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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1916)
1 .1 , T I 12 THK f'.KK: OMAHA. TiM'WKHAY. Ai;ill C. KM'.. Drawn for The Bee by George -MelViaTUiu Bringing Up Father Copyright Intern 1 New V.-.' f I WANT OUTO FIRE THM NEW BOY - HE DON'T I DO ANT THIN BUT SLX&p; w fx . TO WHOM IT MAY CON CERN - JASPER JOME 60 SOON? WflL- 5AR-VV1LL YOUB ME A LETTER OF 5AT- t)TAT YOU'RE THERE YOU ARE - READ u AWAKE FOR A fired: V6KED FOR W? ON- BY 40LLT TOU JUt)T HIRED MINI MINUTE - I WANT TO TELL YOU SOME BAD NEWb DY AND WE AKE ( 1 , ATltFIEO it; J(J?T WAIT UNTIL I FMI5M TMI DREAM- RECOMMENDATION THlt MORN IN',' f 1 1 - mt r I L I 7 1 I w s - I I (iff) I: XTfffii ill. jAM rl Wi- A , ,'i f- ,fjim i '- Its, frfcWf ..'W, , ., .... Hffr YANKEES TAKE ONE FROM THE SUPERBAS New York American! Defeat Dod gen in Tint Exhibition Game of Setion. CUB3 SHUT OUT 6HREYEP0RT BP.OOKLTN, X. T April l.TI Naw Tnrk Americana defeated th Ifrooklyn Nallonalg, 4 lo 1, In th firt elilbSllon gam of th aaaaon h today, flmltll and Flaher atarted th pirutiln nrt ni i ff-lv, Nuncmakrr'i douiiUt jn th " nn4 bhih I wo runt fur t)i yiiUi, nd Hil' rlpl In ih third innlnv nd dl doiihl in th fifth f orl HnUI)n rnn. Acor; a imc. Stw Tnrk.,.. I M M I 0 -4 1 iiro'iklyn ,,,, A t I I I t M 2 i; 1 Kntirrlx: rtMr, Ktln and Nfi mkr, wllrr; rimlm, Atpinon nni J, (uh Krmt hftrpur(. BlirtOVETTtl'lT, U April i,7h CM io f'llnl lilt opputlun'ly lort)- nl lrft1 the Mhrvnort wm of rxi lfi., 4 in 0. Tl) pll'lilnn of Urown nd Vuhn an1 lilli by 7.Unmrrmnn nd Flck featured, fruit; ' M' uo , 4 : Mhrrvprt ..,..)., 0 i nmiriu; Hrnwn, VauKlin nd Anlir; fiiffy arid Hmllh. Wall. ni Ural Toarka, TOrKKA, Kan,, April t.-Tha Clilraar) Amrrlran arfjnd Im dafnafed th To prka Wrlrn Icagua club, lo I. Iiera t. day, K'ore; nlrao ,, ( T';pk J i Hnrlr: ftiia-ll and Maicr: Utnstr. !amllli, t and Tatr lilaMla Loan (.ant. CIIATTANOCMJA. Tfnn., Aorll B. -The New Tork .Vallnnal Iraaua plirhera wne hit liard hy tha nm(tnmia liilhern aaawlalloit i Inn tt-ra today, Die hoin learn wlnnliif, 7 to I. Htora; ' hnlUnonaa ,,,, ,,,,,, 1 It t .New lork 1 4 J Hattorlea; Alien, Karr, tlerneri, Mr. Una and IXera, Kltchena; t'errlK, Heiiinn and Wendell, Maeka Real ( karlealnn. -HAni.KHTON. n, c April J,-Th. f'hllartelphla Amer1ana won heia today frm the ( harleatoir Hoiith Atlantic league to I, Atrlnni. K't two alnalea and a double, and Witt and Hi-hang halted triple, tirora; Philadelphia ,n"K ( hnrleat'in , 14 1 rtatt.rlea' frowell, Kptln. Nabora and rl'hn; rilllnglnt, Hardin, Bmlth and 1 Inline, Reave t eaatara, WAhlllNUTuN, April .-Tli H...I..II Hravea wera defeated. 