Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household' Topics
Married Women
lave a Place
in Business
tt l, perhapa, bcau women ar till
o new In th commercial world that
they hav not learned th ruleg of th
road and that certain of thorn amira to
Ihlnk that they should hat a privileged
way and avnrybodjr ahould gut out of
ihelr path.
Tha atght of a married woman, for
Inetanca, doing work for which, aha get
paid la aa maddening to many working
women aa la waving a red flag Mora
th eyes of a bull, Ther la naver a
day that 1 don't get half a doien Irate
lettere asking ma to writs an articio
Idling tha woman who ha got a hu
bnd and a hnma to ty In It and leava
lha pay anvalopa to tha spinster. These
writer Invariably aay I hey hava been
forced out of thrlr Join by married
womm, and that It la a ahame and an
outran for woman with huerianda to
compete In tha labor market with woman
ho ara huahandleea, Alao thr rharg
l hat employer prefer mrrlcd wrmwn to
alngla woman,
Stuff and nnnonl Ho far aa I fan
, there la no mora roaon why th
mrrld woman who wanta to worh, and
who can turn out work that other o
pla ara willing to pay fur, shouldn't
work than thara la why a mrrld man
shouldn't. When you hire a bookkeeper,
or a carpenter, or a plumhar, you don't
consider whathar ha la married or alngla.
hut tha kind of work ha dor,
Wi don't patronlaa Mr. Hmlfh'a butcher
ahnp heraum ha haa a wlfa and all
children, whlla tha rival bulnher, Mr,
.inn, la unmarried with nobody but
hlmalf to aiipport,
Wa go to tha butcher ahop whar wa
got tha boat meat for our monay, with'
nut reference) to tha matrimonial atatu
of tha man who ran thorn, It would ba
just aa logical for all marrM men to
rry out that bachelor ahotiMn't ha al
io trad to go Into bualnoa aa It la for
women to oppose married woman work
ing outside af their home. They'va got ft
perfect right to do It If they want to,
and It' clillillwli nnd ridiculous for olhar
women to object to It,
Aldo from tier Inherent right to labor
how and ,whara aha plaaaea, tha married
woman who continue at her old Job
lina either tha necessity to aim money or
els alia hna aoma peculiar fitness and
talent for har chosen work that would
k..,. V. . . M t , I . . ..... .1 .1 A 1 .1 . I. .
mnn m iiipn m inn Willi ui'i sun
t tetira to strict domesticity, If no anle.
T woman, no woman buyer, no milliner,
v. no dressmaker, no stenngrnpher, ahould
contlnu at liar work After aha get mar-
I t. tied, then no womit writer, no a'-tress,
I lir, nilialnlan lit rifclMlnn ,,t.,iiM nnllni,.
t her. That would ba rather a squelcher
of genlu, wouldn't It? Hecaua women
ordinarily marry whllo they ara young
nnd before tliry come, to Ilia full mi
lurlly of their power.
Vet the ulrl toiiogipliar or tha girl
behind tha counter doesn't compute any
lucre with (be married stenographer or
Ihn married woman buyer than the girl
witter doea with Mr, Humphrey Ward
or th girl aetre doe with Mra, Both
rin on Mr. Fink.
The theory tht vafy married woman
tin somebody to aiipport her and pro-.
vide for her .and atand botwenn her and
tin? emnl world a beautiful one, but,
unhappily, It doe not alway pau out
thnt way l)i reality. Many a woman
find that, everything that marriage h
brought her la a hustmnd to aiipport and
children to feed and clothe, and her
need of earning money la mora Ueapornle
I ha n that of the alngla woman who hn
nobody but perarlf to take cure of, Trac
tloally every married woman who work
outald of her homo doe n her una aha
h to, and not herauae he want to,
and o aha la entitled to her Job on that
consideration alao,
Hut bualneaa la not condurted along
eleemoaynary line. It I dona for profit.
