Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Sectary Grilled on Subject of
Fiike's Leaving the Naval
WASHINGTON. April 4. The
,feou naval committee! brought to
Un end yeaterday Ha prolonged hear
.Ugn on the 1917 naval appropria
tion MIL Heciefary iMnlele cloei
e thrrjavday atateniunt Wore tbe
curnmlttM with final appeal In
aupport of the atlirilnletratlon'e flve
rer building- urogram, A eub-com-iniue
will lenn Immediately fram
ing ttMl bill.
It bee,arn known tonight lhat a
dlcririliod (effort would be tnade
to provide for el rapllal ablpa, two
dreadnaibta nl four battle cruu
ra, aa a irotuproniUe between tha
rwomriiendatlona of the eeeratary
pnd of tbe navy general board,
W-n't f "Wfieee I'. . .
Mr. renlel arrled all effort "dy
eet from him a etalemenl to lha rela
tive piue among naval power tb
Vtik4 ehouid 0'wuvy. n "
the tve-year program ba bad npl"t
out wmiid not put the country In on1
plaeo, in hi Judgment, and mat tha
ptrm-nt change co'ld not ha aakad to
nt for the Ontuvtmft or iweniy
ar pae. At tha (lo of the Jiiiro
pean war, he M, he believed a grt
opportunity would- tome for interna
tional llrnltaa'ion of armament, end with
etrong building program edopted, tha
1,'rined Utah would be In a WW l
elflmi to urge that movement g"efully
1l n If Me fleet ware weak.
IlPTmUtv Midler of Pennaylvanla,
republican, eejled the eenratary r
r.mmenUtlnn for ' gevernmaot projee-
II tvihrr, Jfe aeaeried that tha pl
f leatlon. tor nr armor piercing h.l!
wr o ilh lht thr wM not M
tnet by wa(ifurr, nd oln" rti'!lr0
! hd rnMnn to bllv tht lm
fisHlftnii for nvy IMnch and ther
tn bnlnl(itrl(ll to tb ftiwlun
nt4 Orrrnun twrnfMmU," II MMtd
(ht Hr Admiral tri, clilf f
rlnrtr, b MkH in pwrtufa a Wtor
t th Krorp emnpttiy tit 0nnny.
Admlrf rrtiM w nmwnd tr
and riwl t lir In qumHon. It km a
rply t n ft-nttmr m Wr th wf by
th Knpp company to anppiy rtiinirv
Infh ipin lor lh Vrrttd ary.
Th oixlnan'- tniwau fiwrd thai If
tuna t nr th rutrfnn In th
ffr emild U provM4, th 'mpny'a
hid would bv atfniln.
"Th ara not h priflclmi of if
fortn-ln'h ir," rtottrl WrM
aid, "Thy ar for a mtvU umr)or
1Mb tt -TrtMTir and tba admiral aald
thay had no know1d of aiiy plana or
othar fnformadlon having Wn Imparfa
to tha Riwatan frvammnt,
1n anawar to lUipfaftnlallv Wutlar'a
aaaortlon that tha arrnir-plr'ln hll
(.fl-Mori wr too hlti. Admiral
tttrauaa produd tha rnord of tha da
t'rtrn''nt to ahow llut Mldval and riru.
Blhla eompanlia bad ollard lar
(loantltlra of thnlta that bad paiwrf tha
HflTatary Panlola rpl!d at lngh (o
rrHlrtam of hlrruilf. Implied or alai'd,
luring Op a tvallmony of Icor Admiral
F1ka, tntmrr aid for opicratlcma, and ha-
cama trivoJvM tn a warm r.onlrovray
wltb nni)'antatla Hrlftn of IIHnfla,
ropuMiean, , Raaponilfng to njiiMMotia by
''haJtman r't, ha aald Admiral yik
hod aovgtif opprr1ntmnt aa ,omrnanlr of
tha AtlanH" nnt whan Bar AAmlral
rdor ratlrod and had rapaatMny ra
mi' It to tha aaoratana graat am-
Mr. Danlol aald b fold Admiral f1ka
that Rar Admlrat J-lfhr, than eom-
mandlnf a atnadron In Vfmrlcan watr
acamad nftlod to tha eppotntnKnt. Ad
miral Flaka replM that Flatchor did riot
wanf M, tha aflrotary aald, and aaVd
tht tba appolnm;nt ha bald up until h
ronld writ to nitrhr, Tbla waa doi,
Mr. Panlnla aald, and whn Mr. DHl-rhar
rplld that ba wntild he honorad by tha
command, ba m apprrintad; and from
that tlma on Admiral Plalia waa not In
harmony' with tha Navy dnpartmont.
