T1IK liKK: OMAHA. FIMDAV, Al'IML 7, VJUl 5 BENGAIRN SHELLED AFTER AWARNING President Reedi Meuagei Concern' in; Attack on Shipt Carrying American!. BERWINDALE ONE OF VICTIMS WASHINGTON, April 6.Preal 4knt V.'llnon diacuaaed with Secre tary Landing tonight tho eltuatlon growing out of the accumulation of evidence indicating that German ubmaiincK were reaponalble for the mimeroua recent marine dlaaatere, In which Hi e Uvea of American eltl rcna have bcn lost or endangered. Jln patch en received today con taining the report of the naval at tanhce at London and Parla regard ln the exploalon which damaged I he Hrltluli ateamer, Suaaex, and other nieanagea regarding the at lack upon the Hrltluli ateamer, Her windale, and the bark, Bengal, were before the president. H-crelry Lenelng declined to dlvulgi ikA ...... nt t.1 Ihe llurifitc.tiea. All C '- hurt from ahred have Indlreied tual. tin evldenc gathered by h etta-hee tended to proie that the 'iaex wa ti l'd ed, o Word from Gerard. The ae-reiery aald, however, he did not think II advlnahle to diecuaa nny vf.tbe Information receded until II la complete, n r no word haa tome from Germany In rreponaa lo Amhaeeador Oneida In iulry at the forelan off he. I tint official information regetding thi e'iaK upon the hark, ltrnain, wa re reived by the Blute department today. It. waa In the form of a diepalch from .'onaul Frot at gueenetown, who re ported that the veaael, carrying to Aim-tleane, hid been aunk by ehell fire afler having receded "ampin warning," and that there aara no ce,aialile. (Urn eeq'iently, In thla tao at leaat, offHale eee no ground for lomplalnl ty tht I'nlted tate, It became known d 'ring the 'lay that he adrnlnlat ration conaldei diet ti e n tlte altuatlon now hlnaea upon Oermari)' altitude In regard to the Huaaex end ithrr veaaela, about wbl'-h inmilriea have l"n made. The Official lew m rep rearnted aa helng that It la for ijerman lo demonatrate the viilue of the promla glvn to the United t'latea. HKIII.J.V Via Umdon', April . Jemee W. Oerard, the ambaaaador, today aent en Inquiry to the clcrtna.n foreign offhe enernlng the alnklng of th eteamahlp. lierwlndale, off Quecnatown. Bulgars Said to Be Preparing to Attack Dobrudja I1OST1OS. April .-A long-delayed die patch from Buchareet filed by Reuter'a correapondent there March 21, aaya that in view of fJie umllagulaed military prep eratlone of Bulgaria on the Roumanian frontier the government of Roumanl la taking "neeeaaary military meeeuree." rremler Bratlano alao ba prolonged the parliamentary aeaalon until the end of April eo aa to he ready U deal aa quickly M poaalble with any Bulgarian aurprtae, which the correapondent aaya In the opinion of aome pereone la by no meana out of the queetlon. The Roumanian preaa commenta eoroe- what atrongly on the dlepatch of large Bulgarian forcee, aald to amount to alx dlvlalona, for the purpoae, the newepapare aay, of attacking Dobrudja. which Hou rreala, acquired from Bulgaria, after the eecond Balkan war. The Roumanian preaa alao dwella on what it conaldera the hoetlle aentlment created by Bul garian newapepera and demanda the re call of 8. Badew, the Bulgarian mlnlater at Bucharcat. who la aceuaed of atlning up trouble in Dobrudja. IMPROVERS WANT HANDIER PLACES TO CAST BALLOTS The fontenelle Home Improvement club held a apeclal meeting Wedneaday eve ning at ita cluh room at 3945 North Forty third atreet Tor the purpoae of taking afepa toward eatubllehlng a voting pre. cinrt tn the aouthweat part of the Twelfth (card. Frank Beat apoke on mattera per taining to county affnira end good roeda. II. ('. Tlmr.ie alao apoke on mattera of importance to the rliiba of north Omaha, A committee waa appointed to act In t-Aiijoncttnn with the Kenwood, Fairfax and Lincoln Ilelghta c.ih on piorurlna another voting precinct to accommodate I lie voter of thla part of the citv. H i rapidly hna thla part aroen that ) t ween .) and 4'0 yolera In the Twelfth ti aid lnoc iihnut too mllra lo go to vote, WEATHER WARMER IN THE WEST PORTION OF STATE v iii..