Nor do employere rhooa their employee
by mean of phllanthroplo teat and on
account of their neceeelty. They pick
out thoae who can do tha work beat and
who give tho mot aatlafaetory aervlce,
Therefore, when n employer turna off
a alngln woman and hire a married
woman In her plaee or advance a mar
ried woman over a lnle woman. It la
alrnply brrauaa the married woman haa
more ability or mora Induatrv, or la at
tending mora closely to bimlneai. The
matter of wedding ring oui no figure
In tha affair. Aa a matter of fact, every
nan who hlrea women la a Hi tie Inclined
i give the preference to the a nule one,
m the ground that If a wninan'a husband
Inean't upport her he ought to,
And If married wompn are advanced
mora quickly than alngle women In the
plave.a In which they work, aa muny of
my correspondent aaaert, It 1 elm ply
haua the married woman haa tattled
dnun to huainraa aa a life occupation and
la bending all of her energlea to maife
a.ind In tt. while the alngle woman la still
working wtih on eye on her job and th
ether one roving around In erch of
a poaalbla husband.
The cry of th unmarried woman that
the married woman should be debaned
rioin the gainful ercupt,m la unlust,
nl ah had baiter waste n mor.
trangth and !,' In otterlna tt. fnr I
y warn hoe that the martied woman la noi
ltinnu. ror Keeps, hut that aha
As.n,,iin ta i it In gwstrr and grat r
ii'irKr a"ery ar.
Whether w Ilk tt r ant, wa had 1' l
well ( th truth, ant that t tht
. tutr pr'-M .n.nnlo rondltlolt vr
' piw rait '!(.,. a family lit
,nt I'tmipnrt y their awn uital t4 tt
Ti ls la t ill t. lha wivr.
i.l .f the tlciana l,i maik J,l a H list.
Kit.- f..r t lha dsitMr, and In an
!hr II will . ,i as in.), h
i M f c i'.i f. f lha wits tf
i man t r-iiiln i. ahf miMih al
hr-r ls Is r refabin at l i f..r lbs
! ' i.' a !' : t.i sain f r
! Ill In now !
hi -a h am ! t '
i ' n. I i it 'maait. U , ara ;
iswl hif il I lhH
' hi III IHtl " at, at"
' It f.i ant I t l ' '. t
! itsat iks, i iia t t i.
..-'.' ttti ). aM ib n l
w-'O i r,'!,
"' I' . I ! l ' '"' ' '
' ,,f,.rti ,i i'a vt t.rttdt.ttt
Mi I aJ.iita Kt a.'- iriti'i mirm
' I tKstir l.n.a In (' t .
.',! (. In ., , m ,!ii n I
i i wnaj ksr
V. . . . - v.,, 4 t .-, . t a, (
' ' I I'HI,.,.., , 1 :tl
, t'H I fc v . , lu ' ,.-! M (- ts
Women Organize
to Train for Work
for Self-Defense
Br r.l.l.K Mllr-KI.KR Wll,( 0(.
(Copyright, lm, by Kiar Company,)'
A new loagua haa bran organised by
American women.
It la called the American Womn'
Ieagu for Hnlf Ilefenn.
It motto la: American women first,
Ita object la to educate our women to
th hlgheat atandard of health, purity,
efficiency, proficiency, aelf-rellanca, to
take tha plaea of huahanda and fathera
when neceaalty require It, It platform
I non-political, non-racial, non olor and
Ita founder ara Mis Ida Khswnrth
I.nwher and Mr. Yi. Vandcrcook-Mrown.
It adviser la Mr, Ie (1, llonrdman nnd
It ecrelry Mlk Ida Vera Hlmnnton,
Here la what one of It member ha
to aay of th league, ipraklng of what
war b taught women:
"It prove primarily that women must
depond largely upnn tlimcv for ada
qunln protectloti. It ahnw connlualvely
that government, especially In caae of
lnvalon, arn pnwerles o protect their
women whllo their fighting men are Hl
the front,
"It demonstrate I hat the women thm-
elv are no match for thn unhealthy
local ralihl ihat-uniihle to enliat- plunder
and pillage when opportunity offer. II.
