TIIK H-KK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, Ari.ll fi, 1!H0.
Grand Iiland Leading: Democrat
Futi Queries to Commoner to
Answer at Meeting,
GRAND ISLANb, Net)., April
(fipwial Tlfgram.) After a local
Orntan noclety declined pofiltlvly to
bait blm on account of any prohibi
tion Koipel, local demomt art In
dulging In this paniime attlnut Mr.
Bryan, wbo will addreig tb voter
John W. Sink, fonnr-rly demo
cratic representative, In tbU even
Ititj'a )mu of the Independent baa a
signed article In wbkh be challenge
Mr, Ilryan to anawer, among other
thlnga, whether be waa not tba one
to rolo the pbraaa, "Let tba people
rule," with reference to the primary,
and then be tba flrat to violate aucb
rule. In tba Baltimore convention.
Hf also Mka Mm how he plalri the
allail iiiconalsin y of pruni'dlnf pin
hlMtltn and aupportlna Katilman awl
Why he wrnt alnat nark at Haltlmora
h'auiM Clark had the Halmnnt-Iljran-Murphy
auppnrt, wlieraaa be lilnuflf htul
In the previous- praaMenllal cairipln
ctptrd that aupport.
Would he vlolaU lila instructions aln
If aolaclail a a delegate to the national
.nnvanilorir And, "If you are rhoan a
ri'lrgate and your vlawa are contrary to
Oios of Mr. Wilson, will you lv way
o permit Mm to dl'-tate the platform, or
III you Inatat en writing your view Into
platform!" t
rtecauae Pitman Ivlnaalon of Hloora.
Ir.alon. Ill , ehlf unrmt at the H'nal H'rlth
fUfhrHon Sunday at the Mihw hotel,
lo not arrive until noon, the auto lour
planned for the morning haa been aban
doned. The ot.aervanra of Mr.Klnley
lol' alxteenth birthday will open,
therefore, with an afternoon meeting at
the hotel, to be followed by a banquet
and entertainment.
Mr. Mvingaton. who le head of the
H'nal D'rtth Antl-ftefamallnn leafiie, will
apeak on the ork of thla department,
lie ulll be Introduced by Martin Pimar
man, the flrat preetdent of th McKlnley
Ma, which waa oraanlxed at the time
when Mr. livlngaton headed the H'nal
H'rlth grand todaa,
Arthur noacnblum will e toaatmaaler,
wponw K be given by Ilbll Jacob
Mlng.'r of Mneoln, Victor Roaewater. C.
I. Htg utter, Emit dans, laldor Heea, Mas
well Kromklu and tla Mnlvlna Newman,
president of the ladlea auKillary. ICd
eard glmon la chairman for the day.
Oeneral Manager Jones of the Klrat
Uiatrict of the Bock Inland, extending
from Chlneffo it Denver, on a special
train, will be In Omaha at noon Thurs
day, en route weat on the annual spring
Inspection trip. Ite will he aircompanl 1
by a number of the superintendents anl
other officials. An Inepectkm of the
Council Hluffs yards will be made, but
It Is probable that Uie train will not stop
In OnialA.
Superintendent Ierr of the Great West
ern is over from had)uartora at Clarion,
la., and la spending tbe day In the dty
visiting among the buetneas men.
According to Mr. Derr, erep proapeete
In Iowa and Mlnrx-ota, along the Una
of the Oreat Western, were never bet
ter. There la plenty of moleture In the
ground and farmers are making prepara
tions to put a Urge acreage into crops
Fame haa knocked at the door of
Atik-tiat Wsage, mail rarrier No, M, twloa
within a week. A few days ago The Jt
tuld of a Joke some of his fellow workers
played on him by stealing and eoneum
ing an apple pie which he had brought
Into the poetorrice for hie lunch. Ills
present bid for fame consists In the ar
rival of a baby girl at his home,
Hecauee of alleced Ittlerferetii a with
her opportunity to marrv bis brother,
Ktneet. Mlaa Itoae Addle Hlrucka la suing
1'heod'ire kiabunde for in district
Mum Rtrueka. through her attorney, r
itntly I'M a suit for i.0 ilniss
aialuat Kmret, rhargtna breach of prm
be, and asalnal John II. t.roasman and
TtttMlt' hlhun1e or damags to bwr
l-si vt Kilnd.