- thet la nothing to Imliiate that .inni, i la i hme at hand, according to Pt to the rallrnada. mil thionfli tie rieMi and ii niml i.irtloni of the !ale ihe McKther la much warmer iln along ii.i. Mi... nil all t he nil r hen i jrtred and there tin tin IikIi-nil iiu f i nin bi tim. MRS. OLIVER MORRELL IS REPORTED OUT OF DANGER l ill (I M.iii. .. Ii.i , I liiim.it i,- I ei I, ..,. t. ,ii-. . itiHt,l , ,,( ,.; ,,jim(. I ' ! 11,11 - i Hli, 1 If ,,, i, V ' O I' ' 1 I I i I I,, I iii I . fi k in I ii tii- . , i ,l V, V U' . I MRS. OROVERlNJURE.0: HIT DY BLUFFS AUTO . ' .Hi i . , . t4 ' ''.. t-i I'.iuta.i,) i.l I, I " I. !' l 'I ' ( I t . - ii in a ' , ,, hi in ,i,'ii 4 ' ii. nili in ll !.! I S ' I- ! mm 1 V.' . TILES PROTEST AGAINST PAVING OF WEST CENTER I t lit . . . ' l I ii ii t i ' I itiif i a ii civ i(l .' ! f- I f ! I ' l, I . ! II -t I a 1 ' II I 11. ut ... 'll TWO REQUEST DIVORCE ON ' GR0UNDS OP NON-SUPPORT Beaalo I'eteraon wanta a divorce from Victor on tfrounde of cruelty and non auppirt. Thry were married In (llenwond, la., In I3W. Catherine t'appaa wanta a divorce from Hani. They wre married In Fremont In MM, and be haa alnce failed to aupport l.er, aim aaya. Judge May granted a divorce to Harriet raker from Frank U. Baker and reatored her maiden name. A divorce haa been granted to Martin I.. Teata from F.lla. OFFICIALS DIFFER OYER GOOD ROADS Auto Club Geti Warm Cormpond ence from Some of the Coun tiei of the State. LACK OF SYSTEM PREVAILS rtoplau like harmony doca no' p eval! among official In aome of the co urn lea of Nebraska, Judging from correspondence received fnn different county aurveyota by the tmaha Aiiioinolille dub. Some time alnce Ihe aaalalant ' ttlary of Ihe local automobile club wrol lo county aurveyora all ovei the Mate In an effort to get me pa of Iht hlghwaya In (be different roun llea to b! need for reference at !h downtown headqiiartera of Ihe club Bt the Hotel Fontenelle, If, I), Mead, county aurveyor of fiawea county end city engineer of f'hadron, re plied that "tlila county, like many othera. baa no map. The moaabach commlaalon era aee no ryed of a map," The fiawe county aurveyor advleed the loi al Automobile club that he waa aend Ing a map pngitred on hla own lime and at Ma own expenae, f. I), llaydni of Curila, county a'ur vejor of Frontier rounly, teplled In ir( to the map query: "Under our (ueaent ayalem the road oeiaeer la powr unto hlmaelf. If hla pleaa ere different than lhna- of hla piedeceaaor he piocecda to ear up the roade and tnakn them over according to bin own Idcaa," WANT DOGS ELECTROCUTED INSTEAD OF ASPHYXIATED Mia. (ii-nrtn A, Joalyn and II H Maiui of the Humane aoc.iety rcqueatid '(:, f.'dmndealoner Kugel to clecliocutc doga thia year at Ihe pound, lualad of uaiug the old method of charcoal furuen THREE NEW CASES OF SCARLET FEVER REPORTED Three new caaea of eearlet fever were reported Wedneaday: Baby White, Z'ZO South Central Imule- VMary Byan, 1a) floutli Thirty fifth atreat. Alice' Rolllna, 7715 Mleml alreet. EATS LIKE A PIG SLEEPS LIKE LAMB Youngstown . Woman Laugh ingly Telia of the Astonish ing Relief She Gained, ' I can eat like a pig and aleep like a lamb," laughingly aald Mra. B. Ifender aon, of 116 Bouth Ilaael atract. Tounga town, Ohio, "1 know thla aounda rather 'plaglah,' " Mra. Itenderaon explained, "but I can till upon no worda that deacrlbe my preaent condition better. Eapectally l thla true after the many jeara of aufferlnf I went through. "Indlgeellon, catarrh of the head, noae and throat, kidney and liver trouble and tiervoueneaa all had a tight grip on ine Worda cannot deacrlbe the palna end agony I underwent. "There waa a bloating of ana on my atomach after eating. 