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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1916)
I) Tl: REE: OMAHA. IIIIDAV. Al'Iill. 7, IM... 11 Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics ( v i I " f I m rni M-Temper and How It May Be Avoided II r HKtTIIII V, K4.IHK4 . H hi bean ugg.ted by mora than one writer of eminent that lil-trmfier ahould lit tonal'lend Jut rNijw for dlvor', Morn, of sourac, ar holutly allocked r. fh ld-; but th i(!Kcml(,r la l;U t'-l ((I good common aem it wan tinny !rummruid who ld "No form of Vic-, nor midline, nor gced ht gold, nor drunkcm, ltelf, dor moi to line hrlitnu muMy than vli I'mper,'' Hi-tnr uf.i airong piaur di- tore r thought of, would ft not b heftcy to nil In what wy tbl falling might, b eurtdt lire woman nf th' writer ' i'ilnfw wa iif'i murfyr lo her own violent ploh, I'liocily any on nnoyd h'f b flew nut. with angiy, nlhg1e word, and tha after sffeci ;,rnvd mt painful to hcrlf, "I'm fi'ilt orry for Mr J, wlf' urh terribly hrp-i'rJ woman; b Jump on him for th let thing," Tho word wr ovrrheatd by l he ',dy In ejueatlon, nl H,ey wei apoken of braejf, Xh knw aho w lirltiihle, but had not befor uihhhA bow bndl" Hi, f4lt at, W' mwd't ' v fr mind In control hr ner, mini In tiro aim did no, ffr mfhod I worth relating for th hnflt tit affirm ff!rtd In fh m wy, flh nrrlo'l lttook urnf rn I'll, hneln hy ,t p)itf, unA If tti,y ihln nnii'iy t'r, lnt(l of rlionlli(( hoiit H, dh ri down h fine nf Mr rttrl',ir Thin li r4 wt n hour nr tin lr, w1 Ihen w fiow fool Inn It would Iimv tif't) li wl lirr ti frgy in filing nngry vr It. Of oi)rr, llir wr rrl "im turM" t fir'. Will, whull', li -Mvr1 fh irt f rnfrolllriH ir frit pr. Th ImWt of rtnM I tl rt of ifond hr4lrif, an4 ry riibl fnn or wonin will riillcf rp, thiit Ihry mr W'rf trow niH Viofor Ui'-lr llox', wild fr ln4 nl AiiniA hv nf-r, ,nl, f!btlrig prin '-onl; a flKlillritr fr, fh 1-rmnKhnt nnnn hmin In look f)p prt, Th f'Hy 'f mn foiin roiifilr In fli llvy u ii o mn firlly mkIiiiix J lonifillm'-nl Jrlri rotirtnlilp llit lhy hy hiiiil titr f'k; whrn thojr com o lh lr f lwr Ho' hlr liop, forrillmM hjr ojwn noih"r fr mrrtir, nlmkins If wHIj MMr woM, nf, nrt rolln look, Thr I rlt whrr trirr lioiil1 M oil, nl i h wlicl of mnlrlmmty Mtnin ti4 grumhUt Ht th'f Am nlont. Th r mi r womn llltl r no mny to pr im prfil pl iir, To M'P lh hoti 'rln- I miicli -n iwiMMy M mnr4, n4 life If r.olnlf not worth llvlnc If In lh h'lm thr r nothing bit niT noril unit fnimhllnmi. Th wotrin whn nl1r t hf "w 'lentloii il'itr rwln4 hf fmhn4 of hi fault rontlnllf, n4 th mn whn foM il (trurnhl wlh M wlf t nvury turn, woidt li fr Jiftpplrf h nil hlfhlf If thr wmM turn thHr tiioiirtit t th tm4 (i(iitlr of thir (jwtlv rjrtnr. Th womn of vMnt trmpr will tx iom iinlovjnir n! imlo.hl, nl will wr'k tny hum; for whn "flhtln" hrcomm hhit, n cii for Id IIk mtiA. folk with to rwi tmpr r iimmllr xrHrltl n4 tmlntrtlnc, hut I hero I a vt fittTrir htwn4th mn nr womn who ! vnt to ft oiithiirot t Ion lntrrl, n4 w folk who llv In emnt tto of Irrt lutlon, nl howr rolumf of hu