Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1916, Image 1

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    maha Dai
The Sunday Bee i the only
Omaha newspaper that
fives its readers four big
pzgct of colored comics.
VOL XIX NO. -4 'J.
.siNtju; copy two cento.
"TT"T7 rr
British Win Victory Ovrr Modem
Forces Below Kut-El-Amara,
According to Report from
General Lake.
Guarded Defemei Attacked at Five
O'Clock in Morning by King
Oeorge'i Men.
I.ONOON, April B.-A victory for Ihe
Hrltlah over the Turk on the Tigris, tit
low Kut-KI-Auiara, ha been reported by
ncneral laskc, In command nf th" Hrltleli
forces (hero, The Turkish entrenched po
sition at. I'mm-ICI-Henna won attacked
and carried at 6 o'clock thin morning by
thn Tigris corps, Ocneral Lake tele
graphed, unit th operations sre proceed
ing sstlsfiu-torlly,
1'mm-Kl Henna U on the Tigris river,
alaiut twenty mile below Kiit-KI-Amara,
a her a Hrltlah force nndor Henrrid
Tuwnahend In beleagurcd.
Americans in Paris
Send Sharp Protest
To President Wilson
PArtlW, A pi II H.-TIm American Cham
ber of Commerce of Turin today sent tlio
following cablegram to I'reHtlent Wilson:
"In defiance of what tlif declaration of
Independence fn II a 'decent respect to tho
t pinion of mankind," In violation of
every principle of humanity, moral and
legal; In thn face of repented admonition,
remonstrance and solemn warning on
tli part of thn tutted tale thn Her
juaii government Ilka an aaaln in tha
night treacherously without notice ba
again atruck down unarmed merchant
and paascnger ahlpa, tending scores of
helpless men, women and children to
their death.
"On behalf of liumanlly we demand
that thla Intolerable situation ahall
On behalf of our fallow, mur
dered and maimed on tha Englishman
and on thn Busses, w proteet against
continuance of diplomatic, relation with
a government whose blood madnaaa, fe
rocity and lawlessness have brought upon
It tha execration of the whole civilized
world, frilgned)
"By M. PICIXOTO, President."
... !
Kuneral acrvlcea for tlio late Wlljla.n
H. Kent, former newepupcr reporter and !
editor and more recently nlKht proof
reader on The !, who died Monde y
mornlnsr, were held at the Hrallcy & jor.
ranee undertaking perlore yeaterday
afternoon. The ronma were filled with
relative and friend of the d'ifceaaed and
III fondly, and among the friend were
Ida aaioclntea and tboae om of whom
had known him for clime to forty year
That Hie fact that the memory of Wil
liam It. Kent) revered by a large clnlo
of friend wan borno out by the token
of regard and remembrance In the w.iy
of flower. .Hanked high back of the
raaknt, there waa a profunlnn of nt
plecea and bouquet.
The funeral aervlce were conducted
by Rev. Robert Carr, paator of the Thlri
Preabyterlan church, of which the K"n'
family are member and which Mr, Kent
for a number of year prior to hie death
Two aelectlnna, 'Aaleep In Jeaua," und
"JeuB, Ixjver of My ftoul," were anne;
by the women'a quartet of the church,
with Mlaa Kiel Howell at the plnno. A
aolo, "I Shall Know Jtlm There," waa
aung by C'harlea Robel, Hie pallbearerm
were all frlenda of Mr. Kent, the three
flrat named being old time acqiialntanceir
and the othera member of the iilnnt
chapel of The Itee, They wer:
T, J. Fltinmrrla, T. W. Miner, 8. V.
Woodlitldge, W, , gulnn, Kred Hiilllvn-)
and H. Van Percreck.
tlurtal a In the family lot In I'ore.d
I.awn eeniPlerv.
Tho Weather
r'orecMMt till 7 p. m. Thumdiiy;
I'or Omaha, t'uuni'll lHuft and Vicinity
- il'ertly cloudy, not much chn.ii In
leniprralurr at
Una) ka
1 ralrrdai,
Mransett tr lallss al T f. H,
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I. A Al-'ii, ,,.
Omaha Man Discusses Rapid Con
centration of Induitrry in the
, Handi of a Few Men.
WASHINGTON, April 5 -Representative
of the, meat packers, In-
tlKiillon of hos Industry by Iht
fedem! government la demanded ty
lire Block: producers, particularly hs
I'j alleged price-fixing, presented
Heir side of th ca to thn house
Jtidlelnry NiibrotiirniH today.
