Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tin-: BTT,: ONf AITA, S A TUT? DAY, APKTL . 1916.
vneer Lumber Man of Omaha
' Paiei Away ti Bnult of
Brlirht'i Difa,
Frank K. Colpetzer, prealdant of
the Chlnio Lumber company of
( maha inrt on of the prominent
I ''nr twalneag men of tha eliy, died
at 110 Friday afternoon t hi"
borna, 11 Houtb Twntyfifth ava
tin", nnuM'n dlacitaa and iibt(r
hroi'mbt about hi rt"th,
Mr. had bran fallln- In
balh for ome liUla tlwe. but tba
iid ram aii44ny and unexpectedly.
I utll Tuapday afternoon h waa abbs
In rngatt lo active, work at tba of
fice and hi condition anenied om
what Improved, jla became quit
acrloualv 111 Tunaday night and Wed
I nday lllbt uffre4 cllbt para
lalia alrnka.
frank K. ''r.lnotaer waa bom in Han-
4.,i4. ri .iniv 2 ifcu lie cinu want
hn a very man and )n IVX, hi
wim marrM in Tryphona SI, Orn it
Ik fgu. Kan,
In )W lb ' hlr Mi I,umber tnmimny t
Omaha a a organic, and Mr, Oil
tietgor haam preaMont. Hi ha boon
tha aotlvg head nf Ihla firm aver ainra,
Mr f'fi!pfr wag a mmber nf tha
hnoaa fit rejireanigtivea t Nehraaaa In
tl and Yn and tn la ariJ !, ha wa
government dif'l'r f the t'nln f'
oifnr railroad. '
Mr l"oliter'g (TflM we republican
ei4 hi aaa a morrihur of tha 'ongtege
flnl church, He aaa a iromlnn
Vfaan and a rnambar of tba Omaha club
and tha Omaha Viuntry club,
Mr, ftolpaiaar la anrvlv hy hla wife,
gon, a daughter, and a alatar, Mr
Merehll, rf ' ilarer, Kan, Tha aon,
Mfihlf (i, 'nlpetgar, ha boon aago
lfd al'M lila In ha Chl'-aao
1un1f rompany, Tha daualit'-r, Mra,
Marry f. tvildlna. la w a rrllnf nf
!tilffl, At th lni f Mr, f'olpatxar'a
death ft waa with b-r hillfi'l In Naw
Vnrk rily, but la rmw onroula fur
Omaha, and will . bar In lltn for th!
funaral, wbbb prtMhlf will ha huld
Omaha Cinches
Second Place as
a Stock Center
Fta'ir romplM af (ha ladln pa'-h-
If, rnlira tit (h ri. nry fr fba flrxt
mr tnmfha if n yfr prv rnnplij
lvly (hat Omaha If (' nrmid ara
iif, liva afiffc mart In h world, In th
f irat (iKtrfcr rmi)i imdiihii-td Knii
.'Hy, (ha oihr i ontmler for aond pluua
a a llv focK -ntr, by VA.VQ liad
Nw tworda fra h'm un a( tha ln
of praH'ally amtt month nf (iia flra'
o,frlar, In Marfb Omaha lad Kanama
f'ty aa a llva atock cmtT by a total
'maraln of Vftn brad,
Mtratkman and vryotm annnarUd with
Ornaha'a arfntnat Indiiatty wr hlably
t;lil with lha ' llml aliowlfij rnada
la' tha flrat ,urr and ar confidant
that atlll further a"1" will b nntlv&
a tha yrar aonilnura.
