TirE n?:r;: omaita. Friday, ahw, !!!(;. Dandruff Makes Hair Fall Out 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong:, beautiful. Girls! Try this! Doubles beau ' ty of your hair in few moments. y I , ') TIT; I JSC. 'J ' f I : ti ff ' i r ' . ' ': .... i.'nili I illUlrri i J 'Within tn nilnutK-a ftr an ppiic. Hon tit an1rlria jrcu tan not find a Im. (I trao of dandruff or falllm hair an your ealp wtil nut If h, but what will piMMi you mnit will b after fw WMk' Um, whan ynu p new hair, fin and dower at flrl-y-but fHy ! ,alr-rowlfi all over Hi lp. A 1HU Landrtna ImmrdlKlaly aoubl !) butjr of ymit hair. No Ufferrica how dull, faded, brtltla and e'raKny, )ut riio!Un a ult with Dvnilerlri and car' fully drew It Ihroufh four hair, taking una mll atrand at a Urn. Tha ff I I majiinf-rour hair will b light, fluffy And wavy, and hava an apwaran- of abuodanea; an lnutrtrabl lur, aoft r and luxurtanoa, Got a K cant holtla of Knowltnn'a Pea drln fra any drug tor or toiiat atrtinter, and prov that your hair I M prtty and irnft aa any that It haa bn nrlntad or In lured by rarla trt menHhat' all -you uriy tan hava Urautlful hair and Ma of It If you will J ut try a IHU Dandarln. What is Home Wiffioot m Ml Thl li a ul i i , ,. ' " jiaw-c in at; lnU In til time. And it nnluially di- te.i nought to tha cwnfurt of tit mother liurlnf Ut woiMlcrfnl perM vt eipnianry, aMIwr who know tuf omrnrrvl "Mcth r ' rrlrnd." it u an n. terrwl rrmaily tor Hie atrctrblnf muni, tn alilm thrm to cifMiml wlllimit muliia atraln, Mlat tha onrn!i lit rrowd artlnat nrrr, to pull at lia-iitiH-riU Jllhi art e-prriiTKerl, mornliif alckimw, hcadn'ba, aiTjirrlirtnlon and ollwr dl trrK ant aiwinf Iha varhm thlnra wlilrh romnv erfwhrr r'lal tlwy entlrly ta pped by uli,( "Mutner'a Krii-nd. And by ! eir-t upon tin tnuwle llw form i re Ijilnrd and they rrtiiro to Ihrlr natural, iamolh contour ft-r bahy U born, tiet a hcrtti of thl Invnhiable aid to ripco nt ioth.r. Any driinlrt will auin.ly you. it I harmlra hut woiii1-rfnlly ITei'tK. Writ to Hr)(Wld Rmilalor Co., ll Ij. Biar Bldf, Allanla. t!., for a aptvlally writ trn a-iilile bonk for womrn Intrmted In th mihlert of maternity. It !!( na Mn ,in). ration. It rontalri inrormnlfun that wy wotuaa abould know all about, Writ today. Don't Let Soap Spoil Your Hair Whn you waah your hair, b raroful what you ua. Munt aap and prcpnrvd aliampoo rontaln too tnui h alWalt, whlrh la vrry InJJrl.ta. a It ilrtna lh and makra lha hair l.rldl. Th tvat thlna lo u la Juat plain itiu1 plflrd rf-onnul oil, for Una la puto m ftntlraly irrurlMi. ll vrry dump, iii'l bl tha moat riprnalv op or n Ihltig l all to plavaa. toil u fl tut at any drug ainr. and a fw ounca will laat tha whola fatilly for monlha. Hlrnply niftlntui th hair wKh wlrr and rub II In, khout a taMiiif,il I al' that la rlilrd. It makti ait abundant f Htk, rrainy lathnr. clitanii Ihor oiifhly, and rln- out aanlly. Tha hair fir) qulikly and otrnly, an1 la i'H. frch (noliiri, briaht, f luff tf wavy and y to hand), lld. It lrt'fn and takra out tvrry pailli'l of tin!, illrl and datidrtiff Aditlalnnt. DOCTORS SAY TIRED FEET CAUSE NERVE TROUBLE 4- UWJ rttl imflm' T"ttl rtFi U f h . f-l- ll, t- , t '.a IrtOtl p1 ' tty t C rffl..4 f tf n)- tdftl " ' ' 't 4 $'Mt.t .w r f It -i ... . I 'ft I J "4 4.J It mt-( tV4l l I ji Mt 4 S l -...,) i M ft -. ! ' -.t .