TUK HKK: OMAHA, Tl'KSDA V, APRIL 4. HMH. Battle at verdun lasts all night Trench Rrgain Part of Wood Lot to the German Forcfi on Sunday Afternoon. Z-OSS OF TEUTONS VERY HEAVY of f'Altta April 3.-Klhlln fit, tlnud II night In lli Vordun i (tlon rant of the? Men-, hot ween Imuaumont and Vu, 'Jb laatie urnod generally, thi war off an nouncement of thl aftornoon gay. In favor of tha French, who Kalnod around In Ilia corthrr part of Calf- oll wood, which, wan ot cutjlfd by tha Cwtman yrntwrday. Wot of ilia rlv-r a bombard wot Kg tarried on nar Haiimint with out effect. Th ten (if lb rnmrniinl''attuR follow ' A Zeppelin laat night threw down right bomb on In.ndlrk, Th malarial flarnaaa w not great, but to preon Wei killed, tlill four WOUrided. "Writ ill th Menae th bombardment ) fonllimed at tba vlllg of fourt and Knr, but "Itbn.l any Hon if infant iy, ' ',tt of tb Men th rial. Una, will wtit on lt niglii In lb region I 'Oimmotit mul Van, favor!) to be. W gained ground In the Widd n I ellletl, Ur line null! on lb right " th J'ond of Vaot, then ern ihe fail )n wood, th northern corner nf whP I occupied by th" enemy aoil rejoin our frfiton onih and wt nt th vtl J of Il0'iinont. toriniM Ictleaa tfrnitl. "It lis b,n i "tifnind that th i ferka nf the nrriy ytdy war todi f, ri',r I front of lhr hinirifl They im fnrrd In urciv wave, followed hv am II col .inn. Th Jt I Ify of our artillery and th fli of our Intartiry rud hvy n "Id the H'wir Hi nlaht ped O'letly, "In Lorraine th fli nf our artillery ud flaw to break out t I, firm tm, wt of ,(fntr-y, ni lo llx" in of j'v)ir. "Th m iiiiiiIiii' of lh iiioy whlih w tmrtloa to r'K'h "f I'" anion,. i rrt'ull tiy our fir ifr Voyo "A Oinmn arrofilan ha fallMi within our lli, Tli tlt.of Wfi takvti urn on' r." The Strange Case of Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of Pictures "What Happened to Mary" :: Essanay by THE WINK ASJrVORKING ASSET Vrraatlltr of AIHIi I M inalril in Kit Ituman ki'briiir, All (li I of hylooey 0'l fiyrlinl r-ay oioIO'i itidiiiwlwa In Id fraction ot a oioiofhl It fib 10 wlnfc 10 yp. A fortiin li lif n avni ,y nun noiit i i hloa Hi f irlivo wink of anollur at a ultloal nionimt, aod a atrl tia oi or rnt a hnnm fur 11' with It. Tt wlob I all thloa lo alt rnin. It oiif hi lioii-t or llliont; lfnut or OilM'-ixlliia; coriilif or tr!'' anient or nlnt., ami it ran fk th I'lam of iafitiv niiiili- r frown In a fraction of I he tlni. 1h wink I oftrn na- i) u lon"r aunol. Jt put a loi to h"ri I-' a BHiriillty. In tli 'lnt,nt y It may riciiot dlnitn, Kaallatlon, fanllatii, canity, pi l,l aol dellalit r all ire,4 In (tint, I'Uiloiii Homing or imp .n. a nf th lid. , f'f nm 'li Impitrlaoca I th Hlnk that It tnltlht linnt !. rMMeil a pari of a khi armor with wlil'h to flaht llf' hatila Wlian one rrmrttihora th yalim tl.ot I atlrllintctl lo It, In pyiimhiHlal nioin-ni it nilaht b i-laloird lliat trln lOK tti lid for thl puifHiaa I i:iihlc, Ono my full lo undi-rfa4 r ateh wink nod 'Tlo:ia dainago inu. At I.'iiip It la trior polprit that vnlli jr tif Wetda, od only a tew hv fulled lo avail ttim aflvra of It potency. Tho wtok la iip! hy lovaia; Uy i on fi d -rta In irlniM lm jiamlil.r riitvatr t! tho lumlnraa man il "ii'l iioo It; thn Halt afrwt man i-onldn't do without It; lh nil mn particularly ,n i a It; It u I'l-r tiO iit ami moat deadly In th ml' hh'V on ?) of .hn girl of Id, Thn only r-motloti that di-iih th wink tilii.a la ailcf. Mlachlr-r alway Invite it tit lkn part and th mii who haa net re wirikrd irtuat h a aurly fallitw In- lll'rfl ' Jlllle, llr. Ill li i a Nrw l.lfr I'llla. Il atutor lumcl rnovrim nt aii(M t ynur lit-ullli. 