7 lo i today, by l ha Haahlnitton Ameii,na In an hl hltlon gama here. With tho aeora tied In tha algth. lha lnal uou'nted flva runa on twa hlta, four errora and a, ba on halla, Kcnra: H.lf.K. talon u not I M I M 1 1 Waahltiaton .. 0300100 -7 10 1 Itatierlea; Itoiaton, N'ehf, Knelner and niarhhurn; Waahlnaton. tlallla, llaiuvr and. Henry. I'klla Are Vletnra. RirHMONH. V April .-Tha Milla- delphla Natlnnala defeated tha Ithh mond'i tnternatlonala here, I to 4, rVma: . t . . " l'nlladelihl ,, , H S fllcllllioild h a j H.m.-ii. Philadelphia. f'halniera. tlle and Murm; lu. hmoiid, !(.., tr out and ii I 'i.iiiii ll, NKW t.ltt.i:A.V, U . April . -Ahlllty to hit In tha plnihe enahlrd the Sitw Orkana Southern aaexelallnn team to defeat tha t'levelatid Amertrana hera to. day. I lo 1, .'.r: It II K. C leveland . ,, , i New urieana lit Hatleilra I'leteland. Maaelimaii, in. veleikie and Killiiia, tulrana, Weaver and llliiiia. ladlaaa Irep tine, RAl.TlMuHr; Md . APtll .-Tia ltl.M Ainarhana defeated Ih lUllim.-re Inlet, nadnnal le(ia team hta lo'ta', hv a wr l I In tour. It II I tnalOM Amr--na .. I Id talltnfr!naU 0 I rtatlailea IUj.i..ii A mm. an, eliiiir, ruih and Ag'ia . rhornvaineii and l.. r. 114 lrea. Cim'IKS'ATI. U, Acid the UMift aatl Sal-n t Iho l .1 Aanari' an tatl-. I la t a tt H r: r l inh-,a A . i- a -x iaita II! ; ( ii- li.nall St' n t I falleftaa i un ait a- tt-n i nit Van it I t . .. HaH. Vlirtht I ml, I it. i..naii s -aitl ailU'katt, 4.tti( a4 tA na, lata. Reanaa Real tn4t. IT l.ftl ! Ma. Al-ttl i ! at I .-, la Awataa llat4 itta at Vi Haaaia, a lt I . -, Hllt. at t a .la iii. iii , I I I at i vii. t III Italia V I .14 ! a lw til Taii-'it rntili.t a.t Ma- aiahl, el .Sai1ia'. itu AiMa 4 NEGRO HANgTd BY MOB AI KINGSTON, N, C. i.k, a n a taa ttt t t it . fail !' tarlr t -la a ateh et a"vl nua an-t tin Ift 1 1 a at taa faiHai -f ta 1 l mlkm aaa !; ii tai ae it a Otaane tjitlr iad I tMi a'ata yia'a in itia, ta ! a i '" WUiiaia ila la aatf ! altt t iMii m, '(it t-- aaa iHiM ii, haMeg gn a'e I" awa l aHa t ea aa IRELAN BREAKS ting a ife one In Hn aevnilii and one In tlie nlliCi Tniuoirow the Uniaha clufi will mi to I'airhnry In automobile, where they will line! th" (Vlntix ( lv team. ?'UI f,IM,UI,. AH, Crack S'rond Bmemnn Snap Mem ber in Attempt to Steal Second, THREE HOME RtftfS ARE MADE HiXATCK'K, Neb., April ' is'r-'.,l T'l-eiiram.r-Irelan, lha eia'k aiond be. man on tha Omaha Hub, anetaliied a broken ankle thl arteriioon In the gama ailh tha Chimin t'leanlng and 1 Work el'jb. While making a ilde in an effort to ateal e,oiid In the aevetilli Inning Ire Ian rece(d the Injuiy, lie probably will ha out of tha gain for eter weeka. fly hi work at eiond and