---. - 4 tj itvi) u.' it- rn- lf-ti: irt 41 I f ! '. ' . .... c, 4i . ) , ;m V J W t . 0 t ' I - - ' ' -v IV,) ft. I, t 4 .t , .'--- m-. it 1 V -4 .. ,. -A. ., . - l V C ( l . rk-' , a . ... ,i ' ! -. M4 f t Sf llom Trrntiitiit for Object ioimbU Hnir HE KNEW THAT HE WAS ABOUT TO DIE Poorly Clad Man Give Coroner In itructiom at to the Diipoii tion of Hit Body, IS FOUSD DEAD OF EXPOSURE "Hf, I'm Jtint flftn nilnutt ..li'nd of th undf-rtikrr,' a uilddle nc(t man, pooaly r.WA, adrtreaiCCi rnl l,rk!n, deputy coroner f tb Kouth Hid, avid a caiherlng o fiiPii'ln at (be Lai kin funrgna in SoiUh Omaha Wdnpday vnln- nfoout 6 oVIork, "Rf-nd ray body b'k lo Kbi nabiirg whfn you find It on tha rt aomwhT," he wound up. The man further lid thai he bt ' tiianitrrd." Vl'r(Jay morning at the body of Klwer H. Wood, palmar, of Kbena ln'Mt. Ia waa found dad bot(ci il.ri boina of K, ;, HniUh and H. V. HlfKlarf, 3NI and 321 flout n Twenty-fourth atret, Wood had rllfd from cxpoimr, Notl ot th audd'n death bna len aent to Fl-enaburf polire official, Bergoant JnrnfK Hti'-uhnn and Chauffeur Dan 1 1. .ii.i lnwtla.iled the re, K. l Hiiillli l.l lo who" Iioim Ih1 bud) im f''d. ild lit oollre HibI Wood had torn to hla offK Wdnrdy nr.4 Mkrt for aid, II w aiarvln and Kniiili nl him lo lb Millar bo"l, or rVili.K iij( and room, Th mn niut have wori'Uri'd tay bu h nrvtr honed up at ttm hniel, A final-Moit-!! anamination l li'ld to Bnriain If th'r w any olhr fau..a lin (oui for hli d'jatb. "Vitrified" Brick Not Necessary in Building Roads Th worn "vitrified" a applied i paving brl'k, protod for th inllllon nd a-hulf dollar good road bond ir, in not o Important after all, ommr rial rlub mmilwr drlar, after lrn- lng that vltrifl.! Mr an art 1.1 practically ownd and rontrolld by a aiiiKl romhlndlon of nin, "ffrhk of atandard p-lflf !lon and guaranteed durability," It I d lared, "l )ut a good ariH will probably aav (h tapayr muh monry,' T) "vitrified" brt'k propoalllon, imh aa certain !ntrt fried to thruat down th throala of th county bord, la aald to li lmllar to h old fMfond aaphalt fl'o. Tha aaphalt proclamation u4 lo read "Trinidad aaphalt," whkh klt all bidder away egcapt companlea T' rfntliig on prnt roncern. It I aald thl would b tru of tha brick propo- Hloll. A th rult of having little light thrown upon 111 word "vitrified" It I anthlpated tht mui h of the oppnalllon lo the good roda bond will tie removed, and that Inatead a fight will b mad to make th preaent hm of Jat good guaranteed brick go over. Early Crop Reports . Give Indications of Splendid Yield tifftrlal of th general offlre of th Hiirllngion and Northweatern hv In- tllicted their agent thloughn.lt Ne- hraMka to begin gathering data for th weekly erop report that will tart about April It, a ha been th rul In th pt. Alredy the HuVllngton I reelvln oiiio erly report from It agent, all A' whom report tit Indication point lo a bnner crop r for Nebraaka. The preliminary teprirla Indlcat plenty of niiiloiiic In th ground, with fall whet having paaed through tha wlntr In good condition and beginning to maka rpld growth. It I aaaerted that vry her fanner are at work In their flelda preparing th ground for erop that will b planted later tn th eon. Pro pert are favorable for a large acreage of corn, . Kennedy Resigns as Bankruptcy Referee J. A. V. Kennedy of th la flrnTof Ma honey ft Kennedy ha realgnd aa refer In hankruplry aftr filling thla IHialtloii In tnih for tha laat ten year. Mr. Kennedy wa re.