4. M-rir; nrr;: (uiaha, n tii-M'uay, AI'JUJj 5, 191 (J. r r r Nebraska MADGETT TAKES SHOT AT SUTTON Mayor 871 Judge Tried to Get Per mit to Disinter O'Connrr Body by Unfair Meant. HAS CLERK BLOCK THE MOVE HASTIN'Jg, Neb,, April (8pe rial T!lrain.) Tlia hgd trf .John O'Connor w:r broug-ht Into th republican gubernatorial rac (day In a talmcnt by Mayor Wtl I'flm Madgott attacking bl rival Judga A. L. Sutton of Omaha, lis allra that a member of Button' low firm trtui to taka adrantaita of Mm to get a permit for thrt dflntr merit of O'Connor' body In th ault of Jobn Kirk rnurf of Orpghg, who ('alma to on O'Connor aon. Mayor Madgctt y that h bellave III mlarepreaenlallon and lgnd tha permit rather (hurl bar II ld Hint h refu4 lewaua button wa lil opponent for lb governorship, ll y when b learned of tli tro rondltlnn b tiw hi effort to prevent anything further being don. On Ihl advlca of tb city ninth th eily clerk ha rfum-4 to aign permit, r,d without lil aigna- lur tb permit I inoperative, Th mayor y that herau Mlik mn' flrrt lawyer w arrraied Iti a raid by Ida )ffing polba I no f -n why th Omaha firm ahoitld aeck to Ink ad- vntg of him, flarrl ftlerla rroeeegl, H, A, Hirrl of Omaha alarled proceed leg Monday i hum tha turfy of John Ofimnor tor Identification hy tb alleged ton, John J Irk man of Owal, In th )t- terg ault fir tin? wM trt'onnot eatl, Jlarrt alate tint, a t"iUr boo for. matlon ha been 6rmrtt in tb body of John Kirk man and other generation of Ma family, To prove that Klrkman and other Mifft'M the bom tor mutton ff'im John O'fioimor, it I derd that lb body of fh f:lu b t tUnmnA t'ir enandnallon by N J:y, PrirmH in exbuma tha body waa hxuti4 fiy Mayor M1jrnt, but ('Hy 'lrk !r. t'O on lh a4vta of ( ly Attoinry tinn-H man wli!itl4 Ida alnaiiir wllfiont mhirh l la lwi"-rtv, Mr, nurclimao ihtmrsltriMA lli mova aa oollilna twin flian a "tlnhlnf rti'l'n fur vMw to a ibatanila'a theory of bum pee ilwH lia," l r.1 tlt tli Ootali jil hl noMilM lmlil uf,n wlil'h to fnake tut, 4 u,r clalrita mat aioiH an utmtrr'Hrtury imvt alxi'iM m allow-!, Tlia roonty Jio)j(a alao rf',ia4 to l. New Power Line to Wilcox is in Use ttOUil'.yjHC, Xt April ,-Hal,-Th fi-w por llnaa wlil:h Ih lm(ii llonal Juily, Iitit aoiJ t'owr -'mi fnny of thin :ly hava hn ennutivMug out of J('ldra to tlio o-l(lil;'irlii tiwna ra pot Into u Ilia flrat of tbl waok wha llhia and power wra iipplid t Wll'o, lxtn rollea Uum lira, .fjthrr tra will M aupi'lled a anon aa tin company rcf wort tranaormera from tho factory. Work on tli rtw llnea aa delayeil avrl tnonth on ni-wtut of ih intimity of Mftttlnc wlia and a'ip plla from aatm fa'iorira. WOMEN OF BROOKLYN HAVE ELECTION OF THEIR OWN OMSKKf.l. la, April 4.-rXotlal.-Whlla flrooklyn volara r hnl'llnv an alaetlon on VrmAty "tor men only," Ilia Brooklyn (min otKaofxH and went throuifh fh ama vvrtntmm; juat aa ihrmh they wero leaally enlllled in do , and niariaed to mak th"niaelvea meet and aetlla ma pnzlln ouea llona. When tha tola wera rheiked out It a foi.nd that out of V volea of men (tha tareat numbar tvar ! there leran wera arwlled. Out of the Hit volea nft by tha women only on waa aptillad, frominen't"gretna farmer is killed in runaway OftKTS'A, Neb,, April t.-(Kpenal Tele-sram.)