1 auffered bead acliea, my noaa waa i. topped up. rnucoua formed In my throat, my eiea were weak at tlmea and my kldneia were aore, A general run-down condition of health i what I really auffered from. Never did I fee erergcllr and It waa Impoaklble foi me to rellah food, "I tried almoet every medicine thai ciime nlong, but none of them did me an good, I finally concluded that there waa no hop for my recovery. I read of Tmi, lei , frlenda Inld me ii limit It, and f'U It ia negged me In take It at flint, tint I kept on rifualng. F.nrh day my eondl Hon grew wore and 1 waa driven hi deaeralnn, I auppoe. to take ano'lier chance of finding lellef n a proprletu i y medicine, ' Ten ( of Teniae treatment made a Ii. w woman of ine No longer do I auffor from an of ti.a old ailmenta, fli, hnt a lileaaure It la In feci gnoi nine more 1 ran t help fii.ni ih.ihiiik Tnl ,at anil nttt, If eny of mv fijenda or pen ,le who hear nf mi iae aiiffer aovililoa liae I ili'l, I mae them to I ike TauUc " T.nil.ii' la I l Inlrodin ed In inunlii al ih M.er.nau Mi I'oiiiieli drug ali.ie Ii.i'i and l'"ile etieela I'n Ui ion I le cl.i.nir.l ii, Knuaiti, nf I t , hlliei - IteatlM I'lua alma, (tp'tna foil, II l'lant e'lm, ,.oi Waier V'mi int l o , Sl .e I'ti i ILiu i e. ' e A in, A luiiii. K It I um MliU.il II :i is. n, Malum I' fi I i "I Fieiooiit Hi) w ti I it.I m La ,o l e ! ..! n it SI i ltiiiu4 g " i l aiUi in I It hi l . I .ii.i. k I -II. In lt ! 'Ii,i,i Unit l,.' I. c,iii M .,.((. f. II. ii. in 1 1 . ,'f , . a It l I t t i j 1 . r i lie ii ri l r lua e i.. I Ucl t VI tn... I 8LACKKFADS GO QUICK BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD t.t - e i ., i, , . , I .'. .1 1 ..,...,.,., Ml I- . t ,. ., ., ... . ,. .. " I ...... a t; . ... t , - ' !.' !,.,, in i it nil i .,, i, , , , ' ! . in l ....-; , b 1 ! . j.l . .-., i , ... a i f l : ft . ,1. , , . .... ' ' "I1'' I t 'I t I . ... - I ! I .! , , . . , '! ( . I ,, I , ( I i a i i. . i. i . . ,.. , t , , k l a .. .... , i. I..., '' ! l i - I i a 1 1 . i , a ' ' ai l M . . ' f..i , . i i , . . . I .: '.-a , , -' ' i HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Anyone Can Speak at Man Meeting of Republican!, So He Ii Office Seeker. AND THEY CAN'T BE HECKLED Anyone and eeryone, an long aa he it a candidate for offic on the republican ticket, may apeak at the big iuae meet. Iti (f Icpublliane to le In Id a wei It from faturday night In the Ij ui'riea hall at Tw my-fourth and N alreeta. Thirty or more ineinbii of the Houtli Mde Hepuh. I.i'iiii vliili annouriied ihia Ihdr ui.hii tnone decia on In a lominlltee lunln'M aeaalmi In Hie Caldwll court loom al Twenty. fourth arid M alreela laat even lug. I'rcali:rnt P. J. Martin if the or. raulrallnn prealikd, and the me ttig wm eritliuaiaellc, The propoeltion i f rillowlug i amll ln lea ho w-iuld apeak t It c ui-x I i, In l.a iierli.nd by membeia f ttie audience waa flatly vmd annlim! wtien a vote w ia called for by the president. Prealdcnt Martin aunoumed that he woihl accuie one or two iepri'aeniaile lepihllcniia of oiat'iil al ability, riril who wire not hi t lie cm . r office, t, apeak on the Ken.ial polltml aiiiiiif,, Thla met wij the approval if tin- mcintera pfaeiil, VilU'etn htti helei , aned i caia lo al paikmg hotteo workman, dl-d yeateri1ay at hit home, 4lo; Miiilh Twenty-i h' It at'iel, 'ollowli.g mi lllnea of l miiillia Willi luiin tiniihlc tic am niiiiuii r e I. ai.il laeuril.id l y l.la mother mid fith r. He waa a meiulor of ti e h,i nl rrutcrrnl 'inter of Keg lea No, l.'