Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Image 12

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    'Jilt; P.KE: OMAHA,
Want -Ad Rates
pur word .....cacti irtloa
fpial B44tl
Farm nt Jianth lni.
? psr line..... cub lnsrtla
(Count six worda to llrt.j
te per word ...on Urn
l'o per word... three times
It? per ltn. on tlm
7c per lint thrM coneutlv times
(Count lit word lo th lino.
o pr tin .....Midi Insertion
(Minimum charg 19 cent )
Monthly flat for standing d no
change of ropy) If 10 per lino
(Count gig wordg to the line.)
OoitrMt rat on eppliceUoa,
TTtB HRB will not be reeponsfbl for
more thsn one Incorrect ineertlnn of en
advertisement ordered fur inor then
one tlm,
ADVErtTfFltWH eJiotiM retain rMpte
given by The fee In payment, for Went
Ad, no mistake cn be rctlfl4
without them.
?K Tllfl TTT.rrTTOKF! if yon cannot
conveniently bring or send In your ds,
Ak for Wnf.A4 Tskr, en! you will
receive the eerne good service ee whe
delivering your 4 at th office.
WANT-AP ror,T'MN fT)F,.-
rvrvfva irfirTKiNM,,,, m,
MO UN I. N't FlPfTIONd I Alt P, M.
Answers lh quoeUon
"Where to go tontebt
Fear. etlon from the word to. Mur
prise after surprtee, "The Mtreng c
t M'rl','' featuring JCiliia Mayo
and If, ft. Weithal,
"Devellah Buelnees," with Rube Miller,
who I irwlrr linn Chspitn.
fiTCkm; hi f-i ribvtiiax
Bit reele of good "letureg,
WXVktLiik UTTi i VrA 1CXXM W.
'J"he .PartiaiA Thester Todsy
"TH K g I In f Ive
Mry King In "A Woman' Power,"
greet World feature, end good com
My. ''yril "'etijn fyard of Jllgrh PeHelon,
Cofimop. Uiit i "urtUuot;
Tha Mejeety of the J-w."
t:it No. . ,rrow of KeppineM"
"llle IiOillilp."
IsOULKVA IC1. "32rne"iwortL:
Turkey, Metro flctiire rVrrli rren(ii
llowerd l'Ubrook In Tiyrm'e Art fUm'
production ofl'oiir Kr!hri
Kqul table Vrtlnn Pl-f 'it Corp. prneri(e
Adl I)loo4 In 'The I'evll'e Toy"
"Lt(rr from Mure o flue," enithf f
th'funtjr hae ball eornedl
Mtlli aidr.
"The) Jfome Brlr. Kniok, drm.
"M.lnd the Koftllf hie," Vim romedy,
"ter rel Mill," ,,,Mn romody,
ori'iiel-m; i4Tit tK
rararnount pt''l"rra Tueeilaf, "Madurn
Itnttrrfly," ralunn Mary Mckf.ird,
' Tedro, the Iunk Prophrt."
Star Features
Theee are Special Etra-Rel
feature now apnearlnc at the
follonlng Theaters;
Xurrowe of lleppln'ei.
liui -Heva niCa!irAl;A"Vr.xVuKTi u
"four Keel here."
!i;hhi;, "2ifii"R iTi."
"The llorjie rtrrakrie,"
l;!MKi."" i6Ti'l7if' " iii QkK
"The Htrem ' nf Mary Peee,"
fmturtti l.lna MV' end 11, II. Vlt-
uiiamj tiu;ati.I(.
Mery Klnt In "A Woman's Power," a
r. ft I World fr.ture.
KoTiiitup. .tin a.m Mrniitop,'
Tli Ml'ty of O
t"iiuiih Mil I n Picture Corn, pre
Aduti Kinud In "Trie Iwull e Toy."
i 'lil l I l i M, tl'I H AMI M T.
Pedro, (he Punk Prophet."
Huliii - Till a" t.l 'LKA'rVWOHTII,
t'yrll !( lit ! i l.H of lligll le l.ll.
.rrile (Ml K HI iTH K.
HliMir ii Mr r -, M.-H.Uv,
AfMI 1 K-t In ftl
r tnreiel eei i ee Wednee-tee. April .
rt t . . k l Hi I n il l (( i
,,M i. riM en-( l eielr ti.. Hr ';
I ' lt'l Ml'llr t MetM! ftarirOMMr
lirlt t nt irl . I i. l.eli I'init'-I
linttr Ur Vl ') -I
f Tine 11 ii AliU I l
1 W A r4 it m the fMtillr .l.i-nie
Hit n in' ! , e Site In e( lit id
I in....'- i e iii 1'iiHel et !
.i. , .t . . n. '
heHMir, Mi I U, ! 41
Ac it
l.i. ml fiLi imvt teeltetve, H
.1 M I e ' u el ! 1 U p. til
n. . .... i.S I eiftl IH .titt to I;'. !
i I
. ( In. kti il e.l el (t
I, HiHt lit til Ill, ( 3. Sir
I .ri. ..el ( ..I " I M. M ti
.s ! i eii.l W , ..if erre , W
! At I I I' hi lt.t'",.ii I (
lt r.invlell: In K ...: ..
't it r ii, e. k Iinil !. jv
f r. I in fi'in !ll,w. : r
ltl 4 eel V , .t. ,..! a .! ,
( . JtH a .n4c t., e A , lull t n ei.l
it,i-t C.(a . ee
M I. IUM I . Mr It l HI
fvii irrei e' I l.l-. e ik-el, I S "(ik
Mi, I ,..l ...I I 1 p it t.liin(i
i i I e .
iter ji IHt r IlirmtHe
..i.l, A '-'"''Hin'-'H e.ipy4 e
i..e I i.lii.( ee .i, la i , --
(-' In r tee it-.,. ei
('H"I'V H-l w l U;i
li-il., (r...H Wl ' r ' . I fteel,
(n.,,t 4 . 1 1 i i-r enej.i
4. It l ' t H I I nii.t ii el
,1 ft S iii r-. I lu I' i'.i-l
i t I ll, I . nit l ( I e'.t ei I'. M
W pihlVTiWiiTur rnany frimHe and
IK-lehbore. imd i hiir' Il of llDmextead for
tii-lr klti'Iru M and emitli' end benill
fnl floret offerlune rtuiinK tlie lllneen
end death of our lirloved liiil'unl and
fat In r.
KltKli It. M ',-,I.I,AN.
CI.AI l M. M 1,1,1, 1, AN.
Mount MF.srn am t tMETr.mics,
WHT bury ymir deed In the cold around
In stormy Henlher when you ren buy a
tomb In a marble luilldlne el reenoneble
pH. ee Tel. MA I H il.KI 'Ml I 'n.j 1 1, 2170,
fleumeuier MohijiiimiiI Worke, iiiaueo
leiiine, all klride niirker. JKth A. f 'herlee.
Ifirthe Anion und i'l lioliiia KeliUiio,
r,2l Mouth 1 lib ty fourth, lrl; Joeepli end
Mnrle fleer, lf.ll Kerry venue, l,r,y;
Hurry and Ma lioleoff, hit Howard, lil,
..Ini end Wlktorla aie, 421'4 Month
Thlrty-nliith, Itor; Kerlmer end Kefher
In Korel, 4(24 oiitb Otlrty-eeivonth, alrl
end boy; f dwerd II. end Je;iiln lfferte,
'l Honth Thirty firth avenue, Iflrl, Alveli
P, end Meriha Wbltinore, ti Center,
boyj Alflo end fiord (Inallolo, HI IMerr.,
slrl; Tom and Ix-nlea Ftlllirian, iWI
feyette, (win boys; Jtobert end Jfelen
lliiah, Ci North Twonty-lblrd, boy: p.
K. end Ida (.', Ilronks, mil Plnkney, boyi
lerence end Helen rJhenrmn, tvi North
Twenty-fourth, (ill I.