I a well known fact that week of pro
longed hardahlpa fnater a menial reck
ii that dtrny all dnrent ena of
onnalderatlon and alinormallam pracltide
tha betler-mlndnd In o Invading army
from ahleldlng women from It own
lampant aelf,
"dearly woman cannot reply upon man
to va her In war lime; aha muat find
her defenaa, a ah find her danger,
otely within herrlf, Thl mthala th
neceaalfy for th 'weaker ' becoming,
not th 'atronger,' but a 'atrong ei,'
Burely, If It uoine to finalities, a quick,
clean, honor bin death from a well aimed
bullot la preferable to the lingering hor
ror which come of cnnaldcrlng one't aelf
Innately helploaa.
"Till organisation pouivly I not
for ggrciin, hut for protection. It I
for repulsion In ca of iittnck, w wish
to mMst all th women of America who
r phyatcally and mentally anund. M'a
Intend to Croat regiment of trained,
effic ient soldier girl for vnlf defen In
ease of need powerful, reaourceful bodlc
of women, able not only to protect thant
solve, hut thn of their eg who for
vartou rona ar nnahl to do ao,
"Thl leaguo I a guarnta to th men
of thn I'lillod Hialc that If they will
endeavor to Ihelr utmost ability to pro
tect our properties, our home and our
beloved country and treaohery, wa will
ur them that w can protect oiir-
"Wo desire to put this proposition
fully before the public In order that th
drilling may begin at, once, a every
moment of value, We urge tha Inrg
eat possible enlistment, because In this
training we fed that we ara not tliruat
In a burden on our slain s, but are con
ferring a pronounced benefit.
"The preliminary calisthenics will be
followed by rxarcUe and drill In the
ine order a those given to the mrilr
soldier, After thre you will be In
structed In . Indoor bayonet drill,
rifle and plain target practice. Tou will
If urn how to point and aim, how to fire,
clean anil reload a rifle,
"Fair weather will aee practice
nmrrlie end women' military camp,
nub all their active routine. Including
range nd field firing. You will lern
gradually of alxhi ami wind gauge ami
their adjustment, Ton will be Intlated
Into all the mysterious and faacinailng
military detail which, when mastered,
apcll a nr aelf-defense. You will be-
come eventually a self-reliant, splendidly
developed, courageous eoldler girl, well
a bin to take core of jourarlt and a
doicn others.
"To alienee Mr, flrundy and keep Jut
buay we aha II give her a large depart
ment of Iion't. Chief among them will
he th admonition, 'Oon't talk too much.
Pon't be militant: be military. Don't be
aggrrlva; he conciliatory. Don t toe
your head: other may go with It, Don t
hlrk work," and a hundred other 'To
be" a' and 'Not to be'.' Here will be
the tak of keeping well peron well
and with her dampening caution calm
ing excitable and quelling panic."
fht women out of ten who believe
themaelve to be Invalid or . emHn
valid would unqueaflonsbly be cured
were they to Identify themelve with
thl Womn' Igue of Preparednra.
Mora than three-fourth of tha aliment
which afflict women are caused by lack
of Interested thoughts, lck of an alert
nes of mlrtd, ln k of exercise of all
th mental nd phyil orgn of the
human being.
Inertnes. an unfocused mind, aimle
longings, lung cell going to wast
thrnuiih Uck of ileep breathing, mus
cle of the body (jrnwwg aoagy through
la. k cf pioper things ar
the dieae pioducer. The Woman
f s jii for Jtelf-rrotectlnn. If It did
nolhlng else, would preiiare her for
health and iiwfulnes and activity In
the daily walk of life. ,l"tn It
Advice to Lovelorn
JUntrice Fairfax
Xaiklat Hwerrrl .
lir WI" "1 -'" Via old
an, I in .su Mli a U'H' iH'in girl uf
th Sl'"' a
I ba i r r twota . t"l
tii l,,va iiurntt
II 11 (nl U lb.' Il"..tiii'
t iair !' w Im " ' lu alt
fllt liis'lhsc she ! Ii.aial uix
,Sili il l'H ftw Sl t lsul'u..