-entty appointed at tnrnev for thit Mlannurl t'ai'lfh' railroad. Juda J. W. Woi.ilrough. It iireid, n.olnt Herbert M. Inlel refer a oon a h formally takea office. It la aleo ronir""U olu around lh federal bull.ling Ihm J'ulno Wondi nugh will nam ti.atlea r, M.UugUlin 1 nltd Plate riiiiiiiiiMhtner, a ."lil.ii foiiuerly hld h Mr. I i.lel BARR GOES TO SAUN FOR ORATORICAL CONTEST 1 iinrr Hair of 'iihlim ha departed f.r alln. Kn, hr he win repr. nt NMik mi lh I'iim .-iie t i -toil' ! ililet, In M held there lha vetuii Titer iifaulaiit from or (I tale . oiul'lel" III lh n- t u.i) I lunleal, ti I held at rlifirM, la , Mav I Th terriiij at Hl!lt l N'hl. M. !, Mn-I r, N..MH I . goulh tkla, ) nd VI n. ..! t iu.it thl onle! lh One tH will el. kJ .i i'.er i lh rimvtlln n'1 lh diltit tUlt, l Will t- rt't-ettt f;rt lu th t'le'ahl ' I ti.iai4 i' ' l m i. i I Wi h . t ,l. 1'. ! I i 11,111ft f i ! Il(,.l t I r, lut, f ,f ,,:, - ! I 'j !' Ihtt h (i t '-!. . I I', .it .J ' U tt....l ,...( .1 iH( tf ( I. e. it,,,, n.it ii . h'i ,.. It ti..'- i la., m !.. ti M t v'f I (;. H !,. tl,., t t .. i-... . if,. t, t ! h ,' r.M t..i. ,i. f B e Li.,' I. 1 . . 1 4 'i--.- COMMERCIAL AGENTS OF BURLINGTON MEET HERE j i ' ..! , .in. 11 .1 f (' t li, em uf tit UiM'.uit r at k'-U tug I it thi, il i-i ttiwliiig at ti j t. i MJ . ! . HltiHf . II. '! 't ' a t fm lt eH ft - til I ! 4 H hattt '! g f Will h h ' ! t I i f lit tug tMW t iimtwctiMf FUN E R AlTi RV IC E S H I L 0 FOR MRS. MARTHA BROWN f Hi ! In ' I r VI, Ma l-t t. I i ii 44 T-..l( at is . ...it. hpvMl ! l ?..: I !( t' ltHg a !.., ,.,.. ii'ii ii.iini in Sti ,l II . ..' Comes from Kansas and Claims Bride Who Had Run Away (iermto Uulvo, Meahan, of Wlrhl' ram to Omaha (everal day ago to 'II pat'b l.uclo Maitave, who ran away with bl bride-to-be, Margaret Muatello When Mftrgiirt beheld her ertwhll lover, (h old lov and affection rturnd nod e i,ited by Cupid Hun lhey they were taken to th court hou and wed dd for llf. I.ui;io haa fl"l t the foolhllla TRAFFWCLOBFOR THE HEW DEPOT Joifti with Other Progreaiive Or anir.ationn to Give Traveling' Public Better Facilities HAS GRIEVANCE ON FREIGHT The flnialia Traffic club haa gone on record In favor of a new union d'pot for Omaha, aona with tha ether proicreaalve; oraanlratlona of tb t lty, The Traffk club la a eoiu faratlvely new organization (hat. con cerna Itaelf with traffic matterg o. varlou klnda, both frelKht. and pn- ("nicer. The iliih baa bIho taken up the i 'attey of (iiay In freight traff- h taeen Omaba and Chicago aa eom fjred wllb other tltlea, A bltia prim Map ban been prepared allowing the ri mbftv of daya and hour ronaumed In freliht travel from Chicago to ( inaha, to Denver, to Kanaa City, t ) 8n Tranciaco, and a lot of other I lat e, together with the reapectiv Jfafaneg la mllea to every point, Longer in Omaba, Thla diagram how for ampi that th freight haul from Chicago to Kn- City 1 made In two day, while to Omaha It la made In three d Thl I only an mpl of th d):rlriiintlon agalnat Omaha In tha matirr of th lime conaumed In traveling a given diln' with freight, Thii lh map ahowa that Omaha l dlacrimlnaied agalnat to g vaat degree In coniparlnon with Kenaa Clly, In ver, Pan Kre nflaco, Halt laikc Clly, To pek, Oklahoma Clly nd many otht-r ploe, Th club ha prepared a lot of ropk of thl mp and Intend at once to them out to other piihl!