Iwrelha Helen ftrmfrt Tlelx, l lioepl
tel; W. Wlprerhl, 4 I'M Houth Twenty
third; Klbn Jnnaeeoii, H, Wt Mouth
Thlrty-eet otid: Clierlee 14, McJ Melland,
Ml rfouili Klflr-lhlrd; Peter lleiieen, II,
IT Mouth Twenly-eevenlh; Ho Placek,
II, 1(14 Mouth Twenlletn; Jennln l'lrek,
IA, MI4 Motilh Twentieth', 'leorila I',
'(revee, 1A, U,tn North Twenty-firm; Mule
'lerneeu, 74, fill lreveiiworth; Kllseheth
"hidden, V,, Mouili Twenty-eleblh,
i n.itinn PF.H4HTS.
Omaha Ven end MIoibko connieny, J)A
Mouth Mennteenth, bilrk sereae, M.WHi;
P. Melcholr on, 4116 Mouth 1 hlr
teentb, lirh'k ebon, It.iViO; (lent an (lib,
4VA Mouth Twenty fifth, dwellli, il,tiiA
tlie followlne" inarrlaB lioene:a were
(rented today:
Nam and Jteldeno. Alte
Key Muik, Couii'll IlluffS,.,, 'If,
Krnma O, Nelson, Council Jtluffs, 'ii
Carl V, flHirimen, AMIence...,,,, tt
Kim V, Peterson, Omaha,
Kred Jowerd, Orueha M, K
'Ira: A, lyiiott, (iuithe-....,.,, ....... f
John Henry, fimeha. .,,....,..., ...... ?
Irene Meeeney, Oinnlia. 21
Albert C Mmyth, OnruhA..., , '4
Molly lieeber, Oninha.,,,., 14
peter C, Itremen, Id'H Jrln,
liura 'iTionipsoti, Ilnrolll. ...... ......... f
herles Jlrelthwelte, I '. over, ,,,,,,, Ill
Kitty A, Vouna, 'loledo, o,,., 21 isi r rri ' T i'e-iit-:
If '! enriliini anil ll eHrertlM l( keee,
ye Mill yurelr reiover U t( fmoi4 trr ee bM4
pmtwja. Jtetrdtltel.le ra,.eerli teouftfel
eMiiti uter iter inruMjEk tkit r--.lume
IMS LAW reefi h (Iks' ItMt rucle ere
lU,,lil Is knuelna ihet Ike , Is ti
lrl. t In requiring to Mk Ike oese,
(ereiik ed,efll,Ant en4 ethrwli, eeS thai
a fellnre lo m e. If Hrrrl tee tie eroms, le.
eoltea eere nentlir
Perenne liavlns; le. some rlel would
do well to rell ii the offbe of the
Omaha A Council llluffe Mtreet Hallway
company lo 'ertnln whether they left
It In the street care.
Many arltclee each day are turned In
end tlui company Is enaleus to reetnr
them to the rlfhlful owners. Call
llllllH 41.
IMT - Nfc keled auto Dilltipeir, "Milted J
p, in., some place In weet pert of oily
or on tnllltery road or road north, Kind
er jileaee notify J A, M'flaln, 312
Hswjhorn Ave. Tel. WBltint 3il4.
D'HT-Hrown wafiet " ronlelnlna ebey'ke
and currency. Plnder (ileaee fnlurn
lo driver, rare l'erelty Com. t'.tt., 2'th
and N Ml., Mouili Hide, and receive
iHT-n Oineba street new loi bill,
on Yankton or Klous Kells Kliet Na
tional, by working wonmn. Phuli Ty
ler I7H6. 1,1 Iters I reward,
PAKTV wim pinked up t,ur"ontinini
VA and rheiiso Mat. eflernnon In Ulnp
theater, rell Hoiilh2'! to svtld trouble.
THt"-Ap'ril "1' 'Ml will "slve )ilf " to
finder; leeve st. Hee or writ to Henry
Tienkln. Tslmeae, Neh.
IiHTn"cuff itulloii'sel with stiiell
diamond, nmrken "it. A, w.- neweru.
lr. II, A, W siiener, 4U HmndeH Hid.
9 .jrni(re"aal"leioll ede.
No jitatter whether you need a elngle
piece or a complete onlfll, your savliitj
will be (On on the f If ou will consult
us first.
('nr. 14'h and liorle Ml
OMAHA PIUW CO.-tlt and hair
ins ureases metis over in new in:i ei
lielf the prb e of tieer onee. Phone u
for aemple of tick lust. Meil order llllml,
19"7 fuming Ht, Itoual 347.
TI'ftNI'iTKIU bsranlne; bed, 1; table,
tiialt. rug, ge eloves, 4; beddlriK of
all kinds 1W N. Jdh, Velister Iii7,
ft Berne Bud Jtiaetnei'ltielranieBje
flood niekee, good louilll Inn, M .to per
month' new plnno, It (HI per mnnih.
A, IKiMPK CO.. I..I I l"i Douglas HI.
Store and (if fin future.
I'iKMUH, eefee. ecelce. ahnweaaes, simlv
lug, etc. We buy, sll, innnlm ristnre A
Mupptv Co . 414 1 It H. 12th. Doug, Tt'H.
Mfe and aall' rae'J" llrorlkev. I'l ;IM.
Typewriter and Supplies.
NKW mscliliie aiibt the sitins a rent,
1 1 per month. Men u before you buy or
rriil, Mi1ipeil en? piece on tn iluye'
free trial. Unite Ty tiewrlter Kachange.
Dill M. Ikth, OniHha. Kelt,
Ill'.MINtlToNl Miuiarch nT HinlTSi
Premiers for rent; enl anywhere, lltu
lug tun Typewriter J oinjmii J .124.
IIKI.IANCK Itlbiioit and I'srlxm Vi
typeMrller end office aupirlles, whole
Hle end retail, D. SttJ. I6ll Howard Mt.
nlllil-AM't llHHH i" "CAItlH'iN' '(';
ortu-e supplies. Douglas 21(1. iJt Dee
lilog ,
TVl'lWlirH' i( sxt. lenied repaired.
Centre! T pwrlter Kk. IW Kbmiiiiii.
Itl'VT en oluer typewilier S mu fm V,.
Oliver Tyiwriler Ameiny, past Kernem.
Jrwetrl, Ulemneiga, IValehea.
tinoDMIAAKDM ' lui h ised.lliig tings'1
at null end Dule Mts
'" I lalkle. r, V-t."""'" "r
IVy. buy einl -M lellor m.U suit end
ovetciiaU rin ilmnn. 1M Douglas Mt.
etflaa egaraieee,
' Sfvini Mfti'liint'S
We rent rfii'. a-'l needle and part
if ell n ii..t oiiii-s
M.ttttAhhA n l K cr,
;.ih en.l i, bt Di..i 1ft
HltUerA sa '"" lehlea,
f'uH Ml V Kw end ee.' .1 deit.l eim
,, . llsi'l tt.ii ami buttling
sii.'ls en-1 ,. eti.l .it i w
,l.iil lie li-iHi
Imk i r l . , 4't e M I " n hi
Met Meet, asit I eine.
,., .n t .i,il Hint. o on ot..e
ii. n.ii I a lltiol l,i. IHvl
i .oka e i"h a
'lt rill t i'i,' It I' A'aoiit msHie
t . i.. i..., it l. i eel at .! I .1
loin nil Ik I rnwbtua ei Ii i- at
it end en It I VUntt
AUiit-t it . i, a
..t, .i M u
,1 i,aoi t.esrlr n
Ik I . i . - . I 1
Pfletta e4 Itlllna laaallit.
