TIIK J.KK: OMAHA, Tl'KSDAY, Al'KIL 4, Society Notes -.- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings CLEF CLUB CUTS UP ON ALLjMS' DAY Staid Musician! Imperaonate Some of the Old Master Whom Tliey Revere, MENU WAS A FALSE ALARM l MM. I, It KM 4 rtl H, The profeaatonal munlcal peopla who lielnrig In III Clf club K anlde, Ihelr prorVonl dignity Hiilurdny evening end Indulged In an A pi II drat haiiijuet t the Hotel fxiyel, There were eberrle bard a brick In gnipe fruit rocklall, dlahc of onp mad of -oiled la and grease, glunne of bitter water, candy apnragu nalnd, wftor dinner mint fla vored with quinine, nnd cigar that hut at. Attractive plac card wllh mimical theme kept the gucat buny guexnlng Ihcm, Mml afterward tin- vaudevllli) ahow wm lif Iff . Tha nrchentra, compoacd of Mlnne Kmlly Ocvn and l.uolla Ambr on, and Mr. Frank Mhch aii'i Mr. Henry Cog, played an overture, and Incidental munle. Mr. Ceil lierryman a I'k'Ipi ewkl, and I he ntiigi) hand, Ml All''" Imvle a tha Wnh'io I. In Hint, Ml (ieve nit 1-THzln ICrel!cr, Minn forlnne Paol aon a Joeflna Hoffman, furnished duologue. A mlnntrrl ahow contained Vernon C, Dennett, J. r, Colvln ami A. M. Hoigium and a 4ulntU of women, Kho M orlfflnnl llmerb k about member nr t ... . w-i T,""r Style. Quality . Sewfc Q "D T7 T A T 1 1 y jdii'biu your order for a woolen milt Willi ux during the olio Ins week you will waive In addition A Handsome Sport Skirt Made To Order Free of Charge a Whlcb l worth from f 18,00 to $2g.0O, All Inlereated and who apprcliit the hlghrat atandard of exclualvflne and maHtenthlp In execution are advlaed to make their selection early. S. H. ACKERMAN "Omaha'i Most Exclusive Ladiet' Tailor" IH'IH AM) NT, MAUtY'M AVUMil, l liilln.il llldK. Iliori Domr. 210. ranged anil written by Mr. Jean Huf field and All Oriice Hancock. A mill'' quaiti't made up of Meant' Minima, Newlan, Krai it nnd fiirnul, a. led by Mr. l,Mndherg, a nIiiicIhk iiiiiu'liHii, put on huniirnua compo "Itlon hy Mr. I Jiii'll"ig, ('miiiil and Mr. KraU. re ei'tlvely, Mr DoiikIh Welplon n.i Vfata Tllllf, alnlfd l.y Mr. II. V.. Mil like", Mr. Martin Huali, In "ilf if lioperaoriatloiia of iircHl oniportetii, and Mr: ly'lith I,. H'hhmi r, In mi orlKinn1 moniiloKun on Die hlalnry of niualit, w r Heat favorite A ("Millar lieHilllner wi lh H'l of Mr, and Mr Vernon Ctlo (Henry l'i). In Hie wintla wnlk, lar NHiid ''' ii triic, 'o trot und other aorlfty daneaa wlHi orrliealra and p-l I lull t. Mia HorKluni, Mi, lluetena, Ml. Helen Mnikln, Corlnnn I'muIhoii an Marie IIimIi, vaniiulnhed Mla Henrlitli Heea In a plarpo olo, end put It on tnr Younjrer Set Entertaini, The O'T eluh, efinipoed of th" ultra yrmnaer alrl, will irl' Ihelr flrl dan' thl evening at iha home of Mla Joaephlna Iitenaer, I'n'll thl vnnlrif, the 1 1 ib lin not ntf rn ted ani M'-a m ir ainliilloua than an fwphaurn or lunrheon party. If Ilia dunee prove n (irea auf. re, fhr.i alll h many mn Ihl r. Hon and nt. A l