TIIK IlKK: OMAHA, TT'KSDAV, AVML 4. l!Mi. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE rot'NDKD IIV KDWAIlU KOftEVVATEIl. VCTORJ HOHKWATK.lt, EDITOR. The Ilea Puhiiahlng Company, proprietor. PITP! Kt'H.MN'l, FAHN'AM AM) EKVKNTWKNTil Knferad Hi 'imah jjoatoffpeae eeondla matter. TUtMS OK uiik:hption, My lerrler per month , ,.& 4mi ! k.im. .2n; a; Hy mull par year. 4 14 '? 4 'O 4 ' 1 00 ruiif nd jni r tally without Kunday Kventng and (tunday. .,.,., Keening without ftnririay.,,,, Kvening mil out feurt'Jiy Monde Im (inly.,,... I 'ally and Kunday liaa, three yaere In advene.. I0 IO tid notice if rl.ai of eddraa or Irregularity in )iirery to Om ah aJ ""jX'if ' "la Hun peparrm nt. "llirMITTANCM. Flemlt hy draft, tpra or p..etl erder. Only lwo rent afami received tn payment of amall account. 'raonal check, eircept on Omaha end caatern flig, rni iwil4 Omahe The lie Itulldlog Pnnth Omaha-Mi N eir, (Vxinell Muffe It North Main eireet. I,lnr.,ln--ii Utile Itulldlng. i 'hi. a'. urn i'Miri-a " rtuiidin. N fork- Room II' ?t Fifth vnu. ft t,nul-f) New Hank if l'innmir, Wehlnginn7 Fourteenth alrael, N. W, ffiiltKhl'iNliKN'B. Addret rnmmunl' ail'ma relating to nawa and edW tot 11 matter tn Omaha It"", Kultortal liatiarimntt VmiM AKY CIWJIMIIOJr, 54,328 Daily-Sunday 50,639 l"wlghi William, circulation manager of Tlia H ibllahirig company, balrig duly gworit. v that the iw circulation (or the month of February, We 4 2I dally and ". M'lriday, lW((IIT WII.IJAM. tin illation Manager, ui,crtbd In m prence and a'(0 to before ma, ttita M day of Mar. h, m fuvbKltT lIUNTWn, Notary PublM. 0111mm rltMirt leaving the idly tengjwrarllf ehould have Tit lUm BieJlwl to thmn. Ad dreee wtiJ b changed m often M rueetvl. The rope pulling tor nw Union depot for Omaha fuuvt not U itlloncd to hk. And tb 12,000 cburlty btng ovor from th Amwcliitwl IteUlliiM' iioncwrt coumo will com In might? h&niy. Anotbt-r !) of Chin U in ravoit analiiHl Vuan. Th ftnlf-fllectid prcnldunt In glvlnii a llly Imitation of Honor llunrU In WmIco. ItRiiiciubcr that mora punpla are Kolna to rM rich by (nvoatlng In Omaha rnal niitala In (h futora than hav aotttin rich that way la (ha paat. The aama rfRltrtratlon roqulremtmU apply to tha drya aa to tha weta. You unittt bt rn llrf4 by nt Haturday If you want to vota In tha primary, Federal probfri ara diligently iiiraanrlni tha Kaarjlina tan In of tho country without dla turblng tha upllftlnar gayty of the flgurta on tha alenboarda. Rata-making cli-rka In railroad offlcea ahould (ijfrolaa greater care In manipulating fnurea, Horn day tbvy will inaka a uil(a-e downward and 1h a promotion. Warring men on land or 'a bavn a fighting rhanea for Ufa whan woundtd or In dfrat, Ka t apa of tha cmw of a wounded alrahtp or aero plane la aircptlonal for It rarity, Hnrftary DanlcU la puttlna; tha flnlahlng itouchaa on tba naval prepared nena Inquiry. I'nlrni bla talant at a new ieUr baa gona to ffd, Joarphua ought to produce a atrlklng front paga. Tha atory of the Kanaua rale ralaa that failed empbaalM the ned of rontlnuoua vg ilanca by Oroaha'i ahlpp'ng Interaali. Kvnn profaaetd railroad frlnndahlp la do bar to "(dip ping one ovrr." At laat the Turku are willing and anxloua for American fled (roaa aaalalanra for tha food leu thousands of latum. An amply atoin ach tarea little whether croaa or creacent brlnn relief, ao that relief cornea. eaMBjBawajBjBjaBBBBaaMBajBaBBBaaj Offlrlal aasurancea are given that the coun try la clear of foot and mouth