iliE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AH1IL 6, Nebraska COFFEY COMMENTS ON DAMAGE CASES Point! to Benefit! that Accrue to Injured Employe! by Reason of Compensation law. TWO INSTANCES ARE CITED (From t fitaff Correepondent) MNCOI.N, April .-Hpe-ll.)8tt 1,linr CnmtnlMloncr SV M. Coffey ha t?onldernbl to jr In comparison of two eft for dsmmrei, on) befor th liability lw fed unit In othr lnr that ltm. Bolh wr Omahi. c. "Tim Junt and eijuitatila and Immune provision of th eompenaiitlon law wnr ii"vr nor atrlklnuly t forth than In th opinion written by Judit IMtnn in th cnna In tha supreme: court of Mary J, Mortality, a icruli woman, aRttlnat tlia Millard hotel In Omaha," aald Comml lonr of Labor Coffey In dlaciiaalnff tha rieclitnn of tha atiprern eourt reversing I ha judgment for tha arrub woman t cnied In tha DoukIm county dlafrlit court. "Tha accident auatalned by Mary Mor tality occurrd befor tha compenaatloti law bwamfl effective, end, of emir, th cmiipfnanllon law did not apply. Fol lowing tha common taw and atatuta nil tha court held that tha acruh woman a nmed tho hazard of tha employment, flimtt to Colorado for Trial. "Whether wa nare with the court that tdla woman ahould ba held to have aa eiimed tha hazard of tlia employment when thla hazard ndmlttedly wn tha pcrforirmnca of an Illegal net by tha de fendant, or, In other word, that thla acnib woman could hava been held to rmv aaatunad the haxard romiltlnif from HleKiil acta by her employer, or that aha eoiild hava oecn held to have aaaimmd that tha employer would do an Illegal act In conned Ion with her employment, la not matertnl In comparing the old method with tha application of tha prln I'lplee of the compensation law. "Victor 3, McConlaal we employed by the Omaha (inn company a a aaleaman. A part of hi duty waa to call upon en omera In different part of tha city, un der rtlrerfion of hla employer, He wna directed to iino tha at rent care In tha fur therance of hla employment aa a aaloa man, "In atepplnr off a moving atroet car Mconigfti fell on tha pavement aa re- ault of being tripped by another paaaon ger who allghteri ahead of htm, Thla e-n cluent occurred mince the adoption of the compensation lw, He waa Injured In the count of ble employment, though there could be no fault traced to hi em ployer. He waa oompenaated for the In jury under, the compensation law, "tf Mary Morlarlty had sustained her Injury nbeo,uent to the adoption of tho compensation law, he could and would have received aomethlng more auhatantlal at the band of the aupreme court than in eapreatilon of sympathy." Sta,te Money Now In the Treasury ' - (From a Staff Correspondent.) tlNC'OI.N, April B.(Bpeclu1.)-Th bal- iince In tho Btate treasury for the moiitV eliding March 81, according to the report of Mate Trenaurcr George Hull, waa I.Sfi2,iH.flO. Thla la a little leaa than the balance at tho end of February, the total ut that time ahowlng l, .",(). 