( S I i. 41. I .ifnli.e (Si I it i i i I A 4 t H
N , aA ,
IU?i'l, D I I. VI If t ItV '
I W Da . . . t lo le t.f
ItitA '( -.1 a . ei-'-l Ol
ll. e" i a, t I ;ti' t I !
f Nir,. i, . .i , I i, . i i.,
I 1 tn a et IW'tlu t
I , tV m t 4 I 1. 1 i t t..t a - 1 i. tr
p.-e i-g tll-. toiltiag eaetr lean.,
t ,.,.4 f i S ! li f a -ti a
. i. A 4 It- H , I. 4 , D.,l , hi,
iitr i-te. ' i . I f " -j tt.r"w ir'v
im .ui I 4 avatii el t'4 e"iit-t te
i ..e) t- -" In k e 4 It . . ,
I I I- . l . It t'.itt I .
I ' i i N I in e
I I ,! I'll llUlrU,
At feeel lN-itne.
I'till HAl.K-lilue erues sod, li'iil estate
owners end eofldt-.s act quickly If Inter,
ealfil. I.. I,. Vlcllvelne, n-r noth sod
S. W. It 14. cioeslng. Phone M. 17WJ.
New desks, used desk, bought, sold
snd traded. J, C, need, ml Kernem.
r'OH C'Tcn T V T ft V. A M I fit K ft
i.ifOlik'IAAMDH "l.iiT'ky WHiffi
King" at llth snd Douglas Mis.
fr.Xr.W'iHvTk'i V M ('.A.-Hutliies men7
Ladle' Tllrl.
WOH rises ladle tsilortna. If. Fischer,
Klouier Hotel Itldg,, IM N. I7lh. TyltflXI.
I erpeMler end ( oelreelore,
lseinr'l A akin ISM Capitol Ave. '!', WO,
Rep'g., jobbing, si ren, Web, I7W, To rn
C. VV, Hokanson, ZT lvnwlh, Tyl. tvA-i,
Cementing end Plaeierlng. Call fled T'Ss),
r. ir jioys, itiistoi, pn.jbj4)
geeordlon, Mble Knlfo, Hog Pleating,
Co-v. Millions, lleinst Itching, Neb, pleat
ing A Hum, -it Co, 4,11 2Pssion I4rk, lit'),.
Oowne, Mulls and Wrnps,
til Mo. tMh ft. Cell Doug. TV.
ANNA MI,ATkft,''Jre4UMimker, ladlW siTt
ends e specialty. Mouth ; lrJ. 4Vi M, irzd.
'CIA'UV,' ' Ineasmekliig "s'-bool; " S'lits,
dresses, etc. tUit fallfornle, Doug. 7M0.
rtresem'k'ris; et home, T, IWJII Mo. 17th.
r"HtMf-C,.ArfH dreesmsklng, (ted WAV
IfeU'eV Iressmalilrig Col, I'M City NaC
Terry iresmsk'g col. eg. Mb A Vsrnaiu.
WOKK guarriie,d, 1 hone Walnut
Motor Krpalrs.
CAHIDf, K1.KO., l.'O., Hee Hldg . 27,
I'ooerele oolreciore,
ITMKNT welk end di'lvewsys.nlMl,
Towel Sepplles.
OMAHA Towel Muplly, m M. Hlh.n. Ml.
Hatloes and l'lillsg." "
'n. (I, VAN "auNAm.
fire pleating and llnttou fit,
phone Douglas Jtl'rt W1 Pealon fllk.
Northeast Corner IHlh snd I'arnsm Mts.
Accordion, knife, side, specs, bog and
sun-rev tileelllig
Couiblrielloii bog snd Sid pleat skirts
In sll Istest designs,
Heuialll'blng, i.l'irt edging, pinking,
ru'iblng and Lotion msdn to order.
Mall order given prompt and special
attention All work guaranteed,
' llelrdeesslea,
IDKAf, fflr Psrlor W Italrd Bldg,
Mflnlciirtng, S'slo, faclsl and violet re
treatment. Tohel srl.lcle, Phone l,
III e-r, for appointments,
" KeerylMlBsj for'ttuau'eA.
ACCOKDK'N, able, knife, sunburst, bog
pleetlng. covered buttons, ell sixes end
Styles; liemstlli bliig, plctit edging, em
binldery, heeding, hrebllng, cording,
eyelet cut work buttonholes, penitent.
2 Douglaa Itlock, Douglas lit'
ADVKItTletK your oroperly a though
you believed It eal or rental to be
imiioriHitt, by keeping It Hated In the
HlK House, Horn and Ileal lxtate
OuldeJ HK HI',F,.
K. A. DWOJtAK, 0. P. A.
4W4S7 rtamge Hhlg. Tel. Douglas 740.
A IftTZIONMI'KKtil'Jl, Count II Illuffs," 1.
Tel, Ills, k I Hi. Auditing, Accounting,
Incorjiorailon, lnvetlgailon,
tleaarr and liyvre..
UTATB Vrr Clng. Co. 1 N! 12th. V. Ml
DR. RfCNDA Miilphnr, Mteam, Wodera
Turkish. Klectiin HATHH and MAM
f AUI-; for tired nerve and rheumatism.
Private apartment for ladle with led
tteniliil till "eriim.l'hone UL 1447.
I ueiaenee.
THICATIHCAI, Kowiie, full dress suits, for
rent, J0 N. Hth Mt, John JnidmaB;
Plaao lastraolloa.
rtsgtime plenu Pleylng guarsntaed In 11
to SW lessons. Prof. II ay ne for Oilslnal
eiysleiti, 'MU Herneyv Douglaa UM.
rlagtlme plena pi nlngposltlvely teuehi
In W leseone. 4.7.' Cuming. Wei.
"( hlroprecOirs, gplitel AdlnedDeate.
I'll. Ill KIIUKN, 414 Jl'tse tlldg. U, tH.
Palmer Mcbool giad. 4 onsullatlon free.
rr Hilllnghuiii. IJ Crelgbb n I lk. J. 7:1
lir, n, Israel. W Kian. The. Itldg.' P. MM,'
DrJ.C.ttwioiu e. I Delrd llldc.JDJMI.'
FT.WTniO hou rleunlng, our work and
prlc will plesse you, lyit us remove
your storm wludoes snd put In your
eereene 7'yler !'3I J,
"" lleleellve."
PHIL WINCKI.KIt. 2". II Deesy Av,. Kr.
tleiic eecured In every esse. Ir, o7st.
3AMK.-4 ALLAN, ;tli Neville ItlockT" Kvi-"
deuce secured In nil ciines. Tyler H.'l.
fcANd Nai l Dflttcllve Agcy.,"lnc . II
l!iilgTyler Hoe. Mtrbify confitenllnl.
Jaalloe ul the Peace,
If. If. CI. A I HO 11 Nr.. 612 Paxton Hlk ; Red
1VH, Notary publlci deposition lno.
C.JlVnirlltaflr Darker llloi k "'
4 blropiMlteie,
Carrie J nufiiid. Pes Hlk Bed M7.
Veraam (leaner.
t'l.KAV Ol i KI.V end rilDllOTnifl.T
CI a I tires aad W lrleg.
DITTMv I V fc'ectilu washing maehlnes,
elet trlu Irons and reading
Ump. ttJZ Cuming Mt. Dvug. 2611.
Palnllna and I'Mperltig.
OmhPatJ'o. 7I H, i;ttb. DouglaajriW.
"Tailoring. ' " .
II. MA Item, tsilor ami cleaner, pressing
and repairing. X N. Huh hi. D. kuo,
WHO alll iiinkn me h spi lug suit, 1,1ml-
tiiit, "i4 l'stnn lllh.
( blinney as4 I'srttace ( leaalag;.
W'tirk guetenleeil I''. Horneiunn, D. 7'3.
CAKI-.ft, pastry end fnncy bakery goods,
supplied to pail lea, linlKa and eiilerlaln
jiienla 7, II. I(et.1er. Ham N IMU, W. ;iMlf.
far it urea and Tlsnaia,
IIAMKHK I in ill, 4o'Hi Hsmilton. JtVal. ml
W alrh Spei-lellals. '
Christ la tiaeli, -il ll., I sat. hi He.., II yr. eip
Advertising Kovelllre.
M. r. Mhaler A- Co., I2tli Ksinnm. H. 74,1
Wrdtllna llBtloHrry.