Among tlioao on hand ready to les
tlfy was Arthur Meek-, tiro jirt-al-(cnt
of Armour & Co.
Onn of tho apeak for I hp renn
Inlloii today was Kdward n Hnrka
rf Omaha, rprearntlna th market
ci mnillteo of Ibn American National
I.lve Htock anHOflutlon,
'"rim rarilil ivniceril ration "t ib'
ulaiiKhtcr and dlatrlbuMon of rrn-at aiM
mala In tbla coimtiy and Koiith AmrK
Into the handa of a low nifn," he aald, "l
tho f em lire hl-n tmt dlatnrba the pro and which ho f! -ed the inoal
careful Inveatlaallon.
"A lmpln alatciiicnt tit the facia I
aufflclnit. Ia Ihan twenty year aid
the worklna cnpllal of the leadlna con
cern, Kwlft Co., waa a III He over l,
m,itn. tin enrnlriKa a trifle over l,m,M
and dm volume of htmlm-sr about !.
am iff). It tiiiN Krediially Increawed until
now the working ciipllftl b apprt.xlrnnlely
l2n,oiio,Wi, the earnlna-a for IfllJ were over
,mQ end the voluniM of hiialnea
over $.viO.0W,Wi. Armour Co. have ex.
panded at. alinoat Ihc anion rale, while
the thren amaller coiicnriia have emulated
the emiiiiple of I h leftdcra, bHIioiikIi
on a much amaller 'le,
"Our aaaoclnllon, repreeenlliig thnU
aand of produrerit, feela that theM
eui. oonortiinlty and neceaelty for a
atar-hliiK Inquiry and the application
of a remedy to Ihe end that both the
producer and I be pac ker may receive a
leaeonahla return and the public may
have a conflnuoa and ateady eupply o?
meat producta at reaeonabln prleea.
WABIIIN'JTON, April S.-How live
atock producer are loalng more than
Xl.m.uto a year through natural ahrlnk
age In cattle and an untold amount
through alleged tlfled competition, due
to lh packer poet polling t he buying
hour In the yarda from I to 11 o'clock In
the morning w described by Bdward I
Burke of Omaha today to the houae ub
committee considering tho Jlortland reao
lutlun to Inveatlgate the packer for vio
lation of the antUruat law. Mr, Huik
reprenented the American" National IJve
Htock aoclatlon,
Tho average ateer will loae from fif
teen to twenty pound during the three
hour he 1 forced to Mrnid In, the yard
a a reaull of (he change In nettling time,
Mr. liurke cHlmaied, and he pointed out
that a the cloalng time for xcale re
mained at 3 p. tti n formerly, producer
miint eell hurriedly, once tha buying atari
oc hold their lock until the following
day, of the ahort aelllng time, It
w declared, It I not uniiaual for ral'
er to bo compelled to hold their atock
unlll the following day and then be
forced Into a low market.
Arthur Meeker, vice prealdent of Ar
mour at Co., Interrupted to aay that be
could explain the canao of tha postpone
ment of the buying hour. Otio reaaon,
he anld. wo the federal Inspector were
rniialng delay by examining every after
for foot and mouth dlxenae, Hurke re
apouded that auch exmnlnatlona were
not lieni nuide now.
Aa Hurke explained the Rltuutlon the
itock I In the pen and for aale before
S o'clock. Inn ing the next three hour a
few Independent buyer appear, but the
buyer for the targe packing companies
do not begin bidding until 11 o'clock,
Then they appear simultaneously, he do
clared, and during the next hour the
major pert of the bidding take place,
The plan for advoiale of the resolu
tion to close their argumenta today and
for foe packera' representatives to open
In opposition wa abandoned when other
business before tha subcommittee Inter
fered. The hearing waa postponed Indefl
nltely, but probably will be resumed this
Nr-V VuIlIC, April 6,-An hlsturlo event
In Ihe steel trade, an advance In the price
nf uleel imIIs. I confidently experted In
trade circle to take place shortly. The
advance, according to a hlnh trad aq
thin II y, prnbalily will amount lo a Inn.
The biiHct ptlce of rails has aloud at '
a loll f"l' mole limn fifteen ears.
Today Judse K'ltiert II. (Iry, cbahnmli
of II. e i u porailoti, Ismiiil a statement
.'inirs Hi" rail making subsidiarle of
the iiirporallnn Huultl malnUIn piiiiil
l.l l. i i unlll May I 1 1 ii I woiilil make no
; . ,,i,,i,iii,,i. in ii-...,,.. iuai nam.
