Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments Club Doings
Easter millinery. The
most beautiful hats we
have ever shown. Sport,
dress and street styles.
"""" 1 , . .., I. I,,.: j i. ,i.. I,,
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes..
A step in the right
direction. The best of
the very latest foot
wear for Easter,
Another Free Lecture on Dressmaking Thursday at 2:30
By the Celebrated Mme Coates of New York and Paris
Scores of women are enrolling for the Dressmaking Classes, where all the principles of perfect cutting,
fitting and making are taught Third Floor, Old Building, 2:30 I M. 15 lessons
Gloves Direct From France
Two (Ws of French Kid Olovos from IVrrin ar
rived ou the Steamship Rochambraii KHturday Inst, and
cam by pjtproiw to our store 'on Monday, They contain
mostly fancy kid gloves, all of the genuine I'crrin make
in exquisitely beautiful styles.
We will not go into details telling what difficulties
vre. had in Retting thene glovea, suffice it to nay wo are
mighty glad they are now safely with us. There is not
A large quantity, but they are all beautiful styles in
the famous I'crrin makes of
La Mure, Irene, Monaco,
r Oudja, Extra Quality
Colors arc
Illack, white,
t etc de negre,
gray, navy.
Moat of the com with contrant. itlfchlnft and beautiful
emhroldorlei; some with itr large, pearl claapa. Wn advla
Immediate abaolulely Immediate let:tlnn, ai thin ahlpmeiit
may be th laat for some tlm to come,
$1.50 to $3.00 a pair
Exquisite In Their Delicate Outline
Are These Smart Blouses For Spring
Every New Model Can lie Found at the Hrandeis Mouse.
A hlousn for every occasion, fhe most, critical taste can be
satisfied here.
New Lingerie Mouses
$3.98 to $5.00
New Handkerchief Linen
Mouses, rose, green, flesh
and white
For a First Payment of One Dollar
You Can Put in Your Home the
Encyclopaedia Britannica
"Handy Volume" Issue
One of th book oppnrtunitlea of a life time la madn la thli
offer, The flrandpla Ktor haa aeoiired for Omaha thla remark
able net made to at. a hlthertofore unheard of prlc. Thla
la tliet Handy Volume laau. of the, olmetiih and latea! edition of
the Encyclopaedia Ilrlunnlra, exactly the aame, word for word,
ai the roatly CambrldKO Inane except In alee- but coata lesa than
on.-thlrd much.
Dainty Ocorgelte Crepe,
Mouses with new cape col
lars ; hand-embroidered
models and filet lace trimmed
$5.50 to $12.98.
Extra Quality Crepe dc
Chine Mouses, all the new
models in the smart color
ings I
$3.98 to $6.50
Complete 29-VoIume Set
at 64 Per Cent Saving
The flrat payment, of fl secures the Handy Volume aet
In the binding you want, and you have a choice of four: Cloth,
Kul I Sheep, Crushed Levant Morocco and Full Cruxhed
Ievant Morocco. You can tiae the aal for threw weeks, then,
If It clop not aatlefy you completely', you may return It and
Set your dollar back. The full price may he madn In eoma
21 or 22 monthly payments of 13 or M BO, according to the
Judge Its Value for Yourself
Look over the ant at your Inlsurs In the. Book Department.
You will be aallafled, aa we are, that the aet la a houaehold ne
ceaalty. It publlahera suarantee that It la Identical In word,
article, map and lllimtratlon: printed on the aame quality of In
dia paper and manufactured by the aame printer and binder as
the Cambridge laaue. You will find It handler In alte, beauti
ful In appearance, at a savlnf In coat that you cannot afford to
Save Time and Strength
Buy a "FREE" Sewing Machine
"I can't work a machine my doctor has forbidden
me to operate one" This has been said by scores of
women, day after day and doubtless would have been
continued ns a Mock phrase if tho introduction of the
"Free" machine had not changed it all.
Doctors recommend the
Tree" Sewinff Machino,
because it is not necessary
to pedal so hard that a
woman becomes unduly
With the endorsement of
scores of prominent physi
cians, the
"FREE" Sewing Machine
Comes aa a Boon to
a 11 tir
I ( w U -V . A au women
M v II V who have hitherto felt that
V Id t h v were debarred from
using a machine and Mere
forced t' do all their iiecenry sewing by hand.
The "Free Is So Superior
to All Other Machines
that it &n more thu a dcn supreme point unap
proa'hrd ty any other Machine on the market.
T" "TWl
Gill, Btlia, ftecr Motor.. N..4I. ent all S.wlng
Mahln Suppil.t .peel! prtt for tnig .,
Two New and Beautiful Styles
In Red Cross Slippers
Strap styles, with cut out
'pattern over the insteps.
