I'llK 1?LL: OMAHA. SATURDAY, A1MIIL S, IDir,. 13 FOR RENT-HOUSES -l tat-t-tlrifteoii. iTF H A V K V 1 1 AT V" WANT. JIUIVKH AMMWfAIIBS, PA CTI.V ! II 'KU.N. 4-ll.-1l2 l wrier I.tikc lilvu. Ill OA ft-it. - Vii n. -ih hi is.w MMDKIIN F.XCLTT HEAT. U. Mil Martha HI in Oi ll.-fm.'l Martha HI U W t-R.-ftllfi Ohio SI.. 14 A- R.-4W7 N. ;nth hi I.", ui IV II. HHI No. Will HI ' Mt.gMl Ho. lUh HI IH U 4 R.-Huil Charles HI ! A-R. Islk N. MP hi V ' t- K.-IOI'l Ho 1'ith Avi N0 7 U.-il No. 7th HI lfiW HTIll'"IIY MuDLRN. 1-1X.-MII N. MU HI tt.OO A-It. -41 HI N IVi h HI .. fc II. IMI Franklin Ht Ki It.-ni'l Ho. ;Hh Ave an On It.---Til Hurt HI i'fVK) t ri.-4Mn No. 4'Hli Ht 20.'") T It. M Ho. ;Hlt Avi it.fti 7-U."l4 H Sil Ht 37. M 1 II, 6iT Ho. xih ht H. 414 N. 31t Ht Ski. 00 A It, WM Miiann HI.,..,. i4i.0o A H.- DMn Dewey Am. Icloaa Inl..., XiM A It. mill urn ill quartcra, holoe West Km limn dwelling, wltll garage tb.M rf.AT. PARTLY MoDK.HN. I -n.-wia iifriif hi no HTRUTI.V MODKHN 4 U.. Z'rilU How n i .1 HI 3 Ml k ft iit Ho. Mi Ht Wi 1 It.- HIH Ho. I; Id Hi ! KM 7 It. 15 Ho. 2-th Ht ... . IIKATFI- APAIlTMKNTH. Hast, lint mii mill wKH-r Hi") ,1nl nr service f urnlshcd, I Jl, (Clinic, close-lit apartment). .'SW miit M7.60 iM.vrn:, imiii oiim ht. 3 rt. Ant No. ,.l,10iid 111.00 WF, IIVI OTHKHH BKI'I OCR O'lMPI.KTF, PHINTKl) LIBT P. K FORK It KN I I N't. J'ORTL'R & SIIOTWLLL, American Hicurlty Co , V'2 ft 171 h Ht, HnUglng 6011 " koii ahiknin' aSh poci.try.' I r,, downtown, colored. I2, Ainu a 2 ninl ,1 (like hnngsiliiw) noil AORK IIHnI'M), D and I.'. Also 6-r , Call- foiiiln liiiiiKilriw and cie. Ill IVI. I, 2107. MI7 Pinion Rlk f37,r0--27.'.l IiAVlCNronT"""'" 'i elegiii tin , liiiili, every conveni ence, mirng", largo lnv.li. Open. Hoe II lortnv, ' y(lf k.,-Nt Hlnrionni Ht W.n I'linilntf HI... lift, "i-rooin noliiik", WT, rtuiiliic HI,, lit, ,1. It. ItdlilNHoN, 41" H'K Hlilii r. 7. H lt' i ,M nm, im'kIiin lioiiK"', I tilock fiiim inr In ril'iin Purk fiilillilon, lii-n mill. H ill iciii lo 1 mfionnllilp n 1 1 ' ' nil Hfimon 7'.'l " Vi1M 27ST OAVKNI'OnT Nlni' 'li'uimt rum.: hiith; pvrry rnn a oMliir', KMiffliil-; ltitr lltW II, 0ii ll. Hfd II toiliiy, FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS " U rl. iron mivT-TiiB mm rtODMIN'l II'M HK PltOPriHITrON IN OMAHA, Thin i a Undo brick rrdliJ"ni f, Im-atail nn Hi noiihwi Bl ruriHT of Ziih aii'j rmiluii HI", known n "KI'J'.IHIITtH'l'," Thin liiillillnu In ' aloili N Mini I.uhciiiioiI, and ivitiiiiiiiB l.'i I'iiiiiiib. Tim room urn vary Ihii hikI In nioal 'imna nrovlili'd lih ruiniliiK hiit biiilra IiiiII'IIiik la l-ain licaicil. linn ffalurn la llm dlnlnif room fiii'lllil.n. wlilrli ara In Ilia lam nicnl an'l l onnlci of a. lain dlnlnv room wllh alinvna, hullor'a I'liitry, i:a wi lo II y i 'onvanlaiit aTvlim talila and kllihon It ynu am looking fur a hlRti-i:lnfa loomlriff Ihidi-i', wo mo aura Hi In will lilotmn you, Tlio around ara ampl", Ihi-ra h"liiK lark lawna on tlia onxi and Ainith mdon, i'nr further Information all TitF. nynoN rktw m. 2i:H. 17th Hi, PTiona Koualaa 2t7. " jTlC A T kil AI' A It TM IHn T H. Ona wrl lir a Kid Woal Faiiia.ni apart mont, a rooma, HO; alonplna; boron. (larMko, ft' AIho una apartmoiit In Ilia lliirlan, !W01-i HhiTinan Ava,, b roruna, lio. (laraK riion llnrlan janitor, Webatur 7I. , A. T. T?iky & Son, lW W. O. W, Tlldif. DoiiflM ArtJ. " PAYN1& SIFTER CO., "Omaha's Itental Men" gkt ovh la Ran: PHI NTKO f-IHTJ Wilt RKNT Apt, S rooma and lth, atoam linat, vacuum r.liotnnr, jariltor arvca, atoam liuulad, nariiK", all it Ida room, 1111 H, .'!lt til. Inquire J n nl I or, tiNK front four-room apartmont, two dlaHjipaarlnH b'l'la, flro proff, aouni proof, Automatic! clnvatora. Iliirnpy I74. I'ha Aiikolua Apia., Uiiti Ave and I"oug- lan atncl, (.l I'l.K'I'KI.V furiilaiii ii TionaviimipiiiR rnoina; lilocka from Conii-iifllH liutol, l!)0 Capitol Ave.; matlniutiy tulia for wUHliInk ptiona IJoun, Kli. CIIHK IN APAHTMBNT ;t rooma and luilli. 