14 Till-; HKK: OMAHA, WKDXKSDAV, APRIL .j, 191G. FINANCIAL attirka and I) ait a. Two First .Moi1,?aj?-rt For Sail", J. 109 due In five years, Interest 7 per C"i,t, piyabl ejjil-iinunlly. Oil -in res of good, b.cl fmin In rut In Weld county, Colorado; value tt.'W. two dux In five years; 7 i rr cent: piy l.l -ml annually, in 1o cr of good level form land In Weld county, 4olo tatto; tlu, $:,). K. T. Hoyden, I'ilt lrnrjr fit. Omaha. Jt'eh. $IZ.ft AIillTiAiK bearing i" m ini an nual; eicuird by properly valued iM.'iti 'i'aliniiite lorni Inv. Co, VV. II. W. ' " "A'',r"" ' TUIe." ( it'irnntrm Abstract Co, We run bring ejjort notice fC7. Patterson Hid- Ii. T'4 2yill TU UuarnUe end Abstr,-t ' !'o., a modern abstract offH M . 17th nr. Tel, 1. wr.. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Male. W liMT HlAA. HAKNKKH f2,7'J worth I double litrwii In eloM out at a oU'-onm ol -ine-ihlrd from rt ular price; $I,WI worth nt ilngl bar he to cloe nut at one-half regular Price. Ilarnca (hipped auniitct to In ix-'-linn. If not tlafld, money will La refunded, JOIINrfON DANFrtHTH co., ir.W-ai-M N, Wh Hi., Near ''lark Ht. IIAV- CIiii ton. A. W, Wngner, N. I, hKKIr A Hr'TltACT CO , offlc In Nebraak. vm oldest lira ndi harrai t la Thca. FARM AND RANCH LANDS 4 otoraifo tmntim. IilUIi !09 acre In Iw'gan county. miles from town; iwii) soil, to acres l.rrW ; in lino of irrigating dtlch, price t2,Wrt, worth douhls ih mortev Owner need ready money and fa witling to sacrifice. J. It. KOPJIJ,, i:aJ!!g!l?LM "-Omaha. Neb. lotaa lande. 4"0 A, Tw Improved farrrn" l'rjr7ll per cr. Will lake part In Iri'mne properly and carry balance on land. VV, K. cilAlij, KI7 C Ity Nat. Honk Hid , ffrnsha, Net,, Mleaonrt Ignite, TTMaT Il A il l A I N - . down, r. monthly luva Vi ood fruit and poultry land, n'ar town, ao'tHi'm Mla aourl, I'rl! only ), Ad'lrraa Don Kx'f llorrstlriK, lo, iil'lilT 'J'r')-IK-H in furniT wpll ' liii provfd, adapted corn and alfalfa; 7& rnlla nt Omiilia, Wi pr, 1 1 - liiffordai llam ISIdtr . OrnaliM, Nab. ftrbraaba I.mI. Nt'.llltAHh A I -A S'lH, two a..'it,n In Klrnbull county, 'Jritao ;!!.. n in Morrill i-oiinly l oui' and lialf ai'tloiu in riirynnp o mty, KlKliiy mtf In Kurnaa ronlily, All i ap'- iilntor'a jiiio, f. I'.l'i, W. I 'olfa. TOM KaHin" Illilg. JlAli'JAIN - Jniprnvad i im r f r a Hon, on will Nib Tr-runiar-li; not mii'li rli i'i'ilrrd to haiiilln, 1'n.aucHKloii If d- aii d. - W. T. Hmitli (' ' flly NaMonat Hunk Itld A NU I 't'larlcr, m inllra foni Ma-irlir Sb,;. I'arkina cnnnly, aouthirort 'nir if l7-10-i ; V H4i tuok'Ti, balania hay lurid, rnual !va on ac'inmt of t.rrru and will arl for t'J prr int raali. Addrcaa l S 1'aiiinaa, 2ldl Miami HI, VVrhal!-r TtV sfj- iHi-m1 r unclalno'd ntnata4; twA a-, II; nipl rainfall; artaainn atr; naar fro tlinlMr. I'rlca (w, flllnir faa and all. J, A, Tiaey,, in, Miotaan, 'ilo, A Ml rr r'lln'iilliiri!nl for a!; fla ndlr-a from II. It, town, t"n mlli-a front another VVrlta IxMk Ho Wl, Vl rntlna, N'ili, At'ltKH nrr"oid "lown ln Jolinaoti fount)'. Win lake mali property tfl pa mnt, Tioa faiiipUdf, lit Kotillna itirt, ijo(ii fca, 4i-A'')tr thriii, on lolln from IrvfiiKton I, ,, i rnllfta from Ip'naon; all new Improvatni'iita. Teliphone llcnain 7l', Kaamoawn, Irvlnglon, N br Ito A., ad)'diiln llfiahey. nil fin )' land, Inipioved. I'il: 2 wortfi l.iS.W VVrlla l. rntleraori, Onialia, Itnatte llakola l,Mml. tTififi "reilii'iumliineiit for ante in tlin li!ll rniinty, rloulh I'aknta; l a'-rea tin-d'-r cultivation, and ood lobular well, for Information, write lwier llroa,, Veial a). I. EPyLIRLNpJlTSTOa 7l'Nr.r in hb kena. wrlia for jo0non a Ireo cataloHiia, I'oiiltry Know-How aliout Ilia py-for-lilf Old Troaty In cnba tor. M, M. Jobnaoii Co., t'lax Can tir. Neh, rl iMi.N'H "7a!T7aTT,ir"7'in Fii'b kaiia alwaya penned iiH Hula apaee needed lo atari: frea nook raplaln all, alajtatlc Muar i.o., I'epi, ki, Aoi I, la. JI'HT fufevd.aniall turllea, , rh, (Jet on for your flh Klolie; I hay ara yiit Ini '-i nltra;. Max Unlalar Jilrd I'd., II7 I'arnarn -HI, "t'AUK iiV HA H If tllK.'KH.'a nw W.k fre for atarnp. ieo, II. lJm Co., 1IJ Marney Ht Omaba MXIt train, Wi Iba.. II 71. Warner, aUl.V.K. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE L'KKI) CAJIS Mlanaaraa. , 'linyKMH wrrit" Til K MON K If Tf INVKHT, Farm land ada pin rid In Ibeaa col uinna rea li lli kind of peopla alt over Iba weat who have- ampla funiia Wllh which to Inveat In I'inda. yuallty and 'innntlly r Imlh found In THK HKK'H iioiinlry cirrnlatlon. Tba anbaertpllon rain for Th H la rni.eii blabsr than any other Omaha nowapaper, Natorallv 'ill Ilea la ruad by a I la of well to-do furmera, ftend In your ad and rea. h noma real boj era J i aTk voi: a fa km kou haLR? H'rlta a kd derlpilon f your land and a nd It to the Mloua City, la,. Jour nal, "Inwa a Mloat fowarful Want Ad Medium," Twenly-flva woida eveiy .'r. day etenlnn. hlnrda inoinlnK and every 1-n'indny evenliiu and Hunday for nn month, a-lvlng aUtwn ada on Iwejya different daya for i, or 11 worda, It, or ;., word a, fl. I,aiKet circulation of any Iowa nawa paper, t'iM readeia dally In four great Halea, A K hi' for "my " It tt A? h HT A T hi " nil fie I j n isbowliiv beat barxulna In .'4 ainle.n. Why rent when you can buv nn Improved larm on amll iHyuient and uwiwr'i almr of tbla yedr'a crop? W. O, TKMI-I.KION, ai4 Ilea Hid. KAIt.Vlf, acrealo an! rlly proparty (or eala and eihai.ie C, H. Cornha. MM I'randi-ta Theatur Mld, Untie. 