Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1916, Image 1

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Advertising is the pen
dulum that keeps buy
ingand selling in motion
i, MA'-XO. 211.
O Tralne, at Motet
Mews Hull, eto, &o
Powerful German Assault on Fint
French Lines Sooth of Douatt
' mont Repulsed and In
vaderi Driven Back,
JVench Official Report Bays Night
Taioed Without Renewal of
Infantry Attack.
t'AlIJ Anvil 4 A ni.wnrf ill !lv
man attack against lb" flrt llns of
thi Vfiub goiitti of .Uouaumont waa
rpl"l today, and tha Orman
wcra driven bark In th direction of
( liHiiffpur wood, which llit lo inn
northwest, Tha French artillery con
iicntr(d tblr fir ti Iha retiring
Oermans, who, according Id tha of
fl i ataiemenl liiid fjy Ilia French
war offl'a tonight, auffeted Donald
etablei Joes,
(in lh went of the, ,Mue a
burn tHmk iikiiIiimI Jfnu'oiirl fulled,,
ItKKMN, prU 4. Vla London,)
-Wrong French positions aotithwnat
of tumtumout and In the Callltt,
wood northeast of Verdun, have een
( k r by Oerman troops, lha war
offlca announced today, Kerspturn by
Ilia Jirlflsh ot a nilna crater at fit,
Mo), nouth of Vprea, whlrli Ilia Or
tnunn had lwn occupying la eltto r
(ordud In tha official,
PAim, April 4,- ,N Infantry at
tfleka weio mad. Inr.t nlaht by tha
Ormana In tha Verdun tea-Ion, tha
var ffln announced this afternoon,
Tha French rvntlnuad their heavy
bombardment along tha Jiouauniont
Vau front, northeant of Verdun,
Tha response; wag feebut. There
were violent artillery exchanges near
Avocourt and Malancourt,
Th text of Hi statement follow:
'In I hi Argonue (llelil't w bavd
bombarded certain nf tha Herman or
ganlxaHons, particularly in Ih rin of
Mn(. CsP'on and Mln oml,
"Wt of tha Mi' Iher h bn
artlllry flMln of fwnnlliralila via
lna aloof ilia from fcam Avwuurt
far aa JMnlnn'ourt, Kt of llm Mim
Ih rifKlil Mt4 relatively ail)l.
"Tha ijrrniia Jmv iniKl no Uck
ltit in front lifriwn f KiiKtmiori!
an4 Vau, r tilllii,'l ly o'ir i:annir
Hrl of yn1tny,
"French hHttrru- tmv ben imrtlfii
lrljf a'llva in firfoa "icon niny r'ol
lion in ihla rRin, Tha aicniy h t"
H)tm4f4 fent trtiily.
"Kat ft th forff f Tr-rn
Hrotig yitntmhlHHirir Uy lh ammy
hut i,rn 4vriA y nur flr.
"In l', Ki'i'h hnilorloa m a't
f'j in xliHliua a ilMinoii aiiply
fruln an tM lilahway Mtfii Thann
anl M'clhaiiwn,"
Brandcis Object of
Systematic .Attack
WAKIIf NOTOV, IHI 4, Kcimlor Chll.
ion ri'iwMHi for rwoimntiinioir ilia eon
fliniKflon of l-o'itu I'. Hrni'l'li hi a u
lirTno rourt Jualka wi nia'la lotny in
lh Judl' lury coiniiillic. Air. t'lillton wnl
iliHliman of tli milicoininlltf wlih'h
licuid "hraa kkIii1 Mr, imn'1la mil
mi of Hit' Hires rt'fiioi'inl who r'Prlrl
in lil fuvor,
"Hiirh man a Mr, Hrnn1l," M
Hrnnlnr I'lilllmi, "n prrmiliicrilly flv
in imlilM and irlvi lir and t Hi
limloil of rliiriJflnii of Minmun
Imv, tha awKkoiilna "f lh aialn to Ihttir
il'ily ennri mIiik iii.limiriiil ooinliliiHtlon
Hint Old rtclriiilliNiInn of ll ilnlillnu Una
hMMn iu h i i'l imiional ioi-r I
limilld I" llHMl t.rill flii(K'lt III roiilrdl
In (ill" l (..III I M llll'l lil fnln lri;llHtl',a
Ihi.Iii ni,) or Imih i-iii. r, hiuI lm hoiiIiI
liiii'ii I mi n Iuiiiihm lirudlKV If h hint
hi.l NiiHii-ril nmuf .illi iilil,ia'Hiliil, It
I III Ft'liMi. lliiil Itn'in WK4 tt a nlr Mi
.ill, 1 1 1 1 . ( . , . I k I of IIIKiiii nl l.i (hl'in
l.lin lit Ihe inllimtlli'ii c.f llif pul'lli:."
