Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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nnonr w oncer more auscecu-
ble to Common Diseases
Than Others.
Probably th moat dlatrtaalng ami
prevalent dlaa to which American
ara heir la catarrhal affartlon tit th
niiicou membrane Arcnrdlng'to mfdl
eal authoi-lttc th Indoor worker It mom
uacptlbl and la tha worat aufferar
rnm catarrhal condition, of w hich I hum
fir many kind),
Catarrh tit th iomah and kldnay If
una of th moat common cauae of dya
pepalg and Irli ht'a ill, and catarrhal
condition of tha nna and throat often
lead to deafne, NUi out of ten
of cleafneag can traced to catarrh,
it la mid,
,'reo.tirntly lb lunga becom affeeUd
by th cMonalon of catarrhal Inflamma
tion by way of tha bronchial tuba tn
thn lung gjtatgni,
Tha mental and phyaleal atata of tha
catarrh g'lfferer la, Indeed, vary unfor
tunate, and It la gurprtalng to know
whl an Immena number of popi
among thoan who reatd In i"h citlea
a Omaha ara Buffering from thla alrnoat
unlvrrial malady whan fbey believe om
ihlng rlr la the cauaa of their trouble,
Tha aymptnm of ralarrh ara: offenalv
breath, ennetant anlffllng, dlaihgrg from
Ilia tloaw, headachce, full head, paina In
tha aioma'h, tmaourid dlgeatlon, loaa of
appetlla, broken aleap and a great ll
hiniy to catching coldg and aora thrngia,
Tatilaij, tha famoug raeonaiructlv tonic,
waa dealgned to relleva Juat thra Ciii'll
(lona, Thouaand of men and women
hava unheeliatlngly acknowledged the
benefit they har derived through thla
Waaler Medicine,
Tanlao regtorr Inat appetite, rellevea
anlfflltig, dlacharg from tha no, bead'
a he and atorna'b palna and will aaalat
In tha aaalrnllallon of food and hi Inn
hack eoiind aleep, according to thouaanda
who hav realised tha Uriel Ma from tlna
wonderful prcpaigtlon.
Tanlnc la a tonlo of rare propertlea, an
appetizer and general Invlgorant da
alined to rid tha gyalam of emigration,
tona up tho gtomar.h, overcome gdlgra
Hon, headache, backachea, non aaalmllat
tlon of food, tiervouaneaa, dlaislnee, ali
menta of tho kldneya and liver, and tha
romplaliitt that ara ao common to the
half-alck, debilitated men and women of
Tatilao may ba obtained now In Omaha
at tha fiberman klcConnell rrtig atore,
HUtcenth and frndg atreefa, where It
la belli capeclally Introduced and tie
inerlia explained by tha Tallinn Man.
Tanlac may ho obtained III flenaoti (it
tha Hchlller-HeaUle Jrug more; Hprlng
flcld, It, Klegcnbaum; Weeping Water,
Aleyer Jtrug Co.! Nebiaaka t!lty, Henry
Mchwake A Co.; Auburn, K. II. Iwrf,
Aahland, If, II. Cone; Malmo, P, B. Pitch;
V r a m o 11 1, Itrown-r rederickon I'rug
atore; Oakland, M, 0. Harding Hon;
Clarkaoii, K. If, Ko; Rolnnibua, Purity
ftrug Htore; Monroo, Hill i'harmury;
Madlann, K. IC, llurrla; Nlckeraon, Young
tt Murrfe; Kullerton, Orlffln Hi-o,-,
firoken How, H. It. le; l.'iiadllla, Frank
A, Lincoln. Ad vert laemeut.
Get Your Easter Jewelry
from Loftls Bros. & Co.
'r. a WATCHES. Writ Watchet.
Sflflrl Pint 9Eluruir tlm
tl - 11 1 m a t I ,
Ring, 14k a I I 4 I 7M - Mrn' uih Kiel
"111. loflit 'Tr- I llrli'liar, half iitM
moiintlna fin. fllum'.int
$1 a Wk. 1 i K watk.
