( 2 TTTE BEE: OVATTA, F7UDAY, APRIL 7, 1916, Hew and watson NAMED FOR SENATE Indian Republican! Nominate Can didate! and Endone Fairbanki for the Presidency. KAKE A5 AMERICAN PLATFOEM INDIANAPOLIS, lad,, April . .'mi E. Watson and Harry S. New inre nominated for the Inked State e'mata by acclamation at the repub lican state convention today, Watson for tha abort term and New for tha lng term. Four delegates-at-large tc the national convention were let ted by acclamation, Containing a strong endoreeinent i t Charles V, Falrttank for the pres idential nomination, 'the platform drafted by tha resolution committee ) an all night session was submitted to the statu contention today, Th platform denounce ihe WlU'tn d lilnitiatln a "Inefficient end eitreva ftiht." noil declare It hm "brought ua fculnrr depression at horn end rtla reilii btdt," Hiding the! "emh prog, ferity hn attended the democratln dmlriltrllon ha been dje almit wholly to it and dlauiuer which tire 'eil III lb nld world," Tha taiiff plunk demand the re-ene. liint of a prnteirtve feilff at the ear- llefl fl.illl (lull. The nlatfmm favrn nrlvataiy oaned and npiiit merrhanl marina under the A met Iran flag a rid "ic li preparerine may h tin ea.ary upon land and ra to protect American clllaer In their !fm and property at home and abroad" Mirlct neutrality toward the ration engaged In I he Kurnneen wi 1 io rei onimcnilcd. 'Die prr-el'li'tit Menlcan policy In rharacterliscd a "weak end lnd ltve," nd etetc ( hex brought ui "Inrreealiig I 'irif'iplim end national humiliation," Other plarika Include e condemnation of th "democratic policy of tvultl In the I'hlllpplne ." GENERAL DUBAIL, to whom credit for the turn ing of the Germans on the Marne has been given, re cently was named as mili tary governor of Paris. ' j ' ' - ' !;' f I' . ! t f I ' ' ' SMITH RECEIVES A "REVELATION" fTffiliiiiJf d from l'HK ne.) tlnn In 3 Wt, th'ie hevfiiK eMVed I tin ehurch hend of l flnenildl nffulre for quarti-r of a -entu, 4rrrp( Word nitie. The ilihgiilrt nd ex-offl-lo member rPf th (.rifcmirn, well the nitre nieni'Mmlit of the rimed prvennt ' adopted hy rlln end uniinlmou vote he fommiinh ilnn un the vn end tn ' etmrilon ef the fird to the hedr. While in their feet the Uimi eemtily eng ' v llh areet fervor, 'The flptrtt of 0d TJhe e Klre In tlnrrilr.it." end a preyer of Ruebton. rtenjiirnln It. MeHtilre 1e eromlnent lawyer of New Trk City. lie wee horn In tonjc truth, X. J., In 177, em! wee iheown iixin hie own roeonrree ee en orphan et the e f If. lie won hie nay a hrwehoy tlyntiKh the Tndi end hlah erhnola, "tiiixulri the mldnlirht nit" FRENCHTROOPS TAKE POSITIONS DOWN IN EARTH (Continued from f'ne (iiitM GERMAN SDBSEA SUNK ENTENTE France Announce! Sinking; of Teu ton Submarine and Capture of Crei7 French and Britoni. BRITISH SHIP IS TORPEDOED J'ARIS, April 6. A fierman eiib trarlno h mink ytetnrday by a eauttdrnn of French and Hrltlah war tlilpn, the mlnieter of marine an nounced tonight. The crew of tho Ni'bmarln waa captured. Hrltlah eteainahlp 'I lirpedord. QI KKNHTOWN, April -The Rrltleh aleami-r .etil hue heen torpedoed lhniit wernlii wt of Kaaltiet. Forty-eight niomhera of ll rrew are mlnelna; and ere ai powd to have heeti drowned. Two men were killed. Captain Martin end nine of the crew have been landed here. iUNDO.V, April .