Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Make a Note of This
WhcnYou Want
No Charges for Credit See
Tbl At I Oood for (1.00 1 Tr
with $10.00 rurobaae or ,
Suceeitor to Bantley Clothinf Co.
A Remarkable
Collection at
up to
No nffl lo go without a
nw bonnet now. Jut PT
mo a tin nil amount down and
f,(ii i-r work and lha bat la
1417 Douglas SL
We Also Sell to Out
Are You Ready for Easter? It's Only Two Weeks Away
For Saturday We Offer a Wonderful and Timely Sale of
Wo won't give lengthy descriptions of tlicvo Suit.-.
Earh Kile lot contains every popular material and
every desirable shade to be found this season.
fJiic styles will compare favorably with those you
find elsewhere at $8.00 to $10.00 higher. This sale
offt I'S you the greatest Suit values wc have ever given
in a sale before Easter, and every woman who intends
buying a Spring Suit owes it to herself to attend.
Sale Starts Promptly
I'iimIhiIs thf (irfuH-el
I'ti Mmirr Snln f
Spring I lits
T iit Nnvift.l l.ntu
for Snliir.lav -
I n( (Miiirtii gioup f hj
tin !-ttltt 0 Ultra faalttoa..
bin Mititr ami tnUer li
ahapea front the laminia li ak.era
t,f M(llM,HM IUS.
1 h a ! tila at m a
l r e !! luti'ng tha t I'Mtt
.if a i" .era f.
I'Hier ) ( iir sear hi
al I for HaHirtla
tiiil d .f '. the. gr) l
-rt e iua lit'. i'im.
Table Decoration Are Most Unique
with Lake and Canoei
and Tcpeca,
Nr 11MMHI Atrl T.
Till guardian of tha different ramp
of tn Camp Kir Olrl In th cdly met
1 1 hla afternoon after their counc il at
; luncheon table that on might y wa
S ruoet plrti;reaourly ilMinlfl, Thara wer
liku with canora and Indian figure at
1 Id paddle, alret'Le of shore and wood
! lend with leper, ami all aort of Indian
i ariea and Ufa In tnlnlal lie, l.ven 1 1
j ila rarda wre different, looking to
'perfection If they wca Mile burned
, Ml lillf rif birch hat'k that Juat hap
pened lo lo blown along the table, on
I) each lover,
Th nffalr w given el lha Young
Women rhrlll(in aaam billon and wa
lo honor h vlalt if Mlaa Kdllh M
Kempthmn to Omaha. Mlaa lniiihoruc
gv 4 Ik afl'r Ilia luncheon whbb
A lrj gnrl aplanrlld gaaortniont a(
aprln rregntlng miry ia
firlfn of fnhlon for 1910, No rimftir
wht your typ, jou will linvg no rtif
flmlty In finding hT l dat of your
hfurt'i fl rt.
$12.50 r
of-Town Custoracra,
15th and Douglas J3ci77d
Remarkable Values in Omaha
8:30 A. M., Saturday, April
A Wonderful Showing
of New Silk Suits
Kashion'a Favorite (larmpnt fur Sjr irm
W hava una of tha atnrka of Silk Suit In Omaha, No
aeiita, no color, no nmnVI thai l new but hat you'll find It hr-ia.
alum taffeta, mi I W fi:, groa ile Inndre, poult da auio ami ailk
poplin In vrr) nn of the new ahadra.