Tho Weather
I'llltM AH till T l In
Tor I 'initliit, I 'mini il
I'attlv .l.i.i.l), ii..t
llluiu U Irnlv
lien h ihnai to
It mi'tM l uie.
rni rlrri al liMk Wlfrr.
t to til (li
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Correipondent at Front Peicribei
long Ride to Ouerrero and Bat
tie in Village Street-.
AT FKONT, March 31. (Via
Aaruplana and Mo'or Courier to
Aniarlran Hordor, at (Vduiiihua, N,
M., Alrll 4.1 Thn atralgy wliarchy
aftr two wila of purault (ha Villa
I Hind under (Jcnrml ;IIh'0 Jli-rnan
lien wm ovfitiikcn hy American
Iroopa and dlxpniaid waa ravMld
lii r today. Tha plan waa to lend ha
Anir-rlrait roluiiin In a airalaht Una
along thn "frlng of thn how," whlla
Villa waa IiixIiik a lonxr rnula along
"tha arc of tha how." Coupli'd with
thla mariMivar waa a gcnaral ordar:
"Hlum nothing ac pt lioraaflaah,"
l'miT H'cii inniriK'ilnn th vliy
, nil, wlili roloiiol Ucora A, lld"
,rlaiil lwy In Hi van, iti l
ninilKlit aouthward from tha honlar
IhriKinU ll, a.nnla Mm'la rlvr vllry.
Villa im-Kiialille, fir pnioiliia i'h
Itruinl" and polm aonlh of I!it, Ii'1
HW IIIIK KBUlHHIll Irf Llll'l Hi rl'liin of
nioijiiirtlo. rloaa i'i i.'M f'"t lilKh and
lo,,wi with hua. copp'-r-arei-n di'f",
whli ti tmrrtnr clonrlv i.o tha aaliu al'
of Dm rlvir, In llil ln to th
Vllln ponliloii wr diffhriill In l''t,
aoni'Mmr II in-rinrd nlmcr guMwnrU,
Nxvfrihi'kMa th , mlry i!lly Imr
riid n'luiliwunl aloiirr th li"riir linn,
triwilna; that Villa finally would try to
(urn ali'nd of ttiam to hl "Id haunta.
Llicrwlty tail Nina cpl hoi aI t wm
in,J hy lli AnK'rti'ana,
III4' I'orr ndm'il.
im March 7.1 t'oloncl fmd'l'a nmn war
rcdncail, hy Hi nnwnnlly of Uavlna !
Iiol nnd hy tha llln of ahnut forty
i"n, in a loal advama guard of ahout
4", Thir hM run fomnkH'ly ntit of pin.
vlclon for ih iti'ii and f'd for I ha
in tint-ii, Nif rilii-l' In"!'') nf lial'lng
to a null food tlii-y piiahid on, lavln no
fa'ilar Hup of coinniiinliaMon wllh th
column In th r-nr, for on aolhj wci-k
Hiy tivH on thnlr wha, th'ir iwrva
liiili ami am-li acanty food a Ihay
iw.uld i I , k ufi, hut alwafa follow Inn th
nnPT, "xiiara no'hlnf apt hor fh-ah."
Ion- wit lliy pard th horaaa wa
proven hy ih'lr final dimtl Into th Villa
ulronahold Widndy mornlna, a inarch
which fop aiiduran'a and brilliant, affort
never ha heen anrpaaaed, H'for Ihl
diflh on Monday an avlaior flyloa over
unknown mounliilii. fnrllmr Into Mnnlco
than any nf Ilia aroplane had prol.ahly
peiiKlrNt'd, had dlaitovared Jiodd'a col
umn, TH pet day liw flew imck to
(Jenwal IVrahloa, who had atartad ouih
frevn fll'l head'iuai'lera, alvlng ilia aen
rui (ha moat Important nwa nf lh ram
tmla'n lo ilitl, namely, (hat Iwdd believed
ha knew 'wher V illa w. The nlaht of
that aama Tucdy Podd'a aoliinm,
atront, alarlod for Ouerrero, flfly-flva
inllea away, whera It waa reported that
Villa Willi rVW rnen bail captured thn town
from th CurrHii.llft aarrlnon. ,
VnrfcQ March rf A oierlcan.
