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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1916)
nn) bkk: omaiia, Thursday, april g, loir,. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOt'NDKD ny KDWARD ItOKBWATEK. VlCTOfV ItOSKWATEU, EDITOR. Tb Ren Publishing Company, proprietor. nr.K uriM'iNa, faknah and hkvkntkrntH. Entered at Omaha t-oatoffb ae eeondrle wtttr TE-JtMd OIT SUOHCRUTION. Ily -rHr Pally enA Sunder .,, Ially without Monday hverilrig and Mundey., t.vitiliig till hoi; t Hin'tuy.,, hienlig without ttunday.,.., hwiidny ice only. per mnnth- ,, c.,,,, ....... 4.I- .Vm 20 0 By mall tr year. HOT 4 W m 4 m w 2 i illy and Kunaey (Ma, three year In advance,. tlt.'jQ Slerid notice of change of addraa or Irregularity Jn iteitvery to Ornah te, Clrrtilal Ion f eparlmnl rtKMirrANfHi llemlt by draft, einreaa or post I order. Ontf two cent atamria received In payment of email ewotinl. 1'ereonal h ha, ncH on Omaha and eaetern t hang e, not ceened. Omshe The Do Flirlldlrig, eouth Omsha MIS N etraet. v.und Muffa-M North Main Street l.lncolnM Mirle llullrilrig, t 'lib '( II I'eofile (aji ??tifldlng, New fork- Room IM, iW 11 'th svenue, Ht. sniUM New (tank of IJommer', M afilnrton-7ZS fourteenth street, N. W. COftftKhf'ONlJKNt.'K, Address commurit' stlons rotating to nwa ami edb tori I mt'r re On ah Bee, Editorial I 'ere n merit, MA IK II ClltCt'MTIO.V, 56,628 Daily Sunday 50,628 Jiwtght Wllllatna, circulation msnager of Tb Ree fubliehirj orriany being duly sworn. y rhat tha avt rireulelluri for tha month of Wr li, J!, wa y-i.tHi dally arid fiOf.' eori'lny iWi.HT VVIM.MMM, Circulation Manager, Mubaerlhed In toy r n- a arid aworn lo before we Oita id day of April, mil lOUKIlT Jtt'NTKR, Notary J'tibllo, DtitiKrlbcra Irariag the city torreporerUj should have Tb lie mailed to them. Ad. tlreee will be rliansd 4 ofUa m rwiutd. Tb ford I Mom npd-makar on tu bom political trnk. Hcpubllma iepi io local aklrnilnht-a a.r a.4toc) ilcot of th fall laudalide, DQ)oerd who tmv. (ura to bd nilgbt aa wl bfo and rcllev th aprlng droutb. Now, wat b tba man with tb ho, tba apad ar.d tba rak faahloo bfi own pla In tha aim. However, I ha by flitatlona of fnti aprlng do Dot mar tba radiant joy of atraw bprry abortcaka, ObMrra that the annual "wt" Dd "dry" ti,--of war baa again pulltsd tha knot In tha ropa few Incbra ovr tha rtmlrr, Aa ft tumor foundry of aa bal Ilea, (,'attKat plurka atjma of tba pluma of "Mola fit, Nicbolaii. ( attc-gat brara much, but aro nothing. Tba manlnr minds o tha automoblla world era aura to larn nril nw polnta In tha bURintn mhufflfl, ahould tha taka a hand In tha oil gam. An income lax of 2fi per rant propound In (Jrat Urttaln iiiatrllly llghtrna tba govern n nt'g tatk of enforcing economy and abollah tug luxurloua living. Party oppomcnta who quaatlon the loyalty ol ( olom l Bryan ahould sola at Iruat on tteep Hon. Ilia loyalty to Brothr Cbarly'i wlfare dVflfi tba barbs of anvy, llufora becoming too aidted, It might & well to reinnnbtr the flsnco mad In Omaha v itb a competing tHcpbona syatem. W'hatevar a do, let u have no repHHIon of this. According to a Nw York Judae, playing (oker la Dot gambling, but strictly "a genlla man's gama of skill." A blua-ribbonad kitty constitutes a dazzling sign of Judicial dlscrrllon. saaaaaaaMajaaaaaMaHaaaajaaaaMBaaaaiaaV Cbinesa philosophy tacbcs Ihcra no ftiich thing as raal happiness. A pretty fair Individual Imitation may ba bad If Yuan Bhib Kal succeeds In laying hands on tha bunch that dished tha crown. If Omaha goas Into tha elftr;c Vgbting bus iness, at Utast let us go In with our eyes open, not with distorted expwtatlona derived from a Jumbla of misleading figure we di( with tha water