I'riefg of Silk Suit - V: :ltl $1', .iH, fu'.O, 70
Smart Spring Coats
Al At v i Von Miiv
I I r 0 l Mliul
t never had prrttier ftprtng
I mi., inn tug mi airinit'tii
Uhl'o thimhilla roa'a, aMirt
KMl. fttik iua, Ik .tereyf
roala one nf Hi talral hotel
tie iii hrautlftil irl' rtfe.-ia
and rlolh ra'a ir nety in i a
a inn
We fiffeir Ihre aprrial (.Ua of
'.' Haturda . a'
Spring Waists'e r Nil
ahir In M ml
Bsms -
j it couZTas
wa llatened to with rapt alteri'lon, fori
the national arcretry of lh r'amp Kim ;
(ilrla la a young women who 'an tell
raperlatice quite out of Hip ordinal J','
living a ah haa In Alaska and plain'
out of llm path of l ha vera go traveler, i
Among lh gucat al lb lun'heon (
Mlee - Ml -
K, M, Kempthorn, Hnldrcga,
,Vw York; Kl Hand,
llulh Kelt Niobrara . i
Council fllu'fa, Helen Ui,
lecn Muck, "Men lpr, i
Nelle flveu, "lle Mraln,
Kinma ICllawnrl't, I'leanor t I ii
Martha Vaughan, Helen Uarvlri,
Tha ramp Klta 'ilrla will hol- a pnhllr 1
matting al lh "V tonlahl. hin M '
Kampthorna ant Mr. ('. U. Kr.gllah, r: I
raatlon dlra'ior for lh'- dir. 'H ,h'
Taira Oirli Leap Year Party.
Tha Talra i)lfl' rhili n ft ldp ,var
rtati'-lng partv al. tha Tralrla 1'ark rhih
lionan n'adnaailav atarilog lint and
hlai'k aiiraintia ahrl tnilrflla ra Mnrf
In Ihn rfrcofallona, The nffalt waa chap
oril ly Mr. ami tra Y M ''lark
! Thoaa prtaapl litre;
4rna Km.
Hi1)a I rook,
Muru.a Claik,
Kailirlri Korri",
Allia 'rr,
liiai, a Tfaven.
uliclva Hn
Alllitri1 Murmali',
'iia Hall",
liilil 'raall,
" arrl (Jr'".
11'inor Norrla.
i 'tioliii Allller,
I'a'iiine I ran,
Kaih'ai n lvn,
vV'liilfr"1 'oler,
l!tlir ,ona,
Maigarel I iirnl' e
Mr -lie
i r Hohlff
riri' Iii'Ii ii,
f'fll I'celilca,
i darle Morlailv,
lav1n Ahlni-naon
ftifn Knapp,
Xiiihin i'inin,
,lnntt fmi
Mi'd Mhvaril,
Krao f aleroiaii,
Kh, Mf'ii(rh,
l.ouiaa I'ralglixi'l,
K'll.MlH I O'lllK.
Rill la lloiif,
ll)ri lflal,
A nil arlei
Jil VI nlli',
llinh W atawi,
fltar lumen
ilailelln Ml,,
VVIiilfr(1 I Milan,
Clul Jinlari,
V lnlfr.i) 'fiivla,
Mia -Umniiri
HmnioM fa,
llarrv Mola,
i(,r,it rimk,
ill riohliiaoh,
V. Ill lu,liil.
aral'l yiv-m.
alilemar Tlioinc'ri'feor ' arier.
Mn William.
fi Morion,
VitUr Allan,
'J'd Koloomn
'Jfioian It-i1flld,
Vln'tnl Chook,
tooari) Walrl''h,
I K l4ileh,
''il ll'iiigat.
'Valler I'rangal,
I'O'lKlaa !'",
Harold Nlon,
Cloyd F'aoi"r,
fjratrr Hanain,
M iHvoen,
Herd liiifiieriiimi,
llartv Hho.kff,
Krnat Klu'luk,
Moward Hohanrion,
,faj ,orlinrr.
Comus Club Notei.
Mra. (iofg Morrl waa hoatiaa Tlnna
day afiernooti at hr homa for lh Cornut
dull. Th affair waa given an added in.
tri tiy the pinr of Mr. Morrl'
milhr, Mr. W. K, Jimm of 'trand
Ulind, who wea eiehrailrig her avent.
flmt lilriliday niilvera;, Anolhwl
tn''ni at lha afternoon waa Mr O, li
' Jleir, altr to th lioat. Yrt, wra
on Mi J. W, llond, Mr, rharh-
I Kt'i'iann, Mra, I'harle linatrom, Mr J.