111(1. I rtKK Wf-Ua cboba Minn -Wla ' la'h. 'holrn farina llorer, bVbo, Hldg., K . ilnrief.i Minn l-llln)y ned Manwell tour , M I 1'ilf, Knker eom e0lp,, 0 pa,...i a -J food I i.rd from U2i to. 1" I - lata Vellg fi , $ l l'OM iow ear nl lu i anlii, I 1 M'i Overland u paaaenaer, ,,,,,.,, Imi l-IKH. -pa, Hludebaker . 1 -'lilnira-letioll roadnter, tia eipllp , tn J-lfll Inlernallonal, good aba !,,,, ti I lie i-eyl, .Matwell roadatar,,,, ...!' I lW KlHiid' ta m, It l.,,.. ,,,,,, (1 Y. FRAN'CJH AUTO CO., VM Kariiam, I'tiona Iiouf. 1,3, tllKAI-'TO Hll'il' 'Merypa lrl' "ivil-'i Jackaon, 'lylerlfifci, Aulo repalrliia and IP n, blM' kemllbliiK, aolo apilnaa mada od repulnd, IU'dil'MT VAHilv'lf l)V I OKI) I AI( I.N THK t, ITT. t I'AHHKS'iWCU roadau r, fully Topilppml A I (ooditlon, t piaeenip r Overlnnd, ebclrlo IlKhta, xiarler, In good Noup, ii. i i iaklaou, Jttaf been ovr linnbd Ihronnhftot and painted, A-l oii'llilon, li'i larnnin. lon'alaa AUTO CLFARIXU JIOUSB W) Karnain HI, Tel, o,.j, WO, ilmluiera roadaKif , run VM mllaa; aaertflc Cudlllac loiirlriB, irr oiiu,.,,,a7 Itili Mi vi in. I on y ii louring, l cyl , ('i V. iiil Undo ymi a in V Koid fur your old one. IMifHTIlfAl, OAltAUK CO., 7'iih and llninev. Ii'iot At'T'l WriKt'KI.V'l CI,. i Ho, Mill Ht, All kili'la of lepalrlnu and pari for aale I aed i-ttn boulit and aold. fiKNKIIAI, Motor I'oiiipiiny truk, two ion iMimiii, kooI roiniiiion. t;an ba boiiyhi rlahl, Call Imualaa &M. I HI'KCAII IIAI'.'IAINH At ML'KI'lir O Hit I KN AUTO CU, l'H4 11 III I'arnarn Ht, NKHKAMKA (nil. U harvba Hi Hon, I'll 4 Karnuiii r'r., rhune loo III, A aloiriobllra W aatert. W 11,1, ileal III) eipilly In gooi) ) r. 7'oul. (II Hlnffa iiilnn' for lata niodol auto mobile Albert Handoaky, lied Oak, la WANTKI' - (i'Mid Judlan niotoncla, neao yfi). i! FARM LAND FOR RENT U A !s'f l;:f - A reniar on a food 'farmi Ji, would Ilka to r-lit for rah. Caro Umalia Ilea, Council llluffa, la, HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES tr al.' ' 1 1 A f t N KHH, HAlilM.kH AMI T'HI'NKH, W inwka them nuiaelvra and ardl them dire t tit the cooMiinter. Why pay two profit foi Inferlur uiN,da whptt ou ran Kit hlch - yi-adn tii.d al flral eot7 Al l HI- li ullMfll A Co,, l.'i" K'arnnm Hi , limnlia. Ml HT aell al nine. ) mulea, m rea and baini nurn fooled Imm pat Ion 1ianfer bain, Hit N and i umli., I.H. leoni of 7 and k er dd yeld tiiit, off lain), ala a plt of iiiarea, eiitbli. Ju b, n .) c.in.llilf.ii Cheap fur h Alu m iilln ny, Ap ply ;''!l I'lMialaa. Aala alfttalrlHaT aa4 Palntlav, N'KH. Aulo lladliilor llepafr l"rvb" an4 irhea rlKhl, m H. imh Ht. I.JM li irwaid for niuu'to oa can't repair, Colla ropalred, Mavadoifer, ?I0 N lth, J )K WI'KI'liy--Auto repnlrliiK 112 H. J7th Ht. Tylr vr,; nlaiit. (,d JI. Omaha Knfliitor Hep Co W, Car, P, A. Aolo Tlraa and kappllaa. Tl ltl- rl at cut t.rh ea. " Wa carry Ilia luiKt alo k of alandard makea, at cut prhea, In the weal, Modern lira repair plant. Hkllled labor employed. Hi pair ail makea. I'l vi.y.x TIHK CO, 2 Ml l'arriam, r, " All T' Till KM ttKlil ll.T, ti TO I'.Oft. T'CO Tl It K I 'i j .j. letl I J bl'anHt. r.lerlrln Aaioraobllaa. Valler Andetaon, enp'l ren'o- electric k, I.Hlterlea. Hioiana sr Kamem. 1 1. 4117. AlTOMt)IIM,K INHI'llANCK.' Flr, Tbefi, Mablllty and l'rop-rty I'ainMK Ml l,nwet Halea. KII.I.V, I'iM.IH TIIOMI'HON I It y Nat. Hank Hlilg Dull-. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 11 A IlI.KV'il'A VI iHUN MOTOIlCVi 'tM'! Ilaiguln In lined inuchlhea. Vp ior llooa. 'The Motorcyclo Ma,":Tni Iayenworth CANDIDATE y-p cuts c-r LEGAL NOTICES MTl K TO CONTIIACTOltH, Hy direction of tba property coinmittea of the Hoard of Iteeeiiui of th 1,'nlvar- altv of Nehraakai blda will he received until 4 o'clock p. m., Morula y. April 10, UI4. at the office of the underelirrnel, for conatrucllon of an Agricultural Krivl neertiiK bulldlna on th Cnlveralijr r'arm campua near Lincoln. Separata blda will bo re''ved for Innlallatloti of healing and yentlletlng, piumiiing aim electric wlr In for aald building; all blda on build lug conutructlon and da ayeral lnatat latlona r-f eipjlpniant muat be In atrl;t accordance wllh plana, drawing and apecifh atlona now on file In tba offh e of lb aunerlnlenneiit or conalriK'llon In the Cnlverliy Admlnairatlon buudlng at Lincoln, iiiouera moat ai'piy to and con fer with thn aupei irneiideni on all mat lera concerning r.onat ruction and bide thereon and muat In all rec uae the blank prepared under the direction of eald anperinieiiiieiii lor oio'iing purpoaea, Approahnaia coal or laid building In eluding equipment ebove mentioned le ).H. lima iiiuai we eeconipenled by bank coahler a (die'-ke or rifcal4 of depoall payable uncondltloiially lo (he Hoard of Hegenta of the Cnlverally of Nrraaaa, in in arrmunra and ror pur poaea alaled III the "Inalructlone lo bid deia." aceoinperii 'In plana and aiiactn. callona, Hide muat be aealed and plainly rnaraen 'in u.i ii"mi.in rnv-r, Agrp-ul- lural Winning, or, iMigineerin Hulld ing I'.uulpnieiit, aa the I'aae may he Iheailng, plumbing etc.i. The right, la r. aerted lo reled any and all bide. The i.nlvermiy or Nebraaka, S. H IAI.IW, Herreiaiy, HialloTt A, Lincoln. , MI7?