dlaeaaea, The fcrmer may ba arrepted without aiieatlon, but the latter applleatlon, like Ilrer Uabblt, lava kw on the threshold of a Mumping campaign. The Urgent part of an order from tha liilt lh government for million of onu pound tin lrlab teW want to I'blladelphla compounder. No better rholea could Jia made. A a miner of Irlah atewa the Quaker elty la In a claa by Itaeir. The vlalon of the Hhorthom niagnato ha the true perapectlve, Tb tutura aieatnea if Omaha aa a primary ato. k iiiarkwl t a rertalu aa It program to the preacnt lime, I'am dv opmenl warrant the eiinilliig proHpt.ri the futut hold. A adentiat' reported illcry of fhiid hldi render tha human body tranaparent May ha of Internal lu medical atudenta, but dte not meet lb n ! u( th htoir. A pu-:il-l fluid (hat will tllumlnat tha Intent be bmd tha rampaiin protula wuuld fill tha vot ing world lth Joy ami radiate mlli in t.N Ira Circle, Thirty Years Ago This Day In Omaha faaallae: ( Baa rikaa. II It I-. (.f 4li lr.il... i,itr,lllk " a i'i'i' iint.t i i ,,, i, f I'M" ( N'ois t i. ,i,'.i. . (,, l.y.t4 lit iiiii...r t. (tMr ,ir, a C.r a, t;t..Muil lia U' tit.i-l li. ,,ia -..1 ,. , a lwk aall !!, iU-'i. ti- " i 11 M. M a .I,,, ! t I' -i .... . 'l a i - t in, , . , , - t.l li.t In III. ' K ! a'-.( I . uinti I i haw i . . k., i.u .a i ' . i-4 ik 1 1 i ' V VI... nil-. -,., i I .,, , i I iiitiil 11 l lii. I , I Si I, . . I " . . . k ,1 t I, lt ,,) I I f M II . , , , -. . , wi' M..I. t . I at .' ..!,. k. .'t..aiti.u.t iim Ha-... It II 1 M li.H ,. III. i , i .... . i i- i i ft i. ? i . . di.t.i tl a i 'i I""' !, ti- t Another Democratic Makeihift. UepreentaUv Claud Kltchln of tho way and mean committee ha reported to tho homte that tha general revenue meaaure, aoon to coma In from 11 committee, will contain an "antl t'umping'' provUlon, the purpoao being to pro tect American manufacturer against rutnou foreign competition after the war. Tha Idea I all right, but with trun democratic Inconipe tuiM'i', Mr. Kltchln pre pure hi protective meaa ii r a In makeshift form, )lo proiiouc that only Kiich good aw ar offered for alo In tht coun try at Ion tban the market price at borne ahall be ubject to (be countervailing dulie pre eirllicd, and tho Impost ahall only be ufflcnnt to bring the American aelllng price to a parity with that prevailing in tba country of origin. Tha total Inadequacy of thl will ba appar ent at a glance. If tha home market I to be kept for borne IndUHtry, It can only be by mh provlalon aa makca the coat of production at home tha ha! for tha aelllng prlc. The rout of production inuat nocHarlly Include all tha ciemenla of production, which mean, firt of all, the wage aiale of tha 1'nltod Htate, and tha Mtandard of living etbllhid thereon, To open the gate to tha flood of good produced abroad after the war, oniy requiring that they Iim not offered bare for lea than they ara aold foi at home, la to maintain (he democratic free 1 radii folly, to the necnry reduction of Ameri can alandatd. What I a'tutlly awaiting may bo understood from a report from (Jermany, which I to lh effect (hat mora than a billion and a half dollar' worth of cheap goodM, made by women and children, am now held In Block, and being ateadlly added In, ready to throw on (bo world'a market, once the commnrce of Germany I restored. If tha American manufacturer are to be poinded from tbla and aimlJar competition, It. will be by noma mora effective mean than are provided by the makeahlft meaaure pro