-Jaob town, a prominent farmer ho llviwl four mllea aoilb of here, waa Inalantly killed In a runaway laat nlht, Mr, lunn waa relurnlna lioma from town hn tli team of mulea ha waa drlvlnx becamo frightened and ran away, lf ii thrown from tha ttinn and had h la nei k broken. Mr. t'linn waa n of (he larjert land ownera In Ihla roimly and aa about M yeara old, Ila leavea a wtfa and aaveral children, fea from (aleannnd, m.r.VWfiOli, la,, April f-(Hpe.'al.l-ln lh rlty ele'llon held here v'Nlerilay ha raiinia noinlnera, I r. I''. II. Jiiifielmi, miiynr; i'lyila flftoadra, treaaurer; I'hailaa II Kamlllnn, ie-i,fdci; .', . Iliii, maiahal; Will I'rM'ia. nMm, and I'r. ,1, M, f 'iiiirli.li. jrk riiniilli,nei , nere rifll hy a very amiill vie, .n i.nn iei In any ward or upon any randl data madn tha elviinn d"tuid rf Inlereat, A er.erlal train Over tha lliu llnalon lll at llenm,d Apt II al I a in H.l ann, rad ileiiiiiiiniminra. 'Ih tpelrli'l Kl.iM nf I'tihiu rem t.nlliiM heia i.M ty II r ''l l ih le !,alea I'r W, It i taig ( r i.lf i ,,, ,,,( I'uitan, raahUr t.f the Malsein Su.i, i.mik, haa aninniiM . Ihi li i n,li,u, t ffr li,a .'.'iM. li i, ,.,, , u.,n fi Milla .ii(i a 1'i'H Miiaiii tla(nr Neark Mill Heixier, i.HIVM'I.U l, Ann! M,,ii t'ltlnr ', liah. !. ,.. miiiii,.! i.f 111 1(1,1.11. I i:.l.l, UI.4. l, 4) M l In Ui II and trll I'll " III U )!, 'Milt I fa.ilt m)I, Ai' i IIii. i tt, t f ( .,i.i,il ,,,,i,.i Ila a . -i. uf Hi .tn!i( iliat l.,i iit(ilit ' "' S In. m i ,i..tl aiut It I.. i iill li. iiil. a ilnlc. ,e la I,!.1 In t, atiMiiii.t Mftitili ein Will tu ''lliH . f tin ml. ti t Ilie ii.iii. uii. Hit, I kamketlala a tablet lHfl Mi I t" . n.iii, (n,, . ilea Ik It . ii. .1. .... i .,. i 1 1 i-ii t.iui, g f, lii t "i it it i In mui , i, tail .tit, N f ,. I I am II i f !, ' I' 'e'a ai i..i., .n . ,M or -llii n.al I hat. I n t ii iii.m 1 " tl ) ., I ,.,.: ' ' ' i'r ii' in I '-. it I - ' in.,, I . I I . .),., I ll I . I. t, (Kit Hit , !,,( ' I"! t Cilii,,!,.: , 1,11, t.'li ":'!.. ! 1(l.i(, A4,,..H , Nebraska Oats Smut Cost Madison Farmers Hundred Thousand WATTI.K CIltCKK, Nab., April - Hpe ell,. a h'lier lo Ilia Oyiiy I 'artiii aa'acialliiii of Mudlaun i!niiny, Arthur I, (lv,ri(e, rouniy aarlcuiMial avnnt trinra up lh inaiinr ut trial, n ii f ir nun, "l.a.l i-r," aa a I ha anl, "aeventylwo Madlxin county oat fklfa anlmted from all over the cnuniy, there waa an avarv uf 6 t cut amiiinul heada, If 1 pr rent of amul de reaned Ih yield ona huahel per aira. aa waa lh iaa In i uunty two yera ann, tha out )ili had been decreaer-d five huahela per ar In Mudlann counly Inat yuir. The Mai it ai'rena In Mmllann eoiinly laal year waa fi,w aerea, which, If tha yield had teen Ku nnand llva buahla er aire, wmild liava teen it'ifiin luahela, Tide, valued al pi-nl per iiiiahH, would havn hn n f!01,!V anal on thi nat crop plune. Mir amut waa fnund In tha northern half of ih (uiriiy (ban In tb wiuihern half, ao It waa mora Imixnlntil thai a-t wluerd In the unrt hern half of lit 'ounty ba ylveii treaiment, l;mmitra- tpina on In-aihia iiaia will be held on different farina and It I Imped that llin member! will a'dnd una of thena dniri onairullmie, Tha i-mimy aa-rpulhiral airent ooti rludea with a aiaiement that oat, amiil will rnly he controlled by avery furmer en-oieraiin In llila movatn"nt to prs vent It on bin own farm, Iilreclhoia aia encloaed wllh Ihla clr rolar letter to lh farmer fur tba fur mallri lreiment, Howard County Man Seeking Six Per Cent On His Bank Deposits I from a Mtaff t'nrreapindeiil f,l,S'lVV, Apfll 4," iHpelal,-Allcmpta of a rerlaln well known bnalneaa man of Howard 'oiltiy to tempt alale banlia to break tha banking law of the a'ata have been fllwonri-d hy Ih Kiel Hanking board, which baa eeveral U-ltera written tiy th man In which he offcra to depoali, money upon payment by