Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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4 )
"Tonan4' for gporttag Oootff."
Lighting liattua.lufgi-Oranfl.
lmona Engagement Blag, Kdtiolm,
Ha- Root Print It Now Pli-iuon Ir.
V fcorrow mo fn raai ratata,
J II- Dumorit A Co., Klln Ml'lg
Oar Tool Jtm Morton Hon Co
Mirror MM an .U1t4 Omaha
UlaM Ooo. Co., Cap. v. P. Mg.
To fall tow rfU i'l.d Kmr, r
rtl if biggin on lb t.rt, a n
teivad to fiftin day ta jail.
"Today'g KorU Promm," i laj.lfi1
ectfoii tw1y, It a,prS In Th. llM
fti;bi'HVKij, Klnt out wtil tli
riotia moving putur thaataf offar.
Maajr ffrmiti laau4 ln-' Juiuirr
I, the auprlnlndait of polli Im! Ill
patmtta to oparator of motor vahtcla In
various brtnrhM of pulillu aarvlca,
14 tot gUaUaf yookctvook ruibsrt
tirttaJn, arro4 or th Oift of prirk
if hook from Cmspff Jubnaon of Wall
riald, wa bou;4 ivr jj th dlatrtiit eurl
with bond id at tM,
Monad Orr tor teelllif Watb Karl
Muncan of Jjanvnr, arrratad for robbli
Carl Itlnawalt, UlW Chicago atraet of hi
watch, on March 4, wa boun4 ovr to
lb dlattirt rourt, with Wida fld at
altar tr acta Xla KaUaia fran
loo Martina, Mle, and retlrad
army ofPer of a amU bevy of Moxkan
armlaa, ihowad Judg foaler a mbit
r In jiov Ma rlon, and dm
Oariaa; MU to atlldar Maltha 0f
In ), add in 11, It, Millar, Hi drifK
Hi'ira building Vid mivlog plctura hulld
tun a( fh ,iithwt iiitwr 'it Thirty
"Ofi'l vr nti and Arbor etiaala. The
oonKlfiailin wae $, )i.,ih building
at toii(uirt. -ly now.
alia Worth Did lot e;, w. Wailme,
ha nli1 to llir.Hn W'llilmri lb w! Ill
f' of flif aontliwt nntmr lot at Hlior
in ard Urf nirrrl, Tb fofi
Klrtfriitiori la i.un. Ytmr trm h"M
iih ars on ib grouml,
Ooodtch ttmrtta Mo Mm inn A Kon
Wlatar Cltf Contract l'li illy cod ft
' n ail'ij to Chtrb-a 0. tVbiti, a ion
i't fi.r trnhhtl a () at lha Month
t4 poll'H a'afion, on a )! of T7i, W, .
fbrlian lorntinny will lontall (h pl""ib
lig at it lour of II2J
Dd Aalmala lat Up H rlar
X'tok of tb depart of poll', aariltatloti
arid public ttilfiy, nporta lha following
'lij anlrndla pb kr-ij up from Ortobar 3
to April 1: do, ; rata, 129; fb. n
aiaiy.onrj rala, fiv; abp, two; duar,
Vh "Ti-TU" hla1aa. f(ir,drrUri1,
McKinlcy Club to
Hold Republican .
Mass Meeting
Harry Ryrn, pr-ld-nt of h Me
klrilfy rbiri, annoonia (hat Saturday
nlijbt a mitaa nn-flina und"r th aupl'
of lbr Mi'Klnlcy Itrpubllrun rliib will b
bild at th lUmm hotl, A rv-ptlon will
m h'-bl In lb lobby from $ until I
o'-locb, A. W, Ji-rtrrin artln aa chair
man of b r"itbm fotntnlttf, At I
o' lorli h rnM'tln will b hbl In tba
bail room and (rill, tl-nry IP, Rat a brook
anl rli-iiator A H, Cumtnlna, candidal
for lb rrpublii'an notnlnatlon for pr'al
dnt, will be prcaent and addn-aa th
rntlna;, -nxiop Tbrodora $, Itutton
of Ohio will aluo d"lhi-r an addra,
John 1. K-nm-dy and Cbftr If, Aid
rl' h hava b'o aakd to attend and oaN
hi tm th" tnhMH rrni'llii. John 1 Ken-
nrdy baa ''pt'd tb r-bib'a Invitation.