-M-a-A.M. softer.. ' To tba Hlockhol'lera of th f 'onaarvatlve Havlnga and Ixian Aaaoclatlon of Omaha, Nelrinaka. Whera, Th annual alocklioldera' nieriing, tthh h wag In Id on the lath day "i rfiinuwrr, no'i, waa nv vola or t,a etockhol'lo idjourne.i umll the Jih day of A pi II, IKH, for ll.e pui noaa of con alderlna the amendment ,f Aril, la ii of the Aril' lea of Ini orporallon, and Iran- aaciiou or audi oilier hualneea aa rnlaht wrehi properly come hefure the meeting; ' 7V ' 'OMir i'iinr,, you are hereby hollfled that aald adjourned rneel Ing will a or Hi" aaao' liitlon, be held at the offl If. count y, ftebaeka, from t o'clw k u n cio' a p, m , on i ne lath dav lOIIKl'i a. m to of April, Idle, for the purpoe of voilna on inlendliia I lie lima of the corporation; and I hero will ha auhmllteil foe inn, aidi'iallon at that meoting the arneridrnaiit or innio vi, oi me article of Inuoipo tallon to mid follow; AHTICM', Vf. "Thl corporation bavin commenced on l.eceinlier 3, IKil, aliall continue until the Jid (lay of liecemher, A. i. Id'Hi," and Ilia tiaiiKMCllon of in li other buvlne a may properly come before thn meeting. jui'; I'oNMciivATivr, havinuh an7 MJlHAXKA, Hy Ceo, V. Ollmore, President. Atl"t: J'aul VV, Kuhn, Hwy. (I H AJJdf-t KW rtlllK t.KHt.HM, HtRKir Qaolatlon of tkm liar aa Varleea ( omaaedlrlaa. NKW VfKK. A mil 4 KUiflt-Plrm' aiulng palenta, fiVMl'i ; winter patent, 6"'v,; winter firalNhta, li.6o'afi,7i. IIKA T-Hnot. alcadv: N'n. I fl; No, hard. l 04, No. I northern, Ouluth, I!. 4: and No, I northern, Man itoba, H.4,',, t. o, b New york. future. raaj-j .tlav, fl.il'. 4 OH.N- Hpot, rmint; No, 2 yellow, MV I f. New Voik i ATM- Hpol ateady; ilandard, IVyr72'ic II A y -Hi in. No. I. ll tVi140: Nn. 1 li.Hil.'H;, No, d, II.WI.; ehlppln. Km llnyn- Hteadv; alaic. common tnnhol lU iron, H'di,; 114 croti. Uaf. Pacific wear, ii6 croo, rita,f. 1I4 crou. WnVtr. IIII'I H-Klini; Hogota. : Central flint rica. ;i;ic. .lCATIILK-l'Irm: hemlock flrt. Uc aecouo, Ti'.'n ;a I'ltOVIHIONH-I'ork. firm: nuui ''!( t.l riillilly, .'.'! imiSi.W; ah'iel claara !ifi. lieef. aieadv: nwa. iT.SfkH'l nn- ainlly, tnt,wm- Lard, aillnl: middla TAI.UiW- I'lrm: city, ',;e. nominal counlrr, fi',144c; apeclal. IoUi- III 'T'ri,"ll l.'i,M.e,. r,,!,.. O 111 !,,k. creamery enlraa, .TJ'VuviX'c: fliata. S6VJ die; at-'onii. ,'.t.vn. CIIKKHK-KInn: lecelot. 14 boxea: un -nangen. MIOH--K rm; reielol. 31072 eaaea lean gathered entraa. Z.Wi'J.'l'r- eiira firata, li'v- aaked; regulgr Packed, 'J-a i ; ae' iinoa, vivm'i.i', I'OILTK V-A Ite. f fin: no nrlcea aet. tied; Irend, firm; chicken, liOMc; rowia, nriJic; aiuraeya, tvuMj.;. f of fee Market. NKW YOIIK. Ar.rll 4.Tha market for coffee future waa very quiet today eale em repoiieo or only f.3!i bK. In Ih haence of genera hue ne. tir ce were fi-aponaiva to ioirtparatlvr;y amall order and there euied lo lie a llille acaiter- In Wall eireet llipildallon, artlciilarly In the mailer of July contract. The mr- aci on.i at a de. lln of i to 4 point In cni.eo.ience. wllh Julv rw-llli.a al i lllr and liecemher at .. Trade Inlereala were moderate buvere and thera ware rain or point or I wo from I he loweat llli- thn clone aieadv at a net decline or it to t polnla Anrll. tWc; ilay. K Kir lime. I Iftc July M?0' AnatiM! ML, Icloner. kXlr: Noveoili.r .t7c" iii.pin! iec. !; .Imiuai y, u ti'x:, February, ,6lci I li, F ,m. npot, niilf-i; ill 7c, Hna A, JiV-fl ""l Htii riflMht mm kit wm r.n.ri..i1 mi n tin im ngcti pri' pm, I nf orflrlrttM reiiortftl nn fliinii In OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Quarter Higher in Two Day Feeden Steady Sheep About Steady. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS LOWIR OMAHA, Apriljt, 191, lUtA IblK f,'"H Z.7.4.I '" l.liU.aW 27.J( He.-elpr were; Cattle, ''ffb'lel Monday ,M2 Kellinale Tudy J.Ifw fnc. I me, l'H.IW . L Hog. Hheep, i. ja i ;i 4,.Vi i,,UA Two dy thi. week, t.m t.m 12,'XW The following table how the receipt 'i came, na and aherp at th Omaha nv tok market for the veer to del compared with !at year; "eep ryna 7a,-, 12,0U Th following table ahowa th verg price of hna th Omaha I.lve Htock maraei r)r (l),t trm day, with coin- pariaon: I ai. JiM.Tiiir.i' mi.iu.ihuM. ' t ki a kai wi rei m Mr. il.lt u i j m, I 7ki 7 lo! 4,,10 M ich. n lar, U. Mar. U Mar. 'M flar.' 2?.' Mar, Mar. Mar. 30, Mer. Zl. Apr, A or. Apr. Apr, lo I I On i I III 1 , I 47,10 4! ' SI: tT It Ml t 4i I" ! "i Ul b.l fKi, it 41, I'l W t 37! 40 Ml Ki 7 ! !""- ' I 4 47i M 4u, I Ui 7 111 ,1 U ? 4) Mi t iW i il7 :i UtlJ. I II a 1 a ji. a A ' l.i .t. 2I41 t Ml I i 11 1 u; il t v.', k b; 1 ; i r( m le 1 e f.,i 4- 11 .i 1 -: 1 ,w 11 m 1 ' Ui n 'ii 7 41 4.' hi ill 7 wi t tivni 1 il 24 ID iA , 2d I'l M 7 li' l 1 m ; 7:1 m i 7 7ri!ll 7 in, a ,.U W t. t t eluiiday, ilecelpl nd ehltunenia of live xtork t lb I nlou Mwi yard, Omaha, for Iweniy-four hour enuln at I o'clock p, in, yeterday; itW Kli'THCAitf.O..lirl, Cattle, Jloga, Hnirn, ll r'l C. M. Ht. p 1 Mahaah I Mlaaourl I'aclfto ,, JH I nlou l''lf H C. aV N, vf eaul , 4 N, VV,, weat,. If, HI. I'. M. tt. O. I C. H. IJ. eaat.. 1'., II. AY. g., weal., I C, It. I, It l' eaat I It. 1. a- I', weat .. Illlnola Central .... 1 Chicago Oiet Weet ., Total reeel.it. , fM 4 2 t 4 3 2 I. 1 UIKHOHITlyN -IIKAH. ID (ollon Market. NKW TURK. April 4 - COTTOV. aleady; middling uplaiida, ,M halea l otion future cloed Irregular' May .': July. II .; October ; (o- II ' nilier, 12 22c; January, 12 ic. I he colton market cloaed atedy. pulnt lower lo I point higher. 1,1 VKHI'OOI., April 4.---l)TTONHnt unlet: pricea eieedy. oi.d mlddlln. 7.M; middling, .A',d, loty mlddlln. 