Big Price Offered
for Good Ideas
"Wa art payln for ldaa," la Ida way
i'iftm A Co., rant ratata firm, ptjta thr
manor whn aakad bow it can afford
to lva $),i0 In prlwa for th bt artlcia
on why nna would Ilka lo llva In rmndi,
Happy Hollow, or Kaliwr. Ittara In
lit tonlrnta ara eomlna t tha offlr
Hftry day, firrnt of them ara frnm
iimaha ahlla a rt mny, too, are from
irlon parta of th tat,
'Chora aro to h flv irlr,o, Tlio trr."
fill ha rqiilllfn In Hood tola In fMjiid,-,-,
liluh and lhjy, and In a romirldod nrnh
i"irhood At tnidnlflit, Aill I". tin- ronlol ail1
i looo. Thorn yi-i nhnndant Hno lo
MiH f. Tli klli'io iiir oMini-led, to tif frmii
tifn' to .VI woiiln in length.
,l,,j nil (lie OnmliH llrnlll !,
IrtC It'll' 'l lll'l llill Mtli'lmllUi'd ( I III I
in, Int. Vhint n'lld ni $1 mi to It V.
u hi if. lo ,() itiiK niid ata al I t"
i i prt liilfhl'l
, III roinpai Hun Willi IIiiikP Ml
fiMii r iiiMiUi'i HTfi lUK'ral. tlu-ro l
"I iiit of nboNi. II of i nrii and l"i
iwlllt 1,1 1 Mil
,1 t il niihiml of flaufcfod In noino
'n n il ivfli'l and mid at I.' pci
l',,iiik N'mtt an"d !t )i-ai, llvtnf 1101
iii" oini ft the llhniiW toniil
i.ndh' Im l'al Hud li a. na alrm k bhm
1 lit i h a nflo hullo!, rirod ap
iMiitt riitni a ti tta rtvai . aindv
..a, ilmri'l"! ui.d at I'e liin Tho
To Mak Skin Clear
jultr.'"-. a.
fV ' v
f ,1 ' ),
. , ' . , ' 'it
I'TtASK V.. ''flfJ'KTKR.
ciijiiiy linn t,in cajlad nrion to furnlah
m"dl'al altotnion fur tho wound, whtrh
la a bad una.
1,11 I ali',,'t afc!u I -
.ml ii a t!.i, ilia.) miii'li nam n
j ii, a I'tiio tn". oMaiind al ill' a
liii II ir li lute t.iUe i
..1. ) a'l I rl l,t I'llu
1 i'a h,ia. i . at. t 1 i...iun
nia tho ii 1 ! i, iioatihr
- ! 1 l l,ll,a '' " . ul
it iHii l-ll-ll.k 11 1 ' I
d iimiu tni r ! I if at t'; a
' 'I II l a'aat
a. ihm, I lln.l
I n (r ant a ansM At A
A -r im,x as, ,c, .J, ..
r ii
a " 1 i
ill , .r a ;. .
Bourgeois Cards
Game with Rourke
Club for April 18
T Uniilaa'a Wootorn loaguo rh will
play a third anm In Omaha hofnro tho
aoaaon rpona aprll 3ft, Tho prfoeiiliinala
will play tha Hniirafula toam of (h
Change of Diet Does
Not Agree with Hogs
Will a narhaaa dlot prnva fatal lo a
hoa that Ihk hion rlod on corn and
ehopcod oiriilfa1? That aa a mootod
'lui-ailofi hifni'o J idia Paiitfh of tho mil
iih'lpul rHiit In a a'llt broiiaht by Jiillua
l.aanlo aaalnot Hmlloy Hroa for
Ta pla'!ff huuabl a lol of boaa from
dofondanla for fiodlna al a garhaao plant
In foot rtinaha. Two dayi aftor tha ho
raachad Iholr now bod and board fifty of
thrm dlod
Th rnnrt dnldod In favor of lha do.
ThcaSor8c Mary Page
Dy Frederick Lewis. Author of
MW hat Happened to Mary"
Pictures by
Th Cut of Charcot r for
t iTiAnav cash or mait
ttt I atni'lnfi, l"fnr Ami,
In rlHl Ma) ft , WUiff WfKMIt
Murr ttaaanjrl-tl tf, atwa4 o
mnit' t . . , , . . M (
Vuhm-k. pnruf at Hr. man
Mi , Aininr.iffH
Y II rmi'lf, t rt Hi ii.a . ,..