whnvr thtr wlntir r cm". H'Kh, liowvr, rllr rriulr m!!!",! t cMiinr, n4 In nln r oit of tn implr"1 nltton l lh cn. A nortor tnM th wrltrr tht rf i,lr nt vn 1lt h wkd wonlr. Nvrtbl, -tinpr :n only h r!iirl !' I'ltlriB nounil rommon rnwt .how up "lormln" nd th harm It 1o, Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax No Harm fn Hrlllna. .,nr Ml l-irf; r"lv yr nao ili. ltlK :) ir of DK' i I li'l In" III . tll,HIIV Willi R iomiik nmn In h"l'l im. folk olili'il for iiiiHln ioii of llifir i, ll, Nol ill-l.ll Inn In K" KH'"t Hit irnl' lhc. rtilfi'J'l lrtt ni'ii'h in o"r oriiiw. Hiif linn my HI f . t r I t hVC llHKJII'fl v urnl I ituf- lcrn'l llml ! iun limn i ,ill immmiicl mi'l naiHna to li-.r lrf.ui nir. In IMr riiiiiw ol fun V n s, limr nm h oilier oix-c 01 t. , l. it I iniiiiict him, nIUi'iiikIi lie "nu ll willliiM I" lick t.i ' I '" ""'I ihi.i I liivr l.lni ninr rn muv mlnf yn-iii 11'nn I Iimi nicl. Will vim klmliy ,,ii if H unlit ho uoi'r for in" 10 .ill H.kiiin him In rrnr nwr frlnnit .h.t,' M. M II. f. If wi i. in that Ik iirj'i'li )'i r In, nun fell not Imacil mi I I 'Mill I Iraanli lii wniim n fri In vimr writln mikI iiciiii nil ,,ll 111 1 1 Kin it III l-'lirn I lie I. ii Milili' I'f riiiir, It yii'i ti n !(-1 ! ! B itlrl i'l I nltnlit nil ' mhIIiim-iiI II,,. Illlililr l.f Hull ilcail lilIU III"' i ill li'l" " VU '( nrli'in llrml'iii." Ii, ,,i Mia l'lll l A llll I .long Ui I.' 111 Ai ! Ill Mil il II' c I I il' Mill !'', .l'l mill Httilillita I'll Hi' lil li.l :tt fit t,b LiltiH llil'li'.ll' M If 11 l-i,. I,,,' ,,f u-i ii' iii iiii'ii ,' n,;,,.ii,'H ,,,'. It It HHI 1:11 I 'I ll'l I ' ll I I'll ' ' ' ,', I l 1 Ml' I lll In I" ' 1 A VI , , 1 1 1 "I il ' l"l t-s (m 1 1 1, 'I'm'' . , , i 1411 Ki 1 1 I ' II'1 n 'i " .,, 1,., i .iii.l 1 .il,i-. !.' 1 I' li'"ll . I I .I'Hilfli 'I lllt " ' . i...'t I . ! IUi l i". . , , ,. I. . 1 " II ' '' ' ''""Il I 0 1 1 1. 11 am '" "- '' h ' 1 '.i'ln.a '"' n'-f i' ''iii.'t . i , '.) 1 il.. P H ' '- .., 1,1 11 .. . 'I'. " ' I' ' 1 - I ,,,,1 l.f 1 mil 'it" '"' , 1, 1 : 1 ir I " 1 .il in M Ma II la !" i , M.. I ilil,. I I a - 'l ' 1..' ... I . . u .1 1 . 1 . 1 1 '. I I H 1 i - , ,1 -. I u 1 . ''' " ' ' 1 , , i..,i ,,. I i M 1 1 '"' 11 li .. iy t.iM.iiiiiin I r -n that f.i'ir I, I, . .i..i,ii it! l-U of in iH . -i l 1 iiti.i 1 1 i r 1. ' I i . . I I , , .,.1 , - .. ' H'l i . .1 1 . . .,. ,H . I .. I . ' I ' 1 LI I in I n I1' I l.ii I I Us ' 1 I ' 1. ', . ,. 1 ,, , . , 1 I ... . !.! t. II . I "U. , . r , "... I 1 , i- A ...I ,t.. I'l- ' Spring Ills Scarlet Fever By HOIHIi MITf 1110, M, It. Aiming tli llltl fvrr tiit aprrail o ridlily In III ntflng, 'rt-t fiir I on ' of ttif moat 'ioin,n'i,l. Aliinly lor I oiM,lk of It hv hn rif-M"! 