! I', l.arrnon nd Mr. Oeprga Morrl. Th
! Hub will iiet niit Thurdy afternoon,
i April W, wllh Mra, Orvlllo JrMilii
Sijrma Nu Smoker,
The. imiahft Hlnmnl chapter of th Mlgma
N'U fralarnlty IU hold their monthly
inoker f hla evening t tha Unlyerally
(lull al I o'tlm-a. Tha affair la alrhtly
Informal and each inemler I only
peeled to hrlng hi pip.
" "
Fenonal Mention.
Mr, and Mra. I'lnrka I'owell moved Into
their nw homa W1naly.
Mr, Jaaafl farpentr, Jr., I axpactad
homa from Harvard on Thnraday to
Pnd on week wllh hla parent, Mr, and
8 3v
Sale of Dresses
Serjre or Silk
HejruUr l7,.fiH Naluea'
A wonderful grmip cf ne
Spring iraa.. Hergea. Taffeta
or I repm il I'hlna a.m In
rmriinaitia wiOt ie,.'iiie All
tolofa and anea froqi U lit )
HegnUr U dd taluf.
T Sale J.ola of
fi!V, iVlti.'ola -
Cl Off
'b4iip'eMe an. I nli rotor
I'hornil Si!k l n
fur Women
lr, 1'iok, IUiic, Coanv
iiW'oe, ftrlte, St III,
7a1C, $1,00
Women Have Military Training
Camp at the National Capital
te' 'v I mm- -.
L r J VJ
V naiyyg V '. if Jf.
. . ', TM. rX . f ! 'i' I. , J ft
MAItr wir-rix,
WAMfUNttTO.V, Api'll T, If the time
ever roine when he women of Ameri'a.
irn allel u(moi (u follow Hie emoipie of
Mollle I'llcher, heroin of the llevolii
(Ion, they wll h ready. In older to
mall aura of that, they urn preparing to
open a military Inalruoilon ramp at
Waalilnglon, l. May I, There women
and glila will he loalni'ltid In la'llia,
flpher i omirtiioh allon, wig wagging,
ttlreea telegraphy, relent) fir rookery,
flial ld to Hi Injured and other and.
Jei'ta of na In war tlma.
Women and glrla prominent In am-lety,
In army and navy life, tn1 In l'lli li
and national political rlMea, will attend
tho ft'diool.
Among (hoea prominent In I he projaif
are: Mil llulh HlUhrok, ilanghter of
Mr. Iac W. t'arpenter, Thla I hi
11 year at arhool,
Mr. I.. J. ilerxog nod Mia Kay Jler
aog of rtlonx t'liy will arrive In umnlni
Kunday to Im Iho g'leat for Iwo wneka
of Mr, Hrgog' mother. Mra, lleraog
and Mia Jlerxog nlao will ho Hit gneal
for few day of Mr. Samuel Kail t
lha Jonlenelle,
Amateur Muiica Club,
Tha Amaleor Moahal iduh met, thla af
ternoon at lha home of Mra. (leorga
Mrlntyra A proKmni wa given hy Mia,
J. A. Kennedy, Mr, T. i, MaJionay
nJ Mr. Mclntyre, The inemher of the
cluh alnea II r"orKiuilr.Hllon ere:
Meailame- MMdamea -
II. I', Whllmnre, (iill.i-il M. Illlehi'or',
ienrga ( ', Mi'lntyra.T J, Mahoney,
J. A. (. Kennedy, iteorgn Maraer, lr,;
Marry Nh holnon, A I, tlonl,
Harry Hleele, lO'iiiy Con,
N. V lioilga,
Mlaee - Mleae
ti ret i hen Mefonnill, ICnuriile Whllmoie.