, Urrv fnhtnv.i
lr'iwtii hi AMirni , jahfl M r
Ifdrt I ni fmhtrr . h Kfunli i ir I
Mil I , Mmt irth' , ,
, ,., , f mnkU lUrmmi4
Mr llrD4o . . I&lmjfi4 If Vh
aa(fwti?a , ,, . K '() MamiltMS
Mr, rMI, follofh l buiM tvM
. , , , . , , , , . . . , Arthuf
A Ht4 "at nmirt) . WllMtm i Wtr
flitth fUn..U, IfitaVi lfMt,,
'fa)fl( UrtMMI't
Amy kft 'Hri Mra(f Uurr
Mf Hl MtM Vajlll
Mr. Vn.Ml ,, , M" Mt-trNill
Tha run of luiraea at tha Hon III Onion
inarkot thla wrali hua baon nulla tlhotal,
whllo tha quality baa avaraaod aood.
'Mcoa have l;oan atrona, auoh Improva
monta aa hav faaon pla'-a hidna dua
larrly lo Ilia batter finality, Thora la
a hroad utiot fur goon rmiaoa ranaitia
from ft lo ynnre, alao a aood domand
for hoavy draftora. I'lnga ar not wniilnd,
ar f ti-aia,
Wary I'nan, adrwa, ' a'Ciocd of
nmrdor of livld I'olloih, and la dofandod
hy hor lovor, J'bllllp liiK'l"ii I'hIIimU
waa lotoali'Nlod. Al Hurt t aha ad
(una aha had a ravnlvar liar maid
taailfloa that Mary thrnatanad I'ollncli
with It nrovlonal v, and Mary'a la1ln
man Impll'aloa Iii(dun. How Mary dla.
apimar.( In. in 1 1 10 a, one of tho cilom la a
tnyaiory Hiuinl,,ii loll of a atranga
hand print that ho now on Mary a ahnul
dor Furlhor ovldorma ahowe thai horror
of drink prodiiri-a lainpornry Inaaiilty In
Mory Tho dofotiaa la ''rai.roaaoil J.ay
boala " WHnraoaa daorliad Mary'a f aht
I frorn nor lntolatod (at nor and bar
, faihor a aiilld. Nuraa Walton daai-rlhoa
, tha kidnaping of Mary hv l olhwa and
I Amy Marlon tnllg of Mary I atriilaa to
no'-oma an aotroaa and rnitwa a puranii
of hor, Thora la ovldonia that I-antola.
Maiv'a nianagor throatonad I'lilhwk
Mary falnta on tho aland and aaaln '"
Ii,miio whoii a poli.aiiian offoia hor
hlnky I'anlola treilfloa that l'nlm k
throHtoniMl to kill Mary and 1-ena'liii and
artuiillv atlomptod In kill Iho I,. I lor
Two wltnoooa doarrlha Mary'a fllghl to
Iho atraoi fmm Ilia holnl ami liar ahdun
lloii hv mm from a gaml'lina piaoa naar
hy aMili'or ovldomo aonma to Incrlmln
ni Canlela
t II 4 IT H 111.
fnontlnuad from Toatarday )
"Now-ho raroful, Vlaa I lata - ara you
a'ira of thatf
"Jura? Of ronraa I'm aura Ona
window waa npon, yea Tha ona lo lha
loft hand alda of itio room, but tha
othar nna, tho one thronah ahliH I
had board tha talk waa rloaod, I m doad
aura of It dmd aura "
"Mlaa Halo, you aay you ware ona of
lha flral In antar lha room Will you
doarrlt-a ena.'tly what you !'
langdin movod naaror lo bar, and hlm
aolf Prionod attontlvoly,
"I aaw lha liody of rajaa rollonk ly
ing 1r down on tha floor with a drlh.
hlo .( hiood ' oomlng from lindnr him,
and a llttla waya off Mary I a go lyliig
!u a doad faint, with bar fac all
tlatod up. Ilka a poraon with a airoke,
Mr. landnn waa lifting hor up In hla
arma lanlili waa lhara, and tha pretty
toy that played tha load In tha Page
company. There waa ona of tha hotel
oftMale, loo."