On. Dilr D.t.l 1 1. I. Silwiin Till )J
f'll or ril for 'i.lii No, a a. Hlionf
ninln m an4 enr Mii,nni4ii mill nil,
Eafaf"l9aIaC THE NTIONMl
iTaort(.rn -r 4M$.lk St.. Omaha (Naar Harnay SUaaO
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing; Hair
If you want to keep your hair In good
condition, ba careful what you waah It
Moat aoapa and prepared aliampooa
contain too mu'h alkali. TbU drlea the
aralp, mnkea tha hair brittle, mi l Is 'ciy
harmful. Juat plain mulalflcd rnenaniil
oil (whli-h la pur and entirely greaae.
Imaai, la much better than thai mom e.
Htnnv aoap or anything elaa yn( ran
tiaa f T ahaiiipoolitg. a. Una can't pna.
aibly Inline the hair,
Hlniply molaten your hair with watee
end rub It In, One or Iwo teaaiwMinful
wilt mnVa an abumlai e or Hrti, creamy
lbr and cieanari Ilia hair at u.-e'p
thoroughly. The lather rtitnea out eil,
lid rinoea aery peril. In of t'int, ,)rli
dandruff and anetnajva i,i i h hr
1 i '!'klv and evenly, .) t
il fin, and a:im, bright, fluffy it,
in manat",
V"U n St tnulalfltd Ml t
iiiitat any dma It la i,ii i h
i.d a f '. la euouah i.i u
,! lh fmlljf fur liiiniUii -VI-
Trea it i.i anii-e, lit. ki,
t . ii fat, a i it Hd ut
I .li.., ,, 1 1 H l, )!' ! i,.,
T.I ,. . V l.n .1 IWU UH r ft
I n fxt4a4 nekmrltt flam ' i'-t
-i .-,... I'll , , .
" i t h'a fch1 tti,
,M !,, (-) l't k,,, l. ,,,,,
I i t4 ... In - kit. it .. t i
J In.,. ,
1 l ' "1 Hal lt . 4 !-
I" ' 1 I 1 , , . 1
I -.M oh,. I n.i I. .i, , , .
I'M U tr il-..,-- . i,.41 v 1 , .
' ll'M I - i. hl flH I',. , , i,
? 1., I!... ,.-, ( fl (w
... , 1 l ,, ,(
t H ., 1 lr. , , , j . , .,, (, ,
IK- --li, l ,i w , ,
' - ' k'- ...i i-.,
' i - ' s . i , 1 . i-, v , . , . ,
' 1. .,(! , , . ,, ,
1 ' '"' ' I t ,. . 1, .
SfcW I ,(.tln:,.,,
Pennsylvania, United States
ambassador to Chile, has re
turned to Washington pend
ing the senate's confirma
tion of his nomination as the
new ambassador to Mexico.
i (wi a
Judge Woodrough
Makes First Visit
to Federal Court
The ault tit loul I'agetieieclier ngeliiat
tha J Cfoaee Plow lumpany for $';ii
eommlaalon, liaa been "perrmptorlly" eet
to bo beard In f'-dll ouit net Mon
day. Judge T, ('. Monger et It for then,
l It "peremptorily," whbh tneana thu1
It almply inuet be tried tlv-ti.
Why all ihia piienpioi ine?
Tho reaeon )a that in a i-ty aliori tlm
now the attorney for the plaintiff Will U-illMO.uallfl'-d
( get ft on attorney In ili
Thla atlouioy la a young (nan of
yeara and ii will bo dta'iuollfleit to i'l
aa attoriify In llis led'ml cmut 1'in'H'
of cerlrtlM anion lakf-n regniding Mir) b
tho I'nll'd Ktalca gnverninciit, the at
tnrney general, Prealdent Wlleini and
Menat-or Jllt'-heork,
A April I la areadv four Jiy paat, 't
nifly ha explained without fuitlier p')!
fliige. or verbiage that tho action tal.f-n
In thla young man' case eonelatei In
appolnllng him federal Jiidg for lh'
dhialon of funiiha.
