Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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"Tewweeat fo fportlng eeli."
tlgktlag Flaur.e Burgeee-arenilefi.
Kwo rrlmt IeNew Bear-on rreaa
f ale m ,a ftr enl farm
BiorHMc. J. i, liumnnt, keilliie
Oerdea Toela Jae. Morton Bon Co.
Minora Kate eag aW-eUl.ere Omaha
ttJaee Oon. Co.. Hit Cap. D. iW.
'Teaa'a Korla rregvaja," glaaalftad
anion toiley. it appoara In The Ilea
KXCUJMlVKLr. rind out what tha va
rloue moving picture tlieatere offer,
aooariek Oar sea Moea Morton Son.
Xlka Molt Ceaoert An Informal enn
irrt by local talent will ba fralrl at the
Klka lodge romne thle evening at
I o'e"k. The concert will ba followed
by dancing.
To Talk t Boonomle Leaae-K, IK
J'allaid, formerly Da-tit commlaalmirr of
ev lnl, O,, 1 to avldrwof tha Keonutnlc
Imii l Ma evening at tha court rioue on
ma thaae of munPiiwI lighting,
To Leer a About Maw At lha
inonttna! (it tha Omaha Ileal Katate ex
change thU noon tha rlelegeteg
who attended tha national convention at
New orlrane will (-ll tha noma member.
all a lion t lha nutating,
yolloamaa'o Widow Oete Feaeloa-
Atnt: Ambler, widow of I'errjr mtlar,
ill(man, haa been allowed a penalun of
l a month ty tha rtijr counolt. Mr,
Ambler (lied within eight daya of tha
tlma required for prnnlon eligibility, hut
that technicality waa waived,
aako "Zmaglnattoa Offleet" .A mre.
ernger boy eaunterad Into tha offlia of
I'nltad Hi a tee Mereriel Klynn and an
noun''ad that he had a tnlegram for
"Imagination Offlr-ar" Wlillfleld, Kind
hamle directed tha youth to tha offlee
of Immigration Officer Whitfield.
Annual Meeting- ot Congregation The
North rreebyterlan rhun;b will hold it
annual congregational mewling tlila
avanlng at lha church auditorium, at
which tlma tour alder will b alac.ted,
Tha alenllon will b preceded by tha an
nua church dinner In tha church dining
nUaola Oantral Ordara Xqniptnent The
llllnola Central ha placed an order for
ninety-four car to ha added to tha road'
peeaengar equipment during tha coming
eummor and fall. Tha order provide for
forty-flva roadie, and ten diner, Thera
ara to he tout buffet car and the other
ar baggage, mall and expreee equipment.
Oenpaeber with Feebler 3, 11. Oerg
rev her, formerly with the rHtidebaker
people and for the lat year rtianged In
the futotnoblla biialni-aa in IfaaOnmi,
Neb,, ha returned to Omaha to take up
a connection with Hie Poehter Kngrr
Motor company. Mr, Oarepai-hrr will a
ume active management of tha firm, of
whlh he la to be a partner.
Oraadpa aMokene raaaea Otgare
Orandpa Charlea Pbkene brought a big
of fnney lre to tha meeting of tha ee
cutlve committee of 0 t Commercial chili
and turned them over to the hungry
mokera of that committee, Tha o raelon
n hie recent a:miptlon of the till'
of "grandpa" when a mm wo horn to
Mr. and Mr. Knneth Petewon, Mr
I'alereon being a daughter of f'ickena.
Oae "Tek'Tlle" biaglea. Hunderland.
Green Discusses
r Art of Advertising
A. I Oreen, advertlalng manager for
the Rurgeaa-N'aeli company, addrcaaed
the Omaha Ad club on 'The Principle
of Advertlalng layout" at the club'a
Tueaday luncheon at the Paiton.
Jfe dlecuaaed the art of giving Intereat
to thing which naturally may lack In
terret, the aclenoe of "compelling' at
tentlon. Ifa pointed ont the "attention
value" of half page ada compared with
full page ad and of llluatrated ada com
pared with unllluatrated ada.
"An advertleement rntiat be prominent
In order to be en," ha aeld. "It mint
te Interesting and attractive In order to
be read; It muit be rpctful and re
epecteble In order to Inaplre confidence,
and It tnmt be convincing In order to
Ixlng re.aulta,
'TI'O value of attractive, reapectful,
Convincing advertlaamanta la unquestion
able, Plcturea add to advertlalng value
! tide they an met the --a and thy
are equally Intelligible to all. .. eloKun
le a good thing, growing In value ea It
tit-owe In aga,"
And Don't Forget the Cross in the Square
Mela t.ennlne Hock Beer,
On draught and In boulea on and after
April nth. He aura and have a of
tine dell'loua brew aent to your home.