Tha memory of lha ghaally arena did
not dletorb hor at all. Hhe waa aa oalm
aa though aha had hon antortalnlng
lltnra at home.
"Hut von did not iw-a. did you, lha hort
man whom Collnrk had haon harangnlna
n f mnmoiila hoforet' Tha nuaallol
waa aharp and dlroot,
"No I'nloaa It waa either fm. Mr
liiigdnn, or Mr. lanlola Thra waa no
oi hor man there whom It amild hava
I eon "
"Waa tho volra ou t.oatd mine? Hpo.k
"No 1'nlaaa ymi'va rhangod vonr
olo, uHon laarher " Thrra waa a allxht
llttor "It waa kind nf Ihb k and naaal,"
"Would you raengnlna It agutn If you
hoard II?"
"Tea Hut I haven I board It alnna,
"What did jrou da during the oarii.
' I waa too hnrrlfloij t da anythlnt for
a minute. Then people kepi puahtng In,
and an wont anmaa and look anoihor
alant al lha flra oacapo "
"I 'id you anyonaT"
"Not nn lha the aet-apa Itealf, nut 11
nvn wrr In tha alloy atarlng up at tho
hotel, I fntild aa thalr faa."
"Two man ara yoii auro thora waia
"Tea in? ooiiraa I am, I could ea thaoi
laln Una wm almoat under tha ar"
light "
"rta I Bale," raid laiigdon. rloarly
and lalmly, wolghlng avary word, a
though bo k-iew tha aonmitlon hla (tuea
tlnn would i rente, "waa that man who
ato,d undor the, arc light uYeaaad In a
light ault with a rod tl"7"
"Ho a"'
(To Ilo Conttiiiicd f oirorrowl
Fifty Years' Use Proves S. S. S,
Will Relieve Stubborn Cases.
You hava not load tha tittle featorlng
plmplog nn tha fifa and hody - awclllng
of iha glunde -eorniaea In tho loga and
arm mueflea. Theaa ara Iho aymptoma of
m. rofula Von may hava aoma of thoa"
aymptoma, pneafhly lha taint of Burnfula
Infoi'tlon. ttut In olthr.r ouaa, II Ig a dan
goroua rondltlon, Tour blood la Infaotod,
linpuro, and oi ran navor hniia to gain
.-rf.-rt hoalth unill Hie tmpiirltlae aif
Hiieliad from llm avalom. If you fool
loollv all the llnio you inuet rravo health.
If mil want to foal roimwod aplrlta, tha
glow of porfocl hialth, bright uyoe, rlawr
akin, tha knnwlndga that, you ara woll,
on an do ao rioanoo your blood by
taking H. M, H Kor fifty yoara It baa
hoon iho aundnrd blood purlflor. It r
llovoi tha truiihla by nuurlahlng tha blood,
ronnwlng Ire alronglh, and 'Iniuliilng tha
flow ao that the tilnod rognlria Ita loat
vitality, and throwa off Iho polaon. Kvert
long atanillng t'aaoa reapond. Hut yu
nn, i uaa . N H. Taka It for all blood
Infoiiilona. (lot It at your drugglat'a to
day. If you need attoclal advk- write tha
Kwlft Kiawlfln Cm., Atlanta, Oa.
mtrum home op hart schaffner & maex
i & i
w I
ml '
i.,i.i.,i:.n,i.ii,ii.i...ii.,...ii..,ii.,i,,...i.i.::ii., ii.'i... ,,!:. i
! if C!!f
l''ll"IHI!!!'iilI liljl'ijiliin! Iffiflf
lost Important Sale
of Men's Raincoats
Ever Announced in Omaha
Sale Prices $2.98 to $10
And Worth from $5.00 to $20.00
JIKRE'8 A CHANCK FOR EVERY MAN to outfit himself with a firsUIass Rain
coat and wive considerable money. Hie stock we offer is tho best of its kind over shown
in Omaha. More complete, more varied and in tho very best materials and colorings.