.l. The furiernl will be held at !i o clic k at HI, Ktan'la' churcli llurlal .lll bo lu HI. Jlery'a cemetery. Kmhelek waa employed by the Mnrrla i'a'klng cinpari) before he look glrk. f'apialn Vanoitt liaa beg, in a vluoroua campalan aaalnat leitain illvml'ily hniia-a that data l"en goirig hte opet In oppoiiitlon to the law (l llttn: Wi h.al ftiv we.-fcg. The plae run by Maiy I'.lui ney at 2tl.' N alreet waa raided (, r tin aicond time in a alngle day lat evenl'ig, ahortly before 'i o't'lo'k. Nine nien und three glrla were tnken lo the poll e ata thin. Vnrinua refuted lionda lo the women. feven men were taken In an ea'ly morning tald, The aame glila were er leatcd, but released In police court by Jnlje n a flue of II and coata, attlHtied lir Mire, Mrmk ly a flying atreet i ar trolley lie wire that broke looee frmu l a faalnlo near Twenty altth and N a ieeia, (j oig llcral', Twenty-four li and l alreeit, t kiiockad 'Hu oiiai lien laat eieultg aa he vaa walklcg doen X atreet ahoui I ' I o i Iiu k, He waa ph ked up lu.medla'e'y ! after and laken to Ihe elation In 111 no ! bulnnce, where h aoori revived, I 1 here waa no eleciriel'y In Hie wue land lie aid tuaialued but at' I a! tit brniaia !ln the contact with the fllng mlaa le ! I I ed fur 4 atllnaj Monia. j S, I )n lea, coloied, waa fined t ami coeta I In police court for rutting up a brand new pair of tan blah lop li.r a that hla wife had bought a few dna nn. The : aleppera were Ihe leul amff end Mia. .(latea waa hltlily linllanaiit ton haa not railed hi aipiad to order H I hill mil aa aoi ii aa the iiiiinlnu in" el hea luen i.nui ! i n d H.iMuliiv even It. .iiiaf Mfll'le '.ic. leu. her of the .l.ml'ir tcaci.er t'eluliig clfiaii of the Wheeler Mfiiioil.il rhi.nli win accnuipanv her prutetii a i n ii h .t. Mln,d"ii park I II dv afieriioon, big aix-lili v Hint h nlli he held thla eieiihn in the downaialra aii'lltorliiin of lli l,ie!. .Memollal I'l ealiylelllill c'luich at IkciiIv ihliil arid J etueia, T'ie liialih la beinx alien iimlei the a.ieplcca of the i lnlallnli Kodeainr liBK.n and an aduilnloii of II, tenia will I e i he' red. ai'hlllvr lo 'leinlia. XKW InltK, April f ti.ii r anei on a iharge of piraci, riareine lliniaui, lli'ian otliemiee iij i.'tnei' eclilllei, una lodaed In ll.c 'l.oiil.e IomIkIiI peudluK ,a reinmal to I idiaaii to- ulat for reiure ai e. o' ih ll'pleh freight atemner Mloppn EVERYTHING IS BY SEVENS AT THIS CHURCH SOCIAL I'or ' i fill, edmlaalon to the young people a aoilal el Ihe new pariah houae of the Klrat Praabytmlen iliuich thla eiening, yea, for 7 cnta, one may atay fiom " 7 p, m lo Iti.ifi, may play aeven guinea of aeven poliiia each, gel one of aeveu prlea, rat aeien dlehea nf e cream, and, peihapa, like aeven young ladlra hrmie. Anyway, thla la In he a aoclal nf "aeveiia." The "aeven" feature la merely a nniettv to give life and rn dement lo the evening The t'hilminn llndcavor of thla chunli ban been le. eullv reorgalilged after piaf-. tlcally being dl'iiiembeied Ihrougli tha trailng down of Ihe old chunh building. Thla la a booster and good fellowehlA meeting to get the young people to gether and work up aouie cntliualeam for the work. Home ;mi are expected to attend. WHEAT FALLS OFF ONE TO TWO