H. ft. M'KMW, J, Mllxa, A. Hut-
Ion, W, A. ilfntH and Wllllum Madclt,
candidal or th r";itbllan nomlna
lion for (ovarnor, will b pffnt and
will b Invited lo pk.
Tha vffM mkln will ba llmlt,d fo
tb prraon nani'd, but all randldat and
Ibilr frlond urn Itivllad lo b pront
and taka part In tba mBctlnf. Hand tnit
ale will ba provided and nurtt will
ainf political parodlca.
Elks Entertained
By Mrs, Ryan's Class
or lb third rorwi'ullvfl yar lr.
Mllll llyan'a atudlo rlana bna dllhtd
n.'int'' r nf lh Imiil b,du of Kiln wllh
a imiuli l program, lat avtilng mtni
un KIM and tblr (il t Iraatad
i'i popular a'latlona from mimical coin
illy nod opr, Tba program wa a
i f cut throiikhoul, with ah and avcry
ai-lction r'(.lvjn( Ita full abari of cnm
iriciidaflon, aa did Mr, ttynn at Ita clo
KollottliiK tlm inwulc, dumliia; and Tarda
i-otiatltwii-d th rctiialmtcr of tha even
ina ,lcnre, 1'ha program fnllowa;
"Hllcnl Hro". . ,,,, I'lan'lUi'll
Juhn Hun" ami Muily i lull,
' Horn to 'oil Miiiiiiliilna, 'tout "II
Tio al'ir ' ,, , Vaidl
MIk l lnli.n I nI, -MU Margaret
Tri-n, l.i nllc K ynclt.
Aiinmcr a H"iig." finin "ituhln llocd"
I m Kovcn
l,iMiitd Itmlact.
'I'll llmir In l.i. ' from "Kauai"
.. flniinod
.Via 10'iilia I'lifffy, i:rtol hirluHlnr.
1 1 .1 u n ii ii fu-l'i'lliiii ihy r"'icii
I. trul fit ! hli , Mwlii K'llli-r Jnhii
imiiiii, l'.iiiMiil Itmlaci.
' 'tin H : ffini ' Hluli Jti.Ua ', fltH
Mia Minv HalUlian and bimly Chili
n.hii 'i. In -. -M ii 1 1 1 1 1 I) . ' friini
1 bat ' Maawnrt
Mr I Aarun I'niiiiny
ii. I to I'tty,' f i not ' Madam It'll
ti'ttly ' . .. .... I'll- liil
M ll' llli I'ltffry.
ai - Hrli'tid .
lingo ililrlin.
tU kctv Clin,' Kmtiika",, Krviol
Villi l !-llll I'm I.-, 11 Ititlili-
,i , AII.II4 I'lillct, Ml
II 'iili I ".Hi 'ti
it I'toiol-iif Mi', ' tii'Ml ' H',l'il lliwd '
, l' h rti
Mi ll ilb ii..r.luO
lin in mii . i t'm.a," fruto ' V'iKt
V -i i li t i.i VP tm 1 1 i ii 1 1
.li.. i.t,i,.. 1 1, if ai.'l ((.-.If i'ii
V. .i,.l .ii.lit MM ltgi I 'plri.
I I urr I IMtf r'i I nidi,
.,. . ill'l 'I' ' i I"1 1" ii-I.iiU'iI.
. I , i., mi. 'I I't.i li.
h i'i lillit. l.,. IctltMii
, ,u ... ' ' ' 'l '! ' !
Mtt "' !