WKDDINH eim.oiiii emtints end printing.
IhX'HI.AM Pllnllltg Co. Tel. Du"g I4
O. T. Miklnann bit Hlk D 1W4.
lie Ml 14.
fie llredbnry No pain, mj W O W. Hldg
Itanelna Aredemlee.
DK I.I' X At Afl.MV, HI H imti Mt
tlelvuttelki PbialtlMMa.
eirH J II, Ml Mil K, '? Hldg
I'tirt h and Vtbisaw kcreeus.
riti'M fa toiy to von, l imn it.n I
tellers' Trlmmlna.
Omaha Ti'm g Co , 1 haiba.-n His Dfeg
MHNCIM Mt'ltHAN. Ill Hee D trtl
a t.lacnel ele.
I'li'l Alleli.ler, . I tt- il Um vi
Maes en Una Fuaadrire,
l a, a t -it vi ii i . i t , ..Hi an. 1 AUtiii Wt
II A V I.' t .t . I litl na lit r. I (..., I
r it. hit .t I- -r - a nr. '.-it, ... ..,
etui it'll 1. 1 (,.. .i, 1 1. al I lt.i
1. 1 s a-.-i-l i-...t-.g lei a ami tilt....
cl.le M.i!, 1. In ttiuit-4 to l i. ui . Ij
It lit I silo a It II,. I . II.., .l. ,a
Vtlit be lt .M-l M a ' jiii l.t If.wi.i
t l- r 1 1 .-in f i 9 ii. lit a r-tat t I t M-...i.
f . ti , l..ti ta t-.-l I. ai. i, ,.,,
ul t t.e t .line 1 1 a il.t i. .( ens a at
A-I.ttaa x (' l4
I'lkenl Kf' ao... Ilia la a ,....... I, ii
t 1 1--''-t t..ti Bf.t ! i,...ttU, f
bar g -"4 ilit I.. ..
I i. f ( 4 I i n ma al ati. la
. I -w-litfag SV ID (..!, lit
l -iiti i Sit 4-it.-in.-ll-, v-t ttt.t
t a e -., I A'tt'ea t ' 14, a
II4.VC (.t.v. tllt.d I'll t,
i- ..t I t. -1 Iii a a-a
lit t-ne S-a l! a,l ii,, i,
ti' ii ai-,1 b M i
I- i .
i il 4,S-U.: aee !! il g,aiti.
t llj a er. t,aj il- I --., t .
e i tl- a ant an I ti-- r t-i t ei tit ng
t -..t a'..ra f.'t il.nMna-. Alte (I t
4 4. H-e
t t l t I t I t i M ( , -y Its
eaneieg t-4 l.tiitt.( eat I 4, anil g
" si- t i i ll I t' i a ..t
44 slit i-a4 I..-.I- I- !,) Ad li4 4 ,
It II.
im 4i iiivii'tm 4
't .'... t,i 4 1 . r .a.l l"a ..-
tl - n e . - t - l t ,.i a.,:,l it ,
I-. - ti 4 4 1 t. .a M I t l, !.
WIMCONelN I'eerlese refrlgerat'tr; c.
peeliy nti pounds; elinosl new, cost 1(2,
will Irene ror eotneiiiing or equal veiue
Address M. C . 4147, Hee
irAVI-7 191 twin evlliider Klcscher Klver
motorcycle lo swap for Argo Mason or
light ro1er of some kind. Ador n
M. c, J 1.7, lleo.
I7AVK nolel o Maawell rtratster lo"sai
for louring car or tru- k or tike molor
cycle or what list a oi7 A dress r", C.
ll.Vt, lie.
HAVK. several soo'l i'h"u autoe tneyieu,
ell In g-r'r'l rrinnliig oi'lt-r What have
you? Address H , ll,',3 Hee.
VHAT bsve vou to Irsde for" saddle,
rrrldlt and 1Inkt7 Athiress M. C, 1137.
II A VK an T';iistms"n Kodsk in first elsss
eliape; elnn one IdO egg Incubator. What
am I offered for both, or either, or
what have you? Address M. C, ll.Vi, He.
Wll.L ewmf chicken enullan'-ee "r '""'I-
ture for Hit Iron Age or Planet Junior
bend garden plow: no other muke con-ldt-red
M. C. JIU. He.
1lAVI; 24-horee" pter don life" ecrentrbi
Htniilev steam engine; will trede for
enythlng of equsl value. Address 0, (;,
U;. Hee,
ADDIN'I MAC il T N K-W 1 1 i i re de fo?" n
lomoblle. booktaae. nlturee. offb'e fur
niture, dictaphone, or wbut have you.
Address M (',, !(
TO THAiif.'for euto. reiialr ebno end
tool; jeas on 4 room house end shop
for five veer. Tel. Col, Vn,
ftAT4S--A wafer motor wlilng ma
rhino for Incubator or enythlng of equsl
vlue, Address H (T. Wlh, Hee,
COM PA it ATI VKL Y "new 2, 400 ft.' 'pHor
holler; will trede for a cabinet vlctrola,
Address M. C, lir,2. lie
IfAV'K 2 cylinder Maiweff" peedeier""to
swap ror piano, or, wnai nave your
Address H I' 1UA. Hee.
i'AVK emalf diamond ring, veluti'f at i'.'j,.
to swap for (liver typewriter. Addres
H, 4. 1IMI. Hee,
pt.".cTl';Al,l,y rmw M'onirrh'Ko'T, to
trsdn for smaller automobile, Address
M f, 11(4. Hee,
Wlf'a'trod ' AsiiTnaier fug. "fal2 lor
buggy or light wagon; or what have
you? Addresa M C. 1141. Ilee,
"ftlMlSlUToN typewriter" No;'2,"V'lll trgde
fog dlemond or phonograph, Address M.
'' - ,
'nK.W M fciiacTier It llai. rornet to eg-
cbeng for what hsv you? M. 0. 1164,
TlA Vtf Terge oek sTdtfT.o rdtr tred'eTor
rou ton ag, or wnat nsve your An
dreas M f, IW, He.
(If ('At)ki1 "suit for" good ' 'MTrom
tiolie. Must t e in (uod Condlllon, Addttrs
41 111? II.
JiliUULVA flllRITTreerTnoeoTng ghoH
fun to trade; inak offer. Address M,
!. 1140. Hee,
If ti ITirie to pelnt Ihet 'bouse. WTtaTTeve
you lo iiede ror m gallon House pawn;
Addres M f. lift, Hee.
I"IIWAP, bny and "gell" kodaks! fume
developed free. K AUK MTU DID, Ne
ville Hlk,, pith and lleeney H'S
t HAVA r."er-eleiil motor 'boat. "What
m I offered 7 Or want light thessls,
Addres M. ('. 1. ilee.
llAVM Ties toy built new prfnier 's'Tisnd
reri to ewsp ror lighter one, Address
M. J146. fte.
Wit, I, exchange flrst-cUss concret
work for auto repairs. M. l-t hit.
AI'TO tires or sccessorle for sibling ma
chine. Address H. f Wfi, Hee,
fce-K'l'i liicubstor to wsp for ihlcken.
Addres M, I ! 1140. He.
tlKAT insrket for property, 6"lI7T"ifleT
CAFK snd rooming buna for sale, doubt
room rafe-dluliig room soil counter. He
modeled four months sgo, everything in
first-class sbsps. Klslures, lights and
furnlluie ar all good. Jleet cafe In
stale eicept eom of the hotel cafes,
Oood tenuiallon. best class of trade In
rlty. Guarantee llWhuelneae, snd over
deny, over i.i' sio-a now on nsno,
Junt, seventy H',0) monthly, llonmlng
house of ten (ivi room oppolt cafe,
Modern eicept heat. Oood furniture
and light end everything o, K, Kent
twenty dollere (1201 monthly. Oiinor-
4 null y for a live man. fteaaon for sell
ing la i'knes. Address y Kl. He.