The young man' name la Joerpb W,
Hoodrougb. Ill appointment haa bo i
confirmed by the acnato and ho will ne
clothed with the robe f,f ui high of fee
on April 24,
fudge Woodrough we up to the fder;,
court Tneeday for the flrat tbno altni
he waa appointed, Ihs looked around the
epsclnu office that will he lit and
diopped 111 to amlle on aoine of tho
people who will be hla aenlatanta In ad
inlnlMiei'ing tho court.
Singer's Manager
Wants City to Pay
Part of Expenses
fharlea 1,. Wagner, repreaoitlng John
Mm ormlck, fainoua alnger, Mfiiil the
rlty to relmliiiriie blm for $vo epent In
connection with a contract mado by
Manager Frnnke of Hie Auditorium, but
which contract waa rcfuwd by tho city
cnmml.xaloiiera. MiCorinlck wna to hava
eppenrert at the Auditorium January 31
on a giiiiriiiitee of i:'.,!M, whk-h the city
officials did not fe-l inclined to pay.
The funeral of Hie Into William Hitch
ena Kent, (he Itee proof reader who died
Monday rimming at hla home l!H Capitol
avenue, will lie held nt 2:30 o'clock Wed
neaday afiernoon. Tha aervlcea will he
at the Hralley & Imrranca chapel. Nine
leentli and ''inning aircela, with burial
In t'oret l,awn cemeler).
The Imdy waa yi-aieritHy nioved from
the hdinc to the inderliiklng piiilma of
HraUey & I mrieli' e, where it will renoilu
Until iifttr the fuin ial,
Tha mauibri'Hhin cmniuiitre of the
tdnalia AuiuiiiiiliHe club iil, nfn
re, mil fr (he jrar. Alonday wlnii thir
teen In tiHiiiee were ailittij In tha eiii'"
Imler. Tin V ti e l,tr:int iiumtiei fn
nw pn-miifia villained nil one da im;
laat I'liiimrr,
The halmy epilog louring rather taa
pruien greet almiubi to the , liiti
caiupaian for m menitieia l!im,la
! ted to ba hi ) in the I, tl fi-w
ti.l H ! f tUml-ig In t,,.,l, i
aitiii,thu fid will) ihia ii.o-i
4 leae t"iini.n tum4 ut I k
hi , .n.,.i.i ,,,, h hii ., u I
Hie .h .
t ' In i'l t r ui u
ih.i n , I'M-.- 1 lihti tit in e I i f V't
i"t -! I !! t-.. t Hit
,,t iC..: ,''fi 1. f , 1,
' i e, v VV i - nt 1 . ' i, t i4
'i'y, r M ....ii 4-"iif-..-n
h't le i(...(S .e,il J- h ip lniBj
: i I I- tt , I i (.i I,, ii ,
. i i I" a , , i , f , ,
)'! ,- I f'-t t Kl,l"i. i.'!( f
a l t'i I. iii, lm nt ..i 1 1 j
!:tc i'l' !. j ',t - ',
' tlnin-eei Itallaiit
5 S-',l -l-vi , ,v, lt,',,- i j
'" ei' - " ' i' - i ... i .ii j
S'-. . ' .1 - j
Superintendent D BrmtrtJi Styi the
Comjiany Will lUiie Tricki
(or Lonjf DiiUnce,
"t! gr- well along toward tb
rrHiiirlng of plana that will not only
tditnlnafA the griido troaain of th
Miaaotirl I'arlflc at Ibidge atnt, but
.!o th ttoaalnga f g'l frtl bo
tr,?en l,ven'orth and Cuming,"
Mfirted (ieneral fJupeirtnftndttnt
) Hcrnardl, who I In town, ( oij
tiiHiinit, Mr. J) fiorngral gald;
"On r rnglueera tTf gbottl throutb
lth tholr iirvyg and It ought nol
l bo lonf before: Ihoir report will
bfl ready for gubmfaalon, Thig r-
nrt, 1 nndratand, will make provl-
tun tor fhf cfttvailon of all ((
t-nrlfort of lh Melt line beiwren
Jitvenworih alttiet on tint aouth and
Chilling tin tbe north. It alao
i tko proyiaiung for cuncteie: gn bea
fner igcb o( thn nireefa, ftv;ng ihe
ruadway for ell (he aiteeia at (rrada.
