Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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The Bm I'ubllshing Company, Proprietor.
Entered St Omaha t.osioffca aa second-class mutter.
tty carrier
Tally in Bnndiiy
I'ally without Hunday.,,.,
hvanlng and Kiinrtay
Kvenlng without Hunday.
F.venlng without Sunday.
nunrtay lie only.
par month
, . . . ... .lke, , ,
........ HC
By mall
lr year.
4 00
4 0
4 OO
I'ally and Kurvlay Use, thra yer in advance.. DO. is
Wand antic of chang Of dflrs or Irregularity in
delivery to Omen Bee, Ctri-iila 1 1 on Qcpartmerit,
Ttemlt by draft, xprea or postal ordr. Ontf twe
rant atenip received In payment nf amall account.
Personal check, on Omaha, and aaatern tt'
rhang. wot acerpted.
ftmaha-Th Be Dulldlng.
Houlb Omaha 211 N treet.
foundl JH'jf f M North Main street
1.lnrolB-t24 Little Hullritri.
I'hlcaro U people; flee TMIldlng,
New Yora-lloom V4, iwiKlflh vti'i.
Kt. lyviila 408 New Dank of Commerce.
Whlngtnn-7te KovrWenth street, W, W.
Addreae eommunlratlona relating to nawa and edW
torUt matter to Omaha Ilea, Kdltnrlal Irenartmant.
56,628 Daily-Sunday 50,628
fiwlght Wllllama, rlrcijlatlnn manager of Tha Hj
Publishing roimuiny being duly awnrn. y that the
vni circulation fur the month of Mann, l!il, wee
H.Kit dally and rVi.ei Munday.
I'WKiHT WllUAMN. rireulatlun Menagar.
ubacrllrtid In my piaaenc and sworn l' before ma
thla M day of April, IttlD.
icOHKKT HI'NTEfl, Notary public,
ubecrlberg ' leaving the city Umponrll;
tliould have Ttta) llve mailed to (hern. Ad.
tfreee will b changed m oftan raxjuud.
Still toe eipress companies do not "view
with alarm" tha cupaflslon of the dry bHt,
Old Man Winter ought to know tbat tha
lima la bora for hint to make himself scarce,
If tbla keeps up, our Douglas street bridge
wit aoon ba known chiefly a a favorite suicide
Tha advance Id manganese from to
f 1,000 ton makes tie gasoline tank look Ilka
a tlker on tba uplift route.
Everyone ti free to maka a "alate" for him
attlf and for othra, but no ona U compelled to
vote a "alata" unl ha wanta to,
Tha weathar man apparently flti hla aooila
to tha naeda of tba aeaaon. Cool wlnda temper
I ha beat on the polit ical raco track.
Unokeaman for tba warring powers, having
exchanged vocal dnflca, will subside for awhile
and l't the killing protend uual.
Signs of progrfxs appear In alraiiKo quar
ters, Spring plowing in the Harden of Eden
proct-eds undr tba power of artillery,
Tha clork of tha county court a I no takes In
fees over tha counter, but no ona Is charging
him with putting them Into his own pocket.
Wlaconsln'i mortality list carries the name
of Senator La toilette, dHnKroisly wounded In
the bouse of bla friends. The fortune of war
are uncertain. '
Incidentally, Cleveland water iimcis pay only
about 6 cents a tbotiHaml gallons where Oman
water users are still puylng more than II cents,
meter measurement.
Judging from tba eicuses he Is mnnufm uir
li.g, "Dob" la surely in desperate straits. 1 In
must feel that baa; of graft money slipping out
of hla greedy fingers.
' Senators object to outsiders playing poll
tics with pending leglalHtton. Tba "tnoxt aiiguat
esaem binge" Imagines playing politics is an ex
clusive senatorial perqulMite.
Out of Ban Franclaco comes the Mory of a
blue tiger roaming the forcNta of Central Asia.
No use. The captor of tho uaui-hero cannot
glTe a thought to alien gume for the next two
Ona of the great national uplift periodicals
boldly announces that "the republican nominee
will be Hughes, Itoonevelt or a third man."
Tbere'e prophetic wisdom for you worthy of tho
Delphic oracle!