13, neclpta for the month were $i;72.9a.Sfi endWhe expenditure VW.VA.W. Thla la itiade up from the following: 'ash on hand I M F0 I'neh on deposit l,JI7,iM.Sl l'ulveralty warrant, held a a ah 60,101 & Normal school warranta, held aa cash ,, 82.07S.fl9 Johnson county warrant held aa caxh '. , 2,600.00 Trust fund Invented ahow a gain of 177,000 alnce the February report an are now ,(B0,3.I5. STATE B 0 A R DD ET E R MINED TO LIST ALL AUTOMOBILES 'From a Ptaff OrreepomlenO I.IXCCirN, April !, nfie.lal.)-eere-try Itcrncckcr of the State Hoard of Aa etasmont, la reiiitlrlng alt county aaaea ore to report to htm the number of automobile rnnlHlered on April 1 of thla year, aa ahown by the booli of the county treasurer. Sautidera county I the flnit to report with a ahowlng of l.O, I.iist year but l.t-'i were li'iioitiil by tho aneHor. Tho new method will give the ase or a chance to locale any car whb'h hi" V have been aklpped by the precinct H'"!i'aiir. The lite Want A(ln Are the Heat rttll r tlooatera. SOLDIERS' HOME NOTES Hull cull ninl Inxp... Hun Wili ., Rl ,!, i 1 1 I oil Mimd.iy nioritliig. Tim vioii. I,i in in. u.i ni,t -,) ti,i,t l.ri. uii.T liin ' I , KlilMllut, roll l-iil H,,l!i I,., I.. !. I hi ..r u, B in.oii iHilldliia , vny ei'ilitt.iy ni,.iiniii, I 'utlll.Ulllllillil 'th 1,11) tci'clvi .t n.t-J,'''- 'viH- M..nii,,l hi,, (l III, ml ut 1 nlil(',i U l.h- tHntiri. i.i) l ,i.lm ,.f lti .s.ihrmife n,,iii,',., I' lii..,.,ll liitil I ,I,, vlU In. t, ! I, I, ! .11. I.J nu ,11 ,, . Ut hhafu 4n, .Uuat,iV, Mi tlial 'il. e' liinmk ul, Hi., In, i, v u,,, l i MlK M I M, . It, ri.ll,,,,. 4 Tl.) i , I ill' I.i Uirti I, mi. i, ,H fulti, HI , H.',, , t ,., l.,.i.f,, kl Vl...,, ( ,', t .n.l i, W hrn iviiihlM Mi m, t Mm t,i . lil ,i . mi... i in, .i, , fi , , win In. ', mil t ,(, , 4 ii .1 t i ,i,:-.,, VI .lll-t III, . ),,(., 1,1. ,,!,! I,, I,., i . .li..i an ruipi,,!, , , ., ii. l ull, 1 i ( b i In t i ill nli I. , . . I ,1 I.I I II Nil. I I . i' II ,, I , ..'lv l l, ,. . h,. U . , hi d11 ' l hilr. itHttwi.-t . ,1 . L. -4 1I, l'f. .ll ll ,,tt,' ,, II, ' ' I : 11 - ' i t ' I U, ,11 I I . V !, tl II "'I- k lh i.ll I., in. !. i .' I., H VI . ..I l. I li .1 I , (.11. i a ,i. i. f , I It i". H-i.i lull'.'. i.i .i,. til v. I I - .t.,ii. (,. i,i ii I i i - I' ''. "liU, I'- sijHlli. 4-,.t 1- . 1. - s-.t ,.'.( I,., ti , .11 ., I, 1 i , I ,1, I t I. .I,. I., HS'ff li.ti- ... . I .. - , l , ) . . t-, i, Iri,, '1-,1 ' I J I H"i4 I'l M'H I.I .-..r., ft 'l-"H I,. i.( Hi., ' 'I ; Ivl ,!,..,. ., , e,( . t -e. i, .. , 4u- , , ,. , 1 - ' ..,' ' , , ,, ; I , 1 . ! t ttailr.t 't l.. W 1 t " . t Nebraska Book Men Appear Before Heading Circlo ff'rom a Staff Correaiionilent.) UNCOr.N, April ri,(Hiecial.-A lare number of repreaentnllvt of book con cern are at tha atato houae tixlny ad vocating the adnpllun of their hook to the reading circle, which I riifitlng for tha purpoao of 'aelortlng aoine eouraea of atinly to be uacj In the Nabraaha ihiiiil, After llateniug to th vrlou i latin net forth In very lile language by dlffirent repreaenlnllve, the elrcltj, will take the matter under advla'-iiient and make a rlectlun. Kemp to Talk to Lincoln Republicans (From a Htuff Correapondent.) MNCOIN, April , (HpecInU- Uinca-ii-r county republican are golna; to hold another of their bl batlierltiga Thurdy evening at tho l.tmlell hotel, Thl I ji third niectlna of thl kind, and the l,u'ti. enflinr t'ounly club I growing to oma proportion, rapidly waring th l,(c mark, J. )r, Kemp of Kullnrtnn will the apeaker and the club I counting on big crowd to hear him, lie la one of the candidate for delegate to th national republican convention from the Third dl trb't nd but no opposition, LINCOLN COMPAnFgETS C0NTRACTF0R ENVELOPES (Front a Waff Correapoiidpnt ) I.INCOUV, April I. -iMp liil,)-Th f'apltiil Urief company, of Uiicoln cured the contract today for furnlnhlng th envelope for Mending out to th Voter Die conatlt'itlon! amendment, It will renulr SWUM) and the contract w let for 11,73 per 1.010. Th Rerkley J'rlnt ing compehy of f'maha wa th nt low eat bldoer, offering to furnlah the en. velope for 11,75 per ),009, BAGNELL MAKESTHE FIRST FLIGHT AS AN AVIATOR (I'rom a fitaff Correapondenf, ) MNCOI.N, April 8,-(Hpe.lal.)-Adu-timt Oeneriil Hal! thl morning received , letter from Uoufinajit Hagmdl, on of tim Nebraska Guard aviator ent to Newptrt N'ew for Irintructton ( the Cur tla Hchool of Aviation, atellng that ha had begun bl worl and hud already put; In forty-eiglit mlnutu In the air. The total number of minute covered l-y the Inatructlon 1 . OSGOOD FILES FOR THE DISTRICT BENCH (From a fltaff Correpondent.) MNCOI.N, April 5,(Hpecial,)-rianlnl r. Oegofid, Ifyenni, today aent In hi pe Ml Ion to the cretary of Male filing hi name a a candidal for th office of dl. trb t JuiIko of the Kleventh Judicial dli trier, wjilcli comprle the coimtle of 'I fall, Inward, Greeley, Valley, Wheeler, Onrfleid, J-oup, Grant, Hooker, Thomaa nd Jilalne. Thl dlatrlct ha two Judge at preent In the poraon of Jame n. I faring and Jmn N, Neal, It I undi r atood that Judge I'aul I not a candidate. TO DROP S0DtF0MAHA AS ' TELEPHONE TOLL STATION (From a Htaff Correapondenf.) MNCOI.N, April S.-fMpeclaljon ap plication of tha Lincoln Telephone com pany permlaalon bn been grant to leave out Bouth Gmaha u a toll atntlon. Thl come a the logical ennclualoii after te conaolldatlon of that city with Omaha and hereafter all bualne In the former city will bo consolidated under the name of Omaha. , Thl JVot Material, (Prom, a Waff Corroanondent.) LINCOLN, April fi.-Hhcrlft J, frank Goad of Rio Grande county, Colorado, applied to the executive department of the etala today for a reuulidilon to aeeuru euafody of William Coou, a Una Claud, Oavia, wanted for grand lar-eny and now bi'lna held at Gordon. Thu r.,Uiiun wa granted, and the Colorado ehcriff loft thl afternoon over tho Northweatorn for Gordon to eecure hi prlaouer, who li in me nnnas of tho Hhei-ldun iierlff. county (From a Staff Correspondent ! tnplnln Cramer Hraiuna. LINCOLN, April B.