Itnllinads lately have been liirskhi
all cin rill els hv pUctiig llndr tll cr.
Ii i eliuuot it triii In a'liau e
A i.s"H fur th liU'lHiwI a tiaine, II
ii i n , il mil in niic I i licit a, I lint In
l-iie of hthr costs of laiw-r. Irn liiui
Ii4(cn and Lis iimiiilul siiic Oie pititi
fUnl li I t Hi l i ir bad bet l
I . ti ll lliMMSh "111! ! l .i
I,. I s liw I a ii an t d
, w imiK, M'd t Mf... i.t- .1 i
' liea.ts 1. 1 ad tits
l' 1 1 1. -tin s l-l I. 1 Ht lil I .1- Ui . .
'. "' ttilf mail In Hi ill,
. . . 1 i... 1.1 a 'i- i t .. 1 1 I'M
1 i'i t 1 t i. I in ti
I ... 1 1 f ..I'el.d t. II, I I. . i 1 m.ih I
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" ' I'tii .n- mat 'ie I'lui'iin I
s 1 1 ii i. 1 . f i . 4
tt I 1 alt id eoiiiit4 ..di ii.i,t j
,,( f-ie f. f ,11 f:,ll ,... il,, j
its fate I.
iiu ntut s l-iVA' Ami k
uauio iorcei, on unei.,
Trenchei North of Us,.tte
Wood in Courie of Sev
eral Battles.
Official Repott from Paris Tells of
Capture of More Trenchei
Northeast of City.
J'AHIfi, April I,, Th Kremh
t;iilnc ground north of I glllctm
Wood, northoftet of Vcnlon, In thn
rniirsn of several engg.eni nlH during
the, night, (he war office; announced
this afternoon,
West of the Metiae there were no
event of important'.
Twenty nilneii, which were thrown
Into the Meiisn at Mlhlel iv thn Ocr
l tuns, were, exploded by the French
with no ilamuKc,
Th text of th coiiiiu nn k m lion fol
lows; .
"In the Argonne there ha been a m
bat Willi band grenade In I tin sector
between Hobinte and Kllle Morte, We
caused Ihe txploslon of two mines, which
damaged nil enemy trench,
"West of the Meuee last flight passed
relatively calm, Kaat of tli" river we
took part In Sfveral engagement during
the coursii of which we mode progr
In tb connedliig trench smith of rll
lette wood.
Intense llonilinrdoienl,
"In the Woevre there ba h-n an In
tense bombardment between Monlainvllln
and Chatlllon. The (lerman thiew Inti
the Mu', north of M. Mlhlel twenty
two mine. These floated down and wer
exploded by us without tanning anv
"In the Irfirralno the (iermana after
a violent bombardment of our position
between Arrucourl and Ht. Martin, do.
Ilvered ev1l small hifantry altack
against various point In this sccior
The enemy wa every w hero thrown back
by our machine gun and artillery,
"In the Vosgea a reconriMlssiince hi
force on the part of the enemy who
were endeavoring to reach our trenrhm
southeast of t'elle wa easily dis
persed, '
"In tha region of Verdun Frew h aero
plane on April 4, engaged In no fewer
lhn fifteen aerial combat, during tit
course, of which n doubt motored Her
man machine wa brought oown near
tho Pond of Haute Fnnmeaim, Another
Herman machine fell down near tha wood
of llly and a third nerinnn aeroplane
fell vertically to the ground, All the
Kiench pilot got Wk without suffer
ing damage,
"During the night of April end 4, one
of our aerial squadron threw down
fourteen shells on the railroad station a.
Nanllllola and five other on the barracks
(i the enemy at fismvlllera,"
French AtlecL Call.
BKRI.IN, April fi,-Oty Wlreles to
Hayvllle,-The following statement ws
Issued today by Herman army head
quarter: "Artillery engagement In the Argonnn
and In the Meuse district are continuing
with undiminished vigor. The situation Is
"On tho left bank of the Mnue tho
French were prevented by the Hermans
from sgaln occupying tho mill northeast
of .luumont.
"In the Fort Pouamont sector yester
day repeated counter attack of the
enomy V.roke down- before tha Her
man line (outhwest of the fort and In
front of the Herman positions In the
north part of the Callletto wood.
"Herman troop In Mrraln and on the
Alaatlnn front carried out several suc
cessful patrol enterprise.