112 M and Ilk. boat Imiiilon, nr acliool, Ho It, l. K. RI't K. U liMAHA NAT. T. 6291. I INK KlcHiii-lK-'itiil hji.ii linoiil, althnr 4 or .7 I'-ioniH, on Wont Karnuni atroot. ,1'HIN W. 11'iHHINH, )w F'AKN AM HT. MOVK to tin- i,lnwood. very clioloo 4- rooi an front, floor apt,, iiea."2i!l I f h rny , l. 1472. .Mi i ililt.M, ami ih fronl, 4-room apart- iiioiit. tvHlkliiK illfliiiKT. Jiamllton, 2111) noil l-'uriifim. MiilililtN room Minirtmoni. Iiirluillini li-rptHK porch; ol Im td. Hartley I. BUI. Nori. Inrnf Apts. C'lfisf in, ('hcup. W hat" lor lent two 7 room and una ti lonio Hpm loo iiIh, all in ft nn aliape; wiiii r, Lent mid Jnlillor aervioa furn llid. Tiiion arc on Hhoinian Am., looc to llio trfiilow Apta., and not fur norm of iho iikm Kurd (n ti , all liiini' roiinifi I'Hrtica rcntlua t lit- hhioo nn null rem purl of tlio looiim, an Hint tdolr iii riu will not cost Put vary In i lo, Thin 1 1 a pniMnl I I I, k Imlldiiiii. not nn ol I niil diiwu tii rnh and la In a iin.i.l iiiialilmi Imiii.I (id liimv If you want n nui In Km lout l!n'. fur ll.ov won I luit I"1iik fii the t I iioa I am Holng, to rent ilnuu I i v.'o will id i ui hi.. io HUM S, S. K. P., MontKomtTV, A i iiunli III II.. ,. ,k f Nul 1 lnok or Vttnn,t ink l"( i i. ni I, , r .4 1 i,oi m near ! ' up ..ui.. il r hn l.onia . mi l I' 'IL. It I : NT. I'l.O t..., I. ,M,,i,., J I.I , , I.; 1,'H H ill, ,v II. ,1.!! t'rftl'l MO I'ii- .ie eiiKniwa 'Hid lauietiv I ...l.l I I 'V .4 Ml Kim ill l.l I " ol-.. S , I I I. ! .1 I ! ,;!,, ; 1 1. I A i. I ,,. i. ' - M . . ,i. i i i..; ! .,... . I . . . l l4 M I at II Heu i. tavm: slti:ii co., niintl.!. li'.i.ijt! i-d" I I'tS t t ! i,.il I' 1,1:. 1 . l .VIS , nm rf Nt cusiNtss pht'Ty t i 1 1 j 11 lie 10 . 1 In 11 m 1..,. Calkin- A t o , 4 " I- I, Ill S t 1 FOR RENT-BUSINESS PR'PTY Ntirr, r-rofth, monrti, low rant, iiKr pont- orni. u. i, HiMilni, WO riurmo. bl'oKW tiullilliiK. Uvltijr ruoma In rew, Si aJLT fUUlHl 1. MOVING AND STORAGE GIX)BE VAN & STORAGE Ktoriia. movra, rurki, alilpa; l-hnraa van anil men, 91 to pir hour, utiitaaa, i per riionin, natiarauiuni uaramoil 1-iouKitia 4i',:ui and Tyler an. GORDON VAN CO. Packln, elm-ana aud niov lint, m N. lllh Hi Plinna Poiialaa KM or Wnhitnr iiiW. PI RKi'TiQi'SF'wA reiioiJhh! Separate, locked room, for luiuaahald oooa ami piunoe, fuuvinn, packing and aniiipina, tlMAIIA VAN AND BTORAU1C CO, turn H. mill Ht. I'ouglaa II nl Vti:11iuruLlTATrv7iJrOToitAOftcO; Careful etionilnn flvon to ordore for tuuvltig tiarklna or alumna, office at Raymond Kunillure Co U'U and 1H4 iiowarq Bi, i-notie li. t,.4 Phone Imuglaa m for complete Hat of venant nouaea ami apartment; alio for ainratio, moving mill and .lackaon Hie. Maggani Van and Hioragn Co. Moving, packing lorago and ahlpplng, Phone Imuglae IlliUi paflklng and gtoraga. iri rarnnm m iiougiaa mw Pkhklv van & storage Packing, atorago. 1A Cap. Ate, Tylor 1300. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Wmi, .'l.'.Tanl I )oJgo ivma Jlotuo, Kant l'Vont Located near the inrnor of J-'ld and limine, we have a fine home of olghl room with mil Id room and Plllliird loom on the third floor, all of down alalia flnlaliod In ipiarter euwed while 'oik, Willi (iiartot-aawod white oak floore. Ilnuan newly decorated, good IIkIiI flmureii, ga uianlel In llhiHry, l.nt water hoiit, aimni aaah thinualiout, motil fiamn window acirona. hie fine foment front, porch, foundation walleof nrlek li In. llip k, Thle properly U lo celed edloliilng a paved alloy; high and alkhily location. Paving all puld and properly la free and clear of enciim of hraiico. Owner la leaving cliy and In annloua In aell at once, Thla la a fine homo and w can miotn an ex iremelv low price of 7,Ki0. Iliult-KuirfiftM Co., 24.-7 A Omaha Nat'l Hit. llldg, Telephone Tyler Art, IV Voir WANT Tl NfikK IIOMri In llio Pout dletrlet, rloaa to car, etc., aovot) rooma, hardwood; alrlclly mod- ern and up-to-the-minute, hit ill dec orated walla, large lot, ae thle, price H.kiiii, c.ear Mat, and Hurt Hie. iio.mh; oh invkhtmk.nt, ICIulil rooma, eirlotly modern : hard wooil: garage; hlg corner lot; rented for t; on lllonwood Ave, Heinle Park illnlrirt. Pile ti.fiOii, (i0 down, reel term, WORTH MOItll. It. W, RARItKTT, P. SI'iO, 420 Tj r(HT NAT, JlK, Rt.ni. HEM IS PARK HOME A rooma. oak flnleh, hot we tor heat, gnu l It front lot, Mul.TA, fine ghade Iroea, hoitxe In encollent condition, alumni new. Poaeeealon In I weekn. Rulll by one of the heat contractor 111 the city. J'llce, l.'i.fifi'i, GEOJvOE A 00., Phone I). 7f4. (Wl'lty N' Rk. Rldg 1 'A If N A M ST. 1)T FOR SAU'I 4 fool fionl, wllh valuable Im provomonle, on I'aniam St., near SWIri HI, Price, 2l,iKii). J. II. JHJMONT & (X) 4I0-1A Keollno Rldg. Tel. Iloiig, m, "CATHEDRAI DISTRICT " New, 7-room modern, nek and birch flnleh throughout ; beam celling and all built-in foaturoa; proa-d brick founda. tlon; aouth fronl. cloae to car; first rlaee material and workmanehlp. A complete home In every detail. Reat buy In Omaha. Owner, Ponging H Hl'.N Voll PI.AN T( HKI.I, THAT ' HKKU KHTATKo-WllAT? 