderel them tha Tea ranger, Tba latter look him
loo far awy to b a mena' , were ana I out of town to an unknown riaalloaiinn
cavalryman nnner ( oliinel IV, I ant It auppnaed (bat b bad bean
nrown. larnt acrnii tba horrir Inln Mt.lM
inoaa negroe riava the reputation of
INf 'Kf'f.Nf iKN"K, Mo,, April THpa
elal Talagram - Klder J. baiiaa May
waa tba morning; epkr at tha gain'
r'arrni 'ohfrcnce, ll waa !d by Kldar
Iflnrnan W. fxii'. who waa bl ao.
ctafa In th Houth lalaoda mlaalon
from wbbh the two young men bav but
lately rlurni"d. Tba 'alnta bava a metn
terahlp In tba foi cfy Ulori'l and Aua
trail, of ovr I.W. and pro' uta a tivc
rn'aalon throughout (bat territory
I'rof, T, A, fbannon of Kanaa City
lectured tbl morning to a lerita audi'
epca, frornpoaed of tba men of th prleat
hood, Ida topic waa, "Hoelal furlly,'
and tha profeaaor will ttura on On
aarna aubjecf tomorrow afiarnoon and
evening at meeting open t tha publle,
Talk waj aoelal I'arlty.
Kach monilng tha body of mlnlaity
aaaamblea lo llalen ta laeture on t,pc
of Intareat and adneatlon, lltgh iTiaat
Waltar w. Pmlth of I'hlladaiphla, an
"ly.glr," and I'rof. ITyl M. Ma:lJowll
of OraflMhd rollega, on "fayeholugy,1
A reaolutlon aeaklng to eaU'liah other
"llke of J5lon" than lha l already
eniatlna, m introduced and mada a p'
el I order for eonaldera'lon on Monday
afternoon, l.amonl Wafca I In aonfh'
ern Jowa with a roemberahlp of l.VA,
wbll Indeiaridnr Hiaka lead with a
total of M. ,
Acroa from tha !iga atwi etmrch
whera tha ronfarance la being held 1
th "temple lot," dlgntd by Joaeph
Pmlth, aa tha eiM for building tba mag'
nlfl'arit tarnPla of y.lon, roneernlng
wbli'b iba Hnlnta only await further
Hlahop Mrt.alre lo I ooie.
Icriliimlii ft. M-tiulie of firnohlyn,
who w )atfdy boru for praald
lug blahop, will arrl" at the r onfcranca
n Monday. He will likely ba ordained
at nna and priced to tiotMi the
blehoprl" and enter upcn hi dutlae a
head of Ibe financial dcj,rUii'.ft of tba
Klinef B, fng, ra rhoeen la ba pie:
The Store of th Town
Browning, King
& Company
' ''ing among tha beat trailer In Ibe
army. They eaught Ilia Vllllataa aftr
iba Mndlt had ridden only a few honr
out of TWhlnlra, Mka Mif'i fight at
nuerrero, it waa a raaa of fliilch work
for few moment wllh rlflea and then
a iha. Tha American did not atop to
fporl wt they bad dona, but tad
on the trait, n that tonight, two da
aflcr the flKbt, no detail hav reaeha,)
biad'iiiarlei camp, other limn th burn
report of a aklrmtah and tha atnry of
two Mohan ranehmen giving the loea
Hon of lha encounter and Vllllat loaae.
Tha newa of tha encounter rauaed no
',rirlae or apedal elation In thla ramp.
"VVa a pert lo gat them," wu the
uauiil coniinent of tha officer when aakcd
bather they worn aurprlacd at a 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 M
ibe billing Vllllala o onn again.
Five Men and Five
Girls Are Injured in
Gotham Strike Riot
MvW Vi iRK. April 1- Plv man were
a Plied ami fourteen other eraon, five
of them girl, went Injurml by allrn
elrtkrie In a raid on a elilrt-wal.t f.