Tlia Arnerhana made flfly-flva mile In
HAvantecn hour, ihlliia on a chilly nlaht
which cut In Ilia hone of tha ro-n who
had rtlacarded every piece of nonflalitlnv
aqnlpmant encept hlankit and canteana,
and rnea kit. Hum of I hem even had j
thrown away Ihelr blaiiketa, i
Tha flfly-flva-mllo marcli lo Ouerrero
waa holly prenard In Hi hop lhal the
town would b reachad bfora tlayllalit.
However, a mlalaka In road coat an
(Continued mi l'a Two, Column Ono.J
Zeppelins Make New
Raid Upon England;
No Damage is Done
MKRUV, April 4.-tWlrlr to av
vllle,)-Another Zeppelin raid on I'i
Hrltlalt enat waa mad on ..inndny nlaht,
th admiralty announced today, Th fnrtl
flcatlnna near Yarmouth, wra attaeked
and th alrehlp returned aafaly,
Tho alBtement followa:
"i in ihe tilnlit of April 14 Herman
naval alikhlp atlacke,! the auiitheaal
con! of r,uiiid and threw etploalve
linuilia on th fortiricatluna near Ureal
Yiiniioiilh, Altliouah they were alielled
the alrahlp retilrimd aafely,
liiubili, April n daJliaa
rauiied by Ut nliiht'a eppellu raid, II
aiiiiiK.ui ed i.rrii UUy tixlay, and there
went no cnaiiHlll),
The alalt'tiieiit fullowa;
"A Zeppelin la reported to h rrnaie.1
the Anallan between I and I n obi' k
Hit iTiiraiho) inoriilna Th aliahip
dura nut iiiii In have been I'm over
Iba Iniid Although arwral eaplualiiii
am iipi.tiiit, nit fiaamriit if bomb
lm in b r n fi.uhil tip t. date
, ' Nit iIiiiim w aa f i'.n. ami nu
. '.u'i, lne t'rrti tmi-rtl '
Clarence Hudson
Will Bu Formally
Accused of Piracy
I V iellU, piU t ll t (ti'e I
Ci i, . . i i i.f I in,..i: .. .mile! ' I l
I. I. HI n .lleiiil . II, al ,,
et .C fit Hi" I !' -.. I''! t .1. H
tt. .')n .ip..a " i :t" t tt.''."i
'.' t I ' ' I'. !' I '! I '. l
ii. ..,b I l , l. al ia iiiiM
i. nr.. ., .. i , .( (' tt M
-n ". i .1 , ..
Ii. I i ll ata'ti i, i'i ,i ! '
! t ... I 1 . . II I. ,. I- I
l.i , I ,, i,,.,., . .M t:. H l,..t.l h I l
' . . i iri i,, . i. t i i
I. i i ti., I i.. it I .. . .1
t l l,ll. i tt .1 ( i : !
- I , t 1 if t 4!
tt " ' 1 I .'.'t'l IH ..M.,S ,.,.(, ,
I ' - M ( f. .i 4 V I .Ii '
S ,1 -I , i. 1 , I ... V I , ... ...I I i
II. . ! . It - ,-! i ..'i,l- 4 .. 1,1.
ii' . t i .. i . , . i- , I.
.... m. , ,... a ., , it., .i -i
Commiiiionen Lap-ley and Lamb
Sentenced to Lockup by Judge
in Municipal Election
Official! Disregarded Habi-ai Corpus
Command in Caie of Men
KANHAH CITY, Mo., April 4,
Jamaa H, lplcy and Fred A. IiiiiIi,
Jr., police roitimlnalonai nf Kanaaa
City, wcra ordcrr-d rointnltted to Jail
thin afternoon hy Jndya (larrnra
It ii may of Ihn rlrruK murt hecanan
of ihidr rrfuaal to honor writ of
hahcaa rorpua laaur-d hy tha court
In Ilia ( of tdghifcn men arrnatad
rly todiiy,
KA.VMAa CITV, April t Munli'lpal
election her lortay m'k th loe if
Ihn hliiret canipalan In Kaimna City
In ninny yem. haynr tlenry 1 of,
democrat, aneka I el thin. III repui
llcau rippouent la i,eoie II, K.dwarl.
