Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    THK nFK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AlMUh 0, 1016.
"Tociid'i for porting Good."
Lighting mturM UurK--irttn)f ti,
Dl'mood Bnfiif tmant King, IMholm.
Jt Boot Frist It Now Hi m on Pr,
roprty Cwil Toi To rent property
J. Jl. Diiitmlil, Kerllne hl'lir.
on Amt,i Th city conn' II
m Klttlnt nn uu rrtwll.iitm b"arl t
1S f)tl lot Of p'l'llll MfMirnr'nl.
CHtrdaa Toolg Jn Moriim A Hon Co.
Mtrrori Mdt and B-Urr4 Ornh
01 Con. Co., MM C'p. AVI, I. 17,
"Todjr' XoTl rrofrun," rlioilfll
?' Ion t-xliiy. Jt nr.inri In Th Pi
KXt:i,UKJVI-;i.,Y, Flntl out wht tli v-
llnti muvliiff picture thcMlfri ufOi.
,tliu Club to Kt Tli l'tlm
AtltlHlo cluU I to hold a niMilInK Hunlny
uitdrnoun, April 10, t Wolf lll, Twcn
1 ) '-KPcntuI mid t'ninliiK utrciito, leading
jiollt loin u will upciik.
Xaftl c IB Own Bom -City Com
liilMMlorKT Kunii h returned to III hnin
after an ttlMrw nf four wcik. Three
mernbera of til fiimlly wcio under iir
aniln fur aeurlet fvr.
Orrh.t4 itot Cauaaa XirKlr
mIkIiihiIhk from an overheated atova
dimiaifed the iclderie of. N. II. (1utr,
i',:sO Kmilh Tenth atreat, to tha etrnt of
ym Wedlienduy illuming.
Goodrich Oardaa Boa Morton it. '.
Cbicafo Wanta M1lklol tt holr!
milk dealer ara being tinnortuned by
I'dlmito conimrn to atiept contract for
milk to rellava th alt nation In the big
Hly ty tha lak. On firm already hm
aiarted alilpmenta to C.'lilwco.
TUovaa Oat riant of mokti -
Tlilevea gained cnt,rn to the Mulro
polltan pool, 1'iU Capitol aveima,
Tueaday evatilng by fordng a rear win
dow and inada away with i.m clgara,
l,V4 cigarette and a match, alao two
To aUart Bow Apartmant t One
Excavating for tha new 47,"" Irtalla
apartment hoUM to hi built by Haatlng
lleyden at Thlrty-thltd and Cadg
atreeta, lia Juat bean completed and
work on tha building will be atarted Im
Manorab toolaty Mt Nathan Barn
ateln, tn hi lecture, "l'ood for Thought,"
before tha Menorali witty. Tufadajr
avenlng, made aeveral auggeatlon for the
latterrtKTiK of JewUh orgtilr.tlon.
Jaouea Itleur alao apok and inuaPaJ
number were given by Mi. I. fMinky
lid Ml Itoaa llrodkey. The mectinij
wa an open on and wa well atten'led.
Vaa "T-T1U" Bhlnglaa, fiunderland.
Asks Kugel to Keep
the Sheriff from
Getting Her Goat
An Italian woman enlled on City Com-
miloner Kugel for dvc which might
help her o prevent the aherlff "getting
her gnat."
Tho woman' atory w that an attor
ney wrote her, that If ahn failed to pay
a bill within a certain time "the aherlff
would gel her ijoat."
ft happen he ha a family goat which
ylld a dally anpply of milk and I re
gatdel aa a. valuable household iwl,
hho Intorpreted the lawyer letter lit
erally and ruohed with payment of
to ave her goat.
Mr, Kuge told the vlnltor he wa not
vered In way and mean of preventing
the herlff from getting a woman goat.
Banquet Served at
Church Dedication
A ban'iuet that, according to K. F.
Ttenlaon, general aecretary of tlie Young
Men' Clirlatlan aaaoclatlon, would have
tickled the palato of the world' niofit
faatldlnua gourmand and epicure, waa
aerved to about fifty white gueata at the
Zlon Baptlat church icolored) Tuely
night on the oceanlon of the church mov
Ing Into It new edifice at Twcnty-aecond
and Grant at reel.
The Invited gueat were Oinahan who
aided the member of the Zlon church In
one war or another In bringing about the
erection of a new houao of worship.