l-'latarea for fure,
A vladucl over lmlg aiied, o far
I undeialniid, la no long, r cunaideie,) I
hy tha Mlaaoorl 1'inMWt englnaering de.
paitment. It H wa'iode atteel alone,
we would not beeiiate In o ahead and
bolld (ho viaduct, hoi we hat a go) l
flgura on th futme, If Omaha giowi
aa we antl Ipat thai II will, It fa going
lo epread out i III Meat a long die-
iiietMoi. In that event, II will mean a
great liicreaae In traffl'" along not only
loniwe, ,ii( Hi) i,i her etieeia laptdng (he
v.ei!tru poitlona of Ilia dly, Willi (hta
iwreaafl in irafnc that would naturally
follow, It would be hut a auoit limn
wiieri v,n would be called upon to bmid
a viaduct along Kamm. god aoon after
ward w would have to nuild vladti'ia
'ilong all the other alree,
"If wo elevate (hi fracka, fbat aei'lea
the matter for all time lo ciru, Of
coitae, nt firat It la going to coet, pi'tcli
more than to build a viaduct along
I'odge at reef, hut In the end it would
I e much cheaper. Tide I the vli taben
by all thn company offl-iala.
"In the elerallnn of (li Iraci- i there
will h no treetle ver the atreeta. The
at recta Id ;n nimbly l,,e (eftal their prea
cnl width utiti over ear 11 Mo-) Will h
con: li in ted u eoocreie arch, etroiig
enough to Miflinieod any alilu thai
would lie ever placed tiioii them,
"The racla of the aiillnga, if nii,
will not ! elevated, Tb'y will lea the
miilu line and go down to the manu
facturing gnd eyimrne)' iai planta on n
capy grade and working Out g'tcli g gie le
la what ia been glcirg tii engineeia
(he pioat difficulty, but I think ll"',v
hove aohei )-ia pi-uhlern,
Vl(a Innrt tlrHrr.
'i'nderetand I tint I am tml retting ,i
time when the elevation of llila Itell l.i'H
track lll begin and when (he work wnl
b complete, While the company mla'it
lie ready lo alart work within thlrfy
dgya, the court might not permit it to
begin within a year, Aa the eituailoii
now Ciial and the road in tbe hand of
receiver, we can , do nothing without
authority of the federal court, "
"If Mleiouri i'a'ifle offtriola approve
th elevation plana, they mul go bef,,-
the court and reeiire aipro--n Ihera, They
mud how (hat the rpndftui of money
for (hla purpoae la lieeeaaary and liny
muat alar ahow'tiiat the money la avail
abi, Already the court baa annoumej
that the baiin' of receive?-' cerilfi
eate will pot bo r.ounlenatieed, wh'i'fi
ineana that before, the expenditure of any
money la authorized, there muat be
money on hand to make, ihe paymen'a.