tha harika of per rent Intereal The banklriK lawa of lb ial prohibit tha pfiyoieni of mora than i per cent on dcpoaMa. Tha Howard eoiinly imn would write lettera to the banka offiii, tbe;n dif ferent amount upon payment of 6 ir cent. Then h would attach a parnt allp to hi latter annonii'lna; that upon receipt, of a check from h bank or a pemomil check of an official In the amount to be di poaiied tha money would be forwarded Tbl I per een, which waa wn-ritHy ithen tnttA amount. wonW not derei i the bank In la avaalon of tha law, Wowevep, aeveral banka have forwarded the letter lo Hecretary (oye or tha banking board. CALLAWAY PIONEER DIES IN OMAHA HOSPITAL f'Al.MWAV, Neb., Atoll availed 1. 1 Tb body of )orn O, lieniter, who died in an Omaha hpiu Saturday evenlna. arrlveij In Callaway yeaterday, funeral aervlce were held al t o'elO' k Ihl after noon, Mr, J'.enaer waa on of the very ear- Heat aefilera nf Ihl loeallty and baa fl- iirnd coni'uoimly In tha upbulldlna of tha town and community, JO waa at one time In the hardware and furniture bunl. nea here In partnership wlih Jamea If, pecker, later acllliig Ihla buln and o. i Into the Callaway Htala hank a pie. I'Pnl, Tbl waa later old and ronol. dated with Ihe Klrnt National bank of Callaway, and bo waa elected aa Ila vice preablent, which poaHlon he. held at the lima of dcaih, althongli tha Klrat Na tional bank waa a fw momha ao con- erled (mo the hevan Valley Htata bank, Kor aeveral yntrn he had tiwr, a aufferey nd ha ien In Ih hoapltal al Omaha aeveral times, however, hi ailment aeemed to alwaya baffle Ih doctor. Prior lo hla d'-ath ha had baen conalantly receiving treatment In an Omaha hoa pltal for three month, hut atlll hla mil- a-l r acenied to baffle the doctor. Mr, Iteiigcr (raven a widow, a aon, Cur- tla, and daughter, Mr. Jlarry I-mh, funeral oe urrcl todey. BRYAN ADDRESSES SMALL CROWD AT BRIDGEPORT ftnilior.PoHT, Neh,, April 4 - 'Hne' liil I W, J, lli)n apnk At Ilia Jlililuei.uit opera houift leaterduy hfli i noon on the ihjci t of I PiiifM-i a in e. There waa no enlhuelaam ami only a mull aatbarnu gieeled llm ,t ,, , l(ri,,r Chajllr alo inil a ehdit aiblrex aellle for t ourl llonae, l lliIMUNT, Neh , April 4, -i H.-. l-il At a meeting of llm lin,),. rmiiily H.mlil nf ttiipenlam hfie aiciilay, a actiif. lueiit mi the nr l.i ' Dm n,utlty In thn fh whhli ilemriiinl the riiiui ln.ui., icceiiiber S, lilj. a lilln uuli Ihe liiaiu mn ii i .iin in i, ii- The bnanl ami In-auiaii'-e r oMifan V ii-pieniilM nun. pinililkid on l''t fur Ih titill.llni The Imalit had anki the f ill lunuiil, tkn.i a a. ui r i ..... . tlminil (awil nld. b I'l.KI.V Srli . i pi l Hoe. , 'lliira iniarirr iM.thui of h , , iiiinlv land tui. I t A n t un m u, ill' ilii urn al l.,ii,iii,, ,i ,. 'I ' f ml i iiri aim, mi mi. I and the !l Ii I ,i i n n n. Tin I'm iniliii.n nf ,i, ,, I' l llm Jmma Aiii t.i.i. ,i a.f aii'tia, lr al XtviMiait irte tlnbbrd, NA M VN tilt' s Nil, , i ill ,h., l l ,i ,i. In. ,ln ini.i m m,. ttiinml ti,i t I.hi.iIimi i.,m l.ii ui rit Ling m. 'I i,ir, ,....! hhi.iii,!.,, ''' I M I l.i .li la i .1 mi I, , llll 4II I I.I 1 ,. I .1 t., ,i tl,..i, .1 . Im i. . , , i !,nt,,( I I ) I.A x.i, , v pi t i ei. li 1 1 "'"'I piii..l U s. h, i , fn.r H t-.it . r i, , p ., ii, i 1 '" "l '" t'. 