"During the month of March In aerial
engagement on th western front the
German lost fourteen aeroplanes, of
which seven were lost In air coinhits,
I'hrea ware shot down from the ground
and four are mlsnlng. The Hrlilnh and
French lost forty, four aeroplanes, of
which thirty-eight were lost In sir cum
bat, four were shot down on Urn ground
on our front and I wo were forced lo bind
within the (ierman lines, Twenty five
enemy aeroplane fell Into Herman hands,
The lull of tilneiti'ii others wits li'itlnd
"Caslein front: In the siciois of S Hi
nt and Wlmilcw lakes the Itunniau si 'ti
lery file has Increased."
Italian Minister of
War Resist Office
l,liioN, April i. - A ii fnl ili'iwlili
fl mi Itnme sav Mug M-r r no iiin iel
ha I acceplnl III.. II MklKltli'll i f r lln-
r ii(l and ai l" lo!.. (i. mi i tint
lm lit n ii. him It is sislid II II 111
1 ,H 111 ili-In In j.i 111 I .li' tit a liir
i all. ii i
The Hee 's
Tu iurit our rtiulcrs in
th M-aks'spfttr.' irh hjtion
w hie h I cumiittf April i VI.
)r fast tiiitiMg juii.
1 1.' tu If t f Jiinilufit v mth
th tf.ttrt'tt'f in hi ,rrat
pl)t. W ill ali ntske
it an ol'jvvt worth whllt in
ailJitnm t tin- cdtu iitional
In Kent vStiiuU) 'a lice,
ti. i
WITH THE TROOPS IN MEXICO A body of Curranzista troops gathering: at Agma
Pricta, just across the border from Dougla Arizona.
I 1.
Chancellor in Extended Speech Dis
cusses Status of War from
All Angles.
JiKIUJN, April 6,- (Fly Wireless
to Hityvlllej - Chancellor Von Ueth-nmnn-llollweg;
profeated vltforonaly
1.1 Ihe HclctiHtug today HKalnat the re
port that (Jermany now or In the fu
ture contemplated gKgresslou against
the I'nlted Btate;,
In hi speech, whlrh wa lh ntot
poniprehenslv b h msd since th
var hegan, th chanrel'or ald.
"The latest offspring of the ealumln
allny campaign dlrece agalnsl u I a
report that w. sfter th end of the wsr,
shall rush sgalnst the American conti
nent and Ihat wa ahall attempt to con
quer Canada,
"That Is the llllest of ll Ihe Imputa
tions Invented against us, Equally silly
are I be report that we contemplate lb
acquisition of any territory on American
soli, In liraxil or any An.erbaii coun
try whatsoever.
and for
"We fight
our ful ure,
ror our enlslence
Kor flerniany end not for
space In a foreign country are 'lermany's
sous bleeding and dying on Ihe battle
field. t
"Kverjnne among lis knows this and
It make our heart and nerve trng.
1",,M .ii..lbl mI ..Ii ..I lii it l.i m Mil A,III 1
In order not only to weather the storm,
i.,. -..i...:.,- i... i .,i..i.,
i it i, n iiiy it n it ) i ii 1 1 !"
M ill I'lahl It lint,
Chancellor Von Meihmann-lfollweg )n
dp atrrf In til ieei;li today Ihat any ug
gesllun of pence on th basis of destruc
tion of Prussian military power would
make possible only one answer-th Her
man oid.
The chancellor aimed Ihat If tlermany
adversaries desired to roiillnue the ,lnigy ,,,,,,
slaughter of men and devasatlon oflCdgnr
Kurope, ihe gullf would be theirs and (leneva J
Ihat Hermany would have to "aland II I Hebron
as men,"
Admlla KaMonalUm Factor.
Ill hi most nomprchenslv peech alnc
the war began the Imperial chancellor,
Ir, von Ilntlimann-llollweg, In (he
Helihslitg today, reviewed the inllllary
(Continued 0,1 I'nge Two, Column Thiec,!
IMiM'KNOKNCK;, Mo April S.-Hpe.
eial Telegram.) The Heneral Hunday
Hi hool association of tha Iteoig inUe I
Church of letter Day Kalnt, report 7tl !
schools, wlih a tola! membership of '(1,1,'H,
which pi Id Into tb treasury Una year In
thn form nf Christina nfferlna to be
used for mlss'onary purpose, f,
The asportation publlshe five grade of
qiatlerlles, vis: Hnlor, Iritennedlatn,
Junior, primary and beginners, putting!
lorlh a loi'il of tl,!) coplea each Issue.