7.3W; gooJ iii.iiiir, t, , , eaia, v.ihi neie. aale. net l.eala Market, KU tNCRAYIriS OCPARTMLNT Motti mm 1000 Btt eUllDINC OMAHA Excellent Opportunity FOR NEW GARAGE in One of Omaha's Districts Th Ittritlicr tie Una ., mle,l lit Ih IcIiiMt ( Urge Hew luitlding IhiprotrturnU, it I lit one i.f tin ah a tin. t thn Ity cle ten I tienie i!alitit, b t . 1 e titfciiii emplei ti,iA j.i5n. b.l li..,.. Will in -iii. .;ti.. l.i pail) p iiei,. e,( hi re Hibeiiiit iu lpt tl ion, u, tiattitg ttioitt IV tuK h tif tutiilahlnl Ihr p U Villh l,ih in 1 h go, rae butt tr i4 Mill i 1 ng the Hiirlf,ta lh i te tal 1 It l ptirkrr ui ee.y term, i-nt if Ifce fiiminU if ' kuaiiii fht i1n i,.( n i.( in itii tieighhuir l"'l '"r ( lllitute that .',,( hoainea t I !' Ml Hi'Med I 11. Ilia tCirl t I'l lur tint t'ettitttUt, .).ie K lltV, , let, Minn, April ti ll 21; July. II 3. ihern, 11.1.,. I lianj. II. M. Mlaneanolle MIVNKAI'OI.W. WIIKAT .May. caah. No, I nurtlc niirihern, l l'wl.2 l'l,i H II Cnchnnged, BAIll.KV- M;jc, lt K tl.lll!l4c. MR AN il Jf.rrlfl ni CnllN -No, I yellow. ;r,)-7V, OATH No 1 hite, 4:WU4V, H.AXKIOF.Ii -12 Ii2 Id. 4)11 a, lltwln. yANNAII. t!. April I'-TfnPKN'- ' - t 1 " .1 1 a e i , atcadt. 4vc; an lei, n rec una, i.n t.arreia; ahlpnirnte, i ,n,r.p, pi,. 1 M ciai narreia. ItuHlN ,Urkt, firm; an lea. 1M par Ma. i-e.-rlpn l! birela, eiipmeul, f.MrT bairela Block. M.h.l harrela tl tiTATInN A II. Itf.iv, f r, M4. If, M, lU"; N, !.:., W U, Hn, VV W I hlraaa I'rudare April Market. - 111'TTf.lU t IIH'A'HI fl 1 'i!-auii-i 1 , I fcU ttbiH Higher, la.-aipta. 4 M ,ai fnal. UStM'V orlinary firei, !..( IY'. t i"lk .. in In, lad, itwdpea,. CiiTAItilit H..i,.t, . ' . hi,i'l l"l I. rut A lit a, bianr; f,i v ei. . I liereinet tlrala etarkel, IIH Htoolj, April I HlfUT km.t ftmi. tioiihi-ro 1 hkavi, en ai,k V.i rd ee.inn lmi Ht M s ( iai. I.na 1 'a M S I lie 4d s.i hi, ,,, let (iif til M Nn t hald ali.lar, gulf It I N,t I haitl iMinth, 1 1. n-11 ei.i aiiiaiiiea lUa., pa. Morrl V Co, Hwlft A Co , Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour aV Co.,,,,,,,, Hcbwart aV Co . W. Murphy Jncoln Packing Co.. H, it. packing Co,.,, Kohr Henlon, Vauaant It I, V. H. l-wl Ilualon Co i. ft, pool A Co J. II, Hull V. II. Kellogg Werlhelrne.r A Ocgen II. V. llamlllon Hulllvan Hroa, Kothachlld m Kreb.. Mo. Mr Kan. Calf Co Chrletle Huffman Meyera Olaaaher Hannar Tiro. John Harvey Iiennl . y ran, la Kline Other buyer )7 bit X "vik ' 47 'til II ill 1,4 2 2 27 31 4 2.1 l 1 II I ill leTI I, "A i.il i,;w m . i'i 14 I 1 1,117 J.1.5 Total .a 4,1144 CA'JTI.K-Hecelpl of cattle were vert light today, there being only fifty-two car In, Till I th eniellret rim for Tueaday In great while. At the am time the totel for the two day amount to 2,03 head, lea than one-fifth of what they were for tne aaine period lat week The offer-true of killing cat He of all kind war enlremely light, there being hardly enough to make market. HUH the offerlnge were cleaned up In fair eeeaon t price that were lOft-lfa higher than yealrdy, or round 2f,c higher for th two daya. feeder and tock cattle continue about ateadv. Quotatlona on cattle; Hood In choice becve, pi.lt.m; fair to good beevea, S 30 e.7b; common to fair bceve, rt tvaLW good to choice helfera, 7.a4i; good lo choice cowa, tn.iMH.A: fair to good cow, H'V'!i.7ll; common In fair now. tin, good to cholire feeder, 7fu-a.4rt; rair to good feeder, i.W7.7B; common to fair fcedera, l7.iKVfl7.7o; good to choice tocker, l7.7Mig.2fi; alock helfera, 7 7; etock cowa, W.VAfl Th; atock calve, 7,0rea.i; veal calve, fJ.fJiyaWKi bull, (lag, etc., M iiotyi.fi, ilipreeenletlv le; ' " HKF.K UTKKna. A. Pr, Ne, r. fr. , 7 (a I.,,, 1.-7 7 fl , i ! ia .....iwi 7 r . 7i7 7 10 t .' ") III I., M 111 .1'iai M . 4 122T (I no III I IM HTKKHH AND HKIKEIIH. ..... 11 I It .,. 74 1 to "COWg AND llKIirEKS. NEW YORK STOCK MARKE Solely Reiponsible for Chang-es, DEALINGS ON THE DECREASE buyer took more Interest In the market than they have In day, and bought moat of the good light and handy lamha, aa well aa eom of the weightier onea. in .dy.VerrdaKyrde,n,lneW'Jler:,rd Operationi of Pool and Clique. Are there price were little lower than the laier trade yeaterday, but In moat cee the flgnrea paid toward Monday cloae earn fairly well auatalned. In other worda, today' lamb balnea were mHlnly 1,Vi under lt week' cloe, A two-cgr hunch at III. Ill wa from Ih earn feed lot e one of yeaterday erly 111.26 load, end conae'inenily lie below Ihe arly market yeaterday, but nothing; old over 111.10 after Mondny' very flrat roi-oda. niher g'a-id Menlcan old high aa III today, while aome of the weighty offering were caahed round III .541. Hardly any ewe were here, but Ihe few on offer aold aleady. Two car t fs 10 were male of the one that brought the f eure veateroar. uuotatlone on eheen end lamb: faiintx good to ciioi' iiaiuiy. gin a.-n ii.ii; lemna. fair 10 good handy, iw urn 1 ,", imi.a fair to choice heavy. IIO.KrtcIO no; Inmba. fall clipped, V'mt.,i: lemba, freah clipped, IH.&riiv.Zn; yearlln, fair In cliob e light. Id &V4lo 2&J yearllnga, fair to cnoice neavy, a,w.w, tt'Mc.era, lair 10 choice, n inn.ifi; ewe, good to choice. t Itii SO; ewe, fair to good, Vi Wa V-t. lteoreentHtlv eale; No. At. Price. 2i7 fed lamb , 7 II HI Ml fed lamb ,,, fi Jl If, fi?. fed ewa , Il in i clipped ey.ea , H 3 7.t 2 I feeder lamha 7 IH 7S rvw Me.ican lamb 11 00 ld!i fed lamb w , 7'f 10 K 141 feeder lamha 7J VI K 4.V1 fed lamha , 01! 