The clerk of the new municipal court will
have a lot of fees to collect from litigants and,
K he were like ib,"- ha would at once get
I'Uay to find loop holes In the law through hich
he might reach In and belp hlmaeif to some ot
tha money.
The election of our lcglalattve ddeiatlon all
In a bunch Is another requirement of the law
that ou(ht t be ihansed. the He favor lp
!ortninuirnt of male senator and rt'preMintt
live, one to a dutrlet. a calculated to shorten
tla ballot and tlktwli to enfurce more strict
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
CaAi4 fi ftt.
W It ttk vliliKtlM ) , tl
" m 4 t Ik ! hl v tit H :tt vf At
" t thrt fit UI mm mmrn, h. d ,i .
1 fial al M V r m t. iiif4 h
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. Id t.H M Ma4a
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t i' p' l tt 4. Mvl
ti ,,..., k. ., i... ., f;.
m U t I '! t"i' is a
!, I l l -! S I .. S V. '
'''" ' H-tU.f ff !.' . ,
l 1 t k t '
f a I 'ft- IH I H, -4 f- 4S
it it a v. .i t i ( n .
Coniclence Pricks Inveitigntioni Follow.
The democrats In congreaa, remorseful over
their forgotten promise to reduce the blgh cost
of living, have set about the task with fevorth
h.asto, and are beginning investigations In every
direction. All sorts of things are to be stirred
up and pried Into, with the hope tnat the proc
ess, If persisted in, will discover something that
can be used for campaign material and serve as
ar excuse to cover up tha Incompetency of tba
party. They can't put tha blama on tba repub
licans, for tbat party la not In power; the Money
fuevll I Immune, for tha federal reserve act has
cured all tha financial Ills wa ever suffered
fiom; at least, wa have tha president's word for
this. No chanca exists to lay Iba condition
against Providence, for the crop ylold has been
bounteous beyond all experience. Neither can
tha wicked trust ba accused, for "there ain't
Mi such animal" any longer; at least, the attor
ney general Is not pursuing "big business" with
the real one ha a right to expert from a demo
crat. Nor can the democrats ascribe the pros
perity to the war, for Isn't It known to be dua to
the wondtrul Underwood tariff, that brought
free (rade snd closed factories before the war
commenced? A acapegoat must ba found some
v.bera, for the democrat In congress see the
shadow of coming events, and are anxious to
get under cover somehow,
Carranza and the "Cold Trail."
Venustiano Carrana, who stands very high
In favor at Washington, having been recognised
by the preHldent as the anticipated Issue of
' watchful waiting," I uneasy at the presence
In Mexico of American soldiers. It Is therefore
t nobtruslvely hinted that the first chief would
like to know bow long these propose to remain
and how deeply they expect to penetrate Into
his country. Ha delicately suggests tha trail
baa heroine cold, and that the protonK'-d slay
of our army south of the border will not be
viewed with entire complaisance by himself and
bla associates In the mismanagement of Mexican
u'falrs. This attitude, not especially surprising,
Is characteristic of tha man whose ineffectual
pretension at government are mainly the cause
of our sending troops Into Mexico. Carrana Is
blamabln Just now mora than any other man
for the circumstance that have made the ex
pedition necessary, and bis singularly Inept In
terference with Its operations has needlessly
ptolonged tha stay, He know, also, that the
American soldiers are on a definite mission and
will not give over their effort until tba Job 1
finished, unlew his pull t Washington 1 strong
fnough to convince the lreitfdent that tha trail
It "cold."
Solomon for County Treaiurer,
Ona of the most Important county offices to
ba filled this year Is that of treasurer. Tho
county treasurer serves, at the same time, as
ex-offlclo treasurer for tho city, for the school
district and for the water district. He admin
ister an office which not only take In and
pays out million of dollar every year a cur
rent receipts and expenditure, but 1 also the
fiscal agency for all these governmental divi
sion, floating their bond Issues, paying tha
Interest and principal when due, collecting all
delinquent taxes, In fact, handling all tba In
tricate finance of the county and It subdivi
sions. Whatever credit may attach to the business
like methods of the conduct of the treasurer'
office for the last five years must ba shared by,
If It does not belong mainly to, L'nimet O.