CENTS AND CORN ONE The big drop In grain prlcea that airu'dt llui t'hhago maiket Wedneadky waa felt to aome extent on the (jmaha fit al ii exchange yeaterday, Wheat aold off 1 o t rente and ertn and oata a cent. On Ihe Oinnh. mmket wheat eold at II (it 1 II; coin, 'it to "iV. centa, and oata, to 41 centa per buahel, drain reielpla for the day were: Wheat, elly-iiie; i orn, eUM four, and oata, ten carload. that her huahand ahould bai lei hta im per allp an profuaei), " want him io ked up until he i none better," the told Can lain Vanona laat iieniiig when dales Haa brougi t tn ihe aiH'lnu on rompliitnt of hla wife. tlaafe II r 4iotti. e'or Haie i 'heap loom ho iae, mod i n hear Jlli and II. Call M'i'i'h ,'nl.' Office ep'i'e for rent In Ihe nf ice, ,"n i.N atreet, Tettna teaaonnbe. Will kuow.i loiuHon. ') el "fundi , ,, ltd , Ifoheil I,. Whcrlei, eisil(. of nr Wheeler Memorial climrb. w.ll c. Ictiia'e hla bliihdHi fiiiiilnt nii'iiii'ii, cmh.Ii ' lug a apeclal seiinou on ihe l,ipii , rin lilithday of itiu Hotij. ' Membeia i.f Ihe malms' 1 1 a lull, k d". pel llllenl (if Ihe 'dc 1,11,1a i . in j Inet tlila tool ulna at Tt en" fourth and ' r aneeia at ocimk. A liilie to I'liMd a ' Point, eeat of ItelleVue, has ii,l lend from that point. Klrat bate bell prnellce al Ihe local hlflh achnol will begin moil Coai h Pat- Seasonable Gas Stove Prices 10 to 50 Saving EVERY rACZh lew Ba tea. aaa at ata n aaiaiaa Baa Aaaasa. .aaaaaaa A I '" iiudcl uiti mmt m uuu sfuHt We must have the floor space occupied by these pieces, and Jry, now right in the Gan Stove Season we offer you an oppor- m1ff.Z- unity you cannot afford to pass. U U n Jftjl WW tttlW&WlvJrS ".Tr'IV, l.it.icriin1.H. an..p.rtu. nif (i - t i --a.- ..... . - ...,. - ,.,. , . ,, KniJ nut lo aate ton nuti.ry. I " LL ... V A 'ili'l! "ti"; PAID NOW and J m mm' pnm!mnriTr,t.TnT y The p New Ei Small Monthly Payments for a Short Time ripu are The 29 Volumes Complete Unabridged f VI '-'Iv xrV'r!3 '; fsetr e t w as... a) er-Tsr-7FT?T'' T 1 Li .1 J. i. " .' '- . . . i5 1 At an Reduced Price - - ttaftiAhatWlW tWi ii -. i ' You need them ncyclopaedia Brifannica You need them In Your Home where you can lave tlicm at your elbow, ready to answer all the queHtions the children ask ; ready to aupply your wifo with every kind of " prepared iicns" for her daily tanks or her club; ready to supply you with endless diversion and entertainment for a quiet evening by the fireside; ready to help you "get up" a speech, or settle a knotty point; ready to supply you with 11 you missed in a eollepe education if you didn't have one. THEY AUK A MIIIACLK of compactness. Think of it! Twenty-nine splendid volumes, with 30,000 pages, 41,000 articles, the contents equal to 400 books of ordinary line all this on 32 inchea of shelf room, 8 inches high. (Or in a handsome little book-case, with which you enn move them round the room wherever you want them. We sup ply it at a very low price.) In a "Handy Volume" (ssue al 13 the Cost of the Larger Sized Cambridge Issue At the Office aataaaBBaaaaaeBaBtaBaaanaM read to tell jou a thouaand practical thins anawer tha ttaoiiaae.4 practical queatlooa that come up every day about your bualneaa or profeaalun. Th new Encyclopaedia Britannic, la not a book for 'high-brows" alone. It waa made eapeclally for the busy men anJ women of today. It will tell you everything about cotton aplnnlng. or the ateel Induatry, or book binding, about cement or gaaollna maoa factura, or iigar-making or China, or Canada or Cambodia; advNe you about reramlre or printing or electric lighting or gtaaa or cooperatloa and profH-aharlng or the