Tin; m-:K: o.maiia. tjiuhhday, Amu c, ioic. MAY-SAVE FADERAJj YOLUNTEER PROVISO Adrocatei of This Amendment to Army Bill Have Hopei It Will Oct By. WHOLE SAY OF DEBATE ON IT WASHINGTON, April 6. Advo nin of the fader! volunteer pin ilslon of th annaf army bill ba llet the nation bad bwn aaved by a narrow margin when tb ti r eased tonight without baring lemhed a vote on tn I anirnd uiTit to Mrlk It wit. Benalor Cham lierlaln, chairman of tb military ntmmltiee, asked ajtuln that action le deferred, a on, or two aenator Hill desired to b heard, rbat on lb volunteer provision lusted all dy, rhmlon of" tha National Guard mpportlng tba smendment, ofpupylng most of tha lima, i traits lrleln, "In Id H.ali.g Mure, Ixrwever, Hm amr thmtrlHlf vlg'irualy difrti(1d the firnvlrtnn aa vital In anf military plan Mi'1 dKliouiicd ettainpla f National riiiHivt iMcunlMtt'in t Jntfr with Ifglnldtlrtd. lie was Jolii'd by nel.r rrOftrrnaii and William, In warning IW i.i that al the rl'a r tha Kurtn wr th inI'd )it would nsed a grat and alniuate army In bafk Its tieman'ig on th balllgarant. powers tor liidi-irinlfU alien tut th loaae euatalned tartgh violation or Its right aa a iicuirnl. ."As airelt a tn rls tomorrow nlmnlMr." Befialof Williams said, "linleaa Hit lootrtrr pM'a It"' Into a eondlibm wiwr It en retal and withstand bMtly Iok. wa ar '! to ba In trmihl with tl victor In llla war uti1 we aur. ind-r th if;tfii!i wo hav takwn and ilrnMly aobmtt to tha ml wbkh tha vt tor may lay down tt Immunity at dis- ilslirifr." Tha-la rriMIl ' Half rrrarvatin I tha International i fxta tit Ilia till)grnta," said Kenalnr Oormaii, who ejntn1'-l that right at rutrl bad bo BivaiM by all tha warrlii nllris f Kiif'iji. ''And rotl of neutral only will ba raitarled," b abtnd, "if brU4 by mit ftflrit powar to anforca thalr daoianla," ."Whan thin war la ovar," aald lnat'ir Chamharlaln, "if Inland to dnmand ff.nM-ne for Amrl'an llvaa and pmp rty diriy4, If wa ara oln to d tnand an atlfa"llon, than wa ought to r rraparad to bak all our demand hy tuff of arma If naoeaaarr, And, In what ron1liln ara waT Wa bava not tha pwr to anfoica a alngl domand w Irava rnad." Itrnalor Wlllawa da'lar4 that whlla tnrrfaafns tha army waa Important, en larging ha navy wa of flrat Important, Tha aonator aald ba would vota It liv ifa any building program that inlaht t framad and fvord auh a navy by )5H that It fould mt and ilftfoal any forra that might ba aUrtwl agalnat II. Mal to ma I It, at'tiator c'ltanibarlaJn' arralgtynant of itt- National Uuarda' afUvPba wa aup lrtd by .Uanatora AtcCmiitfar "d aoo, who all attantlon to tahgram ir m National Uuard afflc4alg ant to inmy nat'ra urging thrm to vol aaalnat tha fdral voluntaar provUlon, ' It tha national guard Intanda to room tint pnlltlially and undartaka to nntrol lrgiltlon talrulatcd to protcft Amrloa lnat tha World," aald tha Orgon an aior, "rvrry ona frnm now on ahatl favor l ho illmlnatloti "f tha national guard a a military fa lor In tbla eountiy, Thay ;va.ba bar and ara hra for that iurxaa." ' fi-nator Nalaon daclaied that h navar bafora bad arn "aucb lobbying a thai uuUlda Influancaa hav brought to bar to dafaat tertaln aeotlona of thla bill." Keriator Hharman aaught to Inlrodura a toluton to InvaatlgaJ ehargf of lob hying' Xanator Oiamhai lain aa d bv would tavor It whon brought up