Bolomon, who ha been In charge aa tha chief
deputy. Mr. Bolomon know the whole run of
the work and la thoroughly familiar with tha
financial condition of the county, city, achool
district and water district and hi superior
ability and capability will not be questioned.
Mr. Molomon a aspiring to the republican nom
ination for county treasurer, and bo should have
It. and will bava It If fitness, Integrity and re
sponsibility are the determining factor.
National Guard and the New Army.
The presence of tha National Uuard lobby
In Washington emphasizes thn objections here
tofore stated to the Hay bill providing for a army. National defense must not be per
mitted to become Involved in petty politics. Tho
men who make up the real National Guard, the
privates, the non-coms and the officer of the
line, are earnest and patriotic men, who are
working bard to make themaolve of service,
Mid who ran be relied upon alway. Objection
Is made to the political Influence that affect
the tatu of the Guard, wbhh Is ever present
under state organisation, and will ba many
times mora pernicious If tt ba engrafted onto the
federal army organliatlon, and the control of
the National Uuard be placed In the bands of a
I oard at Washington that I Independent ot the
general staff. Neither the Hay bill nor the pro
posed amendment to the Chamberlain bill solve
tit problem of the "forty eight little armies
under forty eight separate controls." The llsy
,iullin makea the muddle worse, while the
amendment now being urged, by the National
tluard lobbv would Inevitably destroy the effi
ciency of the military fun mi of the country by
eatabllahtng dual routrol at W aahlnatoa,
The ! ha tonaUtently supported lb Na
tional Guard, not because It la the Ideal fnrm
tif oranWtlcn, put became It la the !i poa
ihl under the tt' right practice, The rf
lu'lencv vf the stste atmivs ba been sitd will
ba dulled tv tha tetrualon of prttr politic, A
truly ivniteablti Inll'lar t gultU' will not
te hl until lit atatr bate ir o'er their
tt m Ira ta Ike natlue Tea t 'Mmt'er ln biH
ot'tn a way wharet" ttu may p.-MiM, ba
l(i'iilt attotit U time, amldlng Iti timttr e
tt tut Mil, u It i) Ka U rua t Muwt
1. 1 ot a n"tt eoarteiH' lM', tha turn. bin of
wtiu lt t a a wa! i t f '' -I military J.rv
a I
Ta hiik of war la l'n Ute Hum ti '!
ai4 ttiahno and t J-ntt wiittout it t. tit
tr, lb t'iUaa of I lift lol tha o, m ih.!,!
tua. bt iiit ill-4 toutvitaiuoi ba
lu a tt"iaiii Hri i'f tar tiauii' ttt.
aii aw. (far1 i t ft ftu the tti. t,lt ot
V i :ttu.,ti ! t4 cuM.'tin tka f . uul
tUk la lu atattKtm. I vtiidrie tv anuii
lh! . ( tto't thai! Ilio latW tl- U
ai.iuunu i a t" ut afl'..ti.-a t.-re ttf at
Straws Point the Way
rirtrt la All lit Haa.
Bunion llaiald: That man la a poor ohrvt i t
Ilia tlma who dwi not rllx tliat th rpublijin
ef th country hava already madfT up ttclr mlnJ
to norrilnala Ifuah, and that It I uttarly fntlla for
th machine politicians to think they can pravant
It. Jn Main tha othr Oay, tha convention proved hy
Ih taatlmnny of all o,iftyr, for Hugh and no
body alaa. In New Hanipahlr. whll tla elht dl
gatea are kaapln dlwraatly allant, tha rl cholca
of a claar majotlty la Hugh, Vermont la a Hughe
Stat and baa been from th atert. Th riurlington
Vt'm I'raa la calling aloud for hla nomination. In
llhodn Jaliind, wh-r ftialr UppUt early ettamptait
to awing at leant a crnplimntary ballot for rin
tor Waaka, aentlmant la unmlatakahly for Mnh-.
who bappana to ba an aluinnua of Itrown unlvarall
and Its moat dlatlnaulahad trumtaa, Vmnactlitit will
vot with Naw yoik In Iba convention. After th
'ompllmanta bava hoan passed around and aom al
lmpt md to aaauasa th faellna of th poll
tklana, the alata aIll Join In tha proraaalon. Th
Nahraakana, on whoa ha I lot Hugh rafuaad to allow
hla name to go, will try to write It In land pawll.