Gracefully arched insteps and
curved heels. Kvery pair fit
ted with the comfortable Red
Cross soles. All widths and
Any one who has experi
enced tho comfort which
these flexible soles afford will
i. . . .
never nesuaie wnen a choice
is to be made, but. will, without exception, choose Red
Cross Shoes. Thursday, at $2.05 a pair.
Here Is a Fine Lot of
Dress Shoes For Women
SOME OF THE snappiest styles we have shown are
ready now for distribution. The Spring and Summer season
of 191(1 is well taken care of by the' best manufacturers
of Footwenr, and here are some of their best.
Women's Fine Drees Shoes, white calf topa and green kid vamps'
lace styles, hlsh I-ouls heels. One of the newest pat- rg
terns In vampa and heel foxing. All sliea, pair 3.OU
We also have In atock all slses In Oray, Irory, White, Pearl and
Brown Kid Shoes, in the latest laats ana p rf
patterns, pair , V aOl
Fine Shoea for Women, samples and odd pairs tn patent and dull
leather, blue and Havana brown kids. Worth to fOftr
$7.00 a pair, special JpOlij
Odds and Ende In Dress Pumps, samples, etc., ' An Dm
worth to 15.00, will be marked , , O.OO
Hair Goes Higher
On the Head
Bat Lower Down in Price
Special in the Hair Depart
ment, for Thursday,
20-Inch Switches, $3.48
Of Natural Wavy Hair In
three aeparate at rands. This la
an offering directly In keeping
with Fashion's dictum that
woman's attention be again
directed to the coiffure.
24-Inch Switchci, $4.98
Of Natural Wavy Hair, three
separate atrunds. Ail-Around
Transformations of hair, $2 08
mrr.HT imumiiikiminvi,
.hnmpooliif, racial m . an 4
nianliurlii. In our Milar hair
m,il parlara. I'hllilrrn'a hair
Ix.Milrtf . Appointment, mwl. bjr
Ornamental Shrub and Roe
Bush Sale Saturday,
Saturday we will hold our an
nual sale of Ornamental Khrubs
and Itose Hushes. TheKe are the
same high grade field grown
bushea that have made our bush
and Jhrub sales famous In the
past seasons. A great variety
to choose from.
Chocolate Day
Delicious Pompelan Bitter
Sweeta, pure, rich flavor;
creamy chocolate, crushed fruit
and nut centers; at all other
stores, 40c; for Thursday
. s
e w.m..1. TT-i- a..;..
nuunu i vuivu uiis,
Usually 50c, at 25c.
Lisle thread, with cuffs'
and umbrella knees; hem
med top, lace trimmed; all
Attractive Wall Papers
A ! ( V. I MCt.t! It i ait f.-l-r. jl'aliU for fe,- rvH-n.t i I
(i.r liit kiirftmi t fc, w
tvUU tij , jC
ttir IWJ K,v '' ar pit.n l. 'l )) r. ittM. .k4
t't ' 4 t tU fi:, thai r -
a'aativ n;S it Our avWiUMi 1. . ur twi
"n f. i'ti ul wnt b.'i !n and t' il!e l O 1
H-fc .! u ll v,,-, .., ...... 02 C
J i v 4 a.'M.e r rne r 'im ihu
Hfi il;4 le frti, Sal 4r si m t't in
' ei.iH MrH tt !! rf ."fcur.
ti.t ui t t'l t t iHimt l"pr,
U ' r " ewion iw .uk r
New and Beautiful Taffeta Dresses
At $10, $16.50, $19 and $22.50
JUST WHEN Taffeta is tin rage, wc announce a sale
of these beautiful Silk Presses at prices that are within the
reach of everyone. Choice variety of New Taffetta Dresses
in combination chiffon and georgette, plaids with plain
Itea tit i fully made and finished and now when Easter is betriii-
i'ng to loom on the horion, the opportunity to purchase Presses like
these is one that no woman will care to lot go by.
Sport Skirts Special Sale
SpecialNew arrivals in Sport Skirts, including a variety of
materials, checks, pUids, stripes, novelty weaves of all de
scription $5.98 to $10.00
Three Rousing Bargain Days
In This Great Basement
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
The most rrmnrkntuV offering from thin Riscmcnt Store
in ninny months. You will do well to make n special trip to
the store to share in thrne sale?,
It will save you time and monoy if you u HKK WANT-ADS.
Campfire Girls to Give Welcome to
One of Their National Secretaries
ts. tut
'i, ' '(. : '. '.r. i.yi , . -
mt ' . . ..." v., it m a 5i
1 "ift r UT
wvi Ti n ; i "v x a i .r r
l-fcnl fanipflrrt glrlx hip arfHiiln n
hl rrlnhi'.llon Krld.y In honor nf Ml.