, rtltlrr flrrr Win Maaa Order,
"Our flrat dlffrmr," aald tha mrm.
lary, "waa mar tha wtna mraa order.
Admiral Klaka ' gwally aggrlavad.
Ma aald navy offlcara would go to tialrig
focalna. My only regret about tha erdr
la that T did not laana It on March I,
whin I rm Into offlna, Inataad of wait
ing." Mr. Panlola aald ha had haan proniptad
to laaua I ha OKlr Jxwanaa of tha many
iaaa that cama bafora him of young
offh-ara aI'lhtdil to rlrlnk, Ha dtail oiia
man who told him that hta aon, a young
navy offiMra, navar had uaod llfior In
any form IWora ba wnt ahoard ahlp.
Although ha had raaolvad to ak for
Admiral riaka'a raalgnatlon, ilia am-ra-tary
aald ha rhangad hla mind whn con-
ra rrratad lha offlra of fhlrf of
iiarHtlna to a'ipplaiit lha alria ayrm,
and Intandfd to allow tha admiral in
, "na a ahla until lha rWra axplrrd
'Tha admiral raalgnad. howavrr, Iwfura
itia naw law haratna affa.-llva.
rtaprantallva llrliln (1lr.-li. atlni
tmn to Admlial flxkx'a atalamciil ll.i.l
a had raalgnad Iwa'ina ha had dlfli-f
trrii Mr. I'anlala an tha tiar)-dm na
.!iBlhiit, Tha ar.l.rv aald thai an
i". I lha rraiim glvan lo him for fb ra
iiiiltn ItrHntaitva llrltinn aaked
Umt rrrlaln laliara from Admiral r'Uk
and lha ganatal Maid to lh Mfi'larf
arning hlto thai lha navy waa iiiit-ia-I
i"l f'tr piarad Itl lha t" md
Mr I'atiiria ilo. t,i il, an, aaying
i tad no iiiioniiiiii if iriiiiiiliig iiiih
. i,trfMtMaM a l-l!!) ma and
htmartf la luail (ha nl Wl at gunai
t. iMl,iailva lirlKrn and Ilia i la
i I . U.I I aaahi t.n lha (.tn.r
i. t g iI'Oiuh itlc tuaaiM had nul
I . .m lha ).. mi.ixit'Uh.. it t.f a
I ir.i.iai t I (mi ikia hailil.i
If . i In ti I"'1' l'MH a --,"
ta I 'imr't l'an
,'ttil iu iii ln'iti ld it mf lltat
i iu )..,, ,1.1 i, ! ld ui a gi"ral
l-ln pii Dim l il ) I I xl.iai l II,
I inini at-ilad tiiat iMaiy My
l-ail un4n,. f ma vf.fcul f it hi. tt t.f
-iiu ,i,(. tiutii.g i lii.iniiii a,
It a
I i i u iiiki t M ..! it 'in Mr
m h ai
iU. i I m. it r.l. t H a-.-fUiy
Hi (if h if It . I.. im I. I, I Ui'1.1
ml li m r...lii an dltal hi Hit
'i i.,iii . ru, ii a i.a i. . in
' ' a ht a i
ii Immm Hmk Kerr
n ' ' .1 In 1, Hi, , ul,
n it, .... i imi iu
.,.. i-i i i.t ),,,,, ,.ii., ,
t mi l ?, -i. i , .'I.. i , i .
CHURCHILL, former first
lord of the British ad
miralty, wearinff new it'eel
trench helmet, with which
the Trench and British
armies are now equipped,
He is with his regiment in
Cjm "WiimmF aaurrs
lfg;ht Eipert from Clereland A4
mitt Plant Woold Ltut it
Figured Eight.
