tj i k r.i;i:: omaiia. fkiday. aim;.!, ioh; iiiiARS START I Newton Baker May Be Good War Secretary But He's No Penman 01 and Henry, Indian Half Brothera, Will Battle for Their Father'i Landi. SUIT IN THE FEDERAL COURT Oorjn Hr-nr Ima flM mu it In fed com t agaitixt hi half-brother, Henry Jieir, in yet Bof.gfaaloij of certain land allotted to th!r father, Young Hear, Voung I!r baa rport In the lappy hunting ground for nearly 1 dirty cr. Mm, Young If car la l10 d'Uld, Young limr won allotted certain kind by,'! of congrfne in 1M7, fit before he had prove;! up on fbetn l,c died, Latin hi widow and two M'lfjn, oiii) by a former wife, ani iHiolied, Tl peltlnn allege Mitt mini perami then Interfered wlUi dl allotment ae,ed H e dy Inserting Hit WOtd "Mr." tiff Kit din tribal name yoi imiipI know Mint To'idg Jienr'a tribal rid "I" Wt "Neek fB kheil", kaw," Idif Milt, Young lleur' liibdi name mi "Che edo-wlh-kaw " Tbei. f,,i,. k.. a nut "Mm, ,eek-r-kl.eibi-kw," Although he waa Ml". Vning I if we, ' folding to the, ("iilim of df'llblng Wife, The alleged fraudulent aehedul cnt Ibiough and waa duly approved. When Mr, Your flr J dnd I ar poll lii Hi happy bunting g'oond a'l left at her ao(e del own top, Jfenry Htnr, Igiinrlfig her huaband't aofl by III flraf. wife, Henry Hear trturtu to fey,gni.' any ilalrn of bla hair brother to it Intereai In the Intnl. Tfmt In tli i'u for Mi" uif, Hfitiw Hear pray tbtt lb Mutt piilent made OKI It Met, N"k ra-khrle kaw, oc Mm, Young Rear, mu y b t formed hy auballt illng Ml" nam of Young Hear, or Neek-rat-khette kw, Two Bobs Use Time of the People for Own Private Ends Hobert flfobt Km. Mi, tddb'ted 1" Mm fee babll, nod Kobert Urtihi r Mowll, aii- Wntiltlt-r lit Mi" lfilirii.l Ml VHUT plant, Wf-ffl Jf lotifir'ii'f In Mi" hiH-r' of Mir rt'irifiK n'i'. of Mi" Ifioliurt fnnJc yrrirriUy. im of Id" nl'-noaffifihrr of ihf. wnier it1tin wim In alifn'tnnf. Ttn innl.lfr In liftrifl fll'l tn't relwl" It Mi" tmni fiM of Mm Hiy or (ouniy, f'-r wl.l'li Mf, M'fwcll I 1M a )f and 'r Hoilih I.W a yr. T" ry wnl. n Junt III" Mill', Tb 1oor rf Mr, IlownU'a offl'H wia clorotl trt'mt ff Mi y, A ftllf-r wlw ii n'l" sfveiftl lrf to rn Mi "frr of Hit niir il'int fiiiinrr', waa "!'! Mint tht i,okk " "f niitf") In vrf lioportont l,IHlllHI '' tl In no "ft M.dt Mm t0 "B'ba" rl'flf in thv ntnr ,olllril T 00" t.fliiK Mm fthr In Mnwt of ittrn, Thla n a, lliii f.f lr f-r Hob KinlMi, Klnl ln lilmff l.irr'l ptri hy tliont wlift ivonl-l cxtfArt lilt ff(f rl-l'ln r'ronl I , ,p wot lo bl filfffl tor alvicr, Tim HrnMb Mowz-ll niratfKJf lori) (mi in ii lirl rtnv'i oi( on Unit foe wliIWi tdfy nri f.Miil out of Hit pullli: tfrnoiry, Hub KmlMi't fur W Vfiy r4 Wlin It frntrxiM (r"iA H MowtlJ offbt at Hit ( lw. of Mif! fofiffrrnOf, Best Urges County Board to Provide a Workhouse in Omaha foun'jr Commliwlontr Frank T,ti, In nrgltia Hie county borl to atlon on miiiif! kind of prncllciil wnrkhou tn4 l,,.,,,ltal fbm, toll of worklmutflt at tvoiifi. III,, anrl Mlnnfpolln, Winn,, hl )i lii hn'l invrntldnt"'), Tim Mlniictimllt limlltuMon, wlil'li I n ,.f ttm bent In thn country, m1 $;,' (or Mm inximyera lt r, hilf uklnit BiR of fin vernM of rl ruiMii. It. nff.