-plrll4 club and organlMtlon of Omaha In an an devor to iillt their co-oprtlon In a ftght for a better freight handling condi tion for Omaha. New Oil Field in Wyoming Producing Many Barrels a Day Report to North weatctri railroad head quarter Indlcat that another oil field I being , dvlopd n Wyoming. Tl one J (long th Wind river valley, forty- flv mile wet of Hhohonl and I of a Much greater ra that the on around Oreytiull, farther northweat, Th nw oil ftld of Wyoming I known a the Illot Hull om and already on well that I flowing 3M btrrcl per day ha hen put down. There art a numl.er of drilling rla In th new field and In a number of localitle, well are blng drilled, Th Mld-wet and th Mall Oil company hv filing on a large acreage and Indication art that they ar going to dart drilling on an exUnalv cl. In th Hint Bull Dome field th drill ing I being dona almoat entirely on deedwi land, th government having with drawn from entry meat of th fre land that howd any lndctlona of olt. WILL ASK GATS TO . BE UNDER LICENSE Audubon Society to Declare War on the Feline Destroyer of Birdi. TO STAGE BIRD MASQUE SOON A committee eo'rwlatlng of Mr. IOwrle Child, Mr. W, F. Baiter, Mi Denritt and Mia illggln ha been appointed by th Audubon to begin preparation for th bird mwiue "Hanctuary," by Percy Mack), which will be ataged by local talent thl aprlng, at th dedication of Konleriell reeerv. It wag decided to preaent th inu later at th public park for th benefit of achool children. Further plan for a campaign for th protection of wild bird were mad Wed ndy evening when the member of th executive commute of th Nebraaka Audubon aoclely met at th public library, On'. (f th flrxt alep will be to draft a hill, whlcn will be Introduced befor the rbrk leglalatur neit winter, placing a, iaU tax on all cat. Tn Dcena tat. A lmlllr hill la now befor th lgll tur of Nw .feidey. A a preliminary tey In the campaign aglnt the Mrd lovlng feline th committee decided to try and ludm Hi city rommliwlon to Ph an ordlnanc llcnlng all cat. The iupoed llcrnae would b f for male iii J for female. The dog catcher, an cording to the Audubon' plan, would b 'he cbh-f executor of rata that did not li IbeimM, The electric, cage would he th iiiatrtmient of conveyance to the 'at happy hunting ground A repoit on th progren mad with I he cat enin)gn nUI he md at the next ingiilar meeting of th Audubon nocln'y on April l"i, Ther.i l p,).ibllly that th Audu bon win j,,in iih the Nehraka Or iillliologlat of l.lm fjln In the obaervanc of lh nnuel field day on May , Field dy wHI b held cither at th Fontonoll ree-vn or ' Mneotn. John Flt tohert of th South Hide, ptexlded a chairman of Wedneaday even ing' meeting. Graham Visits Over Thousand Teachers Altant KuperlnUndent Graham if tha public ai'hoola. In a rport Juat filed with the aiiperlntandent, atatea that In tha laat avn nimith of hi nenl.e he mad 1,11 vlatta to IM grad teacher at forty-tight achoola In th work of uni fying th eoura nf atudy In tha thr consolidated achool ayetema. Mr, lira- ham waa auprtntndnt of th "nuth aid achool t th time of the merger and ;m that vnt hi work ha been lo harmnnlM rnethoda tn th entire achool ratm. At th ouit h told th tei'hi t a general meeting: "V need to mlnt mla our