"of courae 1 hope that haate can be
mado and that tha work may tie alerted
during the coming aeaenri and carried
ott to completion at the carileat date, et,
li a I raid hefote, 1 am unable to ear
when wis will get Marled,"
W, tt, Howard, former atate auditor,
atateg that the open aeaaon for Jokea la
here, In hla morning mall he found a
letter from a Lincoln photographer, who
Import-Hied Mr, Howard to forward a
check for $1 in payment for h photo
graph of George Jaekeon, explaining Dial
the picture waa taken May . K'tr,, and
thnt Mr, Jarkaort decllnea to pay fur the
Tnaamm h aa Mr. Howard left the
houae .Innuiiry I, I'MI, be rlaea to hi
'liilrn what Intereat be would he In
photograph of fiemge Jackaon and h
would further aek aa to the identity of
Mlaler Jaikaun.
Il la believed the (ienrge ,(,, kaori n
fiuenliim la the preaent apealier of the
houae and mentioned In connection with
Iha giihcriiatoi-lal race,
Anticipating a contliiuance of tha buy
ing of aiilotrici Ilea, ha lliiillngiiin intd
)ma orrtrre l fO f t lnlil ir In li, ii l.
haul lii mai htnra. Iielltery will begin
dming ine auoipier, wtiri tlie tntli nd i
to he Mod tola fail
til;ir Of K.U a e aaai d bv Inn a
it iblka ,,t i) ai .1 li,,w,i ,n, i n,
ii itl it Ida 1 1 1 1 e row til lie beiiia il.i'en
n io a blunt an waa riding In ei.a aa
her m i i waa k, ineu
i- ! lei , In i.rter to gllilv
wi tii hi I, -r a '
art rgeileAaiaa, gwitity.
Ifi. Maawttt
"11, 1 "I t v i I lu,,(f :,,,,,, . t,
?., i...i a .! ,. 'a 14 -ifiiid i f
. ii.tiii .,-. ,. i i i ,( ,,,.. i,, , -,4 f .,
'iiiau. ii ef i ipiin , ., (,, .tin.i ,
In I '.. ! .11 . i ri.nt t, tt it Iha
in al .-... if Iti-ni kiiii, plia.iitai,
i I tn I'm p- -i in' V , it i- . i I,,
- -I tl ' 1 I ,1 I .! , t
.- . C 1--I-. I
nit I ,a t ii t'-'-i l.i,! at ,n-ia
i ! -. .1 I- 1 . I I , . , 1 1 ni a
.u-,i--'- t -, f ul , i ).,,,
- ,, !.' I 1 , I f ' I III If
I.M.i, m,i.'.( I , ft ,,i, I,,,,, i,
I,' -. fl; i P , A I (-. H.t- .l
) Un k-.lL 4 . I l.i e,
I i-r I - '- t f-1 I t-,---'--!4 !" LI,
..-a t a i.i o r,, I
i t. I i. ' i fnv,n:-'i i ,,!
' f i' --' V i ,.
' . ;C '-
MAf'AMi: fOATB..
Diphtheria Takes
Two Tots from the
Same Household
The linoin of Mr. and Mra f!o,emi
lia'eW, flit fooih Twentieth atreei, l
filled rllti gorrow, l;ath walked In ant
broil Jrtinlo ami lb,ae, JO and I? year
of ge, crpelvy. They (tied from
dinbltieiiM, on ioiiril of Ihe namre of
tlii! dtaeaao tbeao panii'a are dep lved of
the i,auai Si b-nd I j conaolatlon offered In
time it! bereavement
Dundee Cops Have
Auto of Their Own
An uutorooiilo ruriabool will be lo
an,!) ) el tlie Imridea fire bouae for na
t I' a poll, eirier, fit thai diairlct, lhl
Iriioinne l i'(-i'e (In) motorcycle,
operli(riMler( K''g'l raplalpg that bet,,
ter re-'Ulfa ran b obtained with fh'a ruti-
tmiii, in which lo oifiiera may ride In
M la not cornffient lo Iranapi-rt a
pri?oi,er on a molori'j'le, wi,i-f? lueo.