-Th itrltlah ateamer Z'nt of 3,1'ji) mna ha hetn xnrik. Ita laptaln and part of Ita i rnw wer landed lety or the administration Tor mora prompt action on the WH when be fave nolle today that he would aek for night eeaiona la future In order to hejiten con IJiTatlon of tho meaeure. Ho made aev eraJ attm(te to llmlf the debate today by appAila to tha aenate, but took no parliamentary alnpe to that end, aaylna he wlehed to allow for fi!l dlacuealon. CARRANZA HOLDS BACK PERMIT FOR USE OF RAILROAD THOMP50N-BELDEN 6 CO. The fasliion Gnler of IIk? Middle Wcsl Csfablived J886. Avocotiri and Unthln'ouri , Thla wmb followed hy a eerli e of aiiarka, In which larae mimbei of men toon purl Mlnet the two piliiclpol eiilienia of thin front All the effort of the t-nemv eiilnt tha village of in-thlneourt were checked hy our fire, lirrinan I'meteate l.lne. ' I'irlna thl eame lime the enemy d llvered fnrloua allaik on the center SENATE VOTES TO KEEP VOLUNTEER ARMY PROVISION t (Continued from f'eire One.) to the maea of teleitranie Inld before the 'note todv hy Hrnntor ('hntnberlgln ,to aneialn their contention, The eiriiKH-la had Utile bearln on the aencral qunetlon of preparedneaa beyond the fart that the ndvoralea of the volun teer plan aerf'd It. wna vital tt any echern to hnck up the raular army with eltlen aoldler. while onoonenl de- 'li"d It would eetve only to dlelnleajrate I he National fiiiard. All for Pre pa red neae. All eennlor who apoke on the eubjert declared In fuvor of prtaredneaa any many urged even more liberal prevl alona for Dm rrRiilur army end Natoinal cjuard than the bill mnkea. Othera urged thiit th volunteer rertlon bo miide tronV'r. The eectlon under dieptite provide for the orgnnlxatlon by congreaelonal dle trl' ta of illO federal volunlwua. wholly under control of the preeldent and for the training In peace time under auch rcKulethne a the prexhlept may pre. acrll. It dcalgned lo provide for emnmer training campe, xlmllar to thoee held lt year at Plattahurg, N. T and elaewhere, and elao for the organlxatlon f volunteer army unite In country dta tilrta where Ita member could epere tune during tho eummur for a month or ff'tnllniied from Page (Jne.) . day and traveling nouth or auutheaat. from Hutevo the American forren could eend a cornier tn Chlhuah ia wllh report for trarmmlaalon hy the regular telegraph llnea, but the local tuthorltlna In Meeo have perelated In their re fuaal to except the coded meaaagea from officer of the punitive expedition, Apache roq( to Take Trail. ( OI,L'MHr, S. M , April .-riad In khaki and leather uniform of American cavalryman, twenty Apache Indian were prepering here today to trt for the headquarter of General Perahlng, where they will act aa 'oul and trailer In the combing of the mountain of Ouerrero for Villa, Thirty yeara ago fourteen of the Indiana In war paint and bliinkot fought (galnat the American troop, of which General Perahlng waa then a r ond lieutenant. In the rieronlmo cam pelgn In the me dtatrlct. (Captain (, P. M, Haiiard, who arrived with the rout from Port Apache, Arl., aaeerted that they would leave for the front a eoon their fKinle can be unloaded. "We are going to bring Villa back aid M, Jeae Valeaqueg, Interpreter