works. Seaaoned authority diplomatically tells Haiti mora It Is no worm thsn other rltiea o( tha aama sine. Tha romrortlng aasurancs should rull out an appreciative response at tha laat lay's collection, Tha Missouri Taclflc baa succeeded In find tog the money to pay tha cost of raising its ttacka at tba Dodge street cronsing. Oood! If It tries It can alao find IIih money to pay Its trail proportionate share of the coat of a iipw 1 nioa depot fur Omaha. When peare arrtvea to Kurope and the boys torn marching home, prbsbty tha greatest stir pri In Store for them will ba some five uni son iiisvruliiiw John taken over by women. Th piiitiirin of making roiu for men cinri.-a the aeiiiii of iiiliitrll revolution Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha " CamallM fraaa Mae fllaa. '" Tt.e llaa flit- 1'rm r itMiny ail ' ( li S i ' ! nl. M lni-, S"'' I aiil I ri titmt ", V. t Miiil.t-fc.i tbaae t S"ltix villi I tii. tj it aiil i,, 4 ,"'' -t N i iMiia ii a"xtt m it. .( im m kt l tha tii'Ut l.iia fr. i,i l ui i , ti..aa t, k ti at n, .i.t , t tf. .( i, .i. ' " i iu) t t it, ttmll I f ' "'"ii I . u t (..'( ia. , tt J,,:i Iv ! 'S t am f.i i iMi tt ti nt f twit i I ri.i. a . I ! ("o U tMUnK' vvt I - vi. ..! v .1 .) . .., , , fcuHfca ' Sv-I1 j4 e"tv I.- W alni.ei.. t-.m.y ' ''t V l(i.t ,nn ,, f,,t r-t i ! . !. ti. a , f I' Statue a i. . t.t tin. I" t !t,, , m i si.-t H m(, (,,, t,,t, , , '('. w a a I iimmi M .t'lvn -tt ..-,., ,i, !" S ' ! '-:, i-ll 1 ,t ,.itl vaih.f " t4 t ) m ..w t I l ,t lia' Snl frnUI ' German Terms for Peace, Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollwea; compre hensively reviews tha war situation In his I ngthy addreas to tba Reichstag, which Is really a notice to tha world of what terms Oermany night conaider for settlement, laylng aside the chancellor's estimate of the ability of the German allies to continue tha war, Interest will bo found in tha flat declarations of Intention as to what shall follow the war, Two of tba chan cellor's statements are deeply significant, One Is that there must ba a new flelgium, the other that Germany will never consent to turn over the occupied Itusslsn provinces to Russian con trol, These questions, brought forward s In cidentals to military campaigns, are certain to lom big in tbei resdjustment of boundaries which must come with peace. Nothing in tba chaocellor's address gives an Inkling as to the Intention of the Ccrman states men for tiltlmatoly dealing wlfn the Poles, illh iianlans and others of the "submerged nations" v hose aspirations for nstlonal life have tskso new vigor In the clash of battle, I files the Herman policy has chanted entirely, the prov ides wrenched from Russia will be attached to Oermsny and Austria, As to the ' new l!el ghirn," spoken of by the chancellor, the ton tinned occupancy of this country by Oermsny bss been foreshadowed from the first, All of this Is contingent on the flnsl triumph of the Germans In the war. The program outlined by von Reibmsnt)' Jioliweg Is, of course, subject to levlew, at least, If not amendment, snd msy undergo con sldersble revision before it Is submitted. It la of Interest to know, thus early, to what Ibe Germans are looking sbesd, Truly Pathetic, The pitciji appesl of the senator's persons! orgsn to Mr, Hryao to stop Indulging In abuse is truely pathetic, The question is propounded to Mr, Bryan whether "If sometimes as he lies alone In bed In the stilly watches of the night, communing with his own sou), he does not grow a bit llrcl of It all," Again, Mr, Bryan Is asked why he does It end this answer Is vouchsafed for him; "Jt nay be thst the milk of human kindness has dried In his bresst or he simply cannot help himself." Remembering