maed by Mr. Kltchln and tla democratic rol-Icague, Where g Saving- May Ba Practiced. A weatern railroad 1 Juat now boaatlng of tha elnctrlflcatlon of a aectlon of It Una which travcraea a mountain region, where, water tower I eaally avallnbln, Tha feat la notable, perfanp, but It really empbaalr.ea a ltuatln Ibat la not only erloui but highly dlcrcd llnlila to our clvlll.iillon. It lmprnlvely call attention fo a waata In which all American In duatry aharea In fact, on that la world wide In It extravagance, Tha waale of fuel, In the pi ore of producing energy for Industrial pur poaea, 1 a acandal, and tha mora a ahama to ur, becaueo It haa been known for many year, ha been tha aubjnet of deep Inquiry and re search, with aoma notable prngrna toward aolutlon of tha problem Involvad. Device that will permit tha utilization of at leant one-third of tha theoretical energy of coal ara available, but wa cling to the ue of tboae that wat from 65 (o M per rent of tha poiNlble value of tha fuel. Much ha been ald and written on tbla point, to the end that engineer thorougbly undemtand the queatlon, but It ha a yet bad liltl recognition In practice, Wa are ultra-conervallva on tha point, and rail road ara not tha only offender In tba matter tf waatlug fuel. It I poible, however, that the atlrrlng up the old thing of tha world are golfing Jut now may reault U such change 1n our method that the day will be baatened when the railroad tbt I not electrified wilt be tha novelty rather than tha atandard, Too Much of a Load, Kee-grarter "Uob" Hmith la ualng every blandishment to peruade otber candidate for nomination to hitch up with him on a "late" hy which ha hope to aave hlmaelf from lg nomlnou defeat In tha primary. Hut "Hob," with hla rotten record, l too much of a load fur any other candidate, or et of candidate, to carry and thoe who are wlae to their own In Ureal will avoid entangling alliance that can only bring them grief; for "Hob" may explain hi in i-cl f red In the face axaurlng people that hla pocketing of tba fee coming aero th counter of the dlatrict clerk' office la not prohibited lij law, but he cannot make them believe It I an hone! fulfilment of hi pro mine to be con tent with the (nnerou t,nOi) aalary he haa been drawing for nine year, nor will hla uggetlon that ba might have tried to take more make hla offenat look lea cnlul. Hm'h a lond on the ticket would call for expluimtlon and ex euae contlnuully through thu campaign up to the very day of voting In November and put hla a hoc I a If a on the defective with hltn un it a they repudiated bl action and let him go I! a'one. The time to unload I now, and the way te unload I to withhold a t enouiiiitlon from tha falno public officer. State Control of Standard. The aupiema court of the I'nlted M(at haa Jut handed down a decision In a South l kola (e, reaffirming the power of (ha date to fn atatiditrd of weldita and lucaaure. In thl lh principle of "contenia of container" l con i anted, tha atata having a law that a pound -can of lard uiuit contain a pound of lard. Tha lm kin loinpunle rcaiatcd the law to the final court, loaing ihe dtilniii in tha end living of atandard I an aitrltoit of aitverrigntv. Weight and meaaurc went onm determined bv chance, fcrhapa, tu l lo-rtl cuatom, but mil ttiimltv fmll ililihfj by lo cdlrt, and n- than t "plm a a pounit the tri1 around " nt''ianana ai itiiicrneil (a knew tha baata f "Mr aumlard and inan ruN u tale curient a tv how hts cr tnliH. allr f'lf.l What tha fitum at lta want to ton i ht h h biva a pound 'f a thin k I letitng a poual, ed not niel 'i ' Tba ( rtta h ner haa bfa lha r. fof a leiti cf nieit hMliaui tlat I lv' " rhut4 Ihtowih ih vna.HnrHi el iiuH Uaa a lhat cf Homi tUV -la I'a.Vaaa will anil h 1J, and ik ahalitat o trr , inn'mr. but h light of tht '! t t- ' t i an eo ba d cr limiiaj fil lliat rr.N l'" h l J -in ii Ul 'f ttiyinU of iU.iii oi. a ,.