-riln l'ilul rfillrf from i in; - liolio" trifl iirofpufiioniil chdlrly mfki-r fitoiiifin il t b fiini tltim l a liionl proMullo lnv;Mmi lit. Vlio .iH.oi rr tiiiik brlfk, rmcnt work, Indium ami other trllrlfit ii1 fiilMvute fhl fairnlMinl li"ill. Kumlllrt) do l.riiMl of liff-ml winner by n uoii of Jiill e iilpn'-rn re nlo l.fiief Itffl. The t.ri of Mm Mlnlietipollt liM(U Hum, rie.t ), 1 flu to Mm fm'l Mt H liullinrllv I v'i In 'Inn.!" "oiiitb miiiI Unit th tm-e lit rre fioin politic, tint of f.,'o t'li.'oiH'r In ii ymr only rt mihi iI"! mill per ceiit of Hie iriiiiiiiiili r hum firnt offrnibifi, A proff llllll l.'im" Hi Mliinrnpiillfi I inllly, llenl Ntou Hnltfi inty i,a vi y U"Ol K(ffliv of ttur, ii. i h" o,jlfl It i .'f lilt If t-. ff, ill n n t, ae( f . of p II iriiiuililp, We hif yi,oi unit miffl m fo nili'ioil for Mil t:iteini1iil rt c mi (i 1 1 mill ni- our it Hie fliiiiy I' ru t tig U'i"ii, It Mu miiiih'"! l'i mi offulil . 1 1 s mi ol. Jl loolif.l ,1 llii "niinnon Xoriuu,' Ji t UU i.f, t.'it It Hf. written on CREIGHTON STUDENTS PLAN FOR ENGLISH CONTEST M,lli thr itfiH.'iiii. ui'tit of the fli iiiil ii.lnt. 'Tli 'r," th lu leiil I I i,..ii iiIvi ii tirmtei lug I ! n 0 II .M I :,!!.. II f.'l' Mil' lill'Ollft Itili'ff"!' lt!lll I I tiHll I "Hi. rl, I'l ) lull III ir ( Hi ire, Tii or lliron ftlii if,,ie Hi. il'ilr of H. r ii..hl Hm till" if Ui Minrint miliiiit Ii miit mil Mil I I.. i il, if Hie l..lll.-t Hllie ..(M, ,Ul 1 tn . I i f Mit n ihil la "i,n. I 'I Im , , i.i 1 ! .f )! mi In ;.. (. I, I i. i.f M i 'i.niU i,ii i,f Him . I ' i . I Ill t,- ,1 Ml, ,i,rll 'l i n I ' I 4 t. Ii- ! I ls I ,, ,. i.i I .ni I I l.f Ill I i ( . i I II II, Ii If Ii 'ill U, ll , ., I, a l-l lll t ii ! I i ,. I . f t !' I i 1 "h pi U i I' , ' ' ' I I I' ' Ml In , , ,t.,lil. Ii-l sioux rKLTsuTfWoN N, W. PROVINQ POPULAR 1 ' r . " , ''I ' (! ll tl t ! 1,1. , I , I (I I'll t I ll. l. II. I ll IK ,( I I I' I ..In tl . I.i, i., I ' i' ll.'i l t..U 'l' I ' ii, . m i "t I 'i : ,, . I.,,,l I I I.,- I II I I' I I ' . , ,v l ' tt ( ' 1. ,14 u'li, '! IM'M 1 ill IMliftW lit.., ,i,n I. li-, l f Ii rt f 14I ,,' i. 'lf III I (', IllUig t fi Iiuh4 lilarlllMM, Kl t .1 , ;1 f "I l l tl I 1 I I I. . I I ' 4 t I ' II 11 It M It , I'- 11 14 I1.11 I if . ' t 1 ' " ' ' !- t it .t - I ti .':,l. . '1 a t . 1 I , I .-' "i t hi l I 'i i f ' t 1. i (."" I ' il I I t it,. ),. " I 4 ., It I J , '. ' 11, III hit biei (I'llf'l (Die, ,, iifiler th ilollefl line. In fine print, tl mM "ceeii,,y of Wtr,'' Tlml 'of trny W I4I1OW It HIM li lflNlltt. ' III tael, I In, I dm only ry n kn' It w HiKllllt II ! till It lo'idr) ,,oie I.I e r t y In ) ft ft till wlnri It Dot hit'fl of Hie (fit tin' lllll XliJle ,,,ll,, Hil looUlfit. Moine of (he feltott (ill you ioiii tell Mint lii fif! letln of the (O-eonil woi. u a Tl" y poinifij iii.t Hint V ei h n npilglit. iniiiti unit two nut u 1 In h . Hut H lotll'lll't fee It. A r,t Hi; nereri 1 ipiitit to nty e conM ' ,'imt liei ue pc' eerr"lii of