Killth M, Kirinplhnrn, onil of thn n
tlnl .f.iotttrlPd, ( who win he In the
cllv on tlint ilny,
Mla Komii(lmni( villi Imv rnmirll
with H,f lorn) gijHrillmift In the mnrnlnit;
will if alvpn k Mil luncheon at noon, mul
will mipt thn Klila of thB C.inpfjr.
roiii, of whhh thorc .re lKht, In
the aftnrnoon, Thn g niit-tlrii( In i.-hirn
of .Hh Kempt home will he hcihl In the.
ovenliia- at the Voiing VVoim n'i fhrl-
tmn aiocitttion,
Kemplhorne will tell alt about th
c.mpflr. Kill movement, .howlng inovje.
of the girl. In their campflr ctMtle
A group of girl, from loml (roup, will In cnntume the ceri-monl.l
work of tho orffanfMtlnn,
C, II, Knall.h, heHil of the recreallon
work of the clly, will ali .peak.
The Mlee Helen lluek, Hen Hleeper,
Nelle Ryan, Ollv. Htaln, Kintna Kllii
wortli, Kleannr Mallard, llerth Vamhan,
Helen Garvin and I,eeia lluhlreyn ar
Kuardlana for local group..
Will Omaha Follow Suit and Dig Up
Old Daguerreotypes of Its
My JIHI.I.II'M M (prll 3.
Am there many dnnuerreotypia
FlrKt New Vovk went flnRnen-eolypn
rnad-tlun Minneapnlla, alwava the model
of form and pattern to alaler elllen, f )
lowed ai:lt.
Thete dnniierr, otypea are very precloni
now, ean't you aee-fcr only tho we;i-lo-do
rould affonl them aome two and thrm
core yara a'o. They are hnne file
proofa of tho pant aortal alandlnir and
rank of thn family poaaraa'nit (hem.
Old curio deulera In the east ar ran-a-KkhiK
old oornera of forgotten atorlnat
Plnrra, and one rlever novelty manufac
turing plant tn New Jercey la put ing out
an fxccllctit lmltntlnn.
If Krrat grandira didn't have the money
to alt for a daguerreotype to hand down
to future generHtlnna In an elegantly
bound i-aae of gold and morocco, thst Is
no rraaon that her descendant., who have
Ilia cafiBbllty to make money, ahouhl
ba without an anreatrexa In keeping with
their preaent poclllon.
Of rourra. at prenent tho real da(iier
reolypea are .elllng at a brlk "rate, hut
the aupply cannot keep up, while the de- The Tucaday Prl.lg. cluh, on of tha
inand will but Increaee. . , card rluba whinh h. ,.l- ..
hy Mra, K, Tercy Teal of fhlladclphla,
member of the national board of dliee.
tora, Tha Iccal biamli collected and dlf
Irlbuted 3 1JI garment laat year. Mi..
S. J. Klilbh la prealrtent; Mra. .Mlllon I.
Newman, vice prroldent; Mr.. W. V, .'
mlchacl, aecrelary, and Mra. Geoiga J,
llenderaon, treaaurer,
Omahans at Excelsior Springs.
The following Oinnhg peoplo are rerent
arrival, at the Motel rlnapp In Kcelloi
Meaara. and Mead.mea
O. M. Hmllh. F. H, Kellng.
(i. It. Hammla Jl. K, Schafer.
Mra. H. I'. Maaon,
Mlaa Irene Colllna.
Mr. V, t. Jeff.ra.
other Nebraaka people at th. Hotel
Knapp are Mr, and Mra. C. C. Hanaen
of Grand laland, John A. Carroll of Fre
mont, Mr. and Mra, A. K, M-Cryatal of
Lincoln, A, (, 1'cleraon of Aurora and
Mr, and Mra, William lirach ot Haat
Inga. With the Social Clubs.
A atag parly waa given In honor of
the T. M. C. club at tho home of Mlaa
Virginia Currier on tha South Hide. Pant
ing and mualc were followed by luncheon.
Kecoratlona were red and white. Thoa.
preaent were:
Helen Hutlon.
I'et Olrlillnga.
Tibbie Alexander.
I'earl White.
Hnie J'hlnney.
Kal her Nelaon.
hlitnche (Jrey.
M laar
Tere.a Tromp.
Annn Helirr.
Anne Schlnker.
If axel Jonea,
Kern Phlnney,
Virginia Ciirrler.
