Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Page 6, Image 6
V run jjkk: omaha, wtcpnksjuy. apihl s, if)i. 1 THE OMAHA EVENING DEE m roysnro nv Kim a hp hoh kwat r.n. """ VICTOR UOHKWATKH, KfJiTOK. Th Ilea IMihllefilnir Company, I'ropfXof. OjTM'm, IMI'Klt OKTIIK IT777MAliiT iwHi Kf kvk it rA nr knW ,n rxrt'ftivittVA r; SIP- 1 ''''''r KAHWHif ANUmVKH T K)CS(T I f" at Omeh froatorflra eeennd 'taa msttar, TERMS Oil- UIKWItllTIOM, " )tv rmnrs-r fir mtii f lly d Hundsy aliv wlihmjt Punday ,,,, y.venlng anil a-unlay ......... livening without ftunday eundejr lie mil , pr month. tr year. ,.4, .......,. 4 0 f'O i m .V:. Iielly an1 Mundar ;. fhr Uy and Mu17 fhr oiri In iittuiu . Hand ntlr ,f rhais t,f 4drka irregularity In je'tvery 'rnaa ha, rirMjijonjrMj,rtfilt.t '"'msba-Th Its IJiilIdln. 'with Omaha 2ll N sire. (Vrtinrtl l!luff l( Nrh Main atreet. JAW ttnlimng. rh,tl ap! M flulMfn-. New rrl ,,m JP4. M nrh evenua, t. lvmlJ Naur Hank r.f t'ornmerie. WmfMntrtm-A'ttt YurtM.nth a'reet. N, W i :oTh kiforiTTKsTPT" - ddrre nnmrnufil'-atinrif relating to new and1 dl iytal msttar to fTpah fix, Klttirlal J'er,artrrieit. Mlltfiil WW I MTIOV, rr nnn v i rt t r-r od.dzo uaiiv sunaav DU.okw w ' f'wlght Williams, rlreulstlnn manager ut Tha lie f'nbllahlne rftmpanr being Huly wrn, asr that the avkruaa rlrr iilaln tnr tha rn'itith f Marh, !!, u Ma daltr ami Hon m4f lWIOUT WII.MAMX, nriilliir, frir Huharttrt )n , pran n! aw.rn lo Mutt Hit ihm m ar nt Aptn, pi Mttbarrlbera Irarlng Utm tlty ImiMarlly (boold liar Tba ( nuUlod to tlimn, Ad dreaa will b changed aa oftrn a riUiL Muxlcana ar not rnueh on ral war, tl.y mak up for It In warlika fiction. but Only tbrea mora daya to tba tn 1y limit bofor tha primary, ho your rgltrlng aarly. Juat to think bow many yarg tha anator tad tha i-fecretary of atata nlet In tb aam bid? If Brother Ford abowa aa mmh apd In Kebraak at he do In Michigan, h will auf irln all of u. Nar!y twnly-flv yuan of litigation or tha failed Capitol Nrtlonal bank furnlh an obj'ft laoo in tha law'a delay (bat Kpaka for lUelf. If It wr money that honaatly hi longed to Mm, why did "Hob" draw tbn warrant and than bold them ao tarfuly all tbona year without caahfng them 7 With tbat federal JudgbJp filled, tha burn ing queatloo propound Itaelf again, How long I tbat Juicy Job of poatmaater to b enjoyed by bold-over republican? i . It' dollar to dougbouta that Jo Kteiher would not lay down after being entered for match, whatever tht Inducement. But then, H doeen't apell bla nam "Ktoacker," fitockmen and packer are training for rrentllng match on tha question of a mora equitable apllt of th market money. Which ever aid win, th ronaumer foot th bill. Thoa wbo drop out of th primary rac liar tb aatlefactlon of knowing tby will not be mlaaed. Enough remain to kick op th duat of tb road and circulate torn of Uelr own dURt. Why la tb democratic World Herald o fear ful leit th republican make t'barle K. Hughe their prealdentlal atandard bearerf II ii0e it mean certain democratic defeat, la Nebraska. Public Indignation agalnat fee grabber grow with knowledge, but Indignation, to be effective, inimt be recorded In the ballot boi. Mark don the primary dat and keep the In dignation hot. The federal miprem court llfta the lid of I he Capital National bank acandal for final fumigation. The operation la a minor one, chiefly ueeful aa proof that "th evil