Much Intereet I being taken In the ap
plication recently filed with the Inter.
tat Commerce comnilselon by the Urand
Trunk Kallway company of Canada,
owner of th Canada Atlantic Tran.ilt
company, for a rehearing of lta applica
tion for authority to continue the opera
tion of Canada Atlantic Traimlt company
ateamer between Depot Harbor, unlet ia,
and Chicago and Milwaukee, thereby
fornitihlng through nl and take freight
crvlce between weatcrn and eaulern
deNtlnallnna to, from and through tho
porta mentioned, ,
The Chicago Aaaoi latlon of C.mmcn e
Chicago Hoatd of Trade, the Milwaukee
Aaaoi'tntliin of I 'mnmeree, the Merehania'
and Manufacturer' naawlHllon of Mil
waukee, the Huxlneiia Mrn'a luiiiiue i t
hi. I.oula, the Cnimiieiflal cluha of Kh,
Cltf, Ht. Jopl), tniinha. I(chc, Mh
hoygnn, Mankato, Itcd NVIng, Cedur lUip
hi, traffic bureau of Milln, Wla, and
Ih ,Nlluial Ciiiifci llnui in uilll iti
well aa fiianv prominent hulm m-ii
and litiimrliiiit ntil''l"g lutei'VaU hmc nl ell her file, I Intel veiling UUmix
or addreaaed when or h lln In (h Inter
tit Ciiluiuelea i allllnlf al 'll i i,,iiii,
lh Hi mi, Trunk niill Klln
Mn. rlih Ii Trptnblr. wif.- of
alt! f tnS r-'ulilt f.iiiiii. n
aar led I ' mMi,,, ih mii ! r ,
0lfC l( U 111 I ) .,f l),(ii , I
Kt 'ie-l I- t Ii',-uiI. J,f t' , bum
ttllie l i.Hrl at OW !'"".. eh
g,U,U of ll'i'-l 'I'tvii y tm, t,( f-
-i , iivtr l4lll! !t Ml,t ,
,1,11,11., M M" ii i"t i'" i :
Several States Repreiented on the
Guest Lilt and All Make
Short Talki,
John Xnutaon of Hloug City, la.,
tliatrlct governor, a fiiettt at tha
roonday meeting and luncheon of the
Omaha Rotary dub, which wa hold
at the Hotel Kontenelln TueadHy,
iirged memhorg of the local club lo
give rareful ronalderatlon to tho
problem of "Involuntary Paat Itota
rlD" Itotarlang who, for no rea
son of thflr own, loao their mem
bernhlp by reaaon of change, of claaa
Ificatlon or removal from the city.
Mr, Knutaon declarrd that Ihl
a one of the big problem which
will com up at tho national conven
tion of Uotar'an at Cincinnati July
IH to 20, Inrltmlve.
,Mr. Knutaon' prenence at the luncheon
wa a big iirprle to memler of the
Omaha ftotnry club. Jt happened to he
In the city on buelne.
The prim Ipal apeaker at thl week
meeting waa John It. Uonberger, man
ger of the Omaha branch of tha Klak
'lubber company, II apoke on tha uh
ct, "Home Intereailng Fact Ahont flub
ber," f
T bla I oantr f mer.
Mr. hloriherger averred that few people
realize what n Important part rubber
ha played In th making of civilisation
Tha United Htatee, he ld. I the largest
e,onumer of rubber among the comitrle
of th world, and the ulomoblle (nduatry
uhc th larger part of the product,
II pointed out that 9 per cent of th
raw product cornea from the Jlrltlali Kael
Indie and that London nd Liverpool
are th rubber center of th world. Th
great Increaae In the price of rubber In
the lent few year, he explained, wa due
to the enorrnoua conaumptlon on the part
of the motor cr Induatry,
H. ft, MiKelvIe, a candidate for the
Kepubllcan nomination for governor and
a member of the I,(ncoln llotary club,
wa a gueat, In ahort talk he declared
that although It would not be proper
form to mix politic wlib the Jlotary club
luncheon, he would explain to all fnnaha
Kolarlan how th "country could be
aaved'' If they would vlall hi campaign
An Arizona, ftotarlan, W, B, Walker of
I'hoenlx, waa a gunwt at Hie luncheon.
Iln told tho omahan of the agricultural
progren of hi tate, enpeclally In the
ralelng of fruit and vegetable. Mr.