Mrs. Mary I Cre'gh aa re lei'td
l.a.i, r ft the rnrtent ii'e lriitiuiit
,, tha Omaha Wron'a lh. Tuea.tr
Mrs l. lall'y la ths new ftft aaeia
tattt leader an4 Mrs. A, Sibl. aew
.iai,t Mr, i, M WaUhena ta ie
i., !, r-r antt Mr f A ltet
1 1 iri,an ef hs rrelr c.nm 1 1 1
1 t 't nr nmi, baa ei.e rotimil,
l,t btb a aeS ! f SI
I ika r'! '''a r"
r.iin rt'H 'l p''"t x
id i a w '' i r ba Mo .
t'tuaa. t-l Itinntr street .
a ta tr.,. and eui4 t-tia J i,ht al
1 t I, S'.4 la strveia
4r, waa le ta Sia'it- t"rt
f i aJMiiati.i in wJs
t rttad al l-'.e
j!HH (' tVaaait le. .r
fam-r tun anti le y s i
t,. I ar.t4 II wri4 )
(.,t,M tfrwuwa tt is ' I 1!t lt
teSt'-s) H Iw'i'S lent
South Side Btudenti Anxious to Hare
Board Enlarge Qnarteri at
High School.
The proposition of building a new ma n
nal ttslnlng building or eslendlng the
pieeent one sod bulldlna- a new gymna
sium la being; ronsldcred as possible
among the school authorities. - for many
weeka the Omaha Hoard of Kdwatlon
haa hecn eonfronted with the lack of
space end cramped quarters for students
of both the domestic science, mnoual
training and rnachTnery leases, and have
ptacthslly deedd on either plan.
The school arines st Twenty-fourth snd
1 streeta Is too small lo acommodsts the
claesea In domestic science both day snd
night schools. Also, win the arrival
of new machinery t its I has recently
teen orderwi, f'rof. Haabey of the man
ual training snd machinery department
flnda It Impossible to carry the lsrgi
number of classes that h already hs.
At 111 beginning of the term many stu
rieiifa who expressed a wish to enroll in
ihis department had to be turned swsy
because of the lack of room and fsvJtitles.
Gymnasium bea'tyiierter are too small
for flier production of good oinpelltlvn
basket ball teams, for years Coach I'st
ton has been lismpcrerl by the srnsllnesa
of ths basket ball court, and it might be
said that the poor showing of lh team
In rriii'lal testa Is due (o ths fuel thut
It has received Its season's prs' tlce on a
court that la far from being ths ragula
tlon sir.,
Speclni 1,1 atiM-k Trela,
A. Y. Mtryker, sccratarv-trafflc man
ager of the Mv Mock Irtchsnge, sn
nuuncra that commencing Kunday, April
, the llurlliiifton will run a special Omaha
stock train from O'Neill, Nb ach Hun
day, leaving that point at 10 a. m. snd
picking tip live stock for this market
loaded al stations ss fsr south as Ash
land. The pr in l)l ststlona on thla line are
O'Neill, I'nge, Orchard, Itoyal, Hruna
wlck, Copenhagen, I'lalnvlew, lireslau,
Osmond, Mi I, In, flandolph, Waraham,
Heideit, laurel, Jrlxon, Allen, Jai'kson,
Oskom f'lty, 1 fumcr, Winnebago, Walt
hill, lUisalle, l.,ons, Oaklnnd, Cahllng
snd Wlnalow.
This train is put on at ihe request of
Ui railroad and stock yards committer
of the fouth t;maha Live Work K
change, and it Is hoped there will lie
enough livs stock mov on the train to
make It a success and Insure it contin
uance by the Hurtlngton.
niar Mrrllsg Toalahl.
Itepuhlltaris will hold a meeting this
evening In Caldwall'a court room, over
tli Htate Hank building, at Twenty
fourth snd M street. A committee ap
pointed at the laat meeting by I'realdenl
Martin to make preliminary arrange
ment for a big mas meeting of repub
lican shortly after the primaries will
The overwhelming swesp of reieihllcnna
In Council Hluffs, Henson and Klorerice
had added Intenss Interest to the local
eamnalan end local leaders mean to
fight to the limit to rneke a local repub
lican majority lead the election.
Commission firm Oat ft 15.
i. V. Kramollall, collector In ths em
ploy of the I'araley Commission com
pany, repotted the loea of Hit In cash
snd 75 in checks made out to ths com
pany, near Itallroad avenue and Waah-
Inglon street, Monday afternoon. A re-
ward of 35 has been offered to tbe per-
son who recovers the cash.
The Magic Barrel company, 49l Bouth
Twenty-ffflh street, wss broken Into
about March 22 snd a bunch of toots and
PluiMiig attachments stole!., II. A.
I ladder reported tho loss.
The barn of William Dormann, living
In Mrpy county, south of toe city, wsa
broken Into last evening and a full set
of ha mesa and other attachments stolen.
The barn door was left open.
Ks PUnppotntmente.
Teu'll not be disappointed If yott look
for the very beat valuea at Klynn'a
man's, boys' and children' lull; ladles',
misses' and children's suits and coats;
Cooper'a Kloaed Krotch underwear, I.lnn
shirts ami collars; Htnteon and Tluer
hats, and other goods of equal merit.