I M' It I " M f "I III'. it
hi tin, ,.i I'-. 1 i.. n i al 14.N
I 1 1 . - , ft ' I'-" ', i'
I , (ll- " ' I' I '..' Ll III,
I . ... " ll ' ' 'f H ' 'I I
I II 1 1 I "' -
.,' t' I ,
;l 'l. I.. ,1 . I
IUm t. ! I kaMtirtlalH
I adit!.
niiii .i 1 .! ,!..' 1 ant ii. ?i
... - .r,., t" I ' '
" 1 n i li t I1 I lull U
i I
. a. i
' I.
''' " '
1 1 ', I- ! '.( t
. I. Hi ' 1 "ll ll
. " 4 'i it I, i t, 1,1
I h ! ' iil t I S-
I ll : I
1 llo
Westminster Asks
Permission of the
Presbytery to Build
Al th annual rong rgUniil min ol
lb Wtmlnlr I'raabylnrlan cbnrch,
Twnty-nlntli arwl Maaon atraata, bald
laat avanlng, a raanlullnn w adoptad
in aak th praabytary, wblc.h rnarla mil
Monday, to aanctlon a Iwatlon for a
lroapattla new church building In Ihn
vicinity of Thirty-aecoinl airnet and Wool
worth avnu.
Th praacnt Waatmlnatar anureli
tgbibd tKtnlr tfi, l, and now
i' m marnoaranip or 4. Mia yai ago
tba rlivlrv atloaiad lha i.Hvlli l
atahllahlti a church at Thirty flrat and
racirwi arta. It wa proitoam! la
night lhat th tbraa Iota which wara p ir
ihad at that location, and tba pra-nt
chumh properly b aold to be In defray
lha xpn 0 tba new church. Over
l ire ara belna inada In!. 11,.
I'arkvala and wtmlnir churrhea wiih
tba eiablhinrnt of lb lirw nllfb. It
iii been lha pan of th I'arkvala con
gtgtinii to build at Thirty aerond and
I rani la 'r-U wttlfli would btmg twn
l'lchyirlan rhurcbea within arveral
IiIim k of i h other if lha new bnatioit
I ll' Untied
llev, J, V, Yoiilig predd t th meet-
jlng I'r, J M. M'htiiwlliir and H. K
iManWell wcra r-"l-td eldet and K V.
Miny wa 1 hoaen a a third l'lr. J. II
I llouvton, IL J, lligalry and W, Heller
weia rleirled deaniii. Trule will l
'aelaited al Monday' rntltig,
Zeppelin Once More
' Pays England Visit
IOM10N, A Dill . -A ,ep(liii nit f kid
(ba hortbaaal coaal of Kngland almnt 6 i
pclo'k Wdiiady night, hut wa ( 1
off by lb anil air raft d fetiee. Th of
filial antiounceineiit thai gome
loiiiba vera droppwl, but thet I tin I'i
formation yl (o 'be rgaialtla of
Store Houn: 8:30to6P.M. Baturdayi Till 9 P, M,
Everybody's store
lliurailay, A.r1l II, tWIfl,
Htm ew for I ibUy,
Extra Special
Values For Friday
Basement Salesroom
Homefitters' Sale of Lace
Curtains at Half and Less
YOUU horrifi cm ho mnk nltr''livf ftinl cozy witli
thM new UicxpamM iMirlaiim n! dnipcrii'M.
An lifitiHiinlly wjJ M'lft'lion of k iiwIh (ui1 t'lH offcrcil
io you at prU'vn ifiit will ftVf-mgi! a rcductio'ii of half
and i-hh from th original jrif,
Curtains to 59c, Pair, 25c
Jwlu'iiriK NoUjiiKlinm and Hv'if
curtiirjH, all while, fonufrly io W',
f-pfial, at pair, 25c.
Ourtainn to $1.25, Pair, 50c
Ukv curtains in white and i-itii,
plain and fancy ilchim, I'dhilivcly
VftlucH lo $1,20, at pair, 50c,
Curtains to $2,25, Pair, $1,00
Variety of new and beautiful de
xitffi in lacp curtainH, white, ecru and ivory. Valun
fo l:)t the pair, $1.00.