In tti nulur way. but would not permit It to 1. ly conaldctallon of tha army bill, tHHIHaa of Claargaiuaa, Hanatnr O'Horman and Kmator t'l.am-b-rlMlti, tHith pradlotad that In the nd tha rountry muat com to unlvarMl mill imi k tiainlug to aolva It at my problaina, Hoth tha ledaralUadon of tha mll.tla and Ihw voluniaar achtnia war agprrlmfit. fllop O'tiorman aald, and ahou.d ba irlfd aa ani'h. Senator Omimln railed atlanttnn to tab-grama froin tha Military Training mia ao latton, Introducwl by atnat'r I'htirnbailaln today, urging that tha vol mili-rr provlalnn ta ralalnad. Ha akd if iii.b wr not on a almtlar piano with l!, infa frm tha national guard ft nnra i vnrlou officii a. rnator i'hamharUIn dlaagrwd, Whlla M Ml that fry tltlaan had th riaht in klil to conarraa, ba aald, tha na llnnal guard mnvamanl hid aaaUmad lha I i,.(.. rluin rf a dfiilt, ornlrd Ul oin.iiila 'lb givatral danarr nf mtllalum tlitra K tit thla bill." h aahb "I In th ii!iltmt itiof i may ba tuiltina up lit ihu national giar4, tha K.ai wt Imi alrta.tv wan aixl lH h.it ' l'raxtnt wiiat.n uigal a-vial antti hi iuHmI at tha Whua lli lty Ij op a- iun ri fi amt' lul II a ntd avriylhltig -itit oaa hw. i a i..iik in i Motsn a''H 'il lfni MtlritMiH III lin iinll.a i't ha u.i l i. i" I In an i (..tt I r.'i-'i li slur iitra tioiu now . and ll .. ,. t (" !.' ' . it li' i . I U IH'i tll"lli fAIRBURT DRY MAJORITY IS OVER TWO HUNDRED I Ul.l I III, s. . , I !' : 1KKII I V '' tt- " t( f ,.fc , , ... ,U'I i l . t that t'.a tlM v . 1'. a l f- a i .i , i ti..r . ,.r l., Hai.t Ihia a f. , . - tl (-lixaiilv h ,i4 i, ii.t-jit ht i laiviuia. Ikai (it- ii. i dot t A" tM iai ata r ni i a to i ,... a ...' - -. t ii t ",..,.. Ht .it 1 Hi, II ! a lw. . l.a t It ,.alr.i it iMtlrt ir.fl a -m J, Hi. ti'l I.. .''!" I '. , pt I.. M I ' . ki -., a .v- i'Hi a ' a t -tai l.i ! . hi t ini A A n , I.. ..i. ' , t A M It ' t t....4 d I. I' t..-i .J (I. aa l ti.a i miiaa v .. . I s 'I S,k , i-i 4 (.1 c . a n i i- i I 1. 1 a . f, '-ii.su "t ' t.it.u alN .-a ji a ll HI u.t. ! i .,(,., i . . a ' - m .t mi i.- I i ... i . t"-i 1 1 a . - a i- , a . . , i . tit,-. .i n i , i v, it,'"'" HEADS TUESDAY MORNING MUSICAL CLUB. ' J ' 1 " t . ; ' V.'f Irs 5.5 t''ra. ' ) L a Th Tui-aday Morning Muahal oluii, at a mailng at tho Konlani ll dotal Tuaa- day, aloi'tcd lha following offbra; Mr, famui'l fahlwi'll, pinalilciii; Mia, Arihur tXlti-ndi n Hmlth, vha praal- dnl; Mra, William H"ar I'opploton, corraapondlng awratary; Mr. It, Jtrarhor Mown, racordlng aairclaryi Mra, W, A. (', Jolinaon, traaauiar; Mia ll"lan Millard, auditor; Mra, llvrmao Kounlxo, Mra, Cbarlia T, KouoUn, Mr, T J, Mil- bonay, dlractora. REPUBLICAN PARTY WINS KANSAS CITY Entire 0, 0, P, Ticket, with Few Exception, Elected After Stormy Day. POLICE CHIEFS ORDERED JAILED KANSAS rlTr, MO,, April C 1 ledml mayor of Kanaaa Clfy by a t!rglv majorlly which unofficial r (iirng placad abov 8,000, Oorgo M, Kdward, ropiibllcan, today romlvad tl coocratulatlong of friend and po litical gitpportara who bailed tha ra rult of yaatarday'i municipal elottlon fc death blow to local machlna pollllca." Edward dofeatad Mayor llanry II, Joal, domocrat, who Bought ra-atae- t on. Kdward had tba endorsement of (ha nonpartlaan and , prorialv pttrty organization and of fai'tloo rf tba local democratic party oppoaed lo Mayor Joat'a