Ilelln von Mulinfi Mi',
Little Bridge Luncheon Club,
There I n i luli nf eight memliera w lih h
ineeta forlnlKlilly for liildg" and Inncll
eon, hilt lha rluli rliilnn l I nol Hie
Xrtnl Care Vkie By CmraJ Crlppar Soo
IW KilltLa.rMeM'.iwIalMWIaa
Tim (Iround (irlppat Surgical
Sho la yrr)lidy a for font lifalt
and foot rellrf. Cur Iho moat
tittrnifl raea of fallen anil, flat
tiMil, bunion, calliuiaea, rorna and
nrrva orraaure.
10 it rA 111 W0HI-H.
( timra la High or low Shorn.
I rva lrmnrUon.
lxclBle Igrnt.
Boot Shop
it; mm in i "in hi in i.
rfir,, m m m
uta I Mart I eTiaaa iMtrgi
aM ftMaaMiafi aaaiaa abiag
(i ' Hi' 7
( Pi
TIKlMI'HO.V ANO M'lfH Itt TH 1 1 JT'tf-r-UUI';
.Henator rj, M. IlllrheoiU of ,S'hrak
Mr, Jame M Thompaon, daUghiar of
IMpeaker f'hamp ''lark; Mla allla Hoh
! Umiih, daughter of g nator llog gmlth,
l anil Miaa Mary JlVllcog, a great grand-
dmighier of fraaldanl Andraw Jae.kon,
The women will wr uniform of
Miie flannel hloiiae, khaki k!rt, hrown
hoot and ih cavalry typ bat tit brown
Ml They va )n tenia, ch Of
which will roniln flv cola, fiv dra-
j log tahle and flva amalj minora, Th
; enrol' will he guarded. alnlgiil by plrkad
j own from th Waahlngton polh a .fotra,
The ramp of lh Nailonal Hrvc hool,
aa It. ia called, will he In a ten grra field
given for lha porpoaa by genaior Krancla
Nawlanda of Nevada. Tha field I near
Hie faahlonahl t'olnmhla. and 1ivy
r'liaae cliilia.
'Torlnlghlly Jtrldg r.nnchaon rluh," It
eiilla Itaelf "the llttla club," a term of
illeilnciloii rather than a tltla, Th club
met thl afternoon with Mra, Oeorge.
Entertaini at Luncheon.
Alra, M. M. Ileptonatall gave lun-hon
at her home I hla afternoon, Tha dining
room and laol wer decorated wllh aweet
pea, Thoaa preaent wera;
Meadamea Meadamea
fliiorge I'mier, Hugh Wallaca,
l i. iiepmoataii,
Margaret Hamilton,
Mailh Powell,
Mil ln Oarmley,
On the Calendar.
Mlaa I.ulii Hoiick will enlertaln three
lahle at an afiarnoon bridge at hr horn
Tneaday for her gueal, Mra. Bernard
Henry Kemper of Chicago.
Tn tour HI mile through the wealth
li'at aectimi of Iowa, a alata famoua for
It largo number of motor era, without
meeting a alngla gutomnhlle waa tha
alianga epereti, or, at leaat, what he
conelileiej una, of ly, Kerning of Plpa
atoim, Minn., who paaaed through Omaha
en routa to k'anaa Clly,
Mi Ilemlng mm 01 that In hi yeara of
aulumolilla tniirlug he had never covarad
ainh a long aircicli of highway In thl
eiilnn of the country without mealing
at b-iiat a few can -and thla, h ra
niKtke.l. In In a, wllh It reputation nf
a motor car for every doaen or ao people.
The I'lpealone toinlal reportad tha road
In Irn in oacallenl ennd't'on.
i:. ', Orlffln. gen.ral agent for tha
N'ni ihw ealct n at I'oitland, Or, for a
lung Mine aaaialant general freight agent
lu te, c (iiopanied by Mra, Orlffln, wa
in th clly Thurada highly minute to
Knnaaa t'Ut. going thereto ailiinl the
(iinnial of hla brother. I.tla ilrltfin Th
hiuti will be taken lo Itmmla III, tha
Hid hiuiie, for hiirlnl N" r', Kenney, W,
II ttnwlaod and Tod Kogal, all of the
l' iiu Uaiil Hoe and all old filenda nf
li, r dm raped, i i niiiimiiied Mi n Mr
i.ii'tiu In Kaimaa I'll).