Unit (sat ., a ! i III a ai
vfv a n S il His
s ! e r . ' ' uaisr
h l-aii ( I it .Ii. t 'I ot issid
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I-.. . a r."ft!iirw
baNt )
'. a,, I, .,.( , ( im I'a-ei
'ic t ,1 ( ta a, t' i a in
(I Hi II 't l:Ml It I" list's It
,i, t i (,. iki an u
g"t i f in nv,-l . MiN '
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' " ' J ml. ; i.'ij
'U'JI.I.'.rll'" ,i!iin.fil:
1H il i' 14 '
y " f ,j
A tlunning lailleur of bvgi
gabardim trimmed with heavy
Mark and whiti atriprd ilk, co'
lart and cuff oddly nhaprd. In
thit emter a dull blue pnngrf
motoring frock with apron an t
fiorkctj lined uilk vrrndliim,
lloman ilriped collar ami cuff,
with mmilum buttoni.
i' , , 11
, 1 'r, 'U 'H'l 1 H III! II
I M id 1' I I
1 'I n'lllllii'ijl1.,;.'!!!! 1
Reproduced by Speciid Pec
mUmion of llarptr't Bator.
fiporls costume of plain colored pon
gee, trimmed with J'.omnii etripci on-
ge, ara very much In the seawon' pic
ture, I'alm Ilea'h had the first gllmpso
of them and all sign now point to their
leading, lha field during th sporting
day before uae, say a writer In th
April number of Harper' ftaaar.
It I disappointing, however, to dis
cover that tha varlegntad striped ma
terial, the novel touch on theae .gar
menta, cannot be pornhaicd In tl shops.
Certain house hava taken tip all thnt
waa manufactured, .
Hut. It 1 possible to make tma Mrlped
material at home, Ituy small iiuHutitle
'm ttl'M'JJW V ri hr , ' tin Ah NrfWWUirMilu J H )7 J Vul i
fri fei-Jj mPM ,: : A
l I'll, j!, ' i i.l i' j''.r ni "ii 1 i Ii1' ."I'.'d li : ,i tl I ' I - I ' ' M ' -,,"., H. i' i ' ' 1 1 it . i .ii, i rl 1 l j r j t I 1 1 . 'T,. t u n ' v : m. , -j : ... 7- ., j, j; , , 1 11 1, ,,ri:(, ii' 11 , '
The9 Business of Sleep
Recently 1 diciiad the Importance In
health and alrkncs of lest, From that
one naturally turna to consider aloep,
and, juat a It seemed apt to quota a
great man view thai great men have
a natural talent for real, n I may begin
this column with a remark inndo by
01dtnni toward the end of hi career.
"I am losing," hi said, "the only really
great gift I aver poed th power to
(Ilndstniie. who knew how brain ami
nerve could be worried and wrought,
appreciated what alccp did fur hlin. 1'hIik
the moat wonderful Instrument In th
world In a way that taxed It oiipabll
Itle and endurance to the utmost, and
moving from crisis to crisis In a full llfu
with no opportunity or delre to evade
the testing time, he could measure
and appreciate the value of aleep.
Smaller men, lea tried by
tance, might never dlcovr the ex
tent of thl boon. Rut all of ua nuaht
to know It, and one of tha prlmo ccn
tlala In a reasoned physical culture la to
manage thl dally business of sleep In a
way to secure all tha profit that arc
oure by right.
Too often we act a If we did not tin
deratand what alcep w shove II off
until there aeema no longer any excua
for remaining awake, and then take It
atupldly, hrutlshly, unprofltehly v In
tho barel acnae and all ,nst becauaa v.e
fall to reallre that there I an actual
pleaaur In deep.