war. No, ! i', we're loo tiwlhf 1 foe tlmi. j llof in Mieely lim l In im Hie hoii pemiitn In the W'irl'l. Hut Horace tiMli'l 'ttrlllna Oi'iM h been clghti-i 11 poliu ,liolhli pi till fiiijipainj Willi Newton fiaker't. If He nete eret'ty of Hat He il hi Hah up on our pfninalililp a Utile, lie nnil.t t ike ' orifioineni' rourw, aicl pim'thf at. Mailt wlien lie 1 ot all hla aenrlaiy In ijone for llm dnv. , Tlim tiif hhy lie 1011I4 get aloiiit In tha ' Wot III like Hm I'm lenpoiiileiiin i honl ail veileineiit y, After he'fl foinplete'l I lie i'oiite ,e Houl'ln t h" one of tltoa" i bftprlev looking men pli-t itre'l In Mi" Coi'rexpoii'leni ai'liool rill, ! Mf feil InWIiinl to hope that Net ton ! HinUe lila tiiHlk In the Hurhl If be 'lake I'ifil i"iiiiianbli r-ourae COMMON LABOR IS Eroployeu for Additional Tajr for Extra Work, TAKE IT UNDER CONSIDERATION (,'orttrai lora anrl lidiorcia art at 1'ieneit frying; lo ) problem t'it, la net (,e.!riK in Dicin, and fibethe, 11 will hi aaHefartorily act led or Hbefbcr labur Iroublt will grow out of It ijenetida upon fblr rbllliy lo bandit a difficult problem. With Hi painter receiving; an Si an in waaea, with the brlcklayera li'Nt fall rcelvlnj, an Incrtaa t, anr rih other crafta either tcftlnif ad ancea or demanding Ibem, Iht com ipon iaboter t oiiK-a forward demand Icy; aoine Increaaea, , Tht coiiiirifiii laborer la Mi fellow wlnt puahf Mia cotcrele aliealbmrow, why pourt 'ffiieiel, who fllga rlltehea, who lugglea befevy loga atid aleel beina, mul rloea a lot ut olri't' odd lob, but heavy loha, tlfiul lh -onfru Hon of a luihl Intf, 41 Oterllma. 4llaHe, Theae toen want an Inereaaa and want what I knoHii a "time and t fin If" for overtltfio. That la, they want their 'l of Hi or i'i cent mi liour, aa Hit eaae may be, ami then want, half that auin mora for every hour they woik over Hie eight hour flay. In orne k Inla of conalrtieon the con traefort find II difficult ' op dlreelly when,ibt right dour day (a up. In pour, Ina inni iMf, for Inatanf, It la fetler for Mm f tiaiaMer of Mia building under eon atruetlim that Hit eonrrel pouring b eoMlnuoua when once afarted. TM put Hit eoritnuitor againat Hie propoalllon of working tins men eonalderably over eight boor, or putting 011 extra, ablft. Td rinir' tor art trying bard It find orn ailutlori f) the uueallon, Meantime tdt work fa eoiillriulng under Mm old aytteni, but aotne of the union laborer are beeortilngr fude exeretfiad ovr It, Tb frrnad Hulldera' exebang ha the mailer under cormlderatlon, Kugel Introduces Ordinance to Shut Pool Halls at Nine ! An oidinaii'e to cbia pool ball l 9 p I 111, waa Inlrod'oed at Hie i lly renin' II I meeting by ('fuiirrilnaloni t Kugel on te. ipleal. ' Tim preaeiit cloaltig bour I 12 p, m. A i proOrtfiti la tiia'le III tli" ordlimm " In tl I d,v aet-i liig of meal In plii'-e wheia rea- tauiaril and pool ball ft re opeiitfed In . eonlunetlou, j Tim ordlrianit ta referred to td com I tnittea of th whola for conideriillon I next Monday morning. PFJt!E EOT WATE1 IF TOO PESHIE A , HOST COIMJEnOU 8aya w can't help but