1,11 your properlv In THK RKK'H Hlg Itoiiee, Home and RomI Ketalii Hindi!. Muynia of real ea lle are exacting iieunlly. Viiluo miiet be there, and apparent. Pihe ahotild he an Inducement, bill make the Information definite gnd ynu will get reaponeee from poraona really liitercaled in your offer, If vmrun R In THW RKK. $260.00.' " 5-nOOM BI?NOAI.OW, WEST KAKNAM 1MSTKICT. f.13 H. .Villi Ht.. ft-r. nil moileni. beau- tlful now bungnlnw : look ui, ti. H. A. WUU''. M4 Ware Rlk. Doug mr,. Vi R HA HeaTi'tlf ullylirrtiiohed ape ri mont, Uime rooma In new building, fm . nlt urn aheoliitely new, Jacobean oak and tapeatry, A bargain. Ideal for bachelor or newlywoda. Tranafor of leaee can be arranged If deal red All modern equipment In kitchen and bath, Addle .1 vm. He. 1i") you think ahlnglea'all- tha"eam thlcgneaa? They ma not. I una 6 to 2. Ak a. lumherman If there I anv lelti. Tel. lien,,!! o, H. Tnilllng-r ('ATllKIUtAl. and Hernia Park nietrVt. New eeveii room liuimi with giiiage Kce owner Harney 44x2. W. L. SKLI1Y & HON8, INHUHANCMJ. il,lt ill 'YH niodoriiTionia, Weaf fraj-liam, roniiiej liili N, Inn Ave. .earh new olllcllv lliodeltt; .jp) cnlllnga, fire la .eilcn and oilier epe. lal 1 1 rati fionl l'i. I hlock from Mherman Ave ir t-'i i ah, balance lorina If wauled II., i. i a litre naigaln i will pay il to me II Rh Mnw., i.l M.Cagi'o l.l. i,o.g M A MODERN" HOME " !,."! xv fLV CASH t I ) tit, I' m.! t ntm hhH ( u 1 I rt.n? ( M m k I 1 rr Hit tlf llf t tll-tlt dtlvlit lJ in .( In ,i I ( t f.i 4. t p, 1 t'.U HASTINGS A HliVDEN. ' 1 H . ... f.i lln I'll ,e THot GchhI tloinv Vrry Mttl tVh 1 ! 1 "i wati tui,. t i'- . 1 ... 1 -i a I'M, - , J fC I l ,.( ,, I Norn- A Nirri, l'.. I - I ' I- ": 4'fl III t 4.;K 1 H t a 1 k. A hi 1 .,- 1 tie wgtai, (tt k no, ,1, I I , M'tiiaiv lout, la iil'im Ml -' I i . a ! lo... - VI ' I ' I 1 l"i I . , tm li " li Itlll li I t-. ... I .. CHEAT ItAIJilAIN vi-li n.H - m e."H 1 ,: . . ',. (-:,,.. t . , ' 1 I, t 1 ,i lo i -,..- e a I 1 ,Mti , . , n 1 4 - 1 1 1 11 IV , a-mi ! h'1 ' 1 I. I ' I Hi 1 14 1. 1, 1. s.t v ' ' " ll I -"I I lit . .,, .. I I-, I,. e I ..! 41'ilee .e., ii..-i. I t 1 1 . .. i i... t 1 .... lt. 1 1 ..ei li J - 1' I i a la I REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED orlh. K(t'lt all tmelciii. i-h.i fr.mt bunktilow. at SH'lia Sl-.1,ii North '.'7th Ht.; :. rwina. built In bookcaMi'. cli WalHlfig din tanee. Anv one cun he bought for '!,l. ( 'al Hooglii H."K HPW1AI. HARHAHS. -mom eoliago. toilet, gaa, water, JO. ft. lot, I1.3JJI; teltiie, in caell or Ford tar for euulty, H. P. ROMTWIi' C, m hkk Hi. fui. fi-room col luge on tnoroni-o lioulevard near lake, for onlv 1 1 . 7 W. II HAI'I'.H, jiA" Omaha Nat. HI.. I I. Ig I'oog t4. ciioii'K, miiukkn" cottage. 2 I ItiiKglc Ht , out of town owner. Will edl cheap. Kiioy term. II. II I.ANIil.ltVoN, M Novlln J(lk. Imiig. B7(.7. KOI HAl.i'i Miidcni l-Vooii? Iiouie, ouk flnleh, K'li Hlieiuuili Ave; will aell heiip, fall i I'll after 5 i ' ---" i uiii. " ,.Z.'S. FIELD CLUH H ROOMS l.aat front on .'I'th Ave, Jut north i,f Wnolworlh One of Hie beet tiullt and moai niimctlva huii- In the dle trlet. KIiiImIu il in lieiiiillfiil quarlep aawed oak. I' our good elued hedniouia on the aeeiind floor Tim lot I f7lZ4, with alley In Hie tear, Paving paid In full. Property ha Jut been reduced In pilca from l'i,7Ml by owner who hn now removed fmm Omuhn w bellovg thla lo he one. of thu beet huiui-f In omnha fur the money ARMSTL'ON'G AVALSII (X)., Tvler V m ItOHW ttlfl)0. 'SACRIFICE I'JtK.'E (iood al-room hoiiee, elrlcllv modern. Jterepllon hall, dining room, living room and kil'hen on flret floor, three l'd foonia and hath .n eoeond floor Met front lot, 47l;Vl, pnvlng oald, lonaied In aouth pin t. PrP e leiluced from 14, WW In l.lWMi. Trime, SCO'IT AND HILL CO., )oii l'i!t 'Iroiiiid II Mi'C'egue lld H A I'" 1 7T Y KlltHT. KOR RliJ.I AKI-K AM) HAKK KIRIO ANH 'JlillNAKO I Nl, IIANCJS HV.V. O'NKIIK R K. IVH AUKNUT. W4 Rie.ndeia Theater Jlldg. Tjler I0S4 VIHTI'.ll iuiUiiitC'O MAN WMV pgy lenl when ou run buy I Me all r-,i .in modern lioueo on a good- al.ed lol on Miay teini? M iliiwn li a month, Price, 17,110 PA YNU IN KH'I MI.NT COMPANY, 6th I'li.oi' Oni Nat Hk, Rldg, l 171 IIClilM liA ItK A IN- -Nil, vv, a-I.OOM, 4 niiur iiiiiiwii, se,Ai i ah a nroir AT IH.4KI, UKAHDNARI.K PAVMKNTA RKNMON fAIlM It'll AK.U nOPIII.AM irfl 4 PAX TON RLK. NPJW liuiigiiiow of" A lienuiifui rooma g a very low price, wnen 104111 ion 1 considered, Tetui Hliopaon l.ro,. Ml Rnae HPIg Tvler Oil. NKW JIIIN'IAI.OW, Wll.l, t.'OMI'I.ICTJi l,ii, ICAHy H'.HMH, AM OH ORANT, U. K.hi. CoOKAX 4071 