'fakn In, hlna New l.lfr tilln and l a dnllv inovriiniiit. lie, All dlMJKliIll AdVeilMellH-Ilt THIS FISH IS A BUTCHER nrrlea a a (laelird lit lla lliialhj lira il fur Miialneaa at til 'f tmra, Vl'ilnl ii! I'll flan alurv l Tin' talna it mi llilh, i m. ilimti Ihiw t U ilxeil. aafi-lv inuitli iiej hi 11,-lit a hcarnn Ihihii anil iiimiiier nuili h imc-d to net Hi In M lit ,at- wlilly ae pa rated ll.ka III 'he Hi,hr i,f i.llllli, (in III) mill. pill,. I l.l" of ml.,,-. fl!i l.i.,l,, i,,, II hiiliiini l4i k ii, l he in i an kliig t.Mii Ilia ,(, H e l ielni. e of hit ti ),i i " 1'iiie u .., ! Hltradv, iKiidkia of a hiiii iK.thlihe nm., it, ile i,,i., Kiih nam l.mi, t trut ailhrt It taile In 111 tli will! Urn x, i.f Dm nh, niiie ii.'.ii.Im . i.ei.iy f. -I I,, i, , ,arrloa a a' feel li,i. a , a tin, I wiiln. , lite mat-Ik. lailea In kal'ie n 'tel. In, .i ii, a4. li Ms, Thai a lntfi i llne fUllle f jit, 11.11,1k In, in.,. , !, ,,il. n. einii , !! 'k 'in h l-l, ti , t,a,,,, , -tlffc rt " " il I'haiklletn tili.iie,l Hill) '' and 't -towdid lili m i. !' ra ' ti Hi In. Hid of uri'Milu a i,, l linil.l. i I rrn." ii, af., i,., oh,. l-.iiii.'i i. i,ia t 1 'Ht. 'cilia O', k', i, an.) ,,,(, .-,II.- flal. .,l, 1.k. .. .,., I I.- II I,.. ta It,'- in., ,IU t,.i. v -t " ,i ii ii Tl C't tit CharAtr for tkb BTaAJioi! caas or mey rAMJB. - I'n'lif li,'-,"!! 'I'.fiiar l"t lO'f.i,', in l',. ana Ut lf"iir w .iirMlt Htfi ''", liw,al, , alar, a" 'eil of "(i'ir r.ia Main Imtm 1-nlUiit, teo.u.r ut Mutt, Ilia man l la ai'HW'l ut ainoiilit . .. tv'0,.v Aliiawur'li y. M fawil.ni. r..fft'.l inai.aaai ,,. Hue lltiiiklii'"! I'"l" I'iM AtOfpl . J-fhtt II l'H I'ni 1'., M,ir r"itt rta'ii htri''i JM'. fMii. M.it e.'t, , . ,. yr.iii.la Pjwi'iiit it ll.,',!,!,, ,. ,1,,,,M Y , I 'Art! le-'a-M-a , Kfan tlaaeioia Ut. lti, r'"Uo'ii liitiioiaa ."a i.' Ameo timet .i.a icl On tttuttt William I'liia. n.nh i-frii,. a. tit! tir ,., , . , aian' b'iaa"'i k'ttt a . ' 'awi Macta M,n Man Man , Mia Vault Mi V.lli'ia , ,,. (f M' If tft"! ar oi'i, rffary l'a', arlfiaa. la a'ciwd of 10 oicrdar of liUd 'ollo k, arid I di -fended hy her Inker, I'hilllp 1-oOKdoii, l'ilhek wa lolotlr ald At Miiry Itlal aim d rnlia aoe Im'l i revolver, llei maid lewllflia l, a ,M.ny lhM'(,eiie(l I'olloek who it r'"'tln"Hv, iiiid Miiry a lendina roan imleite ,arnrdon, llow elary dl apiHl'l iroio I I'lie of Ilia i lloia la mai"ri H'ai"l"M land print that he del I llflliei uile,ll, thi, II ill 1,1,111)1 i of (Irlnfc o'odoi-e loopomn liii- iiiili In i M&IV 'III. ilel.'lM' "leoliA.ed lit iliol" Wirie de' illed MaiV fiah' I fi'ioi l.ei tiii'ini' 'ii'ol rjiit'i-i end liei i lailief a i,l I'le Snrne aliori ile rlhea Mi k "I mi I'll, k of lari' iy I'olloek and Amy Minion iH of Mrv aii-"yal to )e troe nn olreaa and f'olloik a pnraiitl of her. Iliiie la evident- that Kan'ela. Maiva roannaer llireairii I'olloek Muif falnia on ihe aland and ayaio oe ll'.lilie When pi'llreoiwn offei per lilk (lanlrla li-ailflea lht foil' k lineaiened