hlltlng Cretan won a home with tha nn 'iif lit and loeal fan. Today ha t Inred In the gam with a home r'in when the bi-a ware full. Tha Itourke eaully won I hl afternoon' gama by the g'ora of I lo o. Ilaugh began th twirling tor the t'leanera and lb lloiiikea netted l eountera.ln the flial limlrw. A paea and two fielding error by Haugh filled tha bane, Then he ht F'oraylhe, betllpg neore, Irnlan then landed tin the Vail for a homer. With flva rore In ftnngh w rdaeel by Mrown and Kllduff ent the ball nter th ffi a for aimther hoinei. In th third Kl'duff giored another long one good for two baaea. In th fifth Hhllrlnr reglatered a home run. Afnrty urwl tlir pllrliera and tha ('leaner could lint arnie. AIHin, Alniworth and Notth were In Ihe bo for Hire Iniilnga ei:h, rllmon waa the mil)' Cleaner who could alngle off North, et. t I It-Mint, it Mom', ,1b,.,,, K'aiiery, I'oleky, 2b Himaii, II).,., . Vnlle, if I'maherfy, If.. liana, c Kangli, p.,.,,,, Ilrown, p, ,,,,,, Me) erg, p.,,,,,. Total..,,,,., ftinllh, If.,,,,,, I'llillf, !)., ,,, (nnvlhe, If,., Milli-r, h lr-lan, Ih,,,,,., Krug, h X hliebner. rf ,, Mldnff, t.,,., Kniege,', (, ,,,, H.elman, AIIUoii, p ,,, AliKttorth, p.,, Norlii, p..,,,',,, 4 4 ,,,, I It , II 4 4 ,, 0 S I , OMAHA AM. h II H ii I 0 I I I II 0 (. I I t 4 4 i 4 7 ii I 0 lit A K. ii 'i o 2 li n II. n A a a i 4 II 1 A 2 i I 4 II II I) Toial U 77aj Mnioln 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0.0 Omaha I 0 I 0 'I o 0 Ii Horn runa: Klld'tff. Iralan, H hllebnec, Ttto-ba hit: Klldnff. fai'rlflea hit; Hmllh. Klret haae on ball; Off AllUim, ! off Alnaworth, : ntt North, 3; off Mrown, 3; off Meyer, I, I'aaard hill: Hun, Wild pilch; Ilrown. III! tv pitched bull: Kuuuli. f'nrevlhe, Tlmo of game. .'MI. I'mplre; Myem. lel t.eanlae Rock Here. Ott dr. ight and hi bottle on and afier April mil. lie ur and lime a iae of thl dcllcjoug brew genl lo your home, W'm. J, Wwoboda, fletall raler, I'liona foiiglg J2S, Want Ada never filrk their work-the will ft reaulli, If anything will. a a w -aaiaaaae m ROOKIE HURLER WHO LOOKS LIKE REAL FIND v,.si. i mf 4 , ..... 4 ' : i , . 1 ' ' ' " 1 - , i i 4 t , i r I ' ' ' , $ '"V-lf ' - I flooaler f.regae, J'lCTKIt M HH 11. i.'"l 8t. Tut. I'M IN.. Iiil ,.14 ff .7 li"l! 4'i; ..' .:.l ra M Hnff Teal ,.14 Kehm I'l h'l I' HaU-r in i IhI IM W'ariehow .24'. Di 2"7 I In mlh ap ,. II II II Tolala .. f, l , 7110 l l.AHA HKI.I.KH, lt. ?d, ?d. T"t, fain 117 lit lal M7 Tenell m II! HI 4 a Kldaon 17.'. l-i.'! M-2 f,-i) i. Jarnli.,,i;.'. l.. M'l 4K.' Neale ....... 17 I'm i... Total.. - Ki mil I'd TUAl'V HIIOH' CAI.O. tat. .111. tot. t'ORKV M'KKNZIK. 11. 'id, 3d, Tot. A. I lower,. K4 IWi 3l li'iliilty ,.,.:iit IV'l I0 W'l illniid vn Ii.9 IH f..