for the party, "Our men were pledged to do eo In a great war dance the fleet for year--and they cannot go hack on their word. Theee men ere manhuntera, men who can follow a trail of broken twig and dlaturhed dnt a readily a you can read a printed page." Valeaqtie ld that, the warrior, om of whom are more then 70 yeare eld, donned war paint and danced throughout the night before they left, aa they did yeara ago. anil then, without eleep, rode horaehack the lxty nillea lo the tioarcat tallroad etntlon. A Sale of Percale Aprons 29c Tiiey arc being Mld for lf-,s than tlip cost of tlic ina lTial. flaaemant. 81x90 Dleached . Seamless Sheets (rood heavy quality eheet inp, well inade; regular H'xi grade, 79 each, Daaement. New Spring House Dresses Heceiit arrival to' le whovni FVitliiy for the fiit tiifif. Wry uttraetive tlrowa 1.50, ?1.75, $2.15 Oilier ioue dre.-,-e from . 91.00 to $3.50 HitM'Miieiit Remnant Sale SlieetiligH, ttlliilitie, nig, inu4in find ciiinliric, in length of from I lo i'i ynrde, All o(iilnr litiHidf. 25 Less Than Regular Prices Smelting Company Increases Dividend more of Intenalve military (minim due. agalnel lhe Ullage of Hau. ourt In epUo ,,g e-, of the Ihree vcara of their aerv. of repealed check mid of bliXHty aacrl- p., w,n lho f0inrlli flcea tin y were aiic. caaful lit gelling I An ntnt.,ul,nfnt ..rented b the aen.te laet week flaed thirty day annually aa the period of training. Senator William ha announced, however, that he will of fer a further amendment fixing the max imum time at ninety day ehould any unit be found ablo to devote that amount of time to II work. i Mi-Camber'a enballinte, J Senator McCumbar offered a auhatilule for the eectlon providing that high echool, academy and college atudent he footing dining the night tn thl village. We now hold the village und'T lint fire of our dominating poelllon. 'On our aide after abort preparatory artillery fire we delivered aplrlted at tack, our men coining out from the re doubt of Avocourl, their purpoae being to connect thla redoubt with one of our work alliiated on tha boundary line of the wood north of Avoionrt. I'urlng thl operation which, waa In ell reapect euc NKW TORK. April B. - turet tore of the t'nlted HI men Hmeltlng. Fteflnlng and Mining company hate declared a quar terly dividend of tl ahare on the com mon lock, placing It on a 14 per n- num haala, The II6 annual report ahowa net profit amounting to W,J.M. after deducting Vm.m tnr Improvement and reaerve, Thl la an Incraiwe of ti,?M. W4 over the prevloua year, l A Wonderful Sale of Trimmed Hats I Basement I WrirlnOI flnA Fsfl.fll.Yflfl.tl i Haxemerd I Worth $5 $6 $750 $875 "for- $2.50 Worth $r - - $( "for- $2.50 Three Hundred in All lo get hie education, end he t epofcenland took fifty priannr . 