Burfaaa-lfaali Co. aatnnt,
An ggaorf ment of wgah oodg reinnanlg lo langih til J to 6
ytrda, Indnrllin (ncy voile, ratln, Imported gln(hama, llatiMe,
He, all cnlorg anl atyleg Co cboont from Friday, l.V ihn yard,
I lUKCticnt ),
A big- lot of Milk plnccg, to 1 yard long:, In plain und fancy
pattern, vry dcalrable for trimming, fancy work, etc, ICxtreme
value, Friday, at, each, !Oc and itftc, ( Uaeeinent).
The popular black and while check, 2-yanl n-nnlh, all
wool, very dcalrable and a remarkable value at fl.iHi, ( llimeineiit i ,
Hklrling embroidery flouncing, intact cover embroidery, v
Inihe wide, and alo fine baby edge and Inacrllon lo bini' ll.
Kpoclal, Friday, at yard, 10c. ( Haaenienl),
ICmhtolde-ry edgea, inaerllon and heading, vnrlcly of dflelgit,
very epeclally prlned for Friday, In the liiiHeinciil, at, yard, ft'.
I IIuHcincnt),
Sample piece of lace, nel, rlilffntia and embroidery, from I
lo I yard long, Hlg variety, pcc, each, 10c, (llanemcnii,
Women' fine quality wig hgtidknn liicf wllh dainty colored
cilge of pink and blue, apodal al, nv each. ( Haafiiii tit i.
An aaaortment of nix kwear that haa bnconie aliabllr nii and
in from handling, Including flat ml lam, Jabot m aim k
i liMnement ).
Val ami iniilioii lure Itiacrlliin in a guttd aelectlmi in itiuoHe
fii'in, Kpci tally prlicil, l'rlda), at It' tint yard, I Ugaemeui i ,
A dependable, well made ami ind filling ciirmit In the IU"p
ii. cut cttliiti, I tlilay, tit ntli , I linnciueni i ,
Wuiiien'a brituKlcrr, well nm ln ,i ctiellctit iiillly iiialellal,
bulb front and back f liming i h,(i n i nt i
Choice of Any Sewing Machine
in Stock, Friday, in the Basement
A ('" Ul lb' e'i'iiiit MleirM,t. l i t,
KOiTi n t't'piitt'iiiit til t a i arwing li. him,
n.itlctaU il. J'il a lb filling malug t . it iii
reir mai'ltlh In (be lietameni 1 1, t
rliiHutl al till piiie, egatiH' ll tuiuiit
..llli'g (ul"' (lulling nm ali'ilatl
.iilite.t l-if g l'l.time tin . 1114 V Vniie' I
( blue le.t H f gf f-a Ma aaaal 4 -VV JM
. 1 .11 1 1 m m m 1 m v . 1
m 1 mi pit' 1 r r m ak. . v 1
$38.75 m
Terms of a Week
It) I ! I
IVi-.i1 I
( t '
IUirijfM NshCn r.vtryl'odv'uBtorf.
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to C P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M.
"everybody's store
Iliin.iU), Anii h, iui.
HTOIIK MCUM l)( I lllllAV.
I'liniie DituitlH 117.
An Opportune Time to Outfit the Boy and Girl for Easter and School
Friday in the
Women's 25c Black
Cotton Hose, 17c
A notewoitby vulua In womt'u'a
lioaiery, ila k cotton, aeum
le, extra elaailc lop, A ej
good value at 2 rr, Friday 1 C
mi ah Oo itaniinat.