re-election, Th campaign pracadlng tha alat.Mon Okriaal It! it rVuA bv liltiar antagonlam, whb'h ciuna to a cilma on elan Ion day whan polha aaalgnad to ale.tion duty arratr-u mora than V paraon. t'harga war madn that tha arraata had baan ordarrd to drprlv lha man of their volaa. Tht polloo department refuaad to honor wrna ..r hi.ha.aa lornua for tha ralnaaa of tha man and Ihl raaullad In lha arraal of Captain Thorn It, Klahlve, acting chief of poiua. and of two mamhera or trie hoard of pollea commlaalonai. Hacb pant a few hour In Jail. Madison Man Dies of His Injuries wn.lXiiV Neb.. Anill .--(Hpeclal Tel egram.!-John Hmlth, who wa hurt ty a (allhig ciana while at om on ine r. i. ildtn velirdV aftllionll, died early till morning Me leave a wife and I lira, (hllilieu. I'hrlet Itrugganmiaa. wno wa Injured at the eame lima, I atjn illv. Italy One RROMO) tlll!lr To ret lha genuine, I all fur full name. LAXATIVK lUtOMO Ql ININF. l."k for alinatura of y, w. tirnva. turtw Cold In I'll l'?' I'je.-Aavaniaemeni. ANDREWS ASKS OF BARTON ATTITUDEJON PROHIUIIlUN IAHTINlrf, Neb., April -Utpaflal -W, K Adama. landtdal tor the repub lican nomination for inugreaaman from the rVth l itn.1, today aent a b-tter to lila rival. Mla It, llarton of Urand laland. aaklug hi ami ide all prohlhlUon HYMENEAL t ai-rail. Mia l ota U Itait and Mr Hon K J'v btith at fieiuiiul. an iairiat on W ,.,i,r.l..y altemooo ai I o l' He l l.ai ra HU.I.' at M i'"h In the iiod.la Tt.ai-r hull.Ui'g Ihl atlr-ial. Mi.. l 0a tHuiii, llit"r af T. Hl'iliat of Ih-aluf, and -aia ( .rmiik it IVaaioah, taaie ..rnrt l IUV t l,.il. a S aM.I Vt .a U att ,i,m.ii al 1 ' al'lia illlt" Th -..iuu.li;."l ' tha :! lalha. ; n i iiia and Mi i. i 'il ' !' at'il. laaaai rfcai.l taHa. ri.tlT"M"l 111 Stt . Al'i l ei-. . i4l , I.. f I at .t ( I 1 ! ' ,.,ltii,ii.. .rH li Itta I'-' .'"' -an . ),.,. i. i ( ! .i.-.. t -I., an I 9' a nniia nHti.t.u I ... i iiimi i i.i l I ("a "'" at ioi' Nai .m-i' an I t a til I ..! 4. '" ahaaA n 1.ttUa nf th T'-e .a. ta.t I t H'l "' ' ' llt. t'tat " ". I l l ' ' t ,. . i, , .. I- , .- I. ' I i,i .' ii. a. . .'a' - aa-. f- ran- i i t' at ta li iu M i tt, !.,!. A I. '' I . i i . . (i, ..ia i A i A.I Vl.i.ai. tUt.f tr?, ,tia .. l .! in i-.ia lu lling ' T. k 'ii iiihiiii M.a i A h ft P'la.i-.c Mi J I Wtt N'll I. I " 11 I I'', t .... tt.la l.tauluf Uai a tare I A -a -at't t t I'l il tui ail ttt 4 ail. i a a. i . a ii.'a 0't W' l'ta i. le yi.Mi A Va W hi I i la I . l I a .1" I ..:. I i ; STRICKLER, IOWAN, MAKES DEATH SURE He Shooti Himielf on Douglas (Street Bridge and Thei Jumpi Off Rail Into River, .-..- BODY HAS NOT BEEN FOUND II, U, Htrlcklor, ill Unn ve hua,' Atluntlc, la,, i ommliled auli'lda about 7:20 )at evening by alio'tltig, lilinai-lf gnd th'-n Jtiinplny; Into tha MlHdourl river t at point about rlxty feet at of the toll houao on the Douglaa (street bridge, According to th tlement of Toll Kejer Mtbannlgan, HirhUlor ram to tha toll houaa about 7:l and paid hi toll lo go to Ihe'Courv'll Uluffa alda of tha river and Uien paaaed on arroa tha lrlrtga to a point a. abort dlatani beyond lha' toll lioiiae, wher h removed hi overcoat, ot, veat, nd cap, the ilothe being found by tha officer after th Hnt had been heard and tha man' body bad been een dear-ending to tha Hver, aeea I ho ty rail. No on noticed rttrb'Kler a ha removed