In Mlimaeot and elaawbar tn th norlhwaat tha
aantlmant la Ih aama, Polllnga of atraw votaa avary
wbare hava iH'od ,iit mm reanlt-llufhas th
chofca of th grant hody of rapubllrana, and llntia
and Itooaavalt tha enly two who ware aartoualy rc
gardad of itltbl alr.a,
Somaona may aak, What hiit Kntor Weak
snd Oovarnor M'1ll? of whoa aapiratlon th HrM
ba alwaya apokan with frtandly approval. Thay ar
Imlh a all rit men, W could not l batter plaJ
In thla corner of tt.a land than by tha repiihlh ana
(it th nation desrandlng on ti for a candidal, H it
w know Ibey are not ejoliig tt do It, and wa do not
like to have th slat forfeit tla lrgr Influenra br
kecplna up an aaliniloii wblih luck any r"l dug
of sincerity, Mr, Week I good senator, Mr. M
fall la ood govarnor, Hut nltner h anjoyed
In bis off I' a pr eminence cotnpihl with thaf
of other occupant of th earn laf tt pot of
honor. Mi, Wnak la serving hla fliat trmwth
hinrki.d i:radl(, to d aura-but, cinlraat hi hold on C"
paopl of Mn' huaalt with that of Cha'la gum
ear and Oeorx K, Hoar, not te mention ilia giiita
of th scent paat Mr. Mot'all ba had a conspicu
ous service of two decade In congras and baa inn la
a credltalilo start governor, tint w ought to b
honcat enougli with euraelv, sdmtrar of the
two puhlle sxrvants, to acknowledge that thay ht
not yi! come to Ih " tilninnnt 1st parly seivh
which alvn a man a right te expect to enter the
White limine. This 1 trim of other plrnt for
lha republican nnmlnatlon-lti fact' la true of perhap
all of Ihem except Itixil, Hughe snd Hues vail.
We feel thai tba Herald past cornmendatjon ef
Mesar. Mcf'all and Vreeka In their respective office
lixs been sufficiently warm to Justify thl meaaur
of fmnknisa today, These ar occalon In which
wa should tint fool ourselve. In th convention et
Chicago this il and acciion bv great reponl
blllly well a a great privilege, W should not
fritter It wy In lll eornpllmetit, All who purpose
to go from the old Hay slat aa ddegatea, whether
on th unpledged or on lli floosevelt elate, abuubi
get together In harmonlotia agreement on Charles ft
llughas, aa tba mnn to whom all the condition of
tho dy nd time nninlelkably point, a tha on
itariy fitted standard -nearer of a reunited repub
lican party In a nionu'iiloii contest,
Slaeiricanca mt m roll.
Topik Journal: No nuttier what class of repuh
Ilea M r pulled on piealdatillal refarencaa, whether
they he voteia of the rank wd file, delegate to con
vention or nlflceholdei, Justice lfoghea I th pra
ponilersiil choice, 'l'h Hosloit 'rranei'rlpt recently
polled 140 of the 199 repuhllcan acnatora and tepre
senUtlve tn the Maaaachuaelt leglalatura, No less
than aeventy-flve of then! registered their sentiment
a favorable to the New Vork Jurist. Colonel Rooaa
velt wss second choice with a vote of tweuty-thr,
Thla showing- I particularly ignlflcanl. bacaus M
sacliussell haa a couple of "favorite ot" candidate
In Menator Week ami Governor Mi-Call. Hut Mcl'all
received only nine vote and Week got no more thn
six, Twenty-two ef those polled were nonconunllla,',
nothing In Way ef Accept nee.