Meals, Ilk leep, are for our benefit,
W grasp that fact, More often than
not, however, our iel for th tarda 1
purely enual: eyea. nose and palate are
tickled, and that aatlafnctlon brln us
back at the appointed hour for the nest
feed, Hninetime there la an
from th exhutd frame.
luul call, )
Hut about sleep thei srema no at
traction ii f.ii the loueal and hlgheat
of mankind, the Indolent ,n rniny It
a an escape from work, and the fin
spirit who appnvtata lb keen edao a
prorr aleeji pi,i upon all their fac .11 1. a.
I waa In a ht.ue tlm other day b r
IP husband cotuplitini'd that fur Hn-i
nl, Ms he hid O'U iralad well, bis alrit.
had lia'H and dlsturi-ad bt ii'sm
mar. Hi wlfa su I
" You kl'en, J .liti thai Ui of i,a al-
w I in Hi' r'Hint It ti. i.niii ih,ti
di it Thi s iiitibing riiti wii1; i"i
ttH . a, tb I II ii auiail riMiin w '(
Hi wiinliiw su . ,v. i,ai If urn ,
II a di'itil t l.iisi s.r,... t, , v,.,
' 't "I'sn it '! J -bn It ,
IOc Ihn Urt
'AX- ,'.!
Morning Frocks and Tailleur
ev. A : '. i.i v i:' J7,i'" -t I.l. n i t r-i !, . iii i i i'i. ' " ' ir i 1 ""h i' M i, I ill ii re iir, ' i"i ;i Ji
111 lilt lltell:
re. L,iu,, imj'i, ,4V . r-v. , fli M .. :fl-1 1.
J 't fH . h i-1 Vr l ' '1 ' I ' t j 1 . 1 f I 4 f , ) IL, ,11 . I ' I 1 " ' ! I I i ? i 1 1811 M
, 11 a Ia. -J 1. 1 ' ::Vi l I ' 1 .1 i "'it 'ii, . .. 1 . ' i - ft :.. . ! ; 1 ' 1 1 , .. . 1 hi i j ,
m . W m W 'Ml' ' ' 1 'I ' . .!' . w . ' LA . '. . II ! . I II f, al ll '. 'H I , I '!,-. I f S I m aaV
W., 1 1,. ill I I .. . : i - - t.-x-v ' u ,."
of the colore you desire, cut Into airlp
llio wllt ft you want and sew them to
gether, I'o riot an'iiii theae atrlps, but
apply. on on the other a you would a
bundand sillih on tha extremo oilge.
Hlx or night color or hiidii may be
Hitched together In inaae a band acvcral
Inchex wide. Mkiat delightful color ef
fect ran b produced. Thl made-hv-liiind
material la lisnd for collar, ( lifts,
bell and other trimming on potigc
For afternoon dresses, where a more
uliihoral note I desired, narrow em
broidered ribbon in 11 y n t re 11 lei) In tha
way described above. Hodlce or tunics
trimmed with auoh bands ar quite
to the big front, bedroom snd the win
dow open alt night. I alway tell him
ha ought to have got hi architect to
do a well for the hrk of the hau a
he did for the front."
That Individual wa ' only In the
haunted bedroom bor use trouble In the
household dial or bed th ordinary ar
ratigcment, but In many of our homea
thn brat rooma of tha house ara mnd
lucre show apartment and the beda of
thn family are act In odd ermped room,
which can he need for nothing else and
will pot even hold the furnlturg which
ordinarily complete the suite.
Tlutl I not right. It I not ene.
Function which mean only teg and
small pastry and smaller talk on a few
ilnya of lha year secure the blggeat,
brightest, (driest apartment In tha dwell
ing, while tha great business of sleep,
winch 1 an essential of health and I
to keep the parent fit for the dntle of
the diiy and the children keen and re-t-epilve
and alrong for the vital dutle
of education and development, la Iran
acted In room denied decent hre of
auiiahlue, often dump, nd frequently
difficult to ventilate.
A true senee of value and fitness
would reverse metiers, or, better still,
demand from our architect houaea with
adequate provision for each phaaa of
home life.