1 n i arlu fjrt of iti con n Ity mi'l of Hi ainlc, kii'I tioni'l uf ti'nlili aia l"i!n wmnlriK (o yarnit n1 hffr In h ,n thir ur tkHli'l It Th f,cr I curiKii I'ini1l of ion ituflii . tioim, AlthouKh on of 0 fioa hlalily 1 oniiinio'i hivI ikmI'IIK foii(it. ItiK lit nil Hi fll-ii-aw of rtiilllinifl, wi'li Ihft i(t'rl direct rt'tli I of ll eK left fl!pl,ll efl, i ,l,, ileum foil I III lot of nil, rven iiiMle and whoop InK cokk'i fariklnf liov It, Thin I trtly 4n to inoU"f 0" II ('iriliu'li'llinii-lti meicifil fnt that, vh!e miieoi'ly ronianl'.ii l tho mini Iii" iia'filM to II (ttie lritl aii'l hilffcut ioiiUi;t Wl'h anolhrr 'im l!tr iffi' li ot to Iriaor iiffi llimi, iiil iiiimoer of lilhlrfl iie(tr lo lnv a iini'iral ',nmitiily nliif. It, n Hint It elrtom hri'ri that all t. chllnron In fdlnlly of liOHrho ttckeil hy It will 4i-v1iip Iti iHa, Sinn im Imnj Hi I'lu'tinil onol. 1 11 of knoii,a iht v If on of your "iilhll'li I Mcj, ,y lh (llaj. If i 1 iwl'i Sin t' ht at oil', oil fit flml niaiir of iliiiri oc, In a room hy him--lf wiih nor, Kofofil or wilun leer, wlio lia fiotlilfi to tin with ti o'hr ci.lllren, ynu hay a fir chan' of liriiltlnx to inyaaion lo Hat rlmi f, ami tha in t th woral aome of tlie rhiMren wit) prtthnhly eaci.p mi lt'k Ano'h'f iicofilfn',jr 'rl' fvi I t'il If vrl a-i Iraroeiiiloyl In vlnlroiM .1 vrliy In (Jiffrnt oitlrk, ona fplfltnt hlnlf aloioat a nilM chlckenr-; or mlf, anot.Mr furlong ln1 fftlJ aa 1lplithrta, 11 fiori'raiiln l ihi Mit, fi)r I a pi,pilr lmrilon aliro! to th. ffect tliat Ihey r two tHniInn hrrt or kino of th tle, acrliln, in rnlhlwr, ari! tunriri feyar, th mor yr fiit till I an rror, a on whl'li may to frouhl, ln,n, whit foriiriiily nhol uMitnirn of lh fiMtAiwr iyf of th fvr r wi' h ) frc'ini'iif thnn H1II1I onr'a. It I on a'i'l III ram dUra, A l, (, offn t-alnf'illy ahown hy lh imi1n luveloprm.rit In a sty m M r, of rapMly ftl of lh vrct trji. ntiiX nn In on family w, or two nhililrwti may I1 th ill' In t rnlMi firm, whll nohet will go Anwn irlAnly tinner a moa danyorooa If not fatal giln-k, Th otil f aMituila toward nil airla anrl typa of ararl't fyr, vn lh mJIrfoat, avarlatlna, la to kp rhllrlr'n away from thin c which mean othr llltl on who hav thm) ntlrly, Tht la tli rnor advlaabl anr rally wrll worth whll, .'ua If you ri eeri In kpin yowr chll4 away from 0 liifr-4ion until h la l yra oM hi chanrya of vulrhihg It af!r that ar vry iireatly dimlnUhayl, and If ha uhoulrl ha o iirifrtint. It n not llkaly to a iwm any vry ver or rtnrrii form. prolarily nrt mora than on ehll4 In thro avar ralohe ',rlet feyr, vn pnrJur our ireant lmprfr-f ron4'tlona, n4 It la im4oiil,trjly polhl In ut thla prJr-nca 4owr to at lt on In tn nt vn ona In imtnly, wtier parnnla, tarhra, doctor an4 hhh offleera ';t to workln toirethor lrifilllnily and hrnvntoijlf, WTia4 ara th flrat Jni of 4ttiirt anr, the 4nir alanal of 4vlopln fnfartlon whloh call for prompt laolarlon of your own ehlM or hi ully prompt removal from th eomfrany of any of hi playmaUia or acheol fallow who dlaplay thmt That la on vtrtti whlrh mnt ba eon rvirj to thaa llltl fnypra; Ihera la Jlttl that la wndnrhand or aneakln In thlr atla'k; tbry uaually com promptly out Into th open and It you fair warning of thlr hontll Inietitlon. Ho that by krpln an lntlllirrnt' look out for their r4 flat w liaya a fair flfhtln chanr of both puttln their Hula vlntlm aaiiy ndr aueh fyorh roiidltlona a will Inaur thalr throwln off lh attar afly