Women's White
Cotton Vests, 8c
AN aaaoitmeut of while cotton
vcala, Including cunt lc
only, low nei k and Mleevclcaa, full
taped. An eniiptloiyil n
value al , , , , , , , , . , , OC
Children's Hoie, 2V2c
Hoy' and girl' mmlluin wcinn
black cotton lio, fine ribbed t(iial
liy, all aire up to 10. A good
arbool ft li if play bima, 1 O 1
at, pair lab 2 C
Boyi' Union Suits, 39c
'Hie well known J o r o a
knit brand union anil for boy;
high neck, abort alcevea, kneo
li'tig'h, alight Imperfec
tloiiM of dOi' value, at,, JtC
nrg-lfb Co. aaaainant.
Scalloped Bed
Spreads, Friday. $ 1 .39
pilOCIIKT hed apread, large
w double Imd ale, a Hoped edae,
rut corner., aeaorled pattern, Ki t"
day apelal, at, on
each , 4 1 tOV
TOWELS, Dozen. 79c
IIik k towel, medium aire, good
weight, fiial wlor, red horder, A
aplendld towel for kitchen or
rooming houae ue, ( erQ
Friday, the doten lUC
Burraaa-lTaah Oe.-Baaaataat.
Muslin Petticoats,
Slightlyiled, 50c
AN aaaortment of iniiallit
coal that have become aligni
ly muid and aolled from dlpliiy
and handling. Rome are embroid
ery and lace trimmed, a I no a few
I'rlncc allpa, all made of I-
lent (juallty muniln, Included In
thl lot are value former- f
ly to $1,95, Friday, choice OUC
Dust Caps, 10c
Women' dimf. rap, made of
i light and dark percale.
Iurg-ali Co. aam.nt.
New Fabrics, Colorings and Styles
At $9.95 to $15.95
rillll'! jtriir tltti iittl in tiny wny ImWvnic 1 1u cliHriit tcr of tln Rnniicntu, ninl Hip niiittT
i. iitlM, workniaiiMliip inui i'ininlt arn tar in udvniii o if miytliiiiK: yt't nf'IVreil at mi1i a
i'i'(i.-i;iuili!' pi it'i'.
The Materials
lnclinlit ScixcH, I'upliiiM, Cliffliw; iiImi nilk
ninl m-'k I'dinliiiinlioim,
The Colors
J tin t-k , Xtivy, liflgiuti, Thii inul (iniy.
Women's Snappy Spring Coats
at $5.95 to $15.95
SMAKT liglilwoifflit routs for women ninl min nn lnn
in ninny tlillVi'iMit alylO'H uiiil niiitt'rifilM, incluiliiiK flu'i-kn,
poplin, M't'nt'H, "t'liiin'liillitH anil Kulifinlini'M, l prici-H ratiifitifl:
it $5.05, $9.05, $12.05 lo $15.05.
Children's Coats $3.95 to $9.95
CIIII.DKKN'H epring root, kh (! to 14 ytn, in nil Hip new
eliet'KM timj plaitlM un well n lli plitin nnil mixed niHterinK
itifitlo in all Hie new nnd up to Hie minute styles, ineluditi"; the
new Charlie Chaplin oekpts and lielts, aluo the new chin chin
collai-H, ranKiiif? )"'''' ro"1 $3.05 to $9.05.
Children's Wash Dresses $1.00 to $1.25
Wo KjMM'ialize on our line of children'i wukIi diTNueH, A
very opportune time to xupply the childrcii'ii needs while
ppriiiK vacation dayM arf hfre. New Middy rf foot in white
and blue combination!; iiIh) plaid Mripon, at $1.00 and $l,2f
iirf lli On. a..m.nt.
Interestingly New Are These Trim
med HATS in the Basement at
v . - v that
WONDKHFl'I.I.Y mart, rhlc and new are thae
trimmed hala featured for Friday, Kvery
favored ahape from the largii aullor Lo the almoat
invlaltile turhan and poke, In mllan hemp. I ltd
are gay with hrtKlit.aprlng hadia, Home liuvo
martly wired ribbon bona, while other are trimmed
with novelty feathera and flower.
$3.08 Trimmed Hats, $1.00
Moetly email hat in thl aHortmtint. Mud of aatln braid, Miiartly
trimmed with flower, ribbon bowa and novelty orna- l rr
Formerly prlceii to ij.h. rriuny y .
nrr-ta.h Oo. aa.m.nt.