Walker I n Inauranre man,
I'. W. Adam of the Klanley drain com
pany preahlod a chairman.
Tho meeting wa largely attended.
Arnold Solomon
Escapes from the
County Hospital
Arnold Solomon, bound over to the die-
trlct court on a charge of breaking and
entering, eacaped from the county hoe-
pit a I Tueadoy afternoon. He had been
held there ever alnce hi attempt to end
hi life with a (tolen razor In hi cell
In the county Jail, At the time Arthur
I fanner, "ape-man" murderer of W, If,
Wiril t Ii, fruat rated hi Intention.
W, H, Koenig Goes
Under Knife Again
W. II, Koenlg of tho Thoma Kllpatrl'-k
company underwent another operation at
the Methodlat hoapltal Tuenday. ome.
thing like a year fter hla flrat operation.
He la aald to have alood tho operation
well and hi condition I reported to be
very favorable.
A out a year ago Mr, Keonlg under
went an opnntlon fr aome abdominal
tiouble, and thereafter hi condltlnn 'm
never aatiafactory to hi aiirgeon, fie-
ently they ailvlacd him to euhmlt lo an
other operation In the hope that all un
favorable condition might be remedied.
Nlor rniilne Hock Hrer,
(lurnteert to he Mer over ix month.
the finent In the city. On draught and
In bottle afler April H. He aure to order
a cane eent home, Take our word fur It,
Oil brew I u treat. Thone Cha. fUorai,
Web. I2C0,
Cut Out Meats
If Kidneys Are
Troubling You
Uric Acid in meat excites Kid.
ncys and Irritates the
Noted Authority gays we must
flush Kidneys with Salts
if Back hurts.
V ale a li'iiii'ii of mrnl mini and mil
I.IuihI .4 fllll.l Kllll ,HC Hi 1,1 K4,it a full-
1,11111411 N'flll.'lll I , H It'l M4III4 III III lw
r,illiii!iy ol, tUrtld i,HlltMl kMlioy
Tha fci l o i ihi llii lr i . I , fr )(
l,li,, of tliln n i ii-i' le ami, but ,! i
r4k fi-iii tlm .,tiiwi,iK, Hity gul l,.
null, 1 1 , riiioinaih ii-'i ting an I
I u I In ! ( iiii ! Ill I'm in.-, i
.i .,m.,o ll.i, rollin mult hi tuir kliliio itm and Ilk
ii,,, t ! 4-1 e-t x I t w niii-h, t
I tti In ti e !. i i to l ! ni
f ,l if ti.,,m.m m lbs lUilln I Im
lt illttli i-i to t 'itf it no.
Ilio ll,)il, "I1', u I i U Mlfll hv,
bi.i. (,,-- aii, iluiy pu a'v.
!f ni.,,, I.t l lli' It t I tt",itlll Im
ll Unllill, I In"! I)"l" ll'l'tiUt
i.,,,. in,, ,! ef l't UH take a
',,1- , .(., l t Ml 4 - if tf
.i'ifal ti niiiii. nut M, I
.,, ti. tVi.luot Wl.t In 1l.(
I ,1. I ii4 I, e., I f. , ot , f
(i.. i. t I. im il I'll- . i'-ii .1 l!l
.' ,4 m I t - ii l'' I t . i U
it f, -t mill .iin ii.',il iii...i.j.
i . I,.- 4l' I el ' I- t, i ii. , II I ,
.'.,4,, e l i , l I ' 1 I l'
i.-,li., 'M' ( t Li I 'I 1 1 ' ' ' t I
Seeds that
George Tires of the Farm and Will
Help Uncle Sam Defend the Coast
When (Jiwiii, t'hainber told hi father,
Itohert. Chninbei a, thet h nnled to
Join th l.'nlied male army or tut vy
hi filher did not chid Mm for lea vine
the old furm; k he didn't Infoi in him
niournfully tht hn didn't flo hi boy
to b a aoldler; and he didn't order hliaj
anarlly to "be gone,"
lii(il"nd, he mil 'I n would 'onie to
Onieha and me what wa heal.
Ho they i mne over from Magnolia, I,,
nd for three day they have "ramped"
at th army and navy recruiting attina.
Chat thev went to the navy atatlon,
where they had a two-hour conference
with Ileulenant Tipton, Jir, t'ochran and
other attache, There young tjeorge
look the phyaical enaeilniitlon and came
through with an almoet fierfect acme.