'nil i ant i, A "' Mii"iiut, a-'inla lin l"l 111. I, ,.., I. II .. Irl.b.ai.a tt, K ! ml n n , ,.,. p.,. Ditl a i n ! I ""ii i !! . m ., .,, Hn.nl I,. Iii lit i..t. , , ,, j ' 'I .1 Ml Ii . l,. , l , i lie tin i . i- ,u 1 K U .ui 'm 1 1 l i I Nebraska ENFILADING FIRE RAKES BRYAN RANKS Democrati of Capital City Send Machine Fire Alonj the risnki, COOCH HAS HIS DANDER UP H' rom a' Hlaff C'orrcaiiondent.) r,INOH,N, April 4 (f hil ) ,Tht deiiuxiritio harmony la on tha lncrea and la looming up lit huga and dcllrlou chunk I In evidence tha Imt day or o, and epecly , rK,t here In Uncoln, when lat night a 'Wood row Wllaon club waa otgaiilxi-d and reanlullona wer adoptl n4 i).Mhi. mad which Imll caied thai Ihe club I hot In harjnony lth W, J, llrlan. Tha reaolutlona comlemned effnfta be ing road to entry Into the Ht. I,oula eon Vetillun mieatlona In mipoelllnn to tha pnlhlea of prealitcn; Wllaon, and other wise Indlciited that Mr. ttrvan la not In good alanillng with Ih new club. Added lo I hie, II. K, Oooch, prealdrnt of tha Mncoln Jally Hiar, thl aftertioon came out with a three-column advertlno ment In hi pper In which he roundly ihnallee Mr. Ilryan and In vrl different iHtiguage nrlnted In '?ngl,i, why democrat ahnuld not vol fur Mr, Hryn for ti lgt largn to the im llorinl ijeinocidiip (pnvenilon, ( Mr, Oooi'h gUe half a dmecn or mm raai.n Why Mr, Ilryan aiould not go to fh iiHtliiiinl convention a delegate, and eiiiphmlra goma of the reaaon with blaik fc cupital letter, o plain that "lh wayfaring; mn thouh a fool may not rr therein." Jl rharga him wlih performing on the vaudevlll plgtfnrm with high khketa and other up to data valde llllei t much per, while he waa a member of the eahlrvt, and nine that tlrna ha been nrnbarraaahig tha prealdrnt a I. every turn of the road, while at, tha me tlrna he I pretending to b for him, One churgo that h make ; "III career lnc hla reilgiiaflon ha bueri on of Inaldlou crlllclem nd hoallle iroii(,,i,1n ugahiet 'in,,.,,i 'll,i and hi pollcle. The preahlcril put for- ward . moileat m,, coiiaervaljve ore. parednea program. Tbl waa lmme.li. tly branded by Mr. lirvan a -milt.. larlam," II, attacked the preaident'a program In hi Commorn-r nd kept, tt up for ver lamiea. Ill hrother in flncolri airil out thouanrid of circular iciir ainoking the pre.ldcnt'a policy,. anu aaKing people lo aend In eluha of auhacrlptiona to the paper no tnat H 5 could carry on Hie fight with greater effect. The attaikii became ao per-i rieou that t waa neceeiuiry for the preallent nf Ihe l ulled Wale to trike hi cam directly to the peopl wblcti h did, with, marked ancceaa, Anyone: who baa read tha nreaident' iieec,e ha no doubt lo whoae utterancea lie wa refuting or alluding to. The preea of the country, democratic. nd repub lican alike, recognised that Ilryan w fighting the president' That Mr, Oooeli believe In "eaallng hi bread on th wnlera" i evidenced by tlia fact that the me dvcrtcmcnt will b aent to all the mot Important pajier In th tal and the churge will be paid by Mr, Oooi.h out of hi own i excherpier, ' BOYS WITH STOLEN CAR CAUGHTAT FALLS CITYi; VAU.H CITV, i'eb April 4'Xplal Telegram.) Wlierlff ltntcklii cariture-li three yontig men Willi Cord tonrimr cir that they adnd'tcd I hey hid rbilcn l yoventii nth and llnrwooil Mre'-in. l.ii coin, riindijy eveulny. They gHve thvir liamea a le Welch, I7f, K ulid nteiiue; Ionnld Money, W O Mi eet, and I el or fiei.hm, li'ivenih and O atio'a. I They chiliiicd lo be , 14 mid 21 er old, ' reapectively. - They applied at the. Jinll Co, gaiave in enclianne Inner tube for gaa. Tho trade wn made, hut i th elnrlff waa notified and got the boy before they got out of town. j kprlaaflrld Man I'oaod OcNd. WPItlMJIiKIJ), Neh., April 4,-IHpe (,'ial.) Jacob liunii of ffprnafbld ns found onad on the road to (iretua Ina: night, Imnii waa on hi wav honin from biiirigficld in hla wagon. Ida Imdv w.ir found blng In Hi toad, with hi to no atamlHig by, The enai't caii; of th. ihatii if not known. 