-tHpH:l,,l,Ctt)tlll(l Hi-rtiwn Cramer of Lincoln, li,ap, ctr ( mall arm prai th e for ii, Fifth real, -umt NVIimaka National ,mr, ,1M I gi.ed. and . V.Iol ,.,, eowmawler Of that regiment, , r,,,.lllm,1(,. mime Ll. i.em.nt ,!,ph l.,.y or , ,, for api.ulntmcni ta m tli vacomy. llnii.Miit n( tamhri,!,,,, CAMHUIlMi,;, Ncli., Mn f T. nim HTh,, cmm,.r.,H, ,.,,,';;; tianuuet at ,Wry hotel la.t .., tt "'"tar. a, V(,, Th Trr ' -. I .M. !.,.. T tboUaainl d.,1 . wa MuheerlhHl at , sctiU d In a few (lay U Reasonable Gas Stove Prices 10 to 50 Saving ON EVERY RUBEL GAS RANGE III OUR STORE We must have the floor uc? occupietl by thr ptecci, wid now- right in the O.u Stove Sra-son-w offer you fti oppor. tunlty jou t'Annot afford to pasi, I 1 V ' if', --" '. - ' ' -'- - ' '- - ' ' i V.,y ii.mIi vu!(mv.!iki:w 'Lht 1 mmm&'Mwmmmmz v.h.- rm;-wmrmimmrvvm,mt Nebraska Notes from Beatrice . and Gage County nrcATIU'.'E, Neb., April S.-(ripeclalJ-I'etiilnn are twin circulated here ak Ing 1 1 1 ii t the city commlaHloner amend (lie preai-nt onlliiiiiii'i pertaining to Hun. day airniHeinenta, or link In that a upeclal election be called at which lime the tot era ahull eprca Ibemaelve In regard to the matter. The pieacnt nnlinance pro hibit the holding of lind concert on Ilf Kabhatli any and !hu ahowlng of mo Hon picture, ltaiii Holler of Wcf Iteairl'-e, a ec tlon hand on th 1'nlon Pacific road, fell from handcar north of town yelcrdy afternoon and w run over by th car, III right Ii wa broken below Hi knee and he otherwlae injured, Irf-wl. the young eon of Mr. and Mr. It, I'. Inmn. old realdenl of Ueairic. died lnai evening after a brief lllifa of pneumonia, He wa 15 yr of e, Kdward Y. Hworsk of liber nd Mia Anna 'ikeuin of Hallam were mrrle4 ly tbn county Judge here yeaterday, Tim body of Adotph Gueffroy of thl clly, who i!cldeiilally hot nd killed (hindny while doing patrol duty on Mi Meiican border, will be brought here th luat of the wenk for but lei. Company C I making plim for a military funeral, Gueffroy wea a former member of th company. Six Hundred Hear Bryan at Broken Bow HHOKK.V HOW, Nb, April S,-(Special Telegram.) A crowd of about people listened to W, 3. Hryen give an open-air addrea In the city park lt bight, The talk wa mainly along th tine of pro. hlhltlon and boovllng Charle firyan for governor, Although attentive lha crowd w not very entliiilauo, firyan did not arrive until late, having apoken t Merng In th afternoon. , MRS. JULIA M. STREETER OF AURORA IS DEAD A V BO fl A , Neb , April ,-igpeclal Tel gram.) -Julia M. Htreeter, the weallhleat women In Jfamllton county, died thl morning aged 19 year, Hhe bed been realdent of Aurora lnc 17J, Iter bun hand, W, II, Hlreeter, dleil In JW7, About two month ago Mr. Mtrcnler gav thl clly twenty-eight acre of land, which ha been named ftlreeter prk, George W, Smalley Is Dead in London JNOO,V, April l.-Oeorg W. f4mally died her ycaterday, George Waahburn Hmiflliy wa born In Norfolk county, Maaa'htia"U, In ira, and wa a gradu ate of Vale unlveralty and of Harvard law school, Vat tunny year he w well known a Joiirnallat and wr eorre pondent. No Investigation of Canada Shell Body OTTAWA, April (.