"I think the navy' the beat, for you,
fJeurge," aald ('hmbei. pere,
l.llilnk I'd rther get Into the army.
father," ld Chamber, fll.
Hn over to the army rerrulling atatlon
they went. They talked to Coipotnl
(llnrkelt. Then they talked two home
with fergeant lfanen. Then they went
nut and talked with I'rlvate i'harle
llooth at the outer door, They checked
up the lalemenl of one by aaklng th
he Prettiest Models of Them A
NO! This does not refer to live models, but Skirt Models. Not only that, but we
have secured the services of an expert tailor-and unless all signs fail our worries are over
anu you can lorKei
It's at Kilpatrick's I POPLINSS It's
Wlifii wp first miM tlrv ffoods-lri.sli rojtlins wt-rc
1 he ROYALTY of I )rt'Hs (JotitlH.
All, nif! wliat chaiigfH Imvo ccurrol r-iuco llioff
happy tlays. Poplins, however, still hold the fort! ami
tlie Irish 'nil II lal tho prtM-cHhion, Tin- I'opliiw uhifh
wX'"will M'll on 'I'liurHtlay woro
Made in America!
You have ln'iinl anl irad iiiik Ii about tho Pyo Situa
tion All that yon have ivatl wlmlfvt'r you may have
hranJ, tloo.H not t'xaKKi'i'atc llio I'iu'Is
Mvt'ry van of tlnM -t tot Is was bought lufoit' tlfs
wcrt' M'lii'i't', livi'iy pift't- wn.s ownt'tl by iih ami paitl lor
bi'l'oio thf inaiki l atlviiiM'c in wool, tlm nl him-c in nil k,
t In irrt'iit ailviuiff in labor ami Hot hlill KivatiT a'lvaiiff
in tlyt's. N'or an- all tlifM the moht important Ht'inrntH
in jinir favttr. All tin n'v tlyt's aiv Miimliat rifky
nia'nv of tlifiii ftiitm Thf i vs wt in lln-hn ootlt
an. th.' OLD RELIABLE DYE3- 'olorn that YOU CAN
BANK ON NihI th' valm- Uuny U Jj1.50 -
You Get Them for $1.15
40 inches wide,
Skirl mml.. for $.2r FOR THE MAKING-GET
YOUR 0RDEK8 IN QUICKftr tlm pn"t nl n.mliliou
n Minuet too (.""I'l to bt"l.
All Unit ' uw h.i'nl iiltout Ki.tiil finluin., for both
Spl.' -t.., k-KID3 AND LAMliS- YES, MORE
THAN THATTlif Silk ami fabm ut lun. wll,
AH si t"', nil t'olori, Wi.imu of imlKini'iit, winnm of
iftfi.n can nlwiiyn rely on satisfaction. Tin rt art- a
V W jliHi'Mbli til I'lt'tt!',
I HI! ' '
Will Grow
m iintlon of th other, And when
they weren't Ulklng to on of the three
they were off in corner talking to each
At the ronciilon of th two hour con
ference with Hergeant llmieri Mr.
f'hiiohei aaked him to tat frankly
what b really thought of tn army,
"Well, I've been In the army for
eighteen year," aald tlm aeraeant.
It cllii' bed the argument. The de
elaloti w made. The die W eat.
ftobett look the army eamlnelnn nd
came through with flying color.
A rompronilii between hi father
pii feiene for tint nnvy nd hi own for
th army, he decided to enllef In th
t-oaal artillery. Tlm be will be a roil
of Hmpblbloll defender, hootllig big
gun on land, but eilll being In al(lit of
the en.