Wllhln a few houra afler the poll opened
the poll, had arreaied i'Si men till
womnn In North Hide ward, opponent
of Hi mayor chatitd that the arreala
wer tiiH'l to prevent th raallna ,f
vol,. atalimt lh democrillrt admliilal ra
tion t'aptaln Thomaa I, Halilve, acinic
chief of pollc, waa committed to th
county Jail Ihla afternoon by Circuit
Juiian ftiirney, for rafuaing lo honor
will of rotpua f'ir releaaa of tim
111 Mien rreld by thw police.
St, Louis Man
Elected President
Of Zion Society
INfrKI'MNHKNCK, Mo April 4 -(Hpo-cll
Telegram) -At th morning kalon
of IM annual convention of the 'Ann'
rieliglo Literary oil-iy of ih'i reor
ganised church, in f.rori!a al. thl pluci,
(Irantilln Trobrbliro nf Ht, lmla, Mo.,
waa i h'iain pr, a d"iit for tha conilna year,
ThoniH J, Klllott, aleo a rlt, lntm mnn,
W cthoaen vie pn-aldenl. Ailhiir F,
M' Kim of Kicdlelor Hprlng. Mu aecr
tnry, and O, A. liecker of Coluiubua, u
treasurer, wer r cluelil.
Mia Jiule Kvun of Onind llaphl,
Midi,, w choen a member of Hie li
brary eninmbwlon, and tho fulloalfig of.
fleer were re flected: Jiime Hunt of
Independence, Mo. , upcrlnienlnt of
leiuperiimo department; V. V. Wiper of
Chlcaaro, auparlnlendent, nf homo depart
ment; Jlarvey rianrty of JiMiinaa City.
ur erliilendent. of the aoapol llltrntine
lommlaalon; It. W. Irarrell of Hoaion,
in, of tha aoclaj purity hoaid,
The (leiiernl Hunday Kcluail aaaot'lfttlmt
took up II buelnea Uila afternoon. A
atorj-lellei' eonferenco wna held t 4
o'clock, wllh Mra. Waller W, fmllh of
I'hlladelphla In chnrga. Th vahla of tho
alory in leaciilua rhlhtrrn miinnoia,
mi ml and trutli of all kind la betua "
phaalfed atrongly In theae eeaelon. and
im (iBllKred lea 'heia are telna liiMructntl
In lla ueo and Iniportiincn. A Juvenile
ofiorua nf t voice furnlMhed tiie mualn
at thn eienlng leealou nf th convention.
Check for Seventy
Million Dollars for
Canadian Loan
NIIW: YORK, April 4. A eheek for
alight ly more than tin,7t,in, aald U be
thn largeat ever drawn, piaei throuah
lh New Yoik Clenrlna houaa Inday, It
waa made hy ,1. I', M..rnii AV Co on a
local bank to Ih ordr of lha Canadlnn
Hovernment In payment of ,r.,'i,onn, pa
value, U per rent bonda recently pur
rbaaed bv a ) lull, ale of banker.
Theae bunda were recently enld by the
banking emlli-nte at pi.l.Hr iiffeilnga at
prl ei alight ly under pr.
Mrs, Waite File?
Suit for Divorce
IIRtMi HAI U'K, Mb I. ,
Claia ltulae SValle toititi In an e 1 1. i conn
hei linahanl, I'l. Allln.r
A Pill 4 Mr
filed eult for
tine agatnrt
'run Welle
nf Sew link, bu bad innfuae.t .i 1'ie
nun, 'ei uf her Ittlhur and mother, Mr-
and Mia J..I.11 11 I'ei k
Borah Objects to Putting State
Police Upon
N t Mil Sti (. (, Ai i 1 "i. m -ttiaiiwu
.f II a'oiv t..i aai. u l-Ml wa t.-i.
till 11 I In I iil it'.twut
,l. l, Ml"' I III.. Irill-'i In
,..,( - ! I IH !' Ial ,ti'a
ttltl !M t toade ti ''I J
Mll t I ,1 I ' I '. I I " I
I', 1,4. :-f l.. 111 IM1 ( S
Iv.iie. i . I i-Uit "t 'tH : '. '
i Him 11 ,!( l it l !
f., I-1 a ' 1 1 1 - - .it .if I'm it"ti(
it i. 1 ! . .!) f la '
t. -! tn H'-'a in . a li'-'Kl t.-'i t. ,
,4l.l 4 tM (. " 1 l.iUI. 1 I'
, . f . I l at ate I 1 t
I ,. I 1 . I- il' I Ut I'' 1 1. 1
tt. .if (' t t il . 1 11 1.
t., t, - ii 1 ,..i
1 . t.. t 1 . . y 1 .. . .,.!!. -i I
( . l .1 I (I I I I I If... f
c . . t ... .. 1 . I 11 -. !l ' t -wwt '
"f i i m t'l t" ! I
I i I i 0 -l,,t . 4 t t I' I - I'l I' 9
I :! ' 'IH -..... i.. t i'l at'
I'i' I 1'".. I t. . I 1 .- t Wt t 1 I
a 4 1 ' 4 I. ' , Ht- t,l ,, . t ,
Drys Appear '
Acer' ..' V
king Gains
.v .crrd Citiei of
,j, Nebraska.