Buy a First-Class Raincoat in This Sale and Save $.3 to $7.50 on Each Coat
All Coats full strapped and cemented seams, straight and slash pockets, con
vertible and velvet collars. Back to back all wool cassimeres, back to back Bomba
zine. Fine pepper and salt plaid backs. Fine wool Tan Cassimere Coats. Extra
Quality, fancy mixed Cassimeres, convertible collar, belt back Coats. Brown
fancy back Cassimere Coats, balmacaan style, velvet collar.
Young Men's Suits, o r?A
In Pinch Back Models....?) IZ.OU
English and ncrai Kngliah ' model, Patch
Pock eta, cuff pant; Fancy Mixed Caa
aimerea and Worrited. Hundred", of Buita
in the lot. From $3.00 to $5.00 lens than
I hey are worth.
Top Coats of Character $10.00 and $15.00
Self collar and velvet collar atylea. lUlmaroon net in learr and blt hc.k Coata, in
Tweed. Cheviot, li'irht mliture and dark jrray. Alao Black Vienna in aixe for men and
young men. At $10,00 and $15.00, you will nave from $3.00 to $7JW on arery Coat you buy
in thi offering.
' 1 " ""S
L a J I
V '
This h Omaha Headquarters for Sport Suits
Hand Tailored Suits,
Best in America, at. ,
for man and young man and tha beat Clothe
yoa oan bar for 115.00 anywhere. Dnauttful Wor
a tad a, tn J1 (hade, flna Blna flerne, fltrlpa Chaok
and Fancy Mlrtnrea, Enijllah and aeml Engllah
modola and Flnoh bark, alao eonaarratlva atylea.
All plendldly Utlored and flnlahnd. 18,0a
This Is the New Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Model Clothes for Men
IT ': v. ',
I - ' ' ' aTSVl
1 jrKP
'J I
m :
Had a Corking Good Sale
Of Men's Furnishings
Last Saturday
The Store Was Crowded But We Did Not See
You 1 Iere-I iowever-WE'LL GET YOU YET
: 5 . Zrcl
Our Hilk Cnpe and Puaay Willow Crrit' Shirt am un
efjtmlleil , in quality and C C fjjf
price, Worth to $s, si'y. vOiOUmd
(Mir Madraa, Silk and I. men ami Corded Madrn Manliat
tan and Kmcry Slnrta are without an equal in fit and
wenrintf ahility. Kiei-p
lionnl valui't, - at , ,
$1.50la $3.98
Unexcelled Shirt Values at Wc nnd $1.25
11 (knon Saw Bprlng Hhbrla, In all lha ory la'oa' ('attorn Ihm bhtrte aia im! juba m aofoaiU but
Bhlrla (hat ara brmglil bofoia lha pow aitalln high ptira nf ablrilnga Tharofnoa
a ran nffor ytitt rular l 9 Hhlti alt i
CI kgon Naw Mprtng Hhlni nmatlr V.
tK'r W!aotl, Ml I ami hamplaa. MoaiiUr
aliira hi l J.i fia'a ptna. pair ,
So iin of l aa'or Not kaoa', all voir Satral
.rM,,,,:r.,,:;'.,, 50c.nd$i.oo
98c .n,$1.25
25c, 29c
I -ni inirit ,Hlk I our In Hand Ti".