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED WmI, 'id JUirgo Duiltling jxits, 02x11 t). Houfh of frfuivonwoiih on Mth afreet High ground and apiendld view; ona 1100 two bio. ke from rar line; llnoe lot will Incriiiiae in value, I l'i eiicn HIICI.KR iv I'AIIV, M Keeling Rllg RK,NON Oarden ac(-a ma the beat cloii-ln acte 10 be hail near Omaha, I all, wrlla or IiIioiih Tiler M for read ing mailer, telling mm about Hnieon Harden ecroa, aillolnlng Honeon, HAHj'IN'IH A Hltl I'KN, II4 Harney 81., IV AI HKH. cloae to car; eay term. Myrtle I'euci 1 oirag iii, ar'or in a. in. IVorth. ' Como Out 1p Minno Lua end gee the wonderful development go- Inn mi Hole, Von will find ihe bout lol offered In Omaha at looo to wm Hewer main, water mnln, walk, grading and geed lug all paid for, Kiiv term. t IIARl.hM W, MARTIN A CO. Owner. jlTAHT'TrlmTcor.' lot 011" Klnreuc Olvl., &0iiA: Il,0ii0; liiuat. he old. Art Thatcher, lil7-ll City al'l Hk. Rldg, D wi. HA iJAIN-4!lh Ave., near HurdKita Ht, Lot fi'.'XllO feet; prhe l-I.Vi C. A. 'Iilmmel, H40 Om Nat. Hk, flirty. Boolll, , " AcTfingi! SnapH One acre, all in licttilng fruit, good alu-room houee; burn uml oilier nut- bullillnga; U I.Ik, to car. Price t'l.'mi. II 2-6 acre weal of Horcnce. lint Im tiroved, ahoul I acna In cultivation price 12,601), 7Kt acrea In Keyaloun Park, nicely lo raleil. email unbuilt, no building. Price II, Son. W. H FRANK, :m N'liUin ink. " VV 11,1- HI 1 1,1 I'll HI 'IT.' Have IS fleet clmp o lota In leaven wortli Holghta Add., oaoy lerma, Imug. :tik;, Carl I'- Rolen, 1:14 piixtun llldg. KIN Hi lola, Hainrofi and till atroeta; Walklng dlaiiiice; only ik, enay terma, All ItHWver ft",: iJriiiid Ave. Colfag V.4 LOT, 20 Ave and l'"nn. will aell cheap or build lo Bull on cany pnymoiile ( nil Rod Jhl. MlacellN neon. MIoVK Palleiaon fur Ihik" tu-lnted llol of l"l. ' up. Illllllf '.':i7 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN M l-ti-rllitiirouii. lMIMt'OVED ACREAGE"" Kivti mttrit nnir I'lnrriM't'- MitiLlj ltd yrn im! , i not I i'(i 1 f Mid Nuiirml lit lit (rtn'r t uhKloim l i1tfiHini tf HiU Ht itft,f tifi H f ' f I'l li f M Mlt't it l t wlih un t' luw ynu 1 1 iff )toiri ty. 'I'll, ni'lf. WlHt Mtml'Itl Iti'llHi' uinl tt tir iinMlrn tin ui uvrtnitMit m, uhP Kruif m X flmt h".ii mii h aoh4 tliv r; liii-hl 1 lV II' f. tMIll " !, nil lMlcr- IM'I'Nt. 'Hi tlir I'ltiM tff4f(iHlititt. 0rjt atifUt I til t t'I'H ktt ) 1 ill lit tH'ilLntl (ill llltr lln(iittV4i v l!i two t"UaH. f 1 v n hint Ki'V r 11 t ooii'at W jl) Hit Ch ImH) tlliUlet N h Mill 1,t'iV hlnl bhi (-Lr hiHtut Mkth I'm lirtlf nirti if g 1 tiuml Irttt eth'l it tttilf n HjLiMif S iitDn fi in litlm tit lutii fur hi' St 4 Mi.Mtt hii)M, linrti, 1 M k i K'iiii', h m', k umI 'li, rfctC) ttt .vii-i FNIMI'KOVKD ACREAGE iff i w 11 h 1 W . rti VMIf tl in, it 11, v i ,! itt"ii j t . '! f'-tH't-' Vl'tl In My i'Uh'i li m tt t-'k A I i', 11 I Hi m il yt I t ft. 1 1 t-1 "i 1 , a, t r -iU m. tl. 1 t t l I i .i ; 1 i tin C li I'M I A K K 1.1 il i- in 1 U 4 tt v 1 1 f ape tt.t'H.t r !(, l. II' r 1 1 I , VUif v. I I Is I I! "I I a, 1 al,.,. .. , I ' at.. 1 t 11 it . . I I. I I" .1 I V ' i.l ' l. . ' I 1 , , . 1 1 u it .1 1. r lU'NDl.i; C'-.mm 1 I .(.. I ,V . , i 1 1 .; t I I,, t ' i t- , it, t .. I'l.nVl i; ,v SPAIN, pi I '. ! -i 1 . r . s if 1 li i i I i.. 1 tli REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES 11AVI-; client who own li a-'to.i low land, 1'. mill a from 1 lb n onl, who want to ti-aile fur Omnhit property, ,nk f ir laittiiulare TIIOM AW I,. M'fl A R ft V. l.'i Km-Ine llldg Rod 4 44 WHAT IIAVK Vol! OR DO VOi; WANT Hen u fire I V o may have luel what y 1 . il want. W aell or trad'i oirrythlog anywhere. 1. J Hmiin, lyior lcm TIIAHKH THAI'fM. " THAIMiH. Karma and Omaha property for en change. .1. A AMIIOTT. pattereon Rlk , Omaha lOVV A (arm. for Income uroiieily. IX A. all tillable, fine Improvement, iloee t I'o, iiiorr 11. .r A. 1 erllio, 4 I'lrel Nat'l Hk Wll.l, etc.liHiige 4X) nrrr of a'hnol lulnl In Hiown county for five room houe In innniia or aiitniriie. 11, It. Oreon, Jan ei'ii, mui. OMAHA Income piopirly (or Neb. Iowa farm or ranch liindi .1 I,. Rar her, 7HI heellno llldg Tyler 1710 CAN' eell or eacliange anything you have 10 error 1 j . anan wi ogue "mi O. . . - . . m ... .- . . . . REAL ESTATE WANTED 'ANTici to mrv A home; 1 1, To or I'.wi down; IHfi or 110 per moiiih. It or 10 room houee, miml he In good condition, A I IkiiIHi, iii.iIi ItiaT n irlh. AddrenaU 6t, lice. REAL ESTATEBUS- PROP'TY .'. l' l i;T. niih Hi 71 hike" from viaifiio? J,fiOi Mel 'Hgoe lnv I'o.Mclllgo Hldg FARM AND RANCH LANDS ToIorNiii i-Miiiln. 