franco Pruaalan War or munitions or duat. There never , ,ny book ,,k(, t , fh hanr f , te prepare Una new Kleventli Edition re,,ilr lahl veira of .d'lt.Ve 5i work, a... ru.i a million ari.1 a hair of do la, Tior I fa aln".. Tha ru t?! eat irinn In Ihe tvnr . or the Klna of ! nalji.rt , ,T.a , i i. .. ih.nVtli'r '"J ,"" ' ma, b. f.r mo,. ,, , Don't Miss This Rare Chance The new "Hand Volume" lasne of the new I'le? enth Kdltlon aa epreaiy made for that lurger pwbllo which cannot afford lo nay from ll.'O to 1.0 ier eel for an encyclopaedia, lilrh la tha price of the larger page Camtirldae I'nlveralty Inane. An enonnDua edition aa cotilractod for and the dlatrlhutlon of thla edltlim arranieij for by ficara, lionlim k and Company, tha largaat retail uier- (handlalng tmaltinae In the world, llecauaa ihe coat a of printing and distribution could be heevllv reduced. It a air mined to aell I hla new "Handy Voluine" laaue at an ainanliig pi li e one third the price nf the lareer naeml laaiie. Thla in lie la en low that many tienpU who bare lung wanted in poaacaa the Ciu ytliipacdU Hi llauiiUa fiuld not t'ellme that Ihla .it the tjeiiui.in HrHaniili a. (he new Elev enth Kdltlon, iiiini luta and unahrlitgeit. Mih every ant that l aold wa glue the i'uliliaher a guarantee that It la, and that nut Una nor page tmr an illuairallun uf any kind haa bean oniitted. And wa aend you the rmupleie wot a, Ilia eiillie i ViiIiiiii a flrat tiaytiiKiit ut a HI Mil .K Ihi. I.Alt After that e. lariueiila at a fete i f a litlle itime than 10 crnla per day further than O.ni w guaraiitee that If far any leaaen yntt lah In keep liie Inmka a'ler ymt hate tunialil them and had Uiem i t te.gr pntaeaalun ym4 tnar at any time within Ibma tulii ri'lmu ttialu te iii and wa will nfu'il tn n emit ponuy tin lua ,ald In wa ai t tin ihippliig coat in ad lalnii The Price ot Ihe War A V V I4 m m&Mimmmm iUtSunTotAli ! f! n ilea up n.i ; '' tnaulUU ' ; rnn do tint 1 It Ml Ihia emir mull -lutitiel I being tapi-t'i eiUai-'ed and aa laa' for only a almrt iut, lnua.r W lie liud Ui anai'ta "! Hie pnliiialin a lr annther pilnUiia, but y a liiae u that ilu I t It e .Haul. Imtaiii lit ti e rat uf few t aieruli l, . It win he lai. Iheredite we i eittanleiit, eaai I tuna, en4 i'l' Dalut tiiilaf ful l'i 1 10 page turn drli fibad I'p.iualte i w u-atetlela pr, Iratlier, blader'a tuiaid, at i.f -timli, T ( aati m t ip a.;, in a i.. u HI any mure aeia at imh l ar fna y TVia in at adilae ii lln.t if tint wuti li ae tlua mm.i k' l , ,',,T " " " ' -In In Id !a4a nf tn t)aiiht 4. Iia wtyel lei ml tiidel tetf 'jTk... " i in a umr mi ma ie page w i.nri...j t'p.iuaile 4 aIH' Jiidfic for Youiscil iete tif tha new ' Ilea Ii Volume" lne la the 4rUiua ila uf tinaiea aia . new In tula e t aa a lieoiaid In inai , m iHr nai he left tiiaia at fe.,vt ,n. t III an-tt tltita Intig.f Ihei .in ma ttaiiillte Ihe at Mint lotaur and yf imtie.f what a uttdeifMl iin i.f tntMtn aHi.a and eMeiiatnmet.t they at wm i 111! ) . e . i i f f f Ml 'iai " I This Big Book (130 Pages) FrCC ' inn an eny niiiitinieiiinl nori, tiling to give Hea of thla 14 III. -It .10.000 itag.ia. over 4.1 mil. .a ..:, m .' nun wnriia, it ia. nd a total of 44 nill Very inn, li lit... . . ;. Hie countriea .ml citl.'a ami r ,f rur.,,.2T . " Hut the tmhll-l,-,. .1 .'Ur '' ,n ' III Ham, Ii a !,... ..r..,.' .1 " Z ' ,"tt r. ncyclopaedia 1 r. wh r o tmderful varieiv and real imi.i.. i. ' . :. . "T ",r nl II la llluatrated alth n-ari. Vim V. 1 T" 1 1 volume.. "-If .nd give, you a hundrH' : :. '!l- itriianiiii a Cf ll,f..l..,all, .1. " .. 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