Hildreth and DeWitt Are Regintercd
in the Wet Column Again
, After Vof.
rtreeley Center
1 1 ,01 eno
W neroft
altle Creek
I alrbury
1.0,. avllle
Keneaaw '
Weet 'oial
Coin tnhiig
Di Witt
Mllver Creek
I-rain out
Orand lalanA
t lay Center
David City
ruiilng Olbhon
Indicate change,
N'nhraaka rltlaa volod on tha wat
and dry lamia yaalarday, Tha early
report Indicated ihnt (ha wnt and
drya wara alattlnB fmn of tho flrrreal
hattlo In the hlntory of Iba alala.
North I'lnttn wont dry for lha flrat
tlnia In (ha hlalory of tha city ,y
a majority of 80 vote, alrhuiy, In
Jcfforaon county, wfnt dry hy a ma
jority of 100 vol, rhanalng ovar
from thn wet column,
Hildreth and Do Witt went wet
again after biting in thn dry !-
ii inn
(JlUner, In Hamilton county, went
dry, making Hamilton county en
tirely dry. A number of cloan votea
were cant In cal.t.rlng eltlea, whern
wel, towna remained In h wet Hat,
Jiniaon, a aubiirb of Omaha, went
republican hy larga fnajorlty, Fred
A, rtitllny, a liberal candidate for
mayor, winning the officii,
ralrbnrr v!lchee in llry,
rAIKHI'llY-Aftar on of the moat
atrenmiu battle In Hi hlalory of V'alr
bury hetweeo th w and dry fa. Ilona,
l alihury reveraed It policy and eallrhed
lo th dry column by an eallmated ilu
rnlliy of 1' vote',
Three warda went dry by heavy major
Idea, overcomlna th ona Wet prv ablet,.
Twelve huiulied and nlneten ovlea wer
rant In the eletlon, the heavleiil In It
No rontet w mado nti thn elllr.ena'
tlrliet. only it couple of enunelimen and
two menthera of the aeliool board being
I'ulrbury wa dry In WO and m,
Mill il KN WiW - A. R, Humphrey,
heading th repuhlpan municipal ticket,
won over VN. W. Water on he c m.ena
Ih ket for mayor hy n comfortable ma-i
Jorlly. I'ool und bllllaid hall alao car
ried by good malorlllea, The Ibpmr nuea
llon waa not an lau
HANCItfrl'T Kancroft. remained wet nt
On. election lu'liiy. Honda for a munici
pal elect rli) light plnnt carrleil, lift for lo
at aaalnat, ,1, It t opple, A, 1. lliirkn and
P KiM-pnlck were i.leclcd to au'cec.l
Ihetnanhea on tho lioaid.
h I'INKKAW- Keneaaw ent. dry todiiy.
H. .1, lllleabcck, T. ,M. Hoblnaon and K.
C, ArinliuKO weie elneled to the board of
eiAIHIKNT- Haia'nt went dry again A
ban on pool ball wea alao voled New
member of the board are I ir. Kenahler
liiMcher, I f,, Metealf nnd C. Klker.
llll.nriKTIl HUdrHli 1 hnnaeil from
thn dry to the wet column. Iierrv Mr-
O1111I1 Ir. Neville and A. F. Harl
were elected on the town board,
AUH11N -H. K. 'ltllnr waa elected
mnvr nf Albion, M. H. Krauae wa
!,' ted clerk. W. C. iav, tieiiauier, ,1.
I'. Hhlrlev and H .1 Clark, couiieilnieii;
I''. M Hllleck, enallieer, T. A I mien, C
,1 M it II 1 11 and I' M. M'eltael, inemheia
of the lloHr l nf Kdu. ailoii, Th town
remain 'ti v.
Tll.liKN 'I'llilen ehaiiKed from Jiy to
wel. Thn vote on 1. not bulla waa a He, I
11,1 vole b' In ina! each way. Hubert 1
.hhnrn, C, C Hun end C A. Hinllli
W ere re clei led to I lie IU conned. j
IIATTI.i; Cltt.l K Hoard of Iru.leea
Heit. re. I le.'..,. No pnllllea or laauea lieie, ,
To II la we'.