hi clothen, lha lollHaeper and hi aa- alalNiit were huay at their reapectlva placea, there being two (nlcab and a number of foot paeaenger at the toll ata Hon, Tba moment th alio! w (Ired, bowaver, th attention of the paeaon al tha toll atitlon w atfra'ted and the body nf Htrbhler wa aten by Upei'lul Offlcar Adam of tha llurllngton )uat aa It left tha railing of tha bridge. Adnrn ran down th te from lha brldxe to th liver ban and threw tha light from hi pocliet f Inalilmlit on tha apot where the body f'-ll Info the river, 11 nw the body rlaa end alnM In lha wntrr twha and then loat alKht of It, Mioole and Than rail. Wtrlcfcler H aeettii bad mounted lha rail log along tba outer iIk of tha bridge on tha aoufh alda runt the afreet ear track and a little eaat nf lha toll hou,, and then after having alio! hlmaelf fell or Jumped forward Into th river, III clnthea wera found In a neat ll bout ten feet away. In tba po"kt of hie coat waa found a billfold In which Uiara wa a not follow: "Notify Inalde and oblige," Hlgned by Btrlcaler. There wn an addreaa found In a poek at booh on one nf Utrlcklar'a peraonal card, tlmf of i l.lnn aireet, Atlanllu, la. Ao'ordlntf in lha daaerlpMnn given by th wlfiieaAii nhu aaw tha man pay hi toll, ftirbkler wa a abort, heavy man with gray hair, and It la believed he bad only ona aya, Kffort are being made to recover I ho body, A yet no word ha been received from any of hi rclntlvee. GERMANY HAS NO rront.lnued from rt Ch.) and political' altuatlon, lha uaa tit Varlou meana of warfar and (lennan-Amerh a.n rolatlona. Th chancellor alao poka of tha n,uaa tlon preaanted In gelation to th prin ciple of natlnnallam, oonaldnrtng th I'ollah, Mthuanlnn, tlvontan, l.ialilan and rtemlali problem. It lnlafd upon tba Jiaoeeally of guaranteeing tha peae of Rurona after tha war, and alao of in juring thli reault by giving to thaa ri-a opiiortunlty of free avoiullon along tha line of their natural tndlvldualttle and mother tongue. At tha ronclualoii of hi addrea th chancellor elicited great app! . aa by ay Ing: Tha p!rlt pf union (hall lead u, It hal lead our children and grandchil dren, through tha tru(la of their father toward a futur of atrength and liberty," Military NMaalloa llerlewed. Th chancellor tiegan hi addreaa wtib a review of Ihn milllnry allimlluii. ll alnlMl that alnie hi laat ! h In th rteli-halag the 1 ardiinellea enti-rprlaa had ended aa a tailor, that th Harblan ram palgit, with the aeatatanca of Auairla- FEET SWOLLEN FROM JilDHEY TROUBLE -.- I want to :'ll you what your treat kid ney reintdy, alwanip-iloot, baa done for m. To t frank. 1 tan a.fi.W n h.i "atad toy life, alien I waa nlveii up hy nocinra. I waa troiihlad with dletraaalm Khlnry troiibl for alaht Vaara. I innhl not alnrp with palna In my back. My faet war iwnllen o they felt numb. My urine waa In vary had ahaiw, I aaw your remedy. Itwamn-ltoot. adveitiarf and thoiiatit I would try It. After tak ing 'be fliat bottle I emierlenced neel relief, mid i an aay that I na toy life to t our wruiiti'i nil ktilnev remedy, ir Kll mar Hwamp-Itonl. Mlirt. lMltA KftKTMtW, r : anark I'ere..nliy appealed hatoia nia, thla Will day of January, A, Mr I'm Kretluw, wlm an rntili aava lha ah.iva aiaiMiirnl l true lit anl.alanre and tn fact J K aiNt't.Allt, try IVihiie. Ilerilrii t'n lie. I.eMer la auiat ai Caj llMiawui, al. If, fraWh $amp-Raut Willpg (m Yati au,t iit in. la t.i I'r Ki'mar a i, lu, ,i.,. ii V . f.it a iiiiia ait ! boltlo laill iviiiln, ai.t.'iie Vtoi l ra ! a IiMi cf ii.aai ii-, li.ii'uii. talhug at'out t'i a i t,i a a l ' i I I. t ' nli a ' a a si.. nun Um.i fha toiiaha l .l'i t'.e Hu -i.i IMI ulit . t'C-a ! 