City flommlaalonar Jardln. In tba
city council chant bar Monday, qnaa
tlonad Fr'dtirlfk W, liallard, av
land aUctrie Debt man, on atatlatlra
offrd In connection with tha niunl-
rlpal llht plan of lha Otilo city.
Mr, liallard ahowad f bat tha nt
proflta laat year wara $42,000, pra-
ganUn n array of fjiniraa purport
ing to yiild that baianr.
"Don't you Includa any dapraiTia
llon In your compulation T" aakad
Mf, ardlna, Tha Claveland man ad
mitted ba had not dona ao, whara
ipon tha cofiiiuUalonar guggr-atad
that par rent would ba about rlfbt
to atrfka off for deprwlatlon,
trill Off f)iaraaaaf .
Thraa par rant dapraf.tallon on tha
r"avland Invaatrriant of W,,)0 would
ha '), M and aaaumlhg lhat ttJAK) l
ahout correct for nat proflta, according
o tha Mallard method of figuring, than
thare would ba a loaa of Mr.
Hal lard finally admitted tha falmaaa of
atiiking off an amount for diprarlatlon,
Ilia clavaland man (old bow the mu
nicipal light plant la oporalad In Cleve
land and provad rathr cntartafnlng a a
conjurar of flgure.
In responaa to a uu.llnn by Commla
alonar Jardlne, Mr, flullard eJd thf. ha
rnrialdarad a minimum rhaiga propar and
lhat to cnta waa prohahly not enough.
ft, II, I To wall, guioral managar of tha
local water plant, defended hie managa
marit of the municipal water plant and
took Inane with a ('bhago monthly pub
lication whbb baa made aavaral ttT'
ne.M to the Omaha watar plant. Mr.
ffowall gtoutly aaaarvated that the water
plant ) balng operated at a profit and
he aald ba knew that the people had a
good thin here In their water eyetem.
fnmwat gakad Mr. riallard what waa
chargad for water (n f lavaland, to which
he rapllad that tha price ia ) rant a par
1,0V) ruble faet. Tbla rate reduced to
i!oat of 100 euhln faat, which le the baala
In Omaha, would be 4 cante In Cleveland
fr what we pey N7 eente or 11,67 fnr
I.IViO euhlo feat In Omaha for what Cleva
land chargaa 44 cante.
Panhandler Grabs
a Looao Five-Dollar
Bill and Runs Away
While K. If. fferrnw waa on hie way
to hla raeldanee, 4" North Twenty-fifth
trnat, lata yaatcrday atanlng, a young
man acooatad him at Mlatanth end Call
fomla etreoli, who aekrd him If he had
any monay. Harrow aald ha bad aome
mnnay and aakad tha man what ha
Olt, I Juet want a quarter to gat a had
with," rapllad the atrangar.
Harrow than pullrd out aome Inoaa
hanga and a ftv dollar hill from hie
norknt and whlla ha waa looking nvar ttm
haiign tha atrangrr grahhad lha five d"l
lar hill and 1'" the ana allli al
Marrow caught tha man, however, ami
hald him utiiil tha ixilha ware railed
Marrow found (hat ilia alrangar bad In
aonve way la eratud Harrow' left thtimh
Tha Injured mail waa li ken l tha at-
lion, hra tltv I'htali'lan I "r Ml ) r
alteiided him.
'lha airangrr waa pl'"l In lha ally
111 In aaalt a heailng In lha f 1 1 . rnurt
Ihla nuiriilng I la a a hla nama aa
ilroifa l'mniin and hla ivnllnua aa
.nwmheia In Hinaha "
tlala tla Hwra Maar.