Dill ' etoia men wanted to put drug
gtor In new brb k building. No drug
stor clnser than a mil. Kent resson
eble. Fine opportunity. Frank Koblelit,
4037 r. Mt;, Month Mlde Phone Mouth M0.
MOVrN Picture Thoeiere, real bargain,
machines, repair, supplies, accessor!,
iw end eecond-hend. Me ti.
Ttslrd Hldg Don tiM.
Foil MAI ,K Wlii eeH- cheep If taken at
once, three bos ball alleva and barber
ehalr In ronnection. H first elsss out
fit, It. M. Mt.fTeeri', Weeping Water,
ffTft SAT-lnlanls.' children's snd la
dle' furnishing store et Dai hi City,
Nell., at a beigaln; beat location lit
town: doing an excellent business; want
to retire. Hos No. 22,t, David City, Neb.
roli MAi.K--l2i'.'l to.-k of dry good. 1s
dle god children's boe,,
etc. I .mated rentiei Nrhrsska
city of 2,.Wt, Kog further psrllculsrs
addres T ill. Hee.
I'owd Hale end Auction Co., 'uimln, hav
cloaed nut more muse, stin k iiisn any
other firm lit I'. M. Writ for terms.
6FKIiTk for reel estate or insurance;'
enmn floor a lice office; 13x31 feet; w,
Tbejtee Hldg,. Office IMiom 1(.
FO ll M A I . M; Well eslNhllsheii" grocery."
clean alnck,fine Inn Hun, wish to tetlr.
Adffrees owner, I). D. Doonils, i67 jf,
W, Hotilevard, Mnokane. Wesh.
ron'SAi l'-Oood, clrait'siioclt of"Hsrd."
ware; live town centrel Nebraska.
Good reason for selling. It quick. Ad
dress, Y 1A7, Hee
TOn b'AI.B Running 14,rOO groocry atm-k
and fixture; would ta auto or ecant
lot a part payment. Address tt li,
THKATKItH-Hu, lense or sell your the.
amr, aiiit'tiine and suiiie thrniiKll
Theater l'.. Co.. leal Ksrnsin. D, IK7.
ti'U.I.I A.MH, esluhllxheil years to buy'
or sell hiiaineM aee him, 411 Met Ague
Hldg Itefc retire I'. M. Net. Hank.
New and rebuilt httrgHlina, suiipllea,
OiubIis Kllm Kxcluiniif li H. At tt Ht.
Sill 'I'll Omaha suhtnh Inr Bale Men Con
nolly, b:4 Hiandela The. . Itltlg. Doug,
To HKI.I, or Ithv busineas, rsll on
Iliisrh lliirghorr, rrenmr Hlk P, sua
AI.OoN (Inotl luty lira biialne In s good
Hit town Wrlie or celt N, H, Neuau,
Pierce, Neb
lit ill T In or nut of .iiiin-aa call on
IIAN'ilKKTAD. 4.''J He Hlilg.J'oug 'I4.
ftooti be tinite and wagon at a baigaiii!
Ad.lree 4'ttl No Hth
roil MAI r, dm -win and future, lil
N Bt , Mintti (linalia,
nrKhi.Y n atRi w ricu i.inr.
day wmk or buainess gl regular rate
I ii'n e "i e. ... a ,, kM
I line t-nn al ..,.t-t
ea-n 4ii Hue i:' l- aa.-k.
Hihl H tellable nil iie. Mian aitt .t I
es .riep or Ionian iinati ,tt tint M-nt -I
aurk. Can la S ""I ivlrtvn, na 4 t
tlir.a li.tin llimei ii'imiil ln-;li,i,
4'io'., Nil. W I.I a ail sit I v o i
ei mt e
tit'Sit in at. tftaiti til tl-'iti.,
4 la l-.iaiin a 'It la I t -v, a-..
an- a til t t.a line Insit sn-t
a-t- tail I . ..It (lie l-al n( tat,
eien t 4 sll I tot. a) 4 il
ni N-l tnaft or i-ti.t aim ttatil ..4i.
I ..sll.. a S-.mihl .. -Illas In t l-t ilea
II la In ISI-eV bt k. a ...a ,o a lasit
I ana, a (-..mi. tii i.,l eii-iieaie
t t- I..I.U
I. la t S ( , latt. .'-. ll l toe l-atii-i
aalat.a allt., ta ttltitCi t it. leg t
a aatrit.n 4-ll-aaa K i-c1 .,a.
AS a- l.i.i.'t .. ia,4 a a a- . mas
see - it r.-tii i a - -1 s 41 !-- It an
itdlHIHIt tttati et.e i..i can J. '
r-1 t i b et aetf ! w -,a
i.. a,, yiin.t alt lia i-.-l, u
ymtata a-1 i vne . ti a IS I .it ta all 4 t
it . f. 44 ,t . I ( t.a l, a .-i k -t
r44l '' a aa(, g at tt -'
Ae 41, I -44i..-. i tl fit
Wl a l.ll -, t It I...-. laOer aai-l - la
a-a lit 4'faat. aa i.i'.Mlaa ii a
i in 4a I ,... e I'-.. 4,i-i
14 4selaaeattte,
A t, VI i H 44 I.m a , ata.t it a a Bill
er .a.l I it.-li lal I 4(all , V
it. h ft, ; ... i
M iaeellaneoM.
IIOl-CK (f,KA Nl N'l, window cleaning,
rug beating, firt clsa city ref. Wl.
Wanted-ilouse leaning; also wH paper
cleaning. C, Hrunner. It. im: Ty. 22".'&-W,
HACLlN'i sahee snd rubbish Web. fiOWS,
YOCNH "i'tdr ttsnts 'tMliTtras liouse
keener, stat wages when snawerlng.
Will come any tlm. Can furnlah beet
or rererence. Art'lt, as vtlse i ore
H'isbv, 122 H, Mycainore Mt., Coffey
vlf'e. Kan
WANTCD Killlon e governs after
June 1. Have had Instruction In piano
end vob-e, also two yeer experience
ss tef-hr. Mtsl term. Addrett .
',. Hee,
TDK HKK clisra fo "Mft nation Ad"
I lower than eriai ottir form of dver-
tlnlrrg-not rnongh lo cuver cost of
A middle sued widow wihe a poalilon
rook In email hotel or ss house.
keeper for rs'obl person. Addres
Hox 37I, Woodbine, I.
I.AI'V, "years old, "wlsn" 'posftlodi s
housekeeper; Will eppreclele a gwd
h'trne mote than wages. "A," rare (tee.
Council (luffs.
yOUNU lady a'ten'ogrspherr "? r'"" i '
pertence, ilesire posiiion, csn also Keep
book, Walnut liW.
WANTI'ii Position housekeeper by
ml'ldle gge.l widow lady, no objection
lo farm, Address' i mu, nesj,
NKAT colored girl ' want position" as
rhsmbertnsld, day work, or s 44slt
reas. Harney
A NKAT reliable colored woman Want
sliustlnn es cooa for pacneior,
tlnoul.a kit?
f'oiHKi woman WanTe'work Tli idblieri
hotel r boarding house, iiongte wilt,
6lHf, employed in die lor' office wishes
..Ir. ,,.rk ell liottel Van.
I'M ACTK'A I, nursa wants position, Web-
e'er im. ,
f,ADT atenofrapher wants potiltion, Col-
f 111. ;
l.aaaary ana Df 'era.
"I K L A HI, Kcir oir ' id "w o ilia tT a n UTS u n
drv washing, day work, cleaning. Tyler
!M-W. ,
kXPKIUKN""'KI' lauTiiJies ti men'
ehlrt. I'ar. 2M. ... ...
frAMlDf washlngfFundl wsslifn'g. Wl,
It I, A N HK'i riirhn nd"ff "w eli f n fT W4T
Cleaning, laundry s'nd dsy work.T', 74aW,
Lsnndresg, day workfA, Js'ekaon. W, V,1.
Cleaning,' laundry "and de r workt).