There w nn affecting parting between
fnlher end eon wlon voung Chamber
left ior I'ort I,ogn, Colo,
gr I aaioo IliirU Beer,
On draught nd In bottle throughout
the city on nd after April f, lfv
re of title dellclou brew delivered to
your home. Phone Cha. fjt.or, Web,
your ojviil tiuuijiuo. iuun(y niwinui nv. num a
Naih String; of Fait Onei ii Sold it
Auction with Omaha People
Tli love of fine horae frp out her
and there In the mtdt of the automo
bile . r. A. ttellman, allium h he
own Ma aenond Hludebaker ear, w
I Isrlit In tli pit Tueadwy when the fin
altln of blooibd borne telorilnii lo the
11 Frrd A. Nli were hl at the old
Tatar barne at Keventeenth and Iiavrn
port, Ve. nd In epll of th fact that
Mr, VVfiiiimn ba a handuii ilflvli,
mar at home, b, ulitr hi automobile,
h bought fine bay filly of th Nh
mrln .t lo be outdon f hi htitii
partner, I rank ', Mil nt Into th
bidding at once, and boualil I'eter Imnne,
on of th t roller with a tecoid of I'
Matiy a friendly boulevard race have
llllne and Wellman driven In th d
befota lm automobile, and now a renewal
of thl eieiiemenl may be looked for,
i el 4eil,
V. I. Vn Celt otd tti whole triii
of the elaii'lard bfed h"i- at
ti n linn
during the afternoon. A lr iwml at
tended the aula and Hi" bldilln
lively, Kollowlna I auuiinaty of the
fin y tnaie. II yer old, inJ by li"ti
VVIIhi, mile ii Ul in it,:, booal't
lltuian l,el fur t.U. m .
ftriiwn ftllv, iioiiitli oil, fd by
Arcb'lale, rtem, tr ui fr tor'. bona H
by rred er t'-r "m
Hay mie,
y. at
iHta ol, I,
ly Al-
fie. O, !
i!'i ;
I .nu.
f.'l'i, by Niiteowt; refund ilmo I y Hiny
Me, II'
uirt, trial tone in z i, b nigiii oy u.
V. Iiftim for to
t beaiiiul mate, Hdi
N, 10 yer old.
trial, fourth heal, I!, deed by rific!
WHk, bought by i'harle W , III key for
l!lcM niare. Tpoo fall, yeir old,
lred by Wln'it Halt, 1 '; firt dim
by iinkn; ee(,i,, ih.oi, Annl" Tint -n, by
Aberrleen, ? TI, booglit by lluafi lc,('f
In v for tl ti.
Ilav flllv. J Veer old, hv A''bdne;
fleet dam an Alfred II ir, llli.l liel,
! aeiond dam. Mt lunn.
2-' ' Ml.,... i..... i..-
Nutwood: third dm by llHU'r M'dlum,
bought liy l.arl ltif for i'V
I'ay filly, 'I yeai old ly Arehdnle;
flit dam en Alfred l mre trio', f I",
tnenrid dam, Ml Kdm, by Xot
wood; third Ham bv tlHimy vl'dlinl,
I ought h rill M, Piulih fur II 7 '
drown gelding, j"r old, by Arch.
dle! rlrt dnm a Heron Htir tnf,
bouahl by C, VV, Ml-hey fnr Hid' Mr
Jirewn tall(on eoll, 7 yenra o d, by
Atelidalej firat dnio a lta ton War mat'i;
lirt rtam (a('l N, trial 7 17, by Mi-nrll
VVHIiKa, bought by t, M Kiiillli for fl'M,
Hoy tfehliiiK. H yeai old hv Anh'lle!
flirt dam dl S, lrF 'I, by
Kirifhl VVIIke, bouglit bv . M, fmlt i
ilav (III, i !, l,l In lrli,l ,i.
Iftrat item Mdle S, trial ? l, by ecm iet
! W lll'ea, ti full I-H' r of ! one toeiiti ue
, bought by Kile Welltnnn
i'Ttev'g'eldltig, 4 'efg .ld, Irlel mile 2 I.
hy The lmndrnih; fliat d im, Krnjiir
I H llva, fiei.nd dniu ly Willi n, j- Tin
I ia onii or ice neat tiroafei'ia in me aiii.i.
nu waa nought ny nuiy tvinam Ml .,
W. A. 1,111. eiirelry of the Omaha
Manufaetiuera' ocoiiou, and H. II,
Manley, coinmlanlonrr of the tmtuhg
Commerclel elub, have rccnivrd ertt
munlc.Rllon from -t'rfdetii William
If, Tft, aaklng ht delegalc he gent
from hete to the fjrat annual nn'ioliHl
aemhage of (ha league lo ho force
feee, to he deiij in Waahlogion on
My J nd It, Mr, Taff I th prealdem
of th league,
To Treble the Volume of a
Silk Business
nir-ans iiiut'li -infaiis tlm right kirnln of Silks- iimaim
Silk of fhn riht prifc, an4 nnans confiJ'nt'ti on tho
part of tho bujer!