difference to find common ground to get In het touch with on another em) do aplandld team work fur th aak of th hoy a and girl committed t our cr." Mr. Uraham' work ht tanned Mm to relieve that reform I needed In th giving mere attention ts reading In lh gride Estabrook to Speak at Y.M.C, A. Meeting foi Jacks and Jims Are Again in Fine Mixup Over Meeting Date The Jack nd th Jim ar getting fhlr marhete out again. Th .lima are th member of the l'hlmn iJcmncrncy cluh, whoa aecn tary claim member. hlp of 1,0)1, The Jacka are mcmhera of th Ja'kaonln club, whoa lair on th aUteenth floor of th Clly National Hank building. The Jlnie re adverllelng a big meeting for nt. W'dnelity evening at Wanh. Ington hall, and th Jack 'will have g banquet at th I'axton hotel on th Mm evening. The Jc.k art they elected the date flrt, but that fact did not dlaturb th aplomb of the Jim. rcrtry O'Connor of the Jim we kd why hla organlaatlon atnrted a counter attraction, whereupon h aald: "Th nwer I almple. Th thirteen niMmheta of th Jack can hv their eat and then adjourn to our meeting." lioth orgiilr.atbn cllm to be demo ciatlc. T)il alluaiion la aald by aom to be an augury of renewed hontllltl ,. A few year tgo lh battle between th Jack and th Jim mad a Mexican revolution look Ilka opera bouffe, "rc at any prlc" policy la aald to lave bcn dlcrded by local democrat. Kugel Finds Family Cat Still on Job "I you hv th ame old cat," re marked City Comntladoner' Kuael when he returned to hi hom Wedneaday evening fter an ahaenca of four week, Th ahaenc of th head' of th Kugel family wa due to acarlet fevr quaran tine, Three member of th family war Interned at the aame time. Maater Kugel entertained hla father with Vl'trnla aelectlon. Mr. Kugel popped torn corn and In other way th family celebrated th reunion. Mr. Kugel xprwed a wlah to go on a chopping tour, but her h unhand warned her not to gt lot. II told her of th new building which hav bean erected during her aectuelon. John Edwards Found at an Early Hour John Ki!erd. a minor, wa brought to central police atatlon at I & yeaterday morning, aom hour after he had run away from hla home and parent at 2IM fVuith Thirty-fourth etreet. It I thought that tha lad left hnm In anareh of "wild went" aftr having Heniled nurnerou how In which th life whlrh o appealed to hltn w vary vividly portrayed. II held at th atatlon avr night nd waa turned over to hi pa rent a yea tMay. CullcuraSooilies i Htiftiv It. rlai,rfMvk & paiuti.Uid th republican nomination for pttini will ha M niln, Inai aiteaker al lha mm i ineili. al lh 'ieg Men 'hilallaa . ii mn euinuv atleiiiMiii M will dnlir an adtltee en 'r ih . t, T'ulh- IVliu, at and l .lna ' Thla i ih am ,,!,!, i u,, t y, ! Pk wn hetr lha liaiial rue ttnHiui tf 4 riiatn n.n .1 1 hi,...! Iml a inuiie t rang scalps MILW'AUKlt r'LEASEO WITH WORK OF ELECTRIC MOGULS t' f Ik kn v.k r,.( . a I I will h ei f ..n.. kr h iie,nt.' ...!,. leal iiii tht fein,i i. ttlM n In m ,4 lh. itt,i dlviaiee Ik 14 thruaH Maka a 11. 1 HMi,ttu.a th h. ,i tH. hire hi t'i'' wm i iHii;r aith ai.ato ". W.HI1H ' I 4 (l. H . ,, he-iitiitig kt:tti I ii,. t.a .1 k ittoat ti kle, k 4 hi k tw (Haiti tk Vti'iira i. !aae4 twly f h ateeut 4it , ( 4 with r tea v MiJiw rte ilea -! rata, 14 taj arn4 fcpeit . I.tninvent I kill t e hint Iw'.tta f . 111. 