men do tivcn after them." Kout automobile accident, one refilling In death, were reported In th atat new of one day. Thl method of driving bom the lron of aafety flrat I perllona, but It t optional with car driver. The return to prison of two habitual law bleaker fpont Omaha uggcsla to the pardon end parol board the necessity of reijulrini tuor tlifrtnry proof of reform than th took' profession before eierclslng clemency. There I no nirert connection between the inrea of S.ttOO In state automobil llc-nsr issued and th hnspitau ender construction er projected Merely a folnnldenr. A forward Imiklnt tte omit none of the ticer of lite. Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha ' Nptl4 fees Ba ruel, Jtiti' lkM eat4 ntunr wbu ml Mia M,, htimim ef IMs eli, t-ti n u i..M,. S H''W"! Ma aaiH . Ir IWuaa K i.M.i. , i. all Hant ! aim ef IHaK Hui CKiiMt k wi i. ul tea H,M , aaa.. ia'i. will l tx4 at IS, aa , M-m tlaliia, i..r...l ia anitt, f tn t .i,. a .(mai.t. t mm at se ki'"t Ih ..Mta t.ttap IV. ., 1.41 atwt iet ! a Is ea.t, il khI. K, , ae,t ra4.. with Mi, IVki ' "I ! M. b tt 11 k ba nmt ikaM ! I lh 1) N in.aa )4u sum rw h whs, h I nt.Hi ra aa u rt a4 HI A"-m IN ttiait l aitl 4.t Vllk (Va I . ' '" ' e howtia, x.!wi, h.lti '!. !, t'..M , ..,., ibK. simI I H,itar t.. , w f lit Iumi4 Hf S.ita.ianw,. 4 '"-e Itel Ike fc( mn, I r tea) u Htm, !maa ef Ml 1. M t li wi t,.!,, a., ) r.,.n, a n K-sie r ttil ba laa aj t)t.aHt i ! IS'I -,na ta . mi ' ,. 1 ''.:,, !. I i a I' nan i The Intelligence of the Votr, Tb! r(iB tll of rt,ubllran Mntlnifnt for Chsrl K, Hufh for irldnt J yJbl evrybf, nl pwb.rfl mora Dotlo!b)y (ban )!j NftbrMfca, untr. )lni(h.a la rroni.4 a fb man who, abov MIJ olbra, would romrnaod thu unUf4 tupvni of (bn different mntii of (h partx, to nay nothing of poxtK'xnjna; pr- rmlntnlljr lb Uallfr(;nn AwTti in t, ytm' iitnt. Tb plan to "writ In" tb nam of Cbarloa K. tghftn, on our primary ballot tbrfo la mt- Inn with alffioat inlvrMl approval, althouirb with mpbal on tb lmmnlt of tb f.aak and lh 4fflru)ty of ttttlng tb tor to wrt li In th blank llc wrrwtly an1 alao to put tb trim mark on th aquara oppoalta. But why, In Nbrk whr all av a fra tlonal prntag rad ni writ and kp In irm4 of what In lining on, l not tba ItMlU gnr of tb varagi yotr 0'ul fo tbl tak? Four yar ago w!tnoa4 the flrat trial of our prMldfintial pM-ffr-n1 law and th fault f piof fonrlitalva tbat th (jcnorant vot la 011 glb). In th J 91 primary four nam wr prlntd on Urn rpublran ballot, naly, "Hoowvnlt," "Taft," ", KollntU" and "Itoan," J"t flam1, "H," being n unknown .m. 4ilUrr, for v,m no not citiM It , ... . . . .... . . bava voted Intentionally, According to lh of ficial figure, tb total number of republican vote cant for president In that ptUnnry w 77,f-2, of which "Jtoea" received 05, or only three-fourth of one per ceot. If th rota for "toe" ropreaenfd, it obvoijy did, a wholly accidental or Ignorant vote, and an equal number of ucb accidental vote I credited to each of th other three candidate, tb total ignorant vote wa i man Z,b00, out of a grand total of 7,f2", , 7 be figure ar calculated to lnpl faith In th Intelligence of tb rank and fll t7 Nebraska republican md it roaka ti be lie that all tbat 1 needed to rgilr preal dentlal preference for ( baric K, Hughe U rnak tb voter reallr. tb preaent ltutlon and ahow him bow to "writ It In," Country It Full of