( " .i!ui iti-ioo, ratio air,i .t h l.t.ikifit fciu.t ii-tiun if Ilia ml etiHi Icalf I U li ii. tt irtiior vuti.r Billions of Worlds in the Skv Oarratt T. Barrla. riOMK otin waiifa to know If Urn olhur ami mlmil kj that inaka tin lha ijnlvit dava iilanola rnvolv Ing around threw Ilka owr n. I lillfi tliMl I day do, loil. my hcllef la not bawd on dlract vlmiiil vlliic. It In a inattar if Inferan'1 and of lilli 'laafa of proiiairility. If on a autnorr nlalii 1 " a awarm of Inao.l i-lrnllng around an elrrtrli- li:it, and down llio atreet 1 fiari-alve othr eloi lrl HkIiC I ffi-l JuailfM In conrludlna that they, too, are irol- a My a'jrroundid ly faa'lnatcd Inmrl. alllioMtili. on ancount lit lti diatanc, tha tnaocla may riot he vl I III fin, whrn wa i ok Into Ida aky, wa ara lamoln auna, dlmlnlalicl to alarry polnla by illaiani a, an I lure our inn la known to hav attendant pln-i held In thdlr orhita hy tha aun'a al.traotlon, It la raa una hla to auepoaa that thoaa oilier mi alao aia almllarly cnrln lfd. Thla reaaonlti la tiaawt upon tlia known fio'i that tha alar and tha aun mi a almllar In their eoinr"i Unit, that tha nliira ioaa.a tha aama a'avtiatlotial atlrai llon that, i-har' ferine mir ami, thai (hay r dial light and hat and nthfr forma nf enaray Juki aa our ami doea, and that they all rdaar to hava orlglnalnd a" Hilling to una general Inw of evoluMon lllffrrlog only In d'lalla, Wlielhrr wa adopt tha old Irfiplan lliwy of tha origin of aolai ayatttna, or the lalar iilutintfaloiiil theory, tha nault la virtually tha aainw, for In holh caa a central Ixidy la aun) la formnd Willi auhal illiiiy hodtea revolvlna around It. lourm , Hi ruinparlaon of Innncla i If ling around elnctilo light miiat not ba piiMhed loo far The hi- aerla ara, lu Omlr origin, Inilepeiident of ftm HgliU, and ara drawn to (hem hy an attraction dlfferrnt from grvllallon, whlla tha plnnnl aia aprong fioui tha aaioii oilglnal rotating or awlrllng inaaa that av hi rth to tli'lr parlloular un, In tha proi'ea of oondiniaatlon that formad the aim tha material ftf which the planata cnnalat war" left outalil tha central condanaallon, awl they condenaod Into eniallor hodlea which continue te aweep arouril tha un without falling Into tt, hoaima, during tba formation of lha ayaiem, they acquired mollona not directed radially Inward Ilia common c.nlr, II la concelvahla Uial tlmr may ) aiara that liavn no lmt heeauaa, owing to (' I J clrcumatancea, II tha material oulaldo the cantral conilenaallon waa athorad Into It. Juat ao there might electrie light that had no inancl flying around them h cauae, owing to local condition, there were no 'n amta tn tha neighborhood, Hut, In general, It la af to aaiime that tha lea ara lha centara of planotary ayatein. Among tha exception may be tha large number of alar which ar known to ha double anna, circling around their common center, Ilka two dinner holding one another at aim length, In 'iolj a ,vlm the contending llraetlnn would probably draw all planela, or ail lha malarial from which planata might hava Wn