Cblcgo Tribune: It I made clear from day to
day that Mr. Juallr Hughe i allll ono of the e i
Ing posslhllltle republican candidate for the presi
dency dnaptl the formal refusal to pureua that lo r
which the obvlo" pcnprlelle dcnmnilod of him, That
rafuaal, tbouKh nndntibtedly slncare, waa not couched
In terma ao plain and conclusive a to make tt Im
possible! for .luetic Hughe to accept the honor of
nomination If It I thrust upon hlin by hla party
Thar la nothing tn bla worda or attitude, far a
It la known, to discourage an active campaign In hi
favor, and advantage la being taken of thl fact to
niuivaa opinion In hi behalf and to develop hi po
lentltil sltength,
(all Will Ha Imperative
'Washington Htar: jToldent Hutler of Columbia
university, on a recent Journey wast, found J italic
Hughes In many calculation hout the presidency,
hut adds:
Home Important leaders of opinion feel, however,
that Jualb-a llnalies own Instinct as to th Inipor-tam-n
of hla work on the hen. It of the supieme couit
ami the Impeialhe neceaally of keeping tbat court
tree from nv euaplclon of xlltlcal Interest or enpei.
latlon Is aoiind and tbat It might I vary embar
rassing to Justice tliiabrs himself nd to the In l sent
puhllo Interest to ntlenipt to fnn- the nomliiatlnn
iipmi him aialnst his I'd lor Judgment nd aKalnst
hla wish
Justice ll'ighee ha said nothing Indicating LI
judgment or wlah tespei-tlng the well known a, id
arnwlng feeling for ll in aa the bast man for uniting
tha ii-piiMlcan and toe bull no iera for the cam
paign ngiiliist i . vdls.ui, It haa simply, with
firiuiiesa ami all piopilrty, foi hidden lb Use of hi
name lu pituiailc where (ha lasua la the designation
of pieaiilentlHl camlNtata. Ha la not, and will nut
lirciima, a eontcstanl fur the Chicago nomination,
Aa 1 1' la feeling did not spring out of any known
wth of Justice Hughe, nd ha not been encouraged
by him, hi Judgment nWit tt I not u turn h to the
point -not o Billable, If una my aay a that of
(ti mni who entertain II ll haa teii nccupla,! wi'S
tha duttea of bis offI', wbhh ke-p him out ot
touch with eetjilav p.-lllba, II d.s oof know
what I aobig on hi polltl. al tin lea. or what lha ill,-,
ferant Influence npeilui that at producing In thw
way of oiinloii Tl la wholly eulaiil of hi lilt
of Im'ilry or tet tbi
lltil the tin it b .bk.d, ant at Hieing
othaia tr 'l. "tl-a Itugba "i lb tapwlilbao
I, n,r lilnp Hit Sr ' llt l-OlV III lO'Uh W'lll
tarilv '"htl., till lialiod apptalaar of
Iitil ! loleo. W, aMnalbm and ainai eero If It I
Ihstr boalnee In , what I gwUig l'. 'l t
(nillu aiiiia as t'it as io!bi
t l.f J.ialh-4 llbB WISH, l.aiaf It loav .
hs ,.cil,l l if h waui-t ol-pa that l.i Iba !!( i.'
hit in In ipm lO'iBitut If Ih ! eolill. to
n. atiei iiia if il ' i li
itiirS fitt lh ltilnsllll Urt HII H' Kl HU'
l ie u " t i t"(t f ih-iii tt I" is ih
n.4,1 ii.ii tia vaauai im t it'll M tb i(
ill I li.'iw'aiit hin m a ii.,l a It u i. '
, If ha C 1 '' f va l"ll W'ui
lwt el ia bet I oiliaia .ia t'i-
Pooplo ami Eventa
(' k itit for il' ti l kt4 1 1
vtk;ag lot a aaadl e a a,t a u ihi
tor. k will tiorl'tf HUllrit
l , v, I a 4 b ' o t".'.'l. O. l '. ef 1 1 w'-l-r
M.i. it tt al U Mi ti..ll,i l.i h.,in,n 't
v;Ht aiiM, !' 4tt4 trw n
Via h a woKiai I .log f-a l t a la a ,a
! h..'4l t ! t l 'l'l -t 'fHl, .
, lift lvl'r t'ull-'W l.lllvf tr, V'UKSI
t a - I r . - i'n t I'Ji-i -it -.
i, i i a ti ,hl .' i ilu ,,'-,!
in. . o,ii.,b. fa. wa an cim.,!
S3 ff rr
r n
rraalgaattal TlmHar.
OMAHA, Booth rlde, April .-To th
Mltnr of Ttie flea: tt seems tht vary
on commenting on a praaldentl! prob-
hillty haa some favorite sen to hold up
to Ih people, com giving cogent ron
therefor, other giving om pronal re
sen without referring to any ntnnl
u us llflcat lone nor taking into eonldera
lion th peculiar altiiatlon the govern
ment t now placed In, and I likely to
remain o for aom month to com.