Open tonight. John Klyuit oV Co,
Judge Klnee t.lrla.
Three girls. Inmates of a disorderly
house raided by Sergeant Carey, Offu cr
Pwornk and fietectlves (llllen snd Allen
laat evening, were fined II and rosta In
police court this morning by l'oiloe Mag
istrate Harvey rtoed.
Jarealls (liven Work.
Juvenile Officer Paul MoAtiley secured
a position on a farm In western Ne
braska for Kd Arelnallale, a runaway
boy who was picked up yesterday after
noon by Officer Oworak. lie waa 17
years of age and had left Ottumwa, la.,
his hnn-.A, to make hi fortune In ths
Maate t Ma- ftaelp,
tiffbe spec for rent In Bee office, UK
N eii-eel, lei ins reasonable, Well known
location. Tel. rteuth tl.
The I rfiyait Order of Moosa will Install
the newlv aleded "fflceis Thursday, lis
freahnipiita and enter lalnment.
The Woman' a Christian Temperance
Imiiui Witt hold s boya inadal contest al
Hie tlra'e MsthmliKt rhunh at Tiity.
fifth and K su.tls at I uclmk.
The ladlea of the trl Christian rhur. h
III serte a dinner at the M.Cisnu hall
at 1 eiiij f.ainh nl streets Thurs lay,
Apitl . from U a. in, to I p, mi.
A progressiva dinner will Imi given l.y
Ilia itui.g 'e...ia ot tlie Lulls I I'm- i
trrlitri cloii.ti at (lie hun'ti tiullitio ,l
Tc( init.l and M e'rvote at bi.
yn.l, April It
'aver n triln g will be held al ths
I'lulriun ilnirtli at I'oeiiii third n. I
alicei ll l rieoliia at i V wtl a Mis
A Aitoihtit will l..n ili.i.e, ..,i,i
twtng '' calay " tnrti.it wxlioioi.
II IV' lrhnr. icimkiikh llttng at
SIS MeC't rs.'ii lr.-t. ik. Iim il4
bi'I- n an l I U the .!. seis n . ,
ha a utl t I l. se t up unul lis
II. ,..(!, ilitokli khiHH sae tH ha
a si.su a vir
(. el lis lm al an.,
ff . I r i-ris ll'l lit o N lal.l
,,.,,! u.n ! wii ti. li. si f - -si
liaio l.l-H l,4t 'w the tilrtsaia i,f u.s
slwk Kill b r In I. tti,..l n, a a.m.
il.l 4 Isifvi Iciiioii a til I. ,.!
IhlS 11
Id a si- ll to' h al Hi t. uxal. k
k'-t r, erHwtt M is.ss
) .. a.tl IIMtart a-.-ti 1st. ,., ,.f
t:r itmti .t,.i, lfai.e I na act
lMiiMitt M' tliuita est 'h an
t' e
I-. tea f.. i . f t an l-s'
t4 it '.a lal k4. N fcfln'a te,tui
I til (its, oi I I Ma. tot H l.t
.) t f a ef ti e lSS S It 4
rlir t e l e 1 n-U I 1 sc. I it a.i
A d a - ' ' u- ! e at i..
bi it. .1. Is i,t .1H !
Halls Sailer Mtares,
NIK fuhK, Ar I - l Artktir War.
law Wait. ..fa..e4 s'avwe ot via ralKar.
bt'Iaa, J'a ". IV. k. f iliaM i i.ta
uf'M4 a rti t l'nt. b si n
fataa ase.ksra' rsaslx mil.
t, v m ft ! a t sc-tl ..,
11.. I a, rat a t ; t i t -n i ,
l ..f i' t " ii"'l ! . t.tar ..a
a i.. !.., a i . n l t. i. g ...t..
fi ,n a 14 wl t t i ti,.c.
I I ,1 !
Governor Morehead
Above Them All
in Quality
Baked Fresh Every
Day in Nebraska's
Snow White Bakery
You Get Your Monet
, Worth Every Time
You Bay
lten9s Fairy
Because these hlgh-aual-Ity
pure food product
give jtni the beet value
You can get fresh and
fine Khlry Hoda Crack
era at at most any good
grocery atore, In JOe
rartong, In 50c family
ting, and In returnable
cann by tho pound.
Baked and Guaranteed by
m-ss - - in? t -i-.-rr-& r- -r in.' ii " S Vs I Jg. I t-c ijaum j f---f'-1
What is the best known trade
mark in Nebraska?
What is the most popular trade
mark in Nebraska?
What Nebraska trade mark repre
sents the highest quality of foods?