11 l..irai.' alikt.it nitii. tiy l Pra,entsDQii(irurf e.ml TnllStit Unit 0 u 0 y 0 tVn retaina t'Ht It tM (tf JaMrvff ti.hll g Mt t tiln vir t Hiiimeiil Ne ..'(Millg hll') l W'lS t lll.' ft an. I Ivo Wlc 't bit I eeinttiil ihie ! h t ae- th !ii than vl nSihe an.( Li jf.uin ttf ha t gir.m th ,Smiit1 I tU 1 rrt li v Mttlt W M fcw HMU4 tt r 1 lk !et Htl A , Work on Union Pacific Bridge to Start Monday Preliminary work Incident to lha rcon truct)on of th t'nlon raclflc bridit acroaa th Mlaaourl river her will proh ably atart next Monday morning. I'n 1'indlng of. piling and timber ha com menced, the bottom on the Iowa l'l of the river clone to th brldite being ued for the etvrau yard. Jicnjcks mid machinery that will be ueed In the lu ldKo re'-ntiatructlon 1 hlng ' 10 h led, I'iKl'lcrahl of It I on tha ground and on awitcn track at th eaat end nf the bridge. Cnlon Pacific official announce that lh reconet ruction of th brldg wilt mean n expetidllur of omethlng Ilk ),W).m and that tha work will b completed In aldo of a year. Walter Moise is Declared Bankrupt Judg Martin J. Wad Inatructed ih Jury In federal court to declare Wller Mole a bankrupt, Tha ca haa been before Ih court for th Jt four day on petition of tha Levlay rtrewlng com pany of I'eorla, III., wtiloh haa a eidlt of 111, WW. Mola I now In a ChhAK'i aanltMrlum. Twelves Runs Smooth as Oil "pHtlifiiitJor the Omit" )mn fi virtue which it dfrnoritraf to a nor murUtxl flcgrct! than miy other cur -namely, its wonderful wnoothri, 1(h power in Kern-niled with mu'Ji oily rcKtilnrity that in npito of th fact that it is, by actual (lerxion r trot ion, tho fnjttfMt fuel orating cur huilf, there tn no jtereeptiblf ihinptnert?) in it "pick-up." Jfwotoforp, flit fihyHiml oxprw Hton of fptMwl hasi Ix-en manifest In dxtrvme vibration and the mm of attendant rink. 44 Pathfinder the Oroat" i ao perfectly balane-tl that Bflt a pooW)gw in the car is aware of any heiwati on of extreme Kfed -oven on tho turns. If you would experience this wi tiroly rwrw "froftdom from kotimo of powl" oall for your demonntra tion rldt In 'Tathfiwlor the Great." THE PATHFINDEE SINGLE SIX Thla car, companion to "1'athflnder tha flreat," in on ot th atron;et, a1 uea in th current inarkot, fiuporb upholatcrlnir, low tenter of uravUr, and aumotuoua b'wly llneg mk Jt an eitremoly doalraUle family car. Touring or roadater M95 f, o, b, tiu-tory, Unllverlea now. I M-ll fJila ar, ronaclrnllouely Ix-lleiylnK (hat It f the) bt fruuhlrre, ifKftrdlct of tiHn', lur the) tiinn able to Itn eloiiatit gpeirni e, luxurlmi aid'oliitnicnt, Ki'ieftil iri-frintii') and Invlah flnlah. I do not bedle) there ) a heller enr, In nor reapez-t, rnnIe tori. PATH KIN LKU THK GHKAT12-t."ylinder Touring Car 12,475. FOSHIER MOTOR CO., Distributors 12th and Farnam Sts. .S$4.00 SAVED!! 11 I , eil it )"" i i lit M l i I i m&L2Zrz V in . j ,i During April we ire ollering these Cabinet Gas Ranges at $4.00 oil the regular price. You have lour styles front which to make your selection. Rttufif Ptitt april Pfica No W7 Acorn Kanne '.fcl7.U0 $fui,HI No. 47ii Ee!tjtn UAnijo, pl.tin , 3A.0O ItVJ.OO No. 47JV-Eclir lUnijr, ciumeloi,. . . , 33 00 .'15. (Ml No. 4?5r.eUef- U-wiKf, rnsmpJfJ, with gm door,.,.. 42lX :iM.(H Deduct 12.00 from thn priepi when fuel line t In. 5y Discount for Cash Omaha Gas Company, South Side 4SI9 S. 2tth St. South 217. 1509 Howard St. Doubi t-0. att t"Ht' - 1iiiit.t