venieice vill be moved wnder lli
pew plan,
April I, ell eclion mm on the rail
roada in N'ebreeka were given an l)rei,
ill pay. Heretofore iey i elicited tf f,et
day and h,i rt In wagea ytn to .'A
tV I il the railioada have etperlepce ron
abjeralrle rflffleulty n "i:rtng irvi for
ee iinr) wor'i, (rraetleall) l (be ge ia
l,u i e i ' hi filled and the wotk of pulling
l,. (ruck and gral" In th beat poeaiS
coiditioii la well tjp'jer w,iy,
Thla SUimr !? Hair Tml K!ij
Hnndniff and l'allln Hair In
few Af)fllig(fia,
Vbu ati remova dandruff, and atop
Ihe ha!r from failing out In few nlghta
by the nje. of Ihe following alrnple red pa
whbh ou can ml at home or have
put up al any drug atore at very Utile
coat. It doea not color (ho hair and la
perfectly Mrmhw:
Water , , ,i One-half I'lnt
Hay Hum. , ,,,,Or,e !jnnc
Teada t'oinpound dne-onarfer (tunc
( ilyrcriiie ,,.,(ni-(uarter Ounra
A half pint la all hoi need. Rub It Into
(be aralp well at iiimhla and after a few
appllcallona th dxndruff and acalp erup
(iona will dlaappear and tlie hair will atop
filling out and brcomt aoft and glo.ta.
Advert la meiit,
ThniMinta of tx-epla h are n (hei, fn,t m
ty nff'T i"ll,ie mria-aa mm iheir fi
,e. i,inn ehr an4 grew lan.ter. Tri!a it n
v h, al,w,niftn lit a lua lepartniertt at'.ra na
,) i tl, r,"t,lem nl kneeing l,er leei ilpg ,i,
p,,rt ,ii,lli,rti. Mt,e leiia n sfr ,, pj Mr
iva Sm in an'l In ti e.-HUia im arrl.liia Imeia
In r,nifa tier ! kii Ki,rltlnK hhi! l-ir a
(ear illaliiriil nilnnleft (),. rliM,i o, la a
rn r,f drm ftaier in )il, a Ian ,ir ,l,ie Wa S
ta lal'li-ii have iwiii luviliml. Jhmn ahe f,i
frsh h'lr- tit e1ien anil Iter evraiea la rem
Oirlft!,U. ail me l,rile Ihmel.log, Iniii ,.
iMiiena ar anna eii ef h-r feei. II ai
ieiiM4 ngiiiii, irv tan, V a i a a.e4 in tua
tMt'i Hir 1 iei,KO,f ai, t,ti trMi-a rini,iia
tlr,(,nrllte, unit lmahlea 14 ,elra t',t( eaa r1
W s Sr ft il ill llri, l e r,t, eenll r n
III nv,:l iu a a t,l pif kill fieemul In fn-ir
i4'ire ft i,m ui ,'i'l in ill fit a t cur , mi
ef I MnVI(i at.a ati,v,lg I, i l4tm ('' ,
ai,i piiiil. lull 4ilirllwminr ,
fin 1 1 if i. ih t ariaiM,.
Kurrraafii Rgiiiirai Ma
men In Nebranlig lit, t thg
rge of 8 It. Mi KaHla. ord tuorg
all; ii a I bualnrag nt'cejt than ha,
Whin it ba
il a in t r oungclaii
th Tha N
braaii Ifgrmar II
had bail pub
llhlied fiver furtr
vagi Vndar hi
nitnggamant It
haa iniira than
dmiblail In riMi'
iattnM, DitlM
now nter in im
.aid In iban; a
Hilt4 ftberg, iC
I k Infhiiwig nt
ha p h b 1 1 c 1 1
kit ha a In-
f rsaad rpgaifo'4
. . ..i i ' '
. ; '' ' ' 1
I pilar Ha I'ltaeltt Hiauagmianl Iha
Nlta latttiar liaa ttavar rarrlaii
art (if Hi lullnalei klyda pf glar.