and oompletely nln and a half tlrnea out of tn, and alao of laolatln them befor Ihny hai hfcd Urn to prrad th Infection to many 1 other, Hi ill more fort.itiilly, all hough lh 'rndhod of attack of cadi on hi lli'li jvldual perulliirlllc which dlaltngulrih H fiiiin the othrra, In point of rrllt at luck, rah, apd of pronrraa, rtrt,, In the inn m moat of their ' kick offi" ar an neiirly a 1 1 len and prnt urh broad fniiiil reaemhlarice Ihat on aaneral Kiniip of aymntoma will rover and aerv aa a wiiniliig for all, thuiit our having to puril our Lend over th prplrltig i!ieilon of will, h I which until two or three rla i a later, Theaa are lh weiher algn which al moi.t In arlahly pll ' rltorm romlng" In I lie Mann I m(c uf rhllrthood: Hmdm he, lurkti h, "an llrd," hoi, peppery, burning rnainna In th throat, liciiing, aiientiin and running at th no, tlnriieil, hoi liinklng f', wllh rllhcr l,i lllliuiily htlahl or dull, droopy y, ii ,i', in ,1, ll'hlng and aiming reii ili,ii iha vciy ei Ileal gi, i,f all ti lie it a'tiirial fieif ihieaa, reallraaniuia and ilia i, in full, wnrii itmveinrtit III e lint k,., ,iiik anil fi.lla In rat. Hh rnilnii itiilnlMg lull In lh vol' and a l"" nf itioiait ilia on. fell mi Iha ( a Aid l lilt f K itiy I I ila nf Ihla anil of tiling . fiii-l laphlly 1 1 'Hi In 111 w in ! ii. i a 'l i..- in la h ami l a aa-h l.r. nni Mini, i'ip II. mat ." anur, Iha i., niij im. i iii. i niiif' ami iniM il il T ' ll.'M fl I I'l II ... Ill ' Ill' ft ll I II, .,. Ill" ai l" 'll '" not hi' i-l Ii ,-! . "Mill W ilt'liUf any . tin w It It i It .,nl I,, llf .I . mia ii "i ll.a t-e ial aiMIU'l'i IMiiiil let,' i'i a w ii, 1 1 ,,, . a viliti ii anal'i. u a 1 1 n-aia l:a .! .. ,iia f...n, m h ,,lltrr c l i li . li c i II lii'i'ni t Uin ' 1 1 , iii.. i aa, In 'Shoots M I '' di'lli-Ult I" t Hl' "l it i in .t !(. le il al lu at at : r lh law I. i I i.tra 1.r bar a y., i i. ' I. I a .. .lt wllh ( fa I I M'lat 1 1 I. r Ii . in ) I.... I Grace Darling's Talks to Girls No, 8 The Girl Who Boast, of Her Conqueti of Men fly f. It 4 If- IMKMWU, W'hoae Tln and heanty Hav won Her an Kntlahi I'lac In Hie Moving I'P turn World, There ar a grtat many g1r!a who think that they aId lo their piaallg by boai hiK of their coniut among men, To hear a girl of thla kind lk yon would think thai ah I hrt gtnnahri thai no man can realM, and that tii i "i uiun row of mllllonalr don on iIkIi !,oer Imploring hr lo fnarry llim, Tl l type of girl think tht ah a mak log othr glrla gren wllh nry ang Jealouar when ahe rll th lmy of her ;on',iirt, arid Ihat h mk yry man in mad lo many bar at once, and anit'ii hr y from thru hld rival ho ar alao dying lo raptur her, Thai' lh ay th girl picture II In her imagination, t"'t It doran t wnik out thai way In real llf. Tl oliier girl ar not filled wlih envy, Thar ar filled with mirth r.d ridicule, nd they my to ' h othr that flly I even tim a fool If ah brlleve that vry man who looka at her la In lov with hc, and If ah Ihlnka a few i.lnion mean Intention, or that even a llltl lm making la a mil In rJU'iiti'li lhl man I giilhg 10 pop