the regular habit of the sen ator's paper of hesplng unsparing abitae upon political opponents, upon the slightest pretest end inventing the pretest when It does not exist, It certainly Is all "so very silly, so very sbsurd." To a msn tip a lre, It looks merely like, "chickens come home to roost" the good IJoctor Bryan administering to (be senator some of his own medicine out of his own bottle. Nature'i Way of Doing" Thing-i. New York pacifists parade with much mer riment an imitation of a dinosaur as an Illus tration of tha Inutility of preparednees. This anlediluvisn saurian was armed and armored to the limit, and he passed away; ergo, do not f rm to defend yourself. Wby not eshiblt the tiirtle, also armed and armored? This reptile preceded the dinosaur, and has outlived him by atone of time, and yet wears hi armor. The tliunderbesst and the three horned monster, the i'lant-slayer, and all the long list of terrible (features that disported themselves in the sedgy swamps, the everglades snd forests, or swam the murky seas of the ouik world, are gone, but their descendants retain weapons of defense end offense, not so formiduble, perhaps, as those of their predecessors, but quite as service able, Nature answers the unprepsrrd in other ways, iler laws are the laws of progress, "Ho careful of the type she seems, so careless of the single life," wae not Idly written. All through nature the great devour the small, the strong prey on the weak. If we turn to nature for an example we gt this one lesaou, inexorable and Immutable. The dinosaur would he with us yet bad he been properly adapted to tha life nature prepared for bis successor, ills armor nas not his weaknesa, but his Inability to change with the "unceasing purpose" that runs forever eliminated htm from the great scheme of things. The turtle persisted, and so did the Jellyfish, end the amoeba; they are leftovers, lingering unnoted among tha rubbish of ague, Nature' law Is forward, and th survival of the fittest, Just a surely todsy as It ever was, and man Is not permitted to determine who or what Is fit to survive. He may, how ever, plsn Ahlu his wisdom for bis own pro lection snd perpetuation. Pure Food Day in Nebraska. i bis is "pure food" day In Nebisaka, so d r arm! by our goternor, who set spurt this week " lit- ilcvotfil to the gloiirication of what N'e hi .i nli ii ii-, enjoy every day 111 the yer, from the i isdle to the grave, Our people ar entering lulu the spirit of the affair Hh appsient feat, In, I not liiMti apiit'iul empbaais Is, Nt-braaka's middle m I pure food, Its i r t;le soil, Hiitrluu sir M blesNed sunshine unite ( pruiiuie In hoiirulW muiit food sli'ffs of all kind of iiit'im KtUmi'it purity, of tempting !( and ho!eeonte qiialit), for the Ivedlng of the people of the world. Our fields Slid pastilles are aiippleliieiilvid br mtlla and lactones, and the stain sud frulia, the ieaia Mrs and berrica, the butter and est, are imula sellable for onii topi Ion upon condlttnit thai make Hiltime a boon and labor a )y beiaoae ( fiilliiwcd l' Oie briiaii) of tin !!( la be api'id IhlousH lilittilf rm p 111 liuuir(lnM nub t er day is m l'd Usi in Nrhreaka ttilH a liiiaiara ralal'liabinrst arte tu r re a msn for a rvaponaiMe ,,.ku,mi at a (en tiimt salary Ira absl be ever rarrird be fuia M iii.i this lilgh lai 1. 1( man, wHt uni.M ati fiillv paid fm l bis a-mp'oi r, tried I - a iia a auto lilia n, ... at t p if , t H'a that Hs'itfii!'? ivfii-.t i the fitm Ho be .Ii vh Oiiitk he eovild a'trr bt isti. In I, a li. .ivrunl sn-l a tiit lh tiiirltin that ! .. SUIitint i i.piM,t.l, ru.l ii r Ibe v.u.l ti.ake pat.,i, sua !'' in Omaha Ixoaa lull Ui til, lint. If It ba eci b.. thai f,V. t it a .i- ! M"' o r t ! his tialn i(tiiiiu in t ia i h. r, iih tw rult tit ba et. a amaa I t t .