ufM, auipar w I i efve. lii fore 1(1 o'i Iik k. The rri'mher of the iliili are; Mle lionna McDonald, fa., line 'Vad, I'elty Kairfleld, Winifred Kraudl, 'on Hrl'ali k, Ivlilli WHInlirand, loi.ihlnn ,atener, Morning Frock 6" Mle - 'iei , tt. i' feyrke, lldn I aoilnn, ,lo el) ii H one, I IIMhii Mini Hwendnljn Me"ny, MlVllllll Wliltn, Imintliv Hlptile, 'J'ara llm kenhei K(,r lli lui fryke or i oiiiinii'ia, 'liie Hiienla v.lll lie Mel - Ilohert Iniiweraen, .lohn fhlltiln, llayimind WryVi-r, Hubert WHIc, Jrime Noble, Will N'lebolann, III' bard fmlib. Mer -'leomn Haunder, Italnh Hut ton, llodvard Norton, l-dward I'baiiilierluln I'arl Ixiwe, llobert Month, I'n'tiaid lloliu'ult. I ruie t'uiiibiKliam, Herbert Negele, Dictz Club Notei. Th I'letX iiub Kavn a ln party Hl urday evenlna. About forty member and frlenda wern preaent. Tha provram 'onalnt'd of tnuale, niiuif and luniiienn erved at 10 o'eloek. Kbort lalka by mem bera er made and aervaral nnw mem ber were added to the 'lull Hat. For Beatrice Oueit. Twelve of tb very young girl wer Ilia kueala of Ml J'egliy Iteed at her GROWING, WITH GROWING OMAHA" Pi!an5ISr ,. ,-IaVilJ12iaY"rX fi-ir- r fir J-- - - , , r.J. t T!gj.j r...:. Th New Home of Hart Schafner A Marx Clothti. ml t&i 'it'h ( R I5 OR III CITY STREETS VISITORS IN DILEMMA Can't Find Locattone. Scarctly any of the strata are namad, and ula familiar with Ihe dctalli of that particular part of th city, one may ao for aevnral blorka and not know upon what atrept be la traveling. Look at This from th undy Na. Then 7 at This LT There may not be any algna upon the itrneta of Omaha, but there la An Enormous Sign on the old RranUela Building that nobody can mlaa. BRANDEIS STORES CLOTHING DEPT., Home of Hart SchafTner & Marx Clothe Watch far lha Illumination. It Is Vacation Time for School Children It gives mothers a splendid oppor tunity to bring their ehildren here and outfit them for Kaster, The JioyV Clothing Dcpartinent, the Misses and Children's Depart ments and every section of this great f-tore where children's wear is sold is ready to outfit the younger gen eration with the best, and save you money in the bargain. Excellent Shoes In Stylish Shapes 200 Pairs Women 'n NIioph, orftU and ends, broken Nizt-H, hI ijrhtly Niled from display on the luirgain tables, Speriaily CS priced, pair OUC Odda and Kudu In Women's l'limpa and Oxfords; broken el lea; patent leather and aatln. nr I'alr aOC Odila and Knda In SVotnen'a Rubbera. Small f Ire. Kpxclal Tueatlay, pair 1UC Odila and lOnda In Men'a Shoe, broken (1 ff l pair J 1 UU Women'a Juliet and Three Point llouxe QQ Kllppera, All aire, pair ,.70C tilrla' null leather Shoe. All alteg to (TV O 2. Pair VOC Ituaeiufnl, WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN UNTRIMMED HATS We have Juat rerelved a big, new ahlptnenl of (( dnen unlrlinuied bale In Milan hemp and ( hlna tpllt et r.i a. Many f lliete hat are In th lUr ahape, and ihrre ye pleniy of Ihem In black. Then