4 . . . . i . .. .. A I . . .w-,,, .,..,.,.., ,,,,,.. . BKRiirnoieu in mniinry training camp, me territory apown aa l ft noia i arro it mae Of Itiltab aao Itein llahla tnr of aa ope ho combine humility with true greatrifM. Me I filling a poaltlon of rpnhlhllliy In the Iwiw Trnt Title nd lniirnc company of New Tork City and la considered en authority on till guaranty and matter of etmltar na ture. ) le a financier of recngnlced et'lllty end the "alnta expreaa the great ent aiillefm tton In the choice of thl man ea presiding btetiop. ( I.IVe of reeaweetor Reti. J me T, Kler, tha eounaeloe etioaen, 1 pf the eume age aa Mr. Meflnlre, TTe 'a born end reared m Illlnol and waa ordained bluhnp Uat May hy Prealdent Kltiert A, Bmlth In rhtcago, hut lnc November laat ha been her xlttng tlUhnp Kelly In the work of the general church treaaury. Thla "rr elation" coming to Frederick finitn a eoen arter hi cruintion prophet and head of the church I con- hlered hy the Helnte a a mark of divine favor In anaaer to prayer and faatlng. aervh In the regular or volunteer arm lea "r"at of the Men two enemy attack! In time of war end to remain In the rlae north of the i.'allette wood reaulled only of avalluhln reaerve for ten year after In eerlou loaaea lo the Ceniian. "There I nothing lo report from the renuilnder of the front." Hrltlah Muring Mine I)Nf)ON, April (.-The PrlMali official alatement on the campaign In the wcat leaned tonight, follow; "T.t night ee aprang mine uccea- ft'lty near Kulluch and damaged a hoe tile gallery end wrecked poet eelahllahed In the old cratera. Today we bombarded hoallle worka near Hole Orcnler with good effect. "About fit, Biol the artillery of both eldea waa very active. North of the Tprea-Ht. .Tilllen toad our heavy artillery carried out a aucreanful bombardment, doing much damage to hnatlle trenchc and caualng numcioua explnnlona." aeioniioii, ii waa oereatea without a roll call. Hevefal other eenator Who oppnaed the volunteer eectlon urged that atep ha taken to train tha etudenr of the country a a raaurve force. Indicating that a fight to Ineert auch a provlalon In the bill will he mad later. rlenator Chamberlain reflected the anx- Italian Steamer is Reported as Sunk f 'N DON, April (.-The Italian ateamer Veeuvla hae been unk. Fifteen gurvlvor have been landed. Hlx offlcera and men were drowned, ' The Veeuvlo, of .4M tona, I laat re ported a having left leghorn March J for ftoaton. Oepartroeol Order. WArlltfNOTON, Anrll .-tpecal Tele grams Frank '.. Noahr hae been up polntd poalinaater at Craig. l'lyifilh oinir, iowa, vica it. b. jonnmni, rc gned, Ieo R. Iunn hea been ant)olnteJ rural o. Small IfatM tycdium Hat and l.nrg JIat, tho mof-t wuntod !olor Tri mining.". Each Hat h a wonderful f i r. vaiue ai '(Xsj $2.50 Dasement Only for Friday and Saturday saTi and eigne. letter carrier at Farmer, Mel Uraalat Rock Beer, On draught and In bottle on and after April (1th, n an re and have a raaa of thla dnllrloua brew ent to your bom. Wm. 3. Swoboda," Retail Pealer. Thone Dotigln 132. Trmti at ( ulnmbna Inlnrrit. COIXMMI'K, Neb Anrll .-tHpecll Y),4I IhIm J.ih.'IiW Mmlllt iilui rol(.4 I. la I . ,, . ', ' . .. TL. Telegram l-Jamea Conroy, tramp, heat- ,Mt vommunlcath.,, within the yea, , My w,,t( r w,, Murwi Mowing hla oi.llnatlon a pr.nldent In ,ai evening at o'clock while trying to t off an extra weatbound freight. Ilia The text follow: ,,j aa badly lacerated, right collar- The vole- of the Spirit lo me la that bone broken end he wm removed to a '"hop 15, U Kelly ehould he relcnaed hnapttal. lie would not give the name of fiom the rceiouehil!lra of prealdlng relative or where hi home wee. IU t'iahop. though lie may act a traveling bearded the train at North (tend. t-lehxp . ouiiM-IIng and adelng on ihe tew of temporalitica in harmony wllh hla m.Tor and lh prealih ncy, l et iVn '.until It, McUiilic lie act niait and nr ilnlned prealdliig hleluip of the church id in of the brethren be act apart ! 