Hill. TI. I CCNTKIt M I. Il.11 iiblll,
we, ii W it Iff tit, ,ln. HI Town wet'
It 4 ui.i I. , ill . No i lia it a e 1
i'l.,tlU,H ilaika leii.i.n,. In rtt i-nl-,
tiuin. n 1 hnn I. nllie ill) tlrliet j
elrcled II limloillt '
H I'AI'l.l' Ti iS 1 liln-iia' lli kei ele. led j
Town went wet l. ,i ma holly j
Hllll.l'tiN' el, eii, ,n rein-in. wet bv 'M
inaliilHt ll tint ..a I l llx.Ue
.c,i :.,t.erta ami Cie.l (.nhr weie te
ll. . I . .1 1 illae 1 1 linle a
J iMi i' I , , Itlainlt, ii i
iC,i,iiiun,., 1, 11 rnr Two. Ctihimii I me 1
National Pay ?oj,;
Illll.lHI V l lill. l ,t, I, M 'I
It la a il 1 1 ,. 1 . 1 ,,:
""'ii !'.' kiicl ' f .e, t
It .. . . 1 1. ., .
I'l -.lie a 1. I l., .. ' 1.
." Il4l,', I - .1 , It, Hi t
1.1(1 l-'ll -I. i I I' I ,
. . 1 k I.
I' !
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The heir to the throne of Spain, like his father, King Alfonso,
is decidedly fond of outdoor athletics. Prince Alfonso will
celebrate his ninth birthday on May 10, next, and is already
an accomplished horseman.
-anil'" '
I :fvX iff,
4 J 'I
Villa Chief Supporter Offers to
Surrender if He is Guaranteed
TOnitKON, Mm., April 4. - Gen
eral I 'an u to (teyea, entuttiandlng tha
Villa furaa In this locality, hag aent
a letter to Oeneral Trevlno, Car
ranna commander, offering to anr
render wllh all bin fonca If given
amncaly, Thla inforniatlon waa given
out today by Oeneral Travlno.
CarrniiMt authorltlr here y that the
aurrnndnr of Iteye would break orgim
r.ed realalance lo th da factor (p'vern
merit and end the hope of Villa. Titer
I a dlapoaltlon, however, to lake h!
offer Conaervatlvely, a tho letter any a
all week will he neceaaary for Oeneral
Ileye to notify all of hi followei and
there la a pnaalhlllty that thl may be a.
ruae lo gain tlmo for Villa.
j H baa been fre'iucntly reported lately
thai Villa wa making hi way lo lha
north of Tnrreon In order to effect a
j Junction with Jleye,
, j (he letter lo Oeneral Trevlno, the
, alriat lire of which baa bee, poaltlvely
Identified, Iteye aay ha deplore tha
naeleaa contlnunnr of a bloody and
liotieleaa atniKKle.
In anawer Ooneral Trevlno ald today
Hint he waa prcparlna proclamation
which would he dlalrlhtited brnadcaat, al
low In nil bandit ten day to come In
and give up their hore and aaddle. Me
aay (hat. he la confident that beeauae of
Ihelr knowledge of hi Jiit treatment to
thnae who aurremlered In the Chihuahua,
cnnipalKti Ihe Vllllaiaa will reapond read
ily. lieneral Reye la tha reconnlned rblef
nf all the email latnde opera ling In the
laiKUiia and rniranao dlalrirta. Includlna
thoae of i'ontrera and tularin rtnilrlgiiea,
There have been no eigne lately of aa
reailnn hy Contreraa In thn Naja dla
trlct. Thla probably la duo (o the fiiet
that almiiK l arinniii fmcea now are n
i!e, at VelanlctiM,
Threo Sea Pianos
Which Made Attack
011 Ancoua Taken
limit,, April I iVIit I'aria 1 - ,iiinnf
the (blHilH Mlieil III an ntfl. til 1 i.Iiiiiiuii .
all. n rrflirdina the l mi An" nt in-
lei'bty It flie . a plait,, a 11putl.1t by
I two it.i l...nia. a a ir-uli nf whle 1
I I hi en. , wen. killed and "ieieii In
: imii 'I. am the rnllowina
j '"I be .'tinny n plane were atia.'We't
I i-i an i.Mah. i..'i nun on mi I
I I aln an I by f mi nf o ir aen plin. 'h
kai-a, plitiii- Hi. I t,,l tle .'I 1 1 1 -1 . 1 at,K
j I'll.' ahl it'.AII I'tie til Hie I, M, Ul'i
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! Illinois Towns
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More Troops Sent Into Mexico to
Guard Lengthening Line of
HAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 4.-
Official iidmlartlon of thn belief that
Villa baa fled far beyond tha Amer
ican force and now (a operating !