formed, Into nn or tha ulnar of tha twinned aun. tur aun la a amall nne. There are other hundred of time greater, Theaa gigantic un may hava tenia of planet vnatly grnder than our. W are Inhabtanla of a thatched cnttg tn a mere hamlet of aimce; tha lielnga who llva In thoaa morn glortoo aolar gyatam dwell tn tho palcaa of a mighty eaidtal, Hut there I another fact about tha tar which ihould alwav a kept In mlnu, nd that I that none of tharn airtnda faal. Tha whole unlverae I all" with motion. All tha alar r aplnnlng throngli apare Ilka a throng of racing Icahonta, gliding hither and thither over the froan expana of a lak The gleam of whit aall. the trllttar of tel run ner, the flaah of btirnlahed rati, Ih awlft, curv. Ing tha, thrown Into oval, circle., elllpaea, par. l,ola-II theaa animated can are repeate'.l t.y the atara in the heaven, but only for the eye of a being to whom a thouaand year are aa tha tic of a aec ond. To ii tha tai aeem mollonleaa In their ephara. tha,apeedlng Iceboat eam mollonleaa to lb photographic plat InalanUnaoualy eirxiaed. but whan w link up tha obaurvatlon of cetiturlea w i find that tha ona(elallon ar dlaaotvlng and re. forming Ilk cloud. All thoaa million of aun Willi their hundred of million ef planet ra o many dancing mole In the unahln of eternity. nornaliine (Ihough rarely), w hav reaaon to be lieve one ir croaae another' path, bringing llnon o nar together that. If an actual collUlon doea nut occur, their planate t aent flying Into new oiblu. nd It I poaaible that III uch cln:umlancea a world revolving on lha outaklila of tla ytm may I analched awy to hecooi a member of another aolur family, or lha turmoil In tha two ytema may lie an great that nwny planeta are aent ctaahlng together or hurled Into lha flame of their own un. Twice Told Tales Irlah Heparlee. Hlr ttobert l'lnlay, .. I., tba fomou lawyer, ha been apeakln vlgoroiialy In the Moiiae of fommon.. on tha advlaabllHy of making fmid contraband aa well rt artlclea of war, a far aa Oermany la connenied, Hlr Holrt waa once In Ireland when ha met an Irlah drover with a number of cattle going along a country road. "Where are you going to?" h Inquired of the a. n or Kiln. "To Wat'rfniit l itlr, your honor. " "Indeed? And how much do you etpect ( gel fur Hie animal:" aUrd . .1 lloberl, "Mme, an' If I get eiglil pountla each. I hall not d i hadly," aiuweied 't Vh, there a aainptr of yoot ,-oimtr!" aal.l itr rtiil.cil "Now, If you would lake them, to Knglend )oii would aeiiie I poiiiola each." Th Irlahnian, knowing full well that he einlld on affuiil Ibe oiiinr ! Knglaiut. and feelm a tilfli bull at Hi Implied poteily of ha native land, limkeil Indignant fol a niuuent, but aicidenly bi face bilgbi. encd '.ii"t )i bunot " he retorted "and If rt e lit take the 1 a Kr of K lllaroey to nu mini v in mni!, tel a g'lloi diop fi Idem" UiiHlun Ania People and Events Hi fiotai( on celion make liimin ame in IiuH, but (li "IiiU ante til iiui.p a trout I t I a b pnlda i a.'ulitiiig ninltl. V n iii.iiVi.ii tn l-'ie Hill I uiuit . tba iiu uni i f I nii lu t"ibli iil miia jw .i Hi n'r ft See ,li i. t e li" at tba Ntnamt-ai ru. ti n Tba a "'"I i"il mmeoieiil I tuaking iwilv . .i,. In thu VI Mt t i oieo .tt .ld .ie it 1. On n..t f.i e- iii.lo m io-ue UH!ai i..iiit iiu n a bftn Cv f I'. t up by William !'.. a t. i.. ..I VI -"a I i'ia.t' Hi. i lw ii tn Vi a , i ii ii. !.l l in mi .i.. V r I. ,'n i a iae In a oei ili a ,.f S. 4rttaei ae.imi I V . nil i f.. It Hig a tllii I .Owtr.l In t .ii.ii to, ii.l at ai an t r . i i..u ,i tii .rrmut.na aaffiria U niiiiir a tin. a pf ii,t ' i .er ' e it.