A reeolutloii seeking to endow a ehalr
of hMkIoiis rducttloii In Hrm eland c I
legs was referred lo Hie geneial confer
cine. Hracelaiid coIIi-k", whlbi auiiiiorie I
by this church, ha ben cnnilucted on
tiili ili iniiii.ri-1 ri ri lines, and Ihe eslitb
II Ii iiu rit of tbla t'liipincil chair will inine
In the uatuie of it dipailuie. The oh.
eel, at s'ated, will be to train the yiiuij
e,iin of the church for service In th
sithlttia iif tho ituxiliaiy oilell-s, as
I c i lit is, iiffliwr and m -gaiiUei s. Thn
colli a" l bxaied at IjhiiciiI, la
KANKK'ITV, Mi,, Aprils The high,
est puis mr paid fm spring lambs al
i Ilia jinal l,i. k yards was n silie t In
liny ln. u fltleeri bead. ilKlllg forty.
IU liniinK s.,,d f. i ..- t.t h.. i. Tim
jl it i Cm s rt- n. pie una i uis ln In
Dutch Army Mobilized so Quickly
That It Astonishes Entire World
Ui. I
.11, !
I ...(
M'HS. Apill I iiiioiii '
l.inl lis llh I I His I.. M1.91 i,l t I
I, ,Ul HI.. 1,1,1 t(i. lull , l, 4 1,,
I I. . HO II I Still III 1 ll l ,lll,. , H,
li t o' h , ' i Krtld a
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l-'.-t llolls' ,
I. .
I nl Hn ,
W ' r 1-1 a If I i ! '
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i' 1 ' lit 'l e ! , 1 1 si.
. t in lrt i i-niili 4 4. ..- I
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I ! - I IIU ill. H 1 i. ' . ' ui '
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1 I ).t
ninl ni
l-i ,i
I ii mn
' ' -t In I it In lc i i ,- , mt l.i
II, Meiii-itiis i. '1 -i and its - .ii. g
Nebraska Mayors
luawortb ( gs Moore,
Ml. Ion
. . . .H. K. I'ltlliwer
, . , J. i, ThoiupHon
. . M. C. Wlggenhorn
, . .Churlc I'l'leraoii
. . . . W, I'. Freeman
. Dr. J. M. Woodard
, . . .Fred A. Halley
. . , Mm KUil J oh lino II
II. Muiii)hrey ( rep, )
Am pillion , , , ,
Auburn ,,,,,,
Aurora , ,
ienaon, ,,,,,,,
Jfroken How, A
Allen (J, Fleher
..William McLaughlin
C. A. Minleg
lohn 'fully
, .Arthur Myatt (rep.)
W, H. l-yda
........ F. H. Tucker
A. A, Oalt
...... .C. K. (towlhy
. .John Ween idetn,
C. I.. Wallacn
T. I.. Carroll
William Nelnon
'raw ford . , ,
Jatld l ily,
'all City. ,
florenco, , ,
Franklin , ,
Friend , , , ,
"tilerton , .
Hold regit , ,
larllDKfon .
exlnaton , ,
aVt ook , , .
dadlson , , , ,
Anton W'alx
II, carter Idem,)
, Jameg Byrne
...... I.awrlt.en
W, ll. I'cnnjr
W, I). Mndert
T. C. Kirk
.Oeorgn lloyba tdeni.l
It. C. Ilrownell
A, 1 1 in in a ral rom
dllchell. , , ,
Vlolirara, , , ,
orth llend,
Oakland ,,
rTleans, , , , ,
C, T. Hlmpson
A. II. Fruncls
l'l,"ioiiih..Jobn P, Battler (dent.)
Kerl Cloud
.Dr. Damerell
Irnuyler (jito uelow
Wdney,.,,, J. 1 Mclnloab
Ft, I'aul II, J, I'aui (rep.)
Okainah H, A. Waaaum
I'eciiniaeh W. K. Taylor
1 nion . W. II. Banning (dein.)
! -!nlyr'l,y Flare, .