hate are ! new aprlng ahapea, and tha woman who lhe Id -ronoiiiUe on her taier Hat wHl find the bent of bargain here on TuemU), Wprth up lu .l SO. Spe rial- $1.69 s. ... I HmI To rompleia the Knater Hat we are offering on Tueadar a beautiful aaaorlment tf all kliula of flower, eiieh a halaiea, Palialea, Vlolela, Hnaeg and many other klnda. Many of the tleeoratlnna are worth up In (Wo, All on nale Tuea day 25c lAir Ihoae di'ilrlna fani y feather trima fr ibniiialiiin. w lin miiue of ih u-ry preitieal of burnt t'hie and Imitation lioura im 4l at 39c .nd 49c Mr I, lli:( iiMKI a i-;. It la dlffli'iilt to find u mourning frock. that I both fanhloiiablri nnd eonxervatlve. In thla Innlance both ipuilllli'li me rtiiiriri Inuly illnplayed, for there inn n dlrr"i tly low neck and long aleevi J The aklrt I draped III bouffant effeet over tile blp and I veiled with dull blark rhlffon. A orgi bouiiiet and baiidn of dull apangled trimming afford aultHliln trim nilng. country home thl afternoon at lun' heon In eieel Ml Virginia lloblnnon of Heatrlcn, who la Ihn boue guei of Ml Heed, The dining room and table wet derorated with country-grown aprlng flower. Perional Mention. Mr. Martin K Hugarrnan and children left Hundjy availing for Naw fork to apend two month with Mri. Hug&rmnn'i parent, Mr, and Mi. A, Mnmly, Mr. and Mr. Kdwln Holdberg left Mon day morning for 8an Kranclaeo to be gueata at lha wadding of their nlera. Ml" Imrelt Nathan, to Mr, Joaeph Klaehcr of Ban Kranclico, Social Ooiiip, Mr. K. J. Nevllla and her daughter, Florence, are reglatered f. the Ht. Charle hotel, Atlnntli! City, N. J, VOTING SPIRITED AT ART EXHIBIT Three Faintirijp Arc Makinj Close Rate for the Lea'Jcrhij in the Contest. "CABIN MOTHER" STILL LEAD3 Xjdilteil tiillnu In the popiilurlly inn t"' li! I lie inbl'ilt of nut the enlel n in ltr, li b In lielng held In the mw.iedm jut Hie ii'iblb' llbrnrv miller Hie auaplcna of the (bun ha line Alt oiiiiy, In being tarried on by liujie iioile, whbii arc billy Htteinlini; the ienri; dlnpliiy of nil '"(iei.; , TlH'ie piijr'iu in" liinklng M rloce rnrt (.(- leadernblp In the . on'enl, "The Ciihln MoHier," by Ada Waller Hlnil. tl, b'.weer, redlining (he frt pbi.e In Ihe fin or of lhoe who have vol il, Ueririiiln J, name' 'i'i I'lb ', mid ll'c aealern palulliiK. "HI I f la hi ," b y H. I'nxann, are flili tiiiillbg for aeeimd pli-e. ' reotile" I a bionie nii'dul pliiure lliat b ranknl by mi buer m ll film ntildy lit tlll life. II einbl.'lleii nil llin ie.iiie of drawing, good color and ileiOMillv" 'finlltk Hint Illlike up a good palnllug 4lo I'nliila l.anilaeape. Mr, firnii nlno paint liindneiipr, for v lib h nlm lui won honoi on neveiiil i ci anion. Mie (l tepreenlei l ll,e Han I'raiiiiiico etponlllnn bv a nilnlatuir rntlilrd, "Hlii willi I'eralan Cat." The a ill! from tvboiui In nail rimie "The I'nbbi Molb'r," I im Indiana woninu, v ho rebell ed h"r art Irii'nlng In l"r ill. lin" Villi neadein-, Hhe muke