Women want steady wsh J.lces Mo JZ'tl
l1-N.'r.l t- ...i.lir aalnlad VVatl, 14,2.
l,Ai:NDHY"snd day work7W'b"ter M&1T
LA I 'N I t't r snd day work, wen, iwi
I.A L,'NDtirralsanlnr(Jay work," W, TMi,
aiatrea Bad (IfftreS,
,friA?K,fIN sIeiuan, stapl fine, ,
(reveling ealeemsn. grwery specialties,
4.t, mar- ,.ahlee end llkor,. IMM; Mteno,
and Itkpr., Mteno. and ees't to deet
a. M,...a ta.or lor edvencement.
Western Reference A Hond Aee n Infl.
Originator of th Heferen' e Huslnee.
7f.2 Omaha National Hank Kulldlng.
llOOK KKKPKfl, " good' penmaiir W i'h
rolletiior, msrrled, officer mgr., Inv.
II (HO- slenotcra oher. Hai. and many
others, NO jH.INV rTB, only V)
cents to look up references,
nti W, ( W, Hldj,
HOTK.I, CLKKK 2u, U, "sndHioT
il KAIMtOAD (T,K,I(K.. I70CI
WUtl., tt 'It KA M MTA,. INV.I ft.4l
MiH (PICTI'ltB MHOW, INV,).. I' Mt
llKPK."i sleno.. tUftf bkpr," Steno., M;
ceabler, $40; office rlerk V. steno., 40,
7i.a- ()ms h a Nat lonal Ha n kjlt Id
" ICurnlshllig (Jowls
Msleest onee-d's'.
Co-Operativ Itafrenc Co.,
10 lit -K, City Nat, Hank,
T. v it t k'n ( i . W' l ! AT.T; M A f Tfi ft t-
( INN Kit, IX. tVMiRHH UWr, CO,, MO
MTKN'i,, rf;Mteno Vl, "Mtriio., &',
Jtkkpr,, W. office clerk, HA
WA TtM HKV. CO, k4u HrsndslsJThea
" ' Profl mm Trade.
WANTKD - Comblnctlon tinner and
plumber; steedy lob for rgiu party, M,
f. Murphy, David Cly, Neb,
WA NTF,Diienrsf workman ai'ane on
niarble and granite air tools; sight
hours. Addres li. C. glsrlln, Missouri
4'elley,7ows. .
'" " !Tf D I'S. bvnetst1jija i Bldf .ti
eleenaen a4 aollrllere.
Addrc9 P 1024, Ucc.
HALliMMAN -The book of the century.
Hook ealeemeii ar cordllly Invited to
join our force on th book of the cen
tury, "Th Mtory of th (Ireat Wsr,"
I lie moat complel, th moat graphic,
th moet brilliant hlatorv of the war
ever written. Tremendoualy gdvertlaed
In Colliers. Kxclnalv territory; Hats
furnished. Apply Immediately, V, V,
Hrownlng, 112 llalrd Work.
W ANTKD- Highly "recoinirentled", ufj
st iniial men to repreent a large farm
treclor compeny In Nebreekn and west
ern low. Not necessary lo open ait
Oiiinha office, but muel be In position
to sctuslly tell farm tret'tors lo deelers
Iii the territory. The rlaht man will
be hacked wbh plenty nf good farm
paper aili ems n . Hive references,
past eXiercnce, etc, Aihlrea K 141)4. Hee,
WANTI'II' -Agent to represent the
ernl In. Co, of Uncoln, Neh., an tip
to dale company, writing the letrat
health anil accident polities; experience
not necessary; we teeth you the hual
neas, references required, Write Ira
K Atkinson. Mec'y and Hen Mgr.. W il
kinson Htilhllng, Lincoln, Neb
fcXPhlll KNCI .lt lumber ealesmait wanteil
fur low. Nebreaka. or Houth Dakota
territory) salary and nommlaatun. Apply
In own writing, giving age, ekperleiice
and average vtiliime fur peat three
yeers, Mplendld opening for teal seise
me it, Aitplr to Y Lf. Hee.
MAU;n4i UN- Tt young lut-ii from ronn-
Ira. good film sin. u; on este rune ror
high i-1 " publication; guaranteed !
i. Ihe King-ItlfharAaotl Co., (Hon
Co Hldg . Chicago, III
aAt.OMKN for Nel.resk and In, In
hanttl the raaieet eening patent on
the market, If )oq ran earn b" to IHW
erklv, e eaut to hear fiutit yoU.
I W, O w
hM.I sMAS aa so I ad who baa ripeileiii
In m lung 'list i'ls reterre,l alio a
I Ion I pitUHtalllitn. Aitit'es A toll, Hee,
MALI HM4S' lit sell autonm'dt eauielty
In Nebreaka, I". euuth Dakoie sn.l
Keita.a, g tiitl side tine ? a) pi... Hl.4
rfl lill Si MH aalrsmeii talila. for
,.,. l,.lr. site k III S-i.t-l Citlltpailt A I
,l?aa a lull Me
Hi tVI y l ilt V i etna i-ud l.i ni .i,. Inr
Ihe a-a-rantan ttbu I a b-ialnaaa Uc
lint 4 O 44
1141 aad knlK'tali.
Ilk'l.lAHi.R euiiii.-tt 'i ni t'f it
l-aaii.i rl Ml bsit i stiia for kniel
t ail' att-e i I t itlalsn. m-llll
I real rwwle,
n.i. ..Km.
Han aaotail t l'i Hals W
t,. .a.i(-,alt.J pXtt ! tae h H
,i a'i '4 ' a ,111'ttt t.i'
laallil" t bo to la 4 Hl-aa t-' t'ltl
...a 44tt'a -r eiifu, l' 14-H
Ml . Ittfia'i. NM
NKtutAsKA AirrDMoim.n
gat lima .4 I "aa. tW I a I a ! I X) Ml
1 4 Jit I steatel at
lia in air. aa a a ,
I l'ii e-ii'i W t'k l.t 1 1' a t-1 tpttn
t.iak IL. ti null a. i a. a. a .i -4 4
.. a,.u aa aa-aa.i
Trade Nrhoul
LKA UN barber trade, rnoro than make
your tuition nblle Imintiiii. Mel of tools
ini luded. Job guaiaiitfetl. Call or writ
for csialorue, (o: lotdge.
Till 'IT ' HA 14 H Kit COLLKOK
Mf'.N Wanted to learn lit bather trad'!.
Tuition li'. 1" I 'a -a Mt., (imaliti,
l IsceJlNneoa.
la'A.'l r.Dl:t liable man "who like
flower to 1 1, 1 tt our ori'einentsl tree
end shrubs In hie own loni; perma
nent tiosl'lo! full nay weekly; no c"l
leellna or delltcruia: established
'r, lefcreices, lime ii Uro,' ,Vur
eertes, lloclteelt-r. N, V,
WANTKD - Man or woman: cill- train
tug: to introduce n"W urnd"d syeieni
llll.le atnry r'adlng Musi he emhltl'iu
aallhfiir lo leuve home; giiel'tlileed S-ll
rv, Addres The Kin Illi'liS "Isoli C'u.,
'linn ev fo, Hhlg , 1'hl it(o, III.
1'IHf'MKN. brakentcn. 1130 monthly. Kx
I'l-i l'in e U'lli'ii cssttiy, i'.ullaay. Y ZM,
WANTKD YuuinV i.ieii "'as railway mail
(lurks, ,u inuitli; rumpie exatuinHtbui
uneions free. Ki'ti'tklm ItiatiluU, Depl,
721 S, It "Cheat, r, V. X.
MX OH WDM KN, III or titer, wishing
government position, l.t. mnnih eno
over, should apply for particular to Y
vvt'. Me
MI-.N'M ui stinniied end lu-eesed.
bats clesned and bbcki'l, II. Si. Cgrcy
I lefllllllg fo,, 44Clt, mi.
taa.J--,.lWlltt-- ,,:: ,
A'iKNTM -Polishing cloth flee; no paale
or -ow'ier; uuick quer'er lter,
son's Mllver pollahlng Cloth Co., 1(34 M
Turner Ae,, Chicago,
SO.ree and,
mt' MTKN' I , oo"D p'l.ACK, II"
Wh.: KM' DKT, OPH "'. MO, li'el
KIW4 JlKKKIlKN't 'K i'.fi,, teW I'AXTON
B'lKNO,, ,f,; Mlt-no.," 7'rlliMi? a'tid
(Icti'l office work, 10; Mteno, end Dlcta-i-hoite
operetor, i. Welts lief, c
MO Tliea,
MTKNO'IKA I'll Kit ,.,,..,,,,, Xtt.ti)
FTkNOOIlAPIIKIl. splendid position. 'tlf,.