N lu tit Is the natural time for leep,
darknes and unlet lis natural accom
paniments, Heme th aim ahould be to
a' lire then a proper allowance of aleep;
there la noi only sle of rtlflcll 1 tarti t
and dallght In every other arrangement,
but i he sleep achieved 1 of a poorer
qiiHlli), lea profltn'il.
What constitute a proper allowance
raunot be ileflned in figure. An old man
limy dcrU fits abr nf benefit out of
four hour" more will need alx or seven,
ami tor lite uwraae tmlivlitual leas than
eigbl boura will not no but If jou rind
nine oi ten tweittial nine or ten you must
liaie. The nf jour need inusi
fit l ie sll.m sic r. ami in altempl lu
il',!! ,iiir,.f n, tn H luilul cf diilua villi
li-s ta to wear our i.eivoua sxi.m out
fasit-r 1 iin ii von i,c d ai die aixuiri ibnu
Km oilflit
. ) If. i n.- ,iii'ili in, t-llla williili
aniisi. i a i r g ,,f a li.aiv iiifai r"nr n,if
fi'iha a Uahi a )' liiltii or a
cup of r"t vi'h a inla bread and
tuiiirr of a,.ii,e tnt i.its aii hieir or o
heir ant bait lM-r.,. b.-.iiiie i heal
tr!. a n i m tliutli t,f I ci
imiti c.t
I - f,.
dw li
Make Site njjth Food
Your rood.
rtitSpifheiti builils hraln
ml t.rawn wttlt (he leat
tx t thr tlu'r.ttixe organ.
It I no aiprtiini ani tli li
t imu that it tijic eu ry.
t'lif erryvhrff ,
t , in.iw.1. al ' 1 raatt' w uta
'J at i, n. gi
Wiutukmnt i4 in () aMk
I Hil I V-i" l 'h
Ht . .i kMk mt'l lie
' f if
J 1 1 wo tntuu vj r, i
T I linn would ht ap- ill
pro print 't for thli KM ,
' morning drtiH with a
, ""' and pent af L 1 I
V orgnndit. lAtnn in- ' jf
V A f'w weight to I!
YfU ilu tunic.
lovely. Incidentally tha coat la alight.
To get the effocla of genuine atrlped
material be ure to plaro Ui atrip
evenly and atltch by machine, for hand
ewlng I apt to pucker.
Ho many of the new tulle and chiffon
gown hnvo drop skirt of diver that a
wardroba without uch a garment aeema
Incomplete. A ellver petticoat mad on
a aepurata band will aerv for several
Of course, cloth of diver i expendv.
but a good iuhtltul I a llvr tissue
which costa only I M a yard. It I
thin, but It can ha lined with aatln or
nitron . scallop the bottom and finish
with narrow silver threat fringe or sli
ver lace. Theae petticoat ahould b
about eight Inches from th floor, as
It I attractive, to hava tha transparent
J Promlncnl Stores That Arc j
Agents lor the Victor rt
N. Talking Ma
chine MIckers Co. The
Mcbraska IMf A. Itositp
- . wmwm w e-ej V
Cycle Co. Co.
IMk m Baniir U, U1LU DooirUu St,
Omaha. Onaba.
'y. I I 407 Wat Broadwv,
rwacll BUfta. , mj t CoaneU Oliffa. .
jr , n
f , ;; !ad," L
Jr ' aw
I I '- n3 J
j These stores If i I You'll find all
show a lull I the New Ree-
J line ol Victor- 1 ; J ordsaodalull
Vlctrolas In V r::" . line of Aeces
all sizes and ' . aoriea at these
styles. j j atorei.
' -j The
Brandeis Orchards
Stores I Willielm
ICth Street toriu,
TU1.U lfi. ri S It ti I SnetU lU V
It. n. ?HU lieft. ta t
k ,mfc W
of tht Atov
ii Store lUve Sound
N. Proof Demonntratlng Roorai y
nnd Will OImUj Vlxy th Uocordi fur You f
GfaV- j frr- VA
jp mi n I'fx-tYii j
3 ny xtvy
oversklrt band two or thr Inche below
th petticoat.