the rneaflori, Xor 4oa girl plrilr a man' lo'rel In hr hy 'nagging to him aho' in numhr of aultor li l,a had, lndd hr romanlln lalea ar far moi lik"ly to frlnhien him off than to lead him on. To larl wllh. h generally alr.ea h"i up an iiftrona' lonnbl Hit la fll'her, for Whll Xntly la a hi' rnough kid, fhei ar oihra, h'i h no Indlca Hon about haw of lh ftl faa-inailon that now of hi ' hav b'c'i abl" t rel, i ' And In fh ahd pi, hr hotlng jriil him on hi guard fgainat br, II d'rean't nt her to have Id heart dang ling ! lier llt, marked No, V, In th collection of mn I hav fued, 'f aho tiiaai to mo about other men h haa cajHiired, ah'll brag lo aoioe othr man about m,'' y lh tnry youth, "and whll If amualng enough l m to hear about lh foollah thing they did, ! ahonld not o)ny tha rnlHh provoking H nation of having anolher man llaten li my old lov )cllr, nrl hating my (nifferlng diagrammed for him bH Hiilly told nw that h eoulrl nvr h nnyihlng but a !tr to rn. Mo I will wlthdiaw, whll th going I good " Vhinii he do, for II I a gurlou fem Inln phnomnon that th womn who 111 you how much thry are admired ar rtover hl lo prrwlur lh good, mid tho who proclaim from th houaciopa how f runt Ira Hy thy ar oughf In mar rlg by th mrl llglln men In Hi" rommurilty ivvr gt marrl4. Nothing fi In lb world I o vulgar and Hilly boaailng, girl, and ttil I peculiarly Idloilc and In bd laair- Iii rnaiioia of th heart. If you ar a harmnr whom non ran rlt, lh popl about you will find It. out for your alv. Ton won't fi'4 lo get out your trumpet and Mow it to ppila thorn of th fat. On th other han4. If J")1 hv nrme of th lrri (jualll)ea, but arc on of the women ihat ran p ovr, you iimry rail Mnlion to your la:g lit tlraelim by your fairy tale of rmnnnrM that nyr hiippr iwd- Ton niaku youraalf rldiulou when you avevjua tnn of having been In lova with Many Humble Heroes in Everyday Life Uf VLLA WHF.rXKR VTlUXyX, ff'opyrlgbt, ll, Miar Company) Wa hear great deal about tha harrdam of aoldler In the day, and lhr ar htindiad of men who ar wearing rned la, cro grid other ambloma of dis tinction which hav bn btow4 upon thm for their hravary, A halo of glory aurround tho nam of thouaand of dad heroe. but right bar In our own land of paaca w hav hero, In early Nwvumber, tha Mania 'lr, a atamr, wa airanded on tho Oregon ahor. Robert Mlirr, a winch drlvr aboard, left tha ahlp In a llfaboat loadod wllh womn and children, According in an ey-wltnia, all thoa who weic l. o awiin had reached rlior, when Mharr, wllh a child In eni.h arm, finally crawlad out on Hi fieli front tha twirling water. Willi l.'iill hand angaged he havd waei a deathly battle, hu had refuae.) to relea.e either one of lh i hlhiren lo aaaur hi reaching hor. IMiaid waa gtreanilng down hi turn from wiiai piec nf wraarhag, hd hit I, Im He ia,'ad Hi iihlldien on hnrn and k''I, "Tiure woman out iher, I Hin ('ling bark to gel pry " II fH Vi r rituini'd, purely Ihla nmn la a in al a haro any one who die In Inula. Only a few 'Int. agu i J Kirlnghain, Jl, of No. "i I 'a I flu vrnu. Jcrary illy, i Up III own Uf" III leu 'ling Iwn l" from ttiowiilni in iha M.mU rnl whi rotuifilni hum Oil iniii niaii, in Hm induing f Urn, b,r. itlrl lift, 1. 