i vhoo
. J. C. claflln
;.W,J. fhr
Valentine ,T. L, Evan
Wayne. , , .0. II. Cunning-ham rep.l
Weeping Water,
, . . Fred II. fiord er
. . .11. II, Howarth
. . ,L. C. Thleinke
I.. Kawllns
. . . . F, K. rlprague
, .John H, Culllaon
.Thomas Voglfano
, M, J. Kainaekcr
, , . .H. I.. Denton
ohn T. Mnihack
T, II. Carter
, .Frank J. Wllkle
...II. II. Mathew
West point. , , , ,
Cenlray City , , ,
Ord , . ,
Ravenna ,
Loup Clly
Mayor Bryan May
Come and Talk to
The Dahlmanites
Mayor Charles W. hryan of Lincoln
may addre the dahlman eliib of
Omaha, In Washington hall, Wednes
day evening, April 12, That I among
fhs ooiiallilllll,.fl Tl, - 1 1. -
ff)- - ,",. 'htrm
aa he said, has Invited Mayor Hryan
to be one of the principal spegkera at
tbla democratic talk feat. Mr. Hryan'
reply Is anxiously awaited,
Other principal apeakara will be Mayor
Dahlman. II. II, Klrharty and Keith Ne
ville, The preliminaries will be by a
host of county and state candidates. A
band will be In nl(ehdaiic.
HT CIIAUI.KH. Mo,, April 8. l.itfay
etln cbaudler, a tiegru wiio Tuesday shot
1 it ml seriously v minded Mherlff Ineiker
of HI. i Mini lc rounly, was slain by a
molt in si heie lids afternoon
The negro trapid In a hayloft of
a bain. When be apieaie, at the door
at Ihe iiimmund of the moll, many allot
were fired at him and be ran back into
I lm Ion ii and ail It mi fire.
Tli initio again aiqiesrid at the door
'i ml held up his hands. Hundreds of bul-
II ls girnlrd Mill. Ite fell tit k lliln Ihe
lilaiing I. sili iiml his bodi a as Inn le d
emi'iltr tUmker was shot and llinticr
misly i, ,11,, lid Tmsday Idabl, vtlieu i
attemptrtl In Sliest Iti. in-giu f,i ,1111,1!
Ins el t.niil I'liokr I. r, in q iairel
"nf vague Iiu dint lids uftn. 1, rt i ,,ut
n Kmna Utr Hie iihi iti, killed
atriit p
It mat II, .1
P''icn I
H i an lot
j (. il..ii,i,t i.i, ,, i. i,ii,. si, . I ih .t
III., Ill .l,c,l, ,11,.,, , ,,,,)
'i "i i I ...! lit ii,i,.
ll.lUll,... h. II ,1 ,l ..iii.i I...,!,...
li' lit I 1. ni,, an .n,i,, .,
lt.,1. H a ,l. ,, . , iM,g ,. . .,,ir
H l.el l.l Hi,...! al.-d lll. II ll .li,
.! it est I.. .ii,,t,g i,ni I i., igi,
u .1 Hut ..juii i
Of mil nf M l-l sil Vaet,. II j
I.. I is til- ! i i a ,i., , I l, . I ,,,
I- an .1'inl I',. in .i, nit. 4i, i.iii,
liilt It I'll M-li-t til l. Itl MO h . I,.,,
,it.n.. in ' sn . i.t Jit l .
et '
l.l , 1111, II. I. I, It t , I J, , , , ,.,
it-l.l 111 ll (I, 111' -t II .1 l..( l,jll , ,.
Ilti ! in if) Ii II I'aiid i i4 ,. I.
n,tc, .., i t ti ,(.,,.-, I ,,:,..,, ,. ,., ,,,
II nili.ll It t l h i. ,u n( anii
Single-Handed He Forcei Pas
sengers In Observation Car to
Hand Valuables to Porter,
CHF,VI.'NF,( Wya, April 6
Klate authorities of Wyoming lat
today offered a reward of fROO for
capture of the robber, A man giv
ing the no wm of Joe Daley was hnlng
held Ihl afternoon. Officers do
not believe Daley roiniiillfei! th rob
bery, hut I bey believe ho b in
formation concerning- It,
CIlKyKN.VK, Wyo., April B, A
sheriff's posse early tod) continued
the search east ot Cbeyeona for th
Ion robher who last nlKht held up
1'nlon Pacific Limited. No. 1, west
bound, five mile west of her. Ac
cording to available reports, th rob
ber secured a wallet containing f 54
lonfrlbuted by K. II. O'Brien of Ban
Francisco. Iiealde tbla amount,
only small change and a watch wr
, The robber, described a youth, swung
onto lb observation ear )'it otl!
Cheyenne. Fight pengr. four. Of
them women, wer confronted wirn a
dunsnd for valuable.
In each hand th bandit gripped a r
volver. The lrhi'S porter w com
pelled lo tk th collection, Th women
were not molested.
Willie the een w beln enacted, a
flagman entered the car. Menalna tb
situation, h cut th bell cord, and re
treated. The bandit, after presenting
(he porter with the watch h carried
which be said he got In "another rob
bery" leaped from the train, which w
running about thirty mile an hour, Th
train continued without a top.