it dinlil and In ki'tiiaa n and afirr
Anll ih, Ha a ita and ha 'a a raaa nt ,t lt I hi a li hi In iiir hmm
M ill I limn laa
1't.ona Hinigiaa ni
VSHHt,)H Md, April ( -All ai Ii
t. Iff Ulall fal. aa IM lha laal
l-ii I nt lha l in.ii'al vaatiin at l'a lU
Ul .ie ami lia tif II In Mv
U,. l-inill ... Ili la ilia ri..n
and la nel .an itlian Ii .raiin
t,a ant a ti b''a'h n f'"
lit at Ui
Mae ImI'iIoh
taii ! iftall II iiiil l t
vija ili iml iill mid waii
1 1 at I rok f v,, ,u,
II oe-itl M i I In luldnm
i aa Mi iHillinr i.a mi i.i ia(
ra.e4 ! I f... la niaii a .it
t(. t I -1 ul nt a i l i h
iiiiita 'ih l'iid- II la .fni il
a.,. I ii liiiii pi 'i.ii.i.!lt Ii ! i.
iiii ii n ' imiii iii at in.
- ., .:.. I ami k. l 1 1 l I alia
I I , I l ft i , I f 1 i li' i I I I 'i.l
BepretenUtirei of Ll Stock Orow
cri Call for Fall Federal
WASHINGTON, April 4,Wra-
gardlng an offer by tha largeat pach
Ing Intereate of tha country to aub
mlt to an Inreetlgaflon by tha le-
partrnent f Agrlcultura, rapreanla-
tlvee of tba lira etock (rowera today
appeared before a houaa Judiciary
gubcommlttee and demanded an In
quiry Into every angle of tha Indua
try, particularly aa to alleged price
fixing by an Inqulaltorlal body wlth
unllrnlted poweia of aubpoetia.
"Tha producers and fnedera want
a real Inveatlgatlon,' delared Wal
ter h. riaher, former gwretary of tha
Interior, attorney for tha market
committee of tha National
Uock aeeoclatlon, "They do not
believe that other Inquiries along
llila Una have been real."
f'aelere Waat Watt,
The aiitn'ommlltaa mat ! rildr a
raanlntlon Introduced hy Hapraiwntallve
norland of Mlaaourl wheh would dlract
the Kdral Trad commlaalon 10 dalar-
mine whethr Ihe parkara are violating
tha antl lruet )awa. Ilepraaentatlvae ef
hoth parkar and grower ware prctif,
hut lha only epekr today ware Mr.
Klahar and mernher of the rotnmlttee, It
prohahly will tie eeveral daya hafore the
figrker have an opP'f unity e praaant
their aide of the raaa,
Mepreaantallva norland, ftooilltle of
Kanaa. Ktaale ef low, Kant of Cellfor.
nla and Mr. flaher epoke, edvo'etlug en
Inquiry and contending lhat concrete evl
dnce ef the eeletence of a tckar' com
mlaalon could b procurad. Thare eoamad
to tie ganeral eantlmenl favoring hroad
anlng Ihe eoop of Ihe florland raaolullnn
The burdan of the talamant ef the
ceaa made by Ppraanttlvaa florland
and fwiollttle waa (hat lha packor kad
the prlre of meal down during a parlod
of great demand In WIS, end lhan, efler
agitation for en Inquiry bad ban alerted
thl yaar, advanced It materially tbl
yrr In the fae of Incraaaad rlr.l,
Mr. ftooilltle lo rvtr4 that the te.
partmant of Jualhe t ble euggaethm
waa conducting an Invaatlgatlon of a eud-
dan drop of II ft hundred In the price
of hoge that took place on Hoher V
od 21, llf-. In Chicago and Kanaa :ity.
Mr. Flehar Md of tha parkar wllllng
naae to an hmlt to e dtartmmtaJ eeam
inaiioti. Ona of lhair aHomy man
tinned II n him, be aald, and he Immedi
ately oppoaed It on Ihe ground that tha
department would he without power to
compel a far-reaching Inquiry, Jtepre
eentallve of the pa'ker, it wa learned
later, have communicated (hair plan to
Ihe department,
Mr. rlehar euggted that the relation
hetween the packer and trade journal
and other avenue of puhlh Ity hould be
Invaatlgated. "It I elleged and believed
by the etock-ralalng Indiietrte of the
eountry," he aald, "that aome of the
channel of publicity re controlled by
the packer."