Saturday Is Children's
Day at Fry's-
i .
-i H 'k1 i l - -
f,WFl wsTv Hjr W
Saturday and Sunday to Be Belg-ian
Flag- Day-' for "Dauifhteri"
All Over Country.
Toda; and Muiiday ai ftrlglan
"atiirdMy and ihday hi llatl
'Tlag laa. ' All oer lha rournty faugh
ter of Hit Ainerhan fiavolutldn will
ell Helgian , fiaga for i aula, tha mat
of food for one dartit ta'peraon ln fle.
glum for en tv, aVurday I. Kin
Alberta birthday gnfl appaal.lo ob
n thla day t ad illf ema
nate from II, fiota dnl'giietgl tit lha
liaughlera, M.a,' t,lM4itt t'ummlriga
ut t,l ,iv Vor'f, , pill prayer!
mil he ulffA In rdiiirdia en innday,
"The fi,n, aid .d'lfhhi, for fig ,W,wai
ilvll potciiaHoii in octipled fielgl tn nd
northern f'fanc m fiiiiilahed thtoigh
lh H. M, iTIie commlain for Ita
lef in Hlgl nu. 'fbra million of the
people me enilietv or partly dp"tidetil
upon 'her'lv, Hie need of lili -Willi
'.'notion i.ntll Hi wai I over, Thf"
' no oilier 'iimniet hy which hlV can i
he nl n fhe alflcMii pop1. ud '
cent for Ihe II P,' they inilnl prlH,
"Tha aioii llit reiel'-ed la lo be lied for
both food and clothing " la pari fa id
,"l'lee iiol .l out to all flron '.'
-epilog flag thai Pe:g'urrl .. need am
phaalre our own nead for prepared
ite," aui.ll not appended lo Mr
iory'a dlrerllon lo fia ihir.
I Memhera of the Iwd IAji I rhaplr,
the Omaha an1 Manr laaac ' ad:er
e; aplra, head'd bv Mra, f, rt. arralght
nd Mra W'IIJ!am Archibald mllh, hv
apant tha week 'eling iTieae flag
fliigan Vn Vnorhle. a rpraenlai.a
of lh flelglum Hallaf cOmlnllon. baa
been In th clly altiig In th Woik.
Noonday Club Will
Oppose Hoad Bonds
for Douglas County
Tha Noonoay club at ;ia maailng at tha
fommerclal club went fin r'Dfi aa being
oppoaed to th rmmty roada Hond laana,
Tha pnbllo affalfa utmmlll of tha
club, through lh chairman, Ahln .lalin
aon, preaented a reaolullort r'"'omiiiaid
Ing that all member of tha organize linn
yola ggalnat th bond laaue, voicing lha
ma reaiona for lla nppoalllon Id lha
propoaltlon aa did tha Commercial, club,
fleal Kaiate eachange arid other organ
'aatlona, i
New offlcera nf'lha Noonday club for
lh coming yar were alectrd and In
atalled aa followa: Prealdenl, P, A. VA
qulal; vlca prealdent, Arthur In Palmer;
lU'oninry, Marry O. Palmar; treuier,
J. Johnaon.
Th new prealdent. of tha oiganlr.allon
la lh Naeijidi vl'-conaul Id Omaha.
Plana wro dlaciiaaed for th conven
tion nf Hwedlah alngera, , which will l;a
held at tha Auditorium In Juna, and
nhlch la being hacked financially hy th
Noonday club.
Th annual meeting wa attanded hy
or avanty-fiv member.