JIH . M AltTI C(.,JWt7 W. 1 1. JWdg.
Profeeslno and Trade.
When In nd of g position call on
vs, !o cntrgs,
lUmwgion Tyrowrifpr (lo.,
Donglti 1244.
WAJfTllllZ. Vld,tU'"La..,( t""...'C
short hours; will pay good salary to
WANTKD -Ofrig for pieesing ahlrt.
Avvir vo ir, i.onecs, i, r einiiii
(Vc, fh snd Douglas Mts,
J.K.AH V" fislrdreasinr at The Oppsn Win),"
jtBleenrootrii and Mollcllwre.
Kxperlenced asleslsdr. Apply Orkln
I'ros., 1,'niud Mtateg Nat, itank Bldg,
Ifoosehold and Donteelle,
WANTKD A rellnble whit girl for gen-
eil house work In email family, good
wsgee; references required. Apttly at
IK'll Paolflo K , or Tel, Harney
WILL ex.-hetige rental of fnrnlslreii
apartment for Kousework; good chance
for man arid wire to got good home
A29 Prk Av, Pbon Jlarney IA7.',,
IW AN TKD-- Kgircrlgnced second girl; no
cooking, private family, high wage.
Mrs. John I,, Kennedy, Tel. Wl. ...
W A N'TKD" IC pnrlen. ed girl for general
housework; no whlng, no houcien-
Ing, Ilerriey 4iJZ. l4Z Houtli mm Mt
V ANTKI'-Comiwlent whit girl for gen
eral housework In small family; good
wg; llttrney w,vt, v,m Ho..t li.
UIKL lo gsslst lih housework and cere
of two children. Mill Cblcsgo lrt.
WslllUt 1128.
WANTKD -At once, girl for general
housework, wit Chicago gtreet. wal
nut 21 ft.
W'AN"rK.r-Coir. pete nt oook, reference
required. 1224 Ksrnem, Phone Har
ney va.
WA.VTKD Housekeeper, middle sged
lady preferred, Call Walnut WA gfter
p. m.
WANTfcfiCompeleht rook, good wagesi
A only ta Mrs,
U. H'grx, 3701 Far-
nam Ht.
WANTKD A eomiretent cook; reference
required, Mrs, John T. Mlewart, 40? Mo,
With Ht.
WANTKD-Whit girl for' general houee
aork, lull Cuming Mt. Phone Harney
WANTKf5At" onne, econ, maid, with
yefrreni-ws, 371(4 farnam, Harney I tin,
W'ANTKD-Biperiencd eecfuid girl, Mrs,
M. ti, ColneUer. 4 H. tli Mt. Hr. 31
V'ANTKH A girl for general housework.
nA17 KrnamMtJ;
WANTKI'ii-Conitietent cook; referenceg
required. Telephone Harney aiK,
WANTKD a young girl to as-'at with
house work. I'hone liaiuey wx.
(j itl, 4VA NTKD - Muel be good "co'ikT
ColfH (ii2'l Horence IUd.
WANTK5D Olr! for hoi ss aork; t o wsah
lug; gtiiall family. Dodge.
V'ANTKIi--(.'ompetenl gill for getiei
housework. PCX I ellrocnl.
WA NTKD- Neat bite giij "for" Jiou
wnk. Call Hensoii .''I.
filltl, for geiiMinl bouwork. Ilsrney
l!ll 7,
TrAf'tl f 111 An evccptlotiel npportttnlt y
for a .Nuiitial school or roiiee irainett
woiiiaii between t! end CI lo secure it
ti-atellng laisitlon In hlalt rles etliu a
tloiial vtork. I.tlural salary guaranler-d.
The King llb hai' 1 o . lilnti A Co.
Iiblg,, ( lih agn, 111
TI HN a nit t time linn mall, linieaae
amir lint. me I :u to (O tiioiiiitlt ailltmit
Intel faring Willi tour regular oik, no
Selling, In es I me it t or experience te
iiulred, dolt I snseer ttnteaa i mpbi) et
( rnttii Mfg Co , an W, Ijikc, Chit ago
yi HIK 1. -I'leaa wife t.r t,.ino huntii
I ted,
DAY ei Him. K
. i, 1(4 i n) .1,4 tifc,
MUM Mtlluft,.
fteiy day it sin oliint nl il4t It.eik e iini tttati I. ent-in-l i ia, Ina-.
aa.tiue Ta-tesieflu tttil Nilu e'l
Co no, .ii is ami l.ntUah I'lalnlt-a t el.
el"" ''
I 1 14 I I 1 ( nl I. HlK,
It-tl sn.l lUllir, fit
1,1 t'oiglat lt.
nff;M:ti.i tou.KUt
K a-e ati'i a.-l ivte-nt ..t sell
I, ( a I- ' !' a a- Hat It, l.'l.i.i,
ila.atttaat e.-l....'1 t ti t.l (It 'a a lltn b -ai
l,-aa a-a a,' I t..,al- 4 - . ke a t
t,r i. aa -t-tli. a. msv bl-.aj t-g-ir
p. I. a II .a-. a t .11 let.i.rf a
a Inaaal-t-ia t--a inn, a it s
M, at.. I Itl I 't't a. ai, I ., f.'t ,
i ii..-,. a hi M H I Its I 4S ti 4-1,
t ) " 4'i-ai ! i ts Bin 4
- --all I 'v i !-, 4 . (
I 4t si It 41 it 4 tia ta ik K 4 t I IN-1,
it-- t r ' t ii,. aa.atna.i
. -I I i- l t 41.11 H.
V aa.l.i .a
p a.i li Itiwieittg t eat In tt i . e.nliig
I it C ! .'d t'ttntr Si- I 41 aoaa-r
tL g l"-U M tl,.i
Pili, Fistula 4m
Dr. K. . Tarry cure plies, fist
snd other rectal disease without surgi
cal operation. Cure guaranteed and n
money paid until cured. Writ for book
on rnUI disease ' elth tcftlmonlaJ
Dll. li. it. 'J Allif, 240 horn lilJg,
RHKHMATIMM, tomch, liver
snd kidney trouble, golir, nervou
rn eat end sufferer ar sue-r-vmtuUy
i . a: r.-ij to h-ellh by ins,
t.xa inin lion 'rt.
Call Mull 212 He Hldg.
rn. w, ii, KNciu,iiNnKfi',
Chiropractor, Tyler D24.
YOl'NO women coming to Omaha g
iisiiiei urn invited to visit th Young
Women Christian i. Isllrm building
t I a 1 1 Ht, and at Marys Ave,, where
they will be directed lo siiilJihle board
lug p,H'(. or otiieiwlee ea.leied, tytok
for our traveling' gjid at th tnloa
The ldie' Horn Journal, ,.,,,, II rd
i ne Bti uioay ji,vening i-osi. .p ri
Tho Country (o-iiIIi'iiihii. , . ,, ft 04)
In 'I s'ibr'rlptloh by Atrll earns that Inr The Invelld' Penalon As n.
Your order or renewal contrlbulss fx,
i'h'Ui Doug!s 7ul, or eddies
Omaha, Neo,
1 IIKKKHV' give notb e t bat, T wTlT Yiot 'ii
llabki- for soy debts contracted by Atha
M, Wles. my wife, wit bout toy knowl
edge or consehl. clarence Wlese,
I'KHHuNAIa- Mlsse Mleplei' ar.d 'SflaV
for, bath, electric, treatment, Open I a.