-it ef wiit Hi (lisa he had brt Democratic Bookkeeping ! IpMCh la the Koaee e( aevtweaataUvae. Mr, Chairman: Whan a graat pu.,tlnal parly InUj duraa a nn-ssure Impoaing In taa and pre an(a It for IrmnaUiare paaaage without affordlnf any opportunity for terrentlng ita cencadad Injuatl.a iv Unlifrlfi Uni, It b:otnaa the duty of the laadara ot that party to frankly confaas that an aniarfaocy exlela wbb b bioofca no dalay end to frankly and claariy sat forth the eoodlllon of the national i.nancas. The can- tlimee from North Carolina Mr, Kltchln), the die tlngulahad I'isdar of the majority, haa acaplad thi duly and ha parformad It on hi part; hot th sd mfnlalretlon, whoa announcements have baan hr- aldd stjroad by the pra, not only baa ri(nnf to sdmlt the enfaUn'-e of th ameraancy, ut ha ear' fully conrjoilad th cmdltlon of th treaaury, and th gotlmn from Tanneaae (Mr, tfull;, whe has Jut ap;kn, has followed th admlnlat ration r'Sardlca it wh It led blm, On th aeond day of th ioo th preldnt ef th t'nllad Xlala aftdraaaad corigrea on tha condition of th ! of tli union In general, end, among othar thins, on ilia rondltl'ii and stat of the treaaury, it had ham announced baforehsnd that b would rotom mend eolsraamanls of the army and navy, which would enormously ln:ra our annual expenditures, Th i.inlltii- had in Ihe laat fiscal year haavlly .. jjwl the r(jlpl, and th balanca In th lr-ury conlloocd to shrink aa tech day want by, 1 hop4, liiifora, that when tba praldnt called upon con gi to furnlab additional revanu that a full snd "''iirt sistmnt of Ih condition of th traury snd nt tha demand which war Ilkdy to be made upon II would be aat forth In hi tnrnnn. 1 knew, i t louiaa, lht In (beae avaaon of ehrinkag In wwtm fid Increaaa of def tta, th Inevitable attribute of e uoio ratiB dritlnlrraron, a i' h a alatamant would l somewhat huiiillb'tlna snd anything but pleoaant read log for tlit A inert' an people, (Applauae on tha re. publican ella Vtir mraolf, wUbed to P-ara Ipartlcnlarly bow end wbr Ih preal'leni had discovered thai on Jim 30 laat lliea wa llanc In tli Uituury lit !04,I70 lii". Hi) (bar data bad n.elved a'l-(mM, la sued br Ibe Tieaury deparlm'tit, ularing that tb balar. was Sl,W,''M, 'Ihl dlfferen'-e of U,W,Ht, while U mav if "in amall In eomparlaon with sorn other ibao", rholught wa worth looking after tn Ifiicrol. of ih piillle. Al tht point t recalled that Ihe e ri-lrt of lb treaaury hid rerenlly alvait Ih preaa a tlemijt In wh-b th condition of th treauiy t forth In glowing color. You rny reniemlwr lliat Ihl slalantent was piihllabed In th nawapapera, and that It not only rapieaented that there wa now a li balan'-e on hand, but alao that I tier a would b Ih comfortable eurplii of l.'l.'W.Ofl In Hi treaaury l. tha and of th flecal year of ISIS, If ihe 'M-nt late wi continued. A Oils tlmnt appear to be th one upon which Ih president ba tha flsure ii a 4 In his me , snd Is repeated III lb report of the acratary of lrmury It become. fieeaary to analyra t, It la not often ln,i ona tan (nrroduc a flavor of romem Inio cold dsuie, hut Mr. McAdoe ha don II, rluKhir.) The riernnt of the condition of our iiatboial finance which he gv to Mi pre is oh of the moat Interesting of tb roent work of fiction, lihough probably not on of th "beat aellera," lluaM' t I After sriilnlng It, I wa Irrealatlbly reminded of one of th fa moo character In I'bken' wotka-Mr, Mli-awlr, In th novel, 'Trevld Coppr flold " Mr, Mlcawber wa th originator of th el. btated mailm "Annual Income tS), annual pena A IH ; reault, bapplrie; annual Income tvi, annuel eipcimca lt , taaull, rnlaery" an