Iiuv In llronklm lata ,ulay hih. ac
' hi. ling tu Hie p. ilnr. Haa iia,lir. ,y
r.ieu who rie ili. hfe. fr.llon Inn
ii luunl whIK.uii t, (,, fl.l,, la,, ,
"-'Hi week ago.
1h ralOeia, II la all, gr.1, rlrew ktivf,
talii.(. Alheil Kaplan, owner of the
'a. t.r, and then i haie, cro, of
rinplon-a Hbu ruabeit tu hi. g ,1. tir
mi n. mrU utrra Mi... ki.. i,,Hn
nm khke. alwul. iij.r l.mj.
then way to lha real ff tha fail uy iil
!. ( arnllN . HalalUM.
a, t t-lltir f. ;,.t.ii r, ,1, ,,4
it.. I l l.,n.,r at U. Iril.t. of ,
mil i; Svilin fj t4l,, tin ,tttl
bad been I..II. f iiiIi4 !.,,
1 ' ' ' I HiuhI ill, e ,.
.i l. f--.ti.(a an,-, i,,,.. at .!.. t
''" '' . iiiteiui. i,i .,( ;
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t iaaita ia,a
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' ' . ' H t ' l IS. K.I , ,
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T.Xm.K NO. K mlarcllan.
oua rollertlon p;
2 for OC
TAIil.K N. i Hundrod 0f
ynlinneg of lined fiction from
our library, aa Ion a OC
thay iBHt. J for OC
TAIirn ,o. II ..Standard vol
timoH on varloua aub- nf
Jert. at afaOC
T.tlll.K NO. 4A arant lot of
aplendld volume; many raro,
out of print book, r" r
t 50c
flat from the, Hltllnor
Library of fit, Joneph. Mo.; all
ntandgrd authorg repraaanted,
at ona-alxtb thnlr original roat
and lcag.
Kicjcr'j Book Store
V. M. V. . m.lg.
Absolutely Removes
proves it 25c at all dnit.'k'iiit.
The unmistakable
Style and guaranteed
Quality of our Merchan
dise is full assurance o
Our assortment of pat
terns is very large and in
eludes many exclusive de
Suits . . $15 to 540
Top Coats, $15 to $30
We carry merchandise of
the best qualities and
brands in a range of styles
and prices to meet every
Manhattan Shirta,
$1.50 to $10
Vaaaar Union Suita,
$1 to $10
Knox Hats . . . $5 to $20
Station liata. $3.50 to $15
B-K Spacial (lata . . $3
Saturday Special liata,
BjCAPS-That ara different,
Browning, King
& Company
Geo. T. Wilson, Mgr.
Follow the "Beaton Path"
to Those Drug Bnrnnlns
,u. H I"' pei TeMata fa IM l.,., I,.n,' It, kv P.if .um
i .! i lair a I'rtla- muh Pr ,, aa
. . a I .. aa bu ... ... r..,..A .ii .,.,,. .
' .lavg ll, I'nW lei, fell, Ht( a.
I : i i m I t i .l f flltlli
t ' i f'.r , ,
i.ii ham On fit. Baltlf aa.i
nii tr ', iala.
.e,.,. ;i. l.'-'r Hal . M I
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I'litia arrciaia
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W I !-:R ' a n M
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t aant arav lata
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rauta nnMitTM-ii.ii-
t.i., , ,.,
ai-i an . .
aa a.aiaa, I a iy
Aml ihJtrt vaifua On trmpt Attention
ISth utid ratiiAni Strreti
dent of ona of tba quorum of eent,,
tha mlilon.ry organlaatlona of th
eh'ir' h.
'Jaorga N, llrlgga, prel,jant of Graca
land college, K. h. Henaon and John H.
Mutton, both of h ranka of the aeventy.
were callel to be Mt( j,rleatg with
d itle nhbh era of mora lo-el chrcitr.