to kill .'Hiiry and l,ndoii and aeioail alien,, ii to kill ih taller Two wltoeanea deai-rtn ,V)uiy' filar tit lo Hie alieet from Die liotel and her aldin lion ht men from a anoihllna piar neur hv I'niiher eklderie a etna lo Im rliiiln tc I'MOielK, Una lov of "laklna a thaw" would lia'-e mad lilin ootahl anywhfia, but "Ten." the Kmhler, oled that ootuhlllt tij ih anaetaoular, thoun hi ronalaiil rlaahen with th pollre ha I recently rohhed him of aorne of hi moie exclualvn palronaae. To Mairy l aan aluna the ntn l!'k Onunt nothttiaj, and Hi auddan nt lo her mariner wa dua rot to tr; expeetmtloo of a hit of aetiaallonal teill- rnony, but he' me thl w th woman ah had been auppnand In b on tba nialit when the polp (lra'-'l tier 10 jail I Ilia new WIIlK" w. howe'er, no, ii woirian lo lrli, from ,Mi bnyllilo but n urieonlrolliihle ah idder of riker- alun for aha Wai of Ihe hard oio.itlnil, bold-eyed typa who profeaalon II I to irink" perneif ltrcilv lo rner. Ph WN the decoy of th art 'ri lllna hll hack of the (ot fle i.hUr and Vary wonderad vauly wht aardi ahe could pololv know or t'i trufilv, that f(i o many weeka eerned 00 naarer a aoliillon. Tb proat color wondeied touco tho nnt thin, nd tli juda mad a rii"0' ll not to wrn Ijinadon tht wlini whoa ihiiinrl.r wet not beyond r toll of a ' tana'' proai li detraeit'd from rather l)io dill on .vim v a ennui. ; , . And he mart that reaolnllott In I ha fiieti of lha Iwlnkl of nuid recoanl Hon il.al Ma naif Ifal lad ahof 'i in when h took 10 tod Kor all hind and all lai rntd t Harber', nd It wa with thl famoti pl that f, v- d'ln flil rmeatlon delt, "A ai"iiy to Mr. ftaiker yon rnut hve hren frtoiienHy at hi tb"'i merit back of ),e Ifotel , .(-public, were you not ' "I w " liy, "jt'tt windpipe and tendd imot from rr to er Tue lallor irnrnonil doctor and th flow of blood w toppd and th wound ewed up. hot It I doubtful If Knlifht will iirvtve. f.ytna on th hunk blde hi had waa ln blad nf a latfetjr r-unr tl t hr had nat'd In (i.ltlna hi throa'. onlihl l ft three, alnul iiolea, une to lil, wife at r'orby jilrerl, fmaha, n otliar to hi mother t an ddra t ha t could not hi deciphered, and th third to the ah'rtff. In tho to hi relative he enpremd reprel on account of wht tie had don nd kd tht he b not i 'liiired loo aeverelv. In the not to Ihe uleilff he reiueatrd ihnt hi body In aenl lo fmaha fot hurhil KNIGHT, IN TEKAMAH JAIL, CUTS THROAT Oiniha Man After Caihing Forged Checki Cati Throat in Jail. CONDITION IS VERY CRITICAL TKKAMAIf, Neb., April 3 - fKpe elkl Teleoraii j - Je Knight, ai;nij about 25 yoara, rrNldlna at 41)1 f.'orby atreof, Orrmlitt, In Jail lioto for i - , V ''TT' "' Paa.lDa wortbleka check and recur. ! J ft WISH HO.StafffiS Inir rnonav ,m them .i.eiu.. .ii.. . u noon cut hi throat with (bo bind of a aafoly razor and will probably 01, hi wlndplp I altnoit t-om- pli'tely ever.l, A noon a lb- mfeinpi,d aulc'd of Knlbt wa dlacoverod, hla wif wa nollfled by ii-lephono, uwl u abort flma Inter aha larld for hern In an automobile, . nfhi, well dreaaed an nl )per loa, had been around town vral day and had ormnd (, , ouHinlane of i'. er of tha bnalneaa men, lalltnf ihei ha wa employed III th eouiiliic f.i it,l,.v fr lankln hour, h went to th ', "my "' fealderi- rral atora of II, Millet.. Xeal.lt e,..k ' ,h ',,''" "' 'llry