Same Huliber.
The official report lo Oeneral Manaaer
Ware of Ihe I'nlon Pacific, atale thai
the robber necured a little mor than
Vm from the four men who wer silting
I In the observation car.
I'nlon Pacific official re Inclined to
the belief that the robber I Ihe m
Individual who lobbed the passengers
of the Portland -Omaha train near It's'
Kprlnga, sever si weeka ago and, who
ab,.i-i,j-H I'liA H,a,.rltil I, in ,f 111 Iwa men
slven hv ttslii men la Identical and thel'
methoda of work weie Identical,
It I aaaerleif Ihat It I piobbl thul ;
th man will he caught. The entli eret
ervlc fore of the railroad ha ties 1 1
put at work on tha caae and these people
ar aided by th officers of Irsm,
county, Wyoming, wher Ihe crime wj
Tuesdsy night, within thirty mlnut
after the train robbery bad been com
mitted, a large posse of officer w on
the ground, searching for lb man.
officer from Cheyenne were taken til
the s eue of Ihe robbery In automobile. )
while nl burs followed on horseback,
no Ira e of the lobliei was found. Tie'
on ni I)- admit was l i a 1 en all night and
Ihe fori e at Wink has been augmented
by tha arrival of the comimny sicrl
ci 1 vice nun fiom oilier points on ihe
The rubbery lectured al Cnileti Juii"
Hull, right at Ihe font of Ihe Hheiman it'll,
oil either eldn of the Una al this pmnl
the cnunliy is luolen Into deep disss
and gullies slid a Utile farther west Is
unite inoiii, Initio i affotdliig piipiy if
places for a man lo hide
H AWIIlMiTtlV, April S - dtpuclsl I -I
Inter the I'llllnllly nf (lis amirl m , nf
Urn lull urn l,u r itl ii lug e.iniiacls ite
betll SHsrdnl In oiiiiet Unit Willi (b
I nit I sisiule isnsl. Si'iil, i la 1 1 e Iril
...II-ni ,i-"i i, .Si-.s.k Wi nnlna
li'i mtliiiik. let i.v leg Die tuvata.
Hull Iif S." rtilllal, IJ !! Il I 'll, ,i Kid
sol ; ii nld.i isids if itii,nl. In
Vis, sitli ii limilirit nnpaiit nf ( hi
ssn. I'l i -ii. im, pilie .io
'I i I . e. ill) llictae t"iitttti,
Mii.t.. .-.'.i, Mine In ttnl I. IimI
ti .( ll, ,i in,. In at i,i It'luiii, i iti
i,t, i pin t : '
'In Mi. viib . i liiuilisi iiniiiil, I bt
ti." I'i, a, rid.lrt t. lhie iiitteiis..
h V t till M. ApHi 1 n l.n
iiuili.ia in . .11, alt. it ,, ni.,laHiit
liii St.lln.l lltr (,ll at .1, al I ,ili l,
inti to . ..iii,., i,.n .tin i . i' i i.i 1 1 it,,,
i- iiesi 1 1. . it ,. in el, it, i . It ,
Km, It i. ,,.,1.1 . n, ia, ilnl.J iii,. I,,
in till i i ' 4-. i nun s,ils i.i,i
1 ! II. ii. , I .I'll i, iii'iiitl I. ii.i I
'I ia.,,,t,,.,, ,, ,,.,,,( , ,,,,
i 'I'l lt,,h , ilium! lv et Hi,' I'mtl
Flying Colnmni Far to Front Snd
Back Word That Many Mora
Soldier Are Badly
Torreon Dispatch 8ayi Villa " i
Ninety Miles Southeast Guerrero
Moring Toward Parral.
hi i.i.ft-ri.
F.I, PAMO, Ter, April , In an at
iick on VIIHstas at Oniequfu yes
terdsy" Heneral ( avsi-os killed fen
snd scgiterrd th band, according to
a report given out today l,y flenersl
Uavlra in Jiiarey., Csvs.o said that
b ws rontlnulng to follow up lb
fugitives, but Vailed or! lieneral fj'H
firre to rush force against ilatevn,
Nalca, Hanfg tiertrudl and other
p(lns wher they wer anpposed In
I heading. Ill own tosses, re
ported Cav,o, amounted to a man
wounded gnd a horse killed,
Kh PA 80, Tel., April f Tb
problem of locating and capturing
Francisco Villa somewher within
n are of l,foo squar mile con
fiont Ilrlgadler Heneral John J,
Pershing today. Information from
lh front atate that th American
troops hav been disposed In tb
best poaslbl advaftlag, but th task
of running down tb Metltan bandit
In an r-wldmiing territory aa th
tflgand nioveg routhwarc" Inf tb
Wiilfn Interior become; Increas
ingly difficult.