noulh of Chihuahua City waa made
nt (ienerit Funaton'a headquarter
lalneo yeaterday mueh 'information
Indicating that Villa waa In tha
neighborhood of fiatnvo, moving
toward Parrall, ban been received,
but that regarded by (ieneral Fun
afuti na moat reliable) cama from
Conaitl Letcher at Chlhuanua,
If It I proven beyond doubt that V)lla
I 011 bla way aouth, ierhap toward far
rnl, and even Tnrreon, the campaign
aaiilnat him cannot be carried much far
ther nnlea th ritllrnada between Chi
huahua and the border are more avail
able for the movement of Iroopa, or
eiiouah more Iroopa ar aent Into Meco
to atrenifthen areally the line of com
munication, Thla waa fiankly atatrd at
fierierrtl Kiinalon'e bead'iuartera, where
It wiia nlao Intimated that repreaentatlon
to thla effect would be made to th War
!kw Trnona Ordered Into Meileat,
K.I, t'AHf), Ten,, April 4.--With Fran-
claco Vllln atlll In Mailt and hla where-!
about apparently unknown to hi pur
aucr the rampalan of Ihe Culled Htatee
army, now acourlng northern Chihuahua.
Mexico, for the bandit and hi follower,
tillered today upon what may be eon
aldered aa a aeennd and broader phaae.
New Iroopa hate been ordered to depart
from Ihn military base at Colombo,
N. M., Into Mexico to protect Ihe lenith-j
enlng linn of rommuntcntbni whldi la
rapidly be,-oiniii etlenuateil a Ihe fly-j
lint roliimna of American caialiy advance,
Villa, line been reported at many polnia
wlibln thu broad anna thai ranea f mm -the
luyn miry lo thn llenlln Juarei ,
diairb't. The Innl MetP-an repoit wa'
Hint lll.i una aonth of Hnlevn, and
btiidPta for I', but tl.u n,i,, a :
be , onriiiiicl. The dlf flciilllr of Hi
pnriiil of Midi bale iiitililplled tieeauaej
of the tyleleiidliiH Info, tiiatlou nlven by j peon, p, i,.,lir ralilii'
Itallroaa lieeotttr ImimrlaBt. I
, i
Army in. 11 bi leie that a V.lla, ,
mot re (i.tiiliward, wllh hi trail well (
nucieil fur Ihe tiom at leaat, II will Ii
lie. i ni.i y u t . Lil, i.r attny ,'
land airopaly a'ini.l the line t.f,.
1. 1,1 !il,. Til do Ihl Ilia , ell, fill 'M, il,l
I i.r vim 'I ait ln.op will neidi'.l Mean
while ih. ,., I v the S'li. ii. n n,ni, ,
ihe Vl.'ti an N,.it.wit n latli'Mtd f. r
the t:napltll. 111 ,i,i,, I,t.,.,i,..
1 nl'.tt. Ii.ii,-f tititt
j i ..,li Ii,,. .t,n ImililHli b.iw r. i
J 'h- p .t'.il ..f i;i e.,,,,,,t ,,, ,,
1 4 l,l,.,. I 1,0 lhal lit ,.i, I, .iiit,,(j
jell'. in tbr Mil .I,,, 1 i tmt
il, at. 4a ft
f 1 I. I I,
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ff. lei., , -a l I,.,., 4 f f,. Ip,. Lia
ii" 'i.iat! a . In t.- t i,t. i. iittt
it" u. t It1! ! ,,iii.-4,a
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Squadron of Tenth American Cav
alry Surprise! Group of Out-
I laws in Neighborhood of
j Guerrero.
! Troopers Pursue Assassin Clan
I Through Mexican Town of
San Antonio,
KU PAHO, Tax., April 4.nllabU
reports reached hern thla aftarnoon
that American troops had cngagad
lha Vllliatna at Itarhlntba, twenty
mile northeast of Ouerrero. No da
talla of tha fighting heva reached
hera )t,
HAN (JKHONIMO, Chlbuahna,
April 4. (Via Aeroplane to Colonla
Uublan and by W'lreleaa to Columbus,
N, M.) Two hundred American car
alrymen under Colonel W. C. Broirn,
Tenth cavalry, defeated an aqual
fore of VIIHalas In tha aaeind
gaRnment of (ha campaign at Agaaa
Callenles, thirty miles north of Ouer
rero, on April 1. Thla report waa
made (0 fjeneral Pershlg today by
two Mexlrim, who tald that tha
Mexican fnrces lout (hlrty man and
forty horses, whlla tha Amarlran
suffered no casualties.