opara'lon. wnar ha mad a few nn,ll lurihaaea .,.,,,. JrtMWArJ BUTS UN rLA I c WILL PUBLISH YAN DER GOLTZ LETTERS Correnpondence Telling of Plot to mow Up wnelland tanai and Invade Canada, IS SAID TO CONTAIN NAMES WASHINGTON. April 3,-Corra,-Kpondanr-0 bflonirliiu t0 llorit Vn l"r Ooltz, th? allenfd GMman kpy, t.o ha Raid bo was dlrectlnif plan lo blow up tb Wetland canal, ha liocn Mzod by Bcotlanrl Yard dr-tac-'le, and will ho rnadc public by lb 1 rliirh forclKii oiflc, according lo nn iifioiin''ftnfiit loday by Iapurt o enf of Juatlta offlr;ial. It I. Undertlood the I orrpor,dene ("I, lain deal i a ,,f nlana to blow nn the Weiiend can! and of lnvnlon of Canada i l'f,!le1 Ulttl... II II. I. , I hv Hi American Jewlmi coinmlrtea and i leapontern, II ,it aid. that nbld Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast aya wa can't look or fl right with tha yttm full of poltont. Must Go to Siberia! ,.,' Villi K, April .1 -Ti. niaian aoveriirnent haa decreed ttio ,lkl1 bov lanea from Jt'ttthfrj imd oilier 'J,l.an 'Plea w in now are In hi,- and lima wlm have been pel led from Owll'ia by adinlnlalraU' order iiuii.r he aent to Ml . herln, ior'lliia to Information obtained i fiom Hi iConiln i'd from K,iiurdy ) mi wiih an. loaale Male, "What i our name 7" ' Aliikl" Mai " ' And joii O'MipatlonT" For n fraeiion or n mlnut he ianii aim men nawcrd liahtly. "I ant mil of employment Jual nl pnattil I waa private aeeictmy to Tiieodoro liar. ker." A flicker nf rniilunl mu(nienl ht trotn lonadon' to il,o of tb proaeuitor, and Hie ape'ltoia with "wblapetliu rualle of Inlereat le'ined forwaid to lie, for "T"a" Murker waa a alrlklnti rigore in thn nly. Ilia rrillllnna ftrnuaaed by I lie iii'-u- h wllne nwrd rr I- moa'ly lo tb dajllm. I bad my averting fie " "Tbor Wei evenlna when you vet there, lhonh, wr ther rmtT" "Oh, lot!" Iler Ion w freighted Willi v miiernent, "ttonurtlme 1 ! met up with a Prty for dinner or a iehow, and then we'd drift about o try ! and bank at Tli lloua." ', Hhe mll"d, nd eyrl men In the 'court loom einlled, ton. , , I "Mla Hale, wer you a friend of Da. " 1:1 I VIII I'OllOCK ' 'I know him; knew him pretiy well, If wa at Marker a good bit." ' Were you at Marker' on (b night tlit ho waa aliot?" "Ve. but early, Homebody tipped tit off that tho air w ttUr t a caba ret, " A aoiaaer of reaatd mlrtli filtered throuKli the room at thl hint of tha ! blK rld, but failiadon frowned. (To lie Cotiliiiu,) Tomorrow, BIG TEXAS BANK WILL ; NOT OPEN POORS TODAY A,V ANTONIO, T., " April I. Tlifl Weat Teaa JtanK .and Trut lompany, with deiioalla cloae In fr.UfitHl dntlara according lo It lint rt"rf , will not open it door tomorrow, Mr to Hank Comrrilaalniier ' fttrfln, flr meeting with officer of the clearing hoiote, today, Maued ltd aniioiinwrneitt, . , The bank I a alate auaiantv Inailln linn. Iteaource are lvo a t,VWW) and rnpltal, Wi,nnri, I'raaenlln tb check payoieot, h wa lvn lb ruouiit of lha Olffeinn'e be tween tl, coal of lha ti'ii'l,..,-. ..,,1 ii.. fc r,f tiia i tiaek, In cf, Halbl t.eta tl,.re toner, )ii In ih dny honthi .i,i i,. ii.. Oano dry food atom and mado a umll purtn, piaaeriHna a heck fot i. Iter he wa aien In caah in .orr,.,. ene between the arriounl of to pun lia aria tne r of Ih ,ck Jaita yatiirday afternoon Me ton.. beraoi u,clou mid tei,,i,n