-- t v ..- aprt-'a s faanli tl.k'egt o. ii.-a hat at it"'r..-( I i.. a In t'.a vM .. t t to.. i.n l i h- iMia Im. lu.tli.g it.fitl ft . tan. .hu t it,ll4lt.i .(! .! tti MKil HI ... ,..,ititm ! '. 11 .nm V, l.M, a i ! v t ' v. i I1 .! I t h '. I ! of I : !, t' . b ii aa m m a'.'H! m 'i' alina f r l.i- '.. i Ti.i ,,,i.ii I talis te ' k tb-ae a-' 'ei . t I . k it" I' 1 1 f H I" i .' l -I Ma '(van .a I'.i liiv l C. i.i ..i i,, - ..at .1, r'it I n..eal I. I in e t, iei I i-i.i a ti n..ihif wt'i.,a ' f-... U f t II ll'tiit -6L 1 wzi Hob" I iHiiuhl wllli lha l.ooda. UMAIIA, April :i.-To Urn Ivlllor of The II...; 1 huw ihat April Kool loiter" of Hob Hnillha regarding the lncrae In illairlct court (: nod withholding In aimlly and other fe.a and I am frank to admit I mlmlie the nerve of the mull In trying to bluff If off. for the preeenl 1 will dlrg;ird tlin ho moan lu I", aa fwr Hie rtivlaert fee bill. However, h to loioinlly feca, 'There never wa a dollar .uld me Unit I did not report and pay to Hie county treiiaurer goonrr than tha law required." Thl la not truo rind Hob know It la not true, Itnhert Hrnllb filed With tho county tinned hla flrat claim for lnrilty fee on Mepionher 17, iwe, for tM.Wi, Tho couiiiy board laaued a wnrrant In luiyiiicnt on October lb, for Ijih.IJS, deducting i. I for overcharge. When tha bnard laud lint wurrant the ' In tm wit paid to nil Intent and purf.oao. I ild "Hob" report tbcae fee tn I!? No! in i'o.' .Vol Nor in miii, inn, ima, iH nor It'll, t'ut on I'Vbruary 34, I!I5, ba thought hotter of II, and reported lonan II y Inea of H , currlnd by him 111 l'"J uihI collected by him In I!"'. It 11a Hie bow ho collector! Ihean fee. Ho got hi warrant for m:S 011 4anu nrv S, !n, and k"d thl wrrant until l''(ibrury 'tl, l!l, when b praonll It at tho treMurer'a offlon and received the citnh, or Ihren day after ho reported the fee In hla K'lfi report. I.llicwlie hi ki 1. unl 1 UI111 for Innanlty feaa, which be fll'"i with tho county board on liecembcr Z. Ii, for 7Kfl.H0. ''lot hoard Imued a warrant In jaiymant, deduclliig t'if .( for overcburgea. When tha counly board leaned Ihl warrant tha clnliit wa M'ljudlciiled. )d Hob report? O, yea, aevett year lalog he reported there fee, on Kebruiiry Wf, and ha eaahud the wnrrant for :i4.Ji), which wa leaned In Hi. on February 29, lU, eo cordlng to tho treaanrar' record. "Hoonor tloin the law required" I tint auhatHLntlatad by the facta. Of eotirae, after lha an'ond claim, the board aald that all thean InaanMy caae were In court rmd they refuaed to ellow any morn, conaeiuently none were fll'd fur aeveral year and none paid and re ported until tha cne wa flnlly atllnd. VOTKII, I'oiiular Sollooa of gelence. Kf.AltNKV, Neh., April -To the Ivl llor of The lie: An article In The l aald tbla world wn made from nothing, Have you ever aeen anybody make any thing from nothing? Thla world Nature madn from water, mineral end mh robna. Water, rrilnrritl and microbe lire the maierinla In our bodlea, alao In ell veg. tatlon In the world, Nature went about tl tha tonne a in making a hall of yarn. Th planet are all madn that wy, Thl planet I ma hern enlarging for I2u,0oo,fliin year el leaat. The aun la a planet the ante a I lie real, end the heat and light enlata In tho apace between all the plan el. The aun travel ao faat that It rut the hat and light from lb