'U. l l-.i a t,'l nit at l i'g ii " a tmMmmmm 77ic Handllni - 'a a H i lei a' i Hungnry and ltuliarta bad baan brought to a vktortou tonclualon and that Mon tenegro and Albania IlUewuje, war now In tho handa of tlermany'a alllea; that tha Ililtlah attempt to relleva Kul-BI-Amaha, In Meaoiiolamla, bad baan In vain; lha' the Htmelan. although they had aucceeded In occupy tug Knserum wbh auperlor forcea. had found tholr advama checked by atronu Turklih forr:a; that Kuaatm ntla'ka again) the fiont ',n erni' liallrla and Italian attack agalnat the laotiko poeltlon bad hen hatn hack, Moreover, ha aald, the rtuaalana had i driven rolumna ugelnat th (hrrman llnea, hut their aeaault bad broken iloan before rild Mnribal Von Hindenbut)t and hi heroea, Th chaneellor dac.larad that enemy re porta that tha Uorman military for had been eipendod wera provod erroneoua by th Verdun half. f Itarva t.ermaay, filacuaalng attempt which ha aald waia oalng mad to atarv fJermany, Dr. Heihmann-f toljwag rontlnuad. "1 underatand that In Mb nut anamlea would not irtva up thla hop, but I do not underatand how cool b"ad, after thg perlnc of lt can cling to It Our ent-mle forget that, thank to th oranlilng power of tba whola nation flermany I erpial to tha taak of th dl- trlbutlon of food attpplle. "Our enemleg forget tbt In cea In Whlrrh ther I g real hortaga th tier man nation la ahla to mak ua of moral reaervea which ana hi u to lower our alfindard of life, which ha rtaan remark ably during th laat decBrr. What would It mean, for Inatanoe, If th tron- uniptlon of meat hould leinimrarlly be lowered to tb evl of th 'Tll7" 'loiirtlilona of Ufa In tfermany wr not eaay, l)i chancollor eontlnued, hut th illffh ulMe war being rnet )n gdmlrabl faablon by th antlr nation, eepatMally Ihn pnornr rlnaaaa, "W ahull not run abort of anything In (he future, aa w bava not done In tba paat," be aald. flrltlaa) f ainpalaii TISegaf, The chancellor declared It wa tha In- tent Ion of 'iermany'g emunle to extend th war to tba woman and children of Ihl nation by atarvlng tbm, and that for Ihl purpoaa (Ireat Hrltaln and Ita alllc hav Intaifered with th trade of neutral, "Tha American not of November ft MK gava an enact deaortption of itrtthth violation of tha nation' law," be con tinned, "but a far aa I know It ha not been anawered up to thl day. lo fair-minded neutral, no matter wbeii'er he favor ui or not, can doubt our light to defend eureelV agalnat thl war of atarvailon, wbloh I contrary to International law. No one ran ak ua to permit our arm of defena to b wreaied from our hand. W rapct I glllmala right of neutral tra1 and eom marco, but w can eapecf that our duty ba tecgntr,"! -to ua all mean ggalnat thla policy of tarvtbin, which la a jeer big inaiilt not only to all lawa of natlona, but alao to the plainest duttea of hu manlty," Will golra mitah Qaaatlon. Itegarillng tha Pollah (j neat Ion end the nationalities In general, tha chancellor aald: "Neither Oarmany nor Austria-Hungary Intended to touch tha Polish