-1 y.lmmy '.IS l3 l7 I4 Z'lip ill 140 0 4 Tolala..,,!! P. I Mil 2KHf DMA, VAN HTHMAdl'!, Int. Jit. M, Tot llameral'm 177 lo A'li I.J on 117 U13 11 4h tlunllngt'n l 1.'A 1 Toman ,.,,.m 1) 17 ;'! ourin .,..2'i IW 1M iV lUiiilhun II II II M ar(r l.aka l,adle. CM'H, Herg .... C'realalyl llelfner , Jomon )laael . 11, Id. Tol. I0 IKI Vl Ill 127 .., ha i.'d ,ii4 l:il IW lm smt Tolala tii fln'1IM i. a kit 11, jtd. To! "rpiiter ,liea ftogi-l ... y.lpfel Idmlek ., m I'l pri po ... I'ai HI ....Iml IM ,,..711 all latginai'j' t ggf. ki., tMmf pl3aaV' t. ' ' I '' 3W sen :i'i I4 117 XT IH M !'il .'t y fM.a ii-: 4 rrlmeau ,.,i;n IIH .19 Hlngmaii ..IH Hi I'll Hl-ner ..,.ll l.' IS". Kenl I'.l v,i '11 Hi h ntnan llandlt'ap Total. ,. 1.".'. wit m 'M I.hihv nui:xviNii I'm. lei. ;.t 3i. Tot , Karr UK M 1S1 .'.SI Klnnaman ,H l I'm ' " Untie 17.1 14, ' K. JiOfh...""l MH IHI .'.it 101(1 run ha IS.1 .V.7 T.titl....VH4 MlliliANI II lai. Johnanii , .,17.) HUoli I'i7 I'hrlalen n I' Week T, Potter I.UI A 3d. i;:. 211 Im.'I I lit 171 p. t o, ?d Tot li i I'M i4 IWi 47 4 IM 47 li. 44 Total.. .."77 Km 4.1 I7.l POWKI.t, Ht'PPl.V t'O. ;'i Jit Tot, Noon . , Hmip WertV ... Iln.tla ,., I'nadt (In ml limp 11 ,U'3 .l2 I4. . IH.I .Ml . II H7 li.t 144 I. . I II. ' It K.4 r"4 Id IH i I7D II 44 A I Ui urn rv.; TO Total. a74 .' 116'! HOWMNO, Jt. 3d T'H. Rib liny (it 1 1 pi!) ratlin 11 11 M itmild 1 4t ?g Ti! Mtiaw im lm) n0 Covering IM I mi ;,') Tolala., M M2 IM t'ARTKR lt. lil Tot. Tnlata....' ! K, ?,m Tolala. a Ml !UH Fllerrnan .... Haokelt Healing Inilerwood Whll alioune Total.. ., i': ...IM laa ... 1 I".' . , . ii i ...I4 l:"l ...171 fs4 ll.Hj AINSWOKTll SIOUX ALL READY TO MEET ROURKES Ganpar Tcrionftlly Superintend! Rolling of Ground! in Antici pation of Firit Game. NEW MEN BEING TRIED OUT KAinurnv, Neb., April r...xpwi Tf legrm)-Th Won Jiy W'ealem leiiguer today went, through' gome !rn uoii pru'lli at the training ground In antblpatlon for the battle of Thursday after noon, when Murty Krng'a Omaha leaguer will corne over from Keatrh and tag the flrt exhibition gn of th eeaaon at till point. Manager Harry riiitr peraonally rolled tha ground for practl'-e, fran tically all Of the ! hloux ' lly tfam I In Kglrbury at th training camp, I'on nelly grid I'roaby, caleher. are getting in hap lo work behind the vlllow thl year, t'oruielly, whom the Mloim hnnghl from Ihe American league, I trying out. for guardian of third ':k, Ha played tbia poltlon on tha Washington teiim. A new man, Ctmnlngharn, balling from Odeboll, la., la hera allowing Manager Hapar what he can do In th way of dealing out alani", Paltle Mvlngaton, th old Athletlo catcher, I