Tbea matter I apprehend ar vll
luallficaitori nd In certain sens mora
so than telng a silver-tongued ttrhinr, n
ducat or, a aoldler or n eminent lwyr
sn'J Jurist, lie should have other )Utl
flea (Ions than those mentioned, jnich
firmness, soma knowledge of government.
prompt to act, not allowing himself t b
led by Pr, Qtiatk thl. or quack tba, o
that th Integrity of th government may
ba preserved unsullied nd It tndlng
b not lessened In th y of ny of tn
woild powers. Ha hnuld b not only
firm, but of far-seeing qualities, o he
tie able to forecast t ono th affect of
a certain eotiree nd act t one In th
mttar, H should b btod enough te
at once the necessity of unity In all
rrigttar and bring that quality to bear
thf will bring harmony nd Justlc
While I dmfr and reepect alt lb mart
mentioned aa good preelderitlal timber,
admitting that they posaes qiialllla In
more or lea degree, nd while I em
omewbf prejudiced In favor of western
Idea and man, f rri convinced tht
Ctiarles K. Hughe possasse the greater
oualltlea tlmi go to make up what quali
ties presidential lender should posses
Mr, Hughes' career In th slate of New
Vork apeak highly of hi ability a
Inwyer nd an executive, not being found
wanting In any particular. Ills elevation
to Ih supreme bench I significant of hi
Willies g a jurist, capabl to grapple
with ms tiers most Intricate and act
Th democrat In nor socialist part)
want to sea him nominated, nor accept
If nominated, hoping thereby io continue
the break In th republican party and
gain lot one of watchful walling p(n.
divide slip into the executive ft- '
ClJ NK Kit.
aldrlekj 'Was Merely Qantlnc,
lANCOUN, April .Ti lb Kdltor of
Th Jtea; In your Issue of Wednesday,
April , under the beading of The He'
Letter Bo on Mr, It, It. Kwect slates
that ibovernor Aldibh wad th follow
ing statement In tliu Htatc Joutnat:
If the Nebraska repulillcena want g
eeintlor who I merely a pie dispenser, or
who maaes It hla chief buslrw sa to make
in enemies. In order that hla ferine may
t In oorer shape for the subsequent,
business of political heallne-, than they
should not vole foe me, for I don't rneae
lire up to that sort of requirement, If,
on the contrary, It la real work In the
Itilereets of the people I list. Is (Tie thing
wanted, in Idea Is that J, Aldrlch, am
the man for th Job.
If yon will refer to the Monday morning
Issue of th Htate Journal of April H,
you will find the article referred lo, arid
after discussing (ha availability of Mr,
Aldrtch as a candidate, th article con
clude follow:
The whole (piestlon of til governor's
availability la well put up by the, Oaceola.
"If N'ebraeka reiitilillcana want a an-
tor who la merely a pie dispenser or
who makes it hla chief pualue lo make
no ene iil.,, In order that hla own fence
may bo In proper shape for the
iUnt bualiiees of political healing, then
they should not Vote for Aldildi for h
don t measure up o diet .ort of re
quirement. If. on the contrary, It I
teal work In the Interest of the people,
that Is the thing wamd, our Idea Is that
Aldrlch I the men for the lob,"
fou will not from the above that Mr,
elweet he grbM th editorial pper
tng In the Osceola Ileoord end then put
It Into the mouth of Mr. Aldrlch n
original statement by him. Kxtendsd
conenent on such procedure en Mr.
Hweet'a part I unnecessary, and I be
lieve that a metroiailltan newspaper
should strive to I Just as accural In
new tnittcV of a political nature a they
ar In anything else, and while Th Bee
by the exercise of a amall amount of car
could have ascertained the accuracy of
thl alleged statement before 1t waa pub.
Ilahed, bellevo that It was an oversight,
end 1 would ask that you publish this
letter In the same column and In the
same position that you purillhr th let
ter of Mr. nwret, U. It. Kl.'U.Kri.
Ilia Hag and Ita Veneration.