question but lha fata of battles brought them In For the Afternoon Thla amart laced walking boot, with Ita trim to and high rut top, will give jut that deal red air to your gtrnet coattime. It I the Intent fashion, one of Drexel Spring Styles V will b moat particular to aoe that you are perfectly fitted. The attractive line of Bprtng Hboog which we are showing will fill your need for any occasion. In black bid, nine-Inch top, flexible welt solo, AAA to D. Tbla shoe la the beat valua ever offered for Drexel a Shoe Co. Ml arttaiw v.w,&--iAi.rA ,-t.nt Kimivci nun lulutjilt) tllvllkv it tJUH' hit (Wtt t'UM i t mutrci M nrtt atlttUbm. t h luiUliivsl td rtiU' H hwi li.tih tnir htsinct vvvty btur h Ihcvby, V te riuinHl lr it and t tour ruoitr er I rut? IhIu " w will w rwry wav jtuttfy ytmr onru1vivtf and tm nt thf ,ip,MV4l tt ur UmiwUtiH. 4nt - ; f cff f I "4J2iVmi' BSTiri I il Ks.':! I contact with it, Now thl problem aland before tha world and need to b solved. Uerniany and Auatrla-llungary muat and will aolva It. History will not admit that after such earthonike thing will avor become what they were bofoie. "Aftr the war ther munt ba a new Heiaium, "I'ociiierly Poland bad bn left In tne banda of a Hussion pollen sgunt, a man tmiiicd TMnovnlk, Kven uieniher of lha Husslan 1 lima frankly admitted that Tsplnovnik should not return to tha Women's Spring Underwear Tht Underwear Section h In lt New Location Main Aitle. Main Floor. Women's Knit Underwear for Spring and Summer Woman' Gaussa Vesta, high neck, abort aloovc or Ion glneve. fl." Wonion'a (Jauzo I'anta, flltod knue, 2rt - '" J!''' JaJa. Women' Kwlsa Ulbbod Union Wulla, low neck, no gleovo, fitted knee, extra good quality, (J5, The Store for Shirtwaists Many new wii!) IiIoiikos tiro now 4 on iliHpIay, priced at 1.95, 2.50, '2.95 The Thompsan-Belden Pure Dye Taffeta (36-inch) $2 A beautiful noft fabric that does not crush. It's alno very tierviceablc and tiomeH in all the most wanted color,. New Georgette Crepes (40-Jnch) 11.50, $2 PLASTERS Thl Wortf) Crmtrt EtttrnAl Mtwudy. Ooughaan Cold fna ohaat tm4 saeiba Weak Cheat, Any kooai Pain. aitel ta WaWaf ALUOOCS. auiaia maaau. r TW 1WSYuM)ay lMetAaWn You Buy Willingly at Our Prices VaftWCW. Inspect Our Beautiful Line of Baby Cribs And ea th Sanitary lUhr Mttrj to fit them, OUR FRICI'.S, 2 tU.!a iiioh Whit orji m m Venn Xtartin Cnh. aj, f 0 '.' uM inch ttb, nickel. !tk. itif rK fnnatrticlirttt, h above ll!tttratun Hi-rpt !.$5.95 I rip b-eatitv V heavy rrih, very . $6.95 iiubby itla A tr'a t'Mb h Vernu Martin, Irt in. bra mile, M iM-Hia nf 0 !) A he'ttiful Into f Mraw t'nJa d Whita i:rtane!ft RAYMOND'S 1.M.1I5 )Uird St Th? NnJ.y IW i lhJ only gtut Itf rcaJrfi four'htf ptfi vt CrtlorfJ cvmici. i I ? Tolia hav honestly labored lu lb li. tereats of thl unturtunate land "Mr. Aacjulth mention tlie pi'lnclplc ol nationality. If b pula blmaulf In '.he paltlon of hi uneonurcd and un con'iuerablo adv:ury, can be reHll;' uppoaa that tlermany ever ahall of its own free will deliver lotu tha hand i t reactionary Hussia the nallons belwocn lb liable and th Volhynlan awainp. who hav boon fined by It and by It alllee no matter whtbr they ara I'oba, Mthuanlan. or lvotilan," TII0fiP5ON-BElDEN6CO Tie faslilon Gtrler of lie HiddleWesh The Vogue of the Separate Skirt 'IIjo iinportanco of m'punite bkirtN n