Mor troop are nefssary f the word
thst rniwi from lb men leading
the flylna eoliimn 'Oiirleg th Itenllo
Jure nd fJuerrer region for lb lu
lv hrlgand. Heneral I'erehlng lis nt
deled tht defchfnn( of Infantry
tr slued for mountain climbing atel the
siabllshmnt of a sort of American
chasseur eorp will b tmmedlalwly un
dertaken. Th America commands
tlei;;ie a Png bunt and I preparing
f r It
A "torrent dlspstch p1ea Villa at
MU, ninety mile soutbeiurt. ftfOr
rer. If this I so th bandit I probably
proceeding along th old coh road that,
lead Into Rant hoealla, wbenc be
could tnirv en fl Parral, hi reported
Through tb Intercession ' tb Jletl
ran Consul Har t, the esscutlon of tores
ringleader of th eoneplracy or band
I of Meslcan to Jusre last Huniny
night and delare for VIII, he hen,
stayed. Tli r.ontrtor we M have
f d firing quad lit Juie at uiirl
Tb Kl P police are searching for
a eor of Msnlcsn conspirator wb ar
said to b hiding In tin city,
Hallroait Prim )eessly,
WAWIIINUTO.V, r, f April .-I.t.t
development In tb Meilcan l I nation
convinced a4mlnletr.tlon official today
that Ihe iiccr tit the Amerlcjo p.
dlllon now largely depend upon th lm
inwllale rompletlon of arrangement for
Ihe use of Meslcan rallwsy.
Official nilously awglled a reply t
renewed represenltlon sent to lenerl
Carransa, through Aacr.t flodgert
at Queretarn, that the do fart itovern
Miei.t Immediately fulfill It promise t
permit tb eommercbtl blpment of sup.
to Ocneral Pershing' forcaa fcy
giving epec.lflo order lo tjeneral Havira
t Jure and oilier Mecq t;ommndi
hi Chihuahua,
The War department today authorised
pun base of p mor motor truck n I
twe gasoline tank for th expedition
These will b formed Into companies of
(evenly seven car each, to maintain the
greally lengthened line of communha
lion wllb tJeneral Pershing
4 nlwael lludd at I'rovldeael.
A dispatch to the War depsrtment to
day from (Jeneral Funston definitely In
rated Colonel I until, and presumably the "
'-"on 'avHiry. on aionuay si
'cia. lite disimltli also lii'lKBled that
ii-1 at I rersblng ba gnne far south In.
ward ihe fighting front bear Hierrer,i,
A iiiisange front Oeueial Pershing (o I hi,
eral I'liii.tiui dated April 4 ws aa fni
"Me Cnloliel Iiodtl irslsrday at I 'fin 1
del, i in and got detail of fisht aliti lit
bsndlls m, larel, Ills e. epl,,ini
mrii llh Hi hevenili catalry In reai l(
VIII camp and woik done by that run
mend desert high praise."
The order fur mine niuinr liurk is d 11
le gintsln rout ii n that lbs M..t,. ,i,
ralUsi mav ,e nf ,my suppli ,,teiisr
servi. for Ih prmaeiit si b-ast, and Hut
lbs army ,t. t,., ,,,
lbs nteitaiid Hlntur line lr,.m C.iliiml,,,,
'Hi nff.,r of tim Aeru C ,, f Allien,. ,
In sell ten .i.,,,i.t,, n, gk.,., ,:
f it l has p. i n ,, , ,. - ,, M
stMi ilaiii.n nf .."in f, ,i M, ,
"' "i.lo i ( i ,i. . . .
I est ( I'uur arm,
IHgTINH. N.b, A pill ,ft
'in A ft in ll. I
"!' '" 's sliuns (list lit (. a. i ,
ll nn t a ii. A.Uiua i i,,,,i
litt p.Hii (sin, t he f,., nt i, w, ,
and l'i.i. n fl,,.,, mi,ir.
Your Boy!
If you want him to
work, tt'lejiliom' a
Want -Ad to Thf
ltv and the first
tiling you know In
will ho huvintf
own clothe...
li I
ll.l Ht. tlll. .l.n ,,i, ,,,,, ,
n i isl iliit uf hsnami M 1