apeeinlfy of tmlntliig children, a onn might Infer by nludjing the charming llllle yoiingnter In her cunva at the local e hi bit Mr, ri)i In painter who ha made a npeibilty of depleting the life of In diana and American pioneer Hi niurala havr gained wldn reiognltlotj fur him In ihe art world. There ora eight of thene In the Mlnxoul county court houan iMontniinl and l In the Montana enpltnl, "Ciialer'a I, ant fight'' I nnn of hi painting wlib h ha been cnhlhltod j III ninny elite. lloeaae ( Kthllilt. I Mi. I). II. I'rlnz I the hoale hi I ' hinge of today' exhibit, Nlm I being jgnalntei'l by Mr. J, H, (Inhume, Mr, i Moyd tiaborne, Mr, J, I', I'nlmer, Mr. K, f. Peek, Mrn.'John A. Methane, Mr, l.mlen Htephena, Mr. II, II, Mclluff, Mr. W, H, Mill Ugh, Mr. W. II, M" Keen, Mr, J. J. Mc.Mullen, Mia. Mul Naali, Mr. Krank J. Norton, Mr. Charle Offutt. Mr. O, C, Itedbk and Mr, charle (ilmm. It ha becomo known that Prof, Paul Orummann, director of art nt Ihe alale unlveralty at Lincoln, la endeavoring to muke arrangement to get the ehlblt. for the capita! city when It leave ' imaha. There I a pnnlbllly that penver will hv the exhibit hefora Lincoln. Can vae of porthwetern atill would be hnwn In the art mueum at the atate unlveralty If Prof, dnimmami can make atlfarlory arrangement. Widow'i Club Meeting!. Mr. Hel ('.. Turpln, the organizer, announce two meeting of the Hoclety of Amrlean Widow thla weak. On will be held Tueday at 2 o'clock ftl the Young Men'a Chrlntlnn aoclallnn OMAHA GIRL MAID OF HONOR AT CHICAGO WEDDING. f f ; -v Ad ! ' , . . . : j J Why Buy Tomorrow9 s Milk Supply Today When You Can Get Today's Supply Before Breakfast From Al ami to The "Milk.While" Dairy Try Douglas 409 For This Service Women's Union Suits, 25c Wemrti a I im' t iUoi l nuui NuiU, iitnbrelU kucc ami cuff km i", rru'ul.ir titid nut im a .l'ic tallica nt 25o ml V.im n 'a Fm tUi M.'cel, H c,U; fn t.,.,t, fclidilt '!) t fi i I lV tlic, ape. tal 7.,e r It. Ii,f,,M;' t ofloti .u l.iile lo' i tn!,.r Wortlt I I I"1 'ir, IN r i itir, UX'. ti.lL.tj Tor, lion In.,-, gtl Imeiii,.i,a .i itMi.H, k,ntbV I'.ir iin.li r rnr i I childrrit ,UfM. Np-, IWj rd lci a fin" .((. .ti, t iMil.,,t Mxi tud l.ule r Hi.ah lo-. I ait iMlor and Hi n Ii,ni n( ir,U, Vortl IV. i. me. Ue. t'Wex m mi TAFFY DAY TUESDAY I ti'll, tlclicimi, f.tl' team A it y-1 I ..,! Taff, all fUor. Ic?'i'ar I'.'.' plil'it , per p-.l"d 10c Dressmaking Classes Have Started ' I,, 11 ,1 Hur.l iV 50c Miu' t'n.elet . ! as hi ter trr.ltii l'li.n .n ii,u il.,r.l t tl.r.,!! i. ,w al Ii.