eprelon pe culiarly adapted to Ihe condition of th nstlonsl .treaaury under the preaent democratic reglm. Itut Mr, Ml'swliar wa sn optimlal, and, Ilk the score. Iiry ef tb Ireaaurv, prewrnt defk It did not occupy hi mind so much s vlalun of a large aurplu In th fulut. Iipkcna' famou c)iarcter ha often been corieirierid an enaaintstlon, hut Mr. Mlc.awbar'a p cullar ctircteriet! a r portrayed in th ltemnt of Ih ae'r'teiy "f tbe treaaury. It lis ae what th reel facia are wllb reference to tbe condition of the treaaury, emt compare them with tha alalemenl nf Mr, MrArl'Mi and Hie ohIIIiio preaented by Ih prel dent's meeaage, ( lie June I of laat year ilie balance In th trrmury wa lea than l,".,'o),'o, anordlng to th dally alat'i ment, At tlist Urn nerly 'fM.WSi.MO of the raources of ibe treaaury cunaieled of ubaldlry llver Snd other minor colna. Jt wa otivlou that If the gov ernment wss called ui nn is me'it Us demand oblige tlona It would hav to dip Into thla fund of nleketa dime, riuarters, snd o forlli, and the bslanc In toe li-eaaury begun to look tike "iblrly cants," lrnlil. (laughter r About thla time ihe treaaury, Ihiouah Hie rollailo-a of Inleinal reveiiua, began to aend Out rrautlr call for help, reiiueallng everynna to aend In their Inroma la aa anon a poaallilc, anil the balance began to Me, (oi the 1e.l day of juue M4,0i,Ki w ph In and It reai lieil 2,(ion,0, lot hiding sliver bullion, sub sidiary allver, niliior colna, and so forth, and every thing Imi Dial could then ba thouaht of, I'o on ak how thla tw,'ii,f0 could be cbangi d to'r.nirt? of coiiia.. the liana ahould not urprle yuu. aa chansa lie alwaa li order with thla ad iiilnleliatloo TI.e mtnnnu- Ibat contained tln-ae in teieatlng flgurea annnimeed a vry Important iliansa of policy, wlih refreiiia to tho army and navy which would afei't the treaaury, frlor to thla time th form of tha dally Statemtnt bud been changed snd th iimmnry of the racelpta and dlebureeinenl for the year given In lha dally alatanient of June Ml laat la dlferenl from (hat given by th irtary In hi rj port recently reclved by congreaa. A llll rnorw ur lullltia ibsnr In tha treaaiuy aucOimla-will be found later, K.vai yoiK- baa In aid i f Ilia poalmaater who aald that the admlnlatiallon could not change oulckct than be c.ulil, mil l was lefeirlrig to a different adnilnllrallon-he bad never held efr undei' Mr. Wllenn. If l tried to keep up with thla adrnliiUI i a linn, be would rind blmaalf liopeleaKtt 'dlalaiicid on Ih flrat .pinner of th Itais Kvldcntly I iila balan. of tu.Onu.nuO In the iieaamy tut .lurui a thin math up did not iwin lue ermuah til All, M-Adim ilmih!irl, ba in II over IIHwOno (nn, i dm uMii'Uial hank mile redi-inptlnii rmul uiiil ci- I',1"1." H . Mali ill pi. alia thai he aald vvera In the tavlaed tleiaila, aHhouah not ra irlied bv ihe In mm) unlil ntlrr that dale i it li ter I In till y he,i n brtnglng ihe hal. en up t,i a llllle mrr tun kihki, aa Ik (.u auied Ilia e. ii Im tin hitting tlm amn int line of Hi hank note iinii(luii rmid III ll.e aaecia I (hat It waa litado by l a lai nt Ilia plildlc tlfl'l and In I ludd Hierelll, hill It via a i vilirill lUlilllll, il.itng. In finul ilav In d'. pa!dii on deniaiid, whlvh eatild nut rcl tv b pert of a oiklni halnine S In Ilia caalt d. n.lle, wa a trailer of i.iuiee liny ht 8vei l-h iiniiiletl ei.rtil mi Ihe day (hey ante la hud Ae IntfealUi fx I In tola I inn . tMa ! lultllixi and ni l ilullaia v.( alt 1ei-i.eila mlilih II Miiiitl' count i f euii x. althtuieh in.l i.led mull Jn'i I, I Hill h l'lem In tl Ireai iri on July I tittil l.i I I ; W U, linl.d't.t ih aeif tame i ) di "U Sir MSI nn f..,nil In IS IhniMi f Ih day Sefnf A l rl I y I n irta n ((, il (.ad i-tn ibdiig a -me tvlii.l .a t maj y iihiil.iiig ! eain.eiil i.i atii ii. f i )! I'hia w.iiiltl i. inlir n h If M. dc Mm bad eal lk. ihia nta balan- ef J ia h i,. i4 it e'l fi.