Steamship Matoppo
Eeisumes Voyage
April 7 . The Uritiali tmer Matoppo,
who.e en plain id new of fitly flv men
were held up, alngie handed, on tba bUh
aa laat welt by Karneal tV-hKler, now
under arreat In New York, reaumad Pa
voyag today to Vladlvoalo' k. Th vae
nailed from New Tork March Z with a
cargo of barhad wlra nd lallroad t!
for tha ftuaalan goeemmeiit.
The Metoppo bad been In harbor her
mora than a wek while a arch of
tha hli wa mad" tor uppoed bomb
wbldi H'hlller eald b" bad placed In It
hold, Jiepoeltlnii for ue In lha tharga
of piracy brought aaaln't Mehlller bv
l,n ohlnln'd by the federal auhoeft
fiom the capliiln and ffambei of tba
rnornl wfid Uf-nzoin ltioii,'
Cc for Xa II rilr.f.. !
8'3C n nikc for Ifutli Soap.
Ttie faJnofi Gx&ercfWio Middle Wesf '
$1.25 Doc Silk j
Gloves for 39c j
iJon't JudK ih tiillty by tn t
j very low jrle; you'll find tbv j
; perfect In fvary raape'f, C'om In j
; a bite and natural, S
1 Booth Aiala Mala Tiovt.
Modes as Varied
As the Moods of April in
These Newest Dresses
You can chooe here from a comprehensive assort
ment of artMic individualized frocks.
A showing that has been selected with the idea of
pleasing women who discriminate In matters of drcus.
Every Authentic Style Note
Expressed in This Collection
Some Delightful Frocks for $25.00
and $35.00
Other Dresses $18.50 to $75
Our Alteration Service is Free
Display Rooms to Insure Privacy
All the Splendor of Spring
In These Lovely Silks
j The New Silks First !
.. i
We are constantly receiving the new expressions of the
prevailing fashionable weaves and colorings.
ThompsQti'Belden Silk Famous for Thirty Years
An Extra Value
Pure Dye Taffeta.
Zt-lo tor.,,. aPlaD
A valita you will appreciate.
Gro Grain Taffeta
Tba, rorrwt weifbf grid te. j
iur, ,;odn,
apwial talua.
! Genuine I
".32-ijif'li j
1.00 Quality, 70c
11.25 Quality, 89c l
Ix i lirnitf'tl u ntity !
f f l)"et r'u'fn. ey 1
1 l'l ted Htu fiKlU'ftl rrinttT-'
IaIm to linki; ii jt ij t'onibj. i
nation with (iatif .utiffp.
Sateen Petticoats
Spring Models
.1 tint arrivM ami placrtl on
mo for Hut unlay, N'ttw
'tylr-j hi plain i-olors ami
$1.25 to $1.69
Springtime's Newest and Daintest
Millinery Models
Are Here AuemUei (or Your Choice
$ 8.75 10.001
$12.50 $15.00 1
7 A?.
Women's UndcrwV
New Location
Main All Main llwir,
flgiir.a V'eatg, Jow nwk, aleeve
U'i, lr.
Kino Itlbbed Oaiua Vfglg, low
neck, ghoit glenvea, Wr.
tiguza 1'nlon Bull In pink and
whlta, low nark, alMivftlngg, Mr,
Hwiaa Rlbbad IIla I'nlon Hull,
low nek, no alyo, fittevl knea,
at ;ir,.
youthful Uflfl tlifflT.'tlt,
typifying tyl n.J kini
cty not to b lifio! !-
Hundreds of New
ModeU for Saturday
Mitses' New Trimmed and Tailored flats for Street
and Dress Wear
$3.95 to $13.00
Mllllnftry Hez-iVm -rWon1 VUfrr,
Fashion may be juit
as fickle as she pleases,
yet this store indulges
every whim.
Lovely Fashions
in Footwear
for Spring
New Spring: Models in
white washable kid and
brown kid lace boots, with
white tops; also an all-black
kid boot with 16-inch top,
for dress and street wear,
$10 a pair.