-The demand of lr Wilfred l.urler( oppoelllon leader, for Invent Igntlon by piirllatuentary commit tee of all purchne and contractu of the (Canadian ahell committee, wa voted down In the Houae of Common tonight. FORMER OMAHA MAN DIES OF APOPLEXY AT KANSAS CITY Lvle Griffin, for gevrrat ye r agent of the i'ennylvanla line in t;ih, and at tho time of hi death agnnt fur the name mad at Kanaa City, died yesterday of apoplexy, Kor overal year prior to li0i Mr. Griffin wa traveling agent for the I'ennayivanla horoi and for two year after that he wa agent when ha went to Knniia City with the came poaltlon, Ho I a brother of h. C. Urlffln, for merly of this city but now guieral agent of the Northwcalem at t'ortland. Mr. and Mr. K, C, Griffin are now on their way to Kanaa City to attend the funeral and will pa through Omaha Thuraday ulait. The funeral will be held t Kau City, with Interment at llatavla, 111, Krfuacd Parole. ' Kit AN K I"' HIT K.V., April f.-Henrv Youtai-y, convicted rIkIm-m year ago of eoiiiidlcltv In the aHiialiuiilon of Gov ernor Wlllliun Goobid ninl ai'iilmii ml to life Impi laoiuiii'lit, lain to 'ay wa refun, a parole by the Ktute Hoard of I'rlaou Clillllllll HllHHTa. Gray Hair Restored to its Natural Color In a few t(ipllrallinatollaorlrlnaIdrk,iftwr liaite, no inalti-r Imw Ion It hai been (ty (if la.Ii'il, uitii'lrufl IhuikkI by li It ( S,na en will tenw feu r utli.t H ft. Urn. II. ill ilatlart dlrwlt uann r'lf el ili kriid liuniu-l ' li.miiiinl Hair '' I'hlhi Ma Mcx iiitlH i .,ii,,ii Naaarl N 1, BALLARD ADMITS MAKINGOMISSION plevrlitnd Expert Acknowledge! Failnre to Include Depreciation Charge in Fig-um. oirxs his rHicEs on ltght Fred W, ftallard, delttrr, Miipcr vlwir gin) inariHger vt the Clcvikfid MitinlrlpBl elwlrlc light plant, i!ve the i;i (iiioiiilc liiMgtie g IjuIcIi uf aid' llai li t mifilnit ntt the iu'Mc of maintaining mull a plant, and lite theaifiea with which (Mil rent fan lie ftirnlkhed, Mr, llMllatd aaeitrd H at lli loiioutii'il plant of Clat-eiaiid I fnriillitfM f UMi nl to Hie elllaen of Cleielaiid at the imIm of cent p-r klloeat hour. iom pared to th eorpoKiie plan!' t of ' cent per nilowt limit. He fuiGiei "lled that II, n mnnlilpiil plant I aimut Ibe earn a I,,- aa tim innana en ' in, which charge lent pel k,l i. boor. J ( harae for )rprn-iait, J, J. J'olnt aaked Sir, Kallmd H ll figure quoted a pail of Id l'k at the city hall on Mouiiny evening, i 'curt, hownlg the Cielnd Plant ' h actually oirntlng at a loaa, Mr, I'll lrd aald be bed been tiil.)iiold, 111 mind being ffre.lid on thl point, he undertook lo evade direct liter, but finally admlHed that he had not lii Oluded any cht for d ftreetiitbm In bl figure on M dy Idglit. M hud md llement ahowlng that the Cleveland plant W rctuinlng l prenenl an apparent ptofll of HZ,Wi a year, If a chNfge for depiei ltion of I (wr cent, WhlOh Mr, Hallrd admit I fulr, I tnade, th apparent profit of a er be- tome n actual deficit of l,r. Mr fiallerd again edmitied Diet li bd made no allowance for di-pierliiflon, Mr. I'olnt ald be w aatlafied riefore Cmmeri'll i Ittfe. "W do not believe In public owneahlo of any bulne In whb h lliere I com. pelltlnti," ld V, tl, Jtallard, fneffy lighting eorntiilaaloiier f Cleveland, ., In