u, cbler of the bank on which th i beck wer rtrwn, Croni blm h . ef, that Knlil hd no money on depoalt and lliat ha had nvr bad an a''em,tii In th hnk, A wrrnt for tba arrat of Knlaht t. t one wnrn out and placed In tb band of Ih ahrrlff, Thl official l.rnd that Knlaht hd left town, coin In th direct ion of Omaha. Th lrll wn taken up and tat In tl,. eienlna h Wa arreated a r.,, ..,u... norm or rioretice, broi aht bik hre and lodad III 111, He aneiil n,.t f Iilahl weeplna, eeemlna: .iii .i..a Tody Knlaht md In r,rr .ni.i.J nd dutiriir lha noon hour inked with th i nor. pnntii Ih afternoon to Jailor waa out of tha bulldlne a ah iie,,- nd when ha returned, found Knlaht lylnf on hla hunk In tha rait K W I moat Ullennaelmia ,t.. - . . . , " ttm luaa of blood that flowed from a wound in 1,1, nrnai mat Had rooiplelaly everd Ih mad public lorlav. 'i'lie decree of enpijl-I th MiHIah autliorllle to .obtain a full lon to tCht rij la a-, id lo l,av bn rnfida I l ' ui' iil from Von der ttolla a lo hi In itaponati to Hi .lew' petition fur re. i i k jtiea In id I nlfe'l Ktatre. Ieae from ir.jt and iennlalon lo r- i Offlcli liere have been Informed tl,! I'in lo fhtilr native rnunlry. lha cot tion'leri, r tho ta the nm of f.'oO' Jev, tail hualfiaca. !!, at. I. . I... A..A 1'... ,f...... ... .. " - ... ,.t..,r,r , ...... , ,,,, ,,, , .,MA m on y, may (boon, ici of rcaldri oil - I tninlna nn American pnaaporl In Maltl- Mllu .1, !..... ...III...., .. I . . . more nmier the niian of Mrldamn Ty- lor. reiu UJIO lll TUMIC PI awt enn rftui curM NORWEGIAN STEAMER SUNK WHILE AT ANCHOR llAIl'IMOHl';, Mil., April 3 -fhrle M, j H'haab, hair man of tha hoard of dlrec-1 I).ViON, April J - -l.loyd report that lor of Ihe Melhlehetn Hieel i ortiiianv i the .'or.elan .It ainalilo fi.e it....... rinancier ni touiiinillilooiilre il maa- 1 w unk pat, haa bouanl the Hlllmore Sheet and Tin I'la'e conifnini , the i(,Oor ,in en (eipi)ee leienrly promoted bv ,1, ', Aldted. The porch will r'i!t In irlpllna the oilalnilly proposed all (,f the plnt. In ! than a yr th Schwab int.. eat hv become th nwrjer of tliaNorwy, lo-trick i"i itarvey machine plnt, thai iarvino meei company and tha ,M,M Aldred comern, At Xparrow' Tolnt, from li;.,wi,or w,tm,m will b apent lo loipiovemenn. naturdy nlnht while at anchor, 'mo man, the aole aurvlvor of tho crew of fifteen, Peeri land'd from Ih Kentlah Knock llahtahlp, The I'eler lliioire had tonnage of t,0V) UrOM nd waa 3T!4 feet li,n, ft wa owned by M Tonneaen A To, of peraen, AURORA REACHES PORT IN NEW ZEALAND TOUT r'llAf.MKnx, New Zealand, April The Hhai kletnn Antartle aunlll ary altlp Aurora, h arrlvad and all on hoard th alilp are well, oxc.pi two mem. bcia of the rrw who are uffrln from rii'tmr illneaa, Aattallh'a Vlalt Kb (la, ItrrMK. A--II X - Th vl.M r the ff,. h prime mlr,lrr, Herbert If, A.fi h o to,,,, and.d lody, nd Mr A.!, left the capital amid Ihe ciiae,, u( cVo'j" rid of people, j- FORTS GUARDING SMYRNA DESTROYED BY ENGLISH Million of folk b I he Internally tin lneid of loading llndr vlrn will drua, "What nn inald hath?" you ', Well, li la guaranteed to perform miracle If you could liellev the hot water entbualn! There are vat number of rneri and wornii who. Immediately i,pt,n rlin In Ihe moinlria. dimk a ) nf real hot lr Willi i teaapootiful of llmtone phoxphate