1 lh ri.rin tii. hill,. fw ,t I I fllm hmiili ii, p t "tiingliaiu t.w i.rf hi il, hat an I t.i. ami lc,e, i,a .ii,i, i ,, In . thai l a in il.nai r l l,,.n - j h Hi, I, . it'.., w.H.i .ii.i.ii I,, a i n i I l i.i I,, in.u rr, aal.i'ia 1 in l I li ..l li 1 1 mi II ti Al, lo .l.i l Lt.f lb f..ii,. IiIiiimII li, i, lumina; i., I Wl! l, l. ,.) 11. I . !" in a, b. an, i n l.i .i n.,a I.i Wat .I( l.ii T niifl iya uf h ' il,!i rwyvi, . i'"i l hif r I tit i,'! ij,,, I' il I I w .i rl . i . il,ii I,, talalr i r llll " l.f II, I ,. in l(M uum Il llli,tnii( l il l l.,l I , ii'.l.l a I a .ii I II I,., a.-, u. n t iliaa iai l I laid 'Il " In.i.i tin lh ii-l nf hi , . 1 1 ,, I Hi l'.ia nt It. i t,'K'lH tiivir .. il" Mitlt lh ' tf lli a i., t,( '! .1 S ,li.y ! it i Hi. intuit .i if bah ik tin in h ie eii I. in. t (ii iit Th. y Hi. t In a It' lilt, 'It w ,1 ii . e ' an l..,i. i li a it t f .t h i., mill i ite, ii,i 1 . Y , rf y., f i' 4 V I" ' r- I' t i i w I' ' - fimaa y- f -'I 9 far" fa fa V' i - r VS !- ...J 1 ntaaaajaia I iimn ' ' - Anotl r Klriliiiitf riinlonipli nf Mikh J)iirling, you who hnv tf vwr ,cnl n atnkl ai ntl l I'nre for her gw, uid aim gluiuld feci me n I ;il llioughl jo jour dlieclloii, b il Hint all" hn been pilvllca'd 10 look you ar dinbonoinhli' when yui lrfiay tho ronflil' in rn of a nuiii who ..iia milly UtinX ynu 4iy telling aiiyoiin about II When a rnoii aek a wonnn to miirry hint ho ha paid tier Iha grruteel cimpll men l In bin power. W In u ho ahow br hi lova tut bey be Hip hi vciy aoul and fife, no inarching liwtialiou, m ruafl of Cavalry, lo ailmulale I In- eouran and India th hcioh; acHon of thca' mn, Thy wer not atlrred to do om grnt dd In order to elevale Hi mnduct of lhlr romradea. Their unaelflah Irn pula waa aporilancoia and reault'd from Innal nobility of character and aympathy for their kind. I't lh rial of Orgnn and New Jeracy honor Hie name of, llibert Hharer and Ita J. Ntrlngham, A man of genlu In hi on lln, but of tha moat linpnf tl' al iUlile, and confirmed plmtt, romplaln liiat th world I unkind, aelflah nd ntigrtn ful hcaua h b tievi-r altiilud i'S caa. Inrtualiy I only aiiolhcr, Without, well dlrri led and piaclhal ef fort, genlna and Induatry v. Ill niiiki amall headway In Ihla very miiit'T'i.f fa, t world, Wa muat. anlt ourchea to lb llinca ; w ar In, wllh JiikI ciiough of th' pt" 'greaalv eplrlt to In lug a fnlhiwlng nf ! Intcraated Ihought, if w would Iihh tin . atientlon nf Hi", wi t hi. II iiiiiilill y loiliiy la not wlirng in i mnlll In "'" rear . of iln run ' h ef prngrcai. to 1 1 in miy uum a i t , no mailer bow- womb i fnl 1 1" him v le and It lui lull Imaali.rf bi".l I" H.. fheorlal, who pl'limea n Inn, dr.. I y n abend Kellhir haa the ' lh 'i a e i 1 1 . 1 I Th -cig mull wl i I'l .,llerii WIMi I .11 i eiupl'. In II III. ,r l' - mil! rtenMallv iuhlu Mlmiiln l.i.w h i.l I n n. h v i'i 'lh a ti.' iii ti, ,i ii't j I, Im nt I'i- e in I'la hi h,' Hi, 111'.,. I diii'loi w Im Hill" i dlalKlal nf Hi-' wb-il- a 1 1 1 1 1 " I' I " I. , it.'