a talk to th Cemmerclal bih j?rti t- day. "Wut there r om line ef buainea that In their nature ie a itutal mon opoly, and the bv gronn up to M omelhlng that their owner do not leal m they are," Tb pkr charged (bat many piilli utllitle r mking In revenue ten time the cot of the production of Ihele artb.'l, and a Id, "Tbo aie profit be yond the wlldeat dream of ny of you manufacturer In your line, I m ur." He held lht the mnnngenienl of the piiblln wrvlce (imipn) I often eoo dinied with little tegaid for (he ordliiiy method of -ot reductfon In order 1i be el.le to produce th rvfr at lite loweat poibl cnl I th reap In line of bulne In which th' I eo'ri petition, f.rroiae He loo, fV.MMi, April J,--try VViial. tokv Villa tlfn to noon lody, the Ovr a New ageicy, the IneiaPninit poid on the fourth German ln had fe"ii IM.WWn mark. Comb Sage Tea Into Gray Hair Ladies! Try thill Darkens beautifully and nobody can tell Brings back its floss and youthf ulness. Common garden g brewed Into a heavy tea, with ulphur nd alcohol added, will turn gray, gtreked tid faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Mix ing the Mage Tea end Hulphur recipe at home, though, I troubleome, An eler way I to get tb ready-lo tla prepar , (Ion Improved by th addition of oilier Ingredient, eotlng about Wl cent a large botlle, t drug tore, known a "Wyeth'a Hag nd Hulphttr Compound," thu avoiding a tot of mux. While gray, faded hlr I not lnful, w all delre to retain our youthful appear ance and attrnctlvenea, Hy darkening your hair with Wyeth' Hge and Hulphur Compound, no one rn tell, becauee it doe It o nturlly, o evenly, You Jut dampen a ariii or oft bruah wlih II and draw thla through your hair, taking one tmall itrand t. a time; by morning all gray hair have dlppered. After another application or two your hlr be. rome beautifully dark, gloaay, aoft and luxuriant and you prr yem younger. Wyeth' Ha and Hulphur Compound I a dellahtful toilet requlaite, H I not In teniled for the cure, mitigation or iirevrn lion of dlee. Advifllentnt, Make Sktn Smooth Th'T I una anfn, ncpi.tnlahla lret ment that, relieve Id hlna lorluie In atantly and that clente and ooitn tb Ikln, Aak any drugit for a Ik,.' of eiue and apply 11 dliced mm you will find that ptmiile. hi ,i k IhbiI i, ecaeinn, rtngwoim a oil all, liar (kin truu ble will iliii ,i i A little inuiii, Mm pennlrnlllig, lafy, Ing lliiitd, I tilt that I iin'.liii. fur It baiiiabe all k'n erupihuia and maki th kln a., it. ini.i.lli anil liiMhht f.anio, I If t ,1.111.1 tie l" H't hm rtttn lit ij telle h mm ntmnii. Hit) lit tattt HM UIIHiC). -. - v I, JmJ i ? j aa f British to Keep False Teeth from Germans CIICAGG, A,rtl l.-That tt, stile I ave elhliliei a eeml hloflkade on felae tt't w reUHlcd today ' th opi-mii Kl f t annual cxhthil ( f f e l. t. 11 M inufa' -lureiaf ( Int., Hhop made IO'Ibi fiiuii Ameil a HI aili,. t ahippn) Him ili.w t ul or ii rim to 0r nioiit, but only a'" t 1 nl'd gind a (h eel pal .