Villa, On of tb really engaging feature of th rawpalgni In Meilco I tb ubiquity tit Tancho Villa. Thl delightful outlaw I showing a qual ity of lulvenee, n ability to gfmultaneou) be In evef widely,rated place, uch a afamp biin a ultra-protean, to ay th Jeaet. It may b that thl peculiar peraonal trait I In oro degre th aw ret of hi military aticc. To on in aom meaaur familiar with th fact, U aeem chiefly to be du to a railal trait of the peon, Thl fello I not only Intenaely loyal to whomaoever b give fealty, unreaaon- lX In bl attaebmnt and unqueetlonlng In hi devotion, but be I a liar of audi gift c d- rv a place among lb world' moat accom- plla&ed prerarkaUra. HI qualification for In vention and bl ability to avoid telling th truth would win blrn great distinction a a diplomat. H Ilea o eIIy, o gracefully and o convinc ingly a to mak htm a mot effodiv agent for mlaleadlng (It purault of lb fleeing bandit. and tbl 1 proving a inot aerlou actor In General ferhlng'a problem, Truth lie at th bottom of a rry deep well In northern Mel o. Dilemma of the Dutch, Holland' aftuatlon Jut now I moat un pleasant, from wbatver angl it 1 viewed, Th Hutch bav aerlouly atrlven to maintain tha atrlcteet of neutrality, and generally thl ha been rrpeted by th belllgiirent. Recent de velopment have been ucb a to (bang tb anpect of tb altuatlon matrlally, and to greatly Inrreaee tb difficulty of Holland poltlon, (Jermany fully understand It enpom-d condition along th Hutch frontier, both of Germany and Belgium, and latsty ba been ai tlv In making greater preparation for th defenae of thl front If any exigency of tha war should nitke It necessary. Th Tubantla Incident w ezed upon by th Kntent Allies to urge Holland' participation In th war, and the suspicion of tbl possibility ha occasioned awifter action by Germany for defense, It f reported that tb Inhabitant from a con of considerable wldtn bav been removed by th German, that troop i ovement my b unhampered by th prence o civilian, ilenewed assurance of respect for tb neutrality of Holland, coming from all the brlllfc-eren!, have not served to allay Dutch apprehension In th fne of vlslhl military preparation. The dilemma of the Dutch Is more aerlou today than at any time lne tint war commenced. More Pan-Amtrioaniim, Another All American tunfernre) ho Jul opened at !lun Ayre. the l.'nlted Btatea ov rnmeut boln; represented by Henretary Mtv. Adoo of the Treaaury deiiartment, and I'aul Wetburc, head f the Kmiefal Unserve bank board. While the program of the preaeut lon ha U dn wtth the adjustment tf criminal lawe between Ihe ermnlrlea, It general effort will be to weld atlll more eloanly the Interest of the nation of the New World. The Infiti. eno of these gathortuga, rumln down through th last three decade, Inevitably to the establishment ttf better fetation between the American nations, and to strengthen th om iminlty of putptie that move them. It will ftlaa Imtease (he rt'iinsiillty ( ah tn th other, and lit th! way I bound la add to tb ImpofUne of the Moprim dottrln. t'trruni tnce ht rn Hy be foiveeen a fnll.'w Ing the Hissing- (,f ie. In l ump rer talnly put Ih Mooioe doctrine to a teat null H ) iiu ueislui.l stitie (list Hu. when lbs Kiimpiien kllUtue, f..llollt tb ilpsinfl nf Nspi'li i'M, IU rntiin lallolt lioaerativ, IM l.a.l l.t but end Hhrr tb l altH Nialr must be nedr to itt. b tb Mor