10 f-i m fed lamba 72 II 10 (IIICAI.O IIW, RTOt K M 4 N H K r tmttlf HlroaaT o Higher Hoaa aiead. CIIICA'IO. April 4 -:'ATTI,K -Uecelpl, sun load; miuket. aironx to eh-ide higher; rial tv beef cattle, IT.fiO'ai.di; eeaiern areera. IT.iViti.W; alockcra and feednia, V'.lrt(Sr -SO: cow and heifer, It.tM rt'.i ralvea, li.-wau.-.. lliaiH,.ici 1.1,1a. I .000 head: market aleady at Moudav' Nveiave: bnik of MaUa fj 'J.tt.1 IK.. Ilu,. Ui 'US.t.i UO. .lvu.l I'id-9ii; heavy, w.Mib.W: roigh. tt;d 'iivtn: rige, tTno-ori. Hllliil-.P A Nil Rec-lnU. IS.AiO hed; market, iedy to pic higiier; weth er, tnimv.w: i.mu, wvan,. Mloclt Market, Anrll t, CATTt.K He. I i il. I it ...... 4 t1 t Urn 7 TT I i I fail I lilt I.., Hit I u I ..lie, I tin I ten 1 ew I ,,, tan I , M 1 1. an ,.llt TH I I I It 4 B 4 lit 3 7 a 7 U H 7 I f ui I I 00 I Vi e-i 7 (to 7 W 7 U) .... in .... mo .... me .... m, . . , . i'1'12 ,...it4 .... 143 .... 7M .. . I .... Idi .... Hi .... IM ....IMf. .... xi ....114 . ...I.l .... 4J If. STOCK K UK ik'.J 7 m iml I IW at IIOUH - Aliolher 41 7 1 Ml lie I if ;i lit 14 4.1 I I H It .Winter lil. f Metal ttaewel. At I -Bf tl, .w tun, i lia.rt , iiira 1. n.i.'lM i ..i t-'. ... al e I t- ' -v ii a i li.m !,. t i u nc-1 . t, At ,. i an ' fi.,t. tut ' i-ii Ii Tin ,. I ,f I .. "I I i, tile IK, a. a t. 4 br I ecaiiar n-. IH eie. lli.h ll an 1. 1.., ( -' , un l,i... I Ik. I i r t S I lt V lt l J mil .i i i 1H I' luela Waekel, 4 fill I N ,1 I ttrT . I tt aml. 1 , tl t I ah, I H-niio . I, t I tJ 7 ... cowa i 94 I IM J.,,, I ,. fit i fl I .,, I Iltl IM I ... I m I (l) 4 ... I ..liei it t ... it tm 7 tt I ... It IM 1 M I.... IIKIFEnH. It I.... to ... 7fl I... 7 It 4 ... Ill I,.., HL'I.I.H. IM f .... I M I.., 171 1.., 7 J I.,.. 7 to C LVKH. I t,,,. 7 1... "O I.... ... 1 ... AND KKriMKRH. tit 7 U II 7M I 11) t in! ui eilt-emalw ,,.t .,i . a. ,u nn nand tnday, arrival hem only atuiui iiinei .ui.i.. ... ... 7,;iuo head. The aupply for tha twn data ainounl to IJ.W head, being only about half a large aa either laal week or two ek kgn, and ft.) amaller than for Ihe -nine -lata a near ago. Today a aupply aa Ilia ainalleat received nn T,..J.. alma V.ii, .., .. I... . Hiilping demand waa not ao very keen lav, and with oilier ladnia reporting wer maikela and I, acker. ,l..l,.a ... flial roumla, nuialde huvrra were ahia get all the hnaa thet elll,1 na- b I plica that were al le Inner, and In many iae aa much a a dime lower. A P of lift,, waa nal.l hv a antmwr h.n ui. .at of ihe hipping pun-heai landed at 1 ha packer talked l, an.lv lnwar n,,,... mi earlv rnunda, and were unable to but mo. h ,.f an ) 11,111 aii hmg aa Ihe alilp peia -ere In the markal i in. the cit idt'l heaait .i g.( frd up. ktllet urtml mil in aarneat Their flial nw ciiaaai n ,lil i,,, hate been mar .'.lnO.- loner and aalraman a I, a caahed later on del hot call tneir hoa ni..ie than hi rwlnw M aierdt. hul In m,,.i ... a pat l . era ili'iit ea ear piil up d-m. nr elltniat Ilk' l.tll Ivfctr Ihe I liMM It iletalntta.1 thai ihe ,,! pit amall aa II eaa t.,..li n,. demand, T',e reetill that euh a iwl inaity h,a to tlial ban, la packei "I ! In' in In n.41,1 laeea a in n!) 1 itien tSan a i . . I a Mallei tt.i.i hi in h.tpea of a 1. 1 k,i in eertt nl..a nt li.iir . tinning hp lia-la i,i.iia ,i eaak,t t. ii. t.ii,ft iiu.iutl toi ne it Ilia liy.i, Kii.n f in Ihvioaelt ae oitalie I I at ant h" l ll.a .ii,e Hat ' .11. , ii aia at.. I atian Hiai null i 'a taida l.-., aa.a i.i ward K nn, .,1 I.., I, (a ,i. .. Ataiagc 4 , aia a.a null. .a- hte and . i. t a aa at Ihe .b-. i. Il ilk . I I al . a-.i . ltK t( JMe cilit;li.a eo .1 a m I l-aia t a a fair 'i,.n, ,f . i-, 4 hii ae to at an I n I ,,. i. a. h4 t" i in ii-; 1 el i a I I "t a ai .l a I li r pr a ii a 1 1 ! It .'I '4 I a 44 14 M , t . t II 14 I H tt I ,41 II I IH t rn r- i it i t I a. w I ll I 4 4 l t 4 . I 4, t ' I 4 III 4 I' Hi ititii, .!, I. Ini ii e-'-a e.i a tt n-ii t- 1,14 .. i .f -. t )! In- I. la i 4t t I l.a.. le,.,tt. a I -t t l a '4 I, t -a', i-la i m.it imm l' lt hai t,, ttal i ui fti iae- I tt n- a IS. t t,,t. a hata Kil,, a.- ar pa Nt, Lou I l.lve sr. iji i mo. iiecninia, 2,I'1 head; market, alronir: ria live beef teer, 17 I'i'iH Vi; yearling ateer nd heifer, U.Wu' 50; cow, l ,.f,( 1et 4V; tocker and feeder f,.f&W leu and Iri'iimi ateer. If, :aml IS; enwa and heifer. UOtitm. native calvea IA.uo wrw, I If a SHIIa.,, rtl m fl Oil 1. m,.,b.l higher; plga ami llahl. tliVaUi. mixed and bulchm, fit.rrif.M; good heavy, Id,!) lei, MIIKF.P AMI I.AMHH-llece nta t 400 need; niarkei, aleady; yearling wether. V I'l ,4fi; lamb, n, WIIM; ewe, i,IW H 60. I . - fiaaaea 4 lly I.lve gtock Market. KANHAH CITV. Anrll 4 -'ATTI.Itt-Re cetpia, ;im bad; market, higher; prime ivi aii-era laz.ojm-. nreaann rie.r itAMti e".au.ri; weaiern aiear. .?, 'i alock era and feeder. Vi 7ffl).W; bull, $:,.Ti(p i. nr, caive. r'l.uu'uiio.'jo. IIOIJ,a-(,caliH lll(rt) head, mark,.! lower: OUIH . or llle, m iiMt.W. Iieaw. ?,'4l'.il': nackera and hnicliera M,',i a-"', ngiiT, ' jifcii.no; pig, ,,i4oe.w, HIIKl. p A N li I.AMliH . Heolola I Htl iietto marxei. Tower: lamha H0iVt?M!ii j-earunga, v,i im:a; wether, 12t4jtl,2 ear, f , ,vril.itt. loo 4 My Mre klock Ifarket, HfOI'X CITV la.. Anell Ji--A1cl le fleeclnl. l.rV' head: market Hm-.i.1T.m "ig'ir; native aieera. ti.m'avm; butcher iniriim.lt,; cow and helfera m,,Wafl.W, docker nd feeder, Ui. calvea, w --.,w.t, iune, eraga arc,, to, irya-,ai lUKiH-ltecelpl, 7,W0 head; market. fi'tl irm lower; heavy. frtJU Sii; mixed, I'J .23 tl'l pl; iu. til. 2010 A: hulk ,.f ui... t; 'jf. iari V .P.. HIIKKP ANJ) I.AMP,-Not quoted, lit. Joaeph Mr moek Market. HT. JOrtfirn, April 4,-CATTI,K-Tt. ceipia, i,oi) neei; market higher; ateer I7.lkk?4."ll; cow and heifer, tf.WM.0n; lai.r,, at .". II". HfiHH-rteceltii. t.flOO hed; mrkt lower; uip, vf.m; nil Ik or ole, SJr0M, Bltl'.Kf AMI I.AMHH- Receipt, 4,004) neao; inaraei aiow; lanina, llv, DWU 11.00. lock la Rllht, rtecelpt of live tock at the flv prin- 4 I f. I UiiklaMl M n t. l .. 