OMAHA, April .-To the Kdltor of The
flee: t have read In laat venlng a Hee
an account of thn action of the local
Haughlera of the American revolution
In refusing to sell the llelglan relief
tegs on th lret because th tg war
printed with amall American flags, and
the taga might be thrown awy by cr
les persons and the flags thus "ilese
rmted." Muat wa go lo thla length In
preventing our flag from lialng dae
creird? Must we eiamln every place
of peper or cloth we touch In ee If there
la flag printed on It, befoi wa throw
It easy or burn It up? I ehould Ilk to
ak the t'misMer ef the American dev
olution what la lha proper cnurea to take
whan on haa an old printed flag, on
cloth or paper, which ona wtehea lo get
rid ofT Hhoubl one take It out In the
garden rid bury It with military honors
Why imi mgsiilsa sixlely for caring
lor old an, I deirepbl American rial In
Ihelf ,i- llliln yeaia?
Harloiisli, why tan ople tiol rll
Ih difference between Hi flag which
eary good rltlseii carrle In hi heart
an t Mch la can lad at th head of th
ealnieiit, and tha coiiiiium gaiiten tm.ita
of that flag, prliilrd on hi-ene clolh ur
paper and Miih m i-l iminio l...ut li
t-iiii a wt'd IndUu baa cii4i
to kii" Ht a I ur e...'ii,,
ll'B lii-l t I, alr.l Willi all lew I l.o
l' l lo I" te. ii not l oiin-ir
U anil "looioii iiolacl, (.f nit sprvltl
liiilii. am a i',nii. aiillog be mm
i ut,. ll4M , c li.aae vt'Hwn
loi'l i t t at 4 4tn lo a hushed
bi.ii and woh htir a' Jia ' t t
.,.. ,, t!'lc elsMS If pas. Is
iiv l I I vi a' Ibis a- vn fo g iit
"el, a i.f I- i ...! tia T' at li
! In'. I,l Uli l' .,M.r mt ih
. a t H.v .loli.oi liw III l J
0 41s- . a, t ' a . r . I l.' t '
i. k t,; Iba -.-' i ' I ' h in a wet -o 1,1
aa ,,, Vi"! i , l' ,i'
g f te l.'4 i I I' "t w ' to lU
loi a foal Cnlaa lha e ini-ai
.' tli'il ln lit bit .l'l til
geai.. eaw oult a a I t ti.a la
I. ill I , i'lia O'tlbnt
H ! , .n If-t. tifol,y i.
H t iba a m Co. I
l "a ( i c t4 It'll aif I it It
I i- . tka w i
fi.iij.u i l,i t . l-i ittn i !'t tba
!..,- ii it imi i'a i " ii'i
in -. u, ii t 4 . a I lin,...i
if a ... ii l i ....... ... r ...ii. .
,ii li e ..' tu I:mi ' I te I i oi
i.,!.i lion Ii if en a -boil M
"ia ait i.m a i . -.t rl t
. i "ir, i o- i i . t , ,'o
,.,oi t .-. t i.fc ri ,. f
I HO ' 4 'I :-
"J have written tnv congressman to a-fid
roe all th Agricultural department re
port on farming"
"You must b going tc lrt on n e.
tenalve scale."
Well, no. tint I'm raising a tubp In a
pot.' -ixoilsvllle Courier-Journal,
llook-Makln fteanty-Here you are,
ir; tke rhane on thl fin chocolate
layer cake,
J ,(, Kperlnce-No thank: I ve
sliasdy taken loo many. That cake 1
my wi'e a donation. Judge.
Hernial eari'tblste?"
"f cefus lo answer," replied eYna.tor ;
Korghnrn. "If J say -s' It frilgiit o i
U' en a b-k and If I sy 'no' n tnlghl (
bo taken seriously,"-Whlngloii War, j
Hokua Why dor a womn change her
mind o oftnT i
f'okus-Maybe ah don't Ilk the looU j
of i after atr ha made It up, Toam ;
Topic. j
Aren't they very frle in New Vork j
about having weapon In onV posse- ;
loffT" , !