Tomorrow' alon ef tha nommlttee
will he devoled to hearing other wit
neaaea for the producer, among whom
are former Governor fli'ihha of Kan
and Kdward I Hurke of Omaha.
"Cascarets" for
Your Bowels if
Headachy, Sick
For biliousness, bad breath,
colds, indigestion and
Enjoy life! Liven your liver
and bowels tonight
and feel fine.
Tour tofigii la coated! liok Inalda
your wat'h cover anil ea! That' bad
hiialneaa, What hava sou hean aatlng?
What were you drinking? What kind of
a lay chair did you lake eeree In?
Now, don't think It doean'l matter, lie.
eauae, it' your ho we In that talk now
every lima you open your mouth. That
doean't help your popularity, nor your
earning ceiieclly. Ilealdea, a paraon with
had howela la In a bad way and a mated
tongue or a had hi eat h are aura ajgna
of had howela end poor condition.
Why don't you gat a lo-renl Iwn of
Caacarala at any drug atoie and glva
your liver end thirty feet of howela Ihe
nliiaat, ganilral cleanalug they ever a
(lerlenned Take one or two I'aeiarelii
mnlaht end wake up feeling tine and fit
All llradaehe, f mlliieiia, Mlllouaiieaa, llml
Hrealh, Hlumaeh Hounieaa, fold and Can-
allnatloil gotia wake up Hllh oiir head
rlear, lungue ilaan, etmnii eaeat, llvei
and howela a llva, alep alaallc and rmu
plailon roay.
I'aai'erai work whii ynu lap navei
r1 or ah kali. Caai aiwl ae( an genliv
lhat you hardly reallaa you hava taken
thorough ralhartki. They don't bother
ynu all t"l day Ilka alta, pllla, oil m
iialomal I'aai-arala Iwlug peifeclly harm
leaa la heat children a laiallva -Advar-llaement,
Miitri n Me-aiimt,
Marie Antoinette
BroaJeiy, tCtli and 67th tSU,
ar ioav crrv,
aiTt aTan i ia .i -n
tcnlMil fati n hi il . .
a a a.eir diil, i.ii.iirif
Ui.'f, '.im imi..,i(a
i t lha lea Hi. 4iniiii,
al ' "i end I
aaalei I'tm i 1 1. wt.i
a.. inael twl I '(-!
Rooms, Vfith Hath,
$150 Trr Day Up.
Suites. $iOO Per Day Up.
oaita II M pf f
Hi'iraet ef t'e e-iaf y .
Maaitir I ! i
ThcaSScoree Mary Pac
Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary"
The Oaat of Charaeterg foe
ff'hiHa lei'Um, a'l.rfiief t-if 4ein..
ID ,ira auk Ma.r , llen't HallMll
Maer uiilil alar. a,.'naeM .rf
a.ii ,,, . . .. M.a Mate
liaee eiinei, au'anar irf ai, ia a.a
me la aeai i atiiHieiiea , , ,
..., Alaaata
r U iMAlela, lnea'i,al n, ,.'
,., r e r Ht,iiala.a
fau villi aoernaf , , M l aeaar
Han Cute, Mai, fa'tor yiaea lut'n"
Mif Ca, Ma'r a avaaar
,,, ,, Crae-tii Iuraviti4
Mf II, r.4'H . ,,,,, , thl man r"
rieii.a . '', Maiaiioia
M', l.alf, Pell mUiee M . laie
, armar Male
4 waa " ewnrii, Wllliaia ihaar
ai raila, Hae maa ...
, ,,, ,,,,, yraieiea HeiU.'l
amir, aa tmr ..,,. mf Murea
lar ye awl , eie
'Mr, VaB ,,,, ,,,..,, Ul Mi ileta-rfaa
acireaa. la aruaed of fhe
Wary I'aea,
murder of iav
vld 1'olhn h. end la defended
hv her lover, riilllln liidoti I'olimk
waa loloah aied Al Mar a trial ah ad
nine aha Imd a revolver Her maid
leaMflea thai Vary Ihrealniied I'ollyck
Willi II loevlooelr, and Mary'e lew.llo
man linplloAlea Larigdnii. flow Wary die.