Ilniiig l atnil luediiilia. tm k aelllnl
brnia, Hjipir of anv mhf t'at
rimld got ,a ii4?anied by Iha pith-
Itebrl aa Ivllabl Kllthef il " tt
tag am f ail III Jaitlaan p. -till' a I t
r$piuie Ilia r,aa of any iandil'
Mr Mi Kf Itl bag g patiitnal fepit
tat oil la. Itl b ialiiraa. and il t'lng Iha
leal tine irvia bl 1 1 l lt
nf tit Aaai iitiw.) t t tn l'pa an
nt gatiliatn lif hall. .ml i- rn
anii'i aiailv a niliili n a t i ib
t l e.e gia ti u a .b h t.. linn an
nritiiKii ban in i'!iin aoiit tnaa
i ticvi t'l'tr tbael, Iha, lefei t"
M K.lo Ik Itiartl ! 4it,
Increiie of Kfrly Sixteen Fer Cent
for March Over Same Month
Lait Year.
Again th Omaha puatoffiet tua
titoken a record, Jt hn paaacd ihe
million and a h&lf mtrk tit aon.ul
ricalpta, paaaed II. with a rtiab arid
reached tli great (otu) nl l,'tiii,.
H, for tli year ending Man b
3l, 1911, Thla la ahown by the t'p'irt
1 1 J'ofmatr John C, Wharton, juaf
cc, in p.led,
Tha icpott ho alao an inifi, of
i.9 per enl In th ilatiti e(,i,l (In
year oer lb aame fr laai 5tai,.b, tli
iigurea blrig aa follow
Man h, OK . . ,, i,v yii w
March. t , jiti.y,.!,
1 irreaaa , , ,,.,, f yiMol
' H reaard Ida ln ie e n a g e it
honor and dta'liieiion, " ea d poaimaa'et '
tVI,,ln "(( leflerl It, proaper,!) -f i
Omaha and It Hdnete (i, ,ffiier,cy
of the Oniaha peatoffi,, Corning on fl:r i
beela of the U p"r ,o( In .,. Birr,, nl
hy cor Feeroary rei i(ita o.i if,,, lebru- j
air. It), tecelpta, thla la lnde, nu,i '
Burglars Steal
Fifteen Thousand
Revolver Bullets
The vwinu nml H on reocii!,
;ii Cnniina rue, wa lowkeo ln
lrdy ii'ght by (hieve wim n ne, i ,
(ren-e by forcing a rear w Inflow,
l-Tfin t bona o,l e ol,r b'iiein,
twelv rher. , ahofind. 'r-etl
rifle mih aorne vl,,l,le p(,ei (oti'tb
lu'd the liaul.
Mela l-aLne lloc Kerr.
tin 4? aught and in hotf!e on and after :
April ait? Be aure and haie a eaa of
thia delirloiia brew en is, y,,r home.
IVlit, J, Paobod. Ileiail f reale,. I
I'hon louglj IT!,
ftr m
,,,wM He
Ha , C
r'oi i in u, i)i in ii
"Grow With Growing Nebraska
John L. Kennedy
Candidate for the Republican
Nomination for
United States Senator
Estelle Will Not
Ask Supreme Court
for a Scheming
Judge la Keie.He and hla attorney, T.
I, Mefomy, will nol ailt a lehearing of
tiia gpiieal to th etipreme court In tha
'aae of Kaielle agalnat th I'ally New.
Held Mr Mniiorrey
'AVe tl id nol ii for a fehearlng in
ltelle aaainet lially ,S'ewa, hecauaa the
lieeialoii i,' nut deterniUio g alUKle !)"'
Hon of law or fa I agalnat na, The re
veiiul fa wholly on a matter of proced
ure. Tlie "l ground of reveraal I Hiaf.
foor iif the aeveii judge ay four rerlaln
iuetlon ouKlit to I aubtnfited lo lh
jury under moro apecifp- juatru' Hon.