1 NKW YORK, April 4. It may be aafely aaerted that th operation of pool and clioue were wilely reaponalbln for uc change aa occurred In today' profn (lonal market, price were moally higher In the active forenoon, but deorenl In th dull dealing of Ihe latter eeaalon, for no other ren.on pi-eaumablv than that peculator refuacd to follow ih rlae Tbla la onlv another way of atatln that trading lacked Ihe Incentive or propelling forco of Dublin or outald Inlereat The more enframe gain of th morning were confined to half doieti mixed 1 ai.ea, uch Willys-Overland, Htudo- t.ker and Chandler, among th motor, thoae lM'k rialn 4 to I polnla; Mercn t Ilea Marine, common nd preferred, the former advancing almoa 3 point nn Ih laigeat output In many wren: Texa company, which roe 4, und Jewell Te lacue. Iioth of the Utter breaking Into new ground, Ih common Hln to 9j"i and Ihe preferred 2' lo lis. There lo were lempoigry gln nf to 2 Point In copper and xlnc ahnre. half aenre of liuluatrhil and eulpinenl nd some of the fertiliser d tonacco ahll rail like the New Haven and pel awtre A lludon Improved their poeillon oy point or more, Hugar harc, anion th recent apec lacnlar feature, were conatarilly weak Cuban American hieing 20 to 220 nd Mouth Porln Itlcn 10 to 2oH. The llet In gcneriil a heavleat In Ihe lat half hour, when rumor purporting lo give an outline of Whltiglon a view of tho. Intermit one alliiHllon provok decline of I to 3 point, munition being Ih or rv lpal loers, cna inie eueei Amerlcn Locomotive and Culled Hlie Industrial Alcohol were mot ii.eptlble to pienaure and contributed more than any other laaiie lo the Irregular close, albeit final mice tier variably liov loweat levels. Tola sales amounted to i,df, 710 share. tleiieral new bearing upon the mamet wa aauln of fvorhle choractcr, in eluding adiflliousl plcndid railway earn Ina and Inr-reaaed aterf nrder. Hond were Irregular wnn moneraie r acllmi In A ne n-e'rench A, which de clined to .',.. Total gales, par value mounted lo H.IIO.OuO. Cnlted Htate linnda were unchanged nn call. Number of ! and leading quotation on tock wero a follow: Hi i .a iii;n T.'hlcftgo Kana ity,,. Ht, Uiul Hloux City Omali , Total S.iVrO 6,200 2,Ki0 1.600 , J.100 ii.ooo 10.0I4I e.100 7Mr0 T.aoo .,.13,4UO 44,: 1.IWM 4.000 1,400 i',M 24,9H0 New York Money Market. NKW VOItK Anrll 4.-MKRCA VTIf p. PAPKH-Wi;P4 per cent. HTEft 1,1 Nil EXCIIANHK lit.ito iriiia, vt.ivn,: aernano. 4.m -in: canii-a. et 1 1 . HILVKR-Har. l"c: Mexican dnllara Tl"4C, , . HONlirl Uovemment. teadv: railroad Irregular, TI MY, 7iANS-inrnier: alxtv data S lii per cent; ninety days, riCI'i per cant: ia moniiia. rt'-fc.i' per cent. i.ai,i. H1HJN c,i - Nt'-Hiy; nigh, s per cent ; low per cent; ruling rate. 3 per cent; ibi man. i per cent; cinalng tilt. la per cent; offered at t pee cent. loam quotations on bonds today were a follows: I'. . rar. I., r... Hf N. iml, t M A mar Iran BmH Hmare... Americas l'n Amarlran it. r .,, Aniarlrta le'ffflltlv .,, Amarlr-wa H. A R. .,,... Am. nr flaflnln. Aitierl. an Tal A 'lei Asiertaia 7. , I Ancnn1 Copper Alclilami Helilalll lieim'llvt ..... Ilalllmor lildo HwHiIni HaiiOl Tr. Untie c , i 'upper Caliraml Pelroieilr .... ('ttadlao relf1c 'enlrai llhr , , r'haaapeak nhl rhlridv M t l, P f'klee A N. W r'hlraga. It. I. .P Ky., Ohlno roppar Col'imlrt Fuel b-oil,.., IVa-n Proitiiel geflning,, CriielM Steal nintlllera' Ketiirlll.t Krla Omen I FJeeirlr rireat Vortherl pf'l. Oreal Nt, or ia,.,,,,, Oiiicenheim Kfploratlan,. Illl.iola Onlrat liliarheratiflt Ten, Cortl,, Invplrallnn CViirfier Inlarnailonal Hsrveatar., Inter. M M. plit eira..., kanMa City Soulriara,,., Kennernll fVipner ,,, lxilayllkt Na.hvllle, , , Ma4lr-n Pelrnlfflim ,,,,,, Mlajni flopper ttlatourl, K. A T. uM.... MiMtniirl Piclrin Miiilan fntrar National lit Naiafl r'tpner ,, New Tork iVnlrtl H T.. N. H. H Norfolk Waaler Vortharn Paclflo ,,,, Paclhc vi ,,,,, raciric T.I. A Tal pennavlvanl rtav rv,n. f'ofipar,., . , . , , , Retln Itepiibtle Iron A Hieal... Hhaiiu'-li Arlnma tiepper, H'Hllharn f'tciri- ,,,, Koillliern llllwr rflunalMaker I'ornpanr .... Tannaaitee Topper ,. Tata f'omnany t'nloa Pacific In Ion Palflr pM V. H. In. Alrihnl I'ntied Hut Hiaal I Steal pfd I'lali f'lipper , , Wltah pM It,.,, Wealam I'nlon , Vleailiiatinuaa yiaeirli ... T'Hal Mia f.ir th day 4,i0 I. Wu A to Zi " 12. 100 fl 7ii0 IMIOO I. vn 700 UM1 1,1MI ''iiii son 44) run Vti m ifti m 1,7M l."0 l,il M trio I l 1.200 '"in I.KW ' "n e 100 ti.'vi) 10. 'ioo 11. '-ioii I0.4YO 7 ' 4) 71 '4 : 101'i 10 c 'Ml, H7L, t't't lOt'S US '" ?4 m;' ii IJ, iSt ;. tit, it'-i 4t 17 ui 44'. m" 17'4 4144 n" 'ciii vi' lit yiw rlnae aiiVi iS II)! l'i I .I'd 4 4't 10 1W.4, Ml. 'i'l" JH4, H7I4 M4 IS t-l'k I4S r MS its iiS 44 ii" 1714 47' 7SS 'ivi i''' MS 1.40 too He 1.4.10 700 l.iflO 1'4 1714 K'4 10444 14 IM 14 m 104 111' 400 I4 K14 ,VI J ! 