look batter and fatl better after an Inalde bath. No Trace Yet of the Bandit Who Held Up Union Pacific Train The bandit, who Tiidy night, near f'orlettt J .met Inn, Wyf),, flv tnllea weal of (,'heyenne, Imld up and robbed Ihe paaaengr In the obwrvatlon car of the I'nlon I'aelfle't frverland Mmited train No. I, aeeurlna ha dlaappeared a completely aa If th earth had opened and wallowed hlrn. I'aaaenger on tht train who notlred tha bandit while be waa robbing them gave tht offbera a good dencrlptlon of Hit man, and lth thla they commented earibln the eountry and town In the vii'lnlly of t'heyenne, The drag net waa put out and Wednrday two men wra 1 rented In Cheyenne and taken before aoma of the paaaengnra and trainmen. Not being able tit Identify them tha men wer t'.rned Irmaa. At I'nliui l'ailflfl hetd'iuartert It la atinouneed that a largn number of tlie eompany apertal agent, the offlrera of both lranila county, Wyoming, and the polli of Cheyenne art working on Hie aae, but torklng without any elue that pnlnta tt anybody In partieular. llnw- To look one't beat and feel one bem I to enjoy an Inalde bath eaeh. morning to fluah from Mm ayaiem Hit prevlou dy' naate, our fermentaflon and pi,onou toxin befor II. I ttmorhed Into Mm blood, Juat as coal, when II burna, letvea behind a ertalu amount of Irt'ombiiatlbln material In ht form of aahea, a, the food and drink taken eai:b day leave In th alimentary orgn a regain amount of tndlgeaMlile material, at ti,'li If not eliminated, form toxin and polaona tbhh are then aurked Into Hie blood Ihrougb tht very duel whl'h tre Intended tt urk la only nourlahinent to uataln tht body. If you tant lo "" lh glow of hetlthy bloom In your cheek, to e your kln get, clearer and eleaner, you art fold In drink every morning upon arlalng, a glaaa of hot waler with a teaaiinonru) of llmeaton phoaphale In It, whhh I a bartnleae mean of waahlng tbt waalt materl'tl and toxin from Mm alom' h, liver, kidney n4 'bowela, thua clean Ing, weetenlng and purifying Hit entire alimentary traet, before putting more food Into the atomach, Men and women with aallow ktue, liver apota, pimple or pallid complex inn, alao thnt nho wak up Willi a coaled tongu, bad taate, naaly breath, other Hlio are bothered with hearim hea, bil lon apella, M'l. atonuu h or conatlpn linn, ahould begin thla plinapliHied hot water drinking and are aaaured of very pronoun'ed reault In one or to eeka, A rpiarler pound of llmeatoim pl.ox- ! phatt roata very little at Hie drug aim", I hut la uffii'le ut, to demoiiairatt Hint juat aa'aoap and lint water clean", puri ne and freahen the akin on th" out Ide, an hot Hater and llineatont phoa phatt aet on th" Inalde organ. Wt trmat alwB' (iihHl.ler that lulerniil aanllathm I vaally morn Iniportant than tillable 1 leanlltie, brrtuii" the akin porea iln lint alui.lll Impnrlllea Into Hm bloml, Hlilla th boHel jiorea iln, - Advert ! tnetit. $500 s FOR A LETTER Telephone Contest Editor George & Co. 7 k (W I PILES "You Who Suffer file tiimllHlillf IHte.t vn limit aa prut, Hi tul iil,..i, mittug ut tlm pii 14 Ni t m ol fiber Ni l I a I nut Imnina 1 tni in! nt i'ipi 11 "'I A wrtllatt guarntta ttn net , atid f 1. tut rfiU'l"l In f-l If I lall M 1 I. t a r atn ttul Htm hl if Hiit I 1, l 4 I t I' U'I IkI ( ill ,l I,t I , s, ' . ' - , u I, , ... 