In it, TIM I very e. lent heollli iieamire ft la intended to fluaii ihe aiotuach, liver, kidney nd th thirty 'eet of lolealliie of the prk lou day wat, onr bile and Indlaeatlbl inateilal Ir ft over III the body, which tf lint llrninid every dv, becom food for Ihe million of ti'lerl which lnfi Ihe l,oW( la, Ihe i l, k rult I Jiloti and tolna which are then borbd Int'i tli blood, enueiiig headache, billon at lank, foul hrt.atb, bnd taale, (Old, tomi li iroule, kidney mlery, ap eoe, Impura blood and all ort of llrnniil f'eopl who feel good on ily and hdly the pent, ,iil ,, almplv ran riot act reellnif r!!,f ar uraed to obtain a iurtr linund Of llmealone phnaphnfrt at Ih drua tni Thl will coal very little, huf t ifflelnr to make anyone real rrnk on Hi anbje'i f intrril oltlon ,Jul op and hot water t on Ih akin, cearilii, weeteriir,g and frhen In, o llmealone phn,.ite arid hot water "f nn th tomch, liver, kidney nd hnwl It la vaatlv mor Important to lith on Hi Irudd than on tha niitld, beraita the akin por do not, ahaor) )m (Hiilflr Into the blood, whil th bowl pot do - Adyerflrnent. lr: IOM'ON, Apr!) J fort at 0or and KnJk, aa well the other eni dpfenaea nf ftinyrn wre dtroyd Kr. 'lay In a t lirea-hour' bombardment by HHtlah Wrhlp, - dlaptel, (0 H,a Tlfiii from ftalonlkl. Th Turk did not reply to th fir of the warahlp. fnk I th chief work commanding th en tranc to Xmyrna harbor. Ht, Oaora Ii about thre mile to th outhl. To Overcome Eczema Wet t.enalne Hock fleer. On dratiaht and In bottlea on anit ri. April th. Bn ura and hava tlf I hla dellcioua brew aent lo your home. Wm, ,1, Hwoboda, Itetall Dealer. f'iiona Xtoualn 'at, Never mind bow otten van hav and failed, ynu ran tnp burnln, Itcliina arerna oulekly by applying a llttl tm furolhed by any druggiat, for Ms, Kxlra lr liottie, linn, Healing begin th moment r,mo I applied, Jn a abort, tlm uaiially vry frao of plmpr, bl k head, rh, cm, tetter and almllar kin dlaea will tm removed for clearing th akin and making it vlgorouly healthy, xemo I an ep. tlonal remedy, Jt I not gry, atlcky nr waltuy and It doe not iln, vVhei, otiir fall It I the on dependable treti. ment for all akin tronnle. ' y.etno, f.'lnveland, WORD PICTURE OF CBIHEOF JUDAS Father Wiie Details Remone Ex- - perienced by Betrayer of Chriit and Suicide that Resulted, IESS0N THAT IS TO BE DRAWN "(,'hrirt In In-frayed by rlnnora Into (be cowardly lunula nf k 'latt( (ho :rawplng hand of a Calaphaa of thn aollrd hand of a Ifi-rod," uawrtod Ilav, A. It. WIho In hla acrmon pt 81. John'a Catholic church Sunday evening. Hey. Mr, Wlae preached nn nf a aerie I liilen acrmona mi tlin cvenl Ii d big up to thn eric ifUlon, thl mm ha k in to do with Ih remoran and ulcldn nf Inda after hi beirl nf fhrlat. In dramallc langunge he plctuied Ihe deplr of Judaa whrn he rolUd that he had betrayed Clitlat Inlo tha baud of hla enernle. He pl'iincil ,m wiindeiin hout th Btreela nf tlm eily. hniiKlng on ho outukht of thn crowd which the great event of the day hint brought to. I thr, Ihe thirty piece, of allver in hi Rest ttlld PltlV McailS tO End belt "hrliiglng hi fore lilin ever the liuirnr J of hla overwhelming ln 'Hi" d'i'a iuk make up the Uf- alorli of iinmt inn and nimien, What tliey do, how they d,, n ami hal tiny get gut of tlolng (t, make altnoat a loniplcln lilatmy