Chicago Singers
Charter a Special
Train to Omaha
Tha lineup of lha fit at of tha alngera
who are coming to tha ftwedlah t'nlort
Klngera' aaanclatlon, to ba held In Omaha
June 19-31, haa been annailnced. Tha Chi
cago Hinging anclnty, IM memhera, haa
arranged wllh tha Mllwaukr for apa
rlal train that will reach Omaha June 1
Th aaaoclatlon meeting la eiparted to
bring from l,3w to I. M0 alngera to Omaha
for tha three. daa' meet, Tlia ptaca of
meeting baa not been derided upon, but
II la likely that tha cnncaiia will he. hold
In tha Auditorium, f'hoiua ainglng will
be tha rule, though there will ba a larga
number of anlolala and aevarnl nuailet.
Th alngera come from tha area between
th lake and the Horky rnountftlna.
Sartorial Scream
Enlists in Navy
Karl W, rYaae of farmliiglon, Minn.,
enllated tn the navy aa hopltl ap
prenllia at tha lo'-.l leirutilng alatlon.
Krl I lh moat Iminaculal youth, tha
moat airlklng epunnt of tha aarlnrlal
Idloonrraclea of th lata lleau Urum
mel who aver enliaiad at thla aiatlmi.
II looked Ilk on of thr nifty
chapa you In th rlnihlna ada. Ilia
perfectly fitting hlu ault. hla pink abut
with rnn-h infra and claaav" link
hla llk handkerchief paeplng from hb
bret porket, hi laleal alyl hat worn
at a jaunty angle, all heiok 1rat
lane II had on of thaa While allk
r libona arouiid lo b k Moat men
don t een knn what lhe ra for. but
It looked right nil lrl hla flh
nmplrbin, le hlu ayea and 1'iOa
.mil, rrl memed mot fltiad lo b
a music hrrn than aiam man of thr
ie-. , -
Itrmi th lull folk tn thk b
r!!!!- ho Utor tomorrow gad fit
thm out itH a ww pair of frVhool
ihoi from our I'll ok.
You will find hr the tt, la hoih
with n aMftiar 'Ui Ararlin
$1.50 to $3
!i Awarded Prize for Beit Lilt of
Reaiona Why Omahani Should
Join Commercial Clnb.
J, Stewart Whlto of tha Cady
Lumber company wa awarded tha
$25 prUa offrd by th Commerrla!
dub for th bait llt of aeven rea
a'.rla why men aliould belong to th
('ommerdal tiub ot Omaha,
Ovr 200 peraona had entered tba
conteat, Jbl mad a total pt over
?,40 reaaon for tha rommlfte to
(.onalder, After repeated tnaeflnga,
exlandlng ovar period of aom
wk, hi commltta finally decided
tb fonteat. gt noon,
Tha prUa 1 awarded to tha man who
haa mor of hi reaaona t'pted than
any' other contetant, Thla dooa not mn
that all of hla en reaaon wr o.
f pt'd
llotiorabl mention la glvan hy tha
lodge to n li, Wallaca, Mlaa J Ballman,
f'r, ft. K, Marble, Hianley M. ftawgtar,
P, M, Jluleau, Mlaa Ion l fmffy, Vfntor
White, il, W, Noble, T, K Mollln and T
Ai t;hmbrlaln,
Th following are tha avn ron
r'ptd by th rommlttea of judg:
' lieeauaa ther la no other oiganla
flou that, ranter l'lf energle lnti fh
upbuilding of th Individual and rolla
lla bualneaa Inlereata of Omaha.
"ficu th Commercial (jlub aatgk
llahe and devalopa nW markel gnd lo
caiea new Induatrlea In ;mah.
etblUlie tt Market,
"Pi an lh Commercial club lntlll
gently direct tha united Influeni of i
mambaia, It hrlnga ale.rly to Hi panpla'a
tepreaetiiatlve (n naflrmal, (t fld
ot offlraa th oplnam of Otnh'
bualneaa tnn; It watch rloaaly ny eon
templaled leglalatlon likely to ffrt
Omaha lntreai. Tha atronger tha club,
tha mora potent II vole wWl !,
"fiacau )t hlp protaet (trnah again
iinluat dlacrlmlnatlon and unfair rompa
tltlon; lla lrffle burei.ii rur rallf
from ralea prejudicial to your Inlereata
and In favor of your rompailtor In oihr
f II le,
Develop flvl Prlda,
"Hecgua your rrulntnc wllh pro
grrlv hualne man I a derided aawtt;
jdur ' ronlart with mart netgi(c,
ambition nd ahrawd aa you r will
broaden your viewpoint nd your eo opr
tnn wllh tho mn for Omaha d
vancemant will develop youraelf and your
flvln iirld.