NOTION Specials
Men' a h I r t
band, .. ' c
Chlnrae Ironing
wax, earn, 1r,
Hmall airub
liruahe. ea., Ac
Honk and eye,
card, If.
tOO-yd. beating
thread, epool 8e
l.inen tape, 6
holt, He.
Flniahlng braid,
color and while
bolt, Ac.
iOu-yd. p o o t
uiar.hlne thread,
aimol, Ui'.
AhIu'hIo Iron
holdtr, 3 for
Darning cotton,
4 apoola, Ac,
ltdlea' d u 1 1
rap, each, 10c
Tatting hut
tie, each, Ac
Km b r o I deiy
edging, bolt, Ae
Inalde a h Irt
helling, yd,, Ac
Kid lurlera, any
l,e, dor.en, lr.
I. a r e bottle
machine oil, Ac,
Pteel thlmbltii,
eiu'h, lc.
llreHHlng combe,
ei'h, Ac.
Wire hair pin,
paper, lc.
Hone hit I r pint,
box, Ac.
Co. aaamnt,
WOMEN'S PUMPS-1916 Styles
Including $4M and . $00 Values
at $2,45
TI1K new Kprinf? Ktyle in Women ' puiiipH anl low Mi
are here in plenty of time for Knhlor. TIicho four k
ciiiIh for I'Viday
Patent Inatep atrap pump, U-athei' lul Cuban
Pull hid, 3-bar Instep atrap pump, leather l.oul
'nliiin hfei.
Fine kid, 3-lrp pump with medium ( ulmn he n.
Alao choice or aeverai itunuru imna m
pump from our icond floor ahoe aectlon
in all leather, all good tyle, from 14. Oil
and $5.00 line.
Three Big Lots of Men's New
Spring Shirts, Friday, Choice
59 c
Several Hundred Pairs of Pumps, Ox
fords and High Grade Shoes, at $1.00
K.XTIIV---Women' pump, o.forda and high
aboe and the email alio ftom our main ahoe
HiHtlon, line that mild for :i.r.O and $4.00,
Friday, I. 0.
Fabric for SUMMER DRESSES, 19c
4lToiF,TTK" In all the new at ripe, :t4 Ini he. will waah lUe linen,
lU )i t aht er and anft for making iyllh aummet fim , gown, nic,
t I tit Ihe yard
Pretty New Flaxona, 15c
l aige aaaiirlmeitl of flitnoiii, the colon are Ihe hem toieigu
cm n iniiilurt', at, yard, l.V,
French Qinghams, 11c
.i'Jlni h French ginghatn and the flnt J iltuli Aliirilrali gHi
ham, In every wanted plain btl a well a all H 'ey mpi,
i In-, ka and plaltl, at. anl, m .
'ot lo. li Excrllent quality, plain white, percale neck
band, coat atylo. aljff cuff a attached. "IVOIIY" brand.
Bplendld ahlrta for men whoae bulneH require a white
ah Irt. Price, Bile.
dot No, 2: "Ideal" brand, coat alyle, llff cuff, Hl-
tacnen necK band, 72SU iiiuie periale, funi y hiIich
aun toiora, nrei quality, an men, ri-uureil to t
lait No. tl: Panama linen, tan color, tout
aiyin, nee nanu, French curf.
attached; one white pique aoft
collar with each ah irt; eplen
did atyla for (hi aeaaon,
i color, toa
Men's Panama Lineen Shirts 50c
T)ANAMA l.lneen," aoft low rolla.
attuched. flog plait ver ahoul
der, 3 pocket with button down flap,
earh ahlrt aoft cuff attached; alao aome
men'a aport or work ehlrta of rep cloth.
Friday, AOc,
A WW m m
Friday. 8:30 to 12 M.
;U tilth lire penal, S to 10 yard langlha, Hihll impel feet hi
h ii 12 M. uu!, at, yard, lc.