Minuses and garmnnl mad of the
pale pink waahnble material ara charm
ing, but often a wa are about to pur
chase, them w pic! urn our garment a
they ar often ret timed from the laun
dry, no longer pink, hut a hideous hd
of yellow count before our eye. Wlaaly
but sadly we resist the charm and daln
tlnea of pink thing. t
Hut ther I no longer peed of uch
alf-denlal, for by rruahlng g pier of
deep roa rrpe paper In th rinsing
water your garment will heroin
fresh and pink a when they left th
dor, other pastel color can ba r
stored hy th nma method, using g deep,
vivid hd of crcpa paper In th color
Has Sweet Sixteen
Nf H IB 4 "PR UK FitnFtl.
Whera I sweat sixteen? Hh eem
to hav departed from tha heart rvf
men," Hhe wag a very lovahlellttle thing,
who wore almple, modest clothe and had
a manner to match, and h grew up
Into a very lovabl woman whom "all
men delighted to honor' Where I ah?
Hoesn t om group of aanslbl llttl
girl wnt to bring llttl glrldnm hack
Into fashion' It will ba very welcome,
1 nigged that om ef my girl start
west dttean club with th Idea of pm
moling childhood!
"K I Debt l( sin Kinder Mnhr,"
th old 'tarnian provrb. And It I p
thetlcally true that "ther aren't an
children more." on th avenu. In th
lheter, at dan'cs( wherarvr groupa of
pnupla ara gathered, one observe pii.
thniln llttla travadle nf womanhood whn
look al first alsnca Ilka dwarf and who
turn out to h poor, foolish llttla girl
aping tha worst follies of the grown-ofl
women of today,
A few evenlna ago I Mod In III
Nlnely-slslh lrel (Nw York) uhwi
latlon watting for a much-delayed train,
Hnfor ma came two alrange figure, and
my Inatlnctlig refleAtlnii wis, "How nrr
furiiiiittl that two llttla dwarf shnubf
make themaelv cheaply eonsptcuoug
with thona absurd high hoot and abort
shirt and pertly cocked llttl data and i
that make-up,"
Thy looked Ilk tragic figure from
a d(!nr. Face nmeld to daring
whiten, rhk rouged pink and IIP
painted crimeon, aye blackened and
shadowed In an abeurd makup an4
flhy clothe mad all eye form on
them. ' "
At last they cam quit;'' quit n
m and I found' from thlr convraatlon
and their rather pathetic llttl old young
facea that they wer frh from high
''hool and that on of lhm had cele
brld her thirteenth birthday th year
bfor. t
It hurt m In th mar herv1nf, Ani
how dly it I going to hurt th
youngtei who prated on moment of?
their dlffloullle with their tudl and
th next about they hoy (hy "had
a crush on," and tha third about hoar
dingy III folk war tint to buy there)
mora than two pretty dresse a aeagnn.
What ar th mother and fthr
thinking about to prmlt thl traveaty,
this unholy parody of womanhood? If
they hava lost control of their children,
both they and th children wilt pay a
hitter reckoning aom day, It won't
do. Hoineone muat call a halt,
Wa hava to hava children, I appeal
to tha llttl girl and boy themaalve.
Why not go on a queat for youth? H
la th most beautiful thing In th world.
You ran never hav It again. Horn
day you may actually to driven tn
Imitating It juat cheaply and a des
perately a now you Imitate maturity.
I appeal to lha parent. Huraly you
iinnw how vainly you long today for
th youthful llghtheartedn and Irre
sponsibility and simplicity of viewpoint
you one poeed, fturely you cherish
every reminder of youth, gvery sugges
tion of youth In your own nature,
In fullness to your children won't you
oonserv their youtht It won't last. It
la th most fleeting and th most beau
tiful thing In th world. It la dew on
lha graaa In th attnllght glow. Midday
and nlglH com oon enough. Why haaten.
Let it hava a reawakening to th
beauty of youth a movement fur lha
conservation of childhood, a enllment
that ahall make na band ourselvaa Into
a league of and for youth.
Swi ta I ii .SrK
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