-waa ant In ta ir limn e-l IS kiix uMl ef ha !. Ih tan. fay l i'l 1 a ..r J in ' tiilv 1 1 1-4 H TI. S.n ISt daily,1 (..( J Hy I liuvt,) laat (hare a l -.t t-H hit' I ana- tu n mat da e. if ws Hi. I d u ... nl ( Hie i.ii, ii..h fm,. f I m. i. l-t m n vi u m " I'd l vt hii H an, i f .tvity t - ihaii lli e.t lily Mr M i tltt i l .! a W a li la a . (! raial if Ii a .f..ii i .i mii lt ra e wa mil I .. n-l n. I 4 n. Ti Mm i1p-ail ml I'l an lee i. i..-i. ,la ha . i.-il I linn g l-aiiiiiiy i a 4 I Ml Ilia bitiH r I ii in si , in,u 4 f-l- la M t I a4 b lMteil nm . th an I'M a '' a n iiM ii , ,-. etlut Ii Hill ll- 1li aa t I aaikn ant liitiMi. IS .1 -.Hte, ta il i i,t llii,.lH lit ftooQT Heir tu Hedae Amto Acldate. OMAHA, April t.-To th IVlltor of The Ba: Why not keep th auto on th aide at reel a and not on th streets with car track, ! of Ufa le earning toe regular. It would not work a hard hip nd would reduce eceldent. flKADKB. feeaetl. OMAHA. April .-Te th Kdltor of Tb bee; Ho often one beer the word, lately, "The child was kept st horn and still It contracted scsrlat faver, I b lleve It In the sir. It's no ua trying to b careful." And yet If there was an epidemic of head II' or bed bus In th dry, any one would know, If a child had ben laolated and got II' er bed bug, they had been carried to It through om, be. June they are bugs which my b aen. But they r no mor bug thsn srlt fever Is cau"d by bu-r snlmsls, so mll that science even be fellnd fe discover tlim, Th m I true of tb yellow fever bug but iifiiif know It I a bug by Irs habit, Juat as a hunter In a Jungle finding lion trscks or other evidence know a lion Is shout. And irleiiltat hsve o uccfully tracked yellow fever to II lair that It I alrooat ex terminated, Thay have alao given us tha truth about scarlet fever, the main eaaeritlal of which fs proper quarsnllri snd sis or eight weeks' IsoleHOn, no mat ter bow light th csae, There hsve been, within the memory of man, certain animal completely exter minated, Tlil could be 'irlly tro of vry dlaeaaa germ. fdrellef of this truth Is, tn th eye of gclnnea, mere Ignor- snc comparable to Ih Ignorance nd uperfition of th pvsg of darkest Africa. Hut two or thr week' quarantine doctors going In and out without chaos ef garment, frdom from punlahment ( imprisonment; for thoae who cp or vlolsr quarantine n not but. bring forth a crop of orlt faver, which will coat many mora lives snd many thou sands of dollars, AWTI-W'ABM'.T KTVym Bl.'fJ, Tbe WlUwa rira-Stea. h.An, Neb,, Aprtl t,-To the Kdltor er The ne; a an s.-ymnant sselnat, tht alleged evlle of dancing, I submit the following: THB "WIfXoW riVK gTCP," f, rme tp fotward. 1, (m tep ba'k Hard, J. On aiep heck ward. t. fteairare. 4, Hide lp, . Mlur tnio. K, liK. Tips on Home Topics lymtsvlll f'oiirler-Joiirnat; The typi cal American I a man who 1 much lea concerned about th high coat of beef steak than about tb skyscrsplrig price of golln, Cleveland Plain fieaJer: Mxlcan are said to be very opHoii of Amorlcen hopty, Thlr SMidclon Is doubtlca founded on the feet that up bare a dollar Is worth J'e) cnts, Pirtaburgh Idapelcb: Another diffi culty encountered by those who con demned the brutality of tbe prle fight ts la convince tbe folks sfferted that I here' any brutality In It, Waehlngion Post; Without awaiting sn official statement. It may be confi dently aaaerted that the two airships of ferad to Ihe ermy by the Aero club for tl seen probably are worth It. Philadelphia ldrr: recta not only best fiction lhee days en the se, In