almoaphere, the Miiis aa when we mnke light with a match; there t no fire In the match, but Hie fire come from th mutch. When w airlka It It bring tha light from th attnoiipbere, When th aun meet another planet Hie friction make the heat end light. J, l(, CAIU.HON, a tn lha lena mil, OMAHA, April J. -To the Kill or of Tho Ibe; I wlnh to call to y.nir attnntlon the oilumler.tiiudlng which aeem In eitlat In I Im liilml of Hi., cniiaunilug publl that (lie niaHKC of the Mlrvena bill will create tiionopollea and nbect the pon aiimcr In other forma of liuiioallioii, Section A any that manufacturer ahnll not hove any monopoly or control of the niitrkel for article hrliinulng to the aama general cbiaa of roarcinille; tmr aliall a manofiicturrr be a parly to any agreement, combination or unlei landing with any competitor In tegard lo the price at which tha aume ehall he old either lo deulere at wholeaala or re I11II or to the public, The qiieatlona Involird nr moral a well aa economic. They are, whether Hie public a to be decoyed bv cut price "bait" whether Hie email retailer la to be i' no. 1 1 11I nod Hie Independent email inenufnctuier I to be deprived of a market tnr hi hooml ware, Hie great benefit to I he eonaiimer will aicriie from competition In rtprllctioe n. tween tiiariufnciurera who me now I 1- clind tu 1 "I iinallty In inec'lng cum- pel Hon In price, i:cry elncrt miKhl lo take an InleteHt In thla Lglelatlnii aid ("ii that bla cnngreaatnnn a'ipnorta tha Kievrti bill for the willmn of hi coin niunil). T. U t:(iMH8, Women's Activities The Twentieth Annuel t'hlld Welfare .'niiietn will ba held In Naalnllle, Teiin , Vprll I to IHeri tte I en tilled to aeiut three atate delegate The 1 bllil Welfare eunfereiic) In, IihIi-k the Sail,, pal i nner of Mother and tin' parent Teacher' i. Utim l.iliei i nuier Mm K. imiii uf Man I'lan- llaiii, win, cnillil lint ne III 111 llf.i lil.i el. lion brumiMe br biibainl mi ltiliii.li Ml,leit. wilt nut suffer inn more no thai account her huabaad l'ir tbirden Mecketttir, ha ftle.l eppli ailmi lor 1 1 ' n.-na I. ti 1 The 'if'ilt In We Yin are anil a.titrh al enrk an ) lha in.-n at Vll m have. in. difficult! In tentrtiibvi ing Hut a ,Mih.. aiOi'ii'M'ent ,i Ida te .nil tiititinii I i nit a' eiit'ie t '"In a thiot Hoi a,i In e irs i'1'y t " ' a'..s lor I1. ana,' th 1 ni iiaatino et gia't anii iig w.norii ..lia i f 1 M. i tui.it,.! to nia 011.1.1111 l lit 4 iiltliittiifti at 1 i. b t'.i r e n b pl-. I a e.oean 1 1. li l faifi-iiu To mayor mult fin aa -lirn m.e.l ai, 1 a,il ,1 .n a an, l.t ii fit.or f it hi, ,ti t a. I Vita Stair !'. f th n a.. 11 1 .f a a w,i t.,,y anii,n r a tu t i.i-'r ! t' '! ,.f a a ef lii Hi bt ' !to I..I .iii'. Inn r r a 1 , n. .... M t . ie - I ," , I a I ! 1 . i.' In . e ii- ... ,, , tfli.iuiiu e ia t in f-r t'.i y.-a a d 1.1 il.mli "l . Im . if.- 1 n. i , in t el., 1 a . 1. lie.. - 1.1 V . i.t n ; i, V 1 , 1 , a 5 I ( iii.h iii.ii. e lam t l-i t. 1 . l aiel a t..i " I .. .i i .11: iti. i. ... - t . ' e ' ' l.ril lmii t e 1 ., (., T'a 1 ni t a I .!, IK,..., t.. ,at '9 I e. iv, 0 . ' -i ifctt , . ,1 ii re - I T I 1 - a I ih a t 4 . i . . . . v - a T 1 , 1 l 1 m tn t t . I a .' 1 1- .! " . if ! 1 ' e . a t,i t . ' 1 V . a -j at . 1 ii. 1' 1' . 