0 acis Irrlualert land, best of eoll Col' Lai t'"idala addrea VIIIH If. U IIAVVV'l'lt, mi ((rand Ave. Phone 1 oirag iM Iowa I and. WTPtCkH'li liilloa 'from i'ouncll Rluff Oood house, burn, cbtrkon houo, run lilng apt liit. well, remeil; alfal'e gool faim al low price for Immediate sale; l,,.'i caah, baleiice on ay li una W. T, HMITII CO. Douglas y.HI It v Nut I Rafik Hldg 4M A. Iowa Improved farm. Price, ll.ttl per a-iv will Hike part In Income properly and carry babinc 011 laud VV. K. CHAHl. 1117 ( II- Nat Hunk Pblg , Omaha, Neb, Itaoene i.nod. )''Olt Ha!,; i acre, clock bottom, I lull" fiom good alilpplng iiolnl, n't mliee fmm Kintuirig. oti low Hanla I'e trail, 2u acroa alfalf. hulm In oultli atlon good 7 room house, good barn. If you want bargain look this up Addrea C. (.'. Hloul, It. , l.mpoiia, Kan Aflnnoeola l.enile. " "ftrrVTrnH nick i aum noMeJ One mile from good tow 11, ten miles fl out ,M iiiw anolla; go acroa, all rulll valor), good oll, good buildings; on muln I oil to city of ,t.'i.'Mi, iiufnlllng market, cor Immsdlnle aaln, very low Price iiinl easy terms to light parly For full information, write Anderson Davis Insiiimce Agmcy, pglac Hldg Mlnnenpolle Atehraeba I. anil. Sarpy (,'oiinty Farm V40 A 4 mllo tooth of Panllllon. Voil can t heal 11 tVall Improved, em eptlon ally well lukeri cere of, good feim, no wah; puslur, a little limber, only ahoul hi on the entile place tlml an t be culili aled, Thle 1 R A It (IAIN at KM! per ecro, I). V. SI IDLES CO., 01A IA Clly Nnl. Hunk Hldg, fnoig, It X NO, t quarter, I1 mile from Madrid, Nob., remin iinunly, aouinweet uuai tar 17 10, I'tfj acre broken, h la line hay land, muni leave on account of elekiira end will sell for 'f, per cre gelt. Addroaa I,, .1. Pgrmiee, JllgJ Miami HI. Wehator hU, NHRHAHKA LANIiS Two aectlons In Kimball county, 1'tirea sections In Morrill rouiily hour and one half gvcllon In l.h heyenn coiinly. Highly acie In Kurna county. All Ml speculator pili o, II. ir.10 W. ( olfag. 'id! 4 Keellne Bldg FOUND-W ct imclslmed liomeatmid; good gull; amide rainfall; artesian water, near free timber. Price .l, filing fee and all. J, A. Tracy, Kt. Mkngan, Colo ik A, I 1 in ami ndfiilfa land, aouth Nch,, peer good lown; coni.liler Income at ciiah value: clear, ikiikji, THOMA.h ( 'A MPItKI ,L, Iw-ehne Hull. Hog 11 ACRF.H fin alfalfa, grain and gto-k farm, mile from Hroken How; must lie gold during April; g.md for d rl tlon. Hog N, Rroaeii Mow, Neb. A Alii 11 ere rnllnuiilshminit for sle;"flv mile from It II. town, ten mile from another. Write Lock liog 'iM, Vul uutlne. Neb. 40 Ai'RH farm, one mile from Itvlngton 1. O., H'.4 mllee from llimaon, all now Improvement Telephone Heunon 7ldl, Itiiemnesi.ii, li vIiikIiui, Nehr lit. PICK Afftl'l buys a (IOOII HVi ecre fnrm T.i lulp rrom 1 miaba iteiyea Olfford, 3l'i ltiimK" HIilX, Oftnibn Neb. Norlh llnltolH I n oil. "WiU. IMPItoVKO I'All.VI AND " " K.'JI IPMIvNT, 14 linrse li cowa, 4 inlveg, l'i brood aowa, ': 1 hlckciie, 2 luiulniloi s 2 gang plows, I cum plows, soedcr, tuiiiier. corn jilMiiUir. 'I mower dian drag, walking plow, fanning mill, 'I wagon, manure spreader. 3 eel hanieaa and luleroat In euultv elevator ID) r, KTfi acre tin der plow, halatice piiHture and hnv laud, a., 1 1 i Icli bin. k I01110, on clay euhaoil. 7 room liouae, larne bnrti, 1 griiiinrlee, chicken hoiin, lion house ami well of good water Uicntod t mile from a town of 2, M0. In Hansom county, the i.mr. iui' aunt linaalnrn part nf North I'a kom, Pilco, Including ereoiial prop er! 1, l.'A an acre for uub k deal on ao count of ah knesa. '.John VV, Norton Company, 4,w Hhuhcrt Hldg., Ht. Paul, Minn. Al larrlliincoiia. lil'YI.KH WITH Till'; .viiir:y To IN VKHT Farm land ada I1I1111U In those col umn reacli Hie kind nf people all over Iho wel who hve ample fund wllh which to Inveel In land (uallly 'nnl itiiinlity aro both found In Till; RI'.K'M coiuiiiv olrculailon The snivel Ipt Ion isle for The Hee I much lilkhiir than env other Omaha liewapaper. Natuiallv Tlie Han I read hv a ' lua of well to do farmer Kend tn your ml and reach gome real bujela 1 1 A V 10 YOI A I'ARVl idlt HAI,K" W rite a good dee, nptlon of your land end send II to lb Minus i'ny, la , Jour nal, "luwa M'i I 1 f . , 1 Want Ail Atedlum " I wool 1 -fit w.iiilaeeiy Krl day etonlng. tnliuda- iiioililog and ei.rt patuidnv e.eiilog aii l Mimlay for eon month, gii, tog al.ieen ! 