d.Htlliie, Mr I'sW toutlianltiil lauit fall t bear up Li,,, p'nl' Our rtreme.4 lurii.1 of ' an ) (be u.t.ut .f tb "ittm of 'JJ ' tf'MiU In (h Hnmt if wr, end I lH I In lipeatd lrr at IU finl r. f iii.e atblvm plate In ike sua the first tMo I ni) thrive (rati A luil lrtta!n tir jt. Dm tnur set arih of eeittt! li e I li Unbte ! f tlnkedw '' ni ! lrie'inna l 1 be bull sh-il t'--i i'i M. ri,t,..n U r i.ff'iieM te eimter '- ie .i jtlj nr ,( I tt I - i K In Line for Hughes J l-atl fever HI re Hsisn. hldner Tliiraph: Thooahtful republican evaiy. where rl!e ir na'slty of reuultm Hie rpiOll' :4 f'l',ns If il, parly I B't to rir srinllier df, snl In i'f.c n thin tnare must l- a sUodarl l.r-r whi la net an!onu(ed elthar faction and wbiaa pH0cl rucmt wtll cornmrii'l him ti popular tmilttirtv: The la)ar tb rpulill'n party newls 'n the IrnpenUfi; campaln I a man whnaa publi caraar bat 6maiirt4 fasmsnll Qualltl, wno h wise "irvKDt'on ut what la eant.Sal tt national proa- res, witn ba th eour fj nf uneomprumialnsly tor h malntensn'i of Amartcan rirhts, o4 wh.i la llitrwighlr ImbijciJ with Amarlcart Woals, Tbsa rwiilrrnr( Ih-.aa who favor the nomination of Jus- II' a ifiiah bellave t, pm, Wm rf'JSl tt enlct' loto a i orteat, Inr prcsHatitiai fi',rnratljn la tu u tffmit tnr lha eminent Jo'lldal palt)n he ew.upl, arid t aloahr eradttabl and rminn1ahte, lint It to not riereaaarljy rnaan nr Imply that he would r)t a ewdlnatUMi, At all evml It I dcslrebl't that vofi ahall Irnllfal thalr pTittfmm ami N- brask repiihlican a-ho favor tb nomination of J'tHU l,hrh H, Hitvha can Inllnal this by plac- lo hi Mfru ,n the Wan pe laft on th ballot tit Sijfch p'Jrposa, l'fila prasent Inllcaf Ion art rnlsla4iria a vwrv Urge sumter of rapiilillcan vofei In thl atat will (ho record h" for th party' tan4rd t.rr, Yrvlit Well-eana eadmeai. Kaerney Kuh; The Nation and Ut New rorH, I'oet r'ntly ronducr(t a pill of preeteentlai prmftnnim eoverlo moat of ih tis, their r'l er hln eskod whom lhay supported In il ao whom hy fevor in ut rpll raivd J,l') u4 tnr WUmm In Itlt and l,W, ar for Wilson now. Affioog republican CarjdMeta ,Iu)ia ls wlih 7 J, HiM b Wl, Taft , idtrton 4, an4 venous laaaur polls, lUiosevelt ba M, whb.h I j,mlnally an juiv lent of rpubitn aewnd chrtce. A enwlysi of the return mw that net cmy be freMe7it Wilson not gained In etrariatn but that tb democrats party I rolriortty party. Th purpose tit tbl howlng I t call attention tfl tM wMaspead anllmnt for Huha, wbl'-h I not "iekd op rrtr" in Nebreaka, but is a pretty wed seasonal aMlrnnt thrwiahoot tha t'nlted gtata Mraetly In p,,r,t I so editorial in ihe HI. Ixls rjlofsWemAcret entlljei "Not Ifoaha the Jw); whl'b ahould b rad by every volar In Nlr, whre th prrrnr ballot afforl opportunity to writ the nam im tb ballot, tibe wa in line for rretjtlerir, whn h waa mAMi-k4 en the iipr ni tiencb, He hul4 bav been th nominee, just be w the ebotce, tht an fotir year so, W raMa I tlaakea' A vallabillif, Aurora ltptiMlen; Tfre em t ha ti ' ment ss to Jiiatle Ttuehes' !ftW!li a a aotl- oate; th only Question I hew t sac or hi swept- eee of tha nomination. W ballsv lira e-illin of bl nam on tb primary ,allot affords a solution or th problem aoi we espect to aee Nelirasfca republic en !opt th sstlon with surprising unanimity. That's vVhat tha Mlaak Mm la Vnr, rslrmont ChinnleSm; Mttr than Pfit hundred ; publican newapaper ot