'iiinehii to htm. one In he eleld bv elm end uppntett tiv Hie confeienie, Hie iither t.i ti ttlflii.p ,l,tinr f", Kler i admonUli the i bun h, nin pattUni h.ilv Ihi.m of the r ieihu..(. Hint the liliiin time being iimt iia ihrie le Bi ll mi rnalty f..f run fnli-iii e In the men Ihe church ehoiwii fur ,mii l..it of kt rnoiaiii)ti v and ell nhmit j ci.n- f then tai.i.i eiillitlr aiul e'it. i.ui f .i the .i... nin.n i f the a. gt "H r l.l ilr. t.i na ir l,i rr l'. .hi,i. ii f-r i. '. r kcimiy rvl.i. ami f,.r III" a. niiin(i.imi nl of tor emk tha ui rnCMiiai t ri4iiint) jir.eih' i In Mte to mii n. I hi,.!.. ,. l,o ,i tf.t at I H vlfc -:9 iHlvrit f'ltt.l't till h t f M(TII ' State Clones Caso Against Lorimor "Corns All Gone! Let's ALL Kick!" r.et) turn VanWhca by t elng Won. ilcifiil hlmpln titta-li." NiMi-r I ll. illil In 3 Srx otiita. 1" t It iinlciful what a ditfrieii ) it a imic iict It m.i,,-. ,i "il ialhxiaea Ha night a.xoe Imie In Hie rl with many folk: t I . t i III' '. a.i a. . ... i j. , iv.it i.ii.. in rate t tit m,i ' : ' I MM 1414 I ' f' ) HI I. , w,HS ir 'O "' l"'M e '! I a ( t .f 4 r .' H. .1 '11. 4 Mitt ,. t ) f a I . . f i " ' We w ig ml 1. 1 .. h e ..!.! . , v -tii i,l ., , . , (KCCPINQ. UP APPeAKANCCi should Be A PLtAvne AS et-L A & A OUTZZT If You are looking for gometliing that's particularly choice in Spring Suits, you'll find what you are after if you com hero Remember Our prices are al ways the name, $16.50. $20.00 and $25.C0. Our stylos nre the latest and our val iii's are the very lest that can he sold at the I rice and wo will fit you better. Vo Salcs-'Bctter Values Wilcox & Allen Men's Clothing 03 South 15th Street, Near Douglas. - laivwi Vwv Howeo ti. Wi $Wv You Monty That A (Won Your mattrew orden are being delivered u rapidly aa pouible. $1,000 U k.t I l. i i a.ai .i ri4 4 r to Ult) .. r VV1LSCN Witt SPUK T itrrtnsoN oat buquct K'::s t.s , .1 - i4. j.i ,,. 4 ' i . e M .a I., lit ' '' i t bl Al ', I 4 !-.....,.. , i w vt l. tm fc.imawi imm ' ' ' ' I t I k .! . . t. t (' : 1 It) I ,l l.lt II,,. t UU4 lh4lIW WH) ' I la, .,f tlt, ,i,l.l l',-.,.!,.: ' ---k v4 ': -f V .i.it , I U ., t I, I 1 1 ' ft ' , 4 ?v I 4 ,, , t ' If. I ( ! i I IS., I I P H ill 4,144.1 r,.. a I I r - li. I -4 ,11 t ,. I "4H l-t. I I I , I .1 , If 1 , , . .ttt v-, , ., l-iii y aVi n I'm 4. r ' it u .!! .,e I I . .Mt.. I',!, cV 1 4 I tl It 1 1 (ill. I' -4 4'IKve ,. .. .', I I II I.' I -4 u a t n .i.'k e. t u '-. i H 4 fc l . t.t I .'-. rl IS m I . t . , .. i Ih.i iel4 t im ft : 1 , i kH I L I .. II, Ml I , 1 I Offered for 5 Opinions Telephone Contest Editor eorge G ii Co. These 11-layer pure felt mattrpHrieg are built for our eufttomcrn by hand. A prac tical mattress maker is at work in our windou-a every day this week that you may see the process of the mak ing and the material that goes into the construction of your mattress. Notice the prices carded on the window samples. Our Prices: A good felt matf.remij 45 lb,, In roll edge) and art tfcklnga $5.75 $6.75 felt and A combination mattreea, roll edge. 45 Ib art ticking Our