1.11 Iwelvn tliffi'ienl dajs tor I , in M w. .!!, Il or 1,, Win. la. , I in'i rii. ulaili.i, of any o pew l eper S'l.nil a. I. 1 (Ul,i in f, nt gimt alnlra A hi,' r..r my IH .AI. KtiTATK h..iion showing lest h.tlgtlpa III i..... Whw i, i,l iaI.su 1 i . 1 . .ti. I. of kt, iuu rov.,.1 'itio. no eii, i-oni'iil not owiois i 11 1 1, is ip.i a , i,,i, - W 'IT Ml 1 I I11N .i.l 1. I. I i li All, a " .. I . 11 1 i-rt 1.. 1 1 ,.f .. I . II i f. p. l.1g I'm.) . .. I . 1. li i tit Mi bus 1 .4 FINANCIAL steal lalale, l.waaa, 4. tgwejog, We ate l1 g gli i.u.ie 1,1 I Like Ii.hI a 1-H flMtclaa lit I I (-11 1 att t it .it 1 it Iti Uraekg Ui it - (ui. on t ,.. - I Ml! U tit VI !.! 'till rlV , m h si rib, in. VI . 1 . 1 I lu IciS M A t,.., t I .., 1 ,! k. 1 K, .., h , i ... . 1 1 ... I , Li4 i 1. 1 a 1 4 1 1 h a I 4 .1 ei w 11 1 11. Vi t a ft I f- I' i . .-,(ti last li' t. I II 1 li tS li ,.l-n. tig, tl 1 I .. 1 1 . I if tt 1 I I . 1 at ..! t, as ,l a .0,! j' tt ., ,, f t .1 I . P . t . . , 1 .... , ,, ht ' 1 ' ' 1 0 1 I 1 - iU I llia.tl kl VI V- 4 .. 1 ,,..,1 1 . i 11 i 1 t it.., Ian, v ': . ? It ' ma ... J Ill- I 1 t 4 I ' , 1 I I . I l.i V V Ml FINANCIAL neal Kalale, Loans, MertaM. MONK 1' 10 liAN. for A year. 011 Improved properties HIIiipFN A CO , Dong 4" Ml iN K Y on tiand "for oily and farm loans II W, Minder, City National Hank Rldg GARVIN BROS. "Ny;r;' CITY ami farm loana, f,, U. A per lent, J II Dumont A) Co . W. o W. Rldg r if MoNN.r. HAHIIIHUN MoltTON " 0 Kit Omaha Nat llonk llldg ui to ll'i ii made pn.miilli K. 1 Wead, Wead Hid , imit end I nrnam Mt Abslreei nf 1 Itle. f. lifll'lLllf !' Ahetiact Co, We can bring llfll till ill, (1l)Wn yiilr a,rMrl ahni'f police R 7, Pgllereon Rldg, h. Iv li'lMM'1" tluerantee and Abatract ,v,"Mkl'n, a modern blra('t uffH. i K lilh Ht Tel tl. M7, ItKKIi A P.HTR ACT i'o ."'oldest gblri t office In Nebraska ;) liraudeU The. lorb aatl lleag. l', jrMollTiAill4 i.arlng"7'' annual.' se cured by I loperly valued H,J Tl liiaao U.oiols lnv. To,, W, tl, VV. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Ke sal. ' " m CAR I) ADS or hay KROM ffiOO TO 17 00 P K R TON A. W, WAONKIt, PHONIC DorOLAet 114? gilt N. 1AT1I HT. lt( r4f HicfX HAhUkM 12.7(g) wot Hi of double harness to close out al a dlacount or on intra rrom r . . 1 fMai M.,11. .. .Ih.l. I.a pees In rfos out t on half regular price itariuta nippq fuujei'i 10 in gpectlon. If not satisfied, money will lie refunded. JOIINHON DANKOftTIt CO., 1t,2V II M N 11th HI . Near Clark Nt HAl'lNFiM HAOl.f.F.el A.VIl' TrtrrVrffl W miika Ibeiu ourselves and ll them l 1 1 eel to the cnnumer Why pay two profit for inferior good when you can iii'l high ((i nil n goods al flret ooatT A l.l HI.D I liRNIHIt It. Ol , IJI0 I nrnsiii HIOitiahg.i Mt'HT sell gl one, 4 mute. mare end hemes pore fooled rrom paving nee Trunnfer bsru, HI4 N ll and 1 uoiliig HAY M 1.0 Co A VV1. VVsgner mi N, I". POULTRY AND PET STOCK MosCy Iii cfifckeo. wrTi furTiihnsou'g fien ralalogu poultry Know-Hew, ghoul Ihe py for-l'eelf (lid Tf'iety In cubaloi' M. M Johns.. n (.' , ('lay Cn- ter. Noli PHII.ONei iiv far pell"erlnan:Til'iTie always penned up; Hill pa needed to etail. fie book eaplaln all, Majeatla Hipiab l o . Dipt HI, Adel, la. TIIOHOI (illfilif.D Hinl'h colli.-, host In lh cniinlry; bieeder pipe l'i, our price I2' Mai Oelslr lllrd (0 "CAHIi'. OI-' HAlitT flttfVUS a new Looli fre for alamp, Hen, II, I ae Co., till Harney HI,, Omaha W 1 1 I Tf; It' if hatching eggs Jam Decek, ;.( H IKHh Ht Phona Houth 4o H'lieiilug l li, per I'fl ib. AO) M. lAlh Hi.' MX 1 grain, l' lb., II 74. Wagner, grail. I. AUT0M0BILESF0R SALE USED CARS I sllghllv used Mgnwelt tour 1- IKIli Isnger A. ' com eiiuln . t pig. i. ie fi-i.uoil . uiria rrom i 10 ,,,, ' I IHIA Veilg 40 , I pun 1 row car et a bargain.. illl I - llm Ow l land ti paaaengnr l-'-'A I .CU, li pnaa Hllidebakoi .m I-A lietmer. Detroit roadster, ilr ei,lllp , , I 111 Inioriiatlotial, good shsp,.,, ''i 1 ri!i 2 eyl, Ms well roadster 1 1 ml 1-1912 I'lander , A pa ,,0, C. W. H?ANCISAUT0C0., 17 1 A Frnem Phong Doug. 114. PANHWNHKR 0S7a"nSr'jut hssn o ei " buulerl Hiroiighoiit gnd painted; on Jflfr ami Ifbl Foid louring car aud on lull Find roadster; Rulog rosdster, good ehaiie. Zi'SI Karnam, Houglag iv4 ALTO CLFJIUNG JloUfiiJ 11(1 Fin nam Ht. Tel Doug MM). pilA Hiiimi rosdslor, nearly new. 1'ilH Hlodilard Daiton, 4 peaaenger. I I'M Hiew-ns Duiyea, lt-cyllnder. IMm p'oid delivery ear. Til F AI'TO HIIOP -"Hervli FirT." IKH-I Jackson. lylnrwift A ulo repairing ami gen. I.liickemllhliig, auto apilnga made iihrl repaired. HIiTOFHT V A HI luTt OF F( Ht 1 1 CARH IN T 1 1 If, CITY. WF will I rade you a