,.,t mi of the aeveri Judge Iniimatea
(hat the liingtinge of the Jiiibll'allon waa
nm libeloiia, or that there we any truth
in It fmly two of fi. I'oige caprea
An Ideal Remedy
for Nursing Mothers
Compound of Simple Latatlvt'
Her hi Sol for Baby
and Mother,
i"ni,.i;iwti,iii la g too l.iiori liiat nil" f
I he .ie(, toi,iig girl mlilrt'i aged. ,d i
,,,,.1 .oile nt in Mir of auolhei hied
);V In Iftgu'aona l'i ' "on of t 'e bow
fin, detail o.tbarti ami puraativea .
lou d pet Ii employed to fell f"
Mr''"'b a l'"'f ef fe-1 i only (eon
poiaiy wile t.,.y ai'-ik tb ) iem on
n , !!!
A t ,,,.!, (Mil ii,rt b naed with per
f, 1 aefety for Ihe II, :t oebe aui Hia' ,
i, eiriial'y ffi t fot l ie trungel
i i tii iiii.ii i found in ii, i o-obinailon
of eiinpie (,,,,llve ,e)n Mio ii I'l.
Cabtaeir M I op retain iMi aold In
ding lorra iveirwliere for fifty rent
a ho(llc Tin t ail Kbl bO'iaeiholil
M,fuert' and alioiili) l,e In e ' i ) family
lliertn loe c'leal.
fi I- f, ITar '!, f f,elf Ml,,
(In yoi.e, Maae , wiot lo fr-- ('blel,
gyrup '(,ln lerlalrily fine ( gave
it (- my baby, l'e)yn, , , mo) it .
mvaelf. H I tbe nly rneli ln I have
been able lo talte.y. Mh ut ffflrigi
Makinar an emlralf i?w gnd novel beverag from lb chrHenat Amfla
eerala. Wit HOI T MAIT, wlfhriut (eiinonfaflon, wltbntit fttgar, not
brw4, rontalnln Sit AMHI,, being, tag fre; not a "hmr," "nar
Wr" tir "tnpranc br," with a f!or and tt ef Ita own and being
In a claa of (ta own,
for gala at all drug gtnr, hotel, raataijranfg, and fountatna and oft
drink eatabllahmanta.
Omaha Beverage Company
rarnlly r email tr
wot m a.
Fka tng1a 3.
WflTII MM, AttHMTiai.
'l '
.ran f
y r , if .II
Ti 1 la j ; ' f
th opinion that th verdict waa too lara.
All i agreed that a Jury ha th right
t'i git a Judge Kalalla a verdict,
"l.nder thea clrcnmatanc, gllhoijgit
tha four ((ueetiona atat4 by a major
lly of i )m court, wr gubmltled to th
Jury, and eom of them In th grt
ord uaed by tb court, wa prfer not t
itaata any time In gelling lhacaa around
for th ptt trial, af which, with all th
law o,Mt)ia eetiled In our farer,
ought to recover a large, or a lrgr
erdlef, than w had bff."
f'aptalri !mty baa lrinic,t4 th
inoiof y le aouad to get after tutolat
aim are dellri'iueoi In piirchaatng lloer.a
luimbeia, tiiio vlolal tn dim-light Ordl
lianeo and who Inalat on making a tar
lr' a of (he llmrotighfaeea, an g,ede
era weie fined In p'lllca court thla mrn
4 '"-'--iW
LI . - J
KVJ;,TN f!AHof)W,
i by in (!, mifaing, I bava oad If for
mM fnur ,i,ndo gnd If, la in, they
(Ik It god nag for If,"
A trial bottle of lr, Caldwell' ftyrup
Vh. 'In urn b oblglti4, fre of e)w
by writing to In. W, B, faldwal), 4-4
M'gab (nylon HI, JMontleello, Jll,
Alcohol free
in KOItt tVeuDi Moth fttrwot,
f1ioii Boufh imi,
MlUTH 41 AIVtv.H1ll0,
1 ' ta y.