(ickiii c.,iiliiliiliil tie "r ci te. Id" b. I... n opuiel end t"iy hli" 'It I I Kill ll'i.'iil em 'In it ,a (note tn ton of tie I, art- t Ing Mi.e I I" lieu in u( I I ." lot, -if Ii ii l it! the ,ii i i li i , C'H'lllll il'lll l ff l-'ilM Til ' Ol'lM Uiir l'l" l H IiMi d I .ut the ii' i -mud for Atoeil an n,il" linn iui In' i"in- d ,i ir n i; I , .,! i ll." 1 t' rfKli BERLIN HEARS OF RIOT OF IRISHMEN IN DUBLIN li! CI.IW Anll it U H in-i' to ! l Ml" i "ff In (.,,' d'd 'loot Amalei i i-iii ii n tlnh : fee e a m'l fig if the j!in I 'in ao'l'-ty In liuunn fo Pi i'st ai4liii i up il on of litah 1'iiibit by polli ," the Us ra e Hf,l Hi V. "Iii.itlil ic nd lid eh o'fifH 'i d noll cm i r I he il I") and ait li"-c ne i f lot ri win nd' T t"ll " "y 'barged the im'l aid dll'i d b," fl C3 n Appetite Rebels I HK'iilluiK', j'gii rim r'l lldTf! I Hi' oim hImtc in lln, tl'iw live tyitw flint cjilla for iifiiiiclififf HfcitiGii, 'JIlU MIKeCI ft Iriil lf HOSTETTEIl'S Stomach Bitters II, liflm N'lur litiiig l,.wk 11m- (lfllciHfi ftlltl 1I tli((l'rl(i0H C Baking ( J Sauces V Gravies Desserts Candy Fof any ami verf purra-Mie) wiwtrg you demand tha pureal, rlclicat milk, or cream, u Y Cottage I 1 Cmta Milk le rbh, I J ., Irh in' milk villi iwii nut ImjU V4iu of butil milk, Uanicd 50,000 Farm Hands it ti'trienet ll int in thl lit mt ! WESTERN CANADA Ti M trti t' llm uniliif f o in r t whit lutvn nli-4'l fur Mm nr. (iuti. UttMt'4 HMI full lttHtli's Wulk ftaeitrml, IHttt K Yi erif af pwlhlMtf tl Catttlttie lit (ana tla, tlr iui ih'U1 I nun l rU ii,i rr ih-ii tallaai tt 4 Hilar liittiMualtuM i'i'lt in V.IHNNIIf, Hm , In Mil , . Hah tOMillll la4ia U.t Aai, When n Use V (A (A (A yYmir fliat ran will tail e j you lit tlioiloiy, f At your gwr' I 1 f J 5 andlO centitCM ( a VA . A 4 J American Milk fay) YJkM w jf . & s -. i m y A Instant Relief for Sorejired, Tender Feet; for Aching, Swollen, Calloused -Feet and Corns "full, Jolmpy, I'tiBf W ,V J My limJ, v(f!ei Inn'l (ntitH'h' 5i.,,i lull timl i, , piffed op fbf't litlll a'f, kh4 Ibet need "ft" '"fl" rilfilsi I'll ll fflflfify fMlld "- proof 'in1' lade I , pi end bum iii.t imi f i ut if, ifiiioiix and l,n,in 'Tin' i ii. ;ini ! fi (i,i,i. SpeclaS of EASTESI SUITS dt You will tc pkuci with our howing embodying every change, every feature and every lin that make thh teuton' t nlykn no different Thcrc'i a style for every taut in our cnor. mmn itock, We could tell you a lot about thee uH, but to get the thrill of those SMARTEST CONCEPTIONS You Must See For You.'ielf, And after you have i elected the iuit that fills every re quirement the one made for you, arrange for our easy, satisfactory credit terms. EDDEO 1417 Douglas Street We sell on credit to out-of-town people. Write for Spring Style Book. " " . Want to Hire a -GOUSIKSBa I Put Your "Help Wanted" Ads J I III ' . I The Omaha Beey k Per Word on Phone Orders '- j X TELE PHONE X. Tyler 1000 m II! L V'. li'fl till mi ill ll aid'-liel- lolld )' ' I" r. f Krl it ti ient bo lit "f t" f )) if i'w end i od tint tnttm lut whole l S let be e tii'd. h. I.lllj, el, ; Mlly feel ; yeiir bo wl in tin ' you'd '(ids' wili .( bd ined "T'' Showing 1 . ' 'i4 v 4 i'l' . .M.-'M' ! am 'A V mil x 'f..