Wm. J. Kwnlinda, lU'lall Dealer.
I'hona Douglaa
Four Ask Divorce
in District Court
ludlte fiav haa g'en t'liarlra A. Pier
in a rilvorie front Htella nn uronndt nf
t unity.
Ktta l.enrn want a divorce fmnt W. It
on gn.unita of iiiiehy, Tliey woe nmi
rted In Mncnln In I3, A reeiiaming
older ha )ern lexieil C"iiiiiiiii'IIiih hloi
In keep away finm her prndlna the mil
come tini n. Law want a a rutin
Allwrt lew on grminila of irueltv and
nn-upiir. Married In innaha In l-il
Jeula M Itewnt want a illvnie fio n
ft 'hard, rhaiglna Infldello Varrnd al
laan, la, in I-"
Mn K rUketl ' Waller It Krki-M
1ft dlviirce, ailiaina i.nii ...H,,(
tied In t'btragu in ie.
Held at Jail for
ToUuk a Bis Qua
l li.uii, annli Twenlleth ntrott
erteeiril ant ie i : li iariia
i n n .i !" itui ii "a "i
i.. I ! ii. a fue rn. in the itv lii.iiu.
ii'i -iv !.(. H. a h r a'in i.
an n'ei.e I In a 'n." tt'iennt
.It join 1 il ant hi if eh., if
U it t l n 'iii t aueei,
I '.' II I i ' ii I I l i t m
a ..-U). a Me K'KKiiit In li ilwrme
! Mii U lie ( e i'i
t n ee t tit ii. ai I ' ! i il 'l
en ua a i-.'i ! ti
tli.,, i . U. ie fcl k t 1 1.
(i I re I i.i. i. i,U ail ! 'Iear4
In ) ( k ! i . ,i... '
e.i i i It t Hi K( iit
li t le e-e.iii i,.., a t
it ' mi t n lnl fii ti i i
1 VoicforONE.-
ihe way
Public Ownership
with Competition
Not Satisfactory
"We do not bolleve (n public ownership
Of any hualneaa In which there I com
petition," ld V. II, Hellerd, formerly
Hunting commlaaloiicr of Civetnd, it,
In a talk to the Commercial club yeater-
"Out there are aome llnea of hiialneer
that In their nature are a nstural mnn
opnly, and (heae have grown up to n
aomethlng Ihet their ownnre do not
reallae they ere."
The aprekar charaad trt many nubh.r
utllltleg are meklng In revenuea len
tlmea Ihn coat of the production nf Ihele
article, and aald, "Thoae are profit be
yond the wlldent dreama of any of ym
manufacturera In your line, I am ante "
He held Ibat t):a management of the
pitbllrt aervlce companlea I often cot
ducted with little reaard for the onflna.y
method of coat reduction In order to
be able to produce the aervlce at tha
loweat pnaalhle coat ea I the c.e In
line of biialnea In which there I com.
City Finds Cost of
Fixing Up City Hall
Tlie illy council received from an archi
tect an cellmate "f M.200 for Inatallltik
new levator In the city hell, lowering
the plevalore to the baaement floor and
iliHiigfujl Ilia front entrance to (Idawalk
level; idno providing four new offlraa In
the liaoemenl, two on the main flour,
moving two hollrre to rear of Ihe build-
In and other cliringe tiereaaary In I on
ucctiorr with tlila remodeling plan.
It la eapecled that the Hoard of Mu
nition and Ihe Vater hoard will aliare
the eti'-ii with the city. In any event
new elevalora will ha Inalalled and the
coinmlaalonera are hopeful that the full
plan will be executed.
A. Ilelwl, proprietor of a drug etore at
3221 fijiiilriB atreel. aurnrlaed a thief In
the act of prying open a ahowueae of
the alor, but the thler managed to rout
hla rnrene before Mr. Ilelael could reach
him. Thn culprit managed to get away
with a revolver.