"Ve. indeed Thay aireate1 a map I
know there becauee Ihey found ell the
flowera in bla fiorit yaid had pistil,"
I'altlniir American,
SHouLb the c&mxim TAwr
- pmuf fZoH
AtUEYS lCrY tQwtfl
Absolutely Pure',
Made from Cream of Tarfir
"Ve, fJrubh wa one of th moat
learned men of the age. Hi lt Mfll'icj
In the Wrinkled llrow Monthly, enilileil,
'A I'syehologlcal Analysis of riaslrlc Kn
Joymerit,' waa wbfe-ly quoted,"
"Ah" And what, fnsd bis untimely i
death?" I
"Xtarvatloti," Judge, , I
Mr, Neigh la-irs-Iro you nd your bu- j
band live happily Ingot her 7
Mr. MliecM -fun , I'd j'tsf Ilka lo see
my hushsrid try. not to ltv napi'iiy wnn
in",-Indianapolis fOsr,
"f wsnt yon to write m r artble on
the city aa viewed from tlm roof of a
thlrty-atory trtilhllrig "
"Hut eiippoae I fall down on th Job'"'
Isltlnoie American,
ricfure Klend Where can f e good
moving picture todav7
Ifer Kriend -flee The It f'av it
I'i n .pell,
)'ctur riend-How (111 he die?
I'er friend I rq not t-fitutti, b'lt f,
inderatjind tt ws from u tf up Ion,
I'inrtoplay Magazine.
W, r. Neeblt, in J udge,
Two word that once were whispered low.
in tramming tone, where rierMmg!
sbede '
I'pon the walk danced to and fro
In fMttetfi by the moonllgbl made - j
Two worda once thrilled lb listening ear:
"My dear." I
Two word fhat In the olden days, f
I lelyj all th fondne of the heaif, I
Now Bound along the strident way I
Wher meet tlm swagger arid the
Trt etit-e they breathed lover' fer:
"My dear."
Two word-whnn grndmama wa young,
They were as 'fd a a vew,
And did not rattle from the tongue
A thoughtlessly aa they do now,
Ah, then It meant th world, to bear
"My dear,"
Two Word-yt In them lived romance,!
And on them rested ltop'g fair dream, j
Kyea of a wondrous radiance .
1 .11. with a deep and fender gleam i
When aijfne one mnriniireil, Jow and ner, ,
"My d'r ''
t !
My dear-why, any one at all
fa called "My dear!" Ah, I beseech, i
Must, all our treasured language fall ,
Into the dual of common sia-e h7
Farewell! you will not reappear,
"My dear," i
-a- AS '
How ZC
to stop dandruff
and I033 of hair
with Resinol
Hera Ii a ilmplc, lnca:ri!ve
treatment that will aim art always
rt"P dandruff and scalp Itching, and
gccjiiliehgirtlikk, live and lust fru:
At'read the ligirapart and
rnl 4 litilfl Krtiii'I Ointment Ifito
the ,al) trcfttly with tli tip i( the
linger. J;r(ct liii until the whole
w.alp ha Ix-en treated, Ntt nvfn
ln, ghamjss't thor'sii'hly with Res
iled Soap and lird water. Work the
creamy Kesiikd lather well Into the
t!ic(.al, lOfmewiiliyrgdiiallycyd
er wglcr, the lt water Mng cold.
VtMrvA goe (ad Caaianl OlnOaaet siCf
tiaal aral tuo.'.u kirika. bvid
by all iruiiitt.
Salcly Firs!
Indigestion, constipation, biliouanese
and many ailments of the dljjett jva
organs are often the source of serious
illness. At the first sign of disordered
condition take Hot reliable family
remedy tbat i alwaya dependable
Leasee S.l Aay MeicM la tit Werli.
fld aarywber, la . 10a., 2
HOTf.l.g Af ItfSOllT.
White Sulphur Springs
U"et Irglnlit
Finest Bath Establishment in America,
Connected Directly with the Hotel
Sauhalm and mil principal bat hi of Europtan Iltalth
Rttorli art givtn in tha Bath Houn by ihilUd atttndanti
ratD BTtr.aiT 3. m. aLOoutf
Maaaglog Olraotor Kt4at Manage
Warmer Days Are on the Way
And Will Soon Be Here
and you will then want a refreshing, stim
ulating, satisfying beverage.
an ar
Serves the purse most satisfactorily.
Phone Douglas 1889
And have a case sent home.
, ia-JSi-'.-ksaiate. fug-..
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how food advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really successful.