the elr end on the land, but even the euthor of "Mont f'rfato" would be hard put to It to Invent plot a exiravegent enough to dlaenunt poaalbllitles snd a'iuelltles, Brooklyn Kagla: "Th uncertain bii mn factor" blamed for accidents by the railroad I tolerably f wllb adequate arid regular sleep, lng hours of labor msy be checked by egllHon, but In dividual contempt for beelth rule Is pretty difficult to del elth. Hprlngfleld Hepiibllcan: We read that Captain Tanmher, Ihe Welland csnsl plotter, la "on of the moat prominent German In th Cnlted tt," and alo that 'he 1 lt known, perhaps, ss the husband of Mine. Oitdakl, th opera singer" Th more prevalent notion I that the poalllon fit th huaband of sa oiwra singer I on of permanent eclipse complicated by aun spots. 1 loiialon I'oal: Tb fact that Homer waa m before he began the Iliad never retrlri a boy of IS when the iwteli of blrta and Ihe flutter of ribbon hsve fluatered blm, He mill hav to all up at night and write Ih poetry and travel other pslh through tha valley of Ilia shadow of death until be ascertains the illimitable taoai-lty 'or b cream abe curries lmut her pereon, Nebraska Editors loaeph Tagweikar will atari new Her man weekly paper st (Vluntbu. It ll . known aa Hi .S'rlnaeka Siesta I lemukrat and will make ta aiai ance Ibla week. Tba (Jiirdun lemortl, A. K l"lrk, llliir, will a dally rdMlnri during Hi Indian nuiirin al Ourdon, lai In May f ('. Maraball haa ptiti baaed Ilia tr lai OullmiN I rank II, Taylor, lelliin .i.linair al Tahle lin.'k, baa buiiahl Ilia Table tin. k Anna fioni Mi Anna II Heir l' la la I given al cine. Mr, Tat lor niie. Hi. 4rit frtim H' l.i l:d.'. bating purvhaaad It from Ih let Pvad Hauler, t It tiathiaiii,, yici'iiaiof ef lb At!,nt Slr JwnMial, ha Srisnged for Hi bi.lldin nf kiiiti foy Ms paper Tha rit i.flu eill bs l i'H f-t ami e ill ha kiesaed I rt. sol - ' ftwlil THE UJ. 8)1011 1 b TSneia Ile. Inl h. bad ant ihi.Hrlr, ti,,l r 11 1 I'e ,( ih.i,n,.l.r 1 1 I He t t ' ii - Mtadt ibat baa a rlt.i. lul at l It h.tirkl t.,t -. I Ihe nil. eait.i 1 til I .atit. e at wt I. h iH.kl 4 a el ;r H l 1'i'iy y '.. w 'ii Id 1. 1 i .. a a e if he k b lest . 4tH 1 1. i ft..tii,a atotse aait.a iih Vtt riisa a . ..I i.i. ut .i t I tHt lilt lit till, ( 'S I I -lit II' 'tt I. tl -l;diig I I I I t .Hi,, ti t .41,, a .1,, t. I'H ll'lM l I I. I l't-.t e t.te Ii,. t i.,,Mt t..,tr (,. l t la.,1 , ll.tltk ll, It If I i. yi .i !.,. Editorial Snapshots Pittsburgh Idspatch: Wbil tb Vi Pont may be sble to gat nitrogen from elr It le beginning to be doubted whether they can turn out a presidency that way, Chicago Herald; Roovlt and Root dined toglhr the other dey and It may not be long before we have the formr saying that, after all, he did have In Mr. Root a "great ec-rtary of state." floaton Tranecrlpt; What th Chicago convention will have to look for is a mll (iry man to be tbe running mate to Hughe, if there's one combination thet appeal to old-faabloned Americans It s a judge end a major. Paltimore American; Mr, 7rt is content with being a one-year senator, mu'b to tbe surprise' of Hooslerdom, fie will not fc i ha tienpl tn a popular elec tion. The new system of choosing United hides senator msy b vindicating Itswlf In such sri eplsod. Brooklyn Kegbt; fleprnlllv Malley of Pennsylvania, a good lirysn man, Is pushing a i 'mailt ui Ion I Amendment to make rh presidential term six year with absobue ineligibility for r-election, Thet. would save the face of tbe fellow who fraoied the single lerm plank at lalil more, snd do no barm to enybody. Tiere fore, It will commonly be called "good politic," CHEEEY CHAF7. "Are you going to rusticate this sum- mar?" "Oh. no, bofhlrig ao espenslva W'r