Nro-k have eraanlsei tor an affort to tmr th "wrttina in" of th name of Jule 'lisrl K. Ifu1i of New Tor upon the Ne- briiak ptlinary bsllot, ss th preference for the re- publlian cendiial for preaiartt. While the task is a stupandoo on, It t not Imposelbi of accomplish ment, and th blank Ho on every ballot la plaet there for thet purpose, Nabrask votara, nerslly, ean read and write, and If you are for Iluehe there Is no resson why you should fall to espies your prafsrenca. iud Ifufhe is n ideal man for the presidency. rid, while avowedly and very rrimry not a csndl date for th position, I certainly to food an American t larnore bl roonfry'a call, lla can be drafted, and it I the plain duty of rapuhlkrane to unit upon the man who can win, o for Ilugbea-and write ols nam in. laeeptabla t all rsalleai ( the faely. Wloomflaid advocate: Jostic Jiughe will b ec eepieble to it faction of th party, and b I one of th ahiset men In the nation, Kvery admirer of Hughes should write bl name tn tb blank on lha primary tallot their ebolu for president. Timely I mpalra of taetreellaa, nnugepon rew-riiaia; -jTia sentiment smong Nebrsska newspaper he grown so strong In favor of Hughe for th presidency that a fsmpslgn of in struction to th volar will soon be begun showing bow to writ In th nam ot thl man on the ballot prop- erlr, Jt la not a reflection en th intelligence of the voters, but will be elmply celling their eltentlon t Ihe rorrwt way of expressing their choice so thai It a mint be mlsiepresented or atinulled. There Is Utile doubt but that Hughe is the choice of prsitl rally all of th rpuh)ens of th state wbo bav given the matter deep consideration nd, sine ballot lug has become a technical matter, It will be nrcr. ssry lo ba vary careful In writing In the naina and marking th ballot correctly, Mr, Hughe will no! ha in ai tlve candidate snd Ih voter theinsflte mimt lake tha liilllatlv o tha eilant of taking the trouhla lo get ihelr ballot siaetlv right. All of this will an-pi-sl to republican who do not like braes hand renin. datis and the voters will no doubt be glad to er. clua the propar amount of rere tn helping to acini Ihe man who seam tiuw lo ba the liest candidal with whom te dafrst democracy nest fell. Wltn Hughe lo lead u, w can look foiward hopefully to ilctory, c Twico Told Talcs (aea as K.ttevl, Orsyi and Mayme, ladlr of th iheru, war ...i day rai, making to W healing tii.(-ntland Juiuk. ..nn lit surriHiudrd bv mas ef mnl pspa wun imiIiumI snlliui I'rraenUir lliv.a hatlnd fnon fmlb king wlih i,f gum tor a fsw aitida nd said; ' tik here, glill. a guy prtifwMNir, I gva-er thst In a itwtiaanu rai tltai won't be nr blmide 1 h world " ' Hum," ald Marine, and went ee raauln sii' ef ft man to le.i, M b , whu bs bu huiii .! of land turll (titll ' Tea w Hal dn yu think of ttf- rMne4 Ui.ns 'Wbr, bow rtiw he know that wwii l n t Iara mi tliu ieauil yr fruin t T"-4 ImiiiUm )! palik rrakahlf a I ell. T'lliig thrtHge nw i..tmlir In b.mnt luan bad tffi up aiiu-at or ih, dium nwr (. ,1 up t nlh m ar.H,. ,..HI wt.n. n . tbte paiiilbm et a iaa al btr.i.Mii su. t.t I P Mis It,' vt tb, ba'f wr I" (IU. i, n, Ih eiliir wat b at Ih ! e Ur end Ma ie4 lo the fteael drnchetiailH ut t- l ,( fiM- sinuin inal M ka hww bt !! la e it e siraisbf a. af'air f'-'tl, iv.,.,.h but f .ll el etii sa4 '! vartatkm e .ih. u, ( "'Hi ula ! ai.l than. In K ,i.i. el fa ' It a (ar M-.ri I w,t tlr ant i,.. a Mih rw tar af d (He s'aKa Ka b.i tola fiitann, eaaiAr IMm tie daad " l'tn.W.