fully rt'cognizftl, and tlit iikmIitii woiii wi'h wardrolif nlwnyH coiilaiiw fjcvcral for wear on varioun occusionn, J'or morning woar at lionio on tlio HtrtwU and for onling wonr wlioro KTvict-aliility and practicaltility nrt. vm-i- tial. l'Voni thu bcvcrost lailorl cfffctH to thf nioiit cliLboratc fluffy bilk crt'alioiiM-all arc licre for your inspection. Prices $6.50to $39.50 ALTERATIONS MADE FREE OF CHARGE New Silks Quality Silks Famous for Thirty Years Gro Grain Taffeta (36-inch) $1.59 Bolect th material for your 811k Suit early. Remember thitt ttil particular Taffeta ran not be duplicated for lea than 11,76 to 3 a yard. Color aa eortment are good now and Include) Pear Gray, Cope, Reaeda, none, Jeaf Green, four shade of navy and black. On the wise mother's shopping list: PERFECT Toofii Powder Prtpmnd by m Doctor r" thntmt Smrgtry nd 2c stamp today for generoug samplg of aitbaf Dr. Lyon' Parf.ct Tooth Powder or Dental Craam. L W. Lyaa A Son, Ine, 577 W. 27tk St, N. Y. Cily yL , , 1 1 1.1 , , mmmmBm HI CORNER TRNAMAT Ifj TH i ; jlAsi!allMjL? alt IbMKVII, BOTOT GRAND OPERA COM FA ST Y PAVLOWA JSS Aim Thursday night, April 13 "L Amort dal ra " aat "aowf laa" Baltat, Frniar HiUhh, Air 11 J "MaUiu But. tartir" aa Faaloara Dlaartissuiauta. rntar mgnl, Ai.ni U Babw" au4 "v.u.ti" Baliat. i'i lm iimI .'IiuibiIii .vtai tin. 1ihI M'r. l4tt, MAntnii, tiauli'iut, 1'iillti tnaiilkii. II". i'l Mima t Ih. I.vna, u,. Mar.al, I'loinant, Hr.. a. t'omliii' l.ii ,iraiianl Miliml.t. Hnimllaiis ANNA 'A,Vl.tiVA ariwai iii ttl!l Itua ai a-'h 11' "tmaiiia -1AT now AOPITOBtUaf, OMAHA Tha . al YuJlll Pail Malta, t ill Krr Mtgst, il tm,uV..- ! la a.. rr . i . ... a I a. I t sa. i". -. l-a.l a. ! ft u DHiltl f VB HiTB OI5V Vt. !" SPOUTING W100W J ! rti't oil '! ... , i.,lJfeM r... ,. ...... . ' ... . .. . s .a '. - . ,.. ... h . . i . . -a ' ' ' t -. ' ' .a.' Vim . . a a a . ' - Today f7 NEW rTonlU 2:30 InuiJ8:20 BBBTtB B, A Bal ." IIUYU at., w a a a - 'Malta. a44 EVA IUAINJC. trfa4 kt IBWttt tiavB la "OUTCAST" r,uM " at DRAHDEIS i a , Bmiui'4.1 a.ll.. ta a4 '.. a ka.. ttaaA Ji fi.i.m '-ti "TWIfl BEDS" DEATH RECORD Nylvt-ater Itceil. AL'IM'IUV, Neb., April , -Special, l tj...... I k.n,l.,.nl ..Hixeil. nyix'picr li.' ii, j,,.,n,., hi, dropie-d ileml lii lila yard thl noon. H h..,.ii In t,la lianiil heiilth slid had Ju i-etiirned from hi fiwm In hi machine, Iteed wa ahiiul UK year of age, and lute) nerved the county a commlaelniii r and alao as treasurer. Ho I urvvi( I y hi wife, one son, Iloy, a farmer, and two daughter. ' ee..-.,.,i;50jr.!rj,. First Sbower-Proof Foulards (40-inch) $1.50 Nee arrlvgl In very attriyv tlvo doelgn. Delightful for Spring and Hummer wear. Wash Taffeta (38-inch) $1.25 The new silk for allpg, under i' r and foundations, In light end liiet'.lum shade. HIPP. TODAY Jt Xi. Xalry rraaaalt Blanche Sweet In "THE SOWERS" Trora tha book bf Ktary Batoa Marti ma a. BESSIE BARKI30ALE in I lU rTH ASU IlltOWX KXV. Tha Tillage Yainplra Ktyatoaa. ' Trldar TliaJa Bar, IliMlVtttl H V At l VIl l.K ttti.t HTt lUtB. ENTIRE NEW SHOW TODAY TurplfTs Scfiool of Dancing faia. iVh ari.m Baa. f!, ''at ' . wan. l... I'Haaia ia... a u, itlllt ij Where The Omiha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen i utM tut trtn t tMI ItM !Mr rtaiini: It l,lll I'l 0M W Mt I'M It I' m itr Mt Mi l l t v -, '(w!Ate'