..enrm trolll In'- lie of lha I'llllie la a
myalnry lirandon lalla of a aireoae
hand l rhit lhat ha aaw on Mnry'a ahouh
dar rurther evldtne ahowa lhat horror
of drink produrea Imnpoiary liaailty In
Mary. Ilia defenee la "iei,id ,ev
' " Wllneaae dew ilhad itaiy'a fight
from bar Inloai. aiod fnlicr and her
father auh lde, Nurea Walton deachtiea
lha kidnaping of Maty hy I'olhx k and
Arof fiai-ton talla of Marv a atrulea to iim an aelieaa end t'nHw k a loiraull
of har. Thria ta avtdftn'a lhat Panlela,
Wary e manager threatenod f'olhw k.
Wary fa lot on Ihe aland and again gnea
liiaana whea policeman offeta har
whlaky fianlela leaMflea that t'ollok
loraatancd to kill Alary end laangdoit and
actually attempted to kill Ihe laliar
Two wltneaaea rtoairllia Mary fllynl In
the tre from the hotel and har ah'loc.
It is t cm of "dUmond eat dltunood"
frbea two ftttrfurUvt and detnniod yonnji
woman play thetr own gtmt &int s met
rntn'i blaff.
I Whan woman matchei her tlf In he t01 the "Uble. art
wits ajrainit her natural en. V h turned" to a nicty and meek, unao-
amy unscrupulous man phUUcated woman shows Mr. Smart
who wins? ,.. .,.!----(. Alejk some thinjrs he had never b-
mi i e V "3, j'jy ? fort even dreamt of.
Hfad (he advrnturm of Mona and Mary, two attrnrtlvf young Honrn, Inaugurate a campaign of thl kind
and ntlcft for their nbjedM of attack only nun of umrrupuhwH and unprincipled character.
What tliey cUi to them make more than Interesting reading, You can learn all aiwut It hy reading Ihb remark
aide wrlea of Moricr. entithd,
U ULka
A remarkalde neilea of utoriin with ploU hy flrorge !lronon Howard, the celeiirated playwright and dramatist,
novt lird hy the well-known author, Huxh Weir, hoth ma ten In their particular line of nork,
I'.ach of the tdoriei in thU nrrien U complete in It.ielf, mo that if vou bhould hy accident mlrM one, you can take up the
next one without breaking the thread of the fctorira or lowing intcrct in the aerka.
Watch for the Opening Installment of "THE SOCIAL PIRATES"
in this paper
scries at your
Pictures by
Hon hv men from a gamhling placa reeer
by. Kui'lier avldeiii-e aeeina to In'.'Hiiilft
al.i liaiihHa
it I'll n sit.
UVnliliuad from Tralerday I
Had you aeeu Mr, t'ollork thai davf
"No Mot .una Ihe night tiefire."
"Mia flal.-, ian't It true that yoi were
10 have Joined the aupper Imrty for lha
company lhal Wr follurk and Mr, lian-
lela were giving'"
"No I wanted la, but ha aald It w
purely ttieatrhal. Then I bo him f
would come naiyeay."
"Why wera you paHlcularly anlon
I 'i attend that party-on Mr, follor-k
account T"
"Not on your Ufa' f knew thai there
a a going to he aome crooked work
pulled off, hot 1 coul ln't prove It 'l
I had a grJila aalnet eoma one who
wa In on ft, end I wanted lo ui er the
"Will yu tell u pleae what lhal deal
Tha woman twlated fiay band fugelher
nervniiely, and her avea darted among
tha apectalnra aa If le-au lilna for a im-ii-a'
In fare, then aha aald iowly:
"The -the deal waan't pulli-d off, and
I'd rather tll It without any name, if
I've got lu tell i. I m pot kn ahout
hitching on paopfa "
"I think you may tall It ae you plaaee.
ghould It herymie ,i,eaary to reveal the
name, f will aek for It."