4 tiood ( oHah Memeilr, fir. Hell' Plne-Tiir Mom y p,,,,, your cougli, anothe the raw epnta and prevent lung ailment. l",i . All dritgghit. Advcrtliieiricnt. TO BUY PBAE30S Juat now you ran get m niiuaiinlly fin bar(ln In allgtnlv tiaeij riatm ami l'la)or I'lnno. Wa have our Hprlnn tienn-up iin.ier way, ami Iliat nien fine liargttiit fur llmar lm really aptimialw immI I'laiioa or l'ln)er Piano anil waul to 1 1 tit) n f I.Vt, Tlie) are all In kmmI niiiilltlnn, man) of I hem iraiilially new, MI limit 4 twin I I'tlnlil, no4 g IH $,lfttl Kmci nn I prlghl, iiM ,,,...,;, H. IVW Knah I irlghl, now )K f I.VI Mnileiiimi I prlght, n in 8 I tiMt imm A Hin I priglil, nun , . , )n0(l PJA HainlllHii I prlgtil, now , M1W flMI tiiirrmit I I'llglH, in.. , , , , , Terms I $1.00 to $2.00 Per Week. , ..... ,.,., ,,, . n m, , and t hmoller M Mwcllrr 'lam, UMlie Jiuir oiW nun. Now I a imn llm in niake yiinr elerHna W't II MDMVa WttltUI (.It H MttNM It M K, Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Co. till 14 l AttVM Klltl r, tlM u Me,li,Hitr. ..e ll,e Mnbl't I let. I I'lamw, lei.llan iiiln.n. m .li.ntU 0 wni 'Jj - mmmvm'vmmv Nebraska Candidates Must Stay On Ballot Henceforth from a Klaff Correspondent.! LINCOLN, April 4. (Hpcrlgl.) - ficuie lary of Wlal Pool ha pit hi number l foot down, and from now on candldataa who gel cold ,i uilnge over the pi lilh;l proM't cannot get off of the bl lot, but will have to atay on and take Ihrlr iiieillrlria no mat tor how bitter It limy taete, , Tha tlrna t plred lt hIrM at 1J o'clock, nd thl morning Mr. Pool "ii( out to county i'lerk Ihe following notice; You ai herrby notified that the nam of Tin, una l(, Maraltall, diinnciatc can flulain for vice preanb-nl, baa been with drawn, and h lanamo ahnuld not a nr on the ballot. W. K, Hliiecker, (IciinierHtln randldat for giiveriinr, li wlimlrawii, and hla mime ahoulil not iiiear on Hie IihIIuI. John A. Woodard, ib nioei al Ic cnndldata for auperltilenilenl of public IddIimmiIiui. hue aimi wlihilinwn, ami hi name ehoulij not appear on the ha lint. Von will aleo rlianae tha tiame of Wil liam II. Chiininoiia lo W It I UN a rMiitlirUlfl for mirrr Iftle ndt-nl nf tnti,- II" iiiairucllnu on th.i neui.lc' ln,l..i, ml enl ticket Notes from Beatrice And Gage County IIKATItlCH, Nifb April 4. -trtpei lat.) Crank Klnman auelalned n broken hip and rilelociiled ankle yeaterdny at the Kill llngtnii ltlon while naalatlng Kred VVertg hi unloading automobile. A chain holding one of li e gutna allpped In aoui nianner and Kinman w pinned benealh tha machine. He w removed lo a I will hoapltal, where hi Injiirle were dreeaed, I'nle complication "t In he will recover, Thorn Wdley and Ml Norm M' Oaffey, liolh of thl elty, were married Hiimlny afternoon at I o'clock at the home of Ihe bride' pari!, Mr, and Mr, 1. ft. MofJffy, They will make their horn on a farm aouth of I ha city, The funerel of John Melnt, th young man who wa killed eaat of Phkrell itunday, when hla auti turned turtle, wa held thl afternoon from tha Her man Lutheran i liuri-lt et of Ph krell. Four Divorces Are Granted at Fairbury fA I It 01 flV, Veb,, April 4-lKpechil Telegrum.)