Juat. going down on tb fim,"-liittmor Amerli so. Meude-Aie you going to patronise Ibe te-dollar movies? Iiesirlcew -sy two dollsre end sit tn th rtsrk? Kot I; I only go lo ibe show to s whet th audience I wrlng -lif. "fUdnt Mllh I'lnkly stand by you When d ml-up took place?" "Y '-;' replied Mr, VVhlf fletre Irewaon, "He were aisndin' by ma; Je' cloaa eaoush to take good aim whan he hit me behind de ear,"-Wiiiiigton Bier, plllaeed tha placa while th bis dog alept. Tlia auburbanlte hied him to the dog fan cier and told, blm about It. "Veil, vol you iiad now, aald the German, "la a leerll dog to vak up rter i.,. 1,,,,.M -I'm n atrlfil . Ol HO. I.WFIXH . w..n., . "I Min t vou think Kusslsn literature I wonderful? Ho omber, so Impressively e-ielsncboly!" "f, that's rtghr. On gate about tb same feeling In reading th humoroua column In any rllglous weekly." Uf, "Do you Inland lo take eny etep l contrsdlct the people who mlreprtnt you?" "No," replied nnror flwglutm. "WTvan you coniradb-t something you run Ihe nek of hrlnalng the matter lo the ei tenrlon of a whole lot of people who never- would have heard about It If you had kept l III," Washington (War. "f didn't know Wggln wae a literary man," "He tan't." "lint June srxik of him yesterday ae one of our gianderd author." "Mo be l. b make bnner and flgs." ChPmgo Post. A BACHELOE'8 DEEAM. Kew Tnrk Ttrna. There Aunt ttuth HII deploring That. I'm e lonely man; I'm ur she'd like to marry m To her good friend Husseins; M man led slslor Malwtl Keep saying, early, lata. There should b one lo isr for me And eo sh's picked on Kate, Arid then there's Cousin lll, Who dwell In Hometown gilllj Ka- li time 1 visit her I get ill her Mend Maud my fill. They're all of ll.ein so eager, Wth ui-b good grace I bey work. With lnal heart and oilnd I'm quite Ashamed I'm not a Turk like to be obllylng In every tittle Ibingi go were I Turk wesHh of Joy My female kin I'd bring, I'd marry all tblr choice, I'd make a baiern gay, And lock tb door and lose Ih key Arid blithely run sway. fo paid on Timt Ctrtiicaltt All deposits In the 4 State Hank Omaha lethOa. jLM Harecy J Street are protected by the Depositor Ouer antee fond of tbe Bute of Nebraska, r Cmmmaruml Account Intlltd f aafety Oepoalt Base, Sl-rtO year and p mof. paid on Saving Account "T lb piey more Intaresilng now tbsl It ha been revised?" "No, They too out all the objection able pert "Judge. Poe Ih protection of hi cottage, a ub nrbarilre bought big; watch dog of a Oefinsn dog catcher. About a wee Isier Ihe house wa entered by burglar who GET A BRUSH FREE With a Can ef Paint, Varnish or Stain at tbe Hamilton Paint & Glass Co. 1M7 Xowari fttrtet. ' JTbott OODfla gSHft, ltrlrrator ef VHdgenort Standard alit a ad Woo4 rialsuiag rr on ante. cxKAsr trr, raurr vw. Open Saturday eventa sattl t o'clock, BIG SALE OF Eye Glasses and Spectacles Kegul&r Value $6.00 and $7.00. OUR PRICE As long: ei they last, A dealer wa over-itocked and needed caah We had it That 'f why such wonderful value to you Never again such a chance to Omaha people. 10 YEARS GUARANTEE given hy the manufacturers and ourselves- you can see they must be real values. All the latest styles. dr. j. t. McCarthy J in lot, 1111 W, 0. W. Bldg. Phone Douglas 4125. Why those Pains? Hera Is testimonial unsolicited at l a K tt tt u u P Ii! Hi !i mm tiHsr- riif , vi iiv.! r' '-I "If I had my will It would be advertised oa every street corner. The mm or woman that has rheumellsei end fail to keep end use Sloan's Lini ment Is like a drowning man relunnS a rope." A. J, fee , LtifuttJ, N, J, Sloan's Liniment 1 IUI3PAIK risM t"''V .PS. KHEUMA Sphaini SoreMuscS resi Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really sueeeessful.