(ft 1..,.. i Ti b , laMkla fa fiesta. U lrtu II I. a bti lt.r t tt ii't l wlih 4 I r irnOln An fe ..! ' ' !' I ill i '! M r-l ls al ya! 'i Ih He H lb t'mrm Wlaelnw ' aat", ' ttH n M wed n laat t t' inV a ti tias im fc ' t,lu J "t k4, ! - M ' -. tl i t iim - kt efen MDdu)ter.''-udW. "Mia Mad-air that tump I adtalratlea. CKNTHAI, i;iTX, Neb., Aprtl t.-T the Alitor of Th Hue; Tha rpuhl!on f ihl ipy r very much Impressel with li) extreme mxlaiy of Mr. Aldrlch, (n didaie for t.'nitad Btatae aanator, In Ihe srilcl published in th Mute Journal itrAiy Mr. Aldrlch say' If the Nabrsska republicans want a iat,r who U marelv a pta dtapanor or who madaa his cbi-f bus.ncaa to nke Hi enenina In older that hla foi may b to prorwr liarw for subwiuxfit bust rx f H' Hi'nl b'alloa, thn ttiay hll fioi votn for i,, for ( Aim l in"" nut u Oi thai sort of rwiulremant If. on tha contrary, it Is ral woik In Ilia liiisres's of the pnofila that Is tha tiling wanted nir Ida is that J, AldiPh, atn th man ror i ne tne y,n, ll'iw I that for modesty? It is ijnif evident thet fr Aidrt'h he at lat una sdoilrer In th stale, and that -ntlemn I Mr, Aldrlch hlmsalf. Mr. Aldrlh 'ifir i: rin saa mock ahould 'orre.'t bis figures of speech. It Is (he ftraf time wa ever heard ef ''heal ing a poll'l-el ftfn' We have heard "iK I rhlinnar jer-journai. of beslln plas, ihli'Mnif, bora. and hu man tMlnaa, tot never before of "baaJ. log a fno," Just bow Mr, Aldrlob pro- poae to "heal faf fane'' he doa nui uia, whetlier It I te be don with paint, nail or bsrbad wire he d'c not llow Ion, I nanned ''get, It, it, gWKKT, Ma slew, yoilK, Neb,, April t.-To th Kdilor of Oas on Th iies; A Mr, Ini)ala baa taken emapllon to my artlflle, and doe not seem to gt my viewpoint, ba take, it w ar Jusllflad for aoln Into Uagiro after Villa Weuee be cam ever her if toat i suffl'iant reason than w bav I i(, .(i,..m no business in ther at II. if tiver- idee t looks the fact that w want lot H-mUjo flrat and killed nearly many a Villa did, sod wounded many more, and now lil own doctrln applied to MeaUw giva VIII th right to corn over her and do that vary thine, and that ought t r clone th entire In Went. Than we r tild we ar not tlghtine MesPo hut Juet running down a bandit with Meilco" eonsant, Now whe 1 Mea ioo? If be will inform himself he will find w esme very near giving our up- port to Villa inafesd of (,'arran. Dot now while the I'nlted glate ba rai:oc- nlKd htm and bl following a a defect government bv a few other). England ha not yet been able to aaa In him and bl movement even sn ambryo g'vernrnent. This very incident ef Villa' Is added proof tbat Mslc tloe not yet hve a ra( government. What would Mr, l,ngdaie think if Mec wee to corn over here to run down one of our own bandit. 1 m sure b would Join m in telling Mesltio wber te head In at, Then lie says noma thing about, if 1 lived down there t would change my mind, but be I mistaken again, in the first plc, I would not v there for aaverel reasons, and that I en of them. but war It my lot to do o, I would bold. that w made a desperate mistake when we struck the first lick by taking Vera ('run, end thereby made a very bad mat ter much worie, f arn sure we could beve ave4 ourselves lots of troubl a wall lot of credit by laying out. Now th outcome la up In the air to tnr a credit or honor Ut concerned. 