Complaint U Made to Council and
Kog-fl FromUfi to Oivo
I'jion feconitiiendgllon of 1. W
l'oran, 21J (limit atrocl, lhal Ihe
vicinity of Twenty fourth and l-ake
al recti, la a n tiilc.vona of rllercpu
lnhle thamcleu, Hnpi rlniendenl
Kngel Of the police depef menl, will
detail a man to upcc'nl duly In thin
neighborhood. Mr. Durati appeared
before tha rlly council, in (ho In
fit eat, he alaied, "of my own
daughter and Ihe daughter of ft hi
rnldenta of Oil locality,'
Mr, f'oran made Iheae atatementa I
the conndl: "Hiring the lent three eeeke
my Ui.)r old daiahterbaa been Ineulted
twice on her way home fiom the Naered
llrert achnol, I em her to k for r
eonehle police prnleriion. It la not fair,
genl'emen, that you aliould permit an
lootia, pool halla, dane ballr and other
pierce la our nelghhoirumd and then fail
to give tie proper piotectlou. A lot of
drunken pupa hang etoiiiid the pool halle
particularly, and I em llifotinei there are
dlarepiitahle hoiteea In fhla locality, I dii
not want a repetition of the llauaer raee
In my neighborhood, We want to pro
left our de ughter from I lie Ineult I bey
are being eiihjerled to, The lomllllon I
almoat deplorable."
ttuperlntenderil Kl elated lhal til
police force la Inadequate; Ibat hla fund
waa curtailed for t hl year, and tlit
(here are only two beat from t'nminn
atreet to Ainei avenue, He prornleed it
give the dial id t eiirroundina Twenty
fourth and l-ake atreela a "combing."
f'omnilloner Itiitler ae Id: "r'ome of
thoae pool ball nut there are worna than
aaloon and llcenaea ehould not have been
Want Omaha to Make
Good on Promises of
the Old South Omaha
Mike Harrington of (I'Melll appeared
before Ihe city council In behalf of
client who waa Injured verl year ago
In Mouth Omaha, A peraonal Injury rliilin
for IJ.WXt waa filed, but lb former city
council of Kfliifh Omaha a a reed lo Kle
for l,0 If ault would be dropped, Kail
ur of lha former koiitli Omaha official
lo actually pay over the money prompted
Mr. Harrington to auk the Omaha nffl
clala to honor the pledge of their merged
Detective Walker ha returned
Omaha from Denver, wllh Kei rt Intnean
nn of tha aitlomobllea ttidlla whi
npereted In fmha during Welch, In
cuetody, Jruncen waa raptured In the
Colorado rlly. He will ba arraigned In
polio court Wednesday, on a charge of
Tuewlny April 4, IDIrl
-I'hone loiig. 7,
yC Choose From
PY n nusua"-vr Large f
' ' Scor esyes, hundreds" and no two aUkeJJp
Jtfj Tlio aixoiluifiit MiiliraiM'.s i-it'tifally fvi-iv- I 'fi2rf$L
! f tiling from lli liitnul I ui tit 1 1 I Mnck I'imt' J i-sr
I sTlv Miilttr Ut lln Iiiiv tuilmn. rSify
vjiiiLS: h Nn ltvt viiitl-t of nlilniiif. nn rim n "V
. ja--eevjr' l Uirir, (.tltT lllt It tlnhillkt litiu I . '
l'CW Som. Iinv.. hout'iitt, whili i.lli.T-
SfA V' i'tiv very final I I i'f
i hK, l,..r,. ,.,..,.lav, A'
' nee, A ''ifjiV
J 1 v:'
-Store Houn: 8:30 a, m. to 6;00 p. m.Saturday Till 9:00 p, ra.
urgess-IMash Compamy
Tueeilay, Arll i,
llirxie Hinglae H7,
New Novelty Skirts
NgS fa
. I II I
Jl'HT n womon begin i ftt'M thir im
Nrtan'e in tli" nriug wanlrolet ew
Im'H4 iicwpr hkirttt in mocl atxl nialriflln
m i'lflv vnriod, 'J'Iiofp arci
0 I'ljinlTaffi'ta Skirt-.
y HIimmmI Hilk Hkh
1 1 km I pnik m in,
I'ot'kclc.l U'alkiriK SkirlK.
1'lniii ami HtripnJ ,hm-y,
Hlrcpt Kkitli of Sfrgc.
ln-M Ski rti of Silk.
In muoii' lioiiffant niotlt'ii, A i'lioii'C
collfrlioii of all fywn for utility ami for
mal wfitr, l
$3.95, $7.50, $10 to $18.50 and mor
Offering in women who "lovai to hop" th
alliiteinerit of afl almnal iinllinll'il rhonalng
and to tlioec who find lime an liniiortant factor,
thn aiirety of lh elyle, they prefer t lh pHtii
I hey ttenlrg lo pay,
Bargeea Meek Cen eag fleer.