"tlecau th Commercial elub ad var
llea Omah' advanlagea, growth and
proaparlty to th world through lla mam
bera and lla publicity bureau,
"itecguaa of th flub privilege to lla
memhera; It handaomo and conimodioua
'luartara; It reaiaurant where, th fam
ine and gueat of member may ba an
terlalned; lla public affalia luncheon,
wher prominent man of fflrg apeak;
Ita memberahlp carda admit fo avery Im
poriant Commrrclal club In th t'nliad
Cupid Stubendorf
Relates Few Laughs
Tunny occurrencea tak placa vry
one m a whiln In the offb'a of tha
marrlag Ibciire clerk at th court
"I get at eat on laugh a day," a
arta "Cupid' rlluebandorf.
"The olhr day a big fat woman of
(bout (0 yeara came In, leading abort,
allm kid of about 21. t thought ha wa
her gitndchlld, or aomethlng.
" 'Olmma in marrlag llc.naa,' h
aaya tn m.
"'For youraelf or your aon?' t aaya.
' 'You darn fool!' ah auap. and pick
ing up hr man hy Hi arm, ah ruhe
away. Aa aha gta to tha door ah
turna aroundn and give m dirty
look, 'Vou'r enMrely too freh, young
man. If you don't appradu my piroii
g Ml Jut go omwher .la wher
thy do" "
Tjint week a woman of shout Nl e.m
In with youth and got marrlag
A eoupl of young lawyera wer atand-.
Ing around, Idly wondering who to an
nl, ".hen the woman auddeniy y.llal
"Juaf write our agea down aa 'nvar II,'
pleaae. I dun t want them amart. Alack
raportera to put II In lh pap.r that
I'm takng a hb ken horn t ran''
Marriage IheiiMi record ldiw that In
the la nl al inoiilha nmr old wom'n
ate ninrrylug young men than aer b
fur "W ar hride, mebbe," haiard "ftipld
Republicans Hold
Rally at Florcuco
The irpuMl n of I luien-e held big
teini.iil' n iallt l tb. r agie ha t
Thuiadiy night, nndi-i th aiiajdcs nf
h Aluatunt I. in, mil l:",l'H. mi rluh.
iter 3l we e n ii-iid iii. and llai.nnd
to in liuii 'l'li ,f " pulili, iilani a
,i c,.meil"d in f i... eniiu A'diich, V
II U.i.nui i liail, y M in, 't
iiiiniw! Ileiiiainlii linker act lhe
i an II ' f. i it, n, ... li. yt.
mat it H ia trior I In ell am rr
it v .,' i M,.i, nben b t'luraet h l I lie In, 1 , il ,i el II. I M li'ti.U l ! v.. lull liti,'j
f e I l ,iia l,t it, , I .ii. .i,l
l ' i H' .!". i wllh I 'oi "t r
I, I 'll! II I .,on f It.e !..' . r.
I I 1,1 ii., v da ..i"ii al !.!'
i"e faa I aim mi!i' I an f.e.
itiaaad ir nb i i n m ai.m
I al t
V I'l.'l k H
I o at ,!a
'irna I
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ti li'. I .li..ilH ,
iltier 9 i .ii t I' tida
it it I ti la a '
1'.. g
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4 u Mi
.hi I' ! '
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I !n la r
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. ilea aiii k ii"
. I n 'a
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fata ( a.. ,.
Ikl ! II
Waa !.
iiat ( ' i kat .i.