pure, felt mattreia, 11 ly, era, donu In art tick- fej e-j Ing. roll edge V eOU $3.65 Von are especially Invited to ee the lln Kprtng demonilra tlon tomorrow In our window, You rait aea every atep taken tn the building of your lkig Spring, Our prkii range from $0.75- flO.ftO 113.75. S 15.00. t',11 KKT, iirnnnii!iiiii! "3 1 C3 -3 Theda Bara in Gold and The W oman I 9f Theda Bara Is back at the Strand In a (trip ping, abaorblng Vampire characterization. c4 Since Mlaa Bara came Into prominence In "A Fool There Waa," tl.la good world of our has been liter ally gwanipod with "Vampa" of every poMflble deacrlptlon, but Mies Mara atlll at and In a clngg by herself In deplet ing; parta of thla caliber. 1 The offering today la called "UOM) AM) THK WOMAN," and hern Is what the New York office of thi Fox Film Corporation saya about thla production: 3 "The logical nurreagor to 'A Fool Thre) Waa,' We pntllit that thla plctutu will be comuientml upon aa an unueuully xttlliiit pro duction, imth from u gtnnd imlnt of phnlngrgpby, acting etory and r itlng." There'a no ne In telling you that thla story la thrilling and interesting you've never soon this won derful actress In any other kind, so come down expect ing to bo highly pntertalnM and we know you won't be, disappointed. The Ktrand Orchestra and our mammoth, pip organ will both offer plugs ing musical programs, and, of course, you know hy this time that wo are open from 1 1 in the morning until 1 1 at night, 3 a La pi 3 Hy the way, wn have a corking good picture Sunday. ".Martha's Vindica tion" Is the name ami Norma Talinadge, Tully Mar rtiiill and Heena Owen are fiMturmt. rr:l in nmininiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii j handbags) I Oriiv4 g4 vai lMibr gaaa. 1 i rm4 m aii i il Mtmallag. minora auia Imi.i, taa.v Iihik, ieaay ag et y4ii!lr f4 Vain. At S1.00 We at Ull iiiui ) Frcling & Steinlc ! -OwkJla a eel 4 M IU 1803 Frnam St. I m: ut 4 OBTOSI GRAND OPERA ; PAVLOWA SSS Tharetlar Hlgki, Aynl t "l, Aim,.i 4.1 rHSar atalUee. Al-rll 1-' ,!. i ajMl. lertlf aa favluw Plvarlteatueuia friaay Mh. Ayril U- , uk.mf a4 "Siaalth' Kalie. ' ln ,hl i.ilelit. W,4'l't, at o.Rti. l14ir, i,tai Line. tla,it,e I'iim ti anU.t l , Met. 1.,ia I ii. t i c e I r'eoielil 14.,t,w I'ni.'ln !! VI ill' 4, il I . hnil't t'lVl.nMV l'n WHO ll 41 I! ' 4 " 1 . f I I , ., -ear) Mow AUOItviaiVH, OMAHA- EVA UAINJO uppoiiad hy KDWaftO LrnOat I "OUTCAST' frtua Saw ga lin; W..I W -"Wl4aw Ut tereay BRAN DEIS int.wvai a co i Tealghg aailatety a4 gwi4J, Iui4y Mallaa t o L4i'ii rcBTifaL it) . rt.tiagj i I'i a tap at g at I ' Ita t r it i i tana , u ltl ! ," i railt anaa.aroM iatrnoMv uaiM a ma lt.Ha.j(t, TONITC 1:20 KNEWef-N uuejr "I ledteSa'i Kama" 4 Tea r 4,u ri.ii C4 I l failf Mail. I Iti k i hi, 4i " Vk . 4 4 4.-4 4.. lkl ' ! ," ,'.' ' ' - ' a ., i .. 4 A I '-, "' ,'4i 4 imUc a i ,, 4 . .. e oiiaaiae rva itat - . k a i M.i Ik i HIPP, r.i la bnug I...H. TODAY I t.. l.l; himn Ulnncho Sweot In "THE SOWERS" 4- . 4.tV.M tPfiDtleif. WinflVat 'at ei. I '4 4 . Raw .K V -" M-f a 44Ha) i i, 1 an i ?e4.i'a.ii'. 4 Jfc . J i narinviin vatitiaviM a ab reoto ri.tK iHi.i.tn itiiTi7iVTT n 1 1 nt ii. i Turplu's Scfiool cl Dancing r ' a y,'44 ) ttwit , . i.c.t ii 4 -. tica t'i ..I. a-4i 4iaai mi m MstM Wt v J Aajnj, t -4