What Nebraska trade marks repre
sent the best qualities of toffee
roasted in Nebraska?
Advo-Gold Medal
Nebraska Maid
Omaha Maid
Eat Itcn
and you will
Grow With
Growing Omaha
11) o only re pw-kflK''
Kotlit cruf k-r Imkcd
in Ncbrukii,
Tlifl best W. pufkiiK''
fcotla cnifkcr baked
Your grocer can uup
ply you.'
seBsWasSaBslsBsS3Bs8sBM (
The Coffee That Never Fails to Please
Roasted and Packed in Omaha's
Daylight and Sanitary Factory
Ask Your Grocer Today
Don't Guess
That What You
How eliall you know? This way
When you open a package of Macaroni docs it look
"pain" mid ''white"?
"Omaha Maid" docMii't-It i clear and ha a good,
rich c-olor,
Dock your Macaroni break easily or do you find it
broken in the package!
"Ornaha Maid" i firm aihl remaiiiii that way.
Docm your Macaroni when cooked gel "xoft" ami
"Omaha Maid" when
tain Km hhape and in perfectly tender,
Hemember the tiudc mark ami try it for yoiirrclf
yoii'll ee the dii'l'creiice.
Not the largest, but we
Douglas 3711,
Your Eye Tell the Story of Your
Suffering. When that dull, tired, list
lefs look comes, it's a pretty sure indica
tirm that your bowels are not regularly re
moving the undigested food subtancee,
which quickly poinon the entire ytem
and bring on languor, mental dullness,
headache, etc.
Uncle Sam Health Food a whole
Home, fully cooked and rttdy-to-ervc
wheat food, will bring back the Bparklc of
health to your eyc. Hie etnall propor
tion of FlaxHced, a harmless natural lax
ative, which it contain?, compels the bow
els to activity, tliun expelling tho danger
ous undigested Kubxtancefl. (let it at your
grocer 'h and eat it every day, for any meal.
Many ways of serving it. Comes in raoiu-ture-proof
packages, electrically wrapped
and sealed in wax paper.
Made in Omaha, U, S. A,, by
Approvrd undpr Wplr,,,,,, Vun
of Coffees, Spicet,
tracts, Baking Powder,
Peanut Butter, Must
ard, Canned Goods,
Pickles, Olives, Sauces
..a kinds of table
foods and condiments
..inot, packed or la
beled in Nebraska.
the most popular, best
knoun, highest quah
ity, bett riw of any
tine of food sotd in Ne
bratkt today, If you
uih the best quality
always use the magic
uhtn 'tinrtf ttl uwii
at It; KNOW
Buy is Right!
cooked remains firm and re
do give you the best,
1005 Farnam St,
Foo', Rtw,d"r'r Weal field, faaa.
Call Tylor 1000
If You Want to Talk to The) tm
or to Anyone! on netted
With The liee.
r , ----
Ts,ut hamm tira, I
1 I M lm Thii UM J
Take Home
a Loaf
Today and
Try It!
I V.
' ii
1 '.
i as i a
Governor John H. Mar
Organizations of Cot
to Observe the i
Pure Foe
Omaha Merchants and Profa
Educate People to firfjS
mote liie of Nebras
W'e, a ejtizeim of this Slate, hnvoj
many things to be thankful for imdj
have many things that we can point I
to with tho greatest of pride, Xcbrawka'
U one of the largest foobproducing
iSlatoi in the Union, and theno foodrt
are sold the world around, a fact that
liouId he brought homo to every eiti.
zen of the .State.
"Stand Up for Nebraska" in a, govl ;
slogan, but, in food matter?, thti woroV
"Nebraska Food F.rnt" hhouhl lw
made to keep this slogan in tho fore
ground to the extent that all the io
pie of tbia State fhould be brought
realize that the foods produced urn:
manufactured here are second to noli
In justice to our producer and pjfn
ufacturers, and in justice in ourclvi ,
as cmfumer, we should all join handrf (
in advertihiiig, in every way possible, (
every ariiele of food produced or man- .
ufactured within the State, and shofv'S
that our food are superior in qualify!
an'l that our supply i abundant.
To accomjih the bcK reultn w
miiHt ian" our hnnners wiicro in .v
can be seen, and not only attract the
attention of our own people, but the
people in other stales who buy from
us, as it is shown that our produc
tion is far beyond our connmnplion,
inasmuch as we produce nearly a half
Market BaskeMj
In Friday's Bee
P V tin
"The Perfect Bread
Once it yeta into the homo it
ways remains the unanimous
choice of the family,
It! uniform quality ami excelkiu-e
pltMsci all
Mtlo only from new wheat flair
Mint !h best ingretlutiU th.l
money tut buy.
and 10c at
Your Grocers
I i