'Tbrtc rmd i b Whos fight I Just," nd I'at sr, "if ye' wtll fight yell be fll," But w ar in, 1st Mr, fngdala help u out, while tb rest ef us try la point other In betor ware before tint Mm come. Ith thank to the editor. a. I'OfK, Tip3 on Home Topics Umlnn Trnc,r1pt: What doe T, Cote- man !u font think hi presidential boom I due to, (pontaneou combustion er n outsid plolonT Ietrolt rre I're: A democrat In In diana ba reached th ef I'M. But whe want to llv to lot if b ba te be a democrat to do UT Clevelsnd Main Ilr: Tb mn whe clslms bs esn increis th yisld of ga Una three-fold should reallr. that thl I no time to (top and talk about it, italllmor American; Th one-term plank has bobbed up In congress, This 1 couragi-oiis, considering lb treatment It has received In th bouse ef Ita friends. i'lik'tgo Herald; The hardships ot the rhssa of Villa are somewhat llvlatl bv the fart that lis ha spent a large Mirl of hi life about four Jump ahead of lh officer of th law. l.ouls. Hie f.'nurlArt Journal: 'The avr a silii t inhale one gallon of air a min ute," lla Inhale It hot when the girt of his dreams I telling him ah would nut let Ih dimness of his Inuom stand tn Hi" wsy of their happiness. He Inhale It cold when h vniitura a timid oplo- Inn I hut lha ii hit 1 mure becoming te til lf than tb lo una, and inure suited to " clcumstariiss." Dprlngfleld Hepubllcsn: "Vnela Joe' ''antum th Intarastlug Infurnia- tli'n. Hhlih ha say It took the oensu burasu two month to get for him, that only furty.nln out f m of tb volai hn i mt (iiulr ballot t II' presldanilal election lu 14 ar atlll living Twciuy teais I a lung tlm In Uis lilslwtr t poililial ii tin sir Hrran himself bse ihsnid (Jt.'l dfl dn. thai unuin. tM yr. WEARYIN' TOR YOU. V 1, ;nl..ii In .Mian rentlltuiloii jcul a- n Im tin t I Iht tune r,(. blue ili, f.,r ,iii itmlrihi ah. n I mi li l, unitii' bitioa aaeii, I'.taili.. l,i d i, aurtin f.,r .i i b.ii a ib4v by 4v; loot In Imi war I' iiiae it-- eniiiif n I tin lnn I'l.ili . lu' kill i.i( lain, m n, la-. Moi h. ,, ., u" u.., tn. a , ii i a ' 1 1 n f.,, In. i, mi k,i l ...rk- loe aitH iur sha't ' ! i'i lha f'.ri .a.'a li,. i i. .1 ' I aiai. I'm k's,l t II, im i, .i, ...i an a b'l l.i.l II . W. Ik I I. ., Jul a ' )k I t (, i I'.. ,,,,, ' i' n. l .- n I... in fa'iii. hi Iba ..,t ti-. iii ,.i,f I .i i. ,.-,, !..' .k van., kl.a a I l J et a ai ia I . m i l tf S:a bi.'l aakSs i ,i la . mIi -." kam, I' ! ik .!.. la I -.a M..I.I tkal k"k I. in .a fi .iH 1 1.. ik bfia "! la a' kn- . ,m a m j ih f i i .. i. ' i.itin ft" t a t "M i..ia V. I ... it k ,U. li a i . In l a 4.t, e . . ' U.I I . . I.a I . ' k In wM f ! I..k I i I t -.a in s.'m - i s.if mi ikrat', 4' at a it." 'i f .. )tm nnW tar en i i tk i,.- a a fk.o. -k Ik' ie ',.. iw I im li im ,..... is.nk a.a I i aa i (aa kl H I . i' kk i .ik, (,, !,,. G1B3 AND GROANS. "I wmi a ma4oe.asaa mat a mh-tt and thaaf )h. a 4. Teu aaa. ha'a aivava a saa. Founder far (he eala ilk a oirn "Whatt That fat glrtf ' it's true, for si. take about ek ft every mouthful. "-iealtlmor Arnar. t'laa. jc" Milwaukee, Wl. "Pefore takm Lydia K. rinkham'e VtRcUble Com- rillllllllll!ll1lll!lll!!f! neighbor is eulng to have a roof mis summer, ru won t be ebli bl duhtsr spooning in th bam don't know W ean rt rla no Ida ss a parlMOpe, LbWli'llla Ci uur- "I was dining