-Judge M, Pcinherton ad journed the April ecanlon of dlalrlcl court for Ihe eighteenth Jndhial dlatrlc.t al noon todny until May I ft after grant ing four divorce caae and rllapoalng of a few tnlnor eipilly canca, lie granted the pel II Ion lo Ihe gltorney of I nil I'ndenJow n to remove the SO.oW death 'I ehiltn ult agrilriat the Kui llngtou railroad to Ihe federal court at, Lincoln and the enae will come under the liability gel, Thl ineke Ihe reeond lime thl ha been tranrferred to th federal court. The divorce granted Include Kffle and ftnaaea Thorn, Karl and Junltg Io nard, Alice and 1,'lala U'allac and Jan and William McKinley, No Jury wa aiiinmoned thl action. CUY CENTER MAN BITES HIS TONGUE NEARLY OFF CI.AV CKXTKIt, NVb,, April f-iKpeci,,) . Telegram.)'-While W, J. Ii'rkaon w Working wlih n heavy wreii'h the tool lipped and alrnck auch g hard blow on hla chin that he 1,1 1 hla tongue clear through, except the llghteiit portion on ''h edge, and lila lower Hp wa ao badly cut that It took Mil lltchea to wiend It, and Huh! aiiichc were ne-eary lo hold hi tongue together, Tlie euigeon I cruifhient Unit liolh wound Mill lieu I alihoiil tioulile. An epidemic of niefimilea la ptevalent here, over PO cgaeg being reported in and iier lay Ccpler. H. W, Caliipbell, pioneer of CJny county, I crllhally 111 at hla home here with creeping patalyal. Mr. Campbell I a large laud owner and vim )n nlilent j of the (,'omnicrcinl Ktate blink. ! Nail iaalnal aloon Men. j I'itKMONT. Nib., April 4. -(r'peciiil.i-In a pet Ion aelting forth Hint hit wif ! waa enll' ed nio aiiloon owicd an I ! opeiiid by the defendant ami tl.re forced to ill lull Ihiuor and then war guhje-l"d lo InrtlKiiltlia by the pro priitota, Aiihur U, Htrula of Hi'rhner I rough! ault for KVm ftnmagea again ''halloa Kerb" iihnra and peter Hofrl.lt o ''frrlbnei' in illnlrlct court. Th ai g ni I incident oi curie t hund'iv. Mnc'i I.' j l,fc, at f-'i lihner. Mr. Firuhe la only .vein o il and I the mother nf U i li I i dien Is a Good Time FINE USED PIANOS AND PLAYER (ttttKI I ntrnn Miiigf e, mm I.Vl Mirgnr Jt Hin I prlght, now , , . , , H.Vi Mi liini.llcr A Mueller I priglil, now I.IHill HiiilirrlliH lit ami, now ,IMt Mlrtnway tilaml, liii Hot) I e.trt l'lwrr I'tann, lnn , ,,,,,, W Auto ll)er f'lanit, imw , iir.r, 1 1 1 iii n n , r iiii"im eiigr m , ill I'tiHtl, I lliilriiian A ami al Hi OciiiiIh. miltan Plain. I llnrn.. grw mm n il apl,, ami we - mxm'MmiKimHmmm U4 Ceffhfi Wnli Tm C, Jmii, C, fliilfi. Ii Nebraska THOMAS GIYES HIS ANSWER State Superintendent Declares Mini Sullivan's Criticiimt Do Not Fill Bill. GIVES OPINIONS OF OTHERS (I'roui a Klaff Conenpiindeitt, M.NCOI..V, April 4. (Hiiecinl )-The con- troveray which ha arlcn oer cirtnln eighth grad atudl" which S"it H'ipcr Intniideiit Thoma ha put In practice and w tilth reunited III a emb lem by a lourity iiicrliiti ndnnt, Mir H'illlv nn, hu led lh (tula ii erlnlenileiil to lamie a ttem lit of hla own, a fullowa: I'dueatora do not think Ml M illlvmi'a rrllliimii of clalith giad etainliiailiiiia well founded. When Mime Kurierliileriderit Tbninn waa aakcil If h Wo lid rrp'y, b anh'i hp llioiignl tint at in e a nt II 1 imply keeping hla eaia open, aa ha It glii'l for auggcKl Ion whlci my lent I an Improvi ineiit l a.iiil i,e had fr nuciilly reiiieited aue rlrilcndeiila to olfrr I " any auggi ail'in wtilch Ihev trio n tii. . "' 1 1 .ben-flclril, . lrore 1 1 . i,i,. ai on, were niaue mime nan aic'l lo nav inem aircngi ro neii, i n ruinvati i i'i onty i n" who Ima complalnerl, Ilea (nil l.eflera Hire are two letter iecllly lo the pnlni, on from n county and one from n i It v aiinerlnlniiili'iil : "liver y teacher to whom I have po'eii lout t twine friimtliic raid Hey