"That' the ticket Wall, jou ea, It
wa Ihla way,"
Miea Mala aettled hark In her chair,
aa Ihough aha really enjoyed the lo'er.
eat ha wa creating
"barker know a fat lot of crook of
all klnda, and ha hed one pal called
riudge Dudley whoweerft all he might
heve bean, hut Tetae etuck to him be-
Delegates Herself the Champion of Her Sex to
Avenge the Wrongs of Womankind, It Becomes
Time For AI! Unscrupulous Men
j1. eew.
V- fl 111 "11 lit'
f 1
and see the big
favorite moving
cauae ha d helped blm once a long time
en", 't waa the earn with frry and
Jnali, frry had a eoft Job at The Houaa,
and Teaaa kapt him for old lima aaka.
"Wall, that a got nothing to do wth It,
earepl that Iheea follera eooked up a
. In nt hy mhlrh they were to ge a girl
Into I'ave'a parly. Thl girl la about tha
r le.areat dip In New York, and aha waa
lo lift the Jewale and Ihe walchea and
lha money end everything aha could gat
thoaa awlft handa of har on, when Ihe
party got warmed up.
It waa a part of the game for her not
In ha aeen going In or coming out of
the holal, an It waa filed to gel tha fire
.-ii f, a down and let her go up It, When
rhi lame down again he wa ta ba
awnng up Into Harder In a awing lhat
I uaod aonieilmaa to get Important peo
ple out of Ihe wey If uneiperted vial lor
hha amlled grimly.
"And then ah wa to walk holdly out
lha front door. Now Ihla girl"
'Heille"' breathed Mary Tge ud
lerily, and at tha name the wltnaae paled
and. awlrigiiig ahniil, lard al Mary.
"(low ,o ynu a now ." aha heyan, hut
liia'h,ri Intertiipled 'uhkly,
"foil ay lhal Ihe girl failed lo carry
out her part of Ihe plot, Will you toll
u why, plaaee?"
(To He Continued "Tomorrow " '
Jewish Relief Ship
Arrives at Naples
WAftMINOTO.V, April i-Tba collier
alerting, whlrh la carrying uppe for
the relief of the Jewa of falrallna and
eiippliri for tha gunhont, fea Molnea, and
lha crulaer, cheaier, reported It arrival
today at Nple
thormrali of lieeaa gleamere,
ht ,,, ,.
riPr.VMArHM ,,,
UVMlfCl'lL, ......
, 1 1 1. 1 mt i m a j 11
it Verdi
.A lx,ef
, H.IM '
. riula'leifiiMa,.
.llrllMlia. , , ,,.
feaaarik Vlfl
Ma yr
picturo theater.
Blnffi City Council Formally In
lUlli Men Who Are to Succeed ,
Preient Staff,
The aleeilon by th haw rounoll Bluffa
olty eouncll leat night of K.rneet V, Ouataf
aoii a city elerk and Ifarry O. Thome a
deputy clik placea two entirely new man
In charge of the at flee that ba been held
o long nd a--eptahly ny Charlea J.
Duff end Roy Ward, Moth ef the new
men are entirely unknown In rolltlc!
f.'lerk Ouatafaon raalde at 111 Avwnii
K, hut for many year ha been employed
In Omaha a one of tha bookkeeper for
Ihe Mi-rrd.fedy Whole-ele Ororerr
company. Ill training, thai-efore, bee
hean right In line with Ilia dutle be
will have to dlacharge for the city, Harry
O, Thonuie ha been long employed a
an accountant In the Iowa Telephone
company office) In tbla eltf. Prior to
lhal he wa a clerk In tha Burlington
railway hoaduuarter In Omaha, and I
thue equally wall eo,lllpied for hi new
duilea He la Ihe prealdlng offlcar In the
Ulufra Tythlan bidge, and aa the regular
meeting night of the lodge le on Monday
he will heve to realgn hie oommleaton, aa
the city onuruil maete ever Monday
fiOfCJI.Aa, rl, AprllW 4 father
Anuel Me Ha flarralo, aged yeatr.
whoa death le attributed by hie Mend,
to a broken baact bexauaa ef kf eille
from Honoea more than a year ago, waa
burled her.
Mont and Mary mort lmpreteively opan
th eyes of many a (clf-i&tiaflad trials perton
who hava fondly Imagined tbenufelrts lords
and owners of ail womankind.