Friday, 1:30 to 0 P. M.
M, i SO we will atari lo ' lt - t , S ln h td
I iIhihI mi i i i f Ui'il ihiu'iiIi Kim time ee lhat ill wa.h a
auit a the regular .'in ei u ft' . P'-tle'l it'l leth, iilil 1 '
llill pi, Kl, ( '' - '!'
- iDiamoncl L
,i w..hiM pw4r 1 0ff rrigin
e, iti CSll Oviv!''
at.. I i! n i ' '
Vrill (III I t I 1 ll
i-el. ('! (it I'a ,
I i 1,1 t.miae I ri
' tail I"! l"c.
Hunt lu
I i pt ha
. , t, a. II...
k.,ti l I r i'i t"t Iuuuin4 (' I ,inlu tuai' i
Ittiiiiiied le mat hiut lit, Ul
. (r , Hum iaui x.irii, ,.mi
t una ( ii"lia i'Oltn tut I'I lHH
llirii an! latmUd iii ttliii '! a yat i'vui
a ii ii aiii. iuill. A , tii an.
tilt, a gtai Ua a i"lUi i-n i nl ti
ii.I liml tit, w . W.
liila l-i awd 'Av Kaltmii.i .n;ut all fa
prr poiiml. !'' l' r 1.
Vi Un II I IU fill ml I'lif l i .nt
l,i, .It. k . '.I l l' , X I I ' I I "If I I I "(', I
M:-. 4(.ii ii. !' tm ,.- i'ii i l.h ae. t .till
like I i Jim t..n.n . "I III tU I ' i l
I I i,r Itt. I 'l
"-- Nftth Co F.ttPivluhU $
Friday, 8:30 to 10:30, Men's , Hose, 6 Pairs, 39c
TVlN'rt black V, hoae. Rood quality maco yarn, double heel and toaj
ATi and double aoln "run of tb mill" of 15c qualiiy. Duly on
pun Ii ii In a ruaiiniinr, ;.1n to 10 30. 1'ililav. 6 palra, ;ltti.
lini l(aa-WaaU Cu. aaitiiitr
WARE Greatly Reduced FRIDAY
JM'I.I HIM! tle plate, aupper plate. tliunr plana, cup and aucr,
ho!, plMttcr. etc, al gouil quality and aa eitreiua la
Ac Tie I'lalca, It . i 1 1 mini llnl, Mc,
7e htippw I'lale, tc, Clip end Nnnii'H, pair, 5e,
r IMimrr l'l,lra, A, ! cai'lal'lc lUiul. .V,
l.V I'latlera, I ft. Mitltig IktMla. t),V,
Table Tumblers, C for 10c,
f'ipi il tili luml'lir iiilnnul I'iiHkiu
lirjHl l'a mut
'I'Hl werk of M'l.lH ili"ii affnid th parent a i', ti.,,i'
1 liUII Id I'I II I Ihe lt it ii I n. I I I hill cut .W
a till iiae i-f Vr n amtug nlii MnU ut ihkiI 1 J J r
,n.rd luatfful. N'Ht'ii nl. hub ' pit T -Jk "T"tJ
lull IMu'il ittt ! I !. an jp A V
irHntil lwa, t'lid) t
Boyi' Hats and Caps, 10c iTf
H.I.U n4 " ' '' t U' A !
t wiiiinU trt i,t ti :e, i.'i'f at IUC v"lV'ifkV
Boy.' SlurU lo 50c, at 10c b$ V-tf
u tiirtint I"''' a'ttU litnnl i.i
ll t t t II tli-l ! 'l eiKh 'v tiui dil'l trgHlatlf ftH v
(, i'li i.l, ih-li. ,. IUC
ItoTi' KnicKrr Boyi New Wwh
lunkrr Pnt, to Sum. Sped!,
Jiw, m (v.v nt k.
I "H f IllUllIlt
8 1 r j UUh iul llAiiicy