Sneprlaed llurtnaj ateelta,
ftAN AN TON to, Te April V-f4ur-prteed
durlnaj their aleta, on of th
croups of Villa's fore, drlren from
Ouerrero, waa defeated Haturrtay by
iiedron of the Tenth cavalry, tinder
Colonel W, t. Itrown, acenrdlna ta tnfor
mall. in re-nrrd by fleneral rerahlna and
foi warded by him to (ieneral Kunatnn to
day. In thl econd enaement tha Amer
ican troop have bad with Villa's man,
lha handli' lo wa rsllinatad at from,
thirty lo forty killed. No mention of
American Inaa wa mad.
Colonel rirown's encounter with the
lvtexbana had not been reported to Oen
eral I'erahlna when h made hi report,
1.1 Information beliif gained from
friendly Mexican who hsd arrived at a
point near rtuhlo, where Malor K.van of
tho Tenth cavalry waa halted yeaterday.
Overtake Bai.
Major Kvan reported that ftaturdsy
Colonel Hrnwn had encountered a hand
of Vllllala and 'WTir'Tliltatiln; Ihem
through Kan Antonio, fonn afterward
Mexican who arrived from that trlclnltjr
declared that he had overtaken tha ban
dit at tha villas of Aauaa C'allentes,
twenty mile aoulheaat of ft:hlnava,
Vllla'a men, aonordtng o tha version
of the encounter, appeared wholly un
suspecting of lha presence of an enemy
a minute before they were attacked,
tt wes about noon when Colonel Brown
brought hie cavalry within easy range,
The Mexican were lying about th plea,
many ot them alep, and all their
horaes were rlng. In many raaea some
dletanc from th men. Pelade of th
action were not told, but tha Mexican
said that, bealde thoe killed, th Amer
ican raptured an n.ul number of
hnraee, General Perehlng added that hla
report of th nngangement lacked Con
firmation, though hla rredenna of th
new we Indicated by tha fact that he
transmitted It to Oeneral Kuneton.
Neil Cross Held v
For Killing Man
With Automobile
kroner' Inquiry Into th death af
Otto J, Hrhnrck, who waa killed by aa
auto driven by Nell fo at Twnty
aevenlh and laik reaulted In th reoom
meiidatlnn that he be held for further
Inveatlgetlnn or proaeetilbin.
The following verdict wa returned
after two hours' deliberation!
"We, the member of the coroner'
Jury, du find that otto J. tichlrok died
on Hi third iley nf April, Hurt, aa th re
mit of being struck by an aulomohll at
the Intera. -thin of Twentv-oeventh end
ltkn etii.eta, city f Omaha, county of
l""iH'na, atnte of Nebraaa. wbtl said
automobile wa being driven by Nell
'rnea, and we further find that said aa
el.!. M wee the reauli of caraleaan en
th pari of Nell cmee, driver of aald
aiilonioblle, and 'minuend (hat the
loiinly attorney furilier lnveaigat M,1
a.. 'lib-lit at bl tln.' and retura ig
, '!!.. m "
Ci.. I being held at the city Jell at
Hi preeent (line until bond for hi r
ln hate homi -a il
Qcorgo W, Ean ia
Formally Disbarred
N I'at.lJI !, t.,U Tb
ai.pi rut .n,t ihla ttio nuig i,.,.ftte,al
tlsa flu Hi. tt I ,. In tta g.
l aiiiirnt .e. i.tllti,! l ,i tt
t n. an it - in ,.f 11.14 , tit a 1., I tar,.
a t ! i,ii ni'l'i -lUl'm id bl 11 fiunt i, , ,
ii- it, u a 1,. mi i.i tin nitu haaa t
iit-l u it v' 1 ul .niiii.g a lie
It la tit lii'li 14. ii,t,t rap.iMi. eHl ralt t'i
lata I 'i .. .11, imi t,.r ,i,,i..f at tk
p.i.,i,t. !! iiM.i.ta
the nml arisos you
will find IVo Want
to your ronuire
nunts. Host service-
nt the let vvk
I it i