new Koi For your oni one. IN DFHTItl A I. (1AIIAOB CO., 2nth anil llnroey Doug A3K1. AI'TO VVRKi KlNlYY'O.rilg flo. 24lh Hi. AH gimi 01 repelling gnd part for sale llsoi rai bought aud sold F.NKIIAI, Motor t'ompuny truck, two Ion capai-liy, good condlllon. Han be booahi rlkht. Call Dotigla W4 tfHftl) CAR RAROAINii Af Ml HPIIY O HRIKN AUTO CO.i 1114 1 1A Fa 1 nam Ht. NFIIRAHKA lliitili Hervlce' Hialion, "till latouin en,. I'nonn noiig, 7x1. Anto I. leery anil llnragoe. AIITO i.lVKRV ' ilve passenger car wllh driver In or out or clly; special rata (or long drives. Heath. HI. Wt N. 24ih, VVebaier Kil A a to llepnlrfagx and Palallngi. N I 1 1 Aulo Itaillalor Repair Hervb a and nrlces right. 21 M. imh Ht. Il im. llm icwnnl for magneto we cen t repair. 1 'oils repaired Hasdorfer, 'III N. tat It. iK MI'RPIIY -Aiilo repairing lit H.' 17th Ht Tvler 2u7; night, Jtid i.M4 rim. li n Hhi'I I r I en ( ? -al Far t) 20(11. Antu lire anil eapiillos. 'llll.H advancing, hut we seep the price now 11 pipoi iai price on atandanl oiiil.i s '1 1 1 .1 lepalilng On good Dig iiunli. fiom twu Hid one Duplet T 1 1 1 11 , 'Situ I allium HI. Iiii'.T I In on away old I lie VV inake one new ilia ftton I old one and asve y..i ,"V I In I Vulcanising I u., il.H I "a vein... it Ht , Omaha. Net.. ACTu Till KM lit HCII.T. I no To f. no Dill Tl It K CO, lull 1 hl ago Ht Kleelrle elomuhllaa, Uelier And. is. ui. atp t 11,0a ilm hi. t l alieile all,. tag .'; r l l.m D Ull. AI'TOAIiiHll.K I taCuANCM he. l,.,'i .lnl.lliv sml Piuparts I'noiege at liwesl Hittaa Kll I.V 1 l.l III A I III !M l'e)i iN III ill in Nai Hank llldg I i.,u, UI MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES "I I III I I ' V V II H- 'S i' fit tn d in... i I i.a .1,1,... y la VI ,., VHiT"Hi t' I I, in. V 1 i , ! . , C't I ea . kl, w .1 0, , REAL LSTATE IMANSFERS .:.' 1 ! .t ' ' a. a-. 1 (ui, a t- eat,,,5,i J IIUIIVI 1 Dec readers are too intelligent to overlook the opportunities in thcWantad1 col umn. They're 11 lk.t g 1 Vk. kU 1 1 m j l!. .t -V mm nn .inn n J LEGAL NOTICES NOTICIC, To the Hint kholrlei of the CnneorVatlve Havings hiiI I -on 11 Avsoi'lnllon of (Mimlin. Neliianka Wtieiiui. The iinmuil slocl .holders' meeting, which una ln-ld on I be MM li ilny of .Isnuary, I'.itii. was by vole of I be stockholder tdloiinied until the 1Mb, ilny of Apill, I 'M, for the put la, an of coo eidofing the iimi'tidincnl of Artblc VI. of Ihe Aitlcloe of 1 111. up. .run. .11, nod tran saction of audi oilier .uaui.-s es might properly mine before the meeting: NOW, TIIKIIKFORK, you are hereby notified thai said s il l.iu nud meeiing will be held at the nffue of Hie aaam intloii, 1114 lliiniey gireet In Hie illy of Omaha, I 'ous I., a county, Nebiuaka, from ft o'clock g to lo f. 11 rlu, k p m, on Ihe 1Mb day of Amll IfUii, for the inriose of volli.g on euli ndltig Ihe time of llm coiporall.'ti, and lliere will be autimllteil for vonr euri sldernlloti gt that meiilng Ihe amendiueiil of AMI'le VI of I On Arlb le of liiiorpo ration to read aa follow A H I'll l,K VI "This inrtioialloii having eninmeiieod on December 8, lal, l. all .mil. nun null! Pie it, I day of Dicembr r, A l IK" and the tianaacilon of sui h olher hualinsa a may properly come before llm meeting TliF ro.WritVATI K havinom a NT IIAN AHKOCIATION OK OMAHA, NI.IHIAoK A. Hy (ten. K Ollmore, President Atteal: I'm ul W. Kulni. Hecy. il. Hi AJdt OLD SOUTH HIGH LONG CRUMBLING Former Principal Graham Jlemem bm Bricki TtlUng Yean Bmk. OFTEN PUT THROUGH INSPECTION "II h tmci) dlecfivri'i'd," go ggyg ttl lllK lincr'tni'il iihaorvet , "I hut Ihil (unifgl gf'hool 1 meaning thl of lh" H'lulli Hide 1 g giiulii li 11 f II for sgfa ncciipiiilon hy gi.'hufil cliililnii or otht-r tenant' Aim her gntiual )n gpftlon hue Imcii nigda, I hi time hy H. F, Wllllging, ineiiilinr nf lh board, who tig found In hi gegrrli for the proper 'gel I hat llm hulldlrig ghould Ji condniiiri"d, "Iftoett yeaig ago alien lb bull. ling 11 only rccautly hi'on lemoied from It at l.l 1 baa on top of thirty fool Mil, eeveiaf brick ar remenilano't Id havo fallen from the roof and abba of the slrti'lure arid li hs w far fom 11 a, Prment AaaUlanf Huorliit'iidotil of Hi hool N, M. flraham, who wa gt that lima prin cipal of thg Houlh Hide High i hool which name the hoo liouae went hy, remeni hered aie of thege llialnll.es I lot evonlrg Klv year ago following a protest by otUaen li) lh danger nf the building a eompany of building Inspector from both Houlh Hid gnd Omahg held an In gpectlon nd glthnugh finding It out wardly rather hky