.'kl, i,ni... ll Hie 01., of all i,ev.. In i 1 1. I In, I. .in a II ... ,i -,' I H ,1 llll "in I t, iiiini'l of citl mil I Ind'iy I i h n il' I -1-1,1 V f ''lu dor lint '-' I.I. Il-i'ila In lil-i ii.,-1, ila aid a i a Hi..'' i, a I-" il. .In. in In a I' all in I !"!, - i- i Hirat, It u ., s , ,, a l.l It " ti i !i' I I I i.. I. l ' '., l,i, i i. th. ,' at hi aili .. i i- it y i r I Iha vi. - it ' rr culiii i I -rial f I an -I i fill iH'h a ', f' .i ii'' ft - II-' It I l Hi I'l . l it n, la i-i" it It. ii i. li.'t, 1 1 I .Ii Hi 1 f itjel an I ii i. , i i ii I. a i. i bin., i i HI. nl, " .. 11,1 'tl .ll 1 i'l. I 1 . m '.ti -I ,i I , I-,' II. an,-, I .. r -. .I ' . i i.. . i ,i i i ; , i i i 1,11 ' ., t " " I i ' - 1 1 i ,. .. I i - it if l... ' f. , ,. .,i,i. .. . i il i . ,ii , , ' in id, a I I i I . ., . if II" i ii, I i , f' if I ' ll I .1 H, t il, . I. .. 11- til I a i Maid I' " inia'-'i ! "J at i iii. i. i ten ii n a 1. 'ti I . " Ila ill I , t . ..- IV. , i " ' I .. I . r 1. 1 . '. ' 1 a 1. 1' ' ,.''., i .t ', , , I, . 1 1 1 I ' ,., C" i I ' ' III,:., . . ii i-i 'it it . i I .t i.i i I a i t. . i'l ,tt r,ta M, I y 1 1 t i " I e"': i i i - . , ' , i -1 '1 ll f 1 ' . 1 ' I eaaiaeaaMe!f -w,iyfer',.a, 'llaaaj - - .a,,, Hi aomethlliK o aacred and " holy Ihat il euii pever even he mi ni limed again And It in iiuHilnkiihlc. Hint ah nhould miiUc It a iibj"i for hnaailiig, Tberrfor hover bing of your coii'iiieal. glila, Jl la bad feeling, bad tiuiu and bad luck. "1 am !nu, lol, boiieat nd grata ful, and Hid muni bo other Ilka rn In tlui world. It ht fiuioHlblii that I alone hoi worthy. I ahall find my own kind by and by-f hav mlcm-d lh right fd for a whll, but I a'.iull g' t h. k again and meet Ihoao for whom 1 grek," W'liat eiiormoua rgotlam for any man lo aaaeit Ihat all Hi world aav hlmaolf la u ii wort hy! Thet la not th allghleat rjneatton to day In the mind of Iha really Inlelll g'lil Unit Ihought la a vital fore a powerful a electricity, though alowor In Ita rcaull. Th kind of thought w aend out eon. atantly creaie our futur hra on earth land for crntuilca to com bra and In other phiftetn). I'eralalent faith and hup will bring am ceaaful i nnilllloiia a tumly th mi hilua lluht wllh only Hi aaui iiiuouiii of labor am) Indniitry which aiv coini'iiil' d the fiillum of Hie pn aalmlal, licllcvH In ymirac'f, hcllcni In huiiixn lit, belpv In the aurcea of your umlr Hiklnga I'Var nothliig ntul nil one, ln your wnik. Wink, hopr. trual Keep In Ion. li wllh today Tea. Ii oiirelf lo b pun ilciil and up to ilnle and annalhla, 1 .i'l iiliit full TK Armour Oval nrvrr prrvr ri. rrpt tiKin th ht thai AniMHir mk. (ImnJlt (JimJult f V aawrfwriaa, fa ()( l a' W4lifi4 iJ Vaalaxt Haas, NlHg "Kaataa faaa" lJ Imi (taantkt I eaf Aiatraa I (rftj iM tUawiaaaaaj lalla Adat i aWrUraaak 7 A r?zrrn 7T n r. (m ii ii a a ujaa ii c ini l n t , Household Hints lilycrln I lh hnal lubricant for to meat or geiahl rin'lr, for th rauii that l duo not 'lv uiiileant odor If lirimg lit Into nnla.t with th meal. 