tb other dar wtth a weaihar bureau ofrtolal and I askad him if ha I'VuMn t break up lha nold for me," "'if coorea, ba said lie a,nJ g t," "lie did de H- ava m some ciai kad lc,"-luek. I.. vi - ",'-'q which ha1 been to bad thnt I would have to lie down. I also used the Sanative Wash and It ha done me a great deal of PEEPAREDHES8, f'oiumbla, shall thy eon, 'mid roar of boatlla amis, good, end I am not troubled with a weak nea any more," Mr. P. L DailX, 3299 BwtJi fitreet, Milwaukee, Wl. Ttie mimt ucceweful remedy for wo man'g III I Lydia K. Plnkham'g Vege table Compound. It ha tood the teat for forty year, which would be Impo. ibl If it did not have genuine merit for apcclil iwlvlc trtm, writ o Lydlit i:. J'liiltbuai Mtsdidu V,o. (nrnfltlcntlali Jvynn, Miuut. Your lIUr will len peii-l, rea4 aotl afiwireirl hy a woman, and Iil4 lu gtrlct couildeooe. a world ablaaa with wart l?ed not the Itiaaon. swift and sural Cvn now War's llahtnlng blinds our eyes, Mounds tier loud thunder in our skfss) And w stand hsiplcaa, Ilka eliorn ehaap, or rouse eursalvaa from torpid alaep, lrm ut armed bests relaad in a iiilit ...... .. ..i ' ' proiii l thy hearth mi fires, Amerb' 'alls br sons, I'repare! Hall, t'oluipllai land sv fair, Healthful Sleep is necessary for the enjoyment and prolongation of life. During sleep Nature renews the vital forces of the body and restores the energy. SJecplecsnesa is one of the evil results of indigestion. To aroid it, keep the frtornach well, the liver active and the bowels rtgukr. The health of these organs Is Assured by Beecham's Fills. A harmless vegetable remedy, which acts immediately on the stomach, liver, bowels and kid neys, toning and putting them in good working order. Millions of people sleep well and keep well "because, at the first unfavorable symptom, they begin to take Dlretloa e Speeial Value te Woraaa witi Every Boa. Bold Iky eVvffiaU ttaraaaybaaet tb world, Ja boaee, 10, 2S. Colonist Excursions To California Tickets on sale daily via Rock Island Lines, March 25th to April 14th, 1916. Only $32J50 from Omaha Similar reductions to North Pacific Coast points. Go In a Rock Island tourist car big, roomy, comfortable, and at tached to fast limited through trains. Dining car service. Choice of routes through the historic Southwest the direct route of lowest altitudes or through scenic Colorado. Autfnmtlm BUtk SigrwU fmee Modmm An.Suml mlpmmt Supirb Dining Car Jervfc Lett me help outline you a trip. J. S. McNally, D.P.A. 14th and F amain W. 0. W, Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MUlkl ASJII MI.SllHt. White Sulphur Sprinira Weal Mrgliiln " tri.N ai.i. i titvi iicui TM GREENBRIER I I iUH'KAX I'MK rineit Ueth latehllahinent In America., Cornet ted Direaly with the Hotel fiwuKiiirt nf elf awirwiiHiI aAi ,f lu,vman iUmlth Kttottt r ghtit intht BmtS Hui I, ik.ll.J ffniaei I. t..,u, L,,la!?,l!L Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may he in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succeessful. A fhysiceck Tcl! In Followin g Letter How She Wm Rclored to Health hJ by Lydia E. Pinkham'i -r Vegetable Compound. pound I waa a phy leal wreck. I had been guing to a doc tororeveralxara but he did me ne good. A friend told me about I.ydJa E. Mnkham'g Vegeta ble Compound, o I decirled to give It a fair trlaJ.and It gave me relief from bear ing down pain i : ) A v v. JPM ' -mk fcw.,w