we fill or rent unity, They ill-l finl think any pupil who roii'd not gel ti re iilr 1 grade on theao riueelloli We Ibro'igU with the eighth rrndo a n iflimd III t . te J ale ( oiiian of Hiudy, I adviaed tha iiuiilla not to wrlie on the March ni (nation. Tlmw who did write wei In rtuccil by thalr e liei t" wrli" only on certeln auhlccl, a few a poaalble, but after thieie pup. la eaw tlie iniethin inriny of them thought the ramulnailnii waa loo eaay to 'Id go,' and wrotn mi thn program, I griideil all tin ip-r lone, and w a ' l ine I i g'lidlng f could be without being untlc Ml of eeventneri who pn"d that ennmlnallon vcrr eaily wer two 12 yar ld, four 1,'Henr okl. elaht l4-enr o,(U, thre I tear -old. Many nior l.:er-ihl would l.ii ve pHeaeil lliil ruamliiitlhirl hod their tern hem ericoiirave.1 them to at'O'iipt II Helatea Only lo lllnlory "The crillclam unfair bcjiiie directed al only n part of one or two luetiin In one nil. (eel blatorv, Thr am Ihlrleen oneiitiiina in tha bltorr en- iimliiallon. Ail the pupil tueda Ii do la lo iinnwer half of them 'o jet Ihe mini mum grade of tie wr cent, Any nnpll whoae reKonlng power are hwff'ed' by aucli an eaay Anamination la not thronuli with tha eighth grada in Nabraekn, nor DandrufF Goes! Hair Gets Thick, Wavy, Iieautiful Save your hair! Double its beauty in a few momenta. Try this I Hair stops coming1 out and every particle of dandruff disappears. Try a you will, after an pplh'loii of Handerliie, you can not find a elngle trace of dandruff or falling tinlr and our Kcalp will not Itch, but viiat Will plena you mom, will be after a few weeka' ii. when ou e new blr, fine and downy at flrl-)e but really new h!l -growing all over Ihe acalp. A little (hi inter Ine Immediately double Ihe beauty of your hair. No difference how d ill, faded, brittle and crnggy, Jnt mo'rlen clolh with Iwti'lcrlne and cr. fully iIimw It lliiongli jii!r hlr, tklng one amiill airaitd rit a time, Th affe't Immediate and ame.liig- your hair Will beallght, fluffy and wavy, and have art appeariiue of abundant; an Imompar b!' lual re, aofttie and lunurlaii'e, the brutj and ahlrnmer of true hair health, 'let a cent bottle of Kiiowiton Iran tJrrlnc from any drug tore or toilet, coun ter, and prove that your hair I a pretty and eofl a any-thal It baa been ncglcoieif or injured by cgrelea treat ment thai a l, I'arulerlne la lo (lie balr what frnh ahower of rain and aunahln are to vege tntloti, If goo light to the root, in tigoralea ami rtrenglheng them. i e hlluratlng. tlmtilllng and life-producing properlle caue the hair to grow long, alrong and beautiful - Advertlement, Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package oroves it 25c at all druggists. i "e a- Pi rittOS 10 817. I Ml & m m l SWW FREE STOOL. Ff!EE SCARF. t ho Bfrong enough not tn he btfficd by tha work lit thn high aihool." A auporlntemlent ln,m tho wealern part of th (lata write; "II eiin lo 1 1 in that Ml M'llllvan a cimaiiierlng th child pr ont and pt lalher limn Ha f ilure. Hi, may b too yo'irig anil hla mind not ifflren!ly ni turn to auxwer am h ipieallon, but If h I he I certainly too young and too Im mature either lo eiilcr high echool or to il'ilt i hool It ba been my obaervation Hurt It la poaalhla with the ii a' lnna a the Imvo l.en for a child lo th elKliili grade riamlriaf lima and ailll ba unprepared to do anrltiln like aailafai-, lory work In blgli i houl, I would fur rather aea the uin.lnuin mada harder lhall lo aea lliein nirln eaaler. "My nhnervatinn of high aihool begin nera I ui h Iliat I bellev larg part t-rrhap nine I, nlli. ,,f ihi'lll, Wiillll) greatly protti a I through their aihool rarrei and ail through life t.y uklng another year of giamoiHr, eighth grada l.iigllah, rilbinciii-, i,l,i,,,, ,i oilier grade (iihleiU he for o eliteniig MkIi aiiiool, Few em to relu how ecn tlal itd how valuable HioioughneM In the roiiiinnii hranche la "I do imt premium to (dvlne the atala deiwirtmeiit (n rhia nmtier, but Jimt lo tula mi opinion iid enter a counter. piotel. 