- i . r.,,1. ., ,,t iHf.ce Ticket f ,s l c , .:,,- , 'f I M. f-.f 1 WlW Want to Hire a (GOOD - I -ROUSEGIRL I Put Your "Help Wanted" Ads I yThe Omaha Bee le Per Word on Phone OrJtri . TIU-EPIIONU y TjUr 1000 MIHH (IKKTIM'I'I-; ,V CAUTIIV. A fm iiii'i' iiiiiiiIiii gil l, Mnn I lert I'ikIii Mi'CiirlliJ , will be niiibl of borior nt the wedding of Mm hilith iigden Illinium, daughter of the former inavor of Chi cago, Carter II, llnninon, and Cyrn Kd Hon Mnnlerin on lllinter Tuindny, The Weii'llllg will be a Iiiiki nnd bllllllillt if fii of th" Liiier aeiiHon, Mln McCntlhy In Ihe duughter "f Mnjor and Mm. I'iiiiI SlcCirtliy, wlm were formerly ntntlounl nt the nrniy lieiiduimr ler here, Minn McCarthy icliiiocd but full lo he an alictubmt nt the wedding of Mln Irene McCoimcll nd Iibk Coiid and remained over a npechil muld to the iieen at the Ak Har Hen bull, and Ihe other will be ThurnUay nt 1 e'liock nt the Young Women Chrliillnn ochillon. The latter meeting be preceded by a dinner In the, "Y" i fi at a.yi ii clock. Social Notei from Lincoln. M. H. K. Hyiam of Ciilcago rame io Mnuolii Moni'ny for i; brief atny with her Inter, Mr. Inil Kornmeyer, Hlie ie lurtied to her home. In t'hlciigo Tneadiiy. Mr. Loul Kornmeyer accomi iinb d In r to Omaha, where they rema ned nevernl day, tin! gociri of Mr. end Mia, A, J', Tiikey,- (iuiidny State Journal. Mra. fl, H. Whllliw nnd Mr. Kiel L IcvVltt entertained nt bii'lge Thurabiy alternoort In honor of Mr. T, It, Whlfltitf, who will leave today for her home In Omaha. Mr. W. I,. Iav: won the prlao, Mr, nd Mr. Whiting have lived In Mil (Oln for revernl yeai nnd are golmt lo Omnia becgiiae of a changi" In Mr, Wblt. Ing'a work, which iieceraltloa tiaveing out from that clly. Hunday tJtato Jour nal. Rockford College Affair. A "between time" affair wa given thl afternoon by the Hock ford College anioclutloti In a luncheon Hint had a giiet Hockford ntiulenln home for Ihelr aprlng vacation or panalng through (una lii, enroiitn to Ihelr achool, The luncheon wa given at the Young Wo men' fhrinllnn annocbitloti nnd tha tnblo wa decorated with tha rnllegn color, purple, In aprlng flower. Thonn prenent were: Menrtnme - Meadamea--full n it. McDonald, .1. II, lienton, A. W, Cn rpenlei-, c. A, Woodland, t ,i )', Crook, Harold lllby, ,1le Mlnnen Inabel Hhtlkerl, Henrietta Medlar, flertruile Alkln, Hninh Hear. Ploreni tlegghlnde, Alice ttedgwlck, rlalen Huek. i llndya loodinnn, Vlirlnn Maylord of I teniilnger. Norfolk, Anniversary Surprise Party. Mr. mid Mm, Henry Abraham wero mirpr'eeil nt their home Unt evenfng by a piuiy of friend, who called In honor of Ihelr l went y-ei enth wedding annl verairy. The guent pluyed l.iidgH and ptinia were won by Mr. Saniuel lionen berg nnd Mr. L. I loldsmlt b. Thoee prea ent were : Mennia and Mendiitnen -ShuI I e tne. H.imuel Itonentierff, Havld Newman I!. IhMhiiiIUi. Itol eri irn I v 1I 1 1 roe Aron Roaenl em. Henry Abi aham. i M.,ri in ni.enl ei , I Mnndnuicn Mem'Hioea - Fanny Htinon lice Klrve. M Ineen - ,t tnm-n ' I'nia lle,e, ,le e Kroner j Irina I lion. Fat lice Newman. Pauline Iton.-n ierg liorothy Abrubani. ! flella A briiliain. Mr Hint Ainni'nm 1 Inteifit in Conference, tiitmh.l inn Hi, i ii ' ii In Hie pitu ceding nf the laent total hlld Welfart . ..ireceii, Hoil.,1 cut,, eltl un n( tin Mother and Pnretn Tea llnim ThU . ..h, i till. oi openn lepiorniw , M Vi.lnllle Tern, , ntel ill i-.un noi ihiviuh I tie rt.