4) I WO 1 too 1,100 71 It.Orfl no tf 1.7'W i!ioo 35,200 1,100 2 ami r,no 3110 l.tei !' f,i4 iVi 4'4 M 2044 114 , ion m l.'.'y A HAS sit lava HIS MS 4'4 12',, HI .' Vi'i Ut H'i 1S ?' ili" u HIS i' 21 HO M'4 m.ixxi ehtrea. Kit, e4 7'4 t"?4 i" 'Elr a W, ion! lots 7,4 4 '4 1S M 7 J'4 7 17S Ml 4S "S td4 1M 12IS 4'4 J',4, 17 47tt III 7'4 1SI4 t.t 1J3I4 110-4 i4 in 4' n 4'4 "S 1144k MS 121 ' HM4 lS J4't 14 14 H'4 Bt w 401 l', MS 111,4 11S nil f, HIS Hit s So t . ws M. K T. lt 4... ;nt. .101 "Mo. Pt". t on .,,IOo- .10144 Mont. Power la IMS .11041 N T C 'lab. ta.... 11.14. lll't'N. V. I'llr I '4a . lOp '"'an. T.. N, ft A tt. .107S n. 4 .., 51414 , -tn. racina ....,,, v . 1414 In Is M . aiM.ii n u rar, .,,. ,l ,imr T. AT. I.. koi Pan, eon, -4S,,. rs o an. 4'a..., 4w rtaaiiin sen. 4a., 1S. !,.. r r. Un I'ae Ht. its raf. 4 'Hn. Itallaav la ... AVI n Inn r -Iflc 44. , "Ma do er 4a. InCtr. H Runner St., Ill V . t . , H'atWeel I nlon 4'aa 4'.eal, r.lea. n It , M't ..1f4t . I'-.S . .103 4S t 1 . .141 .. DOS ,.1'IS .. 7I . tnjv . . I"4 'a . ' 1J0 On coupon P. a. rag 4o coHimn ,. . A. 4a, ra 4io cannon ..... Am. timelier la. . A T. T. e. 4". Anln-Krneh a .... Alehlaon sen 4..., tlal. Ohio 4 Haiti. Staal r. t.,. Fi-IIIf 11 . flhe A O. er, 4a. (', B O I ta I' M. S F la . It I F r 4. g. raf, 4t,a.. V. A tt eon. la. On raf ta Krla aan 4a nan yiertrlc .... No IM 444 .... Ill, ltn ref. ta. .. Int. M M mi K IV Fo. raf ,. HI. Kvauoraled pple aad lifted fruit V V W VOKK Anrll 4 FV A I'l Hi ATKI1 AI'I'I.KH-Uulel; fant-v 7'piUc; cluijce, dVtii'i1'; prim Ji'ati c. IIiH:I F ill ITA- Prune, atci.ti ; fat- Ifninla. Jstlllc; Oremm. ;,l ic. Aprl ot. firm, choice, t,'i- extra clmlie, l"l.H"i'; fancy. IIS(il7c Peach.- firm, clinic. .Vu6Vc; eairn chnl.'e, itV hf: fan) W. Hakaln. pedv, htttae niiiacatel, aito; choice to talc ceedet), J'n.Vt aeedlea. HartlOSc I naitaa tek Market, laiNlniN'. April 14 - Anierh an aet-uri- tlea nil the Htte k market tteie ht ,.r active on sHabllv fluner b', ll H Har, fil-ltt l'r nunc. Mi i KV I'l I'a per ''en'. I'lHi olVT A t 'Cei ehott bill nd three month. 4Sfis I'ef rent. Candidates Have a Talking Carnival . , i , Member of tha Junior Pioneer league, who avowed purpo Is lo "boost for Omaha, Uougla county nd Nebraska," hd a big meeting Inst night at the Hwed- Ish auditorium. A long and dlverelflod program conlled of eata, smoke, sing ing, reeding and talk by shout every -andldnte for every public offlco able to pper. Among th candidate were the follow ing, wllh the office they are running for; Mayor Tialilmsn, for democrat Id na tional committeeman from Nebraaka; C. F, Mcilrew, for republican national com- mlireeninn from Nebrsk; Judge Hen H. linker, for republican nomination for con gressman; Harry Klehrty, for demo cratic, nomination for congremni Henry Murphy, republican, for county attorney; C. P. Morlartv. for dlatrlrt clerk, and Kal Irf-eder, republican, for Juatlce of the peace, C. T. Wllllsin. preldent of the league, a In charge of Ihe meeting. The cgur la nnn-prllan. ALLIES REPLY TO MAIL SEIZURE KICK Entente Nations Present Joint Answer to Protest Made by the United States. INSIST ON THEIR RIGHT TO DO SO WASHINGTON, April 4.Th governments ot the entente allies, thro-uih Sir Ocll SprlnK-IXloe, tint Ilr)tlh ambasgadnr, prcHpntod to Secretary Landing a Joint reply to day regarding the protngt made by th United Slate against tho 7, uro, detention and censoring of neutral malls. It declared that no legitimate let ter mall had boen confiscated nor any treaty rights violated, but em phatically asHPi tarl that the allies' In tention to continue searching parrel post pack-sue for contraband "con cealed under postal foldors." In regnrd to "tru correspondent'' th nol says; "The tilled governmsnl will continue for the present to refrain from seizing ami confl, tlng at , th correnpnndcnr.ea. letter and 11ptchei, nd that they will lnur the most rapht transition of them tioaalble, oon the aenulnrne of I heir charaotnr I known. llasl for Protest, Tho vigorou protest of th Untied Hiaic gnt U10 treatment of neutral mull ws hd largely on evidence In th poeslon of tho stwt depirtment that while mall lid not slway been searched at sea, neulrsl lilp mmn be ing taken Into Ilrltlsh port for Inspec tion, had their mail removed, detained nd otherwise Interfered with, Th reply doe not mention this pliaae of th con troversy. The protest wn fu the form of a memorandum of Inetructlon t. Am- bdor Pug at luidon, It state pe- clfi:lly Ihnt the American government. was Inclined lo eoiidder that parcel post shipment wore subject to th om tret ment accorded good gent by freight or express, "Jn regard to prce pot shipment, th communlcnllon say merchandise shipped under Ih ghsp of parcel post must not nd shell not b tietcd differently from th merchndl hlpprd in ny oiher wy," The IMd government ert tht their right to serch general mall In th follow ing Isnguag: line Not Prejudice llliikl. That th lnvlolblllly of potl corre. spondenc stipulated hy convention num ber eleven of Th Hague treaty, 1907, crrlc by no inenn ny prejudice to the right of th allied government l visit and If need b to top nd er th good which ate falsely deposited In tit cover, envelope or letter contained 1 th mall lack." The text of th llie' pot aa mad pub lic by th Btat department tonight, French. Jt I about i.Ono word long, nd