Our biiHiicM in THREE TIMES an (rival in Silks
as if was ONE YEAR AGO, All that wit an- oHm-ini;
wcrt' bought t i'kIiI . viy pit-t'c ilyt-il rinht. Vi ritiinot
iniprt'ss upon von loo troiifclv I In. wiMlom nf lti intr
SILKS COLORED BY OLD DYES. All the .bsirabh.
color in plain tal'IVlas nnl Miiim fXt't-ftliiiKly prt'tly
fant'ifs tliflVrt iil from what you may find in inoi.f t-hopt,,
Not a Day Goes Over Our
Unit w tin not riTiiu' cvpi't'hfc fliipuit'iils of Coat ami
BUYER IS HOME! Ib r lattxt m l.t tion, an- with us.
TitffeU OonU ar much nought!--SILK SUITS IN
GREAT DEMAND! S.rt Coah attrm t llu- unm ami
111! ho tn i' lb" tM'rllt oilliltin! ,
Whin it t it'i to ItltitiM"! tit' I it n Miy; "Volir
httn!kt an. a rt- rlfiliou. Tbt btt Tilth Avenue dpufutlty
In. . a t'oiitnin nothing iiiort' tniitrt, hihI ytmr pin' aii
hi miii h liiwiM'," W e tiioi' ACTUAL rommt'iit.
Tht aftt iniioti find u i rtil.i, Wttii'l jmi, ph'tin,
fur your own Mttifa tioii, fry a moiniii Uitf Nut
tihirn, no at to bt umnmloi titbb' thi'nt moniini;.
Schreibcr Tells
Lads to Get Idea
of Definite Nature
hitperlnlendent Mchrelber of th Welfare
hnrd believe h could writ a thrilling
motion peur play on the "lure of lb
big !"," A linking lntiife w hroughc
to hi lliillon when ,o n-yer-ol
b, from Kearney and Heatrlc. en-
tried bl offne and aaked for aeitn'
in fii'dlug job,
' lion t you bo relle you r tit
lug out on eaieer which my end on
Willi your lieuie on lb hobo rl''
their head.
"What hind of wink can you dot' the
npHntf ndeiit kfd
"Anvlbliig," w Ilia r'p'y,
The yoiiiikulai were 'lvlei lo aplily
l the naval ter.rulttn tllon, wbbh
they agreed lo do.
I.ured by dieam of oppottmiltle In ti e
"big oily," th bo) ,m to Oirmlm
with (eich nd no piliflallon for any
Prtbulr line of work Their renour'e
wera ion nn and then Hiev iiinhl
ld. 'n elil he Hied f bin achml
Tee older had been living with ait uncle,
"fin bi It lo your home town or Join
(hi naiy, lion'l iit H'ra of romeia.
for If you do, there la no telling where
you will (and llv mum pwrtkuUr
purpo nd at'ili to If. ct the bin
I city Ide out of tour head. K't on the
fiiriii If you dn t wmd o (oln the navy,
Mnny hiito and boltoea atarted nut )ul
)nu aie ttariln," wei lb word of
advb ffetd by Mi. fhrelbei,
llt')' lufeior Jtoaale frporl Cat the
annuo I I'nt of dairy ' h-.a been com.
pleierl, the naiiton of IM'l animal In
ll dalrle toaulid in i;i,euinllnn of
IM lulu ri nbif mi.
Why That Lame
Morning lame-
i,,,. hi n I ln
when bending over,
or a d ill, all day
haikaihv; ei h I rtioigli to
uan 1 1 It d n e y
trouble, flrl s f ti r
the ranee, Help
the It bine y.
We American
bo ft too hard Wm
overdone, oveteai
and neglect our leep and egerci, and
r We HI" ft becoming a fiitlofl of
kidney aufferr. "vt inor death fiom
kidney tlj(eaea lhn In I', I t ' loiy
i told by th ll repri.
! f annoyed with a bad back neivoi
jirouble grid Irregular kidney or bladder
!'. modify the had hbll, and to-e
J ln' Kidney I'lll I bounand rei om;
' mend them.
An Omaha Cane:
Henry ifeorge linker, barber, iofi W.
Tenth t,, : "Whenever I nollee my
kidney r not gating properly nd tor
back feel weak and lame, I lake loiau
Kidney I'lll for a fw dy and they
alwey fig me up in fine ahnpe, t coubin't
recommend anything eipial lo them, for
kidney trouble."