Hertha M rcdc,
Tuesday Bridge Club,
Many other famll ea. who have not had
the efficiency to malntli Inherited pnl
tlon. are making good, aalea of the llke-
for Lent, met thla afternoon with Mra
John V. Itedlck to make garmenta for
tne tiim a Having Inatltute. The gueata
neaea of their greal-grandmother and j of the afternoon were Mlra, I'.ul (i.-
grniKtaunta, and the long-departed jrrn
llewomen will now nerve a. tho plturel
anccntreanea of-rerlmpa tHe efficient
progeny of their alatile boy, or tmnn
peacant lit e. far-off Innd who had never
aeen a dacuerreolype, or If ha had, woul I
hae chnrgecl It to the magic of aatan.
Hut. In th inentlnio, there la no res
Min that Ui in lut Khnuhtn't ahnw the real
Honor Mrs. King.
The Mother.' ch.h and the Wnman'a
lh rial Ian Tenipri mire union of Itenaon
held a furewell ie,,ui Tueaday after,
inn u at Hie hnme of ,lr, M, i. Veno
In honor of Mm. K. S King, ho leave,
the Litter pan of lite r,k fr the
i 10 niaae iicr liiitnc. pithily re
lagher and Mra. Charlea K, Met..
member, are:
Jolin S'. Ftedlrk,
PetiliM Rarkalow,
I.oula I'lnrke,
Walter floherta,
jonn Mannen,
Walter Roberta,
Rarton Millard,
Arthur Keellne,
Roaa Towla,
Frank Keougb.
Mlaa Klliahelh Congilon.
Social Gossip.
i Mr. and Mra. .loaeph Rarker left thU
morning for I he Pacific eoaat,
,Mi-. Jo.cph M. Mctcalf returned Mon
day aff-r a .even week.' .ojourn In Call
fornla. Mra. Melc.lf madn aevaral ahort
trlpa while on tha Pacific coaat, but kept
an apartment at the Pnrk hotel through.
out her .lay with her alater, Mr., Ad
I,, It-rtache, of Portland, Ore,
' l
fr.-.M.i.-nl. ere rte. to altout thirty 1 Cuiter Corrtl ind Po.t Rnnn.
' ----- .j. 1 1 ,
I Tli Il,.. k ,.. ....
Nredltwoik Guild Meeting.
Tl 1'inaha l.ian.h if the Needlewnrk
linil.l of Amrrlc.1 will met
. s (HI . II Ilk
: "fit
The lleor.e A, t'uater rhapler of the
Woman'. IMtef cup. met Halurday
evening with lha iwrge A, Cuater pot
at the h..iite of Mra V. V. Jhii,.
Thm.tav I Aril! f'K,l favura er. M. .,! at
aft. iii.h.ii, at 5 (M. k with Mr, lc.,r Blate, and the etviilng m. pant
W Itu.i. The ..Kiriy mill ,r an add 'mi Mi and Thirty tue.t. w.r.
. i preaent. Prliea er ..,i hy Mtx. Mr,
tone r.ter-rn knd Mr Andrew Tiaynor,
For Mr, and Mm. Eliot.
T Woman'. alliMie t.f th. fiit.,(,B
.'leH ei,irrl.lne. lhl aflerno,it
hy M lle..ri(, W Il.,,lr .t,J MM
I rel .1 if , ),,mnf
f It.. -r...t.rl, k S. pj .it Mi.
1IK.I ,.f faHd.ri.Ua. m.. Tt.a la t.h'a
a. Ii-i'"r'.,t mui I .U Aiuiing tha
h.t,. an
lifr,t '(,
iU-,a J . t m
Jl I'M It M p...,
M s il..
Flrtonsl Mation,
Mr ...J Mm It. tt V f,.! K.
i'lta.t I hat. .'nmufj hmt, ' Itill r.i. '
I li,tna, V,i,
lt.i.t.r.i.. .1.. It ,i.t W-AII H
.S mt iV. tttlltg tha a,.,
k.ta t..n Ur J Mr. I f ail,.. It vt,.
ki,., vr tl H lu. .,.. l,
1 unr
I ... t . .. f?- t rt'U.
HOTEL LOYAL ..4 C.llt,
OMSsia. . . iiiuits.
Stats Wi Specially Invited
U.h., l ini .ml ai .vi
Willi I Win, ,Vi u,i
Cafo tho Very Cest
l iiuUr IVIteat
MUI' X Dir. In ,
itiii. .
4 II H-mieit,
it,. f Jtmllll,
t J,
t mut
rtt-n rtiikbikTi
tl ffttvi l..U.4 In. p.r a. t
fri.'.. I. .,,
1l .,, t., f .h i
'"" " .hi ...f !. g.aait,
A at th t .l .li ffB
t i nt t,ti..
'ffkt cus rum,
j . ...h to lui.a. ,,..M4 ei k.r