1 1 I SMILING LINES. "Thla la lnlertlng," "How now?" "Mctenilat atiite that a man nitt get elniig with a vmlmlary nf ', word- " "rnioe old gioiichea don t need that miniy They fori era In grunt "-l.o ili Mlle lourlr-.lourniil. Whe 1 mini Ing to a noted blood p clllati-W bo la that dlatlngulHlied-lonklnir man? (In (th, that only a circulation tniin aget'. t'ornnll Widow Nounelle This la my neweat drca, how do you Ilka It T Uabrlallo- It'a beautiful; I had ona ex actly line It laat year. - I'uck, pAR MR. KAIIBBie, HUS8fW TOtP W NEKfHBORS HB MARRltD TOR MY MHW WHrTTSHAailH)? jejat,' MmM-THS UtWBtfS WHO WWff Vtx HAD A CtHT 11 Captain Whet ! Yoii want another fur lough, two Inaldn of a year? Why, I haven't been Imiiiim once lu a year and a half. Tommy Atklii Tbat'a all right for you, air; but me and my mlaeua aln t that kind lloeton Tranacrlpl. '1 hr you are going to give a big dinner dance," chirped tlin anep.ty 1. purler. "I don't, know whether I am or not." ld Mia Klulidiih "Nobody aeema to want to rome, the cook Ihiealeoa to bavn If I do, and my hualwiid I making bad talk about lha emienae," Iwoilavllle t'ourlf r-Journl, ' Whut bring you here?" kd the eliuple a'lvitgc, "I want to leach you to lead a peace ful life," replied Ibo rnlaalonary, "i Jot, back to your bout, Tlwit a what you people anld you weie trying to lo- ura all the (Una you .were Ip""" kind of exploitive."-Waahltigum Blar. I a ic, r. id langulta. V "The trapew ierfornier who tolaaed lit hold and me down performed a para doxical action " "What wa I' '"' . 'Though he landed on hi hnd, el .the aroe tltoa be fell down on h fe'. ilalllmo;. American. II...... I,.,.. I ti'liul IIH WlMOt .... I u,U.. ..aC Iimm li iill.. io win. i...".. . . moke olgitreltea, whlH roaid tho of. flc or get into nila' bief, Applicant (diagnaiedly) Vou don t want .... 1. . . ....... u uiH -.Hoatnn lran acrlnl a' "Im you remember Hie old copvboog In wbli'h you iied to wrltu '110111 la the Heat l-iillcyV " "Vc," replied Hernitor Horghum; I tn efralil .m of lha bov had to writ that motto over and over ao ofl"0 that thv got a little tired of It and tried to forgot It "- Washington rUar. THE OLD LOVE BONO. I'lttnlmrgli f 'hroiih l Telegraph. ('In V b-wly, lng It lowly, Old familiar tune! unco It ran In dance end dimple, I.Ike a brook In tune; Now It aob 11 long Hut meure, With n aoiind of feata; Prnr old voice echo through It, VunlHhcii with lb year, I'lay It liiwly -ll I holy A an evening hymn; Morning gladioaa tiuabed t padne Kill It to Hi brim. Minmrlca come within the mne, Hieiillng through iim bar; Thought within II unlet ! Itl and ! liko ami. Hippie, ripple, goe tha love eong Till, In glowing tuna, Kiirlv aweelriea gro'vn cnmplelene Flood Ita every rhyme; Who together learn the muele .if n and dealh unfold, Know that love la but beginning I 'mil love I old. Hinging, alnglng, tbroiiiih the roe Went nur lover 'wgln Wna there ever aueit a roa time, Could there be again? Now they tell 11 "I'lva-and-twenty June we've aeen Hum blow; Fi'erv Jutie'a complrer, aweaier Well we lover know !" "kaaaaaa mm MM Absolutely-Pure Contains No Alum Some punch to this Hal! It's a nf Good Storti 1 "i. 7 "-' M I T. w .ew ''m di!2 lam ittln V itoiWrMM The Key to Your Home Separated from home by county or continent standing on Broadway or 'longside a water-tank--close at your hand is the key to your home. WESTERN UNION keys start your Day Letters and Night Letters on their way. Your "All's Well" message reaches home before the mail train gets up steam. Low rates for many words. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. r Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how tfood advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. v. 1