'Ihree FtainloNttoaa, Klale giitierlntendent Tboma en Id "Three eiimliitlon arn offered March, April end May, The Manb anamination In naunllv a leaf given bv the tein her to enable her lo Inielllgenil recommend candidate fur tli eaainlnallon III April The Mav dulfiliml i,n U Ii. mlly glti.n aa aei ond lilal for thoan who oinke n eredllnble thowlng In March nl,i, l nii'l need aei i,ii, gram-. Them wgj II. Ii teen iinoeipu,,., fr,,m wbb h Ihe i i,il:,lBe could lei ler, Hmiir nf thr ilealloii were technical, gomn wetn to e pi, III maturity and power of orlHinal 15131519 yx Will Save You Money It Will Pay You to Get Th pile lltd ba low will Ii brd lo dilplll! for aoro time o com gftar lhc gr fona' eryihlnf I right about the rug, (he final Ity, th i arid th pi iiea, aoa't . Iy mak ) imn .ii nun in ) w fawfgwiai ing your ai'iectp,,, whll our big openlnr; gtoik OUR RUG PRICES: 0x12 Axminstcr In a line nf Ji.-nt nrifiital nnd "all over luiKfriirt, (rcfijlly pplcffftj rolorinKH, 1 75 8 3x10 G AxminBtcr In Minn ijiflrn, for ,,,,,,,,,, , . , ,y I U v 0x12 Tapestry Brtmela Nifty liri. of v)n,im iogm wrr;. $13.75, $14.50 and $15 0x12 High Oracle 5-Frame, 5-Color Wiltotu, aaa jr 0x12 Royal Wiltoni In lifHiilifulMtl'tfolonnKK, Jfi r mm tmm 1 rJiaJ CROTTE DROTIIERS CO. tLt-l Ceoet J Diiliibulori Omaha. Ntbfk I ftf I thinking. All, however, were taken fron the cour of atudy. A new courne of. tudy In brief form will In out In ttm ror rounty Inatltutea ana rsnripieiea lo tli,M r,ir l,A UMiil.inlA. Aitf-rilnlr I eeWMfe inn minim Dfuinnwnt iimm lutvnr naa iiinni for tb printing of a courm of atudr. . W-'ll w'iiiii.wij w V IIW ter to puhllahlng hoimea "Wi Huillvan cilitclam of thre iuom Hon I unite amualng, aapeclally th oeg relating to tha pilmary eolora, Th trt. marv color form a baala for a long of itevluea and leaaona In averr klndarj tarten grid primary a".hool In th tl, lelailve to th auiomobil and tlphoru In modem rural lit, praotloally varw child In Ihe giammar grad and oni adult know II, ui tlieao ruk rural W mora ile.li utile Ho far aa tna Uatlon Ira. domenim m p nre I eoni erned, a kten of Hi lylog of lb laid eecm real agar. II I mi- of th flrat leaaon and on a of the mnal eaally taught. I think mot children would not hava much trouble wiin ihla, an hough I hava en om adulta at baniiieta begin at th wroail ond of th lino with their ut'tiall," BEEMAN CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE IN TWELFTH tVmm a Ktaff Corrcapondotu.) f,INCt;V, April 4 (MpecUI.)-A ftU Hon with tb reipilred number of tgnr rched th office of th cre!ry of ilw day plcng th nam of Krnk; K, lleemen a candidal for dlalrtct Jndg front the Twelfth Judhill dltrlc on th non parllaen Irrtmary ballot. Nnriilnatlona for judicial office ar nil open and tiling rn b mail up tn faturday night, April , ln dy befora Ih prliiinry, HOWARD 8T. Ihofo's Alfeason Our Prket Before You Bay Tb fol lowing prcg n mr Itug I 'apart ment AS loo m felllng to roilat. Mak your aletjon befor tb prnt k arw. Wiettt la picked vr. la her n pick from, mm