opens wllh th tatemnt that th treatment of postal correspondnne cur ried on th haa been, during the pres ent war, can of various uncertainties. and that th allied government think wis to dispel criticism of their course.' Welfare Board to Enlarge Its Staff Th Welfare bnrd I entering upon ome gerlou work, and a evidence of that th member last evening engaged Russia Wilson a gtenofrmphep and I-eroy Franklin at Investigator, thn Utter lo hav charge of th employment bure,i whn Ihnt department shall hav been permanently established, Th present of fice clerk will be asslirned field work, thus making staff of three beside the superintendent. Superintendent Hchrelher will start In mako a survey of the city, taking In sll plane of employment and such public Place rooming and lodulng houe. In thl survey It will be determined wherein tale law on labor and aanttatloh r being violated. ' tlr Market, V'ltk Aell 4 M il . It - 1114 VFW Otiiei ntolata.-a. luted, film and a'eatlt VI iiil.lttav panged 4 1.-, canliif.i.al. gar f'tto e mere tiilat lifiTI ! till. otl til V utia a i.i4t 111141"' 4t it'll n44k tpMI i Icarlas. 4 I' i,k 1 fr; ear I' Jtj an and ilt 1 lai teat 1 1 fi't ,r K'r Man Wanted in Now York Arrested Hero hit hard ICtiihtittt u it 4nlt a f. '' btaaaar k It 1. 11 of the S elk perttl.l.Uar I a.tlal It I s .lit I tt. Ian of tba l 41 p.ill.e f wrt a .1 Ik tilaat H ll.i en 1 BRITISH BARK BENGAIRN SUNK BT SUBMARINE ( OV Apitl I U 'l t t..lt II ti llt llllltaH tl, I'riti4'l II k a IM till! t t -." 1 it-a Part ..f Ik aa ok.t I'll It It late I f taa.i a pel i K.e-t 1 Pel.,. It, t ' f...,i tlaatti t. Billirrd Player Uses Cuo on Pal's Head While It. I,, N relet, who Uvea ft! IlkW Avenue P, l oun, Il niufla, wit plating a friendly game of pool wllh Ilay William. who te at t'4 .M tinier Kiwi, alk Mi Coiinc I Itliifi. n I ti nt v,,t hall, Neelej ea n t apuia till 11 William tthlt-h finally entle.l In hi hlltln Will- lam iner ihe head ith a bliltan! rue, Culling hi t lp Tin propr tur of th pl, then railed the t,f .,l, a and Ibe pair taken to lh at a lent where lr Miller lieiitl. tltf initiied man relet plaevtl In i,. in a iiraiin in Ih plu . ...tti l'd Culls from tho Wire With th pmepart that Pr. Arthur War ren Vlt will be arraisned Thurd,y to answer lo the chmg of polann rig hi 1 father-In Inw, John Peck of flran I Rapids, Mich., the district aftomev' of fice t New Tork I hiiy comnlllng 'li idrnce agalniit the yonn denltet. Walt wn Hi, la to alt un In hi room In Holl.-vn.t hoeplial for th flrat time aim- bi ar-reat. Lieutenant folonel rjeor O. Router of the lKiial coin. mllllrv tiach at th American enilutnay at tendon, ha been ordered to leturti lo duty In the avlalln-i ori . There Is nn unconfirmed report that he may succeed Colonul fwmul Ileher, now In chers of the aviation terv'ce, who hna been Involved In cli rg t agnlnnt the cr l In congrcna and cU , w heie. Progrcaalve of Mlasourt met In als o convention at Knnaa Ciiy'licre todt, 4lei-ei forty delegalea and alternate ti the national contention 01 the iarty In Chicago ami adnnlid leanlullm favoring: the moo ra'lim of Tiieoinie ltn aevnlt fur prralitent and dcilaiing for linllt'ii wliln I r ihll'llinn. The i clenlc lo the Chleag 1 cniitenllnn uerj lutructi to 'vnta ilr.i, I n at suit all the lime ' for Kootevelt, l.i ltti Ait ifl eppciliitill) t.tt l nu e 4 n MANY ENTRIES f'OR BIQ AMATEUR MEET SATURDAY f HIi'AiM Apttl I lta in ) th. late ttate tnt.t Iba I nti Aoialattr Alt-lll ul'i'tw lHitt Hi I a, mail M. k ui bl. In Paiwn t "1 tl-'tit. '''". a.i ii la lb I nit,. M k ,1 .-,! I.iar. la I id-t airvf n ftvw k t'kkag Aihlailtt .,.', II..44. I , I ni itt. t,,. ; 1 ,j 1 h. I nltatam . f t ia .. An..,, )Ka (,m,. I " i't f I M ,i ... ir,, .i, eegitt. tatos ta Maal,. Vt ill I I IS, I v A, a . t . . .. . ..... , 1-. . . . i.w.,1 .r ii. vt. 1 1,,,., l4t t t tt , ' a.a -. tall . rat. I la mi ,.f Vt. tM. 1VIR. WHEAT GROWER IT WXM, FAT TOW TO nmSTTOATt "DLUE8TEM WHEAT" tVMttwiW fee bmimtUnmt, Stmt Strmm, Ae-iArtf QmJihm W JWiiUag hryu ill til Ik ia, M4a4 tl fraa I la m Vaaaa tee ! ha I .4 1 Ta-taa aet tWaj,. M .HI I ... rMt la ea'V.atUI, a.a. a Nlwt Wltl, ,M aaatate I alll wU 'l tal rtar It aa I la M F-4 H, m . A. Kudll, Tk BIM. at a), Wkitt To Quickly Relievo Soreness and InfUmmition fl' b in I It .t .. 1 t.g Kale iti a If 1 lo lit t. ttrt.m t-t AbatrM. Ji Itt pntiiiiiiy t pan tl't ! in Sit t 44441 cj ointinl, !, ka.-t,t enl tar -p t r I ,lla, I alt Ih tk. In tt 'ton t la, 1 dapentt! Ill I IM.el, Abbin, Jr. i tare, aifttt, ti .ttauiu,, anllawpil.t gn, .arrttl lit k h tl tiihla II (111 un , and It U44I w - l 1 'i-t 11 i-1. la. (" -l an t .. It k,u ikt garni, n.ak, t k w.,u t I"'k4"l la4 II I ptMHt raplt. ' 'h II l ',) pK mH1 H t .ttetik tttit,tir a4 a l lt-il i!.vmu. tan,., . tl t,t.ai B:(a.uai.l tla'.l 4 I. ' I Ik ( nt. . Il- vt ttt.,1 t-IHt, Jt Ak.tiU.-, .. r . la a i k. I,l!-g ,t,4 'ata at a, ai a. i a ..,t . .Mm 4 I- 4l,,d t Htl li4t MfH tcill . , . I ' li-h, a , m '',' 4 H I I..' c a-tp I . h M . l 1 1 l i ii.a i . ifti.ii 14 i a ',, til f. ia lo, ait 1 .- Itl, I,. I fl - lit li4l i t l.t II i, If,' ' ' t fl l- Mil-1- a I . I t t !( t.ial ii i ptitipakl twt ta ". ht .- t.. ..,i .4 ta.. II a 4, ,1. 414 pa. aaaat ef t I fl ! n Wat 4tt In :... t U V ' he t,n l,. lit. il t ltt f ' It af l T t.a p-e vt aci It-. i,.tu, a A lt A I t, p. 11 p ,,l w r r r IH T.r a , Si r ajt-.A. el 'it lit hi I I Ml.lH