I'l, to ft p. rti ; Monday, II a, in, to I p.
tit. Doug, 713, 401 Ware Hlk,
i'HK Mslvailort Army fndustrlai JhomeTgoI
Ih i's your oid clothing, furniture, mag
azine. We collect. We distribute.
Ph me Dougle 412 and our wsgon will
can and tnsi.ect our tiew borne.
11,0 1112 I4 Dodge i;t.
u. I
wiTe, llcotch-
Am'-rlcan. wishes to. adoM a child of
ei'her sex between age of Infancy snd
I years old; references, Address C loli,
T' 1 1 0'f ' i(H A A I' I f Y t ng it C(friiriTm n"iT !
few Urn leson In kodak work save
you money. I.inory Mchoo) of Photog.
rspby, 412 N. IKlh. l'hon Tvler 241,
FI'lfTiKV -dy drink snd drug treatT
v""IJi loent Is best known cure;
booklet free, 'JTIB rt.'KDKY, 1 1 17 4r"ar
nam, Omabs. Plione Hnrny 17(2,
ti'. JOHNKfONH, "Chiropractors,
Mheldon, Is., wish to snnouno thif
In.atlon st 2407 N Ml., M. O. Con nil at) oil
free end invited. Phone Mouth 4011.
HU P T li H K''""'s.fully' treiW
44r4j x v '''ty 'tout a girglcel
cpemtlnn, Call or writ Dr. Wiay eg
Metheny, V He P.ldg., 0'naha,
llATH dyed and reblorked; feather Toe
cleaned, curled and made from plumes.
I'ora Kleele, ll?A city Nat. Hk,,
MCITM pressed and si.iged, Ur. W celj
for end deliver. Phone u City Press
ing Club, 2 Neville, Jted 4tT,
If U-HONK (,'orset Hhop;"urglcl "conitiig
specially. Weitster Munderland Bldg,
lth and Howard fled
M A H H A H K A N D 1; I. K'JT It I (fTR Ti I
chiropody. Ml Cray snd Hed, lio
214 Halrd P,lk , and DoulD, I4t;.
MAK H)t(;ilMASr
Mteam snd shower baths. Maag. Rd
T27. Hoom m Krhch Hlk.
MAHKAOK-Miss Webster, IIS I'axtoo'
Hlk. D. 3227. Offbe hour 1 (o I.
RMRUMATIMM tVeaTe'f Vuccessf uHy";' re
sult guarsnt'd. Dr. Howser, 2)4 He fjldg.
PHI VATK " home for mslernTty ("
Call Cnlfag 20(2 44l K, MtbMt,
ifTKNTIKi;tnasssgr""l20 igBTJgT
Phone Douglas fcT;2.
ParBlbg Rooat.
If von fall to find th room
you desire smong these ads, cll
gt. The Hee office for a Hoom l-lt
give complete detailed dcxcrlp
tsoii of vacant rooms In All parts
of th city, If more convenient
phone The Hee Want Ad Dept.
snd give your nam end address,
snd a list will b mailed to you
at once. New llsls ar Issued
every week.
THRK.K iib ely f uritlahed "sleeping room;
modern, cheerful snd sunny, end walk
ing distant lo downtown, Phon Doug
la 7l!. .
FflONT room In all modern-Tiorn for
two gentlemen. Harney 4033, 2AiO
.Ist.kson, .
hee us for desirable rooms.
412 llimife Hlk. IIS A llsr.i Doug. 74'sT.
2nTli HT , 21'-' No. Two" elf" furnished
rooms In nice home everything mod
em. Call DoiikIis MOB,
MI'NHoOM or sleeping porch, modern,
private homW'eh, 1127, JtrB Maple.
KI'IlMiilKD room In Dundee for rent.
Telephone Walnut -2,
N1CKLY furuiaiied room, close In; alt
mcdern. Ml a. Tl hi.
f IT.NIHIItc.D room, first floor il $3, V
H. 0th Mt.
TH KICK larg room, clos In. Bl ,
:th Av. T)'er l'i3.
Iloaaelaeeplna ftoont.
TjA I'hiiK "outside apartment, fiirnUned
complel for hotiaokrepliig, I room,
:W per week; 2 rooms, fl snd I.',
Lincoln Apt. 2102 ('lib ago, Tyler 1.
'"AI'I'I'l'l. A V K. 1NI2 .Mo.ieiii" fiiliifshe'l'
housekeeplnK Hpaitiit'itla; best In city
i'oi OI.AH HT., 2.'o . Kronl liouseke ping
rooms; rverilhlitg furnished; close in
PI'liNIHIIKD light housekeeping roornt.
modem, private home i.ii Hurt.
IIAIIVI'.V eT,, J'-iiS Modern hu.isekeeplitf, gas fiiritlaheo, S.I tin.
Him id and II noma.
COM Ft illTA Hl.K ruoiii in privaTe Tiome,
suilslile for one or to gentlemen;
hrrskfsat end cieiilng .lliinei , on Car
nam isi lute, nleimi.-t en hsugait,
Dougle WC,"
I'l 1 1 N I - It t -1 1 room. iiitabl for wt
Hi litleliH Ii. Iin aktssl ir Hi r 11 CO, In pil-
ale liitnie V4 i l.stt r I 'M.
TWO nh clv fntiili..l roiittis lit w
I amsiii ill-trill, inriikiaai ic nulit-l
Hainey et"
LAllui: it urn rtmiii ror ten t.-oiniiunt
walking ilialani lyler
0 I HfHrwUhed Hiitteia,
I'M I ttMellt H mom lit modern Item!
I". I. It iiiui shade aaiklng ilistaur. Mi
-t Mai a s
II It M" II r,D n it "fur ligbi" (teu
ketatuntl ' t.'.'i I'.nlati In per weak
IliiHHta 44ala.
YitC pi t l l.t, it Hit HI ST t"oVl, '
C4lt, tut, tu t 4 1ST aii I'ti-r
sn.l timl i. H all glaottl Hi r 1 ItNtallglt
In h At III I ik, ll a plan in a I I
I,.- p na tnie .r i(.lrt la ltl I " r In. me
4tllii,l (ill It It.ia atJIila timill ni
1, l,. l..S. III (Sill. I hollt I'll'.
li. ...i in lltat tla.a (telahbi.i bond . g't
f ill lam-met enl nti A-lltsa t
t . .i, it.- , lp n t
ApailtKcrtl art"? Hi"4t.
Aperliaaeal. w
kl I I.SDID. Nl w, I'l liNlSlJtUV
ti:. i;irnN
i tin t li taty
;, t t ami 1 . 4 s I H C' ' MT
t slam. l-i (- f a of tall, a t Ittltaav
tiiitttiii it t .it-i iei'y e t-iiynd f,.
...akai iii-s aa. lat itat Se,i ea,Hif-t4a
t It 4 V 4 tt lil'.n
4 c ' ""all aak
1 at
a aa a- - - a '- "'-iiiiii .
I'l "t at I "" I 'a t ,!
i VI - 4. '- '
, - . a. . -. . i. . . t,. 4 ruin
ti. t ll, 4S hi
it tt en I 4 ttnam
r-.a an t araasa.
I-, a Hat, i lti i.-a
ml t a
i..k. su."
Al 1 H I II 4
t..lli, 4 i., b -,.t
I . I It t
al t.
Al MIC4N At D 4 it I il. 1 V t Vlt 'S 14 t a .1 -I (ii. an a en (
A lt,.tl ( Nab, 1 ta-lt4 lU ItX-l'S lrft'elt-1, ll I't. in i t 4 I, ltd i..l
mi .ttnii,:a i ati. I-...., 4 Hit -t
I 4 H a.n I a
4 ian
' l-itt t' i l ui4it yeeaal a
net ft-. t