predicted thai It might gllll hav a few yoat to gtand. Kven as lute e lsl week when a small fir hmka out In the heeemcnl lh build ing gtlll sloo-1, Residenig nf that district who had children attending Ihe Inelltu tlon again mad a protest fearing for the safety nf their nffpin and ggslq Ihe Ilord of l.ducaJlon mderad an In- necilnn, Mr William Investigated and returned lh m gnnlee', epirt. although ha advised that If ha con h inn d. "It mlahl ind fit year and It might rumple tomorrow, I on ean't tell," he rh laet evening No people hav been walling for lh old building n fall. Yegre hv ad and till It gland a on of Ilia oblcel. land mark In Houlh Hide II tha first high gchool and main school building of I hat city gnd ws one lit the first brick tn tat ere. -tod In tit Houlh Hide earlier ' y. Tha Hoard nl Education did not hold a eperlal ee salon to eoept the report, of lh commlitn according to Mr. Wllllgma lest evening. NEW YORK MAN CHARGED WITH ABANDONING CHILD It I believed by New Toik aulhorltle Ihgt Irving Jititchitr of lliiffalo, N. T 1 In this city. Hotelier I wanted for abandonment of a minor child " Ao- fording to the deaerlptlon the hunted man I about M year of g. PLAN FOR REPUBLICAN SLATE Charles E. Hughes, or Someone Else, for President Clarence J. Miles, or Someone Else, for Governor James C. Kinsler Vc A - v 1 , )? . . .... . . .' ' a ' X ' ' - I s JAMES C. KINSLER Cantllttjte for Uepubllcan Nomlntition for County AUornty, DENIES RAMY WILL BE ORDERED HOME Sayi There i Nothiri); to Reporti Expeditionary Forcci to Be Re tailed from Mexico, ORDERS TO iWTON STAND VVAHlll.VtJTON, Anil 7.- (gle itorlcgl (enlg hy Hmroigry l.nlnK lata today whs Hi official gnwei tu pi igisii-nt n-porU ihnt. th Amer ican li'oopH ihImIiI In withdrawn from Melto alioilly, rcisrdi of dovniopitientg 111 Ihf litint for Villa. H0II1 Mr. LgflMln; gnd HmieUry Raker of lh Wnr einrl.mf nt Indl i gti d thai I here v n no prfent In (lliallon of rlignglng the orlilngl or tlir glvpn di'tiiiiil Kiifialon. Official totiiiiii'iit wha refiiA'd i ggrdlng gtaleiiicnt credlied to Con go) Onnla of (lie tin fgcto ftovero inrnt at Kl I'aao I tint th punlllv fpedltlon had g'toinplighed H end In dlpcrln Hi oiitlawg and (hat he wo'ild M alad to It Hh drawn. The iiiHit tg given t9hl t'ofikldertition by high official, wh" gppgrrnily deemed II, an unuthf)r lised t-iprenHlon by lha fongul gnpplle Are ghlpped, New fiom lh bonier that a trlilad of uPpllo, hlppod by ptlvl firm, hurt left Juareg today for (', Ornd gnd I'eersrtn, where they will h avgll aid to Oenetal Pershing, cuod l fai ilmi lu re Although h army author! (lea wei not the gclual shipper, tt believed Ihe pi' IUal result wnld b th asm, Kveo wllhoid further e'lnn hy or rem cession from Crrfir, uch ne of h rllwy, om offldnl think, my met Ihe peed of th l ulled Hlafe without 'gusltig mbrrsineiit, to tha d fet government. Heeretary Raker Indlcaied fody fht, In th preeent flu of th M.lcgn cam paign, th motor tniik llneg from 1 liiiiihii i to t lh prlnHpl rtry for supplies, with whievr 11 my he gained from lh rllwy merely gup plemenlgry, Hll rteprlmnf dltilc.h dining th dr from HH..aJ Agent John L, Rodger at Qneretgro told of continu ance nf negotiating with Carrgnia tin the railway rjuostlon It wag officially staled that lltelger' messsgo war om what vsgu and lndflnt regarding the e.ai t atiu of th negotlatlma. HI. PAHO, Te , April rtecrelarv l.aiialug'i flat denial lhat th gervem merit wa I'onslilerlrig Ihe wllhdrgwaJ of th troop from Metlco wa re1vd her wllh a doelded feeling of faJlef, Two rla peclally, turf nffloerg gnd Ameilcen refugee, war amphatlr. In Ihilr pleaur over th offlnUI iiilMiig wllh h had Iroen put on th porslstont r. port that lh Pershing ipadltlon wag Id be abandoned. A fr ran be gleaned fen re th mee gor dlapelchoa from th front gnd from unofficial Mealcan ouro, th purenli of Villi, far a lh American are concerned, ha reached g gtag of maid ing time until th '(utlon of gupplle Irsnepnrlallon I golvad. Floes Pen in a Car, Stalled, Tries Trade For Team, Captured HIOPX TAI.Tat, H f , Aprfl T.-When Jim Pinion tried In trade an automobile for a Jasper, Minn , farmer' husky team, after observing tha animal In action In an unsuccessful effort to itrlrat the rar from a mud hole, h earn to grief. Th frmr' suspicion wa aroused, he telephoned HI11111 Kelt and teputy Hherlff Clifford JnhiiKtnn hurried tn tha ona tn bring Klnton baclt t th atal anltentlary here, from which h had escaped wllh stolen gutomoldl Tuesday morning. For Comity Attorney , j f