f paople. Ho Bleep and play are but toad back to woik-fur work and acrvh ar tho main I'll i L of life, A woiiniiia muk la aald (o bn never hiiic, and tthrn Mi, Amiin M, lu.lierl- alun nf J:il7 IiiiiikI atreiit, (ininli, found dial Taiiluc "put her bat'li em tho Job," an in apeak, alio lie. uiini very grulfful to Tattlae, I i an " ahmii my kork a uul Hue I Inn e lulu ll TaulMC," Mr. Ilulii-ll iiluii alali I. ' I etiflnnl Kiih n,y alum' h. I lat m appellle and tie. nine lii ivoua and my tein hih in a rundown coipll- mri Want Ada never hlrk! their woik-lhey will get rcault, if anything wilt. DAY'S WORK TELLS LIFE'S REAL STORY What Men and Women Do, and How They Do It, Ma-kcs Their Intlma t e History. nt (iff fruiH ICteryone. "To whi.iii coulil In turn? To find? No, for ha had bnitayed the (bm nf (lod. Nor iionld he turn to mini, fur bin hurt thin eln had cut 1 1 tin n,'f from nil aie'lely of hi fellow a," Tha penkcr fullokvn) Ihe coiiiae nf the retched man to Ihe mom nf Ihe ticaa try In the temple whero tin n. int by tha 'otnful gliuiir nf Hut nrv piicaia 111 had IlixHanlrd him In hla a t, 'I'Iii i.i he threw down Hie altur imd ruahmt out lulu the bill n n place ami killed hlriiaetf. Juda wa the niie fallitre aniiuiii tho Hpi'Otlea," hi Hiv rather 'l. "He ad Invrd Chilat, he had heleed lllm, had prracheil lllm and at inn- tlm e had pnaaraacit (uriiriil nver tln.ee very it, en ..III, h Ii, (lie ,.nd iiiu.ici! Ilui In Juibin h are tlie i until! Inn r,f ti e xiul II, al a tlil.tniu-ailk atla. hrd to lu . U"U- I waa weak Mini alwgf Iliad riin I a nm pa 1 1 Ion in ,a feaied llilsll i 'After ditliia I nml.l auffer frnm ana and liikltma In appearance, II lnna in I'luating and a fulluran In n,) iiumaiii. penple l i lemutae rouiea atiet ai it, ' A I aapl, I iifiirri rmm gelieial irmi'iae whiih, ilk that nf .India, f,.r t'kiii nf my utntie ili in niilrili ilu. eti.ii I deaure lhat mil. "Tanlai- had ilime my ami u mu-Ii : VERDUN! Will the War Reach Its Climax There? . tlii'""1' in,"':' ",rM'".l,i'""-v r ."it hw, no , '.i''"" ",,ll,"rili" '"""'K friuiiipliont vielory n.l anaertinK that "Omrianr ran I iZ L i a T """ hav" r"n"1 tlw '""' ' 'y without c,aCTrll, "r i , iT" ,"" "f"T, rV"" ",i"'i"" """ " 1 f rriblr," a -W ,f 2 i, rnliHii of Imtli flHims rlioiiltl ,o made, . K-t a k'"y '"HTy '".'If1' f"r Mn ' " ' " "rticl. that a.Mo, Ih. router to XI! ! ' " '"'I V"r''"" VaplW.r.1 P lo .la... TH, nrtiele i, illuetrate.1 A""",ir """'r fi"" l"lM''" i thi nnuHually ilereMiK i,u,l r f TUK DKiKST nro: Our Military Unpreparedness Revealed by Villa A Cona-J3 of Editorial Opinion Upon tho Development That Have Been Brought to Public Notice to Moving a Small Military Torco Into Mexico. may lull, l.naril tiaiatl ll M hmim p tin niir k ;""l iiinliulv iii.t ikll ngaiiiKt tlm .Unaer nf I, ttaltiig Cliii-t in ttkiiuaht. w nl or il id H"Mt thill ( ileelilnd lu ,y . Tai)li) ha lielptil liiy h I . , . t e avalent, It gate in a itn appal Hv. Now I mi y., aln.it my wmk tauitl 'l alilan I'liig api'i lll Ititnid n ,J m n Imit ili hirnlli ranniit lm ""il" hhmnaii Vu' nil i,i '"i i l.eti.k 1 1 tut lliinililfl '''" t'miipait'. Hlaieeiiih an. I Mi.,a i .rrmiiiii.liii-r Willi Ihula ia' I cur ! ""' Thai III Tanlac Mail eipiatna .ii.,' gec.it II v v aliuul.l mu mi i. n ' h.,il.l , liken ant Hi r ! H'KMt) no. i,r f ii .i.inlri In .in uicl'.i "' may I i-t'. led rr.un lit im. 