Suits Which Furnish Many
a Reason for Spring
$19.50, $25.00, $29.50
ANN tny om a hutt lo he mlrniiwl, r
HnnlU'HH of jtrici', for it rotrt'clmf of
flylt inul for fli ltMfge t'Xfrt'ifil in llw M'li'c
lion of (In now nuitrinlx.
llannojiizifiK c life kg ami 'i'K, kilkx atxl
vrloura anJ tlifviola in tli juany new oport
fliflilfa. No pain have iVfii nri'ij U rcpro-tliii-n
i iit'ctiratcly a can h tlonc 1lit hlyK
ami colorM ami linM of Hip iiit lliat arc
liilicr in rie.
Many New Suit to Sell at $19.50.
nrieee-Heek Ce geeoag Meer.
; m m tm
til I i m
mm, uiwfstft w
Occasion and Pocketbook
$16.50, $19.50, $25 to $250
TIIH otylf arc Ui uewfat and are shown
in laffefa r'rr?fK do vUinc, crpjo meteor,
Rio (J loudrca nixl hoireo ilk, ioflencd and
fliliant'ed Willi gfftrgflle crepe.
Colon ,
Ifow, Mint (iray,
Ilairiie Blue, Spring1 Oreen, '
( 'rushed JlaMtbt'rry,
Navy, (ioldf White or Hlack.
Travel and Street Frock, ni
Spttrt DreHHen, Hotel Frocks.
Dinner anl Tarty (Jown,
Kvery model h new and distinctive.
argeaa.aaah Ce,- aleea4 Fleer.
The New Lingerie Blouses
Divided Into Five Large PriceJSroupi
A Wonderful Assembly of Lin gerieWai sts
$1.00. $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Up
WKMNKSDAY we plncc n r.ille a spet iul purclinne
of Imgerie Midline-, repreMcnting several Ihou
mimiI Iri'hli new iikmIi'U; h'lt'inliil iiiiilcrihl.", plieiioini'iial
valut'H -
;i)K(jANI)li;S, FHIM.S,
All grtuiped in attractive price Int him! on t m
to make selection eahV,
urgeea Ma.k Ce g.eee Fleer.
7 MA
m ' "V e 1 A I LVI Tk. n
1 I aYl , ( I
I El
Make the Most of Your Natural
Beauty Line With R,& G, Corsets
1pk AHIIItiS latn Ihe mi. mi Ini I ilaiiigly ptiuii Idle )f,
"'! 'A. tor U.lilnn Dial mrte. ate again In il. Mul Hie
'J k infif li net ai'lit-.r in ml Ihe riglll Ui.anl I lie, liiu.l gn i
. M tim irntiiiueui Hole tuiimliiea ai Hie ii a tliglitlij e.ti-
i" 1V ihnlei linel lull M a limit It Id flat fMinl. Vmlt flgiuea a ill a
" 3 ' 45 ii'i'i'n'"lf 'fiiin in'Hi ! if im .i'i
I WiV.lT V ew- mew m -m w I H e I 'WVeWV
j 'I hi. n.el ii iea ih. I l,,r ih .hiuii f ur 'I tie dual la n,
l h a e m I I He ikif i e in men i n in ir 11 i u e nil i, a n 1 I o u I kin i irim. Hi
ti I 41 ft jeli't""1" t'iiU all am.ei fluutie rte.h r itiuiiul, n.a
ril J lJ l"1,,! nl he fi'Hil el.el U if il inl. .iieailti (a
rlal 1'ieteal t'lrekiitl f I tinea .i-tirii a t"li line la
VLW . I'm w I" HT I 'tileel Hirlliili ke.uM.I luf, lu III tee H A
r tl . il M...ll 3 V.m mil fiitj itit l( gnat tiitii f.anie tie aeil
Mii.i..iii it iwa'ilr
rrtcr , l 00 to $3 50, Heat lae ru.t
Jlurgfii Hu) Co -Evrrybody'i Store - ItJ'.h nut lUmey mm.
urgess-Nash Gompany
It will wvc you timo and money if you m HKK WANT-AD3.
leAlattHno In I aetlalla,
tk J mi . I I Ki i I I
li ., ' i.'l.! . H'ih kiliK ( ... ,
a I i