50 all Drug Sierra
Poeler Mtlbum Co t. BufYelo N Y
natu uu
at Kilpatrick
Started With Little Pimples, Spread
All Over Her Face, Head and
Neck and Got Real Sore.
"Mf Hutu rlUKlitr hrvl h4 of
'm on liif lir ti4 fa whl tli M
l nxmtln olii. till Uaik ll with Jut
frtr HOI rl rttJi'l, !
It, trUl f' tl( unit
l-rivt til ovr nT fn,
lirl III' D't lt, Til 't
rial tri'l all would
tU h thof would II'
Iit nt mwh, Mi t
(rrrllilf m ni frmful,
"M till It latl, hrr tin
Hh rnll tint rtwn nf rnati
iniill I iwvl Ciitii'iir '(! kr4 Olniiiwrit.
I aiartH HI Jnal. fr Mml nrl I
rHInn-it ht in I niirrha tru and tnwH
two miwiitu ft, all hM." iln1)
Mr All WIH'aiaif, II. f. It, 4, Alllanr,
Ohm, if W. ItllJV
Sample !at!i Free by Mull
Willi p. Hbm lvil on rninrat, it-
tlrM IMMt-tfWl "1'Mllrnr, Itmpl. 1, m
im." HiM Uimunhimt Hi wurl'l,
Told In a Simple Way
Ni Appintui, Inhalers, ItUit, Lofleni,
Hirmlul Dtuii, tmokl or
Heals Day and Sight
U I t I' ! i-ffffiwifjirif twlii'f)'
$ (ftt'ti, tiit M t';ot, t(i,(t 4f Ht- fc ; r Hfftting
it it? ffifi Hn numtrt. tir ttf fif4
ni itt rtr Kp'I N'fi'blMff f mnlAm nf inhi ft
Mtt ing m nti,hiut in it'im t i'(f t ("
ur (MMwi i,i tti f, pit9 iff, m, (H
w tpm lo it ('. h!iit$ itf itmi
fc'-ff n n MitiE nw m4 Aitftu1 trim-
ivutg rtlift(if( hh4 tfaifti'-it f.m.-f tiifig
(' m .f ii Xnii tUi Ttf , Ut (,
ift jnnr pr - n UH ut Mf. Imi
$a c n'"r rT f l tlt g''Uy tt
ton HffrK ( itf uf 4i nr"i fh
t HOf -, i mii-4 )'r.l"f' ft-'f i,l ion 4mH I trl
'ir1 rn ftifo'ttf t '1114 0n4 tmt ft
im intuit 'if ift n ifl tf'fp t tm ltd
Hi fh.
I Aw Free You Can Be Free
turn Ml f i Aillv4 wv mtnt J I uo'W filii4 my
t-titih Bt n -jiiit'(il( tPf 1h
fiK . winf, titnug ir i'. m fiifwoi t'i all
m4 u,f f'nil intnth uu ftl'ioMitg 4t.i
(liy (oM t.uftt wmA (' w f-if Wi 4fiiJt
In iff h t 'H mr mim iitnt4 I
fctt (('mi i' i n" If til htifig m- n 'i
Htn uut u Al'twiy rt ticlj' kftpplfif ntt
Hut t IhhM rtr, tni I aun rw1r to tU
futt K i.Vt WtU in "m(Ml)
f'J Uun-r. J'lrtt t'Htt ftw no4 $AArmm
fm tit 'Hfi. ttr ''Nr H'f TI
Hl inw tfn fur-4 r tulntth 4 bw I
rD rittt min " 'Mutt' Mt you hm1 Mf, I
will )i u Af rt n4, tt'A I tlt rtt In yit
t't,utpml0 tf(frff.M(itt, H(I,k;. t nm I" H"i
4fif. 'M 'rt ut fM i tHf tn-
t ffmi't HtltiH of hiffiliitf (ll . until
h' .att fif thl rfi'1rfti I rra'tnwrtt thl
tan tin tut fit hnl U Uvn tr .,
iAM VATS, moom M 771,
9909 Ioaitt Arnu Oiic&fO tU
mlii rt,l"in Ht l,t
rf ii ' t. 4 M'fM'l '
n ai u, im m '-lr ibttrMM
1 MM VIMR t llalll F
lli . 1'. 1.1
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t, m A
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nrADTiiK urn want am
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i. Al:JtlillJLLl