allowing up gwid, Tha up-river club bought him from fn dlanapollg. "Teg" Croaby of Ollmore, Tc who ptyed In th Nbrk Kfata league t team laat year, la trying to land pl,, with th Jtloug, fapar and tha Xlong fgpeet to open tha . (tinker of Ih Omaha team when they get her tomorrow tint lrburyi fan will h Oft dock to th fur fl between tha two team. ! DANIEL GUGGENHEIM'S SUMMER HOME BURNED; IjSU UnANCIf, ft, J. April S-Thj glimmer horn of Daniel fiiiggenbelm. I prealdeiit of lb Amrtrn ftmalllng V P.oflnlng eompany, gt Klbarop, wa vlr.; lually daffoyeiJ by flra aarly todayj cauxlng a lor tlrntd a! Il'M, t I'll aaRaaWmgsgaj JttJ' n HARLEY-DAVIDSOH T1h Motorcyclo that Kwcn i mpt maximum .atMartion. Victor H. Roos "Tht9 MotwrrjcJ Man," 705l 10 worth Ht, Otnafiav, Xeb, AlWJy COLLAR Ktylc-Vrfe will show th QaA APRIL 11 to Intwoheihlf AthbyQi'n Lexicon QVx 1 a 2 f 15)11 nil Jmsv 7n Ca y fr Brewed and Bottled by "an ii ii ir 1 Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd. OMAHA, NEB. Famllf Ttad. oppUad ay Wa. Jatta, SOg V Straot. Fh.a. Baagiaa 4ai, nArp)7n j MOTBWMaaataaaaa 077 Bran Sofd Everywhere Write Tom C. Jirvis, Co. Bluffs, u. I "OLD KEI1TUCKY" TASTES LIKE JWPE FRUIT Its Delicious Flavor Has Hcvcr Been Equalled In Any Other Chew ..,t:A 50 YEARS THE FAVORITE Tler it more flavor and real tolacco atifaction in plug chew than In any other form of tobac co. Ami Old Kentucky hai a fla vor all iti own peculiarly mellow, iwect and fruity. For 50 yean Old Kentucky liai pleaied ,hc most critical tobacco tibcri In America. Old Kentucky is made of choice, perfect Burlcy leaf, sun-ripcncd, full-flavored, liand-ntemmed, thor oughly cleansed and pressed into plugs by a process which (saves every -drop of its tasty, wholesome, beneficial juices. Old Kentucky will please your taste and quicken your appetite. Get a loc plug from your dealer fnlay you'll always be glad you got acquainted with it. AdvertlBcmcnt, ' 1 B8aataaSSaCaSa3 Maltless Alcoholfree rannew Beverage . , . a v i . . mm li4;'ii, f.ii Ha Nltna Making an entirely new and novel Beverage from the choicest Ameri can cereals, without malt, without fermentation, without sugar, not brewed, containing no alcohol, being tax-free; not a "beer," "near becrM or "temperance beer1 with a flavor and taste of its own and being in a class of its own. For sale at all drug stores, hotels, restaurants, soda-fountains and soft drink establishments. Omaha Beverage Company 6002 lo 6016 South 30th Street South Side StAtioi. OMAHA, NFH PMn South UtS7 .'S4aiaa HI. )), - '. n, ! ' !:: I ' i ! ! i i 1 i : I !! jl, I i i i ,'' Fainll Tf4 SttnflifJ hf h WILLIAM JF.TTEU 2301 N Mr..! f'hon. tVu,!. 42JI A 1 r Vtye"1 r