-el Lenten Sewing Hie I ,.l lil -ilr I. I'c " '. Ii'.t i It i. f iei ii....,- ilb ll. I il"'t l 1'i'H il 'll-.. M.- -. , li.t ,1 ih-'' I- .inn i.i f-r I .. I, ..i' ,u . h i ' .'Lot . i I ... In ' ' 1 i i i ' I i i ' . : ,1 ., 1, . ' . (.I.I . . m-- Oi . f I : . ; ' a i t, I ' VI ... I S i l l I ' ' I I Ait Kihsb H '.mm M i I " . i 1 ...I, H. IM!' t 1 I ' ' . . . . ,i I i i , ,, ....... VI . V n V ' i , Vi -. . - l. i ii i i. ' i il p.i ... ,1 if f .r 1 ' ' 1 I VI l i.i. ' - . ... ' " Train School "cwi. The Mot hern' nnd T lo';,,-, ' . Inb of Ti run nehool held Ih'-ir fccml meeting Fiklny afleiii'.ou the ..oni'' sl" A. Hwohode. Tlie fu'l im iol"'ihll "f I1'" eluh Willi io'iii, lonnlieii ci" pieneiit A program m gKen wi'h lO I'icil U'i" I, ii nnd reiiliitmn-i. Ohpheum Theater Party. The box iiccujiiinm nt the (irphe'.m till evening will b" mndc up prliicl patly f rui-rmui'ti" of two, not partle In the pantuct of the theater, nld out early In the morning. Mr, and Mr. Hoy It. Zachiiiy will give ii parly to aeven giient. Mr. and Ml. P. W, Mlkell, ,-ilv, nnd piitile of five will ha glvmi bv Mr. Hick Kitchen nnd Mr, and Mr I . i. A, Lu keti and Mr. and Mr Norrl Hrntvn. Mennr. II. C. Nlchnlgon, II. L, llunlle, Harry Hyrne, , '. Hedlck. I.. N. Colin and ('. L. Frn wnrth have tnleii reervatlona for four Mr. Harry Weller wn hntea to five guentn nt the miillnee performanee. Mr C, A. l'ii will he hontei to twentv-foiir at Hi" T:e'tay matin" and Ml N. L, li'ickert will have ten guent For the Wednend'iy matinee, Mr. A, Cteen hn taken twelve reservation. Mrn C. II Pratt, l Mr. " ('"n" rinl, neven, and Mr .1. Koaenlh!. lht. Mr. C, Hdidrb knon will havn ai g.enm nt Hie Thurdiiy mnll"",. n Mr. Haney ban taken fourteen reer MiHon for tl." Friday club. Mr. W. A, Vonon ban eight rrnrrva tlon for Hi" Friday matinee, At Prairie Park Club. The Arnembly club 'lam w flven Fiiiurdnv evening nt Hie Pralrla Park club houan lo no unuaually large mim tcr of gneat. Mr. and Mr. Herbert .....i ... . l,nf,.l tiinrb At ir'i Kler i on iTiiineo in- - "-.--- Ihelr home after the dance, trie follow ing go'-nm being prcnent: Menara, and Mcdiime -It C Hnrion, 'I. H. Hheam, V,' W, Kerr, Holtman, W T Kourkn, A. A. VVedemeyer, C,'l Mickey, H, Kln. A 'I. lieclieford, !,., Viola K Pbllhhir, Past Festivities, Mln Loulne Prbach wan hoten at an biformnl pa.'1' Thursday evening at her home, Thone ptencnt were: M'nwa - , Mleae - A V. 1avld, Icile I rbacH, M. nnr. - ..,M',Tr."'' u t I', Wencntt, W, If. I rba-'h, Hnnlel lebev, Mr. Irbmh, Mr and Mr. William He!nrth, .r. ,md Mr. J. H. Loii'V, Menorah Society Meeting. Tim Mmocih aoelely will hold an oper, meeting Tuendny evening, April 4, hi their eluh room, at Labor Temple, An nihlrenn will lie given by Mr, I. !ee, fol lowed by a inimical and literary program, Innliillallon of officer will tilo tak place. On the Calendar. McKlnley l,dle' auxiliary of the n'nl Il'rlth In