'fn cum camnlml notihlea III a alow but am way: Keep h feet iedlngly I'iciili i,i apilrililv tauapo'iiif u of re fined a dpliur III cm II aho Hire tlllicp it wci'k A I ,ii. n ..f l.-ir" rii ii. ,i, , iii tu 11! lolmi I 'il I, .1 n n it lii'o lh water i in i.ili ma h Iheiu j ,l,lliie li,! ariinad u 'I ll.r tc, ot lh he In! i,. f.'.i I l,u U.I la .',''. I'll l.'.cp Ol'l ' I linl a I iinil lernn I. I' M'! ,ii lo".r, am h ri it. oli -i1 fr ill . ''ii. I,, ami , Id i-r er I i,,i"l o, aei ,i in a f,iiti pltrliir I n a lni or cliiii cue. .. ,ii , i,c iiiiut reiilinr) niatciHl f'' fine In, I r 'Ihla i'n:i la jmioiia nod fir fr- " i' l' ail'iMlMii n fre o rrulallon of 1,1,. Ii al'i 1it !i of inlrk and effecilv waahluit and rtiylnl, Hint II ran b cl,4fii1 ofti' titff face lath I. re lie hir i'l all an I a.iii l,fii,i a1 liil on' a aic'i T .ia . il' ne by bw" c.h h iii li.ii ,hi fining ( a wind"-' Hheie H,c ip fiend lit ii)!ilil, WMh a of ,'cl, i.tle.t ct v.-ce III. lilo V. ill 'if lu-ilt il lld H e lul l lore Hi off. nri" r oilor . I ' . ' I ,l In! " HI, u' m T, H ' :i ', : " n.- i .ii '! i V, e i I ', i i.i. ,m Iii1 (nr r,i I, n iff. 'f. n rli I ' le v. i ,' n; ' upMl'l fon nl.cii t.'-n ft y(" iir Tr ., f. mo nif-il ovr p a t it iin ha i-,'biii for a rompfny 'Jcaaeii, vilifi Kl tleil nut nlop, Open a Charge accomi WItli Loftis tiros. & Co. ami ll inlnliHf nt lli K'f" liarKnlna w- on' nf.ii;ii rpm, Loftis Pclclicr Ctanord Ring $30 mm ,4.4 triiiu'.t If (T P' tli t 't'rfc l.trV-f thifl U f) 9 rr P ' r ur (n . ' (f.frfl l I) fl frtt tt.V ' whi.m (if lh Uioum mi t !) (lit, ff(( t.,1 Dfigr! 1r t tflffflaf t Iti gti-Mf I, 0ft 4 ( Oh ''f f t I Ut ifi Ti f J9 UrMdi itf iH for It.wHrmtM .'- f, M fhttU t'oMgleti 1444 fl OUT IMtl'fl'l w Ml H Mh lit NMI'ltfK 4flrH POFTIS LaERosica;;.; TNC MATIONNl CRCOIT JfWEURS 4vf I. Ittklt., Omli( mt Umtmn UQ .V i'f V.'M ' I li, f:n- ' 1 I..' taaai- jjariTi IfaTfu i ar i lirf , f i i SiM im it ' fc. $1 Telephone Contest Editor s G eorffe s 1 f&jKm&&jPi&s&Jiy Hi OLEOMARGARINE li ft Bclfntificnlly corirct cotTiblntttkm of liititigg, tuig t)Utlr hi twl I'ure nuttlue t4li It cmtvi lo ytni pttckrd In crtia, with Dm I fnl it' rnUH wrdntit Th Oa yl I A'nwmi taf itlll. fitoadal I lh dllclni. I al .il fur htad l'kin n y.i t l ! If i lit I 'I ei. t ,t taOtV BOtUta, Ml, tk . rk-a U w vwaka, , b. WUia..w, 11 Tat, w -,-4i ft ' Iti tV "As 1 "As Ught As c fitm dully, femufin nd v.1ioli"Of,it jelly Rf'l!, CA.nAUniiimrtimher CwJ ii)i;ii;il Mj'l but CALUMET A dai'.ing rcvrnn ffUin)v Snt t!i b ind (nf miff :.":!( d f purity, ti ihnt'iy aful v luile o-v, b iiing i. Till your mother to .y Calumet JJ-kwij Pow der on the mone-y-baH k iv1 Kl'ieet Awarrli AA A ie t ..i htr- -VV i.i 1'it iii rtumdr.t. i' ai"v 1 T.Zj . a ,w- ' Mr-; VJ-wZrTiItT- - TIIK OMAIM Wr. tH)V.H INTO TIIK IIOMH If HV.A to HY TIIK UIIOLK KAMII,t V 7e J jsJ uf pvirltir, gwaiaut) .ni.iiii 1 M I 1 m it 'J mitnVWi V a Word i V & Co. f JS laVlaaMiiaaiaatl 1 I I "'. I . I , I 'l '-.! .1. I .'' I ...I lit I i I !.. ' i ,n. I. t i' a I'i. I i .1 in,, i. I, . I . ,.., tgtbwl Hvr nf f U