'i.e e ne li'nl it, t miik a pilinlw' T'kl'f to ba nblaitird 1 h ninii at I.' ., (lulu out lul'v t I'iiu ' i mi!' r ll, ni" I'm tuf, .li tl at ll luki II, t .Ian t lk li.e.l It f..'l ' a ." ' ti. u ..,ii i .lut.ii, .t i. iii. nl. . . i. i t ii, -ii ! .1 ... , I en I Mm la ahi f V I I 1,1 VV a .,. i i. , , ; I-, , I ., !l, ,. I t, , -' I" I ' 111. I, ,1 I... . . . . , I . . . i , ... , , .1 I . ' 1 1 . I .. ' "I .. , , an 1 a ,i- .1 , . . , i.i it an, i..i..i m s.w , i.i.e im I i..i. ,l -,.,l,,. , ' .- I (. .,.,-( j,, a . i... ii- ,,,, ,,,', .i t , " - i 1 1 ... -in i im i ... I, liwvlaat Heaahr 1'aaaaaa I t M t ,.,u k , ,,,,, , ,,. . . i., (-,.,. , , , ,, h . "i i . l. ...i m, .'.., ". i..i. a .,.. .i., kj ,,,, ,.,,., ... ti a iii ... , ui kH4a M. .aj aMa, ' I -ha- wa t t Isaoihai lain '.,i I .. ""' ttl-,i.n f.,, ,.,i,, ' n 'i r-a I iii . I t l"l (' iin.i -it ii ... , ., "iwH l-i.i t.'a i , ,1 ii '.l n ;l . at. i liillt. the hue uf ' il '-.! ii- ii li.Uk i. i u--it it.t'ai a n 'I ii ' ii- i. k-f el..' ; a w i t. r I".- i- .it MMtrntala , u. ya aiMMa (, , lie -I M I ti a- lili..iii Weeping (,.! !'!, i.i, Setuaik I il. lleun I liaati . 1 H , .i..ini I. II ..,,t ; .li'a.i.l It II i .1 Maiii.u I It liti h, f lan.'.iit, tli,, an I i. l, il, l.. i,i t i aii-i IKii'ai'l V il ll'. t'i.) "i-c. ! ik t II kmi, I .o .mi,. f un t'i !i aliu.iva, Hill a ft.at ma . !'... y K, Ilui. la, l a ., . Mwirtg, ruilmt.il,, ilitfru. !'.. , li.-a. i, n a m l in i Ua I lnna tin. elii li 'la. .,..!,! I -.it ,a '.-. j i-i ', I , '. 1 1 . . k"ma ill. . in a i H 'li A . i ihl KRUG BOCK BEER Has never been better and will be ready April 6tlu Phone Dought ISM urn! have a cuir fnf home, LUXUS MERCANTILE CO., Distributors fi?.r a 9.!:eirnie't Armor Plant What is Behind the Tirpitz Retirement Lonj-Iived Periom Have the Most Children A Research Institute to Study Apes Fitting Instead of Firing Men Cutting the Chinese Vocabulary To Educate the Immigrant for Citizenship Will Home Suffer Like Ravenna? lo Condense the Decalog Unutual Interesting Collection of Muitration The Testimony For and Against Mr. Brandcis The Plight of Poland Japan's Alliance Coquetry The Monitor Type "Comes Back" A Magnetic Hand for Cripples Beerbohm-Trce's Henry VIII I!ie tosher Learning in Paris To-day The Dialects of Our Stage Religion of the British Recruit !" ft 1 M at . tucken Kemedy for turope i Madness it The Digest" Prevents News Confusion Tllll lle.t tint ml. a a . .l. . ,. , - - "i'ai" inn I'liiut III tile w rt. g nl ..(lihaUioliPi ih r.pi t , rt gr., f l, ,11.1, ait.1 lha In' b-ii.,.illo r-rtnimi ,.f 1!,,. .uu mi - r.t THK IIH UAIIV l"i;i:.ir it i..w,u .i,k,.!,.p,,i,i f ,.,,,.,, in v ilkl a liaiia i .,' t , .g.i r..,,.r "'" "i tnanui i...,ri,i hl. h e luim (in untiiinal r ling ,if t,,,,,,.,) .,.,,, llf Him r..nrd 11...1., read TIIK I ITT It H ftMK.1T It urea all the. Inn H thr.., jigt.i up,,,, ,,h4Ml , ,ir .;, . pUlti alt le t.iklnt. with qti..it..na rh,..a frm , . ., .. of .11 Mt U ...,i.i if ,,. ..nit, h,i, , "!.,;Mi r-iiiilnrly Impanial reioril nf . urr.-nt men,, , ,hrt VVr I'uli. ''t'.t i " ,'",u !'"'r',, "'i t. ninuiiv April 1st Number At All News-dealers Now 10 Cents I'INK K W.UXA,!aStiiMlw HViW,, f lh, ,V,.u, M;V S.nl l,,M,,rv), M;W rojJK -J