giving a dancing party In tha ball room of the olepom thl even Ink. The ihllnlhe union (it Omaha will meet thla evening at the Young Wo men' Chrlntlnn anjcaton. Credit Men to Meet in Omaha in August TUite have been definitely el for tha convention of the Iletall Credit Men Notional annocbitloti In Omaha. They r Auguat 21, V. and ?l. Prenhlent J. VV Woodlock of Ihe annocliitlon lin written Ihe bureau of publicity of the Commercial club aiinouivlitg the date and announc ing an eagerncn lo co-operte with tha bureau In the matter of getting a large nil attendance of delegate a polbln. Hctwecti nnd '.ffi are expected, PROTEST FILED ON THE PAVING OF AMES AVENUE la Amea avenue, from Thlrty-nlxth street to went city limit, a main thor oughfurB within the meaning of a law paanod by the Innt lcglnlatureT The city commlmloner ore In doubt, ( The matter of ordering thl atreet paved without iiaiuil petition of property owner wii hild over for two week, when the property owner will he given an opportunity to appear hefore the coun cil committee of the whole. If the atreet I to nil Intent and pur pore n main thoroughfare the council mny order the pavement. One property owner hn protented on tha ground that he would be anened I'Ofio. hleteMed ; 'til nil Milt lilt- I 'nimi-H nf BIGGEST IOWA FISH IS SENT HEREJO BE MOUNTED The National Fur A Tanning companv. Hi .", Soul It Thirteenth treet, ha Jut .iuuilci,., mounting the large! fih ever caught In the ntitte of Ina, a inonhlll ntutgeoii weighing IV, pound. Thl apeel men l Ihe liiruent on record and wa apeare.J thiough the be by It. I', Vandnr leeU of VinohU Park, low, while fih (n Hie lort.'i' end of lika tikotiojl Mr Vaode. i.e. i.. ho I a flh guide, h epi nt twenty m flnhlng In Ijlka ( kohell nnd , that theta never ha h.rii a fmii tiiheu from the Ink thai ui'Uhed hiHiIm nfiv piiiind of thl pi nu n The flnh wa e,en feet two Ini hea long and H.r. feet mo. Ind e In lr ciuofcicu, e I I,,. I -4 i ' M 11 t I 1 UNION BANDS TO PLAY AT THE PARKS THIS YEAR i .Mln, I i nu a.' Hon of lb e!ty finiy. , I , ..i.iii.lMf e f lha ,,,,' (h,, hi ' " ' " lci"lf'" rtl'l, t:rn fln to ' ' ' ' In thn (nr.. lie. v .iii,.n a,.ing n fl,i,n u i ' i l r . ' i...- . u i, '. I ' ' ' 1 - f t I.i ("en,. - .nr i,,.,., , t (miinn fMe " ' ' ' ' I .t.4 '!' . I t : Pi H m Thl Annual Hni u t 1 1. ., . 1 ' ,. .,, i , . i i -ii'. ' Va,Lv N" VI - ll.i." . v- ' . . 4 !. . llm. 4 ' O ,1 , , l lil 4 ' , - 1 4 . 4 M ! I -,,,,!' !( I.,- -I V!.... I 1 FLORENCE SCHOOL PUPILS STUDY NEBRASKA PRODUCTS ' V - 4 'lH ' Hf t . t.. r ii t '- tfc' l '!, : t I It t I1--rr, 1 1 1 i f ' j''l ('t,:' 'i" t ' i . t '.i i v j ... i i a '!' M I 1 ' i - ( . I . A I , t'.i i ' ' t. win kno-hkThTs OlSSCLVtO PARIMRSMIP t - ,-,.,..(-. . i-.,,4'., .. ' . ' . 4.1 J , , ' - - -' . . . - - I I i ' ' i , ... p 4 , . a...--. I -'j. I. , , . 1 .-! - , I .. 1,. .. n.i wi- n ..a t MgiiiiiiMI ei Nil! ljliai'li lliwn ' f' ''" """"""1'"fc''llM1'w"'l"m'JJJ "iT""1