2 Hosiery Specials
Women's Silk Hose, 75c.
Mtih with li.lo tup ami
roka, in Murk, w liitt, trray
nnd till o'iiUr li in tM.
Children's Hose, 18c, 3 pairs
for 50c,
M it'll' ul" puiil lila 'k t ut ! n (i ,
tiiuMi kin I f, iitll' I ll'lifil,
Trcfoussc IVcnch
Kid Gloves
r,uisiii" in'W lint niiil v
i lu-H i i itilnniilt i ii". I It a 1
im fit mill'.
Tin' ai'ari'ilN ul" fun1 kIh t"4,
l ijjlilt ti all' (!irM V I'lHll'.l
rittnti Ki., ly iiit ai'W
i r attil f i nt Kt t iniikii it
ii ia.'il'lt 1 1 l iion i' !i'ttr
tvi 'a 1 1 1 1 A ,
I "itin'i ami j'lntn i inl'tunl
t It lit I ttt, Kite , hiii j ,
lt'.ti.'. itr,'ii hii.J
Mii', 11.75, $2.0 Hr.
Tin luitlif "Tli fan-mi"
'illt "'. iMttiti" lV I'l
New Dresses
for Children
Children ' white and colored
droHfif'fl, fcizrff 2 to 10 years,
in many diiirif y nw hiylon,
priwl to plftlf-f!,
Vokft rvmn for infants and
children, lawns, nainsooks
and dimity, liond-cmbrotd-crt'd
or mado with fin?
tiickn, trimmod with hern
ami wnhroidoriw, $1,25,
$1.50, $2.00, $3.50 up.
Cliildron'ri colored drew, i
cm pin htyle, low nck,
f-horL rdccvoef, very attrao
tivo, $1.65, $1.75.
(Iiildrcn'ri two-pieco drciic,
T'ink and whito, Mun and
white, checked and utri re
cti Kinffhams, fhn 3 to (
' yvare, 50c ami 65c.
iSitlitren'a fa, Hon
Tblid Hour,
Cotton Dress Fabrics
Mnny delightful mjiiid t
fiihrii'.i of cotton, tunny new
printiitKH and effects which
will at once aatUfy the denim
for homt'tliiii-r different nml
nmv for pritiK.
! 'New Kayscr
Silk Gloves
j IW i-tu Kprinr mill
I MimiiH-r u ir nil i-olnrw
mid It--., frOa to $! 2S
Redfern Corsets
Figure rTrnce is m mnrh a part of th harmony in
dreh a elothew. The figure, too, is a tlisUnfiniifthinff
mark of aristocracy, and it taken a ood corbet to shape
it projterly and comfortably,
When you buy a hoe you have it fitted and you
take it Irwauno it look well anil feeU comfortable:.
lo you neh't-t your corM-t the name wnyf If not, you
should. Time is not too valuable or is n khh twirset
too great an imlulfren.'e when your comfort and ctylo
is to lie eonsitler'd.
We like to sell a Redfern it never falls to fit well,
and we guarantee every Redfern fitting it has the
stamp of approval of our Oonet Expert.
Corset Section -Third Floor.
Easter Suggestions are Plentiful
in Our Men's Shop
Silk Shirts .
( 1
Ai -Am
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ttnl t'Heiil I lift. i ri ir r If
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The EautcrNcckwcar
laiaal tuaar new i ,,!,.,
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In Hosiery
in ka.i tan, .fft,
a ul fulort aiw Nok aia
tarn laur, littrraaa
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Child ten's Fancy
Sttaw and
Embroidery Hats liati of fn'
lrnw, in whiff, iiuvv, Ihii
nit'l roi tl In n ji'i'ua,
J.OO, li.30, 13.00, 14,00
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nl.luin, hiM He ami flow eri,
63c, 3t", 11,00, M.30
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