ailia li :,tl-.', pew paltottia
Cur Mn ll i- ri rttim-a la tin inippl.ilo. i'h an
lha paa a'.i.l 'a t.f I ho. i.U, In rp A f f
l'ii i. ari ('ill linen a J D C V 1 OU
ii Ihk. n Mont vlo.nin and Hifh VSlgi,l nn
I'alurt Wulta, rouUr laluoa Iti It , , , , . aJO C
$2. $2.50 and $3 Styles . . . .$1.65
A rhoiro lot of Mcn nml Youner
Ahn'M Ilih (Jrado Bumplr Hats, nfwo?
nrrivalK. They nr all Hriapjty, upto- VvM
i. .i.i i ' o. ii .a J
nan' M.vien, ojioica oi huh nr uiir jivmhi?',
$1,G5, '
Boy' IlaU and Capi,
l&o ami 2fin,
AUtiit ?imi wnen Maya' and I bit
flirn Hampla Una nf Mala and
I ape y oiy liiieglnahla ahapa
and Kilur. va'uaa la Ifo, dlyldod
1 11) t (WO b(
Ima Hat r .
15c, 25c
Uraiulnia DpecUl, 1 00
A f bal that acta ax) man
tight 'lh lha imI J I Ita only
rhoap thing aUiul Ihla bat la
l a i ,. All tha
Uieet atrtaa , '
Mayo lUti, $3.00.
r'n tin-n and youna tnn. Itioaa
bata ara raally aorta talaina
ahitut. Thar aia nvaiiy
tiling uul4 Uka in gay fur
tluitn If a pa,' a itarmittad All lb
laloat atln and f) ff
iimuiar atylea . , Oa3UU
)(ratii)iiartrt for BttUon'a
All lb na 1'iai'oa wilt ha
bnttid al tttaiulola thura. In. l id
In lha 'I'aioiuakof," lha bal nf
lha aoaaoii. and nh Migtani, -
ma la ji ma .tn, ami inner meiaum
$2.00 ' $3.50, $4, $5
At $25.00 We
Offer a Bicycle
Our Model 25
that any hoy or pirl would he
delighted to have. It is a wheel
we are proud of oiiraelvea,
and we know n pmd "hike"
when we Mn it. Then- in an
much tu hay almut t that we
have decided we won't say
any more.
Plain llttartng Nkale. t ff
for bnya and lrla ap 1 .UU
Hall lU.grlng Hkiitfg, tflnforrad,
a'lf rniitainod tulla, (j f"
lair 1 ,OU
Wa nuiat gay aninoihina alwmi
Paaiilwll rtiaia, llitta, UUik, oir ,
bfigyao Ihn illaiiiniut la gi'ltlnjt
itfi-n now and tinlv fi, th Mg
gamoa, innla tUckoia and Tarala
c.iiiin Intii mnalilnraMiin. la
lluva' Hanoi, all H'lHa, up fr.wn
Hi'M' liluoa gii, IIM, u
'" .V. fvOo. 75c. tt
lu.ia Pa. j,),,, M
Toiinl It N b if a fn IUia an. I
'i"1" $1.00 a l.tM)
J.ivonlla IU-. - ,(,,, 7,.
Jtlrlill (J.ilf I'tnl.e. ,n fiMii).
Hl'aolal alli'lilh'n gi oi In
hl;a fiahonuini In t . ' !a
i ne barry bnoc tor Men
Wi ari rnrryini,' IIhm nlitn in nil MylrH tint l.-ta nnd hinh tori, hii) lonthiM and tjtti, Kvtry pair
f ilH fii i ttiiy Un Itnrty stntup. Splriuli.t hln. ttt i ry wyj prrff't fttiink. l-tt In-tt juul putti'tn, 'I Ik-v
Iijim' rvrrytfsim In r rivninn'ii. tin tu t r thut hi want m fiMttwrar,
1 3
All Sizes, $4.00 to $4.50
I -a P -m
m t .1.1 l 'H I