'I ,, I lt 1. la, "lii. t 4 t 1 u 4I at li i,, Dr. J. C. Woodward, Sert Until lliillilil'at, tlllli nil. I I Ml li.ttlt Itixutu it I Eat A Plate o?ce Cream Every And in ho doing you can always he doubly .sure of its super-excellence by asking the dealer for All Ice Crcaiiis' letet, II la expected Muil Hie eaid ' L.UM Unit la offeieil fur the 111 ren1 n ! 'the In. Iii1,l Hill bllng me lit. Ill, APTPR MflRP MnNPYln'l' wblerpiol,tbl." In Hi trail, ill 1L11 lnJlU iUvllL1 ll,,!,!,,,, i,e bandit Hoike, ,i,e, be bad ... , 'a pal, either male or female, nud that Unnkillcd BulldiriK Wovkcn Auk'"'" MM 1,111. ,:. I 1,11,11 fti'i1 1' t Hie M 11 1 tinf it w a i or giving u lip lhal Hill reault III hi ' arreft ! rMhft he raM I iuffer This is the edict which Mona and Mary, two attractive young women, have set forth in their campaign against unscrupulous and unprincipled men. They have sworn to avenge the wrongs of their sex by completely turning the tables and retaliating in their own way by preying upon the human Jeeches and society parasites, which neither the judgment of law nor public opinion seems adequate to reach. When mere man thinks himself so extremely fasci nating that he is absolutely irres sible, he had bet ter, prepare for a sudden and most inevitable fall. You may not always ap- fTvl prove of their methods but -T I yu WH certainly be I JySrtr' " satisfied with the re- ! y iB ) su'ts m tne campaign 1 V (aOY tnese two Sid3 ave O k h planned and put into y C- execution. I C I ( iv win out r 1 V V J I V X : y A. i T Vx X. times I "SS' lJj - ten as I cm" I 1 "Served them just right" is the unani mous verdict regarding the suhjects se lected hy Mona and Mary in this most uniquo enrnpnign. The adventures of these two remarkable girls form the subject of a wonderful ser ies of stories entitled 'The Social Pirates." Each week's story is separate and complete in itself. If you miss one you can start in again with the next, but after you nave read the first you will not want to miss any. The plots for these stories have been conceived by that most capable of dramatists, George Bronson Howard, and the stories have been novelized by the well known novelist, Hugh C. Weir. The works of the above playwright and author are known to every reader and theater-goer in the United States. Drairl ihic pnm?.i4nliiA cahac nf clni'inc nnrll ntlfi rmtin!ntl in I Willi 11113 I Villi 11 1 lilMlV OWI IVJ VI vJIWI IVJ V 11 Veil WIIV VVIII)JIVIV itself, which will nppcnr in this paper, and sec the big KALEM PHOTOPLAYS of "THE SOCIAL PIRATES" at your FAVORITE MOVING PICTURE THEATER. "THE SOCIAL PIRATES" HAH I Til INITIAL KXIIIHITION TODAY AtTKIlNOON AND KVrNINO. ut Tin llomt ol tin CatliiJial Plpt Oritn BESSE THEATER Iht Organ with th Human Veltt NO MATIKU WHAT YOU WANT It will Yixw you timo ami inoin'.v if you uso WVA) WANT-ADS.